2018-03-25T17:12:24+02:00 (7 years ago)

fix errors

10 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs

    r32699 r34115  
    39 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadoc=ignore
    40 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTags=disabled
    41 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsDeprecatedRef=disabled
    42 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadocTagsNotVisibleRef=disabled
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/build.xml

    r34098 r34115  
    2020    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
    22     <property name="jts" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/jts.jar"/>
    23     <property name="geotools" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/geotools.jar"/>
    24     <property name="apache-commons" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/apache-commons.jar"/>
    26     <!--
    27     **********************************************************
    28     ** compile - compiles the source tree
    29     **********************************************************
    30     -->
    31     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    32         <echo message="compiling sources for ${plugin.jar} ... "/>
    33         <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" encoding="UTF-8">
    34             <classpath>
    35                 <pathelement path="${plugin.build.dir}"/>
    36                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    37                 <pathelement location="${jts}"/>
    38                 <pathelement location="${geotools}"/>
    39                 <pathelement location="${apache-commons}"/>
    40              </classpath>
    41             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    42             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    43         </javac>
    44     </target>
     22        <fileset id="plugin.requires.jars" dir="${plugin.dist.dir}">
     23        <include name="apache-commons.jar"/>
     24        <include name="ejml.jar"/>
     25        <include name="jts.jar"/>
     26        <include name="geotools.jar"/>
     27    </fileset>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/CadastrePlugin.java

    r33922 r34115  
    483483    /**
    484      * Adds the WMSLayer following this rule:<br/>
    485      * - if a WMSLayer exists place this new layer just before this layer<br/>
    486      * - Otherwise place it at the bottom
     484     * Adds the WMSLayer following this rule:<ul>
     485     * <li>if a WMSLayer exists place this new layer just before this layer</li>
     486     * <li>Otherwise place it at the bottom</li>
     487     * </ul>
    487488     * @param wmsLayer the wmsLayer to add
    488489     */
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/actions/MenuActionSaveRasterAs.java

    r33640 r34115  
    3838    private WMSLayer wmsLayer;
    40     public class FiltrePng extends FileFilter {
     40    public static class FiltrePng extends FileFilter {
    4141        @Override
    4242        public boolean accept(File file) {
    5353    }
    55     public class FiltreTiff extends FileFilter {
     55    public static class FiltreTiff extends FileFilter {
    5656        @Override
    5757        public boolean accept(File file) {
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/edigeo/EdigeoFileVEC.java

    r34114 r34115  
    186186            ISOLATED(2);
    188             int code;
     188            final int code;
    189189            NodeType(int code) {
    190190                this.code = code;
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/edigeo/EdigeoLotFile.java

    r34114 r34115  
    6363    /**
    6464     * Finds a descriptor by its identifier.
    65      * @param values 4 values obtained from a {@link EdigeoRecord}:<ol>
     65     * @param values 4 values obtained from a {@code EdigeoRecord}:<ol>
    6666     * <li>Lot identifier</li>
    6767     * <li>subset identifier</li>
    7777    /**
    7878     * Finds a descriptor by its identifier.
    79      * @param values 4 values obtained from a {@link EdigeoRecord}:<ol>
     79     * @param values 4 values obtained from a {@code EdigeoRecord}:<ol>
    8080     * <li>Lot identifier</li>
    8181     * <li>subset identifier</li>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/edigeo/pci/EdigeoPciReader.java

    r34098 r34115  
    2323import org.apache.commons.text.WordUtils;
    2424import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet;
     25import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
    2526import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.UploadPolicy;
    26 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
    2727import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
    2828import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.ProgressMonitor;
    257257                        try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
    258258                            if (IOUtils.copy(tar, out) < entry.getSize()) {
    259                                 throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to write ''{0}'' entirely", file));
     259                                throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to write ''%s'' entirely", file));
    260260                            } else if (file.toString().endsWith(".THF")) {
    261261                                thfPath = file.toPath();
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/wms/CadastreInterface.java

    r34114 r34115  
    267267     * Two possibilities :
    268268     * - either the commune name matches and we receive an URL starting with "afficherCarteCommune.do" or
    269      * - we don't receive a single answer but a list of possible values. This answer looks like:
    270      *   <select name="codeCommune" class="long erreur" id="codeCommune">
     269     * - we don't receive a single answer but a list of possible values. This answer looks like:<pre>{@code
     270     * <select name="codeCommune" class="long erreur" id="codeCommune">
    271271     *   <option value="">Choisir</option>
    272272     *   <option value="50061" >COLMARS - 04370</option>
    273273     *   <option value="QK066" >COLMAR - 68000</option>
    274      *   </select>
     274     * </select>}</pre>
    275275     * The returned string is the interface name used in further requests, e.g. "afficherCarteCommune.do?c=QP224"
    276276     * where QP224 is the code commune known by the WMS (or "afficherCarteTa.do?c=..." for raster images).
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/wms/RasterImageModifier.java

    r33638 r34115  
    5353        int b = col.getBlue();
    5454        if ((b == r) && (b == g)) {
    55             pixel = (0x00 << 32) + ((byte) (255 - r) << 16) + ((byte) (255 - r) << 8) + ((byte) (255 - r));
     55            pixel = (0x00 << 24) + ((byte) (255 - r) << 16) + ((byte) (255 - r) << 8) + ((byte) (255 - r));
    5656        }
    5757        return pixel;
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/fr/cadastre/wms/WMSLayer.java

    r33640 r34115  
    144144    @Override
    145     public void destroy() {
     145    public synchronized void destroy() {
    146146        // if the layer is currently saving the images in the cache, wait until it's finished
    147147        if (grabThread != null)
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.