- Timestamp:
- 2011-08-07T12:17:39+02:00 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection
- Files:
- 14 added
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r3530 r4285 19 19 public static final Ellipsoid clarke = new Ellipsoid(6378249.2, 6356515.0); 20 20 /** 21 * Hayford's ellipsoid (ED50 system) 21 * Hayford's ellipsoid 1909 (ED50 system) 22 * Proj.4 code: intl 22 23 */ 23 24 public static final Ellipsoid hayford = -
r3692 r4285 6 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 7 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.TransverseMercator; 9 10 10 11 /** … … 12 13 * http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3008/ 13 14 * 14 * @author Hanno Hecker , based on the TransverseMercatorLV.java by Viesturs Zarins15 * @author Hanno Hecker 15 16 */ 16 public class Epsg3008 extends TransverseMercator{17 public class Epsg3008 extends AbstractProjection { 17 18 18 private final static double UTMScaleFactor = 1.0; 19 private double UTMCentralMeridianRad; 20 private double offsetEastMeters = 150000; 21 private double offsetNorthMeters = 0; 22 23 public Epsg3008() 24 { 25 UTMCentralMeridianRad = Math.toRadians(13.5); 19 public Epsg3008() { 20 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 21 proj = new TransverseMercator(ellps); 22 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 23 lon_0 = 13.5; 24 x_0 = 150000; 26 25 } 27 28 @Override public String toString() { 26 27 @Override 28 public String toString() { 29 29 return tr("SWEREF99 13 30 / EPSG:3008 (Sweden)"); 30 30 } 31 31 32 private int epsgCode() { 32 @Override 33 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 33 34 return 3008; 34 }35 36 @Override37 public String toCode() {38 return "EPSG:"+ epsgCode();39 35 } 40 36 … … 44 40 } 45 41 42 @Override 46 43 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 47 return "epsg"+ epsgCode();44 return "epsg"+ getEpsgCode(); 48 45 } 49 46 … … 55 52 } 56 53 57 @Override58 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) {59 EastNorth a = mapLatLonToXY(Math.toRadians(p.lat()), Math.toRadians(p.lon()), UTMCentralMeridianRad);60 return new EastNorth(a.east() * UTMScaleFactor + offsetEastMeters, a.north() * UTMScaleFactor + offsetNorthMeters);61 }62 63 @Override64 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) {65 return mapXYToLatLon((p.east() - offsetEastMeters)/UTMScaleFactor, (p.north() - offsetNorthMeters)/UTMScaleFactor, UTMCentralMeridianRad);66 }67 68 54 } -
r3779 r4285 6 6 import java.awt.GridBagLayout; 7 7 import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 8 import java.io.IOException;9 8 import java.io.InputStream; 10 9 import java.util.Collection; … … 17 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 18 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;20 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.LambertConformalConic; 21 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 22 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; 23 22 24 23 /** 25 * This class provides the two methods <code>latlon2eastNorth</code> and <code>eastNorth2latlon</code> 26 * converting the JOSM LatLon coordinates in WGS84 system (GPS) to and from East North values in 27 * the projection Lambert conic conform 4 zones using the French geodetic system NTF. 24 * Lambert conic conform 4 zones using the French geodetic system NTF. 28 25 * This newer version uses the grid translation NTF<->RGF93 provided by IGN for a submillimetric accuracy. 29 26 * (RGF93 is the French geodetic system similar to WGS84 but not mathematically equal) 30 27 * @author Pieren 31 28 */ 32 public class Lambert implements Projection,ProjectionSubPrefs {29 public class Lambert extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 33 30 /** 34 31 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV projection exponents 35 32 */ 36 p ublicstatic final double n[] = { 0.7604059656, 0.7289686274, 0.6959127966, 0.6712679322 };33 private static final double n[] = { 0.7604059656, 0.7289686274, 0.6959127966, 0.6712679322 }; 37 34 38 35 /** 39 36 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV projection constants 40 37 */ 41 p ublicstatic final double c[] = { 11603796.98, 11745793.39, 11947992.52, 12136281.99 };38 private static final double c[] = { 11603796.98, 11745793.39, 11947992.52, 12136281.99 }; 42 39 43 40 /** 44 41 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV false east 45 42 */ 46 p ublicstatic final doubleXs[] = { 600000.0, 600000.0, 600000.0, 234.358 };43 private static final double x_0s[] = { 600000.0, 600000.0, 600000.0, 234.358 }; 47 44 48 45 /** 49 46 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV false north 50 47 */ 51 public static final double Ys[] = { 5657616.674, 6199695.768, 6791905.085, 7239161.542 }; 52 53 /** 54 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV longitudinal offset to Greenwich meridian 55 */ 56 public static final double lg0 = 0.04079234433198; // 2deg20'14.025" 57 58 /** 59 * precision in iterative schema 60 */ 61 62 public static final double epsilon = 1e-11; 48 private static final double y_fs[] = { 5657616.674, 6199695.768, 6791905.085, 7239161.542 }; 63 49 64 50 /** … … 68 54 public static final double cMinLatZone1Radian = Math.toRadians(46.1 * 0.9);// lowest latitude of Zone 4 (South Corsica) 69 55 70 public static final double zoneLimitsDegree [][]= {56 public static final double[][] zoneLimitsDegree = { 71 57 {Math.toDegrees(cMaxLatZone1Radian), (53.5 * 0.9)}, // Zone 1 (reference values in grad *0.9) 72 58 {(53.5 * 0.9), (50.5 * 0.9)}, // Zone 2 … … 86 72 public static final int DEFAULT_ZONE = 0; 87 73 88 private int layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE;74 private int layoutZone; 89 75 90 76 private static NTV2GridShiftFile ntf_rgf93Grid = null; … … 100 86 InputStream is = Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/data/"+gridFileName); 101 87 if (is == null) { 102 System.err.println(tr("Warning: failed to open input stream for resource ''/data/{0}''. Cannot load NTF<->RGF93 grid", gridFileName)); 103 return; 88 throw new RuntimeException(tr("Warning: failed to open input stream for resource ''/data/{0}''. Cannot load NTF<->RGF93 grid", gridFileName)); 104 89 } 105 90 ntf_rgf93Grid = new NTV2GridShiftFile(); 106 91 ntf_rgf93Grid.loadGridShiftFile(is, false); 107 //System.out.println("NTF<->RGF93 grid loaded.");108 92 } catch (Exception e) { 109 e.printStackTrace();93 throw new RuntimeException(e); 110 94 } 111 95 } 112 } 113 114 /** 115 * @param p WGS84 lat/lon (ellipsoid GRS80) (in degree) 116 * @return eastnorth projection in Lambert Zone (ellipsoid Clark) 117 * @throws IOException 118 */ 119 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 120 // translate ellipsoid GRS80 (WGS83) => Clark 121 LatLon geo = WGS84_to_NTF(p); 122 double lt = Math.toRadians(geo.lat()); // in radian 123 double lg = Math.toRadians(geo.lon()); 124 125 // check if longitude and latitude are inside the French Lambert zones 126 if (lt >= cMinLatZone1Radian && lt <= cMaxLatZone1Radian && lg >= cMinLonZonesRadian && lg <= cMaxLonZonesRadian) 127 return ConicProjection(lt, lg, Xs[layoutZone], Ys[layoutZone], c[layoutZone], n[layoutZone]); 128 return ConicProjection(lt, lg, Xs[0], Ys[0], c[0], n[0]); 129 } 130 131 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 132 LatLon geo; 133 geo = Geographic(p, Xs[layoutZone], Ys[layoutZone], c[layoutZone], n[layoutZone]); 134 // translate geodetic system from NTF (ellipsoid Clark) to RGF93/WGS84 (ellipsoid GRS80) 135 return NTF_to_WGS84(geo); 136 } 137 138 @Override public String toString() { 96 updateParameters(DEFAULT_ZONE); 97 } 98 99 private void updateParameters(int layoutZone) { 100 this.layoutZone = layoutZone; 101 ellps = Ellipsoid.clarke; 102 datum = null; // no datum needed, we have a shift file 103 nadgrids = ntf_rgf93Grid; 104 x_0 = x_0s[layoutZone]; 105 lon_0 = 2.0 + 20.0 / 60 + 14.025 / 3600; // 0 grade Paris 106 if (proj == null) { 107 proj = new LambertConformalConic(); 108 } 109 ((LambertConformalConic)proj).updateParametersDirect( 110 Ellipsoid.clarke, n[layoutZone], c[layoutZone] / ellps.a, y_fs[layoutZone] / ellps.a); 111 } 112 113 @Override 114 public String toString() { 139 115 return tr("Lambert 4 Zones (France)"); 140 116 } 141 117 142 public String toCode() { 143 return "EPSG:"+(27561+layoutZone); 118 @Override 119 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 120 return 27561+layoutZone; 144 121 } 145 122 … … 149 126 } 150 127 128 @Override 151 129 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 152 130 return "lambert"; 153 131 } 154 132 155 /** 156 * Initializes from geographic coordinates. Note that reference ellipsoid 157 * used by Lambert is the Clark ellipsoid. 158 * 159 * @param lat latitude in grad 160 * @param lon longitude in grad 161 * @param Xs false east (coordinate system origin) in meters 162 * @param Ys false north (coordinate system origin) in meters 163 * @param c projection constant 164 * @param n projection exponent 165 * @return EastNorth projected coordinates in meter 166 */ 167 private EastNorth ConicProjection(double lat, double lon, double Xs, double Ys, double c, double n) { 168 double eslt = Ellipsoid.clarke.e * Math.sin(lat); 169 double l = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 + (lat / 2.0)) 170 * Math.pow((1.0 - eslt) / (1.0 + eslt), Ellipsoid.clarke.e / 2.0)); 171 double east = Xs + c * Math.exp(-n * l) * Math.sin(n * (lon - lg0)); 172 double north = Ys - c * Math.exp(-n * l) * Math.cos(n * (lon - lg0)); 173 return new EastNorth(east, north); 174 } 175 176 /** 177 * Initializes from projected coordinates (conic projection). Note that 178 * reference ellipsoid used by Lambert is Clark 179 * 180 * @param eastNorth projected coordinates pair in meters 181 * @param Xs false east (coordinate system origin) in meters 182 * @param Ys false north (coordinate system origin) in meters 183 * @param c projection constant 184 * @param n projection exponent 185 * @return LatLon in degree 186 */ 187 private LatLon Geographic(EastNorth eastNorth, double Xs, double Ys, double c, double n) { 188 double dx = eastNorth.east() - Xs; 189 double dy = Ys - eastNorth.north(); 190 double R = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); 191 double gamma = Math.atan(dx / dy); 192 double l = -1.0 / n * Math.log(Math.abs(R / c)); 193 l = Math.exp(l); 194 double lon = lg0 + gamma / n; 195 double lat = 2.0 * Math.atan(l) - Math.PI / 2.0; 196 double delta = 1.0; 197 while (delta > epsilon) { 198 double eslt = Ellipsoid.clarke.e * Math.sin(lat); 199 double nlt = 2.0 * Math.atan(Math.pow((1.0 + eslt) / (1.0 - eslt), Ellipsoid.clarke.e / 2.0) * l) - Math.PI 200 / 2.0; 201 delta = Math.abs(nlt - lat); 202 lat = nlt; 203 } 204 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(lat), Math.toDegrees(lon)); // in radian 205 } 206 207 /** 208 * Translate latitude/longitude in WGS84, (ellipsoid GRS80) to Lambert 209 * geographic, (ellipsoid Clark) 210 * @throws IOException 211 */ 212 private LatLon WGS84_to_NTF(LatLon wgs) { 213 NTV2GridShift gs = new NTV2GridShift(wgs); 214 if (ntf_rgf93Grid != null) { 215 ntf_rgf93Grid.gridShiftReverse(gs); 216 return new LatLon(wgs.lat()+gs.getLatShiftDegrees(), wgs.lon()+gs.getLonShiftPositiveEastDegrees()); 217 } 218 return new LatLon(0,0); 219 } 220 221 private LatLon NTF_to_WGS84(LatLon ntf) { 222 NTV2GridShift gs = new NTV2GridShift(ntf); 223 if (ntf_rgf93Grid != null) { 224 ntf_rgf93Grid.gridShiftForward(gs); 225 return new LatLon(ntf.lat()+gs.getLatShiftDegrees(), ntf.lon()+gs.getLonShiftPositiveEastDegrees()); 226 } 227 return new LatLon(0,0); 228 } 229 133 @Override 230 134 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 231 135 { … … 234 138 new LatLon(Math.min(zoneLimitsDegree[layoutZone][0] + cMaxOverlappingZonesDegree, Math.toDegrees(cMaxLatZone1Radian)), Math.toDegrees(cMaxLonZonesRadian))); 235 139 return b; 236 }237 238 /**239 * Returns the default zoom scale in pixel per degree ({@see #NavigatableComponent#scale}))240 */241 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() {242 // this will set the map scaler to about 1000 m (in default scale, 1 pixel will be 10 meters)243 return 10.0;244 140 } 245 141 … … 273 169 } 274 170 171 @Override 275 172 public Collection<String> getPreferences(JPanel p) { 276 173 Object prefcb = p.getComponent(2); … … 281 178 } 282 179 180 @Override 283 181 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) { 284 layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 182 int layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 285 183 if (args != null) { 286 184 try { … … 295 193 } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} 296 194 } 195 updateParameters(layoutZone); 297 196 } 298 197 … … 306 205 } 307 206 207 @Override 308 208 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) { 309 209 if (code.startsWith("EPSG:2756") && code.length() == 10) { -
r4225 r4285 14 14 15 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;17 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.LambertConformalConic; 18 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 19 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; 20 21 21 22 /** 22 * This class implements theLambert Conic Conform 9 Zones projection as specified by the IGN23 * Lambert Conic Conform 9 Zones projection as specified by the IGN 23 24 * in this document http://professionnels.ign.fr/DISPLAY/000/526/700/5267002/transformation.pdf 24 25 * @author Pieren 25 26 * 26 27 */ 27 public class LambertCC9Zones implements Projection, ProjectionSubPrefs { 28 29 /** 30 * Lambert 9 zones projection exponents 31 */ 32 public static final double n[] = { 0.6691500006885269, 0.682018118346418, 0.6946784863203991, 0.7071272481559119, 33 0.7193606118567315, 0.7313748510399917, 0.7431663060711892, 0.7547313851789208, 0.7660665655489937}; 34 35 /** 36 * Lambert 9 zones projection constants 37 */ 38 public static final double c[] = { 1.215363305807804E7, 1.2050261119223533E7, 1.195716926884592E7, 1.18737533925172E7, 39 1.1799460698022118E7, 1.17337838820243E7, 1.16762559948139E7, 1.1626445901183508E7, 1.1583954251630554E7}; 40 41 /** 42 * Lambert 9 zones false east 43 */ 44 public static final double Xs = 1700000; 45 46 /** 47 * Lambert 9 zones false north 48 */ 49 public static final double Ys[] = { 8293467.503439436, 9049604.665107645, 9814691.693461388, 1.0588107871787189E7, 50 1.1369285637569271E7, 1.2157704903382052E7, 1.2952888086405803E7, 1.3754395745267643E7, 1.4561822739114787E7}; 51 52 /** 53 * Lambert I, II, III, and IV longitudinal offset to Greenwich meridian 54 */ 55 public static final double lg0 = 0.04079234433198; // 2deg20'14.025" 56 57 /** 58 * precision in iterative schema 59 */ 60 61 public static final double epsilon = 1e-12; 28 public class LambertCC9Zones extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 62 29 63 30 /** … … 67 34 68 35 public static final double cMinLatZonesDegree = 41.0; 69 public static final double cMinLatZonesRadian = Math.toRadians(cMinLatZonesDegree);70 71 public static final double cMinLonZonesRadian = Math.toRadians(-5.0);72 73 public static final double cMaxLonZonesRadian = Math.toRadians(10.2);74 75 public static final double lambda0 = Math.toRadians(3);76 public static final double e = Ellipsoid.GRS80.e; // but in doc=0.0818191911277 public static final double e2 =Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2;78 public static final double a = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a;79 36 80 37 public static final double cMaxOverlappingZones = 1.5; … … 82 39 public static final int DEFAULT_ZONE = 0; 83 40 84 private staticint layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE;41 private int layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 85 42 86 private double L(double phi, double e) { 87 double sinphi = Math.sin(phi); 88 return (0.5*Math.log((1+sinphi)/(1-sinphi))) - e/2*Math.log((1+e*sinphi)/(1-e*sinphi)); 43 public LambertCC9Zones() { 44 this(DEFAULT_ZONE); 89 45 } 90 46 91 /** 92 * @param p WGS84 lat/lon (ellipsoid GRS80) (in degree) 93 * @return eastnorth projection in Lambert Zone (ellipsoid Clark) 94 */ 95 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 96 double lt = Math.toRadians(p.lat()); 97 double lg = Math.toRadians(p.lon()); 98 if (lt >= cMinLatZonesRadian && lt <= cMaxLatZonesRadian && lg >= cMinLonZonesRadian && lg <= cMaxLonZonesRadian) 99 return ConicProjection(lt, lg, layoutZone); 100 return ConicProjection(lt, lg, 0); 47 public LambertCC9Zones(int layoutZone) { 48 updateParameters(layoutZone); 101 49 } 102 50 103 /** 104 * 105 * @param lat latitude in grad 106 * @param lon longitude in grad 107 * @param nz Lambert CC zone number (from 1 to 9) - 1 ! 108 * @return EastNorth projected coordinates in meter 109 */ 110 private EastNorth ConicProjection(double lat, double lon, int nz) { 111 double R = c[nz]*Math.exp(-n[nz]*L(lat,e)); 112 double gamma = n[nz]*(lon-lambda0); 113 double X = Xs + R*Math.sin(gamma); 114 double Y = Ys[nz] + -R*Math.cos(gamma); 115 return new EastNorth(X, Y); 51 public void updateParameters(int layoutZone) { 52 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 53 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 54 this.layoutZone = layoutZone; 55 x_0 = 1700000; 56 y_0 = (layoutZone+1) * 1000000 + 200000; 57 lon_0 = 3; 58 double lat_0 = 42 + layoutZone; 59 double lat_1 = 41.25 + layoutZone; 60 double lat_2 = 42.75 + layoutZone; 61 if (proj == null) { 62 proj = new LambertConformalConic(); 63 } 64 ((LambertConformalConic)proj).updateParameters2SP(ellps, lat_0, lat_1, lat_2); 116 65 } 117 66 118 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 119 return Geographic(p, layoutZone); 120 } 121 122 private LatLon Geographic(EastNorth ea, int nz) { 123 double R = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ea.getX()-Xs,2)+Math.pow(ea.getY()-Ys[nz], 2)); 124 double gamma = Math.atan((ea.getX()-Xs)/(Ys[nz]-ea.getY())); 125 double lon = lambda0+gamma/n[nz]; 126 double latIso = (-1/n[nz])*Math.log(Math.abs(R/c[nz])); 127 double lat = Ellipsoid.GRS80.latitude(latIso, e, epsilon); 128 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(lat), Math.toDegrees(lon)); 129 } 130 131 @Override public String toString() { 67 @Override 68 public String toString() { 132 69 return tr("Lambert CC9 Zone (France)"); 133 70 } … … 140 77 } 141 78 142 public String toCode() { 143 return "EPSG:"+(3942+layoutZone); //CC42 is EPSG:3942 (up to EPSG:3950 for CC50) 79 @Override 80 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 81 return 3942+layoutZone; //CC42 is EPSG:3942 (up to EPSG:3950 for CC50) 144 82 } 145 83 … … 149 87 } 150 88 89 @Override 151 90 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 152 91 return "lambert"; 153 92 } 154 93 155 /** 156 * Returns the default zoom scale in pixel per degree ({@see #NavigatableComponent#scale})) 157 */ 158 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() { 159 // this will set the map scaler to about 1000 m (in default scale, 1 pixel will be 10 meters) 160 return 10.0; 161 } 162 94 @Override 163 95 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 164 96 { … … 203 135 } 204 136 137 @Override 205 138 public Collection<String> getPreferences(JPanel p) { 206 139 Object prefcb = p.getComponent(2); 207 140 if(!(prefcb instanceof JComboBox)) 208 141 return null; 209 layoutZone = ((JComboBox)prefcb).getSelectedIndex(); 142 int layoutZone = ((JComboBox)prefcb).getSelectedIndex(); 210 143 return Collections.singleton(Integer.toString(layoutZone+1)); 211 144 } 212 145 146 @Override 213 147 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) 214 148 { 215 layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 149 int layoutZone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 216 150 if (args != null) { 217 151 try { … … 226 160 } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} 227 161 } 162 updateParameters(layoutZone); 228 163 } 229 164 … … 237 172 } 238 173 174 @Override 239 175 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) 240 176 { … … 246 182 if(zoneval >= 0 && zoneval <= 8) 247 183 return Collections.singleton(String.valueOf(zoneval+1)); 248 } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} 184 } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {} 249 185 } 250 186 return null; -
r3676 r4285 1 //License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 2 //Thanks to Johan Montagnat and its geoconv java converter application 3 //(http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~johan/gps/ , published under GPL license) 4 //from which some code and constants have been reused here. 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 5 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection; 6 3 … … 8 5 9 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;11 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.LambertConformalConic; 12 10 13 public class LambertEST implements Projection { 11 /** 12 * Estonian Coordinate System of 1997. 13 * 14 * Thanks to Johan Montagnat and its geoconv java converter application 15 * (http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~johan/gps/ , published under GPL license) 16 * from which some code and constants have been reused here. 17 */ 18 public class LambertEST extends AbstractProjection { 14 19 15 public static final double ef = 500000; //Easting at false origin = 5000000 m 16 public static final double nf = 6375000; //Northing at false origin = 6375000 m 17 public static final double lat1 = Math.toRadians(59 + 1.0/3.0); //Latitude of 1st standard parallel = 59o20`0`` N 18 public static final double lat2 = Math.toRadians( 58);//Latitude of 2nd standard parallel = 58o0`0`` N 19 public static final double latf = Math.toRadians(57.517553930555555555555555555556);//'Latitude of false origin = 57o31`3,19415`` N 20 public static final double lonf = Math.toRadians( 24.0); 21 public static final double a = 6378137; 22 public static final double ee = 0.081819191042815792; 23 public static final double m1 = Math.cos(lat1) / (Math.sqrt(1 - ee *ee * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat1), 2))); 24 public static final double m2 = Math.cos(lat2) / (Math.sqrt(1 - ee *ee * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat2), 2))); 25 public static final double t1 = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - lat1 / 2.0) 26 / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(lat1)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(lat1))) ,(ee / 2.0)); 27 public static final double t2 = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - lat2 / 2.0) 28 / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(lat2)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(lat2))) ,(ee / 2.0)); 29 public static final double tf = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - latf / 2.0) 30 / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(latf)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(latf))) ,(ee / 2.0)); 31 public static final double n = (Math.log(m1) - Math.log(m2)) 32 / (Math.log(t1) - Math.log(t2)); 33 public static final double f = m1 / (n * Math.pow(t1, n)); 34 public static final double rf = a * f * Math.pow(tf, n); 35 36 /** 37 * precision in iterative schema 38 */ 39 public static final double epsilon = 1e-11; 40 41 /** 42 * @param p WGS84 lat/lon (ellipsoid GRS80) (in degree) 43 * @return eastnorth projection in Lambert Zone (ellipsoid GRS80) 44 */ 45 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) 46 { 47 48 double t = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - Math.toRadians(p.lat()) / 2.0) 49 / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p.lat()))) / (1.0 50 + ee * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p.lat())))) ,(ee / 2.0)); 51 double r = a * f * Math.pow(t, n); 52 double theta = n * (Math.toRadians(p.lon()) - lonf); 53 54 double x = ef + r * Math.sin(theta); //587446.7 55 double y = nf + rf - r * Math.cos(theta); //6485401.6 56 57 return new EastNorth(x,y); 58 } 59 60 public static double iterateAngle(double e, double t) 61 { 62 double a1 = 0.0; 63 double a2 = 3.1415926535897931; 64 double a = 1.5707963267948966; 65 double b = 1.5707963267948966 - (2.0 * Math.atan(t * Math.pow((1.0 66 - (e * Math.sin(a))) / (1.0 + (e * Math.sin(a))), e / 2.0))); 67 while (Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon) 68 { 69 a = a1 + ((a2 - a1) / 2.0); 70 b = 1.5707963267948966 - (2.0 * Math.atan(t * Math.pow((1.0 71 - (e * Math.sin(a))) / (1.0 + (e * Math.sin(a))), e / 2.0))); 72 if (a1 == a2) 73 return 0.0; 74 if (b > a) { 75 a1 = a; 76 } else { 77 a2 = a; 78 } 79 } 80 return b; 81 } 82 83 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) 84 { 85 double r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((p.getX() - ef), 2.0) + Math.pow((rf 86 - p.getY() + nf), 2.0) ) * Math.signum(n); 87 double T = Math.pow((r / (a * f)), (1.0/ n)) ; 88 double theta = Math.atan((p.getX() - ef) / (rf - p.getY() + nf)); 89 double y = (theta / n + lonf) ; 90 double x = iterateAngle(ee, T); 91 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(x),Math.toDegrees(y)); 20 public LambertEST() { 21 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 22 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 23 lon_0 = 24; 24 double lat_0 = 57.517553930555555555555555555556; 25 double lat_1 = 59 + 1.0/3.0; 26 double lat_2 = 58; 27 x_0 = 500000; 28 y_0 = 6375000; 29 proj = new LambertConformalConic(); 30 ((LambertConformalConic) proj).updateParameters2SP(ellps, lat_0, lat_1, lat_2); 92 31 } 93 32 … … 97 36 } 98 37 99 public String toCode() { 100 return "EPSG:3301"; 38 @Override 39 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 40 return 3301; 101 41 } 102 42 … … 106 46 } 107 47 48 @Override 108 49 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 109 50 return "lambertest"; 110 51 } 111 52 53 @Override 112 54 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 113 55 { … … 117 59 } 118 60 119 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() {120 return 10;121 }122 61 } -
r3922 r4285 5 5 6 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;8 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.WGS84Datum; 9 9 10 10 /** 11 * Implement Mercator Projection code, coded after documentation 12 * from wikipedia. 11 * Mercator Projection 13 12 * 14 13 * The center of the mercator projection is always the 0 grad … … 20 19 * @author imi 21 20 */ 22 public class Mercator implementsProjection {21 public class Mercator extends AbstractProjection { 23 22 24 final double radius = 6378137.0; 25 26 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 27 return new EastNorth( 28 p.lon()*Math.PI/180*radius, 29 Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+p.lat()*Math.PI/360))*radius); 23 public Mercator() { 24 ellps = Ellipsoid.WGS84; 25 datum = WGS84Datum.INSTANCE; 26 proj = new org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.Mercator(); 30 27 } 31 28 32 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 33 return new LatLon( 34 Math.atan(Math.sinh(p.north()/radius))*180/Math.PI, 35 p.east()/radius*180/Math.PI); 36 } 37 38 @Override public String toString() { 29 @Override 30 public String toString() { 39 31 return tr("Mercator"); 40 32 } 41 33 42 public String toCode() { 43 return "EPSG:3857"; /* initially they used 3785 but that has been superseded, see http://www.epsg-registry.org/ */ 34 @Override 35 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 36 /* initially they used 3785 but that has been superseded, 37 * see http://www.epsg-registry.org/ */ 38 return 3857; 44 39 } 45 40 … … 49 44 } 50 45 46 @Override 51 47 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 52 48 return "mercator"; 53 49 } 54 50 51 @Override 55 52 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 56 53 { … … 60 57 } 61 58 62 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() {63 // This will set the scale bar to about 100 km64 return 1000.0;/*0.000158*/65 }66 59 } -
r3779 r4285 7 7 import java.awt.GridBagLayout; 8 8 import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 9 import java.text.DecimalFormat;10 9 import java.util.Collection; 11 10 import java.util.Collections; … … 16 15 17 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;19 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 20 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 21 20 … … 26 25 * @author steelman 27 26 */ 28 public class Puwg extends UTM implements Projection,ProjectionSubPrefs { 27 public class Puwg extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 28 29 29 public static final int DEFAULT_ZONE = 0; 30 private int zone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 31 32 static PuwgData[] Zones = new PuwgData[]{ 30 31 private int zone; 32 33 static PuwgData[] Zones = new PuwgData[] { 33 34 new Epsg2180(), 34 35 new Epsg2176(), … … 38 39 }; 39 40 40 private static DecimalFormat decFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###0"); 41 42 @Override 43 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 41 public Puwg() { 42 this(DEFAULT_ZONE); 43 } 44 45 public Puwg(int zone) { 46 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 47 proj = new org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.TransverseMercator(ellps); 48 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 49 updateParameters(zone); 50 } 51 52 public void updateParameters(int zone) { 53 this.zone = zone; 44 54 PuwgData z = Zones[zone]; 45 double easting = z.getPuwgFalseEasting(); 46 double northing = z.getPuwgFalseNorthing(); 47 double scale = z.getPuwgScaleFactor(); 48 double center = z.getPuwgCentralMeridian(); /* in radians */ 49 EastNorth a = mapLatLonToXY(Math.toRadians(p.lat()), Math.toRadians(p.lon()), center); 50 return new EastNorth(a.east() * scale + easting, a.north() * scale + northing); 51 } 52 53 @Override 54 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 55 PuwgData z = Zones[zone]; 56 double easting = z.getPuwgFalseEasting(); 57 double northing = z.getPuwgFalseNorthing(); 58 double scale = z.getPuwgScaleFactor(); 59 double center = z.getPuwgCentralMeridian(); /* in radians */ 60 return mapXYToLatLon((p.east() - easting)/scale, (p.north() - northing)/scale, center); 61 } 62 63 @Override public String toString() { 55 x_0 = z.getPuwgFalseEasting(); 56 y_0 = z.getPuwgFalseNorthing(); 57 lon_0 = z.getPuwgCentralMeridianDeg(); 58 k_0 = z.getPuwgScaleFactor(); 59 } 60 61 @Override 62 public String toString() { 64 63 return tr("PUWG (Poland)"); 65 64 } 66 65 67 66 @Override 68 public String toCode() {69 return Zones[zone]. toCode();67 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 68 return Zones[zone].getEpsgCode(); 70 69 } 71 70 … … 83 82 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() { 84 83 return Zones[zone].getWorldBoundsLatLon(); 85 }86 87 @Override88 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() {89 // This will set the scale bar to about 100 km90 return 0.009;91 }92 93 public String eastToString(EastNorth p) {94 return decFormatter.format(p.east());95 }96 97 public String northToString(EastNorth p) {98 return decFormatter.format(p.north());99 84 } 100 85 … … 135 120 136 121 @Override 137 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) 138 { 139 for (PuwgData p : Puwg.Zones) 140 { 141 if(code.equals(p.toCode())) 122 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) { 123 for (PuwgData p : Puwg.Zones) { 124 if (code.equals(p.toCode())) 142 125 return Collections.singleton(code); 143 126 } … … 146 129 147 130 @Override 148 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) 149 { 150 zone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 151 if(args != null) 152 { 131 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) { 132 int z = DEFAULT_ZONE; 133 if (args != null) { 153 134 try { 154 for(String s : args) 155 {156 for (int i=0; i < Puwg.Zones.length; ++i)157 if(s.equals(Zones[i].toCode())) {158 zone = i;135 for (String s : args) { 136 for (int i=0; i < Zones.length; ++i) 137 if (s.equals(Zones[i].toCode())) { 138 z = i; 139 break; 159 140 } 160 141 break; … … 162 143 } catch (NullPointerException e) {} 163 144 } 145 updateParameters(z); 164 146 } 165 147 } … … 173 155 174 156 // Projection methods 157 Integer getEpsgCode(); 175 158 String toCode(); 176 159 String getCacheDirectoryName(); … … 189 172 } 190 173 174 @Override 175 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 176 return 2180; 177 } 178 179 @Override 191 180 public String toCode() { 192 return "EPSG:2180"; 193 } 194 181 return "EPSG:" + getEpsgCode(); 182 } 183 184 @Override 195 185 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 196 186 return "epsg2180"; 197 187 } 198 188 189 @Override 199 190 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 200 191 { … … 204 195 } 205 196 206 public double getPuwgCentralMeridianDeg() { return Epsg2180CentralMeridian; } 207 public double getPuwgCentralMeridian() { return Math.toRadians(Epsg2180CentralMeridian); } 208 public double getPuwgFalseEasting() { return Epsg2180FalseEasting; } 209 public double getPuwgFalseNorthing() { return Epsg2180FalseNorthing; } 210 public double getPuwgScaleFactor() { return Epsg2180ScaleFactor; } 197 @Override public double getPuwgCentralMeridianDeg() { return Epsg2180CentralMeridian; } 198 @Override public double getPuwgCentralMeridian() { return Math.toRadians(Epsg2180CentralMeridian); } 199 @Override public double getPuwgFalseEasting() { return Epsg2180FalseEasting; } 200 @Override public double getPuwgFalseNorthing() { return Epsg2180FalseNorthing; } 201 @Override public double getPuwgScaleFactor() { return Epsg2180ScaleFactor; } 211 202 } 212 203 … … 217 208 private static final double PuwgScaleFactor = 0.999923; 218 209 //final private double[] Puwg2000CentralMeridian = {15.0, 18.0, 21.0, 24.0}; 219 final private String[] Puwg2000Code = {"EPSG:2176", "EPSG:2177", "EPSG:2178", "EPSG:2179"};220 final private String[] Puwg2000CDName = { "epsg2176", "epsg2177", "epsg2178", "epsg2179"}; 210 final private Integer[] Puwg2000Code = { 2176, 2177, 2178, 2179 }; 211 final private String[] Puwg2000CDName = { "epsg2176", "epsg2177", "epsg2178", "epsg2179" }; 221 212 222 213 @Override public String toString() { … … 224 215 } 225 216 217 @Override 218 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 219 return Puwg2000Code[getZoneIndex()]; 220 } 221 222 @Override 226 223 public String toCode() { 227 return Puwg2000Code[getZoneIndex()]; 228 } 229 224 return "EPSG:" + getEpsgCode(); 225 } 226 227 @Override 230 228 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 231 229 return Puwg2000CDName[getZoneIndex()]; 232 230 } 233 231 232 @Override 234 233 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 235 234 { … … 239 238 } 240 239 241 public double getPuwgCentralMeridianDeg() { return getZone() * 3.0; } 242 public double getPuwgCentralMeridian() { return Math.toRadians(getZone() * 3.0); } 243 public double getPuwgFalseNorthing() { return PuwgFalseNorthing;} 244 public double getPuwgFalseEasting() { return 1e6 * getZone() + PuwgFalseEasting; } 245 public double getPuwgScaleFactor() { return PuwgScaleFactor; } 240 @Override public double getPuwgCentralMeridianDeg() { return getZone() * 3.0; } 241 @Override public double getPuwgCentralMeridian() { return Math.toRadians(getZone() * 3.0); } 242 @Override public double getPuwgFalseNorthing() { return PuwgFalseNorthing;} 243 @Override public double getPuwgFalseEasting() { return 1e6 * getZone() + PuwgFalseEasting; } 244 @Override public double getPuwgScaleFactor() { return PuwgScaleFactor; } 246 245 public abstract int getZone(); 247 246 -
r3779 r4285 12 12 13 13 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;15 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.ThreeParameterDatum; 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.SwissObliqueMercator; 16 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.HtmlPanel; 17 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 18 19 19 20 /** 20 * Projection for the SwissGrid CH1903 / L03, see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Grid. 21 * SwissGrid CH1903 / L03, see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Grid. 22 * 23 * Actually, what we have here, is CH1903+ (EPSG:2056), but without 24 * the additional false easting of 2000km and false northing 1000 km. 21 25 * 22 * Calculations are based on formula from23 * http://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/internet/swisstopo/en/home/topics/survey/sys/refsys/switzerland.parsysrelated1.37696.downloadList.12749.DownloadFile.tmp/ch1903wgs84en.pdf24 * 25 * August 2010 update to this formula (rigorous formulas)26 * http://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/internet/swisstopo/en/home/topics/survey/sys/refsys/switzerland.parsysrelated1.37696.downloadList.97912.DownloadFile.tmp/swissprojectionen.pdf26 * To get to CH1903, a shift file is required. So currently, there are errors 27 * up to 1.6m (depending on the location). 28 * 29 * This projection does not have any parameters, it only implements 30 * ProjectionSubPrefs to show a warning that the grid file correction is not done. 27 31 */ 28 public class SwissGrid implements Projection,ProjectionSubPrefs {32 public class SwissGrid extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 29 33 30 private static final double dX = 674.374; 31 private static final double dY = 15.056; 32 private static final double dZ = 405.346; 33 34 private static final double phi0 = Math.toRadians(46.0 + 57.0 / 60 + 8.66 / 3600); 35 private static final double lambda0 = Math.toRadians(7.0 + 26.0 / 60 + 22.50 / 3600); 36 private static final double R = Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.a * Math.sqrt(1 - Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e2) / (1 - (Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(phi0), 2))); 37 private static final double alpha = Math.sqrt(1 + (Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.eb2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(phi0), 4))); 38 private static final double b0 = Math.asin(Math.sin(phi0) / alpha); 39 private static final double K = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + b0 / 2)) - alpha 40 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + phi0 / 2)) + alpha * Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e / 2 41 * Math.log((1 + Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e * Math.sin(phi0)) / (1 - Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e * Math.sin(phi0))); 42 43 private static final double xTrans = 200000; 44 private static final double yTrans = 600000; 45 46 private static final double DELTA_PHI = 1e-11; 47 48 private LatLon correctEllipoideGSR80toBressel1841(LatLon coord) { 49 double[] XYZ = Ellipsoid.WGS84.latLon2Cart(coord); 50 XYZ[0] -= dX; 51 XYZ[1] -= dY; 52 XYZ[2] -= dZ; 53 return Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.cart2LatLon(XYZ); 54 } 55 56 private LatLon correctEllipoideBressel1841toGRS80(LatLon coord) { 57 double[] XYZ = Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.latLon2Cart(coord); 58 XYZ[0] += dX; 59 XYZ[1] += dY; 60 XYZ[2] += dZ; 61 return Ellipsoid.WGS84.cart2LatLon(XYZ); 62 } 63 64 /** 65 * @param wgs WGS84 lat/lon (ellipsoid GRS80) (in degree) 66 * @return eastnorth projection in Swiss National Grid (ellipsoid Bessel) 67 */ 68 @Override 69 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon wgs) { 70 LatLon coord = correctEllipoideGSR80toBressel1841(wgs); 71 double phi = Math.toRadians(coord.lat()); 72 double lambda = Math.toRadians(coord.lon()); 73 74 double S = alpha * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + phi / 2)) - alpha * Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e / 2 75 * Math.log((1 + Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e * Math.sin(phi)) / (1 - Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e * Math.sin(phi))) + K; 76 double b = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.exp(S)) - Math.PI / 4); 77 double l = alpha * (lambda - lambda0); 78 79 double lb = Math.atan2(Math.sin(l), Math.sin(b0) * Math.tan(b) + Math.cos(b0) * Math.cos(l)); 80 double bb = Math.asin(Math.cos(b0) * Math.sin(b) - Math.sin(b0) * Math.cos(b) * Math.cos(l)); 81 82 double y = R * lb; 83 double x = R / 2 * Math.log((1 + Math.sin(bb)) / (1 - Math.sin(bb))); 84 85 return new EastNorth(y + yTrans, x + xTrans); 86 } 87 88 /** 89 * @param xy SwissGrid east/north (in meters) 90 * @return LatLon WGS84 (in degree) 91 */ 92 @Override 93 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth xy) { 94 double x = xy.north() - xTrans; 95 double y = xy.east() - yTrans; 96 97 double lb = y / R; 98 double bb = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.exp(x / R)) - Math.PI / 4); 99 100 double b = Math.asin(Math.cos(b0) * Math.sin(bb) + Math.sin(b0) * Math.cos(bb) * Math.cos(lb)); 101 double l = Math.atan2(Math.sin(lb), Math.cos(b0) * Math.cos(lb) - Math.sin(b0) * Math.tan(bb)); 102 103 double lambda = lambda0 + l / alpha; 104 double phi = b; 105 double S = 0; 106 107 double prevPhi = -1000; 108 int iteration = 0; 109 // iteration to finds S and phi 110 while (Math.abs(phi - prevPhi) > DELTA_PHI) { 111 if (++iteration > 30) 112 throw new RuntimeException("Two many iterations"); 113 prevPhi = phi; 114 S = 1 / alpha * (Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + b / 2)) - K) + Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e 115 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + Math.asin(Ellipsoid.Bessel1841.e * Math.sin(phi)) / 2)); 116 phi = 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(S)) - Math.PI / 2; 117 } 118 119 LatLon coord = correctEllipoideBressel1841toGRS80(new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(phi), Math.toDegrees(lambda))); 120 return coord; 34 public SwissGrid() { 35 ellps = Ellipsoid.Bessel1841; 36 datum = new ThreeParameterDatum("SwissGrid Datum", null, ellps, 674.374, 15.056, 405.346); 37 x_0 = 600000; 38 y_0 = 200000; 39 lon_0 = 7.0 + 26.0/60 + 22.50/3600; 40 double lat_0 = 46.0 + 57.0/60 + 8.66/3600; 41 proj = new SwissObliqueMercator(ellps, lat_0); 121 42 } 122 43 … … 127 48 128 49 @Override 129 public String toCode() {130 return "EPSG:21781";50 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 51 return 21781; 131 52 } 132 53 … … 144 65 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() { 145 66 return new Bounds(new LatLon(45.7, 5.7), new LatLon(47.9, 10.6)); 146 }147 148 @Override149 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() {150 // This will set the scale bar to about 100 m151 return 1.01;152 67 } 153 68 -
r3635 r4285 6 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 7 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 8 9 9 10 /** … … 13 14 * @author Viesturs Zarins 14 15 */ 15 public class TransverseMercatorLV extends TransverseMercator{16 public class TransverseMercatorLV extends AbstractProjection { 16 17 17 public TransverseMercatorLV() 18 { 19 setProjectionParameters(24, 500000, -6000000); 18 public TransverseMercatorLV() { 19 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 20 proj = new org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.TransverseMercator(ellps); 21 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 22 lon_0 = 24; 23 x_0 = 500000; 24 y_0 = -6000000; 25 k_0 = 0.9996; 20 26 } 21 22 @Override public String toString() { 27 28 @Override 29 public String toString() { 23 30 return tr("LKS-92 (Latvia TM)"); 24 31 } 25 32 26 private int epsgCode() { 33 @Override 34 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 27 35 return 3059; 28 }29 30 @Override31 public String toCode() {32 return "EPSG:"+ epsgCode();33 36 } 34 37 … … 38 41 } 39 42 43 @Override 40 44 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 41 return "epsg"+ epsgCode();45 return "epsg"+ getEpsgCode(); 42 46 } 43 47 -
r4275 r4285 19 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 20 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 21 22 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 22 23 … … 25 26 * @author Dirk Stöcker 26 27 * code based on JavaScript from Chuck Taylor 28 * 27 29 */ 28 public class UTM extends TransverseMercatorimplements ProjectionSubPrefs {30 public class UTM extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 29 31 30 32 private static final int DEFAULT_ZONE = 30; 31 private int zone = DEFAULT_ZONE;32 33 public enum Hemisphere {North, South} 33 private int zone; 34 35 public enum Hemisphere { North, South } 34 36 private static final Hemisphere DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE = Hemisphere.North; 35 private Hemisphere hemisphere = DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE; 36 37 private boolean offset = false; 38 39 public UTM() 40 { 41 updateParameters(); 37 private Hemisphere hemisphere; 38 39 /** 40 * Applies an additional false easting of 3000000 m if true. 41 */ 42 private boolean offset; 43 44 public UTM() { 45 this(DEFAULT_ZONE, DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE, false); 46 } 47 48 public UTM(int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, boolean offset) { 49 ellps = Ellipsoid.GRS80; 50 proj = new org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.TransverseMercator(ellps); 51 datum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 52 updateParameters(zone, hemisphere, offset); 53 } 54 55 public void updateParameters(int zone, Hemisphere hemisphere, boolean offset) { 56 this.zone = zone; 57 this.hemisphere = hemisphere; 58 this.offset = offset; 59 x_0 = 500000 + (offset ? 3000000 : 0); 60 y_0 = hemisphere == Hemisphere.North ? 0 : 10000000; 61 lon_0 = getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(zone); 62 k_0 = 0.9996; 42 63 } 43 64 … … 56 77 * 57 78 */ 58 private double UTMCentralMeridianDeg(int zone)79 private double getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(int zone) 59 80 { 60 81 return -183.0 + (zone * 6.0); 61 82 } 62 83 63 @Override public String toString() { 84 public int getzone() { 85 return zone; 86 } 87 88 @Override 89 public String toString() { 64 90 return tr("UTM"); 65 91 } 66 92 67 private void updateParameters() { 68 setProjectionParameters(this.UTMCentralMeridianDeg(getzone()), getEastOffset(), getNorthOffset()); 69 } 70 71 public int getzone() 72 { 73 return zone; 74 } 75 76 private double getEastOffset() { 77 return 500000 + (offset?3000000:0); 78 } 79 80 private double getNorthOffset() { 81 if (hemisphere == Hemisphere.North) 82 return 0; 83 else 84 return 10000000; 85 } 86 87 private int epsgCode() { 93 @Override 94 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 88 95 return ((offset?325800:32600) + getzone() + (hemisphere == Hemisphere.South?100:0)); 89 }90 91 public String toCode() {92 return "EPSG:"+ epsgCode();93 96 } 94 97 … … 98 101 } 99 102 103 @Override 100 104 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 101 return "epsg"+ epsgCode(); 102 } 103 105 return "epsg"+ getEpsgCode(); 106 } 107 108 @Override 104 109 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() 105 110 { 106 111 if (hemisphere == Hemisphere.North) 107 112 return new Bounds( 108 new LatLon(-5.0, UTMCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())-5.0),109 new LatLon(85.0, UTMCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())+5.0));113 new LatLon(-5.0, getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())-5.0), 114 new LatLon(85.0, getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())+5.0)); 110 115 else 111 116 return new Bounds( 112 new LatLon(-85.0, UTMCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())-5.0),113 new LatLon(5.0, UTMCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())+5.0));117 new LatLon(-85.0, getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())-5.0), 118 new LatLon(5.0, getUtmCentralMeridianDeg(getzone())+5.0)); 114 119 } 115 120 … … 173 178 } 174 179 180 @Override 175 181 public Collection<String> getPreferences(JPanel p) { 176 182 int zone = DEFAULT_ZONE; … … 199 205 } 200 206 201 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args)202 { 203 zone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 204 hemisphere = DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE; 205 offset = false; 207 @Override 208 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) { 209 int zone = DEFAULT_ZONE; 210 Hemisphere hemisphere = DEFAULT_HEMISPHERE; 211 boolean offset = false; 206 212 207 213 if(args != null) … … 223 229 } 224 230 } 225 updateParameters(); 226 } 227 231 updateParameters(zone, hemisphere, offset); 232 } 233 234 @Override 228 235 public String[] allCodes() { 229 236 ArrayList<String> projections = new ArrayList<String>(60*4); … … 236 243 } 237 244 return projections.toArray(new String[0]); 238 239 } 240 241 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) 242 { 245 } 246 247 @Override 248 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) { 249 243 250 boolean offset = code.startsWith("EPSG:3258") || code.startsWith("EPSG:3259"); 244 251 -
r3779 r4285 2 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection; 3 3 4 /**5 * This class implements all projections for French departements in the Caribbean Sea and6 * Indian Ocean using the UTM transvers Mercator projection and specific geodesic settings (7 parameters transformation algorithm).7 */8 4 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; 9 5 … … 18 14 19 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;21 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.Datum; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.GRS80Datum; 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.SevenParameterDatum; 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.datum.ThreeParameterDatum; 22 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 23 22 24 public class UTM_France_DOM implements Projection, ProjectionSubPrefs { 23 /** 24 * This class implements all projections for French departements in the Caribbean Sea and 25 * Indian Ocean using the UTM transvers Mercator projection and specific geodesic settings (7 parameters transformation algorithm). 26 * 27 */ 28 public class UTM_France_DOM extends AbstractProjection implements ProjectionSubPrefs { 25 29 26 private static String FortMarigotName = tr("Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot 1949"); 27 private static String SainteAnneName = tr("Guadeloupe Ste-Anne 1948"); 28 private static String MartiniqueName = tr("Martinique Fort Desaix 1952"); 29 private static String Reunion92Name = tr("Reunion RGR92"); 30 private static String Guyane92Name = tr("Guyane RGFG95"); 31 p ublicstatic String[] utmGeodesicsNames = { FortMarigotName, SainteAnneName, MartiniqueName, Reunion92Name, Guyane92Name};30 private final static String FortMarigotName = tr("Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot 1949"); 31 private final static String SainteAnneName = tr("Guadeloupe Ste-Anne 1948"); 32 private final static String MartiniqueName = tr("Martinique Fort Desaix 1952"); 33 private final static String Reunion92Name = tr("Reunion RGR92"); 34 private final static String Guyane92Name = tr("Guyane RGFG95"); 35 private final static String[] utmGeodesicsNames = { FortMarigotName, SainteAnneName, MartiniqueName, Reunion92Name, Guyane92Name}; 32 36 33 private Bounds FortMarigotBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(17.6,-63.25), new LatLon(18.5,-62.5)); 34 private Bounds SainteAnneBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(15.8,-61.9), new LatLon(16.6,-60.9)); 35 private Bounds MartiniqueBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(14.25,-61.25), new LatLon(15.025,-60.725)); 36 private Bounds ReunionBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(-25.92,37.58), new LatLon(-10.6, 58.27)); 37 private Bounds GuyaneBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(2.16 , -54.0), new LatLon(9.06 , -49.62)); 38 private Bounds[] utmBounds = { FortMarigotBounds, SainteAnneBounds, MartiniqueBounds, ReunionBounds, GuyaneBounds}; 37 private final static Bounds FortMarigotBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(17.6,-63.25), new LatLon(18.5,-62.5)); 38 private final static Bounds SainteAnneBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(15.8,-61.9), new LatLon(16.6,-60.9)); 39 private final static Bounds MartiniqueBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(14.25,-61.25), new LatLon(15.025,-60.725)); 40 private final static Bounds ReunionBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(-25.92,37.58), new LatLon(-10.6, 58.27)); 41 private final static Bounds GuyaneBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(2.16 , -54.0), new LatLon(9.06 , -49.62)); 42 private final static Bounds[] utmBounds = { FortMarigotBounds, SainteAnneBounds, MartiniqueBounds, ReunionBounds, GuyaneBounds }; 39 43 40 private StringFortMarigotEPSG ="EPSG::2969";41 private StringSainteAnneEPSG ="EPSG::2970";42 private StringMartiniqueEPSG ="EPSG::2973";43 private StringReunionEPSG ="EPSG::2975";44 private StringGuyaneEPSG ="EPSG::2972";45 private String[] utmEPSGs = { FortMarigotEPSG, SainteAnneEPSG, MartiniqueEPSG, ReunionEPSG, GuyaneEPSG};44 private final static Integer FortMarigotEPSG = 2969; 45 private final static Integer SainteAnneEPSG = 2970; 46 private final static Integer MartiniqueEPSG = 2973; 47 private final static Integer ReunionEPSG = 2975; 48 private final static Integer GuyaneEPSG = 2972; 49 private final static Integer[] utmEPSGs = { FortMarigotEPSG, SainteAnneEPSG, MartiniqueEPSG, ReunionEPSG, GuyaneEPSG }; 46 50 47 /** 48 * false east in meters (constant) 49 */ 50 private static final double Xs = 500000.0; 51 /** 52 * false north in meters (0 in northern hemisphere, 10000000 in southern 53 * hemisphere) 54 */ 55 private static double Ys = 0; 56 /** 57 * origin meridian longitude 58 */ 59 protected double lg0; 51 private final static Datum FortMarigotDatum = new ThreeParameterDatum("FortMarigot Datum", null, Ellipsoid.hayford, 136.596, 248.148, -429.789); 52 private final static Datum SainteAnneDatum = new SevenParameterDatum("SainteAnne Datum", null, Ellipsoid.hayford, -472.29, -5.63, -304.12, 0.4362, -0.8374, 0.2563, 1.8984); 53 private final static Datum MartiniqueDatum = new SevenParameterDatum("Martinique Datum", null, Ellipsoid.hayford, 126.926, 547.939, 130.409, -2.78670, 5.16124, -0.85844, 13.82265); 54 private final static Datum ReunionDatum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 55 private final static Datum GuyaneDatum = GRS80Datum.INSTANCE; 56 private final static Datum[] utmDatums = { FortMarigotDatum, SainteAnneDatum, MartiniqueDatum, ReunionDatum, GuyaneDatum }; 57 58 private final static int[] utmZones = { 20, 20, 20, 40, 22 }; 59 60 60 /** 61 61 * UTM zone (from 1 to 60) … … 69 69 public static final int DEFAULT_GEODESIC = 0; 70 70 71 public staticint currentGeodesic= DEFAULT_GEODESIC;71 public int currentGeodesic; 72 72 73 /**74 * 7 parameters transformation75 */76 private static double tx = 0.0;77 private static double ty = 0.0;78 private static double tz = 0.0;79 private static double rx = 0;80 private static double ry = 0;81 private static double rz = 0;82 private static double scaleDiff = 0;83 /**84 * precision in iterative schema85 */86 public static final double epsilon = 1e-11;87 73 88 private void refresh7ParametersTranslation() { 89 if (currentGeodesic == 0) { // UTM_20N_Guadeloupe_Fort_Marigot 90 set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{136.596, 248.148, -429.789}, 91 new double[]{0, 0, 0}, 92 0, 93 true, 20); 94 } else if (currentGeodesic == 1) { // UTM_20N_Guadeloupe_Ste_Anne 95 set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{-472.29, -5.63, -304.12}, 96 new double[]{0.4362, -0.8374, 0.2563}, 97 1.8984E-6, 98 true, 20); 99 } else if (currentGeodesic == 2) { // UTM_20N_Martinique_Fort_Desaix 100 set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{126.926, 547.939, 130.409}, 101 new double[]{-2.78670, 5.16124, -0.85844}, 102 13.82265E-6 103 , true, 20); 104 } else if (currentGeodesic == 3) { // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 (translation only required for re-projections from Gauss-Laborde) 105 set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{789.524, -626.486, -89.904}, 106 new double[]{0.6006, 76.7946, -10.5788}, 107 -32.3241E-6 108 , false, 40); 109 } else if (currentGeodesic == 4) { // UTM_22N_Guyane_RGFG95 (translation only required for re-projections from CSG67) 110 set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{-193.066 , 236.993, 105.447}, 111 new double[]{0.4814, -0.8074, 0.1276}, 112 1.5649E-6 113 , true, 22); 114 } 74 public UTM_France_DOM() { 75 updateParameters(DEFAULT_GEODESIC); 76 } 77 78 public void updateParameters(int currentGeodesic) { 79 this.currentGeodesic = currentGeodesic; 80 datum = utmDatums[currentGeodesic]; 81 ellps = datum.getEllipsoid(); 82 proj = new org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj.TransverseMercator(ellps); 83 isNorth = currentGeodesic != 3; 84 zone = utmZones[currentGeodesic]; 85 x_0 = 500000; 86 y_0 = isNorth ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; 87 lon_0 = 6 * zone - 183; 88 k_0 = 0.9996; 89 } 90 91 public int getCurrentGeodesic() { 92 return currentGeodesic; 115 93 } 116 94 117 private void set7ParametersTranslation(double[] translation, double[] rotation, double scalediff, boolean north, int utmZone) { 118 tx = translation[0]; 119 ty = translation[1]; 120 tz = translation[2]; 121 rx = rotation[0]/206264.806247096355; // seconds to radian 122 ry = rotation[1]/206264.806247096355; 123 rz = rotation[2]/206264.806247096355; 124 scaleDiff = scalediff; 125 isNorth = north; 126 Ys = isNorth ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; 127 zone = utmZone; 95 @Override 96 public String toString() { 97 return tr("UTM France (DOM)"); 128 98 } 129 99 130 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 131 if (currentGeodesic < 3 ) { 132 // translate ellipsoid GRS80 (WGS83) => reference ellipsoid geographic 133 LatLon geo = GRS802Hayford(p); 134 // reference ellipsoid geographic => UTM projection 135 return MTProjection(geo, Ellipsoid.hayford.a, Ellipsoid.hayford.e); 136 } else { // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 or UTM_22N_Guyane_RGFG95 137 LatLon geo = new LatLon(Math.toRadians(p.lat()), Math.toRadians(p.lon())); 138 return MTProjection(geo, Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, Ellipsoid.GRS80.e); 139 } 140 } 141 142 /** 143 * Translate latitude/longitude in WGS84, (ellipsoid GRS80) to UTM 144 * geographic, (ellipsoid Hayford) 145 */ 146 private LatLon GRS802Hayford(LatLon wgs) { 147 double lat = Math.toRadians(wgs.lat()); // degree to radian 148 double lon = Math.toRadians(wgs.lon()); 149 // WGS84 geographic => WGS84 cartesian 150 double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(lat))); 151 double X = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon); 152 double Y = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon); 153 double Z = (N * (1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2)/* + height */) * Math.sin(lat); 154 // translation 155 double coord[] = invSevenParametersTransformation(X, Y, Z); 156 // UTM cartesian => UTM geographic 157 return Geographic(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], Ellipsoid.hayford); 158 } 159 160 /** 161 * initializes from cartesian coordinates 162 * 163 * @param X 164 * 1st coordinate in meters 165 * @param Y 166 * 2nd coordinate in meters 167 * @param Z 168 * 3rd coordinate in meters 169 * @param ell 170 * reference ellipsoid 171 */ 172 private LatLon Geographic(double X, double Y, double Z, Ellipsoid ell) { 173 double norm = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y); 174 double lg = 2.0 * Math.atan(Y / (X + norm)); 175 double lt = Math.atan(Z / (norm * (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 / Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z))))); 176 double delta = 1.0; 177 while (delta > epsilon) { 178 double s2 = Math.sin(lt); 179 s2 *= s2; 180 double l = Math.atan((Z / norm) 181 / (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 * Math.cos(lt) / (norm * Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2))))); 182 delta = Math.abs(l - lt); 183 lt = l; 184 } 185 double s2 = Math.sin(lt); 186 s2 *= s2; 187 // h = norm / Math.cos(lt) - ell.a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2); 188 return new LatLon(lt, lg); 189 } 190 191 /** 192 * initalizes from geographic coordinates 193 * 194 * @param coord geographic coordinates triplet 195 * @param a reference ellipsoid long axis 196 * @param e reference ellipsoid excentricity 197 */ 198 private EastNorth MTProjection(LatLon coord, double a, double e) { 199 double n = 0.9996 * a; 200 Ys = (coord.lat() >= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; 201 double r6d = Math.PI / 30.0; 202 //zone = (int) Math.floor((coord.lon() + Math.PI) / r6d) + 1; 203 lg0 = r6d * (zone - 0.5) - Math.PI; 204 double e2 = e * e; 205 double e4 = e2 * e2; 206 double e6 = e4 * e2; 207 double e8 = e4 * e4; 208 double C[] = { 209 1.0 - e2/4.0 - 3.0*e4/64.0 - 5.0*e6/256.0 - 175.0*e8/16384.0, 210 e2/8.0 - e4/96.0 - 9.0*e6/1024.0 - 901.0*e8/184320.0, 211 13.0*e4/768.0 + 17.0*e6/5120.0 - 311.0*e8/737280.0, 212 61.0*e6/15360.0 + 899.0*e8/430080.0, 213 49561.0*e8/41287680.0 214 }; 215 double s = e * Math.sin(coord.lat()); 216 double l = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + coord.lat()/2.0) * 217 Math.pow((1.0 - s) / (1.0 + s), e/2.0)); 218 double phi = Math.asin(Math.sin(coord.lon() - lg0) / 219 ((Math.exp(l) + Math.exp(-l)) / 2.0)); 220 double ls = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + phi/2.0)); 221 double lambda = Math.atan(((Math.exp(l) - Math.exp(-l)) / 2.0) / 222 Math.cos(coord.lon() - lg0)); 223 224 double north = C[0] * lambda; 225 double east = C[0] * ls; 226 for(int k = 1; k < 5; k++) { 227 double r = 2.0 * k * lambda; 228 double m = 2.0 * k * ls; 229 double em = Math.exp(m); 230 double en = Math.exp(-m); 231 double sr = Math.sin(r)/2.0 * (em + en); 232 double sm = Math.cos(r)/2.0 * (em - en); 233 north += C[k] * sr; 234 east += C[k] * sm; 235 } 236 east *= n; 237 east += Xs; 238 north *= n; 239 north += Ys; 240 return new EastNorth(east, north); 241 } 242 243 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 244 if (currentGeodesic < 3) { 245 MTProjection(p.east(), p.north(), zone, isNorth); 246 LatLon geo = Geographic(p, Ellipsoid.hayford.a, Ellipsoid.hayford.e, 0.0 /* z */); 247 248 // reference ellipsoid geographic => reference ellipsoid cartesian 249 double N = Ellipsoid.hayford.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.hayford.e2 * Math.sin(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lat()))); 250 double X = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.cos(geo.lon()); 251 double Y = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lon()); 252 double Z = (N * (1.0-Ellipsoid.hayford.e2) /*+ h*/) * Math.sin(geo.lat()); 253 // translation 254 double coord[] = sevenParametersTransformation(X, Y, Z); 255 // WGS84 cartesian => WGS84 geographic 256 LatLon wgs = cart2LatLon(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], Ellipsoid.GRS80); 257 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(wgs.lat()), Math.toDegrees(wgs.lon())); 258 } else { 259 // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 or UTM_22N_Guyane_RGFG95 260 LatLon geo = Geographic(p, Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, Ellipsoid.GRS80.e, 0.0 /* z */); 261 double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lat()))); 262 double X = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.cos(geo.lon()); 263 double Y = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lon()); 264 double Z = (N * (1.0-Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2) /*+ h*/) * Math.sin(geo.lat()); 265 LatLon wgs = cart2LatLon(X, Y, Z, Ellipsoid.GRS80); 266 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(wgs.lat()), Math.toDegrees(wgs.lon())); 267 } 268 } 269 270 /** 271 * initializes new projection coordinates (in north hemisphere) 272 * 273 * @param east east from origin in meters 274 * @param north north from origin in meters 275 * @param zone zone number (from 1 to 60) 276 * @param isNorth true in north hemisphere, false in south hemisphere 277 */ 278 private void MTProjection(double east, double north, int zone, boolean isNorth) { 279 Ys = isNorth ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; 280 double r6d = Math.PI / 30.0; 281 lg0 = r6d * (zone - 0.5) - Math.PI; 282 } 283 284 public double scaleFactor() { 285 return 1/Math.PI/2; 286 } 287 288 /** 289 * initalizes from projected coordinates (Mercator transverse projection) 290 * 291 * @param coord projected coordinates pair 292 * @param e reference ellipsoid excentricity 293 * @param a reference ellipsoid long axis 294 * @param z altitude in meters 295 */ 296 private LatLon Geographic(EastNorth coord, double a, double e, double z) { 297 double n = 0.9996 * a; 298 double e2 = e * e; 299 double e4 = e2 * e2; 300 double e6 = e4 * e2; 301 double e8 = e4 * e4; 302 double C[] = { 303 1.0 - e2/4.0 - 3.0*e4/64.0 - 5.0*e6/256.0 - 175.0*e8/16384.0, 304 e2/8.0 + e4/48.0 + 7.0*e6/2048.0 + e8/61440.0, 305 e4/768.0 + 3.0*e6/1280.0 + 559.0*e8/368640.0, 306 17.0*e6/30720.0 + 283.0*e8/430080.0, 307 4397.0*e8/41287680.0 308 }; 309 double l = (coord.north() - Ys) / (n * C[0]); 310 double ls = (coord.east() - Xs) / (n * C[0]); 311 double l0 = l; 312 double ls0 = ls; 313 for(int k = 1; k < 5; k++) { 314 double r = 2.0 * k * l0; 315 double m = 2.0 * k * ls0; 316 double em = Math.exp(m); 317 double en = Math.exp(-m); 318 double sr = Math.sin(r)/2.0 * (em + en); 319 double sm = Math.cos(r)/2.0 * (em - en); 320 l -= C[k] * sr; 321 ls -= C[k] * sm; 322 } 323 double lon = lg0 + Math.atan(((Math.exp(ls) - Math.exp(-ls)) / 2.0) / 324 Math.cos(l)); 325 double phi = Math.asin(Math.sin(l) / 326 ((Math.exp(ls) + Math.exp(-ls)) / 2.0)); 327 l = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + phi/2.0)); 328 double lat = 2.0 * Math.atan(Math.exp(l)) - Math.PI / 2.0; 329 double lt0; 330 do { 331 lt0 = lat; 332 double s = e * Math.sin(lat); 333 lat = 2.0 * Math.atan(Math.pow((1.0 + s) / (1.0 - s), e/2.0) * 334 Math.exp(l)) - Math.PI / 2.0; 335 } 336 while(Math.abs(lat-lt0) >= epsilon); 337 //h = z; 338 339 return new LatLon(lat, lon); 340 } 341 342 /** 343 * initializes from cartesian coordinates 344 * 345 * @param X 1st coordinate in meters 346 * @param Y 2nd coordinate in meters 347 * @param Z 3rd coordinate in meters 348 * @param ell reference ellipsoid 349 */ 350 private LatLon cart2LatLon(double X, double Y, double Z, Ellipsoid ell) { 351 double[] XYZ = {X, Y, Z}; 352 LatLon coord = ell.cart2LatLon(XYZ, epsilon); 353 return new LatLon(Math.toRadians(coord.lat()), Math.toRadians(coord.lon())); 354 } 355 356 /** 357 * 7 parameters transformation 358 * @param coord X, Y, Z in array 359 * @return transformed X, Y, Z in array 360 */ 361 private double[] sevenParametersTransformation(double Xa, double Ya, double Za){ 362 double Xb = tx + Xa*(1+scaleDiff) + Za*ry - Ya*rz; 363 double Yb = ty + Ya*(1+scaleDiff) + Xa*rz - Za*rx; 364 double Zb = tz + Za*(1+scaleDiff) + Ya*rx - Xa*ry; 365 return new double[]{Xb, Yb, Zb}; 366 } 367 368 /** 369 * 7 parameters inverse transformation 370 * @param coord X, Y, Z in array 371 * @return transformed X, Y, Z in array 372 */ 373 private double[] invSevenParametersTransformation(double Xa, double Ya, double Za){ 374 double Xb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-tx + Xa + ((-tz+Za)*(-ry) - (-ty+Ya)*(-rz))); 375 double Yb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-ty + Ya + ((-tx+Xa)*(-rz) - (-tz+Za)*(-rx))); 376 double Zb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-tz + Za + ((-ty+Ya)*(-rx) - (-tx+Xa)*(-ry))); 377 return new double[]{Xb, Yb, Zb}; 378 } 379 100 @Override 380 101 public String getCacheDirectoryName() { 381 102 return this.toString(); 382 103 } 383 104 384 /** 385 * Returns the default zoom scale in pixel per degree ({@see #NavigatableComponent#scale})) 386 */ 387 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() { 388 // this will set the map scaler to about 1000 m (in default scale, 1 pixel will be 10 meters) 389 return 10.0; 390 } 391 105 @Override 392 106 public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() { 393 107 return utmBounds[currentGeodesic]; 394 108 } 395 109 396 public String toCode() { 110 @Override 111 public Integer getEpsgCode() { 397 112 return utmEPSGs[currentGeodesic]; 398 113 } … … 401 116 public int hashCode() { 402 117 return getClass().getName().hashCode()+currentGeodesic; // our only real variable 403 }404 405 @Override public String toString() {406 return (tr("UTM France (DOM)"));407 }408 409 public int getCurrentGeodesic() {410 return currentGeodesic;411 118 } 412 119 … … 426 133 } 427 134 135 @Override 428 136 public Collection<String> getPreferences(JPanel p) { 429 137 Object prefcb = p.getComponent(2); … … 431 139 return null; 432 140 currentGeodesic = ((JComboBox)prefcb).getSelectedIndex(); 433 refresh7ParametersTranslation();434 141 return Collections.singleton(Integer.toString(currentGeodesic+1)); 435 142 } … … 437 144 @Override 438 145 public String[] allCodes() { 439 return utmEPSGs; 146 String[] res = new String[utmEPSGs.length]; 147 for (int i=0; i<utmEPSGs.length; ++i) { 148 res[i] = "EPSG:"+utmEPSGs[i]; 149 } 150 return res; 440 151 } 441 152 153 @Override 442 154 public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) { 443 155 for (int i=0; i < utmEPSGs.length; i++ ) 444 if (utmEPSGs[i] .endsWith(code))156 if (("EPSG:"+utmEPSGs[i]).equals(code)) 445 157 return Collections.singleton(Integer.toString(i+1)); 446 158 return null; 447 159 } 448 160 161 @Override 449 162 public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) { 450 currentGeodesic = DEFAULT_GEODESIC; 163 int currentGeodesic = DEFAULT_GEODESIC; 451 164 if (args != null) { 452 165 try { … … 461 174 } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} 462 175 } 463 refresh7ParametersTranslation();176 updateParameters(currentGeodesic); 464 177 } 465 466 178 } -
r4281 r4285 1 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection; 3 4 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; 5 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.proj; 3 4 import static java.lang.Math.*; 5 6 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; 7 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Ellipsoid; 6 9 7 10 /** 8 * T his is a base class to do projections based on Transverse Mercator projection.11 * Transverse Mercator projection. 9 12 * 10 13 * @author Dirk Stöcker 11 14 * code based on JavaScript from Chuck Taylor 12 15 * 13 * NOTE: Uses polygon approximation to translate to WGS84.14 16 */ 15 public abstract class TransverseMercator implements Projection { 16 17 private final static double UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996; 18 19 private double UTMCentralMeridianRad = 0; 20 private double offsetEastMeters = 500000; 21 private double offsetNorthMeters = 0; 22 23 24 protected void setProjectionParameters(double centralMeridianDegress, double offsetEast, double offsetNorth) 25 { 26 UTMCentralMeridianRad = Math.toRadians(centralMeridianDegress); 27 offsetEastMeters = offsetEast; 28 offsetNorthMeters = offsetNorth; 29 } 30 31 /* 32 * ArcLengthOfMeridian 33 * 34 * Computes the ellipsoidal distance from the equator to a point at a 35 * given latitude. 36 * 37 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 38 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 39 * 40 * Inputs: 41 * phi - Latitude of the point, in radians. 42 * 43 * Globals: 44 * Ellipsoid.GRS80.a - Ellipsoid model major axis. 45 * Ellipsoid.GRS80.b - Ellipsoid model minor axis. 46 * 47 * Returns: 48 * The ellipsoidal distance of the point from the equator, in meters. 49 * 50 */ 51 private double ArcLengthOfMeridian(double phi) 52 { 53 /* Precalculate n */ 54 double n = (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a - Ellipsoid.GRS80.b) / (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a + Ellipsoid.GRS80.b); 55 56 /* Precalculate alpha */ 57 double alpha = ((Ellipsoid.GRS80.a + Ellipsoid.GRS80.b) / 2.0) 58 * (1.0 + (Math.pow (n, 2.0) / 4.0) + (Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 64.0)); 59 60 /* Precalculate beta */ 61 double beta = (-3.0 * n / 2.0) + (9.0 * Math.pow (n, 3.0) / 16.0) 62 + (-3.0 * Math.pow (n, 5.0) / 32.0); 63 64 /* Precalculate gamma */ 65 double gamma = (15.0 * Math.pow (n, 2.0) / 16.0) 66 + (-15.0 * Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 32.0); 67 68 /* Precalculate delta */ 69 double delta = (-35.0 * Math.pow (n, 3.0) / 48.0) 70 + (105.0 * Math.pow (n, 5.0) / 256.0); 71 72 /* Precalculate epsilon */ 73 double epsilon = (315.0 * Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 512.0); 74 75 /* Now calculate the sum of the series and return */ 76 return alpha 77 * (phi + (beta * Math.sin (2.0 * phi)) 78 + (gamma * Math.sin (4.0 * phi)) 79 + (delta * Math.sin (6.0 * phi)) 80 + (epsilon * Math.sin (8.0 * phi))); 81 } 82 83 /* 84 * FootpointLatitude 85 * 86 * Computes the footpoint latitude for use in converting transverse 87 * Mercator coordinates to ellipsoidal coordinates. 88 * 89 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 90 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 91 * 92 * Inputs: 93 * y - The UTM northing coordinate, in meters. 94 * 95 * Returns: 96 * The footpoint latitude, in radians. 97 * 98 */ 99 private double FootpointLatitude(double y) 100 { 101 /* Precalculate n (Eq. 10.18) */ 102 double n = (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a - Ellipsoid.GRS80.b) / (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a + Ellipsoid.GRS80.b); 103 104 /* Precalculate alpha_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 105 /* (Same as alpha in Eq. 10.17) */ 106 double alpha_ = ((Ellipsoid.GRS80.a + Ellipsoid.GRS80.b) / 2.0) 107 * (1 + (Math.pow (n, 2.0) / 4) + (Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 64)); 108 109 /* Precalculate y_ (Eq. 10.23) */ 110 double y_ = y / alpha_; 111 112 /* Precalculate beta_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 113 double beta_ = (3.0 * n / 2.0) + (-27.0 * Math.pow (n, 3.0) / 32.0) 114 + (269.0 * Math.pow (n, 5.0) / 512.0); 115 116 /* Precalculate gamma_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 117 double gamma_ = (21.0 * Math.pow (n, 2.0) / 16.0) 118 + (-55.0 * Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 32.0); 119 120 /* Precalculate delta_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 121 double delta_ = (151.0 * Math.pow (n, 3.0) / 96.0) 122 + (-417.0 * Math.pow (n, 5.0) / 128.0); 123 124 /* Precalculate epsilon_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 125 double epsilon_ = (1097.0 * Math.pow (n, 4.0) / 512.0); 126 127 /* Now calculate the sum of the series (Eq. 10.21) */ 128 return y_ + (beta_ * Math.sin (2.0 * y_)) 129 + (gamma_ * Math.sin (4.0 * y_)) 130 + (delta_ * Math.sin (6.0 * y_)) 131 + (epsilon_ * Math.sin (8.0 * y_)); 132 } 133 134 /* 135 * MapLatLonToXY 136 * 17 public class TransverseMercator implements Proj { 18 19 protected double a, b; 20 21 public TransverseMercator(Ellipsoid ellps) { 22 this.a = ellps.a; 23 this.b = ellps.b; 24 } 25 26 @Override 27 public String getName() { 28 return tr("Transverse Mercator"); 29 } 30 31 @Override 32 public String getProj4Id() { 33 return "tmerc"; 34 } 35 36 /** 137 37 * Converts a latitude/longitude pair to x and y coordinates in the 138 38 * Transverse Mercator projection. Note that Transverse Mercator is not … … 141 41 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 142 42 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 143 * 144 * Inputs: 145 * phi - Latitude of the point, in radians. 146 * lambda - Longitude of the point, in radians. 147 * lambda0 - Longitude of the central meridian to be used, in radians. 148 * 149 * Outputs: 150 * xy - A 2-element array containing the x and y coordinates 151 * of the computed point. 152 * 153 * Returns: 154 * The function does not return a value. 155 * 156 */ 157 public EastNorth mapLatLonToXY(double phi, double lambda, double lambda0) 158 { 43 * 44 * @param phi Latitude of the point, in radians 45 * @param lambda Longitude of the point, in radians 46 * @return A 2-element array containing the x and y coordinates 47 * of the computed point 48 */ 49 @Override 50 public double[] project(double phi, double lambda) { 51 159 52 /* Precalculate ep2 */ 160 double ep2 = ( Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, 2.0) -Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b, 2.0)) /Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b, 2.0);53 double ep2 = (pow(a, 2.0) - pow(b, 2.0)) / pow(b, 2.0); 161 54 162 55 /* Precalculate nu2 */ 163 double nu2 = ep2 * Math.pow (Math.cos(phi), 2.0);164 165 /* Precalculate N */ 166 double N = Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, 2.0) / (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b * Math.sqrt(1 + nu2));56 double nu2 = ep2 * pow(cos(phi), 2.0); 57 58 /* Precalculate N / a */ 59 double N_a = a / (b * sqrt(1 + nu2)); 167 60 168 61 /* Precalculate t */ 169 double t = Math.tan(phi);62 double t = tan(phi); 170 63 double t2 = t * t; 171 64 172 65 /* Precalculate l */ 173 double l = lambda - lambda0;66 double l = lambda; 174 67 175 68 /* Precalculate coefficients for l**n in the equations below … … 191 84 double l8coef = 1385.0 - 3111.0 * t2 + 543.0 * (t2 * t2) - (t2 * t2 * t2); 192 85 193 return new EastNorth(86 return new double[] { 194 87 /* Calculate easting (x) */ 195 N * Math.cos(phi) * l196 + (N / 6.0 * Math.pow (Math.cos(phi), 3.0) * l3coef *Math.pow(l, 3.0))197 + (N / 120.0 * Math.pow (Math.cos(phi), 5.0) * l5coef *Math.pow(l, 5.0))198 + (N / 5040.0 * Math.pow (Math.cos(phi), 7.0) * l7coef *Math.pow(l, 7.0)),88 N_a * cos(phi) * l 89 + (N_a / 6.0 * pow(cos(phi), 3.0) * l3coef * pow(l, 3.0)) 90 + (N_a / 120.0 * pow(cos(phi), 5.0) * l5coef * pow(l, 5.0)) 91 + (N_a / 5040.0 * pow(cos(phi), 7.0) * l7coef * pow(l, 7.0)), 199 92 /* Calculate northing (y) */ 200 ArcLengthOfMeridian (phi) 201 + (t / 2.0 * N * Math.pow (Math.cos (phi), 2.0) * Math.pow (l, 2.0)) 202 + (t / 24.0 * N * Math.pow (Math.cos (phi), 4.0) * l4coef * Math.pow (l, 4.0)) 203 + (t / 720.0 * N * Math.pow (Math.cos (phi), 6.0) * l6coef * Math.pow (l, 6.0)) 204 + (t / 40320.0 * N * Math.pow (Math.cos (phi), 8.0) * l8coef * Math.pow (l, 8.0))); 205 } 206 207 /* 208 * MapXYToLatLon 209 * 93 ArcLengthOfMeridian (phi) / a 94 + (t / 2.0 * N_a * pow(cos(phi), 2.0) * pow(l, 2.0)) 95 + (t / 24.0 * N_a * pow(cos(phi), 4.0) * l4coef * pow(l, 4.0)) 96 + (t / 720.0 * N_a * pow(cos(phi), 6.0) * l6coef * pow(l, 6.0)) 97 + (t / 40320.0 * N_a * pow(cos(phi), 8.0) * l8coef * pow(l, 8.0)) }; 98 } 99 100 /** 210 101 * Converts x and y coordinates in the Transverse Mercator projection to 211 102 * a latitude/longitude pair. Note that Transverse Mercator is not … … 214 105 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 215 106 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 216 * 217 * Inputs: 218 * x - The easting of the point, in meters. 219 * y - The northing of the point, in meters. 220 * lambda0 - Longitude of the central meridian to be used, in radians. 221 * 222 * Outputs: 223 * philambda - A 2-element containing the latitude and longitude 224 * in radians. 225 * 226 * Returns: 227 * The function does not return a value. 228 * 107 * 229 108 * Remarks: 230 109 * The local variables Nf, nuf2, tf, and tf2 serve the same purpose as … … 234 113 * x1frac, x2frac, x2poly, x3poly, etc. are to enhance readability and 235 114 * to optimize computations. 236 * 237 */ 238 public LatLon mapXYToLatLon(double x, double y, double lambda0) 239 { 115 * 116 * @param x The easting of the point, in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid 117 * @param y The northing of the point, in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid 118 * @return A 2-element containing the latitude and longitude 119 * in radians 120 */ 121 @Override 122 public double[] invproject(double x, double y) { 240 123 /* Get the value of phif, the footpoint latitude. */ 241 double phif = FootpointLatitude124 double phif = footpointLatitude(y); 242 125 243 126 /* Precalculate ep2 */ 244 double ep2 = ( Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, 2.0) - Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b, 2.0))245 / Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b, 2.0);246 247 /* Precalculate cos 248 double cf = Math.cos(phif);127 double ep2 = (a*a - b*b) 128 / (b*b); 129 130 /* Precalculate cos(phif) */ 131 double cf = cos(phif); 249 132 250 133 /* Precalculate nuf2 */ 251 double nuf2 = ep2 * Math.pow(cf, 2.0);252 253 /* Precalculate Nf and initialize Nfpow */ 254 double Nf = Math.pow (Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, 2.0) / (Ellipsoid.GRS80.b * Math.sqrt(1 + nuf2));255 double Nfpow = Nf; 134 double nuf2 = ep2 * pow(cf, 2.0); 135 136 /* Precalculate Nf / a and initialize Nfpow */ 137 double Nf_a = a / (b * sqrt(1 + nuf2)); 138 double Nfpow = Nf_a; 256 139 257 140 /* Precalculate tf */ 258 double tf = Math.tan(phif);141 double tf = tan(phif); 259 142 double tf2 = tf * tf; 260 143 double tf4 = tf2 * tf2; … … 264 147 double x1frac = 1.0 / (Nfpow * cf); 265 148 266 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**2) */ 149 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**2) */ 267 150 double x2frac = tf / (2.0 * Nfpow); 268 151 269 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**3) */ 152 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**3) */ 270 153 double x3frac = 1.0 / (6.0 * Nfpow * cf); 271 154 272 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**4) */ 155 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**4) */ 273 156 double x4frac = tf / (24.0 * Nfpow); 274 157 275 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**5) */ 158 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**5) */ 276 159 double x5frac = 1.0 / (120.0 * Nfpow * cf); 277 160 278 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**6) */ 161 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**6) */ 279 162 double x6frac = tf / (720.0 * Nfpow); 280 163 281 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**7) */ 164 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**7) */ 282 165 double x7frac = 1.0 / (5040.0 * Nfpow * cf); 283 166 284 Nfpow *= Nf; /* now equals Nf**8) */ 167 Nfpow *= Nf_a; /* now equals Nf**8) */ 285 168 double x8frac = tf / (40320.0 * Nfpow); 286 169 … … 295 178 double x8poly = 1385.0 + 3633.0 * tf2 + 4095.0 * tf4 + 1575 * (tf4 * tf2); 296 179 297 return new LatLon(180 return new double[] { 298 181 /* Calculate latitude */ 299 Math.toDegrees(300 182 phif + x2frac * x2poly * (x * x) 301 + x4frac * x4poly * Math.pow (x, 4.0) 302 + x6frac * x6poly * Math.pow (x, 6.0) 303 + x8frac * x8poly * Math.pow (x, 8.0)), 304 Math.toDegrees( 305 /* Calculate longitude */ 306 lambda0 + x1frac * x 307 + x3frac * x3poly * Math.pow (x, 3.0) 308 + x5frac * x5poly * Math.pow (x, 5.0) 309 + x7frac * x7poly * Math.pow (x, 7.0))); 310 } 311 312 @Override 313 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { 314 EastNorth a = mapLatLonToXY(Math.toRadians(p.lat()), Math.toRadians(p.lon()), UTMCentralMeridianRad); 315 return new EastNorth(a.east() * UTMScaleFactor + offsetEastMeters, a.north() * UTMScaleFactor + offsetNorthMeters); 316 } 317 318 @Override 319 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { 320 return mapXYToLatLon((p.east() - offsetEastMeters)/UTMScaleFactor, (p.north() - offsetNorthMeters)/UTMScaleFactor, UTMCentralMeridianRad); 321 } 322 323 @Override 324 public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() { 325 // this will set the map scaler to about 1000 m 326 return 10; 327 } 183 + x4frac * x4poly * pow(x, 4.0) 184 + x6frac * x6poly * pow(x, 6.0) 185 + x8frac * x8poly * pow(x, 8.0), 186 /* Calculate longitude */ 187 x1frac * x 188 + x3frac * x3poly * pow(x, 3.0) 189 + x5frac * x5poly * pow(x, 5.0) 190 + x7frac * x7poly * pow(x, 7.0) }; 191 } 192 193 /** 194 * ArcLengthOfMeridian 195 * 196 * Computes the ellipsoidal distance from the equator to a point at a 197 * given latitude. 198 * 199 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 200 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 201 * 202 * @param phi Latitude of the point, in radians 203 * @return The ellipsoidal distance of the point from the equator 204 * (in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid) 205 */ 206 private double ArcLengthOfMeridian(double phi) { 207 /* Precalculate n */ 208 double n = (a - b) / (a + b); 209 210 /* Precalculate alpha */ 211 double alpha = ((a + b) / 2.0) 212 * (1.0 + (pow(n, 2.0) / 4.0) + (pow(n, 4.0) / 64.0)); 213 214 /* Precalculate beta */ 215 double beta = (-3.0 * n / 2.0) + (9.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 16.0) 216 + (-3.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 32.0); 217 218 /* Precalculate gamma */ 219 double gamma = (15.0 * pow(n, 2.0) / 16.0) 220 + (-15.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 32.0); 221 222 /* Precalculate delta */ 223 double delta = (-35.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 48.0) 224 + (105.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 256.0); 225 226 /* Precalculate epsilon */ 227 double epsilon = (315.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 512.0); 228 229 /* Now calculate the sum of the series and return */ 230 return alpha 231 * (phi + (beta * sin(2.0 * phi)) 232 + (gamma * sin(4.0 * phi)) 233 + (delta * sin(6.0 * phi)) 234 + (epsilon * sin(8.0 * phi))); 235 } 236 237 /** 238 * FootpointLatitude 239 * 240 * Computes the footpoint latitude for use in converting transverse 241 * Mercator coordinates to ellipsoidal coordinates. 242 * 243 * Reference: Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Lichtenegger, H., and Collins, J., 244 * GPS: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1994. 245 * 246 * @param y northing coordinate, in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid 247 * @return The footpoint latitude, in radians 248 */ 249 private double footpointLatitude(double y) { 250 /* Precalculate n (Eq. 10.18) */ 251 double n = (a - b) / (a + b); 252 253 /* Precalculate alpha_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 254 /* (Same as alpha in Eq. 10.17) */ 255 double alpha_ = ((a + b) / 2.0) 256 * (1 + (pow(n, 2.0) / 4) + (pow(n, 4.0) / 64)); 257 258 /* Precalculate y_ (Eq. 10.23) */ 259 double y_ = y / alpha_ * a; 260 261 /* Precalculate beta_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 262 double beta_ = (3.0 * n / 2.0) + (-27.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 32.0) 263 + (269.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 512.0); 264 265 /* Precalculate gamma_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 266 double gamma_ = (21.0 * pow(n, 2.0) / 16.0) 267 + (-55.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 32.0); 268 269 /* Precalculate delta_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 270 double delta_ = (151.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 96.0) 271 + (-417.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 128.0); 272 273 /* Precalculate epsilon_ (Eq. 10.22) */ 274 double epsilon_ = (1097.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 512.0); 275 276 /* Now calculate the sum of the series (Eq. 10.21) */ 277 return y_ + (beta_ * sin(2.0 * y_)) 278 + (gamma_ * sin(4.0 * y_)) 279 + (delta_ * sin(6.0 * y_)) 280 + (epsilon_ * sin(8.0 * y_)); 281 } 282 328 283 }
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