2012-02-14T21:27:53+01:00 (13 years ago)

fix 6833 - use WindowGeometry for toggle dialogs and mainwindow replacing old custom methods, improve dual screen handling

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/WindowGeometry.java

    r4634 r4932  
    138138    }
     140    static public WindowGeometry mainWindow(String preferenceKey, String arg, boolean maximize) {
     141        Dimension screenDimension = getScreenSize(null);
     142        if (arg != null) {
     143            final Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)x(\\d+)(([+-])(\\d+)([+-])(\\d+))?").matcher(arg);
     144            if (m.matches()) {
     145                int w = Integer.valueOf(m.group(1));
     146                int h = Integer.valueOf(m.group(2));
     147                int x = 0, y = 0;
     148                if (m.group(3) != null) {
     149                    x = Integer.valueOf(m.group(5));
     150                    y = Integer.valueOf(m.group(7));
     151                    if (m.group(4).equals("-")) {
     152                        x = screenDimension.width - x - w;
     153                    }
     154                    if (m.group(6).equals("-")) {
     155                        y = screenDimension.height - y - h;
     156                    }
     157                }
     158                return new WindowGeometry(new Point(x,y), new Dimension(w,h));
     159            } else {
     160                System.out.println(tr("Ignoring malformed geometry: {0}", arg));
     161            }
     162        }
     163        WindowGeometry def;
     164        if(maximize)
     165            def = new WindowGeometry(new Point(0,0), screenDimension);
     166        else
     167            def = new WindowGeometry(new Point(0,0), new Dimension(1000, 740));
     168        return new WindowGeometry(preferenceKey, def);
     169    }
    140171    /**
    141172     * Creates a window geometry from the values kept in the preference store under the
    163194            initFromPreferences(preferenceKey);
    164195        } catch(WindowGeometryException e) {
    165             //            System.out.println(tr("Warning: Failed to restore window geometry from key ''{0}''. Falling back to default geometry. Details: {1}", preferenceKey, e.getMessage()));
    166196            initFromWindowGeometry(defaultGeometry);
    167197        }
    202232    /**
    203      * Applies this geometry to a window
    204      *
     233     * Center window on screen. When preferenceKey is given, the window is centered
     234     * on the screen where the corresponding window is.
     235     *
    205236     * @param window the window
    206      */
    207     public void apply(Window window) {
    208         window.setLocation(topLeft);
    209         window.setSize(extent);
    210     }
    212     /**
    213      * Applies this geometry to a window. Makes sure that the window is not placed outside
    214      * of the coordinate range of the current screen.
    215      *
    216      * @param window the window
    217      */
    218     public void applySafe(Window window) {
    219         Point p = new Point(topLeft);
    220         if (p.x < 0 || p.x > Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - 10) {
    221             p.x  = 0;
    222         }
    223         if (p.y < 0 || p.y > Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height - 10) {
    224             p.y = 0;
    225         }
    226         window.setLocation(p);
    227         window.setSize(extent);
    228     }
     237     * @param preferenceKey the key to get size and position from
     238     */
     239    public static void centerOnScreen(Window window, String preferenceKey) {
     240        Dimension dim = getScreenSize(preferenceKey);
     241        Dimension size = window.getSize();
     242        window.setLocation(new Point((dim.width-size.width)/2,(dim.height-size.height)/2));
     243    }
    230245    /**
    231246     * Applies this geometry to a window. Makes sure that the window is not
    234249     * @param window the window
    235250     */
    236     public void applySafeMultiScreen(Window window) {
     251    public void applySafe(Window window) {
    237252        Point p = new Point(topLeft);
    265280    }
     282    /**
     283     * Find the size of the screen the for given coordinates. Use first screen,
     284     * when no coordinates are stored or null is passed.
     285     *
     286     * @param preferenceKey the key to get size and position from
     287     */
     288    public static Dimension getScreenSize(String preferenceKey) {
     289        /* TODO: implement this function properly */
     290        return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
     291    }
    267293    public String toString() {
    268294        return "WindowGeometry{topLeft="+topLeft+",extent="+extent+"}";
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