Interface IOsmDataManager

    • Method Detail

      • getInProgressSelection

        Replies the current selected OSM primitives, from a end-user point of view. It is not always technically the same collection of primitives than OsmData.getSelected().
        The current selected OSM primitives, from a end-user point of view. Can be null.
      • getInProgressISelection

        java.util.Collection<? extends IPrimitivegetInProgressISelection()
        Replies the current selected primitives, from a end-user point of view. It is not always technically the same collection of primitives than OsmData.getSelected().
        The current selected primitives, from a end-user point of view. Can be null.
      • setActiveDataSet

        void setActiveDataSet​(DataSet ds)
        Sets the active data set (and also edit data set if not read-only).
        ds - New data set, or null
      • containsDataSet

        boolean containsDataSet​(DataSet ds)
        Determines if the list of data sets managed by JOSM contains ds.
        ds - the data set to look for
        true if the list of data sets managed by JOSM contains ds