Changeset 34179 in osm for applications
- Timestamp:
- 2018-05-03T16:22:29+02:00 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/indoorhelper
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r34015 r34179 1 1 /* building shells and walls */ 2 2 3 way[indoor=corridor]4 {5 width: 1;6 color: #000000;7 fill-color: #e3e3e3;8 fill-opacity: 1.0;9 z-index: 1;10 }11 12 3 way[indoor=wall][material=concrete] 13 4 { 14 width: 3;15 color: 16 opacity: 1.0;17 fill- color: #BEBEBE;18 fill-opacity: 1.0; 19 z-index: 5 width: 1; 6 color: #000000; 7 fill-color: #a49f9f; 8 fill-opacity: 1.0; 9 10 z-index: 5; 20 11 } 21 12 22 13 way[indoor=wall][material=glass] 23 14 { 24 width: 3; 25 color: #000000; 26 opacity: 1.0; 15 width: 1; 16 color: #000000; 27 17 fill-color: #00BFFF; 28 18 fill-opacity: 1.0; 29 z-index: 5; 30 } 19 20 z-index: 5; 21 } 22 23 24 /* windows and doors */ 25 26 way[window=glass] 27 { 28 width: 3; 29 color: #00BFFF; 30 opacity: 1.0; 31 32 z-index: 1; 33 } 34 35 36 node|z21-[door], 37 way|z21-[door] 38 { 39 icon-image: "entrance_door_icon.png"; 40 icon-width: 30; 41 42 z-index: 4; 43 } 44 45 way[door] 46 { 47 fill-color: #7d530b; 48 fill-opacity: 1.0; 49 50 z-index: 3; 51 } 52 31 53 32 54 /*entrance*/ 33 node[entrance=public] 55 56 way[entrance] 57 { 58 fill-color: #525252; 59 fill-opacity: 1.0; 60 61 z-index: 3; 62 } 63 64 65 node|z20-[entrance], 66 way|z20-[entrance] 34 67 { 35 68 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 36 69 icon-width: 30; 37 z-index: 3; 38 } 39 40 node[entrance=private] 41 { 42 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 43 icon-width: 30; 44 z-index: 3; 45 } 46 47 way[entrance=public] 48 { 49 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 50 icon-width: 30; 51 z-index: 3; 52 } 53 54 way[entrance=private] 55 { 56 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 57 icon-width: 30; 58 z-index: 3; 59 } 60 61 node[entrance=exit] 62 { 63 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 64 icon-width: 30; 65 z-index: 3; 66 } 67 68 way[entrance=exit] 69 { 70 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 71 icon-width: 30; 72 z-index: 3; 73 } 74 75 node[entrance=service] 76 { 77 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 78 icon-width: 30; 79 z-index: 3; 80 } 81 82 way[entrance=service] 83 { 84 icon-image: "entrance_icon.png"; 85 icon-width: 30; 86 z-index: 3; 87 } 88 89 90 /* windows and doors */ 91 92 way[window=glass] 93 { 94 width: 3; 95 color: #00BFFF; 96 opacity: 1.0; 97 z-index: 1; 98 } 99 100 node[door=yes] 101 { 102 icon-image: "entrance_door_icon.png"; 103 icon-width: 30; 104 z-index: 3; 105 } 106 107 way[door=yes] 108 { 109 icon-image: "entrance_door_icon.png"; 110 icon-width: 30; 111 z-index: 3; 112 } 113 114 115 /* vertical passages & parking */ 70 71 z-index: 4; 72 } 73 74 75 /* highways */ 76 116 77 way[highway=steps] 117 78 { 118 width: 119 color: 120 opacity: 121 dashes: 79 width: 1; 80 color: #000000; 81 opacity: 1.0; 82 dashes: 15, 5; 122 83 fill-color: #a6ff96; 123 84 fill-opacity: 1.0; 124 z-index: 2; 85 86 z-index: 2; 125 87 } 126 88 127 89 way[highway=elevator] 128 90 { 129 width: 130 color: 131 opacity: 132 dashes: 91 width: 1; 92 color: #000000; 93 opacity: 1.0; 94 dashes: 5, 5; 133 95 fill-color: #c3e5fa; 134 96 fill-opacity: 1.0; 135 icon-image: "elevator_icon.png"; 136 icon-width: 30; 137 z-index: 2; 97 98 z-index: 2; 99 } 100 101 way|z20-[highway=elevator] 102 { 103 icon-image: "elevator_icon.png"; 104 icon-width: 30; 105 106 z-index: 3; 138 107 } 139 108 140 109 way[highway=service] 141 110 { 142 width: 143 color: 144 opacity: 111 width: 10; 112 color: #ffffff; 113 opacity: 1.0; 145 114 casing-width: 2; 146 115 casing-color: #000000; 147 z-index: 116 z-index: 2; 148 117 } 149 118 150 119 way[highway=parking] 151 120 { 152 width: 153 color: 154 opacity: 121 width: 5; 122 color: #0000ff; 123 opacity: 1.0; 155 124 casing-width: 5; 156 125 casing-color: #ffffff; 157 z-index: 3; 126 127 z-index: 3; 158 128 } 159 129 160 130 way[area=parkinglot] 161 131 { 162 width: 1; 163 color: #000000; 164 opacity: 1.0; 132 width: 1; 133 color: #000000; 134 opacity: 1.0; 135 165 136 fill-color: #FFFF5C; 166 137 fill-opacity: 1.0; 167 z-index: 2; 138 139 z-index: 1; 168 140 } 169 141 170 142 /* rooms */ 171 172 143 way[indoor=room] 173 144 { 174 width: 175 color: #2E2E2E;145 width: 1; 146 color: #a49f9f; 176 147 fill-color: #ffffa1; 177 148 fill-opacity: 1.0; 178 z-index: 1; 179 } 180 181 way[ref][indoor=room] 149 150 z-index: 1; 151 } 152 153 way|z19-20[ref] 182 154 { 183 155 text: ref; … … 185 157 font-size: 12; 186 158 text-color: #000000; 187 z-index: 1; 188 } 189 190 way [name][indoor=room]191 { 192 text: name;159 160 z-index: 3; 161 } 162 way|z21-[ref][!name] 163 { 164 text: ref; 193 165 text-position: center; 194 font-size: 166 font-size: 12; 195 167 text-color: #000000; 196 z-index: 1; 197 } 198 199 /* zones */ 200 201 way[area=zone] 168 169 z-index: 3; 170 } 171 172 way|z21-[name] 173 { 174 text: name; 175 text-position: center; 176 font-size: 12; 177 text-color: #000000; 178 179 z-index: 3; 180 } 181 182 /* corridor */ 183 184 way[indoor=corridor] 185 { 186 width: 1; 187 color: #a49f9f; 188 189 fill-color: #e3e3e3; 190 fill-opacity: 1.0; 191 192 z-index: 1; 193 } 194 195 196 /* areas */ 197 way|z18-[indoor=area] 202 198 { 203 199 fill-color: #FFDAB9; 204 200 fill-opacity: 1.0; 205 z-index: 1; 206 } 207 208 way[name][area=zone] 209 { 210 text: name; 211 text-position: center; 212 font-size: 12; 201 202 z-index: 1; 203 } 204 205 way[indoor=area][landuse=ground] 206 { 207 width: 1; 208 color: #a49f9f; 209 210 fill-color: #e3e3e3; 211 fill-opacity: 1.0; 212 213 z-index: 1; 214 } 215 216 way[indoor=area][landuse=x] 217 { 218 width: 1; 219 color: #000000; 220 221 fill-color: #8FBC8F; 222 fill-opacity: 1.0; 223 224 z-index: 2; 225 } 226 227 way[indoor=area][landuse=loading] 228 { 229 width: 1; 230 color: #000000; 231 232 fill-color: #A78866; 233 fill-opacity: 1.0; 234 235 z-index: 2; 236 } 237 238 way[indoor=area][landuse=rack] 239 { 240 width: 1; 241 color: #000000; 242 243 fill-color: #A78866; 244 fill-opacity: 1.0; 245 246 z-index: 2; 247 } 248 249 way[indoor=area][landuse=machine] 250 { 251 width: 1; 252 color: #000000; 253 254 fill-color: #bfbfbf; 255 fill-opacity: 1.0; 256 257 z-index: 2; 258 } 259 260 way[indoor=area][landuse=workspace] 261 { 262 width: 1; 263 color: #000000; 264 265 fill-color: #819FF7; 266 fill-opacity: 1.0; 267 268 z-index: 2; 269 } 270 271 way[indoor=area][landuse=workfield] 272 { 273 width: 1; 274 color: #FFFFFF; 275 dashes: 15, 5; 276 277 fill-color: #F30307; 278 fill-opacity: 0.3; 279 280 z-index: 3; 281 } 282 283 way[indoor=area][landuse=storage] 284 { 285 width: 1; 286 color: #FFFFFF; 287 dashes: 15, 5; 288 289 fill-color: #F30307; 290 fill-opacity: 0.3; 291 292 z-index: 2; 293 } 294 295 way[indoor=area][leisure=pitch] 296 { 297 width: 1; 298 color: #000000; 299 fill-color: #ebba72; 300 fill-opacity: 1.0; 301 302 z-index: 1; 303 } 304 305 way|z19-[name][use=sports] 306 { 307 text: name; 308 font-size: 12; 213 309 text-color: #000000; 214 fill-color: #FFDAB9; 215 fill-opacity: 1.0; 216 z-index: 1; 217 } 218 219 way[ref][area=zone] 220 { 221 text: name; 222 text-position: center; 223 font-size: 12; 224 text-color: #000000; 225 fill-color: #FFDAB9; 226 fill-opacity: 1.0; 227 z-index: 1; 310 311 z-index: 2; 228 312 } 229 313 230 314 /*amenity*/ 231 232 node[amenity=toilets][male=yes] 315 node|z21-[amenity=toilets][male=yes] 233 316 { 234 317 icon-image: "toilet_man_icon.png"; 235 318 icon-width: 30; 236 z-index: 3; 237 } 238 239 node[amenity=toilets][female=yes] 319 320 z-index: 3; 321 } 322 323 node|z21-[amenity=toilets][female=yes] 240 324 { 241 325 icon-image: "toilet_woman_icon.png"; 242 326 icon-width: 30; 243 z-index: 3; 244 } 245 246 node[amenity=toilets][wheelchair=yes] 327 328 z-index: 3; 329 } 330 331 node|z21-[amenity=toilets][wheelchair=yes] 247 332 { 248 333 icon-image: "toilet_wheelchair_icon.png"; 249 334 icon-width: 30; 250 z-index: 3; 251 } 252 253 wa[amenity=bench] 254 { 255 width: 1; 256 color: #000000; 335 336 z-index: 3; 337 } 338 339 /* specific objects */ 340 way[amenity=bench] 341 { 342 width: 1; 343 color: #000000; 257 344 fill-color: #a3a3a3; 258 345 fill-opacity: 1.0; 259 z-index: 2; 260 } 261 262 /*multipolygon*/ 263 264 relation[type=multipolygon] 265 { 266 width: 1; 267 color: #000000; 268 fill-color: #e3e3e3; 269 fill-opacity: 1.0; 270 z-index: 1; 271 } 346 347 z-index: 2; 348 } -
r34135 r34179 183 183 // collecting all tags 184 184 List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); 185 if (toolboxView.getLevelCheckBoxStatus() == false&& !levelValue.equals("")) {185 if (!toolboxView.getLevelCheckBoxStatus() && !levelValue.equals("")) { 186 186 tags.add(new Tag("level", levelValue)); 187 187 } 188 188 if (!toolboxView.getLevelNameText().isEmpty() && !toolboxView.getLevelCheckBoxStatus()) { 189 189 tags.add(new Tag("level_name", toolboxView.getLevelNameText())); 190 190 } 191 191 if (!toolboxView.getNameText().isEmpty()) { 192 192 tags.add(new Tag("name", toolboxView.getNameText())); … … 196 196 } 197 197 if (!toolboxView.getRepeatOnText().isEmpty()) { 198 199 200 201 202 198 tags.add(new Tag("repeat_on", toolboxView.getRepeatOnText())); 199 } 200 if (!toolboxView.getLevelNameText().isEmpty() && !toolboxView.getLevelCheckBoxStatus()) { 201 tags.add(new Tag("level_name", toolboxView.getLevelNameText())); 202 } 203 203 204 204 // Tagging to OSM Data 205 205 model.addTagsToOSM(indoorObject, tags); 206 206 207 // Reset uielements207 // Reset UI elements 208 208 toolboxView.resetUiElements(); 209 209 -
r34005 r34179 63 63 counterList.add(new ObjectCounter(IndoorObject.TOILET_FEMALE, 0)); 64 64 counterList.add(new ObjectCounter(IndoorObject.TOILET_MALE, 0)); 65 counterList.add(new ObjectCounter(IndoorObject. ZONE, 0));65 counterList.add(new ObjectCounter(IndoorObject.AREA, 0)); 66 66 counterList.add(new ObjectCounter(IndoorObject.BENCH, 0)); 67 67 } … … 138 138 } 139 139 } 140 141 140 142 } -
r34005 r34179 91 91 tagList.add(new Tag("amenity", "bench")); 92 92 return tagList; 93 case ZONE:94 tagList.add(new Tag(" area", "zone"));93 case AREA: 94 tagList.add(new Tag("indoor", "area")); 95 95 return tagList; 96 case NONE: 96 case NONE : 97 97 return tagList; 98 98 default: … … 100 100 return tagList; 101 101 } 102 102 103 } 103 104 … … 109 110 */ 110 111 public enum IndoorObject { 111 CONCRETE_WALL, GLASS_WALL, ROOM, TOILET_MALE, TOILET_FEMALE, ELEVATOR, DOOR_PRIVATE, DOOR_PUBLIC, ENTRANCE, 112 ENTRANCE_EXIT_ONLY, ACCESS_PRIVATE, ACCESS_PUBLIC, STEPS, CORRIDOR, BENCH, ZONE, NONE;112 CONCRETE_WALL, GLASS_WALL, ROOM, TOILET_MALE, TOILET_FEMALE, ELEVATOR, DOOR_PRIVATE, DOOR_PUBLIC, ENTRANCE, 113 ENTRANCE_EXIT_ONLY, ACCESS_PRIVATE, ACCESS_PUBLIC, STEPS, CORRIDOR, BENCH, AREA, NONE; 113 114 } 114 115 } -
r34135 r34179 286 286 GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, 287 287 new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5), 0, 0)); 288 289 288 //---- preset3 ---- 290 289 preset3.setEnabled(false); … … 337 336 338 337 //---- applyButton ---- 339 applyButton.setText( "Apply");338 applyButton.setText(tr("Apply")); 340 339 applyButton.setToolTipText(tr("Add selected tags and/or relations to obeject.")); 341 340 applyButton.setEnabled(false); … … 506 505 } 507 506 507 508 508 /** 509 509 * Clears the text boxes and sets an empty String. 510 510 */ 511 511 public void resetUiElements() { 512 this.nameField.setText( tr(""));513 this.levelNameField.setText( tr(""));514 this.refField.setText( tr(""));515 this.repeatOnField.setText( tr(""));516 this.levelNameField.setText( tr(""));512 this.nameField.setText(""); 513 this.levelNameField.setText(""); 514 this.refField.setText(""); 515 this.repeatOnField.setText(""); 516 this.levelNameField.setText(""); 517 517 } 518 518
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