Changeset 8087 in josm for trunk/src/org
- Timestamp:
- 2015-02-19T15:22:49+01:00 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7621 r8087 119 119 120 120 HorizontalTextAlignment hAlign = HorizontalTextAlignment.RIGHT; 121 Keyword hAlignKW = c.get( "text-anchor-horizontal", Keyword.RIGHT, Keyword.class);121 Keyword hAlignKW = c.get(TEXT_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, Keyword.RIGHT, Keyword.class); 122 122 if ("left".equals(hAlignKW.val)) { 123 123 hAlign = HorizontalTextAlignment.LEFT; … … 128 128 } 129 129 VerticalTextAlignment vAlign = VerticalTextAlignment.BOTTOM; 130 String vAlignStr = c.get( "text-anchor-vertical", Keyword.BOTTOM, Keyword.class).val;130 String vAlignStr = c.get(TEXT_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, Keyword.BOTTOM, Keyword.class).val; 131 131 if ("above".equals(vAlignStr)) { 132 132 vAlign = VerticalTextAlignment.ABOVE; -
r8085 r8087 14 14 public abstract class ElemStyle implements StyleKeys { 15 15 16 protected static final String[] ICON_KEYS = {"icon-image", "icon-width", "icon-height", "icon-opacity", "icon-offset-x", "icon-offset-y"}; 17 protected static final String[] REPEAT_IMAGE_KEYS = {"repeat-image", "repeat-image-width", "repeat-image-height", "repeat-image-opacity", null, null}; 16 protected static final int ICON_IMAGE_IDX = 0; 17 protected static final int ICON_WIDTH_IDX = 1; 18 protected static final int ICON_HEIGHT_IDX = 2; 19 protected static final int ICON_OPACITY_IDX = 3; 20 protected static final int ICON_OFFSET_X_IDX = 4; 21 protected static final int ICON_OFFSET_Y_IDX = 5; 22 public static final String[] ICON_KEYS = {ICON_IMAGE, ICON_WIDTH, ICON_HEIGHT, ICON_OPACITY, ICON_OFFSET_X, ICON_OFFSET_Y}; 23 public static final String[] REPEAT_IMAGE_KEYS = {REPEAT_IMAGE, REPEAT_IMAGE_WIDTH, REPEAT_IMAGE_HEIGHT, REPEAT_IMAGE_OPACITY, null, null}; 18 24 19 25 public float major_z_index; … … 31 37 32 38 protected ElemStyle(Cascade c, float default_major_z_index) { 33 major_z_index = c.get( "major-z-index", default_major_z_index, Float.class);39 major_z_index = c.get(MAJOR_Z_INDEX, default_major_z_index, Float.class); 34 40 z_index = c.get(Z_INDEX, 0f, Float.class); 35 41 object_z_index = c.get(OBJECT_Z_INDEX, 0f, Float.class); … … 177 183 178 184 protected static Font getFont(Cascade c, String s) { 179 String name = c.get( "font-family", getDefaultFontName(), String.class);180 float size = c.get( "font-size", getDefaultFontSize(), Float.class);185 String name = c.get(FONT_FAMILY, getDefaultFontName(), String.class); 186 float size = c.get(FONT_SIZE, getDefaultFontSize(), Float.class); 181 187 int weight = Font.PLAIN; 182 if ("bold".equalsIgnoreCase(c.get( "font-weight", null, String.class))) {188 if ("bold".equalsIgnoreCase(c.get(FONT_WEIGHT, null, String.class))) { 183 189 weight = Font.BOLD; 184 190 } 185 191 int style = Font.PLAIN; 186 if ("italic".equalsIgnoreCase(c.get( "font-style", null, String.class))) {192 if ("italic".equalsIgnoreCase(c.get(FONT_STYLE, null, String.class))) { 187 193 style = Font.ITALIC; 188 194 } -
r8073 r8087 40 40 private BasicStroke dashesLine; 41 41 42 p rotectedenum LineType {42 public enum LineType { 43 43 NORMAL("", 3f), 44 44 CASING("casing-", 2f), … … 214 214 215 215 Integer cap = null; 216 Keyword capKW = c.get(type.prefix + "linecap", null, Keyword.class);216 Keyword capKW = c.get(type.prefix + LINECAP, null, Keyword.class); 217 217 if (capKW != null) { 218 218 if ("none".equals(capKW.val)) { … … 229 229 230 230 Integer join = null; 231 Keyword joinKW = c.get(type.prefix + "linejoin", null, Keyword.class);231 Keyword joinKW = c.get(type.prefix + LINEJOIN, null, Keyword.class); 232 232 if (joinKW != null) { 233 233 if ("round".equals(joinKW.val)) { … … 243 243 } 244 244 245 float miterlimit = c.get(type.prefix + "miterlimit", 10f, Float.class);245 float miterlimit = c.get(type.prefix + MITERLIMIT, 10f, Float.class); 246 246 if (miterlimit < 1f) { 247 247 miterlimit = 10f; -
r8085 r8087 12 12 String FILL_IMAGE = "fill-image"; 13 13 String FILL_OPACITY = "fill-opacity"; 14 String FONT_FAMILY = "font-family"; 15 String FONT_SIZE = "font-size"; 16 String FONT_STYLE = "font-style"; 17 String FONT_WEIGHT = "font-weight"; 14 18 String ICON_IMAGE = "icon-image"; 19 String ICON_HEIGHT = "icon-height"; 20 String ICON_OFFSET_X = "icon-offset-x"; 21 String ICON_OFFSET_Y = "icon-offset-y"; 22 String ICON_OPACITY = "icon-opacity"; 23 String ICON_WIDTH = "icon-width"; 24 String LINECAP = "linecap"; 25 String LINEJOIN = "linejoin"; 26 String MAJOR_Z_INDEX = "major-z-index"; 27 String MITERLIMIT = "miterlimit"; 15 28 String MODIFIER = "modifier"; 16 29 String OBJECT_Z_INDEX = "object-z-index"; … … 18 31 String OPACITY = "opacity"; 19 32 String REAL_WIDTH = "real-width"; 33 String REPEAT_IMAGE = "repeat-image"; 34 String REPEAT_IMAGE_ALIGN = "repeat-image-align"; 35 String REPEAT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = "repeat-image-height"; 36 String REPEAT_IMAGE_OFFSET = "repeat-image-offset"; 37 String REPEAT_IMAGE_OPACITY = "repeat-image-opacity"; 38 String REPEAT_IMAGE_PHASE = "repeat-image-phase"; 39 String REPEAT_IMAGE_SPACING = "repeat-image-spacing"; 40 String REPEAT_IMAGE_WIDTH = "repeat-image-width"; 41 String TEXT = "text"; 42 String TEXT_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL = "text-anchor-horizontal"; 43 String TEXT_ANCHOR_VERTICAL = "text-anchor-vertical"; 44 String TEXT_COLOR = "text-color"; 45 String TEXT_HALO_COLOR = "text-halo-color"; 46 String TEXT_HALO_OPACITY = "text-halo-opacity"; 47 String TEXT_HALO_RADIUS = "text-halo-radius"; 48 String TEXT_OFFSET = "text-offset"; 49 String TEXT_OFFSET_X = "text-offset-x"; 50 String TEXT_OFFSET_Y = "text-offset-y"; 51 String TEXT_OPACITY = "text-opacity"; 20 52 String TEXT_POSITION = "text-position"; 21 String TEXT = "text";22 53 String WIDTH = "width"; 23 54 String Z_INDEX = "z-index"; 24 String REPEAT_IMAGE = "repeat-image";25 String REPEAT_IMAGE_OFFSET = "repeat-image-offset";26 String REPEAT_IMAGE_SPACING = "repeat-image-spacing";27 String REPEAT_IMAGE_PHASE = "repeat-image-phase";28 String REPEAT_IMAGE_ALIGN = "repeat-image-align";29 55 30 int ICON_IMAGE_IDX = 0;31 int ICON_WIDTH_IDX = 1;32 int ICON_HEIGHT_IDX = 2;33 int ICON_OPACITY_IDX = 3;34 int ICON_OFFSET_X_IDX = 4;35 int ICON_OFFSET_Y_IDX = 5;36 56 } -
r7402 r8087 127 127 float xOffset = 0; 128 128 float yOffset = 0; 129 float[] offset = c.get( "text-offset", null, float[].class);129 float[] offset = c.get(TEXT_OFFSET, null, float[].class); 130 130 if (offset != null) { 131 131 if (offset.length == 1) { … … 136 136 } 137 137 } 138 xOffset = c.get( "text-offset-x", xOffset, Float.class);139 yOffset = c.get( "text-offset-y", yOffset, Float.class);140 141 Color color = c.get( "text-color", defaultTextColor, Color.class);142 float alpha = c.get( "text-opacity", 1f, Float.class);138 xOffset = c.get(TEXT_OFFSET_X, xOffset, Float.class); 139 yOffset = c.get(TEXT_OFFSET_Y, yOffset, Float.class); 140 141 Color color = c.get(TEXT_COLOR, defaultTextColor, Color.class); 142 float alpha = c.get(TEXT_OPACITY, 1f, Float.class); 143 143 color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), 144 144 color.getBlue(), Utils.color_float2int(alpha)); 145 145 146 Float haloRadius = c.get( "text-halo-radius", null, Float.class);146 Float haloRadius = c.get(TEXT_HALO_RADIUS, null, Float.class); 147 147 if (haloRadius != null && haloRadius <= 0) { 148 148 haloRadius = null; … … 150 150 Color haloColor = null; 151 151 if (haloRadius != null) { 152 haloColor = c.get( "text-halo-color", Utils.complement(color), Color.class);153 float haloAlpha = c.get( "text-halo-opacity", 1f, Float.class);152 haloColor = c.get(TEXT_HALO_COLOR, Utils.complement(color), Color.class); 153 float haloAlpha = c.get(TEXT_HALO_OPACITY, 1f, Float.class); 154 154 haloColor = new Color(haloColor.getRed(), haloColor.getGreen(), 155 155 haloColor.getBlue(), Utils.color_float2int(haloAlpha)); -
r8086 r8087 38 38 * (a) the preprocessor and (b) the main mapcss parser. 39 39 * 40 * The preprocessor handles @media syntax . Basically this allows41 * to write one style for different versions of JOSM (or different editors). 42 * When the @ mediacondition is not fulfilled, it should simply skip over40 * The preprocessor handles @supports and @media syntax (@media is deprecated). 41 * Basically this allows to write one style for different versions of JOSM (or different editors). 42 * When the @supports condition is not fulfilled, it should simply skip over 43 43 * the whole section and not attempt to parse the possibly unknown 44 44 * grammar. It preserves whitespace and comments, in order to keep the … … 100 100 { 101 101 < PP_AND: "and" > 102 | < PP_OR: "or" > 102 103 | < PP_NOT: "not" > 104 | < PP_SUPPORTS: "@supports" > 103 105 | < PP_MEDIA: "@media" > 104 106 | < PP_NEWLINECHAR: "\n" | "\r" | "\f" > … … 244 246 { 245 247 ( 246 (t=<PP_AND> | t=<PP_NOT> | t=<UINT> | t=<STRING> | t=<REGEX> | t=<LPAR> | t=<RPAR> | t=<COMMA> | t=<COLON> | t=<IDENT> | t=<PP_SOMETHING_ELSE>) { if (write) sb.append(t.image); } 248 (t=<PP_AND> | t=<PP_OR> | t=<PP_NOT> | t=<UINT> | t=<STRING> | t=<REGEX> | t=<LPAR> | t=<RPAR> | t=<COMMA> | t=<COLON> | t=<IDENT> | t=<PP_SOMETHING_ELSE>) { if (write) sb.append(t.image); } 247 249 | 248 250 pp_w1() 251 | 252 pp_supports(!write) 249 253 | 250 254 pp_media(!write) … … 254 258 } 255 259 260 /** 261 * Parses an @supports rule. 262 * 263 * @param ignore if the content of this rule should be ignored 264 * (because we are already inside a @supports block that didn't pass) 265 */ 266 void pp_supports(boolean ignore): 267 { 268 boolean pass; 269 } 270 { 271 <PP_SUPPORTS> pp_w() 272 pass=pp_supports_condition() 273 <LBRACE> 274 pp_black_box(pass && !ignore) 275 <RBRACE> 276 } 277 278 /** 279 * Parses the condition of the @supports rule. 280 * 281 * Unlike other parsing rules, grabs trailing whitespace. 282 * @return true, if the condition is fulfilled 283 */ 284 boolean pp_supports_condition(): 285 { 286 boolean pass; 287 boolean q; 288 } 289 { 290 ( 291 <PP_NOT> pp_w() q=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() { pass = !q; } pp_w() 292 | 293 LOOKAHEAD(pp_supports_condition_in_parens() pp_w() <PP_AND>) 294 pass=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() pp_w() 295 ( <PP_AND> pp_w() q=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() { pass = pass && q; } pp_w() )+ 296 | 297 LOOKAHEAD(pp_supports_condition_in_parens() pp_w() <PP_OR>) 298 pass=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() pp_w() 299 ( <PP_OR> pp_w() q=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() { pass = pass || q; } pp_w() )+ 300 | 301 pass=pp_supports_condition_in_parens() pp_w() 302 ) 303 { return pass; } 304 } 305 306 /** 307 * Parses something in parenthesis inside the condition of the @supports rule. 308 * 309 * @return true, if the condition is fulfilled 310 */ 311 boolean pp_supports_condition_in_parens(): 312 { 313 boolean pass; 314 } 315 { 316 ( 317 LOOKAHEAD(pp_supports_declaration_condition()) 318 pass=pp_supports_declaration_condition() 319 | 320 <LPAR> pp_w() pass=pp_supports_condition() <RPAR> 321 ) 322 { return pass; } 323 } 324 325 /** 326 * Parse an @supports declaration condition, e. g. a single (key:value) or (key) statement. 327 * 328 * The parsing rule {@link #literal()} from the main mapcss parser is reused here. 329 * 330 * @return true if the condition is fulfilled 331 */ 332 boolean pp_supports_declaration_condition(): 333 { 334 Token t; 335 String feature; 336 Object val = null; 337 } 338 { 339 <LPAR> pp_w() t=<IDENT> { feature = t.image; } pp_w() ( <COLON> pp_w() val=literal() )? <RPAR> 340 { return this.sheet.evalSupportsDeclCondition(feature, val); } 341 } 342 343 // deprecated 256 344 void pp_media(boolean ignore): 257 345 { … … 270 358 } 271 359 360 // deprecated 272 361 boolean pp_media_query(): 273 362 { … … 302 391 * @return true if the condition is fulfilled 303 392 */ 393 // deprecated 304 394 boolean pp_media_expression(): 305 395 { … … 310 400 { 311 401 <LPAR> pp_w() t=<IDENT> { feature = t.image; } pp_w() ( <COLON> pp_w() val=literal() )? <RPAR> 312 { return this.sheet.eval MediaExpression(feature, val); }402 { return this.sheet.evalSupportsDeclCondition(feature, val); } 313 403 } 314 404 -
r8086 r8087 9 9 import; 10 10 import; 11 import java.lang.reflect.Field; 11 12 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; 12 13 import java.text.MessageFormat; … … 33 34 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Cascade; 34 35 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Environment; 36 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.LineElemStyle; 35 37 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.MultiCascade; 36 38 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Range; 39 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.StyleKeys; 37 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.StyleSetting; 38 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.StyleSetting.BooleanStyleSetting; … … 81 84 */ 82 85 public final static ReadWriteLock STYLE_SOURCE_LOCK = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); 86 87 /** 88 * Set of all supported MapCSS keys. 89 */ 90 public static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_KEYS = new HashSet<>(); 91 static { 92 Field[] declaredFields = StyleKeys.class.getDeclaredFields(); 93 for (Field f : declaredFields) { 94 try { 95 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add((String) f.get(null)); 96 if (!f.getName().toLowerCase().replace("_", "-").equals(f.get(null))) { 97 throw new RuntimeException(f.getName()); 98 } 99 } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) { 100 throw new RuntimeException(ex); 101 } 102 } 103 for (LineElemStyle.LineType lt : LineElemStyle.LineType.values()) { 104 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.COLOR); 105 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.DASHES); 106 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.DASHES_BACKGROUND_COLOR); 107 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.DASHES_BACKGROUND_OPACITY); 108 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.DASHES_OFFSET); 109 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.LINECAP); 110 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.LINEJOIN); 111 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.MITERLIMIT); 112 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.OFFSET); 113 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.OPACITY); 114 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.REAL_WIDTH); 115 SUPPORTED_KEYS.add(lt.prefix + StyleKeys.WIDTH); 116 } 117 } 83 118 84 119 /** … … 484 519 } 485 520 486 public boolean eval MediaExpression(String feature, Object val) {521 public boolean evalSupportsDeclCondition(String feature, Object val) { 487 522 if (feature == null) return false; 523 if (SUPPORTED_KEYS.contains(feature)) return true; 488 524 switch (feature) { 489 525 case "user-agent":
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