Class HistoryNode

    • Field Detail

      • coords

        private LatLon coords
        the coordinates. May be null for deleted nodes
    • Constructor Detail

      • HistoryNode

        public HistoryNode​(long id,
                           long version,
                           boolean visible,
                           User user,
                           long changesetId,
                           java.time.Instant timestamp,
                           LatLon coords)
        Constructs a new HistoryNode.
        id - the id (> 0 required)
        version - the version (> 0 required)
        visible - whether the node is still visible
        user - the user (!= null required)
        changesetId - the changeset id (> 0 required)
        timestamp - the timestamp (!= null required)
        coords - the coordinates
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if preconditions are violated
      • HistoryNode

        public HistoryNode​(long id,
                           long version,
                           boolean visible,
                           User user,
                           long changesetId,
                           java.time.Instant timestamp,
                           LatLon coords,
                           boolean checkHistoricParams)
        Constructs a new HistoryNode with a configurable checking of historic parameters. This is needed to build virtual HistoryNodes for modified nodes, which do not have a timestamp and a changeset id.
        id - the id (> 0 required)
        version - the version (> 0 required)
        visible - whether the node is still visible
        user - the user (!= null required)
        changesetId - the changeset id (> 0 required if checkHistoricParams is true)
        timestamp - the timestamp (!= null required if checkHistoricParams is true)
        coords - the coordinates
        checkHistoricParams - if true, checks values of changesetId and timestamp
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if preconditions are violated
      • HistoryNode

        public HistoryNode​(Node n)
        Constructs a new HistoryNode from an existing Node.
        n - the node