Changeset 7668 in josm for trunk/src/org/openstreetmap

2014-10-29T15:24:07+01:00 (10 years ago)

cleanup icons, mark undetected icons, set proper mimetype, delete unused icons, update geticons script

33 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r7053 r7668  
    4343    public static final Collection<String> MODES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(
    44         marktr("data"),
    45         marktr("layer"),
    46         marktr("selection"),
    47         marktr("conflict"),
    48         marktr("download"),
    49         marktr("problem"),
    50         marktr("previous"),
    51         marktr("next")));
     44        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "data"),
     45        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "layer"),
     46        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "selection"),
     47        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "conflict"),
     48        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "download"),
     49        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "problem"),
     50        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "previous"),
     51        marktr(/* ICON(dialogs/autoscale/) */ "next")));
    5353    private final String mode;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r7666 r7668  
    6464     */
    6565    public CreateMultipolygonAction(final boolean update) {
    66         super(getName(update), "multipoly_create", getName(update),
     66        super(getName(update), /* ICON */ "multipoly_create", getName(update),
    6767                /* atleast three lines for each shortcut or the server extractor fails */
    6868                update  ? Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:multipoly_update",
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r7400 r7668  
    5454    public static JoinNodeWayAction createJoinNodeToWayAction() {
    5555        JoinNodeWayAction action = new JoinNodeWayAction(false,
    56                 tr("Join Node to Way"), "joinnodeway", tr("Include a node into the nearest way segments"),
     56                tr("Join Node to Way"), /* ICON */ "joinnodeway", tr("Include a node into the nearest way segments"),
    5757                Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:joinnodeway", tr("Tool: {0}", tr("Join Node to Way")), KeyEvent.VK_J, Shortcut.DIRECT), true);
    5858        action.putValue("help", ht("/Action/JoinNodeWay"));
    6666    public static JoinNodeWayAction createMoveNodeOntoWayAction() {
    6767        JoinNodeWayAction action = new JoinNodeWayAction(true,
    68                 tr("Move Node onto Way"), "movenodeontoway", tr("Move the node onto the nearest way segments and include it"),
     68                tr("Move Node onto Way"), /* ICON*/ "movenodeontoway", tr("Move the node onto the nearest way segments and include it"),
    6969                Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:movenodeontoway", tr("Tool: {0}", tr("Move Node onto Way")), KeyEvent.VK_N, Shortcut.DIRECT), true);
    7070        return action;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r7293 r7668  
    1313    public LassoModeAction() {
    1414        super(tr("Lasso Mode"),
    15                 "rope",
     15                /* ICON(mapmode/) */ "rope",
    1616                tr("Lasso selection mode: select objects within a hand-drawn region"),
    1717                null,
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r7434 r7668  
    6363    private enum DeleteMode {
    64         none("delete"),
    65         segment("delete_segment"),
    66         node("delete_node"),
    67         node_with_references("delete_node"),
    68         way("delete_way_only"),
    69         way_with_references("delete_way_normal"),
    70         way_with_nodes("delete_way_node_only");
     64        none(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete"),
     65        segment(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_segment"),
     66        node(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_node"),
     67        node_with_references(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_node"),
     68        way(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_way_only"),
     69        way_with_references(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_way_normal"),
     70        way_with_nodes(/* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "delete_way_node_only");
    7272        private final Cursor c;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r7227 r7668  
    17401740    private class SnapChangeAction extends JosmAction {
    17411741        public SnapChangeAction() {
    1742             super(tr("Angle snapping"), "anglesnap",
     1742            super(tr("Angle snapping"), /* ICON() */ "anglesnap",
    17431743                    tr("Switch angle snapping mode while drawing"), null, false);
    17441744            putValue("help", ht("/Action/Draw/AngleSnap"));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r7592 r7668  
    188188    private class DualAlignChangeAction extends JosmAction {
    189189        public DualAlignChangeAction() {
    190             super(tr("Dual alignment"), "mapmode/extrude/dualalign",
     190            super(tr("Dual alignment"), /* ICON() */ "mapmode/extrude/dualalign",
    191191                    tr("Switch dual alignment mode while extruding"), null, false);
    192192            putValue("help", ht("/Action/Extrude#DualAlign"));
    204204     */
    205205    public ExtrudeAction(MapFrame mapFrame) {
    206         super(tr("Extrude"), "extrude/extrude", tr("Create areas"),
     206        super(tr("Extrude"), /* ICON(mapmode/) */ "extrude/extrude", tr("Create areas"),
    207207                Shortcut.registerShortcut("mapmode:extrude", tr("Mode: {0}", tr("Extrude")), KeyEvent.VK_X, Shortcut.DIRECT),
    208208                mapFrame,
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r7543 r7668  
    8585    // contains all possible cases the cursor can be in the SelectAction
    8686    private static enum SelectActionCursor {
    87         rect("normal", "selection"),
    88         rect_add("normal", "select_add"),
    89         rect_rm("normal", "select_remove"),
    90         way("normal", "select_way"),
    91         way_add("normal", "select_way_add"),
    92         way_rm("normal", "select_way_remove"),
    93         node("normal", "select_node"),
    94         node_add("normal", "select_node_add"),
    95         node_rm("normal", "select_node_remove"),
    96         virtual_node("normal", "addnode"),
    97         scale("scale", null),
    98         rotate("rotate", null),
    99         merge("crosshair", null),
    100         lasso("normal", "rope"),
    101         merge_to_node("crosshair", "joinnode"),
     87        rect("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "selection"),
     88        rect_add("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_add"),
     89        rect_rm("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_remove"),
     90        way("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_way"),
     91        way_add("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_way_add"),
     92        way_rm("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_way_remove"),
     93        node("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_node"),
     94        node_add("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_node_add"),
     95        node_rm("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "select_node_remove"),
     96        virtual_node("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "addnode"),
     97        scale(/* ICON(cursor/) */ "scale", null),
     98        rotate(/* ICON(cursor/) */ "rotate", null),
     99        merge(/* ICON(cursor/) */ "crosshair", null),
     100        lasso("normal", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "rope"),
     101        merge_to_node("crosshair", /* ICON(cursor/modifier/) */ "joinnode"),
    102102        move(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/

    r7509 r7668  
    419419        protected CopyAction(String icon_name, String action_name, String short_description) {
    420             ImageIcon icon = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/conflict", icon_name+".png");
     420            ImageIcon icon = ImageProvider.get("dialogs/conflict", icon_name);
    421421            putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icon);
    422422            if (icon == null) {
    436436        public CopyStartLeftAction() {
    437             super("copystartleft", tr("> top"), tr("Copy my selected nodes to the start of the merged node list"));
     437            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copystartleft", tr("> top"),
     438                tr("Copy my selected nodes to the start of the merged node list"));
    438439        }
    457458        public CopyEndLeftAction() {
    458             super("copyendleft", tr("> bottom"), tr("Copy my selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements."));
     459            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copyendleft", tr("> bottom"),
     460                tr("Copy my selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements."));
    459461        }
    478480        public CopyBeforeCurrentLeftAction() {
    479             super("copybeforecurrentleft", tr("> before"),
     481            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copybeforecurrentleft", tr("> before"),
    480482                    tr("Copy my selected elements before the first selected element in the list of merged elements."));
    481483        }
    508510        public CopyAfterCurrentLeftAction() {
    509             super("copyaftercurrentleft", tr("> after"),
     511            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copyaftercurrentleft", tr("> after"),
    510512                    tr("Copy my selected elements after the first selected element in the list of merged elements."));
    511513        }
    534536        public CopyStartRightAction() {
    535             super("copystartright", tr("< top"), tr("Copy their selected element to the start of the list of merged elements."));
     537            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copystartright", tr("< top"),
     538                tr("Copy their selected element to the start of the list of merged elements."));
    536539        }
    551554        public CopyEndRightAction() {
    552             super("copyendright", tr("< bottom"), tr("Copy their selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements."));
     555            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copyendright", tr("< bottom"),
     556                tr("Copy their selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements."));
    553557        }
    568572        public CopyBeforeCurrentRightAction() {
    569             super("copybeforecurrentright", tr("< before"),
     573            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copybeforecurrentright", tr("< before"),
    570574                    tr("Copy their selected elements before the first selected element in the list of merged elements."));
    571575        }
    594598        public CopyAfterCurrentRightAction() {
    595             super("copyaftercurrentright", tr("< after"),
     599            super(/* ICON(dialogs/conflict/)*/ "copyaftercurrentright", tr("< after"),
    596600                    tr("Copy their selected element after the first selected element in the list of merged elements"));
    597601        }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/

    r7578 r7668  
    9898    public static final JosmAction PREFERENCE_ACTION = PreferencesAction.forPreferenceSubTab(
    99             tr("Map paint preferences"), null, MapPaintPreference.class, "dialogs/mappaintpreference");
     99            tr("Map paint preferences"), null, MapPaintPreference.class, /* ICON */ "dialogs/mappaintpreference");
    101101    /**
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/

    r7299 r7668  
    522522            add(lblTitle_weak, GBC.std().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL));
    524             buttonsHide = new JButton(ImageProvider.get("misc", buttonHiding != ButtonHidingType.ALWAYS_SHOWN ? "buttonhide" : "buttonshow"));
     524            buttonsHide = new JButton(ImageProvider.get("misc", buttonHiding != ButtonHidingType.ALWAYS_SHOWN
     525                ? /* ICON(misc/)*/ "buttonhide" :  /* ICON(misc/)*/ "buttonshow"));
    525526            buttonsHide.setToolTipText(tr("Toggle dynamic buttons"));
    526527            buttonsHide.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder());
    942943    private void refreshHidingButtons() {
    943         titleBar.buttonsHide.setIcon(ImageProvider.get("misc", buttonHiding != ButtonHidingType.ALWAYS_SHOWN ? "buttonhide" : "buttonshow"));
     944        titleBar.buttonsHide.setIcon(ImageProvider.get("misc", buttonHiding != ButtonHidingType.ALWAYS_SHOWN
     945            ?  /* ICON(misc/)*/ "buttonhide" :  /* ICON(misc/)*/ "buttonshow"));
    944946        titleBar.buttonsHide.setEnabled(buttonHiding != ButtonHidingType.ALWAYS_HIDDEN);
    945947        if (buttonsPanel != null) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/properties/

    r7435 r7668  
    892892        public DeleteAction() {
    893             super(tr("Delete"), "dialogs/delete", tr("Delete the selected key in all objects"),
     893            super(tr("Delete"), /* ICON() */ "dialogs/delete", tr("Delete the selected key in all objects"),
    894894                    Shortcut.registerShortcut("properties:delete", tr("Delete Tags"), KeyEvent.VK_D,
    895895                            Shortcut.ALT_CTRL_SHIFT), false);
    999999    class AddAction extends JosmAction {
    10001000        public AddAction() {
    1001             super(tr("Add"), "dialogs/add", tr("Add a new key/value pair to all objects"),
     1001            super(tr("Add"), /* ICON() */ "dialogs/add", tr("Add a new key/value pair to all objects"),
    10021002                    Shortcut.registerShortcut("properties:add", tr("Add Tag"), KeyEvent.VK_A,
    10031003                            Shortcut.ALT), false);
    10161016    class EditAction extends JosmAction implements ListSelectionListener {
    10171017        public EditAction() {
    1018             super(tr("Edit"), "dialogs/edit", tr("Edit the value of the selected key for all objects"),
     1018            super(tr("Edit"), /* ICON() */ "dialogs/edit", tr("Edit the value of the selected key for all objects"),
    10191019                    Shortcut.registerShortcut("properties:edit", tr("Edit Tags"), KeyEvent.VK_S,
    10201020                            Shortcut.ALT), false);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/

    r7509 r7668  
    571571        public Settings(DefaultMutableTreeNode rootActionsNode) {
    572             super("toolbar", tr("Toolbar customization"), tr("Customize the elements on the toolbar."));
     572            super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "toolbar", tr("Toolbar customization"), tr("Customize the elements on the toolbar."));
    573573            actionsTreeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootActionsNode);
    574574            actionsTree = new JTree(actionsTreeModel);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/advanced/

    r7578 r7668  
    6767    private AdvancedPreference() {
    68         super("advanced", tr("Advanced Preferences"), tr("Setting Preference entries directly. Use with caution!"));
     68        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "advanced", tr("Advanced Preferences"), tr("Setting Preference entries directly. Use with caution!"));
    6969    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/audio/

    r6733 r7668  
    3636    private AudioPreference() {
    37         super("audio", tr("Audio Settings"), tr("Settings for the audio player and audio markers."));
     37        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "audio", tr("Audio Settings"), tr("Settings for the audio player and audio markers."));
    3838    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/display/

    r6764 r7668  
    3030    private DisplayPreference() {
    31         super("display", tr("Display Settings"), tr("Various settings that influence the visual representation of the whole program."), false, new JTabbedPane());
     31        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "display", tr("Display Settings"), tr("Various settings that influence the visual representation of the whole program."), false, new JTabbedPane());
    3232    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/imagery/

    r7509 r7668  
    8484    private ImageryPreference() {
    85         super("imagery", tr("Imagery Preferences"), tr("Modify list of imagery layers displayed in the Imagery menu"), false, new JTabbedPane());
     85        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "imagery", tr("Imagery Preferences"), tr("Modify list of imagery layers displayed in the Imagery menu"), false, new JTabbedPane());
    8686    }
    453453                putValue(NAME, type.toString());
    454454                putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Add a new {0} entry by entering the URL", type.toString()));
    455                 putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("dialogs",
    456                             "add" + (ImageryInfo.ImageryType.WMS.equals(type) ? "_wms" : ImageryInfo.ImageryType.TMS.equals(type) ? "_tms" : "")));
     455                String icon = /* ICON(dialogs/) */ "add";
     456                if(ImageryInfo.ImageryType.WMS.equals(type))
     457                    icon = /* ICON(dialogs/) */ "add_wms";
     458                else if(ImageryInfo.ImageryType.TMS.equals(type))
     459                    icon = /* ICON(dialogs/) */ "add_tms";
     460                putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("dialogs", icon));
    457461                this.type = type;
    458462            }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/map/

    r6733 r7668  
    2929    private MapPreference() {
    30         super("map", tr("Map Settings"), tr("Settings for the map projection and data interpretation."), false, new JTabbedPane());
     30        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "map", tr("Map Settings"), tr("Settings for the map projection and data interpretation."), false, new JTabbedPane());
    3131    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/plugin/

    r7434 r7668  
    7777    private PluginPreference() {
    78         super("plugin", tr("Plugins"), tr("Configure available plugins."), false, new JTabbedPane());
     78        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "plugin", tr("Plugins"), tr("Configure available plugins."), false, new JTabbedPane());
    7979    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7025 r7668  
    4040     */
    4141    public CodeProjectionChoice() {
    42         super(tr("By Code (EPSG)"), "core:code");
     42        super(tr("By Code (EPSG)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:code");
    4343    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7005 r7668  
    4646     */
    4747    public CustomProjectionChoice() {
    48         super(tr("Custom Projection"), "core:custom");
     48        super(tr("Custom Projection"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:custom");
    4949    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r6310 r7668  
    1717     */
    1818    public GaussKruegerProjectionChoice() {
    19         super(tr("Gau\u00DF-Kr\u00FCger"), "core:gauss-krueger", zones, tr("GK Zone"));
     19        super(tr("Gau\u00DF-Kr\u00FCger"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:gauss-krueger", zones, tr("GK Zone"));
    2020    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7015 r7668  
    3333     */
    3434    public LambertCC9ZonesProjectionChoice() {
    35         super(tr("Lambert CC9 Zone (France)"), "core:lambertcc9", lambert9zones, tr("Lambert CC Zone"));
     35        super(tr("Lambert CC9 Zone (France)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:lambertcc9", lambert9zones, tr("Lambert CC Zone"));
    3636    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7015 r7668  
    2828     */
    2929    public LambertProjectionChoice() {
    30         super(tr("Lambert 4 Zones (France)"), "core:lambert", lambert4zones, tr("Lambert CC Zone"));
     30        super(tr("Lambert 4 Zones (France)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:lambert", lambert4zones, tr("Lambert CC Zone"));
    3131    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7436 r7668  
    3131     */
    3232    public PuwgProjectionChoice() {
    33         super(tr("PUWG (Poland)"), "core:puwg", NAMES, tr("PUWG Zone"));
     33        super(tr("PUWG (Poland)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:puwg", NAMES, tr("PUWG Zone"));
    3434    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r6295 r7668  
    1919     */
    2020    public SwissGridProjectionChoice() {
    21         super(tr("Swiss Grid (Switzerland)"), "core:swissgrid", "EPSG:21781");
     21        super(tr("Swiss Grid (Switzerland)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:swissgrid", "EPSG:21781");
    2222    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r6889 r7668  
    2929     */
    3030    public UTMFranceDOMProjectionChoice() {
    31         super(tr("UTM France (DOM)"), "core:utmfrancedom", utmGeodesicsNames, tr("UTM Geodesic system"));
     31        super(tr("UTM France (DOM)"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:utmfrancedom", utmGeodesicsNames, tr("UTM Geodesic system"));
    3232    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r7015 r7668  
    4444     */
    4545    public UTMProjectionChoice() {
    46         super(tr("UTM"), "core:utm", cbEntries.toArray(new String[0]), tr("UTM Zone"));
     46        super(tr("UTM"), /* NO-ICON */ "core:utm", cbEntries.toArray(new String[0]), tr("UTM Zone"));
    4747    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/remotecontrol/

    r7343 r7668  
    6161    private RemoteControlPreference() {
    62         super("remotecontrol", tr("Remote Control"), tr("Settings for the remote control feature."));
     62        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "remotecontrol", tr("Remote Control"), tr("Settings for the remote control feature."));
    6363        for (PermissionPrefWithDefault p : PermissionPrefWithDefault.getPermissionPrefs()) {
    6464            JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(p.preferenceText);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/server/

    r6666 r7668  
    3636    private ServerAccessPreference() {
    37         super("connection", tr("Connection Settings"), tr("Connection Settings for the OSM server."), false, new JTabbedPane());
     37        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "connection", tr("Connection Settings"), tr("Connection Settings for the OSM server."), false, new JTabbedPane());
    3838    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/shortcut/

    r6529 r7668  
    3232    private ShortcutPreference() {
    33         super("shortcuts", tr("Keyboard Shortcuts"), tr("Changing keyboard shortcuts manually."));
     33        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "shortcuts", tr("Keyboard Shortcuts"), tr("Changing keyboard shortcuts manually."));
    3434    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/validator/

    r6666 r7668  
    3232    private ValidatorPreference() {
    33         super("validator", tr("Data validator"),
     33        super(/* ICON(preferences/) */ "validator", tr("Data validator"),
    3434                tr("An OSM data validator that checks for common errors made by users and editor programs."),
    3535                false, new JTabbedPane());
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/

    r6074 r7668  
    1010 */
    1111public enum TaggingPresetType {
    12     NODE("Mf_node", "node"), WAY("Mf_way", "way"), RELATION("Mf_relation", "relation"), CLOSEDWAY("Mf_closedway", "closedway");
     12    NODE(/* ICON */ "Mf_node", "node"),
     13    WAY(/* ICON */ "Mf_way", "way"),
     14    RELATION(/* ICON */ "Mf_relation", "relation"),
     15    CLOSEDWAY(/* ICON */ "Mf_closedway", "closedway");
    1316    private final String iconName;
    1417    private final String name;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.