Changeset 8512 in josm for trunk/src/org/openstreetmap
- Timestamp:
- 2015-06-21T01:13:09+02:00 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 81 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8510 r8512 529 529 private static volatile InitStatusListener initListener = null; 530 530 531 public staticinterface InitStatusListener {531 public interface InitStatusListener { 532 532 533 533 Object updateStatus(String event); … … 1419 1419 * are not reported. 1420 1420 */ 1421 public staticinterface WindowSwitchListener {1421 public interface WindowSwitchListener { 1422 1422 /** 1423 1423 * Called when the user activates a window of another application. -
r8510 r8512 247 247 } 248 248 249 private finalvoid updateOffset() {249 private void updateOffset() { 250 250 ignoreListener = true; 251 251 updateOffsetIntl(); … … 253 253 } 254 254 255 private finalvoid updateOffsetIntl() {255 private void updateOffsetIntl() { 256 256 // Support projections with very small numbers (e.g. 4326) 257 257 int precision = Main.getProjection().getDefaultZoomInPPD() >= 1.0 ? 2 : 7; -
r7937 r8512 18 18 * @param primitives The new working set of primitives. Can be null or empty 19 19 */ 20 public abstractvoid setPrimitives(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives);20 void setPrimitives(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives); 21 21 } -
r7749 r8512 119 119 * 120 120 */ 121 publicvoid cancel();121 void cancel(); 122 122 123 123 /** … … 127 127 * @since 128 128 */ 129 publicString getConfirmationMessage(URL url);129 String getConfirmationMessage(URL url); 130 130 } -
r8510 r8512 686 686 * still pressed) 687 687 */ 688 private finalboolean dragInProgress() {688 private boolean dragInProgress() { 689 689 return didMouseDrag && startingDraggingPos != null; 690 690 } … … 851 851 * reported. If there is, it will execute the merge and add it to the undo buffer. 852 852 */ 853 private finalvoid mergePrims(Point p) {853 private void mergePrims(Point p) { 854 854 Collection<Node> selNodes = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes(); 855 855 if (selNodes.isEmpty()) … … 899 899 * position. Either returns the node or null, if no suitable one is nearby. 900 900 */ 901 private finalNode findNodeToMergeTo(Point p) {901 private Node findNodeToMergeTo(Point p) { 902 902 Collection<Node> target = mv.getNearestNodes(p, 903 903 getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodes(), -
r8510 r8512 203 203 */ 204 204 private interface MatchFactory { 205 publicCollection<String> getKeywords();205 Collection<String> getKeywords(); 206 206 } 207 207 208 208 public interface SimpleMatchFactory extends MatchFactory { 209 publicMatch get(String keyword, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError;209 Match get(String keyword, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError; 210 210 } 211 211 212 212 public interface UnaryMatchFactory extends MatchFactory { 213 publicUnaryMatch get(String keyword, Match matchOperand, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError;213 UnaryMatch get(String keyword, Match matchOperand, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError; 214 214 } 215 215 216 216 public interface BinaryMatchFactory extends MatchFactory { 217 publicBinaryMatch get(String keyword, Match lhs, Match rhs, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError;217 BinaryMatch get(String keyword, Match lhs, Match rhs, PushbackTokenizer tokenizer) throws ParseError; 218 218 } 219 219 -
r8510 r8512 67 67 * @return <code>true</code> if keys have been modified 68 68 */ 69 publicboolean fixKeys(Map<String, String> keys, OsmPrimitive osm);69 boolean fixKeys(Map<String, String> keys, OsmPrimitive osm); 70 70 } 71 71 -
r3083 r8512 9 9 * @param apiDataSet the data to upload 10 10 */ 11 publicboolean checkUpload(APIDataSet apiDataSet);11 boolean checkUpload(APIDataSet apiDataSet); 12 12 } -
r8510 r8512 61 61 } 62 62 63 private finalvoid init(List<PrimitiveData> data, List<PrimitiveData> toSelect) {63 private void init(List<PrimitiveData> data, List<PrimitiveData> toSelect) { 64 64 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(data, "data"); 65 65; -
r8510 r8512 34 34 private static final String SEPARATOR = "[:_]"; 35 35 36 private static finalPattern getPatternFor(String s) {36 private static Pattern getPatternFor(String s) { 37 37 return getPatternFor(s, false); 38 38 } 39 39 40 private static finalPattern getPatternFor(String s, boolean exactMatch) {40 private static Pattern getPatternFor(String s, boolean exactMatch) { 41 41 if (exactMatch) { 42 42 return Pattern.compile("(^)(" + s + ")($)"); -
r8443 r8512 290 290 } 291 291 292 private finalFile getPidFile(File osmFile) {292 private File getPidFile(File osmFile) { 293 293 return new File(autosaveDir, osmFile.getName().replaceFirst("[.][^.]+$", ".pid")); 294 294 } -
r7937 r8512 16 16 * @return the collection of data sources. 17 17 */ 18 publicCollection<DataSource> getDataSources();18 Collection<DataSource> getDataSources(); 19 19 20 20 /** … … 22 22 * @return Area object encompassing downloaded data. 23 23 */ 24 publicArea getDataSourceArea();24 Area getDataSourceArea(); 25 25 26 26 /** … … 36 36 * bounds are defined. 37 37 */ 38 publicList<Bounds> getDataSourceBounds();38 List<Bounds> getDataSourceBounds(); 39 39 } -
r6380 r8512 23 23 * @param newSelection The new selection. 24 24 */ 25 publicvoid selectionChanged(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> newSelection);25 void selectionChanged(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> newSelection); 26 26 } -
r8470 r8512 16 16 * @return cache key for tile 17 17 */ 18 publicK getCacheKey();18 K getCacheKey(); 19 19 20 20 /** … … 23 23 * 24 24 */ 25 public URL getUrl(); 25 URL getUrl(); 26 26 27 /** 27 28 * implements the main algorithm for fetching 28 29 */ 29 publicvoid run();30 void run(); 30 31 31 32 /** … … 34 35 * @return filled tile with data or null when no cache entry found 35 36 */ 36 publicCacheEntry get();37 CacheEntry get(); 37 38 38 39 /** … … 42 43 * @param force true if the load should skip all the caches (local & remote) 43 44 */ 44 publicvoid submit(ICachedLoaderListener listener, boolean force);45 void submit(ICachedLoaderListener listener, boolean force); 45 46 } -
r8470 r8512 23 23 * @param result load result (success, failure, canceled) 24 24 */ 25 publicvoid loadingFinished(CacheEntry data, CacheEntryAttributes attributes, LoadResult result);25 void loadingFinished(CacheEntry data, CacheEntryAttributes attributes, LoadResult result); 26 26 } -
r8510 r8512 3 3 4 4 public interface IConflictListener { 5 publicvoid onConflictsAdded(ConflictCollection conflicts);5 void onConflictsAdded(ConflictCollection conflicts); 6 6 7 publicvoid onConflictsRemoved(ConflictCollection conflicts);7 void onConflictsRemoved(ConflictCollection conflicts); 8 8 } -
r8510 r8512 16 16 * GPX does not place restrictions on the length of this field or the characters contained in it. 17 17 * It is up to the receiving application to validate the field before sending it to the GPS. */ 18 public static finalString GPX_NAME = "name";18 String GPX_NAME = "name"; 19 19 20 20 /** GPS element comment. Sent to GPS as comment. */ 21 public static finalString GPX_CMT = "cmt";21 String GPX_CMT = "cmt"; 22 22 23 23 /** Text description of the element. Holds additional information about the element intended for the user, not the GPS. */ 24 public static finalString GPX_DESC = "desc";24 String GPX_DESC = "desc"; 25 25 26 26 /** Source of data. Included to give user some idea of reliability and accuracy of data. */ 27 public static finalString GPX_SRC = "src";27 String GPX_SRC = "src"; 28 28 29 public static finalString META_PREFIX = "meta.";30 public static finalString META_AUTHOR_NAME = META_PREFIX + "";31 public static finalString META_AUTHOR_EMAIL = META_PREFIX + "";32 public static finalString META_AUTHOR_LINK = META_PREFIX + "";33 public static finalString META_COPYRIGHT_AUTHOR = META_PREFIX + "";34 public static finalString META_COPYRIGHT_LICENSE = META_PREFIX + "copyright.license";35 public static finalString META_COPYRIGHT_YEAR = META_PREFIX + "copyright.year";36 public static finalString META_DESC = META_PREFIX + "desc";37 public static finalString META_KEYWORDS = META_PREFIX + "keywords";38 public static finalString META_LINKS = META_PREFIX + "links";39 public static finalString META_NAME = META_PREFIX + "name";40 public static finalString META_TIME = META_PREFIX + "time";41 public static finalString META_BOUNDS = META_PREFIX + "bounds";42 public static finalString META_EXTENSIONS = META_PREFIX + "extensions";29 String META_PREFIX = "meta."; 30 String META_AUTHOR_NAME = META_PREFIX + ""; 31 String META_AUTHOR_EMAIL = META_PREFIX + ""; 32 String META_AUTHOR_LINK = META_PREFIX + ""; 33 String META_COPYRIGHT_AUTHOR = META_PREFIX + ""; 34 String META_COPYRIGHT_LICENSE = META_PREFIX + "copyright.license"; 35 String META_COPYRIGHT_YEAR = META_PREFIX + "copyright.year"; 36 String META_DESC = META_PREFIX + "desc"; 37 String META_KEYWORDS = META_PREFIX + "keywords"; 38 String META_LINKS = META_PREFIX + "links"; 39 String META_NAME = META_PREFIX + "name"; 40 String META_TIME = META_PREFIX + "time"; 41 String META_BOUNDS = META_PREFIX + "bounds"; 42 String META_EXTENSIONS = META_PREFIX + "extensions"; 43 43 44 public static finalString JOSM_EXTENSIONS_NAMESPACE_URI = Main.getXMLBase() + "/gpx-extensions-1.0";44 String JOSM_EXTENSIONS_NAMESPACE_URI = Main.getXMLBase() + "/gpx-extensions-1.0"; 45 45 46 46 /** Elevation (in meters) of the point. */ 47 public static finalString PT_ELE = "ele";47 String PT_ELE = "ele"; 48 48 49 49 /** Creation/modification timestamp for the point. … … 51 51 * Conforms to ISO 8601 specification for date/time representation. 52 52 * Fractional seconds are allowed for millisecond timing in tracklogs. */ 53 public static finalString PT_TIME = "time";53 String PT_TIME = "time"; 54 54 55 55 /** Magnetic variation (in degrees) at the point. 0.0 <= value < 360.0 */ 56 public static finalString PT_MAGVAR = "magvar";56 String PT_MAGVAR = "magvar"; 57 57 58 58 /** Height, in meters, of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS-84 earth ellipsoid. (NMEA GGA message) */ 59 public static finalString PT_GEOIDHEIGHT = "geoidheight";59 String PT_GEOIDHEIGHT = "geoidheight"; 60 60 61 61 /** Text of GPS symbol name. For interchange with other programs, use the exact spelling of the symbol on the GPS, if known. */ 62 public static finalString PT_SYM = "sym";62 String PT_SYM = "sym"; 63 63 64 64 /** Type (textual classification) of element. */ 65 public static finalString PT_TYPE = "type";65 String PT_TYPE = "type"; 66 66 67 67 /** Type of GPS fix. none means GPS had no fix. Value comes from list: {'none'|'2d'|'3d'|'dgps'|'pps'} */ 68 public static finalString PT_FIX = "fix";68 String PT_FIX = "fix"; 69 69 70 70 /** Number of satellites used to calculate the GPS fix. (not number of satellites in view). */ 71 public static finalString PT_SAT = "sat";71 String PT_SAT = "sat"; 72 72 73 73 /** Horizontal dilution of precision. */ 74 public static finalString PT_HDOP = "hdop";74 String PT_HDOP = "hdop"; 75 75 76 76 /** Vertical dilution of precision. */ 77 public static finalString PT_VDOP = "vdop";77 String PT_VDOP = "vdop"; 78 78 79 79 /** Position dilution of precision. */ 80 public static finalString PT_PDOP = "pdop";80 String PT_PDOP = "pdop"; 81 81 82 82 /** Number of seconds since last DGPS update. */ 83 public static finalString PT_AGEOFDGPSDATA = "ageofdgpsdata";83 String PT_AGEOFDGPSDATA = "ageofdgpsdata"; 84 84 85 85 /** Represents a differential GPS station. 0 <= value <= 1023 */ 86 public static finalString PT_DGPSID = "dgpsid";86 String PT_DGPSID = "dgpsid"; 87 87 88 88 /** 89 89 * Ordered list of all possible waypoint keys. 90 90 */ 91 public staticList<String> WPT_KEYS = Arrays.asList(PT_ELE, PT_TIME, PT_MAGVAR, PT_GEOIDHEIGHT,91 List<String> WPT_KEYS = Arrays.asList(PT_ELE, PT_TIME, PT_MAGVAR, PT_GEOIDHEIGHT, 92 92 GPX_NAME, GPX_CMT, GPX_DESC, GPX_SRC, META_LINKS, PT_SYM, PT_TYPE, 93 93 PT_FIX, PT_SAT, PT_HDOP, PT_VDOP, PT_PDOP, PT_AGEOFDGPSDATA, PT_DGPSID, META_EXTENSIONS); … … 96 96 * Ordered list of all possible route and track keys. 97 97 */ 98 public staticList<String> RTE_TRK_KEYS = Arrays.asList(98 List<String> RTE_TRK_KEYS = Arrays.asList( 99 99 GPX_NAME, GPX_CMT, GPX_DESC, GPX_SRC, META_LINKS, "number", PT_TYPE, META_EXTENSIONS); 100 100 … … 102 102 * Possible fix values. 103 103 */ 104 public staticCollection<String> FIX_VALUES = Arrays.asList("none", "2d", "3d", "dgps", "pps");104 Collection<String> FIX_VALUES = Arrays.asList("none", "2d", "3d", "dgps", "pps"); 105 105 } -
r8510 r8512 172 172 * @since 7700 173 173 */ 174 public finalint getCommentsCount() {174 public int getCommentsCount() { 175 175 return commentsCount; 176 176 } … … 181 181 * @since 7700 182 182 */ 183 public finalvoid setCommentsCount(int commentsCount) {183 public void setCommentsCount(int commentsCount) { 184 184 this.commentsCount = commentsCount; 185 185 } … … 349 349 * @since 7704 350 350 */ 351 public finalsynchronized List<ChangesetDiscussionComment> getDiscussion() {351 public synchronized List<ChangesetDiscussionComment> getDiscussion() { 352 352 if (discussion == null) { 353 353 return Collections.emptyList(); … … 361 361 * @since 7704 362 362 */ 363 public finalsynchronized void addDiscussionComment(ChangesetDiscussionComment comment) {363 public synchronized void addDiscussionComment(ChangesetDiscussionComment comment) { 364 364 if (comment == null) { 365 365 return; -
r8510 r8512 23 23 } 24 24 25 public staticinterface ChangesetDataSetEntry {26 publicChangesetModificationType getModificationType();25 public interface ChangesetDataSetEntry { 26 ChangesetModificationType getModificationType(); 27 27 28 publicHistoryOsmPrimitive getPrimitive();28 HistoryOsmPrimitive getPrimitive(); 29 29 } 30 30 -
r8510 r8512 220 220 * @see #setUploadDiscouraged 221 221 */ 222 public finalboolean isUploadDiscouraged() {222 public boolean isUploadDiscouraged() { 223 223 return uploadDiscouraged; 224 224 } … … 229 229 * @see #isUploadDiscouraged 230 230 */ 231 public finalvoid setUploadDiscouraged(boolean uploadDiscouraged) {231 public void setUploadDiscouraged(boolean uploadDiscouraged) { 232 232 this.uploadDiscouraged = uploadDiscouraged; 233 233 } -
r8510 r8512 217 217 } 218 218 219 private finalvoid resetPrimitive(OsmPrimitive osm) {219 private void resetPrimitive(OsmPrimitive osm) { 220 220 if (osm instanceof Way) { 221 221 ((Way) osm).setNodes(null); -
r8510 r8512 21 21 * @return computed hashcode 22 22 */ 23 publicint getHashCode(K k);23 int getHashCode(K k); 24 24 25 25 /** … … 32 32 * uniquely identifies t in given class. 33 33 */ 34 publicboolean equals(K k, T t);34 boolean equals(K k, T t); 35 35 } -
r8510 r8512 40 40 * @since 7828 41 41 */ 42 public finalboolean isLatLonKnown() {42 public boolean isLatLonKnown() { 43 43 return !Double.isNaN(lat) && !Double.isNaN(lon); 44 44 } 45 45 46 46 @Override 47 public finalvoid setCoor(LatLon coor) {47 public void setCoor(LatLon coor) { 48 48 updateCoor(coor, null); 49 49 } 50 50 51 51 @Override 52 public finalvoid setEastNorth(EastNorth eastNorth) {52 public void setEastNorth(EastNorth eastNorth) { 53 53 updateCoor(null, eastNorth); 54 54 } … … 68 68 69 69 @Override 70 public finalLatLon getCoor() {70 public LatLon getCoor() { 71 71 if (!isLatLonKnown()) return null; 72 72 return new LatLon(lat, lon); … … 89 89 */ 90 90 @Override 91 public finalEastNorth getEastNorth() {91 public EastNorth getEastNorth() { 92 92 if (!isLatLonKnown()) return null; 93 93 -
r8510 r8512 774 774 } 775 775 776 public finalvoid clearCachedNodeStyles() {776 public void clearCachedNodeStyles() { 777 777 for (final Node n : nodes) { 778 778 n.clearCachedStyle(); -
r8510 r8512 21 21 public class History { 22 22 23 private staticinterface FilterPredicate {23 private interface FilterPredicate { 24 24 boolean matches(HistoryOsmPrimitive primitive); 25 25 } -
r8510 r8512 224 224 * @param d Fourth value 225 225 */ 226 private static finalint max(int a, int b, int c, int d) {226 private static int max(int a, int b, int c, int d) { 227 227 return Math.max(Math.max(a, b), Math.max(c, d)); 228 228 } -
r8510 r8512 370 370 } 371 371 372 private finalvoid load(Relation r) {372 private void load(Relation r) { 373 373 MultipolygonRoleMatcher matcher = getMultipolygonRoleMatcher(); 374 374 … … 556 556 } 557 557 558 private finalvoid addInnerToOuters(List<PolyData> innerPolygons, List<PolyData> outerPolygons) {558 private void addInnerToOuters(List<PolyData> innerPolygons, List<PolyData> outerPolygons) { 559 559 560 560 if (innerPolygons.isEmpty()) { -
r8510 r8512 68 68 * @return A multipolygon object for the given relation, or {@code null} 69 69 */ 70 public finalMultipolygon get(NavigatableComponent nc, Relation r) {70 public Multipolygon get(NavigatableComponent nc, Relation r) { 71 71 return get(nc, r, false); 72 72 } … … 79 79 * @return A multipolygon object for the given relation, or {@code null} 80 80 */ 81 public finalMultipolygon get(NavigatableComponent nc, Relation r, boolean forceRefresh) {81 public Multipolygon get(NavigatableComponent nc, Relation r, boolean forceRefresh) { 82 82 Multipolygon multipolygon = null; 83 83 if (nc != null && r != null) { … … 107 107 * @param nc the navigatable component 108 108 */ 109 public finalvoid clear(NavigatableComponent nc) {109 public void clear(NavigatableComponent nc) { 110 110 Map<DataSet, Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> map = cache.remove(nc); 111 111 if (map != null) { … … 119 119 * @param ds the data set 120 120 */ 121 public finalvoid clear(DataSet ds) {121 public void clear(DataSet ds) { 122 122 for (Map<DataSet, Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> map1 : cache.values()) { 123 123 Map<Relation, Multipolygon> map2 = map1.remove(ds); … … 132 132 * Clears the whole cache. 133 133 */ 134 public finalvoid clear() {134 public void clear() { 135 135 cache.clear(); 136 136 } 137 137 138 private finalCollection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> getMapsFor(DataSet ds) {138 private Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> getMapsFor(DataSet ds) { 139 139 List<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> result = new ArrayList<>(); 140 140 for (Map<DataSet, Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> map : cache.values()) { … … 151 151 } 152 152 153 private finalvoid updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event) {153 private void updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event) { 154 154 updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(event, event.getPrimitives(), event.getDataset()); 155 155 } 156 156 157 private finalvoid updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(157 private void updateMultipolygonsReferringTo( 158 158 final AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives, DataSet ds) { 159 159 updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(event, primitives, ds, null); 160 160 } 161 161 162 private finalCollection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> updateMultipolygonsReferringTo(162 private Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> updateMultipolygonsReferringTo( 163 163 AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives, 164 164 DataSet ds, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> initialMaps) { … … 189 189 } 190 190 191 private finalvoid processEvent(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) {191 private void processEvent(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) { 192 192 if (event instanceof NodeMovedEvent || event instanceof WayNodesChangedEvent) { 193 193 dispatchEvent(event, r, maps); … … 202 202 } 203 203 204 private finalvoid dispatchEvent(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) {204 private void dispatchEvent(AbstractDatasetChangedEvent event, Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) { 205 205 for (Map<Relation, Multipolygon> map : maps) { 206 206 Multipolygon m = map.get(r); … … 217 217 } 218 218 219 private finalvoid removeMultipolygonFrom(Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) {219 private void removeMultipolygonFrom(Relation r, Collection<Map<Relation, Multipolygon>> maps) { 220 220 for (Map<Relation, Multipolygon> map : maps) { 221 221 map.remove(r); -
r8510 r8512 209 209 * @return interpolated value 210 210 */ 211 private finaldouble interpolate(float a, float b, float c, float d, double x, double y) {211 private double interpolate(float a, float b, float c, float d, double x, double y) { 212 212 return a + (((double) b - (double) a) * x) + (((double) c - (double) a) * y) + 213 213 (((double) a + (double) d - b - c) * x * y); -
r8510 r8512 200 200 * @return {@code true} if power key is set and equal to possible values 201 201 */ 202 private static finalboolean isPowerIn(OsmPrimitive p, Collection<String> values) {202 private static boolean isPowerIn(OsmPrimitive p, Collection<String> values) { 203 203 String v = p.get("power"); 204 204 return v != null && values != null && values.contains(v); -
r8510 r8512 454 454 * </code> 455 455 */ 456 public staticinterface Listener {456 public interface Listener { 457 457 458 458 /** … … 461 461 * @param files An array of <tt>File</tt>s that were dropped. 462 462 */ 463 public abstractvoid filesDropped(File[] files);463 void filesDropped(File[] files); 464 464 } 465 465 … … 668 668 * @author Robert Harder 669 669 */ 670 public staticinterface Fetcher {670 public interface Fetcher { 671 671 /** 672 672 * Return the object being encapsulated in the … … 675 675 * @return The dropped object 676 676 */ 677 public abstractObject getObject();677 Object getObject(); 678 678 } 679 679 } -
r8510 r8512 101 101 } 102 102 103 private finalboolean addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {103 private boolean addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) { 104 104 return listener != null ? listeners.add(listener) : false; 105 105 } -
r8378 r8512 15 15 * @param newFrame The new MapFrame 16 16 */ 17 public abstractvoid mapFrameInitialized(MapFrame oldFrame, MapFrame newFrame);17 void mapFrameInitialized(MapFrame oldFrame, MapFrame newFrame); 18 18 } -
r7937 r8512 14 14 * @return The corrected type name if needed, null otherwise. 15 15 */ 16 publicString checkRelationTypeName(IRelation relation, String defaultName);16 String checkRelationTypeName(IRelation relation, String defaultName); 17 17 18 18 /** … … 22 22 * @return The corrected format if needed, null otherwise. 23 23 */ 24 publicString checkFormat(INode node, String defaultName);24 String checkFormat(INode node, String defaultName); 25 25 26 26 /** … … 30 30 * @return The corrected format if needed, null otherwise. 31 31 */ 32 publicString checkFormat(IWay way, String defaultName);32 String checkFormat(IWay way, String defaultName); 33 33 34 34 /** … … 38 38 * @return The corrected format if needed, null otherwise. 39 39 */ 40 publicString checkFormat(IRelation relation, String defaultName);40 String checkFormat(IRelation relation, String defaultName); 41 41 } -
r8510 r8512 60 60 * @see InputEvent#getModifiersEx() 61 61 */ 62 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, MouseEvent e); 62 void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, MouseEvent e); 63 63 64 /** 64 65 * Called to register the selection manager for "active" property. 65 66 * @param listener The listener to register 66 67 */ 67 public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); 68 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); 69 68 70 /** 69 71 * Called to remove the selection manager from the listener list … … 71 73 * @param listener The listener to register 72 74 */ 73 publicvoid removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);75 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); 74 76 } 75 77 /** -
r8510 r8512 8 8 */ 9 9 public interface ShowHideButtonListener { 10 publicvoid buttonShown();10 void buttonShown(); 11 11 12 publicvoid buttonHidden();12 void buttonHidden(); 13 13 } -
r6070 r8512 23 23 * @param bbox the bounding box 24 24 */ 25 publicvoid setBoundingBox(Bounds bbox);25 void setBoundingBox(Bounds bbox); 26 26 27 27 /** … … 32 32 * @return the currently selected bounding box 33 33 */ 34 publicBounds getBoundingBox();34 Bounds getBoundingBox(); 35 35 } -
r8510 r8512 775 775 } 776 776 777 private staticinterface FreezeActionProperties {777 private interface FreezeActionProperties { 778 778 String PROP_SELECTED = FreezeActionProperties.class.getName() + ".selected"; 779 779 } -
r8510 r8512 41 41 * Defines the interface for an object implementing navigation between rows 42 42 */ 43 public staticinterface NavigationListener {43 public interface NavigationListener { 44 44 /** Call when need to go to next row */ 45 45 void gotoNextDecision(); -
r8510 r8512 176 176 * 177 177 */ 178 private finalvoid resolve() {178 private void resolve() { 179 179 if (conflicts == null || model.getSize() == 0) return; 180 180 … … 197 197 * refreshes the view of this dialog 198 198 */ 199 public finalvoid refreshView() {199 public void refreshView() { 200 200 OsmDataLayer editLayer = Main.main.getEditLayer(); 201 201 conflicts = (editLayer == null ? new ConflictCollection() : editLayer.getConflicts()); -
r8510 r8512 142 142 * to toggle the visibility of the first ten layers. 143 143 */ 144 private finalvoid createVisibilityToggleShortcuts() {144 private void createVisibilityToggleShortcuts() { 145 145 final int[] k = { 146 146 KeyEvent.VK_1, KeyEvent.VK_2, KeyEvent.VK_3, KeyEvent.VK_4, KeyEvent.VK_5, … … 1128 1128 * @param layer the layer 1129 1129 */ 1130 publicvoid makeVisible(int index, Layer layer);1130 void makeVisible(int index, Layer layer); 1131 1131 1132 1132 … … 1134 1134 * Fired when something has changed in the layer list model. 1135 1135 */ 1136 publicvoid refresh();1136 void refresh(); 1137 1137 } 1138 1138 -
r8510 r8512 592 592 } 593 593 594 private finalvoid setupPopupMenuHandler() {594 private void setupPopupMenuHandler() { 595 595 596 596 // -- select action -
r8510 r8512 173 173 } 174 174 175 private finalvoid alertNoPrimitivesTo(Collection<HistoryOsmPrimitive> primitives, String title, String helpTopic) {175 private void alertNoPrimitivesTo(Collection<HistoryOsmPrimitive> primitives, String title, String helpTopic) { 176 176 HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog( 177 177 ChangesetContentPanel.this, -
r8510 r8512 18 18 public class RelationSorter { 19 19 20 private staticinterface AdditionalSorter {21 publicboolean acceptsMember(RelationMember m);20 private interface AdditionalSorter { 21 boolean acceptsMember(RelationMember m); 22 22 23 publicList<RelationMember> sortMembers(List<RelationMember> list);23 List<RelationMember> sortMembers(List<RelationMember> list); 24 24 } 25 25 -
r6380 r8512 17 17 * @param area the current download area 18 18 */ 19 publicvoid setDownloadArea(Bounds area);19 void setDownloadArea(Bounds area); 20 20 } -
r8510 r8512 499 499 } 500 500 501 private finalint getBestZoom() {501 private int getBestZoom() { 502 502 double factor = getScaleFactor(1); // check the ratio between area of tilesize at zoom 1 to current view 503 503 double result = Math.log(factor)/Math.log(2)/2+1; -
r8510 r8512 919 919 * {@code false} otherwise 920 920 */ 921 private static finalboolean isSupportedMapMode(MapMode mapMode) {921 private static boolean isSupportedMapMode(MapMode mapMode) { 922 922 if (mapMode instanceof SelectAction || mapMode instanceof LassoModeAction) { 923 923 return true; … … 939 939 public void hookUpMapView() { 940 940 mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { 941 private finalboolean isMapModeOk() {941 private boolean isMapModeOk() { 942 942 return == null || isSupportedMapMode(; 943 943 } -
r8510 r8512 547 547 } 548 548 549 private finalPoint img2compCoord(Rectangle visibleRect, int xImg, int yImg) {549 private Point img2compCoord(Rectangle visibleRect, int xImg, int yImg) { 550 550 Rectangle drawRect = calculateDrawImageRectangle(visibleRect); 551 551 return new Point(drawRect.x + ((xImg - visibleRect.x) * drawRect.width) / visibleRect.width, … … 553 553 } 554 554 555 private finalPoint comp2imgCoord(Rectangle visibleRect, int xComp, int yComp) {555 private Point comp2imgCoord(Rectangle visibleRect, int xComp, int yComp) { 556 556 Rectangle drawRect = calculateDrawImageRectangle(visibleRect); 557 557 return new Point(visibleRect.x + ((xComp - drawRect.x) * visibleRect.width) / drawRect.width, … … 559 559 } 560 560 561 private finalPoint getCenterImgCoord(Rectangle visibleRect) {561 private Point getCenterImgCoord(Rectangle visibleRect) { 562 562 return new Point(visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 2, 563 563 visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height / 2); … … 630 630 } 631 631 632 private finalvoid checkVisibleRectPos(Image image, Rectangle visibleRect) {632 private void checkVisibleRectPos(Image image, Rectangle visibleRect) { 633 633 if (visibleRect.x < 0) { 634 634 visibleRect.x = 0; -
r8510 r8512 82 82 * @since 6450 83 83 */ 84 public finalboolean hasGpsTime() {84 public boolean hasGpsTime() { 85 85 return (tmp != null && tmp.gpsTime != null) || gpsTime != null; 86 86 } … … 106 106 * @since 6450 107 107 */ 108 public finalboolean hasExifTime() {108 public boolean hasExifTime() { 109 109 return exifTime != null; 110 110 } … … 115 115 * @since 6392 116 116 */ 117 public finalDate getExifGpsTime() {117 public Date getExifGpsTime() { 118 118 return getDefensiveDate(exifGpsTime); 119 119 } … … 124 124 * @since 6450 125 125 */ 126 public finalboolean hasExifGpsTime() {126 public boolean hasExifGpsTime() { 127 127 return exifGpsTime != null; 128 128 } … … 182 182 * @since 6392 183 183 */ 184 public finalvoid setExifGpsTime(Date exifGpsTime) {184 public void setExifGpsTime(Date exifGpsTime) { 185 185 this.exifGpsTime = getDefensiveDate(exifGpsTime); 186 186 } -
r8376 r8512 61 61 } 62 62 63 private finalvoid updateErroneous() {63 private void updateErroneous() { 64 64 if ("file".equals(webUrl.getProtocol())) { 65 65 String path = webUrl.getPath(); -
r8510 r8512 21 21 public enum VerticalTextAlignment { ABOVE, TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM, BELOW } 22 22 23 public staticinterface BoxProvider {23 public interface BoxProvider { 24 24 BoxProviderResult get(); 25 25 } -
r8510 r8512 451 451 452 452 public interface MapPaintSylesUpdateListener { 453 publicvoid mapPaintStylesUpdated();454 455 publicvoid mapPaintStyleEntryUpdated(int idx);453 void mapPaintStylesUpdated(); 454 455 void mapPaintStyleEntryUpdated(int idx); 456 456 } 457 457 -
r8510 r8512 11 11 String getId(Environment env); 12 12 13 public staticSubpart DEFAULT_SUBPART = new StringSubpart("default");13 Subpart DEFAULT_SUBPART = new StringSubpart("default"); 14 14 15 15 /** … … 18 18 * E.g. ::layer_1 19 19 */ 20 public staticclass StringSubpart implements Subpart {20 class StringSubpart implements Subpart { 21 21 private final String id; 22 22 … … 36 36 * E.g. ::(concat("layer_", prop("i", "default"))) 37 37 */ 38 public staticclass ExpressionSubpart implements Subpart {38 class ExpressionSubpart implements Subpart { 39 39 private final Expression id; 40 40 -
r6380 r8512 23 23 * @return true if the tab has only to be displayed in expert mode, false otherwise. 24 24 */ 25 publicboolean isExpert();25 boolean isExpert(); 26 26 } -
r8510 r8512 191 191 } 192 192 193 private staticinterface PreferenceTab {194 publicTabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting();195 196 publicComponent getComponent();193 private interface PreferenceTab { 194 TabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting(); 195 196 Component getComponent(); 197 197 } 198 198 … … 217 217 218 218 @Override 219 public finalTabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting() {219 public TabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting() { 220 220 return preferenceSetting; 221 221 } … … 240 240 241 241 @Override 242 public finalTabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting() {242 public TabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting() { 243 243 return preferenceSetting; 244 244 } … … 299 299 } 300 300 301 private staticinterface TabIdentifier {302 publicboolean identify(TabPreferenceSetting tps, Object param);301 private interface TabIdentifier { 302 boolean identify(TabPreferenceSetting tps, Object param); 303 303 } 304 304 … … 352 352 * @return the {@code DisplayPreference} object. 353 353 */ 354 public finalDisplayPreference getDisplayPreference() {354 public DisplayPreference getDisplayPreference() { 355 355 return getSetting(DisplayPreference.class); 356 356 } … … 360 360 * @return the {@code MapPreference} object. 361 361 */ 362 public finalMapPreference getMapPreference() {362 public MapPreference getMapPreference() { 363 363 return getSetting(MapPreference.class); 364 364 } … … 368 368 * @return the {@code PluginPreference} object. 369 369 */ 370 public finalPluginPreference getPluginPreference() {370 public PluginPreference getPluginPreference() { 371 371 return getSetting(PluginPreference.class); 372 372 } … … 376 376 * @return the {@code ImageryPreference} object. 377 377 */ 378 public finalImageryPreference getImageryPreference() {378 public ImageryPreference getImageryPreference() { 379 379 return getSetting(ImageryPreference.class); 380 380 } … … 384 384 * @return the {@code ShortcutPreference} object. 385 385 */ 386 public finalShortcutPreference getShortcutPreference() {386 public ShortcutPreference getShortcutPreference() { 387 387 return getSetting(ShortcutPreference.class); 388 388 } … … 393 393 * @since 6523 394 394 */ 395 public finalServerAccessPreference getServerPreference() {395 public ServerAccessPreference getServerPreference() { 396 396 return getSetting(ServerAccessPreference.class); 397 397 } … … 402 402 * @since 6665 403 403 */ 404 public finalValidatorPreference getValidatorPreference() {404 public ValidatorPreference getValidatorPreference() { 405 405 return getSetting(ValidatorPreference.class); 406 406 } -
r7937 r8512 6 6 public interface SourceProvider { 7 7 8 publicCollection<SourceEntry> getSources();8 Collection<SourceEntry> getSources(); 9 9 } -
r7937 r8512 13 13 * Returns the preference setting (displayed in the specified preferences tab pane) that contains this preference setting. 14 14 */ 15 publicTabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting(final PreferenceTabbedPane gui);15 TabPreferenceSetting getTabPreferenceSetting(final PreferenceTabbedPane gui); 16 16 } -
r7937 r8512 10 10 */ 11 11 public interface TabPreferenceSetting extends PreferenceSetting { 12 12 13 13 /** 14 14 * Called during preferences dialog initialization to display the preferences tab with the returned icon. 15 15 * @return The icon name in the preferences folder. 16 16 */ 17 publicString getIconName();17 String getIconName(); 18 18 19 19 /** … … 22 22 */ 23 23 String getTitle(); 24 24 25 25 /** 26 26 * Called during preferences dialog initialization to display the preferences tab with the returned tooltip. 27 27 * @return The tooltip of this preferences tab. 28 28 */ 29 publicString getTooltip();29 String getTooltip(); 30 30 31 31 /** 32 * Called during preferences tab initialization to display a description in one sentence for this tab. 32 * Called during preferences tab initialization to display a description in one sentence for this tab. 33 33 * Will be displayed in italic under the title. 34 34 * @return The description of this preferences tab. 35 35 */ 36 publicString getDescription();36 String getDescription(); 37 37 38 38 /** … … 43 43 * @since 5631 44 44 */ 45 publicvoid addSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, String title, Component component);46 45 void addSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, String title, Component component); 46 47 47 /** 48 48 * Adds a new sub preference settings tab with the given title, component and tooltip. … … 53 53 * @since 5631 54 54 */ 55 publicvoid addSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, String title, Component component, String tip);55 void addSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, String title, Component component, String tip); 56 56 57 57 /** … … 61 61 * @since 5631 62 62 */ 63 publicvoid registerSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, Component component);64 63 void registerSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub, Component component); 64 65 65 /** 66 66 * Returns the tab component related to the specified sub preference settings … … 69 69 * @since 5631 70 70 */ 71 publicComponent getSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub);71 Component getSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting sub); 72 72 73 73 /** … … 77 77 * @since 5631 78 78 */ 79 publicboolean selectSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting subPref);79 boolean selectSubTab(SubPreferenceSetting subPref); 80 80 } -
r8510 r8512 40 40 * @param isValid true if the conditions required to close this panel are met 41 41 */ 42 publicvoid contentChanged(boolean isValid);42 void contentChanged(boolean isValid); 43 43 } 44 44 … … 103 103 } 104 104 105 private finalvoid notifyListeners() {105 private void notifyListeners() { 106 106 for (ContentValidationListener l : listeners) { 107 107 l.contentChanged(isImageryValid()); -
r8510 r8512 58 58 } 59 59 60 private finalvoid build(String initialText, final ActionListener listener) {60 private void build(String initialText, final ActionListener listener) { 61 61 input = new JosmTextField(30); 62 62 cbInput = new HistoryComboBox(); -
r7937 r8512 11 11 * Method called when proxy settings are updated. 12 12 */ 13 publicvoid proxyPreferenceChanged();13 void proxyPreferenceChanged(); 14 14 } -
r8510 r8512 87 87 * @since 6523 88 88 */ 89 public finalvoid addApiUrlChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {89 public void addApiUrlChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { 90 90 pnlApiUrlPreferences.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); 91 91 } -
r8470 r8512 37 37 38 38 /** Ticks count used, when no other value is supplied */ 39 public finalint DEFAULT_TICKS = 10000;39 int DEFAULT_TICKS = 10000; 40 40 41 41 /** … … 43 43 * express that the task should use all remaining ticks 44 44 */ 45 public finalint ALL_TICKS = -1;45 int ALL_TICKS = -1; 46 46 47 47 /** -
r7937 r8512 11 11 * Called after list of tagging presets has been modified. 12 12 */ 13 publicvoid taggingPresetsModified();13 void taggingPresetsModified(); 14 14 } -
r7937 r8512 12 12 * (no fake events while holding key) 13 13 */ 14 public void doKeyPressed(KeyEvent e); 14 void doKeyPressed(KeyEvent e); 15 15 16 /** 16 17 * This is called when key press event is actually released 17 18 * (no fake events while holding key) 18 19 */ 19 publicvoid doKeyReleased(KeyEvent e);20 void doKeyReleased(KeyEvent e); 20 21 } -
r7937 r8512 7 7 */ 8 8 public interface ModifierListener { 9 publicvoid modifiersChanged(int modifiers);9 void modifiersChanged(int modifiers); 10 10 } -
r8345 r8512 158 158 } 159 159 160 private finalFileChooserManager doCreateFileChooser(boolean multiple, String title, Collection<? extends FileFilter> filters,160 private FileChooserManager doCreateFileChooser(boolean multiple, String title, Collection<? extends FileFilter> filters, 161 161 FileFilter defaultFilter, String extension, int selectionMode, boolean allTypes) { 162 162 File file = new File(curDir); -
r6380 r8512 5 5 6 6 public interface HistoryChangedListener { 7 publicvoid historyChanged(List<String> history);7 void historyChanged(List<String> history); 8 8 } -
r8510 r8512 151 151 * @param divider the Divider to paint 152 152 */ 153 public abstractvoid paint(Graphics g, Divider divider);153 void paint(Graphics g, Divider divider); 154 154 } 155 155 -
r7937 r8512 7 7 8 8 public interface OsmPrimitivesTableModel extends TableModel { 9 10 public abstractOsmPrimitive getReferredPrimitive(int idx);9 10 OsmPrimitive getReferredPrimitive(int idx); 11 11 } -
r7937 r8512 7 7 public interface OsmServerReadPostprocessor { 8 8 9 public void postprocessDataSet(DataSet ds, ProgressMonitor progress); 10 9 void postprocessDataSet(DataSet ds, ProgressMonitor progress); 11 10 } -
r7937 r8512 9 9 public interface OsmServerWritePostprocessor { 10 10 11 public void postprocessUploadedPrimitives(Collection<OsmPrimitive> p, ProgressMonitor progress); 12 11 void postprocessUploadedPrimitives(Collection<OsmPrimitive> p, ProgressMonitor progress); 13 12 } -
r8510 r8512 198 198 } 199 199 200 private finalvoid scanManifest(Manifest manifest, boolean oldcheck) {200 private void scanManifest(Manifest manifest, boolean oldcheck) { 201 201 String lang = LanguageInfo.getLanguageCodeManifest(); 202 202 Attributes attr = manifest.getMainAttributes(); -
r8510 r8512 87 87 } 88 88 89 public finalColor getColor(double value) {89 public Color getColor(double value) { 90 90 if (value < min) return belowMinColor; 91 91 if (value > max) return aboveMaxColor; … … 100 100 } 101 101 102 public finalColor getColor(Number value) {102 public Color getColor(Number value) { 103 103 return (value == null) ? noDataColor : getColor(value.doubleValue()); 104 104 } -
r6380 r8512 14 14 * Called when the object has been destroyed. 15 15 */ 16 publicvoid destroy();16 void destroy(); 17 17 } -
r8510 r8512 395 395 @return a linked list of changes - or null 396 396 */ 397 publicChange build_script(397 Change build_script( 398 398 boolean[] changed0, int len0, 399 399 boolean[] changed1, int len1 -
r8510 r8512 35 35 } 36 36 37 publicShortcut getMultikeyShortcut();37 Shortcut getMultikeyShortcut(); 38 38 39 39 void executeMultikeyAction(int index, boolean repeatLastAction); -
r8015 r8512 23 23 * that we want to be integrated with the OS before we setup our GUI. 24 24 */ 25 publicvoid preStartupHook();26 25 void preStartupHook(); 26 27 27 /** 28 28 * The afterPrefStartupHook will be called early, but after 29 29 * the preferences have been loaded and basic processing of 30 * command line arguments is finished. 30 * command line arguments is finished. 31 31 * It is guaranteed to be called before the GUI setup has started. 32 32 */ 33 publicvoid afterPrefStartupHook();33 void afterPrefStartupHook(); 34 34 35 35 /** … … 40 40 * OS, so we'll receive events from the system menu. 41 41 */ 42 publicvoid startupHook();42 void startupHook(); 43 43 44 44 /** … … 48 48 * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs 49 49 */ 50 publicvoid openUrl(String url) throws IOException;50 void openUrl(String url) throws IOException; 51 51 52 52 /** … … 70 70 * user to change them. 71 71 */ 72 publicvoid initSystemShortcuts();72 void initSystemShortcuts(); 73 73 74 74 /** … … 86 86 * @return Full tooltip text (name + accelerator) 87 87 */ 88 publicString makeTooltip(String name, Shortcut sc);88 String makeTooltip(String name, Shortcut sc); 89 89 90 90 /** … … 92 92 * @return The default native LAF for this platform 93 93 */ 94 publicString getDefaultStyle();94 String getDefaultStyle(); 95 95 96 96 /** … … 98 98 * @return {@code true} if full screen is allowed, {@code false} otherwise 99 99 */ 100 publicboolean canFullscreen();100 boolean canFullscreen(); 101 101 102 102 /** … … 106 106 * @return {@code true} if the file has been renamed, {@code false} otherwise 107 107 */ 108 publicboolean rename(File from, File to);108 boolean rename(File from, File to); 109 109 110 110 /** … … 113 113 * @since 5850 114 114 */ 115 publicString getOSDescription();115 String getOSDescription(); 116 116 117 117 /** … … 126 126 * @since 7343 127 127 */ 128 publicboolean setupHttpsCertificate(String entryAlias, KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry trustedCert)128 boolean setupHttpsCertificate(String entryAlias, KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry trustedCert) 129 129 throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException; 130 130 … … 134 134 * @since 7829 135 135 */ 136 publicFile getDefaultCacheDirectory();136 File getDefaultCacheDirectory(); 137 137 138 138 /** … … 141 141 * @since 7831 142 142 */ 143 publicFile getDefaultPrefDirectory();143 File getDefaultPrefDirectory(); 144 144 145 145 /** … … 148 148 * @since 7834 149 149 */ 150 publicFile getDefaultUserDataDirectory();150 File getDefaultUserDataDirectory(); 151 151 } -
r7509 r8512 15 15 * @return {@code true} if the object passes the test, {@code false} otherwise 16 16 */ 17 publicboolean evaluate(T object);17 boolean evaluate(T object); 18 18 } -
r7509 r8512 14 14 * @return the value of the property for the object obj 15 15 */ 16 publicP get(O obj);16 P get(O obj); 17 17 18 18 /** … … 21 21 * @param value the value the property is set to 22 22 */ 23 publicvoid set(O obj, P value);23 void set(O obj, P value); 24 24 } -
r8510 r8512 648 648 * @param <B> class of transformed objects 649 649 */ 650 public staticinterface Function<A, B> {650 public interface Function<A, B> { 651 651 652 652 /**
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.