Class WireframeMapRenderer

    • Constructor Detail

      • WireframeMapRenderer

        public WireframeMapRenderer​(java.awt.Graphics2D g,
                                    NavigatableComponent nc,
                                    boolean isInactiveMode)
        Creates an wireframe render
        g - the graphics context. Must not be null.
        nc - the map viewport. Must not be null.
        isInactiveMode - if true, the paint visitor shall render OSM objects such that they look inactive. Example: rendering of data in an inactive layer using light gray as color only.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if g is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if nc is null
    • Method Detail

      • getColors

        public void getColors()
        Description copied from class: AbstractMapRenderer
        Reads the color definitions from preferences. This function is public, so that color names in preferences can be displayed even without calling the wireframe display before.
        getColors in class AbstractMapRenderer
      • render

        public void render​(OsmData<?,​?,​?,​?> data,
                           boolean virtual,
                           Bounds bounds)
        Description copied from interface: Rendering

        Renders the OSM data in data

        Specified by:
        render in interface Rendering
        data - the data set to be rendered
        virtual - if true, renders virtual nodes. Otherwise, ignores them.
        bounds - the bounding box for the data to be rendered. Only objects within or intersecting with bbox are rendered
      • max

        private static int max​(int a,
                               int b,
                               int c,
                               int d)
        Helper function to calculate maximum of 4 values.
        a - First value
        b - Second value
        c - Third value
        d - Fourth value
        maximumof a, b, c, d
      • visit

        public void visit​(INode n)
        Draw a small rectangle. White if selected (as always) or red otherwise.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface PrimitiveVisitor
        n - The node to draw.
      • visit

        public void visit​(IWay<?> w)
        Draw a line for all way segments.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface PrimitiveVisitor
        w - The way to draw.
      • drawNode

        public void drawNode​(INode n,
                             java.awt.Color color,
                             int size,
                             boolean fill)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMapRenderer
        Draw the node as small square with the given color.
        Specified by:
        drawNode in class AbstractMapRenderer
        n - The node to draw.
        color - The color of the node.
        size - size in pixels
        fill - determines if the square must be filled
      • drawSegment

        protected void drawSegment​(MapPath2D path,
                                   MapViewState.MapViewPoint mv1,
                                   MapViewState.MapViewPoint mv2,
                                   boolean showDirection)
        Draw a line with the given color.
        path - The path to append this segment.
        mv1 - First point of the way segment.
        mv2 - Second point of the way segment.
        showDirection - true if segment direction should be indicated
      • drawSegment

        protected void drawSegment​(MapViewState.MapViewPoint p1,
                                   MapViewState.MapViewPoint p2,
                                   java.awt.Color col,
                                   boolean showDirection)
        Draw a line with the given color.
        p1 - First point of the way segment.
        p2 - Second point of the way segment.
        col - The color to use for drawing line.
        showDirection - true if segment direction should be indicated.
      • displaySegments

        protected void displaySegments()
        Finally display all segments in currect path.
      • displaySegments

        protected void displaySegments​(java.awt.Color newColor)
        Finally display all segments in currect path.
        newColor - This color is set after the path is drawn.