Changeset 32479 in osm for applications/editors/josm/plugins/indoor_sweepline/src
- Timestamp:
- 2016-07-01T09:34:44+02:00 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/indoor_sweepline/src/indoor_sweepline
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r32109 r32479 8 8 public Beam(Vector<Double> blueprint, double blueprintOffset, CorridorPart.ReachableSide defaultSide) 9 9 { 10 11 CorridorPart>();12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 } 38 39 10 offset = blueprintOffset; 11 parts = new Vector<>(); 12 13 setDefaultSide_(defaultSide); 14 if (defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT) 15 { 16 for (int i = 1; i < blueprint.size(); i += 2) 17 { 18 addCorridorPart_(true, CorridorPart.Type.WALL, 19 blueprint.elementAt(i).doubleValue() - blueprint.elementAt(i-1).doubleValue()); 20 if (i+1 < blueprint.size()) 21 addCorridorPart_(true, CorridorPart.Type.VOID, 22 blueprint.elementAt(i+1).doubleValue() - blueprint.elementAt(i).doubleValue()); 23 } 24 } 25 else 26 { 27 for (int i = 1; i < blueprint.size(); i += 2) 28 { 29 addCorridorPart_(true, CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE, 30 blueprint.elementAt(i).doubleValue() - blueprint.elementAt(i-1).doubleValue()); 31 if (i+1 < blueprint.size()) 32 addCorridorPart_(true, CorridorPart.Type.VOID, 33 blueprint.elementAt(i+1).doubleValue() - blueprint.elementAt(i).doubleValue()); 34 } 35 } 36 adjustStripCache(); 37 } 38 39 40 40 private void setDefaultSide_(CorridorPart.ReachableSide defaultSide) 41 41 { 42 43 } 44 42 this.defaultSide = defaultSide; 43 } 44 45 45 public void setDefaultSide(CorridorPart.ReachableSide defaultSide) 46 46 { 47 48 49 } 50 51 47 setDefaultSide_(defaultSide); 48 adjustStripCache(); 49 } 50 51 52 52 public Vector<CorridorPart> getBeamParts() 53 53 { 54 55 } 56 57 54 return parts; 55 } 56 57 58 58 public double getBeamOffset() 59 59 { 60 61 } 62 60 return offset; 61 } 62 63 63 public void setBeamOffset(double beamOffset) 64 64 { 65 66 } 67 68 65 offset = beamOffset; 66 } 67 68 69 69 private void addCorridorPart_(boolean append, CorridorPart.Type type, double width) 70 70 { 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 71 CorridorPart.ReachableSide side = defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT ? 72 defaultSide : CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL; 73 74 if (append) 75 parts.add(new CorridorPart(width, type, side)); 76 else 77 parts.add(0, new CorridorPart(width, type, side)); 78 78 } 79 79 80 80 public void addCorridorPart(boolean append, double width) 81 81 { 82 83 84 85 86 } 87 88 82 addCorridorPart_(append, 83 defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT ? CorridorPart.Type.WALL : CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE, 84 width); 85 adjustStripCache(); 86 } 87 88 89 89 public void setCorridorPartWidth(int partIndex, double value) 90 90 { 91 92 93 } 94 95 91 parts.elementAt(partIndex).width = value; 92 adjustStripCache(); 93 } 94 95 96 96 public void setCorridorPartType(int partIndex, CorridorPart.Type type) 97 97 { 98 99 100 101 } 102 103 98 parts.elementAt(partIndex).setType(type, defaultSide); 99 enforceSideCoherence(); 100 adjustStripCache(); 101 } 102 103 104 104 public void setCorridorPartSide(int partIndex, CorridorPart.ReachableSide side) 105 105 { 106 107 108 109 } 110 111 106 parts.elementAt(partIndex).setSide(side, defaultSide); 107 enforceSideCoherence(); 108 adjustStripCache(); 109 } 110 111 112 112 private void enforceSideCoherence() 113 113 { 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 } 121 122 114 for (int i = 1; i < parts.size(); ++i) 115 { 116 if (parts.elementAt(i).getSide() != CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL 117 && parts.elementAt(i-1).getSide() != CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL) 118 parts.elementAt(i).setSide(parts.elementAt(i-1).getSide(), defaultSide); 119 } 120 } 121 122 123 123 private boolean isVoidAbove(int i) 124 124 { 125 126 127 128 129 130 } 131 125 return i == 0 || parts.elementAt(i-1).getType() == CorridorPart.Type.VOID 126 || (parts.elementAt(i-1).getSide() == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT 127 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT) 128 || (parts.elementAt(i-1).getSide() == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT 129 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT); 130 } 131 132 132 private boolean isVoidBelow(int i) 133 133 { 134 135 136 137 138 139 } 140 134 return i == parts.size() || parts.elementAt(i).getType() == CorridorPart.Type.VOID 135 || (parts.elementAt(i).getSide() == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT 136 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT) 137 || (parts.elementAt(i).getSide() == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT 138 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT); 139 } 140 141 141 private boolean isPassageAbove(int i) 142 142 { 143 144 145 146 } 147 143 return i > 0 144 && parts.elementAt(i-1).getType() == CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE 145 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL; 146 } 147 148 148 private boolean isPassageBelow(int i) 149 149 { 150 151 152 153 } 154 150 return i < parts.size() 151 && parts.elementAt(i).getType() == CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE 152 && defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL; 153 } 154 155 155 private boolean isReachableLeft(int i) 156 156 { 157 158 159 160 161 162 } 163 164 157 if (defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT) 158 return false; 159 if (parts.elementAt(i).getSide() == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT) 160 return true; 161 return defaultSide == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT; 162 } 163 164 165 165 private void connectTwoPos(StripPosition newPos, boolean toLeft) 166 166 { 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 } 193 194 167 StripPosition other = null; 168 if (rhsStrips.size() > 0 && rhsStrips.elementAt(rhsStrips.size()-1).connectedTo == -1) 169 { 170 newPos.connectedToSameSide = !toLeft; 171 newPos.connectedTo = rhsStrips.size()-1; 172 other = rhsStrips.elementAt(rhsStrips.size()-1); 173 } 174 else 175 { 176 newPos.connectedToSameSide = toLeft; 177 newPos.connectedTo = lhsStrips.size()-1; 178 other = lhsStrips.elementAt(lhsStrips.size()-1); 179 } 180 181 other.connectedToSameSide = newPos.connectedToSameSide; 182 if (toLeft) 183 { 184 other.connectedTo = lhsStrips.size(); 185 lhsStrips.add(newPos); 186 } 187 else 188 { 189 other.connectedTo = rhsStrips.size(); 190 rhsStrips.add(newPos); 191 } 192 } 193 194 195 195 private class StripPosition 196 196 { 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 } 210 211 197 StripPosition(int nodeIndex, double offset) 198 { 199 this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex; 200 this.offset = offset; 201 connectedTo = -1; 202 connectedToSameSide = false; 203 } 204 205 public int nodeIndex; 206 public double offset; 207 public int connectedTo; 208 public boolean connectedToSameSide; 209 } 210 211 212 212 private double offset; 213 213 private Vector<CorridorPart> parts; … … 215 215 private Vector<StripPosition> rhsStrips; 216 216 217 217 218 218 private void adjustStripCache() 219 219 { 220 StripPosition>();221 StripPosition>();222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 } 285 286 220 lhsStrips = new Vector<>(); 221 rhsStrips = new Vector<>(); 222 223 double offset = 0; 224 225 for (int i = 0; i <= parts.size(); ++i) 226 { 227 if (isVoidBelow(i)) 228 { 229 if (isPassageAbove(i)) 230 { 231 StripPosition lhs = new StripPosition(i, offset); 232 StripPosition rhs = new StripPosition(i, offset); 233 234 lhs.connectedToSameSide = false; 235 lhs.connectedTo = rhsStrips.size(); 236 rhs.connectedToSameSide = false; 237 rhs.connectedTo = lhsStrips.size(); 238 239 lhsStrips.add(lhs); 240 rhsStrips.add(rhs); 241 } 242 else if (!isVoidAbove(i)) 243 connectTwoPos(new StripPosition(i, offset), isReachableLeft(i-1)); 244 } 245 else if (isPassageBelow(i)) 246 { 247 if (isVoidAbove(i)) 248 { 249 StripPosition lhs = new StripPosition(i, offset); 250 StripPosition rhs = new StripPosition(i, offset); 251 252 lhs.connectedToSameSide = false; 253 lhs.connectedTo = rhsStrips.size(); 254 rhs.connectedToSameSide = false; 255 rhs.connectedTo = lhsStrips.size(); 256 257 lhsStrips.add(lhs); 258 rhsStrips.add(rhs); 259 } 260 else if (!isPassageAbove(i)) 261 connectTwoPos(new StripPosition(i, offset), !isReachableLeft(i-1)); 262 } 263 else 264 { 265 if (isVoidAbove(i)) 266 { 267 if (isReachableLeft(i)) 268 lhsStrips.add(new StripPosition(i, offset)); 269 else 270 rhsStrips.add(new StripPosition(i, offset)); 271 } 272 else if (isPassageAbove(i)) 273 { 274 if (isReachableLeft(i)) 275 rhsStrips.add(new StripPosition(i, offset)); 276 else 277 lhsStrips.add(new StripPosition(i, offset)); 278 } 279 } 280 281 if (i < parts.size()) 282 offset += parts.elementAt(i).width; 283 } 284 } 285 286 287 287 public Vector<Double> leftHandSideStrips() 288 288 { 289 Double>();290 291 292 293 294 } 295 296 289 Vector<Double> offsets = new Vector<>(); 290 for (StripPosition pos : lhsStrips) 291 offsets.add(pos.offset); 292 293 return offsets; 294 } 295 296 297 297 public Vector<Double> rightHandSideStrips() 298 298 { 299 Double>();300 301 302 303 304 } 305 306 299 Vector<Double> offsets = new Vector<>(); 300 for (StripPosition pos : rhsStrips) 301 offsets.add(pos.offset); 302 303 return offsets; 304 } 305 306 307 307 public int getBeamPartIndex(boolean toTheLeft, int i) 308 308 { 309 310 311 312 313 } 314 309 if (toTheLeft) 310 return lhsStrips.elementAt(i).nodeIndex; 311 else 312 return rhsStrips.elementAt(i).nodeIndex; 313 } 314 315 315 316 316 public boolean appendNodes(IndoorSweeplineModel.SweepPolygonCursor cursor, boolean fromRight, 317 318 { 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 } 348 349 317 BeamGeography geography, String level) 318 { 319 if (fromRight) 320 { 321 StripPosition pos = rhsStrips.elementAt(cursor.partIndex); 322 StripPosition to = pos.connectedToSameSide ? 323 rhsStrips.elementAt(pos.connectedTo) : lhsStrips.elementAt(pos.connectedTo); 324 325 geography.appendNodes(pos.nodeIndex, to.nodeIndex, level); 326 327 if (!pos.connectedToSameSide) 328 --cursor.stripIndex; 329 cursor.partIndex = pos.connectedTo; 330 331 return !pos.connectedToSameSide; 332 } 333 else 334 { 335 StripPosition pos = lhsStrips.elementAt(cursor.partIndex); 336 StripPosition to = pos.connectedToSameSide ? 337 lhsStrips.elementAt(pos.connectedTo) : rhsStrips.elementAt(pos.connectedTo); 338 339 geography.appendNodes(pos.nodeIndex, to.nodeIndex, level); 340 341 if (!pos.connectedToSameSide) 342 ++cursor.stripIndex; 343 cursor.partIndex = pos.connectedTo; 344 345 return pos.connectedToSameSide; 346 } 347 } 348 349 350 350 private CorridorPart.ReachableSide defaultSide; 351 351 } -
r32109 r32479 1 1 package indoor_sweepline; 2 2 3 import java.util.List;4 3 import java.util.Vector; 4 5 5 import; 6 6 import; … … 12 12 public BeamGeography(DataSet dataSet, ModelGeography target) 13 13 { 14 CorridorGeography>();15 Node>();16 17 14 partsGeography = new Vector<>(); 15 nodes = new Vector<>(); 16 this.dataSet = dataSet; 17 = target; 18 18 } 19 19 20 20 21 21 public void appendNodes(int from, int to, String level) 22 22 { 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 23 if (from <= to) 24 { 25 for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) 26 { 27 target.appendNode(nodes.elementAt(i)); 28 CorridorPart part = parts.elementAt(i); 29 partsGeography.elementAt(i).appendNodes(part.getType(), part.getSide(), level, 30 nodes.elementAt(i).getCoor(), nodes.elementAt(i+1).getCoor(), target); 31 } 32 target.appendNode(nodes.elementAt(to)); 33 } 34 else 35 { 36 for (int i = from; i > to; --i) 37 { 38 target.appendNode(nodes.elementAt(i)); 39 CorridorPart part = parts.elementAt(i-1); 40 partsGeography.elementAt(i-1).appendNodes(part.getType(), part.getSide(), level, 41 nodes.elementAt(i).getCoor(), nodes.elementAt(i-1).getCoor(), target); 42 } 43 target.appendNode(nodes.elementAt(to)); 44 } 45 45 } 46 46 47 47 48 48 public void adjustNodes(LatLon pivot, Vector<CorridorPart> parts, double beamOffset) 49 49 { 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 50 double offset = -beamOffset; 51 = parts; 52 53 adjustNode(0, new LatLon(addMetersToLat(pivot, offset), pivot.lon())); 54 55 for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) 56 { 57 adjustPartGeography(i); 58 offset += parts.elementAt(i).width; 59 adjustNode(i+1, new LatLon(addMetersToLat(pivot, offset), pivot.lon())); 60 } 61 62 // Size reduction not implemented 63 63 } 64 65 64 65 66 66 private void adjustNode(int i, LatLon coor) 67 67 { 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 68 if (nodes.size() <= i) 69 nodes.setSize(i+1); 70 Node node = nodes.elementAt(i); 71 if (node == null) 72 { 73 node = new Node(coor); 74 dataSet.addPrimitive(node); 75 nodes.setElementAt(node, i); 76 } 77 else 78 node.setCoor(coor); 79 79 } 80 81 80 81 82 82 private void adjustPartGeography(int i) 83 83 { 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 84 if (partsGeography.size() <= i) 85 partsGeography.setSize(i+1); 86 CorridorGeography partGeography = partsGeography.elementAt(i); 87 if (partGeography == null) 88 { 89 partGeography = new CorridorGeography(dataSet); 90 partsGeography.setElementAt(partGeography, i); 91 } 92 92 } 93 94 93 94 95 95 public LatLon coorAt(int i) 96 96 { 97 97 return nodes.elementAt(i).getCoor(); 98 98 } 99 100 99 100 101 101 private Vector<CorridorPart> parts; 102 102 private Vector<CorridorGeography> partsGeography; … … 105 105 private Vector<Node> nodes; 106 106 107 107 108 108 private static double addMetersToLat(LatLon latLon, double south) 109 109 { 110 110 return - south *(360./4e7); 111 111 } 112 112 } -
r32107 r32479 1 1 package indoor_sweepline; 2 2 3 import java.util.List;4 3 import java.util.Vector; 4 5 5 import; 6 6 import; … … 13 13 public CorridorGeography(DataSet dataSet) 14 14 { 15 15 this.dataSet = dataSet; 16 16 } 17 18 17 18 19 19 private static final double MIN_LENGTH = 10.; 20 21 20 21 22 22 private void setExtraElements(CorridorPart.ReachableSide side, LatLon from, LatLon to, 23 23 boolean extraWayUp, double minLength) 24 24 { 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Node>();72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 25 LatLon middleCoor = new LatLon(( +, 26 (from.lon() + to.lon())/2.); 27 if (middleNode == null) 28 { 29 middleNode = new Node(middleCoor); 30 dataSet.addPrimitive(middleNode); 31 } 32 else 33 middleNode.setCoor(middleCoor); 34 35 LatLon start = from; 36 if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT) 37 { 38 if ( < 39 start = to; 40 } 41 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT) 42 { 43 if ( < 44 start = to; 45 } 46 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT) 47 { 48 if (start.lon() < middleCoor.lon()) 49 start = to; 50 } 51 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK) 52 { 53 if (middleCoor.lon() < start.lon()) 54 start = to; 55 } 56 57 double scale = Math.cos( * (Math.PI/180.)); 58 double length = Math.sqrt(( - * ( - + 59 (start.lon() - middleCoor.lon()) * (start.lon() - middleCoor.lon()) * scale * scale) / 180. * 20000000.; 60 double lengthFactor = length < minLength ? minLength / length : 1.; 61 LatLon detachedCoor = new LatLon( + (start.lon() - middleCoor.lon()) * scale * lengthFactor, 62 middleCoor.lon() - ( - / scale * lengthFactor); 63 if (detachedNode == null) 64 { 65 detachedNode = new Node(detachedCoor); 66 dataSet.addPrimitive(detachedNode); 67 } 68 else 69 detachedNode.setCoor(detachedCoor); 70 71 Vector<Node> extraWayNodes = new Vector<>(); 72 if (extraWayUp) 73 { 74 extraWayNodes.add(middleNode); 75 extraWayNodes.add(detachedNode); 76 } 77 else 78 { 79 extraWayNodes.add(detachedNode); 80 extraWayNodes.add(middleNode); 81 } 82 if (extraWay == null) 83 { 84 extraWay = new Way(); 85 extraWay.setNodes(extraWayNodes); 86 dataSet.addPrimitive(extraWay); 87 } 88 else 89 extraWay.setNodes(extraWayNodes); 90 90 } 91 92 91 92 93 93 public void appendNodes(CorridorPart.Type type, CorridorPart.ReachableSide side, String level, 94 94 LatLon from, LatLon to, ModelGeography target) 95 95 { 96 97 98 99 96 if (type == CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_UP || type == CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_DOWN) 97 { 98 setExtraElements(side, from, to, type == CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_UP, MIN_LENGTH); 99 target.appendNode(middleNode); 100 100 101 101 detachedNode.removeAll(); 102 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 103 extraWay.removeAll(); 104 extraWay.put("highway", "steps"); 105 extraWay.put("incline", "up"); 106 extraWay.put("level", level); 107 } 108 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_LEAVING 109 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_ARRIVING 110 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_BIDIRECTIONAL 111 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_LEAVING 112 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_ARRIVING 113 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_BIDIRECTIONAL) 114 { 115 setExtraElements(side, from, to, 116 type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_LEAVING 117 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_ARRIVING 118 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_BIDIRECTIONAL, MIN_LENGTH); 119 target.appendNode(middleNode); 120 120 121 121 detachedNode.removeAll(); 122 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 123 extraWay.removeAll(); 124 extraWay.put("highway", "steps"); 125 extraWay.put("incline", "up"); 126 if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_LEAVING 127 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_ARRIVING) 128 extraWay.put("conveying", "forward"); 129 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_ARRIVING 130 || type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_LEAVING) 131 extraWay.put("conveying", "backward"); 132 else 133 extraWay.put("conveying", "reversible"); 134 extraWay.put("level", level); 135 } 136 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ELEVATOR) 137 { 138 setExtraElements(side, from, to, true, 0.); 139 target.appendNode(middleNode); 140 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 141 detachedNode.removeAll(); 142 detachedNode.put("highway", "elevator"); 143 144 extraWay.removeAll(); 145 extraWay.put("highway", "footway"); 146 extraWay.put("level", level); 147 } 148 else 149 { 150 if (extraWay != null) 151 { 152 extraWay.setDeleted(true); 153 extraWay = null; 154 } 155 if (middleNode != null) 156 { 157 middleNode.setDeleted(true); 158 middleNode = null; 159 } 160 if (detachedNode != null) 161 { 162 detachedNode.setDeleted(true); 163 detachedNode = null; 164 } 165 } 166 166 } 167 168 167 168 169 169 private DataSet dataSet; 170 170 private Node middleNode; -
r32103 r32479 1 1 package indoor_sweepline; 2 3 import java.util.List;4 import java.util.Vector;5 6 2 7 3 public class CorridorPart -
r32107 r32479 3 3 import javax.swing.JMenu; 4 4 import javax.swing.JMenuItem; 5 5 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainMenu;7 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.Plugin; 8 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginInformation; -
r32109 r32479 2 2 3 3 import java.util.List; 4 4 5 import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; 6 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 5 8 import; 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer; 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerAddEvent; 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerChangeListener; 11 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerOrderChangeEvent; 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerRemoveEvent; 7 13 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;9 14 10 15 11 public class IndoorSweeplineController implements MapView.LayerChangeListener16 public class IndoorSweeplineController implements LayerChangeListener 12 17 { 13 18 public IndoorSweeplineController(OsmDataLayer activeLayer, LatLon center) 14 19 { 15 MapView.addLayerChangeListener(this);16 17 18 19 20 Main.getLayerManager().addLayerChangeListener(this); 21 layer = activeLayer; 22 model = new IndoorSweeplineModel(activeLayer, center); 23 dialog = new IndoorSweeplineWizardDialog(this); 24 dialog.setVisible(true); 20 25 } 21 26 … … 23 28 public IndoorSweeplineWizardDialog view() 24 29 { 25 30 return dialog; 26 31 } 27 32 28 29 33 @Override 30 public void activeLayerChange(Layer oldLayer, Layer newLayer)34 public void layerOrderChanged(LayerOrderChangeEvent e) 31 35 { 32 36 } 33 37 34 38 @Override 35 public void layerAdded(Layer newLayer)39 public void layerAdded(LayerAddEvent e) 36 40 { 37 41 } 38 42 39 43 @Override 40 public void layerRemov ed(Layer oldLayer)44 public void layerRemoving(LayerRemoveEvent e) 41 45 { 42 if (oldLayer== layer)43 46 if (e.getRemovedLayer() == layer) 47 dialog.setVisible(false); 44 48 } 45 46 49 47 50 public int leftRightCount() 48 51 { 49 52 return model.leftRightCount(); 50 53 } 51 54 52 55 public void addRightStructure() 53 56 { 54 55 56 57 57 if (model.leftRightCount() % 2 == 0) 58 model.addBeam(); 59 else 60 model.addStrip(); 58 61 } 59 62 60 63 public DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structures() 61 64 { 62 65 return model.structures(); 63 66 } 64 67 65 68 public double getStripWidth(int index) 66 69 { 67 70 return model.getStripWidth(index); 68 71 } 69 72 70 73 public void setStripWidth(int index, double value) 71 74 { 72 75 model.setStripWidth(index, value); 73 76 } 74 77 75 78 public double getBeamOffset(int index) 76 79 { 77 80 return model.getBeamOffset(index); 78 81 } 79 82 80 83 public void setBeamOffset(int index, double beamOffset) 81 84 { 82 85 model.setBeamOffset(index, beamOffset); 83 86 } 84 87 85 88 public List<CorridorPart> getBeamParts(int index) 86 89 { 87 90 return model.getBeamParts(index); 88 91 } 89 92 90 93 public void addCorridorPart(int beamIndex, boolean append, double value) 91 94 { 92 95 model.addCorridorPart(beamIndex, append, value); 93 96 } 94 97 95 98 public void setCorridorPartWidth(int beamIndex, int partIndex, double value) 96 99 { 97 100 model.setCorridorPartWidth(beamIndex, partIndex, value); 98 101 } 99 102 100 103 public void setCorridorPartType(int beamIndex, int partIndex, CorridorPart.Type type) 101 104 { 102 105 model.setCorridorPartType(beamIndex, partIndex, type); 103 106 } 104 107 105 108 public void setCorridorPartSide(int beamIndex, int partIndex, CorridorPart.ReachableSide side) 106 109 { 107 110 model.setCorridorPartSide(beamIndex, partIndex, side); 108 111 } 109 112 110 113 public Strip getStrip(int beamIndex) 111 114 { 112 115 return model.getStrip(beamIndex); 113 116 } 114 117 115 118 public IndoorSweeplineModel.Type getType() 116 119 { 117 120 return model.getType(); 118 121 } 119 122 120 123 public void setType(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type type) 121 124 { 122 125 model.setType(type); 123 126 } 124 127 125 128 public String getLevel() 126 129 { 127 130 return model.getLevel(); 128 131 } 129 132 130 133 public void setLevel(String level) 131 134 { 132 135 model.setLevel(level); 133 136 } 134 137 135 138 private OsmDataLayer layer; 136 139 private IndoorSweeplineModel model; -
r32109 r32479 3 3 import java.util.List; 4 4 import java.util.Vector; 5 5 6 import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; 7 6 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 7 9 import; 8 import;9 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 10 11 … … 13 14 - focus to useful table entry after cell edit 14 15 - keyboard shortcuts 15 */ 16 */ 16 17 17 18 … … 20 21 public enum Type 21 22 { 22 23 23 CORRIDOR, 24 PLATFORM 24 25 }; 25 26 … … 27 28 public IndoorSweeplineModel(OsmDataLayer activeLayer, LatLon center) 28 29 { 29 30 31 Beam>();32 Strip>();33 34 35 36 37 38 39 String>();40 } 41 42 30 target = new ModelGeography(, center); 31 32 beams = new Vector<>(); 33 strips = new Vector<>(); 34 type = Type.CORRIDOR; 35 level = "-1"; 36 addBeam(); 37 addStrip(); 38 addBeam(); 39 40 structureBox = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>(); 41 } 42 43 43 44 private ModelGeography target; 44 45 45 46 46 47 public void addBeam() 47 48 { 48 49 50 51 52 49 CorridorPart.ReachableSide side = CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT; 50 if (beams.size() == 0) 51 side = CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT; 52 53 /*double width = 10.; 53 54 if (beams.size() > 0) 54 55 { … … 57 58 width += part.width; 58 59 } 59 60 60 61 double offset = 0; 61 62 for (int i = 0; i < strips.size(); ++i) 62 offset += strips.elementAt(i).width; 63 64 65 66 Double>();67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 } 80 81 63 offset += strips.elementAt(i).width;*/ 64 65 if (strips.size() == 0) 66 { 67 Vector<Double> blueprint = new Vector<>(); 68 blueprint.addElement(0.); 69 blueprint.addElement(10.); 70 beams.add(new Beam(blueprint, 0., side)); 71 } 72 else 73 beams.add(new Beam(strips.elementAt(strips.size()-1).lhs, 74 beams.elementAt(beams.size()-1).getBeamOffset(), side)); 75 76 if (strips.size() > 0) 77 strips.elementAt(beams.size()-2).rhs = beams.elementAt(beams.size()-1).leftHandSideStrips(); 78 79 updateOsmModel(); 80 } 81 82 82 83 public void addStrip() 83 84 { 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 } 94 95 85 strips.add(new Strip(target.getDataSet())); 86 if (beams.size() > 1) 87 { 88 beams.elementAt(beams.size()-1).setDefaultSide(CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL); 89 strips.elementAt(strips.size()-2).rhs = beams.elementAt(strips.size()-1).leftHandSideStrips(); 90 } 91 strips.elementAt(strips.size()-1).lhs = beams.elementAt(strips.size()-1).rightHandSideStrips(); 92 93 updateOsmModel(); 94 } 95 96 96 97 public int leftRightCount() 97 98 { 98 99 } 100 101 99 return beams.size() + strips.size(); 100 } 101 102 102 103 public DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structures() 103 104 { 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 } 119 120 105 structureBox.removeAllElements(); 106 double offset = 0; 107 for (int i = 0; i < strips.size(); ++i) 108 { 109 if (i < beams.size()) 110 structureBox.addElement(Double.toString(offset)); 111 structureBox.addElement(Double.toString(offset) + " - " 112 + Double.toString(offset + strips.elementAt(i).width)); 113 offset += strips.elementAt(i).width; 114 } 115 if (strips.size() < beams.size()) 116 structureBox.addElement(Double.toString(offset)); 117 118 return structureBox; 119 } 120 121 121 122 public Strip getStrip(int index) 122 123 { 123 124 } 125 126 124 return strips.elementAt(index / 2); 125 } 126 127 127 128 public double getStripWidth(int index) 128 129 { 129 130 } 131 132 130 return strips.elementAt(index / 2).width; 131 } 132 133 133 134 public void setStripWidth(int index, double value) 134 135 { 135 136 137 138 } 139 140 136 strips.elementAt(index / 2).width = value; 137 138 updateOsmModel(); 139 } 140 141 141 142 public double getBeamOffset(int index) 142 143 { 143 144 } 145 144 return beams.elementAt(index / 2).getBeamOffset(); 145 } 146 146 147 public void setBeamOffset(int index, double beamOffset) 147 148 { 148 149 150 } 151 152 149 beams.elementAt(index / 2).setBeamOffset(beamOffset); 150 updateOsmModel(); 151 } 152 153 153 154 public List<CorridorPart> getBeamParts(int index) 154 155 { 155 156 } 157 158 156 return beams.elementAt(index / 2).getBeamParts(); 157 } 158 159 159 160 public void addCorridorPart(int beamIndex, boolean append, double value) 160 161 { 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 } 169 170 162 beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).addCorridorPart(append, value); 163 if (beamIndex / 2 > 0) 164 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2 - 1).rhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).leftHandSideStrips(); 165 if (beamIndex / 2 < strips.size()) 166 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).lhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).rightHandSideStrips(); 167 168 updateOsmModel(); 169 } 170 171 171 172 public void setCorridorPartWidth(int beamIndex, int partIndex, double value) 172 173 { 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 } 181 182 174 beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).setCorridorPartWidth(partIndex, value); 175 if (beamIndex / 2 > 0) 176 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2 - 1).rhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).leftHandSideStrips(); 177 if (beamIndex / 2 < strips.size()) 178 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).lhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).rightHandSideStrips(); 179 180 updateOsmModel(); 181 } 182 183 183 184 public void setCorridorPartType(int beamIndex, int partIndex, CorridorPart.Type type) 184 185 { 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 } 201 202 186 if (beamIndex % 2 == 0) 187 { 188 beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).setCorridorPartType(partIndex, type); 189 if (beamIndex / 2 > 0) 190 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2 - 1).rhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).leftHandSideStrips(); 191 if (beamIndex / 2 < strips.size()) 192 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).lhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).rightHandSideStrips(); 193 } 194 else 195 { 196 if (type != CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE && type != CorridorPart.Type.VOID) 197 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).setCorridorPartType(partIndex, type); 198 } 199 200 updateOsmModel(); 201 } 202 203 203 204 public void setCorridorPartSide(int beamIndex, int partIndex, CorridorPart.ReachableSide side) 204 205 { 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 } 213 214 206 beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).setCorridorPartSide(partIndex, side); 207 if (beamIndex / 2 > 0) 208 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2 - 1).rhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).leftHandSideStrips(); 209 if (beamIndex / 2 < strips.size()) 210 strips.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).lhs = beams.elementAt(beamIndex / 2).rightHandSideStrips(); 211 212 updateOsmModel(); 213 } 214 215 215 216 public Type getType() 216 217 { 217 218 } 219 218 return type; 219 } 220 220 221 public void setType(Type type) 221 222 { 222 223 224 } 225 226 223 this.type = type; 224 updateOsmModel(); 225 } 226 227 227 228 public String getLevel() 228 229 { 229 230 } 231 230 return level; 231 } 232 232 233 public void setLevel(String level) 233 234 { 234 235 236 } 237 238 235 this.level = level; 236 updateOsmModel(); 237 } 238 239 239 240 private Vector<Beam> beams; 240 241 private Vector<Strip> strips; 241 242 private Type type; 242 243 private String level; 243 244 244 245 DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structureBox; 245 246 246 247 247 248 private void updateOsmModel() 248 249 { 249 250 251 } 252 253 250 distributeWays(); 251; 252 } 253 254 254 255 public class SweepPolygonCursor 255 256 { 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 } 271 272 257 public SweepPolygonCursor(int stripIndex, int partIndex) 258 { 259 this.stripIndex = stripIndex; 260 this.partIndex = partIndex; 261 } 262 263 public boolean equals(SweepPolygonCursor rhs) 264 { 265 return rhs != null 266 && stripIndex == rhs.stripIndex && partIndex == rhs.partIndex; 267 } 268 269 public int stripIndex; 270 public int partIndex; 271 } 272 273 273 274 private void distributeWays() 274 275 { 275 276 277 Vector<Boolean>>();278 279 280 Boolean>();281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 } 337 338 276 target.startGeographyBuild(beams, strips); 277 278 Vector<Vector<Boolean>> stripRefs = new Vector<>(); 279 for (Strip strip : strips) 280 { 281 Vector<Boolean> refs = new Vector<>(); 282 if (strip.lhs.size() < strip.rhs.size()) 283 refs.setSize(strip.rhs.size()); 284 else 285 refs.setSize(strip.lhs.size()); 286 stripRefs.add(refs); 287 } 288 289 Boolean truePtr = new Boolean(true); 290 for (int i = 0; i < stripRefs.size(); ++i) 291 { 292 Vector<Boolean> refs = stripRefs.elementAt(i); 293 for (int j = 0; j < refs.size(); ++j) 294 { 295 if (refs.elementAt(j) == null) 296 { 297 target.startWay(); 298 299 SweepPolygonCursor cursor = new SweepPolygonCursor(i, j); 300 301 boolean toTheLeft = true; 302 while (stripRefs.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).elementAt(cursor.partIndex) == null) 303 { 304 stripRefs.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).setElementAt(truePtr, cursor.partIndex); 305 if (toTheLeft && cursor.partIndex < strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).lhs.size()) 306 { 307 target.appendCorridorPart( 308 strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).partAt(cursor.partIndex), 309 strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).geographyAt(cursor.partIndex), 310 cursor.stripIndex, 311 beams.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).getBeamPartIndex(!toTheLeft, cursor.partIndex), 312 level); 313 toTheLeft = beams.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).appendNodes( 314 cursor, toTheLeft, target.beamAt(cursor.stripIndex), level); 315 } 316 else if (!toTheLeft && cursor.partIndex < strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).rhs.size()) 317 { 318 target.appendCorridorPart( 319 strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).partAt(cursor.partIndex), 320 strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex).geographyAt(cursor.partIndex), 321 cursor.stripIndex + 1, 322 beams.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex + 1).getBeamPartIndex(!toTheLeft, cursor.partIndex), 323 level); 324 toTheLeft = beams.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex + 1).appendNodes( 325 cursor, toTheLeft, target.beamAt(cursor.stripIndex + 1), level); 326 } 327 else 328 toTheLeft = appendUturn(cursor, toTheLeft); 329 } 330 331 target.finishWay(strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex), cursor.partIndex, j % 2 == 0, level); 332 } 333 } 334 } 335 336 target.finishGeographyBuild(type, level); 337 } 338 339 339 340 private boolean appendUturn(SweepPolygonCursor cursor, boolean toTheLeft) 340 341 { 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 342 Strip strip = strips.elementAt(cursor.stripIndex); 343 target.appendUturnNode(strip, cursor.partIndex, cursor.stripIndex, 344 beams.elementAt(toTheLeft ? cursor.stripIndex + 1 : cursor.stripIndex). 345 getBeamPartIndex(toTheLeft, cursor.partIndex), 346 toTheLeft, level); 347 348 if (cursor.partIndex % 2 == 0) 349 ++cursor.partIndex; 350 else 351 --cursor.partIndex; 352 return !toTheLeft; 352 353 } 353 354 } -
r32103 r32479 4 4 5 5 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 6 6 7 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 8 7 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 8 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction; 9 11 import; 10 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer; 13 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerAddEvent; 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerChangeListener; 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerOrderChangeEvent; 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerRemoveEvent; 17 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeEvent; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeListener; 11 19 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;13 20 14 21 15 public class IndoorSweeplineWizardAction extends JosmAction implements MapView.LayerChangeListener22 public class IndoorSweeplineWizardAction extends JosmAction implements LayerChangeListener, ActiveLayerChangeListener 16 23 { 17 24 public IndoorSweeplineWizardAction() 18 25 { 19 20 21 MapView.addLayerChangeListener(this);26 super(tr("Concourse wizard ..."), null, 27 tr("Opens up a wizard to create a concourse"), null, false); 28 Main.getLayerManager().addLayerChangeListener(this); 22 29 } 23 30 … … 25 32 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 26 33 { 27 if (layer == null) 28 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 29 "No default layer found."); 30 else if (!(layer instanceof OsmDataLayer)) 31 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 32 "The default layer is not an OSM layer."); 33 else if ( == null) 34 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 35 "No map found."); 36 else if ( == null) 37 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 38 "No map view found."); 39 else 40 new IndoorSweeplineController((OsmDataLayer)layer, 41 Projections.inverseProject(; 42 } 43 44 45 @Override 46 public void activeLayerChange(Layer oldLayer, Layer newLayer) 47 { 48 layer = newLayer; 34 if (layer == null) 35 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 36 "No default layer found."); 37 else if (!(layer instanceof OsmDataLayer)) 38 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 39 "The default layer is not an OSM layer."); 40 else if ( == null) 41 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 42 "No map found."); 43 else if ( == null) 44 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), 45 "No map view found."); 46 else 47 new IndoorSweeplineController((OsmDataLayer)layer, 48 Projections.inverseProject(; 49 49 } 50 50 51 51 @Override 52 public void layerAdded(Layer newLayer) 52 public void activeOrEditLayerChanged(ActiveLayerChangeEvent e) 53 { 54 layer = Main.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer(); 55 } 56 57 @Override 58 public void layerOrderChanged(LayerOrderChangeEvent e) 53 59 { 54 60 } 55 61 56 62 @Override 57 public void layer Removed(LayeroldLayer)63 public void layerAdded(LayerAddEvent e) 58 64 { 59 if (layer == oldLayer)60 layer = null;61 65 } 62 66 67 @Override 68 public void layerRemoving(LayerRemoveEvent e) 69 { 70 if (layer == e.getRemovedLayer()) 71 layer = null; 72 } 73 63 74 private Layer layer; 64 75 } -
r32109 r32479 10 10 import java.util.List; 11 11 import java.util.Vector; 12 12 13 import javax.swing.AbstractAction; 13 14 import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor; … … 29 30 import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; 30 31 import javax.swing.table.TableModel; 32 31 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 32 34 … … 36 38 public IndoorSweeplineWizardDialog(IndoorSweeplineController controller) 37 39 { 38 super(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), "Indoor Sweepline Wizard", false); 39 40 this.controller = controller; 41 beamIndex = 0; 42 prev = new PrevAction(); 43 next = new NextAction(); 44 45 GridbagPanel panel = new GridbagPanel(); 46 47 panel.add(new JLabel(tr("Vertical layer:")), 0, 0, 3, 1); 48 panel.add(makeLevelField(), 3, 0, 1, 1); 49 panel.add(new JLabel(tr("Structure type:")), 0, 1, 3, 1); 50 panel.add(typeBox(), 3, 1, 1, 1); 51 52 panel.add(new JButton(prev), 0, 2, 1, 1); 53 panel.add(structureBox(), 1, 2, 1, 1); 54 panel.add(new JButton(next), 2, 2, 2, 1); 55 56 panel.add(makeWidthLabel(), 0, 3, 3, 1); 57 panel.add(makeWidthField(), 3, 3, 1, 1); 58 59 panel.add(makeStructureTable(), 0, 4, 4, 1); 60 61 add(panel); 62 pack(); 63 refresh(); 64 } 65 66 40 super(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), "Indoor Sweepline Wizard", false); 41 42 this.controller = controller; 43 beamIndex = 0; 44 prev = new PrevAction(); 45 next = new NextAction(); 46 47 GridbagPanel panel = new GridbagPanel(); 48 49 panel.add(new JLabel(tr("Vertical layer:")), 0, 0, 3, 1); 50 panel.add(makeLevelField(), 3, 0, 1, 1); 51 panel.add(new JLabel(tr("Structure type:")), 0, 1, 3, 1); 52 panel.add(typeBox(), 3, 1, 1, 1); 53 54 panel.add(new JButton(prev), 0, 2, 1, 1); 55 panel.add(structureBox(), 1, 2, 1, 1); 56 panel.add(new JButton(next), 2, 2, 2, 1); 57 58 panel.add(makeWidthLabel(), 0, 3, 3, 1); 59 panel.add(makeWidthField(), 3, 3, 1, 1); 60 61 panel.add(makeStructureTable(), 0, 4, 4, 1); 62 63 add(panel); 64 pack(); 65 refresh(); 66 } 67 68 69 @Override 67 70 public void setVisible(boolean visible) 68 { 69 70 71 72 } 73 74 71 { 72 if (visible) 73 setLocationRelativeTo(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent)); 74 super.setVisible(visible); 75 } 76 77 75 78 private void refresh() 76 79 { 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Object>();117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Object>();126 127 128 129 130 131 Object>();132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Object>();144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 } 158 159 80 inRefresh = true; 81 82 leftRightCount = controller.leftRightCount(); 83 prev.setEnabled(beamIndex > 0); 84 85 DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structureBoxModel = controller.structures(); 86 structureBoxModel.setSelectedItem(structureBoxModel.getElementAt(beamIndex)); 87 88 try 89 { 90 if (beamIndex % 2 == 0) 91 { 92 widthOffsetLabel.setText("Offset into background:"); 93 stripWidth.setText(Double.toString(controller.getBeamOffset(beamIndex))); 94 } 95 else 96 { 97 widthOffsetLabel.setText("Strip width:"); 98 stripWidth.setText(Double.toString(controller.getStripWidth(beamIndex))); 99 } 100 } 101 catch (IllegalStateException ex) 102 { 103 } 104 105 try 106 { 107 level.setText(controller.getLevel()); 108 } 109 catch (IllegalStateException ex) 110 { 111 } 112 113 typeBoxModel.setSelectedItem(structureTypeToString(controller.getType())); 114 115 116 structureTableModel.setRowCount(0); 117 if (beamIndex % 2 == 0) 118 { 119 Vector<Object> row = new Vector<>(); 120 row.addElement(""); 121 row.addElement(""); 122 row.addElement(""); 123 structureTableModel.addRow(row); 124 125 List<CorridorPart> parts = controller.getBeamParts(beamIndex); 126 for (CorridorPart part : parts) 127 { 128 row = new Vector<>(); 129 row.addElement(Double.toString(part.width)); 130 row.addElement(corridorPartTypeToString(part.getType())); 131 row.addElement(corridorPartSideToString(part.getSide())); 132 structureTableModel.addRow(row); 133 } 134 row = new Vector<>(); 135 row.addElement(""); 136 row.addElement(""); 137 row.addElement(""); 138 structureTableModel.addRow(row); 139 structureTableModel.isBeam = true; 140 } 141 else 142 { 143 Strip strip = controller.getStrip(beamIndex); 144 for (int i = 0; i < strip.lhs.size() || i < strip.rhs.size(); ++i) 145 { 146 Vector<Object> row = new Vector<>(); 147 String position = i < strip.lhs.size() ? strip.lhs.elementAt(i).toString() : "X"; 148 position += " - " + (i < strip.rhs.size() ? strip.rhs.elementAt(i).toString() : "X"); 149 row.addElement(position); 150 row.addElement(i < ? 151 corridorPartTypeToString( : "wall"); 152 row.addElement(i < ? 153 corridorPartSideToString( : "all"); 154 structureTableModel.addRow(row); 155 } 156 structureTableModel.isBeam = false; 157 } 158 159 inRefresh = false; 160 } 161 162 160 163 private String corridorPartTypeToString(CorridorPart.Type type) 161 164 { 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 } 188 189 165 if (type == CorridorPart.Type.VOID) 166 return "void"; 167 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE) 168 return "passage"; 169 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.WALL) 170 return "wall"; 171 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_UP) 172 return "stairs to upper level"; 173 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_DOWN) 174 return "stairs to lower level"; 175 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_LEAVING) 176 return "escalator leaving to upper level"; 177 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_ARRIVING) 178 return "escalator arriving from upper level"; 179 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_BIDIRECTIONAL) 180 return "escalator (reversible) to upper level"; 181 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_LEAVING) 182 return "escalator leaving to lower level"; 183 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_ARRIVING) 184 return "escalator arriving from lower level"; 185 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_BIDIRECTIONAL) 186 return "escalator (reversible) to lower level"; 187 else if (type == CorridorPart.Type.ELEVATOR) 188 return "elevator"; 189 return ""; 190 } 191 192 190 193 private CorridorPart.Type parseCorridorPartType(String val) 191 194 { 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 } 218 219 195 if (val == "void") 196 return CorridorPart.Type.VOID; 197 else if (val == "passage") 198 return CorridorPart.Type.PASSAGE; 199 else if (val == "wall") 200 return CorridorPart.Type.WALL; 201 else if (val == "stairs to upper level") 202 return CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_UP; 203 else if (val == "stairs to lower level") 204 return CorridorPart.Type.STAIRS_DOWN; 205 else if (val == "escalator leaving to upper level") 206 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_LEAVING; 207 else if (val == "escalator arriving from upper level") 208 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_ARRIVING; 209 else if (val == "escalator (reversible) to upper level") 210 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_UP_BIDIRECTIONAL; 211 else if (val == "escalator leaving to lower level") 212 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_LEAVING; 213 else if (val == "escalator arriving from lower level") 214 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_ARRIVING; 215 else if (val == "escalator (reversible) to lower level") 216 return CorridorPart.Type.ESCALATOR_DOWN_BIDIRECTIONAL; 217 else if (val == "elevator") 218 return CorridorPart.Type.ELEVATOR; 219 return CorridorPart.Type.VOID; 220 } 221 222 220 223 private String corridorPartSideToString(CorridorPart.ReachableSide side) 221 224 { 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 } 234 235 225 if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL) 226 return "all"; 227 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT) 228 return "front"; 229 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK) 230 return "back"; 231 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT) 232 return "left"; 233 else if (side == CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT) 234 return "right"; 235 return ""; 236 } 237 238 236 239 private CorridorPart.ReachableSide parseCorridorPartSide(String val) 237 240 { 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 } 250 251 241 if (val == "all") 242 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL; 243 else if (val == "front") 244 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT; 245 else if (val == "back") 246 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK; 247 else if (val == "left") 248 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.LEFT; 249 else if (val == "right") 250 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.RIGHT; 251 return CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL; 252 } 253 254 252 255 private String structureTypeToString(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type type) 253 256 { 254 255 256 257 258 259 } 260 261 262 private JComboBox structureBox() 263 { 264 String>(controller.structures());265 266 267 } 268 269 257 if (type == IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.CORRIDOR) 258 return "corridor"; 259 else if (type == IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.PLATFORM) 260 return "platform"; 261 return ""; 262 } 263 264 265 private JComboBox<String> structureBox() 266 { 267 JComboBox<String> structureBox = new JComboBox<>(controller.structures()); 268 structureBox.addActionListener(new StructureBoxListener()); 269 return structureBox; 270 } 271 272 270 273 private IndoorSweeplineController controller; 271 274 272 275 private int beamIndex; 273 276 private int leftRightCount; … … 275 278 private NextAction next; 276 279 boolean inRefresh; 277 278 279 private JComboBox typeBox() 280 { 281 282 283 String>();284 285 286 287 String>(typeBoxModel);288 289 290 } 291 280 281 282 private JComboBox<String> typeBox() 283 { 284 if (typeBoxModel == null) 285 { 286 typeBoxModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>(); 287 typeBoxModel.addElement("corridor"); 288 typeBoxModel.addElement("platform"); 289 } 290 JComboBox<String> typeBox = new JComboBox<>(typeBoxModel); 291 typeBox.addActionListener(new TypeBoxListener()); 292 return typeBox; 293 } 294 292 295 private DefaultComboBoxModel<String> typeBoxModel; 293 294 296 297 295 298 private class TypeBoxListener implements ActionListener 296 299 { 297 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 298 { 299 if (inRefresh) 300 return; 301 302 String entry = (String)((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedItem(); 303 if (entry == "corridor") 304 controller.setType(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.CORRIDOR); 305 else 306 controller.setType(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.PLATFORM); 307 308 refresh(); 309 } 310 } 311 312 300 @Override 301 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 302 { 303 if (inRefresh) 304 return; 305 306 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 307 String entry = (String)((JComboBox<String>)e.getSource()).getSelectedItem(); 308 if (entry == "corridor") 309 controller.setType(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.CORRIDOR); 310 else 311 controller.setType(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.PLATFORM); 312 313 refresh(); 314 } 315 } 316 317 313 318 private class PrevAction extends AbstractAction 314 319 { 315 public PrevAction() 316 { 317 super("Prev"); 318 } 319 320 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 321 { 322 if (inRefresh) 323 return; 324 325 if (beamIndex > 0) 326 --beamIndex; 327 refresh(); 328 } 329 } 330 331 320 public PrevAction() 321 { 322 super("Prev"); 323 } 324 325 @Override 326 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 327 { 328 if (inRefresh) 329 return; 330 331 if (beamIndex > 0) 332 --beamIndex; 333 refresh(); 334 } 335 } 336 337 332 338 private class NextAction extends AbstractAction 333 339 { 334 public NextAction() 335 { 336 super("Next"); 337 } 338 339 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 340 { 341 if (inRefresh) 342 return; 343 344 ++beamIndex; 345 if (beamIndex >= leftRightCount) 346 controller.addRightStructure(); 347 refresh(); 348 } 349 } 350 351 340 public NextAction() 341 { 342 super("Next"); 343 } 344 345 @Override 346 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 347 { 348 if (inRefresh) 349 return; 350 351 ++beamIndex; 352 if (beamIndex >= leftRightCount) 353 controller.addRightStructure(); 354 refresh(); 355 } 356 } 357 358 352 359 private class StructureBoxListener implements ActionListener 353 360 { 354 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 355 { 356 if (inRefresh) 357 return; 358 359 String entry = (String)((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedItem(); 360 DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structureBoxModel = controller.structures(); 361 for (int i = 0; i < structureBoxModel.getSize(); ++i) 362 { 363 if (structureBoxModel.getElementAt(i).equals(entry)) 364 beamIndex = i; 365 } 366 refresh(); 367 } 368 } 369 370 361 @Override 362 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 363 { 364 if (inRefresh) 365 return; 366 367 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 368 String entry = (String)((JComboBox<String>)e.getSource()).getSelectedItem(); 369 DefaultComboBoxModel<String> structureBoxModel = controller.structures(); 370 for (int i = 0; i < structureBoxModel.getSize(); ++i) 371 { 372 if (structureBoxModel.getElementAt(i).equals(entry)) 373 beamIndex = i; 374 } 375 refresh(); 376 } 377 } 378 379 371 380 private JLabel widthOffsetLabel; 372 381 373 382 private JLabel makeWidthLabel() 374 383 { 375 376 377 } 378 379 384 widthOffsetLabel = new JLabel(tr("Offset into background:")); 385 return widthOffsetLabel; 386 } 387 388 380 389 private JTextField stripWidth; 381 390 382 391 private JTextField makeWidthField() 383 392 { 384 385 386 387 } 388 389 393 stripWidth = new JTextField(5); 394 stripWidth.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new StripWidthListener()); 395 return stripWidth; 396 } 397 398 390 399 private class StripWidthListener implements DocumentListener 391 400 { 392 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 393 { 394 update(e); 395 } 396 397 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 398 { 399 update(e); 400 } 401 402 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 403 { 404 update(e); 405 } 406 407 408 private void update(DocumentEvent e) 409 { 410 if (inRefresh) 411 return; 412 413 try 414 { 415 if (beamIndex % 2 == 0) 416 controller.setBeamOffset(beamIndex, Double.parseDouble(stripWidth.getText())); 417 else 418 controller.setStripWidth(beamIndex, Double.parseDouble(stripWidth.getText())); 419 } 420 catch (NumberFormatException ex) 421 { 422 } 423 424 refresh(); 425 } 426 } 427 428 401 @Override 402 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 403 { 404 update(e); 405 } 406 407 @Override 408 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 409 { 410 update(e); 411 } 412 413 @Override 414 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 415 { 416 update(e); 417 } 418 419 420 private void update(DocumentEvent e) 421 { 422 if (inRefresh) 423 return; 424 425 try 426 { 427 if (beamIndex % 2 == 0) 428 controller.setBeamOffset(beamIndex, Double.parseDouble(stripWidth.getText())); 429 else 430 controller.setStripWidth(beamIndex, Double.parseDouble(stripWidth.getText())); 431 } 432 catch (NumberFormatException ex) 433 { 434 } 435 436 refresh(); 437 } 438 } 439 440 429 441 private JTextField level; 430 442 431 443 private JTextField makeLevelField() 432 444 { 433 434 435 436 } 437 438 445 level = new JTextField(5); 446 level.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new LevelFieldListener()); 447 return level; 448 } 449 450 439 451 private class LevelFieldListener implements DocumentListener 440 452 { 441 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 442 { 443 update(e); 444 } 445 446 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 447 { 448 update(e); 449 } 450 451 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 452 { 453 update(e); 454 } 455 456 457 private void update(DocumentEvent e) 458 { 459 if (inRefresh) 460 return; 461 462 controller.setLevel(level.getText()); 463 464 refresh(); 465 } 466 } 467 468 453 @Override 454 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 455 { 456 update(e); 457 } 458 459 @Override 460 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 461 { 462 update(e); 463 } 464 465 @Override 466 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) 467 { 468 update(e); 469 } 470 471 472 private void update(DocumentEvent e) 473 { 474 if (inRefresh) 475 return; 476 477 controller.setLevel(level.getText()); 478 479 refresh(); 480 } 481 } 482 483 469 484 private class StructureTableModel extends DefaultTableModel 470 485 { 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 } 479 486 @Override 487 public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) 488 { 489 return isBeam || column == 1; 490 } 491 492 public boolean isBeam; 493 } 494 480 495 private StructureTableModel structureTableModel; 481 496 482 497 private JScrollPane makeStructureTable() 483 498 { 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 String>();494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 String>();510 511 512 513 514 515 516 } 517 499 structureTableModel = new StructureTableModel(); 500 structureTableModel.addColumn("Width"); 501 structureTableModel.addColumn("Type"); 502 structureTableModel.addColumn("Reachable Side"); 503 structureTableModel.addTableModelListener(new StructureTableListener()); 504 505 JTable table = new JTable(structureTableModel); 506 507 TableColumn column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1); 508 JComboBox<String> comboBox = new JComboBox<>(); 509 comboBox.addItem("void"); 510 comboBox.addItem("passage"); 511 comboBox.addItem("wall"); 512 comboBox.addItem("stairs to upper level"); 513 comboBox.addItem("stairs to lower level"); 514 comboBox.addItem("escalator leaving to upper level"); 515 comboBox.addItem("escalator arriving from upper level"); 516 comboBox.addItem("escalator (reversible) to upper level"); 517 comboBox.addItem("escalator leaving to lower level"); 518 comboBox.addItem("escalator arriving from lower level"); 519 comboBox.addItem("escalator (reversible) to lower level"); 520 comboBox.addItem("elevator"); 521 column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); 522 523 column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2); 524 comboBox = new JComboBox<>(); 525 comboBox.addItem("all"); 526 comboBox.addItem("left"); 527 comboBox.addItem("right"); 528 column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); 529 530 return new JScrollPane(table); 531 } 532 518 533 private class StructureTableListener implements TableModelListener 519 534 { 520 public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) 521 { 522 if (inRefresh) 523 return; 524 525 int column = e.getColumn(); 526 int row = e.getFirstRow(); 527 if (column == 0 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 528 { 529 try 530 { 531 if (row == 0 || row == structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 532 controller.addCorridorPart(beamIndex, row != 0, 533 Double.parseDouble(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 534 else 535 controller.setCorridorPartWidth(beamIndex, row - 1, 536 Double.parseDouble(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 537 } 538 catch (NumberFormatException ex) 539 { 540 } 541 } 542 else if (column == 1 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 543 { 544 if (row > 0 && row < structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 545 controller.setCorridorPartType(beamIndex, row - 1, 546 parseCorridorPartType(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 547 } 548 else if (column == 1 && beamIndex % 2 == 1) 549 { 550 controller.setCorridorPartType(beamIndex, row, 551 parseCorridorPartType(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 552 } 553 else if (column == 2 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 554 { 555 if (row > 0 && row < structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 556 controller.setCorridorPartSide(beamIndex, row - 1, 557 parseCorridorPartSide(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 558 } 559 560 refresh(); 561 } 562 } 563 564 535 @Override 536 public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) 537 { 538 if (inRefresh) 539 return; 540 541 int column = e.getColumn(); 542 int row = e.getFirstRow(); 543 if (column == 0 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 544 { 545 try 546 { 547 if (row == 0 || row == structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 548 controller.addCorridorPart(beamIndex, row != 0, 549 Double.parseDouble(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 550 else 551 controller.setCorridorPartWidth(beamIndex, row - 1, 552 Double.parseDouble(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 553 } 554 catch (NumberFormatException ex) 555 { 556 } 557 } 558 else if (column == 1 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 559 { 560 if (row > 0 && row < structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 561 controller.setCorridorPartType(beamIndex, row - 1, 562 parseCorridorPartType(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 563 } 564 else if (column == 1 && beamIndex % 2 == 1) 565 { 566 controller.setCorridorPartType(beamIndex, row, 567 parseCorridorPartType(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 568 } 569 else if (column == 2 && beamIndex % 2 == 0) 570 { 571 if (row > 0 && row < structureTableModel.getRowCount() - 1) 572 controller.setCorridorPartSide(beamIndex, row - 1, 573 parseCorridorPartSide(((TableModel)e.getSource()).getValueAt(row, column).toString())); 574 } 575 576 refresh(); 577 } 578 } 579 580 565 581 private class GridbagPanel extends JPanel 566 582 { 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 583 public GridbagPanel() 584 { 585 gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); 586 layoutCons = new GridBagConstraints(); 587 setLayout(gridbag); 588 } 589 590 public void add(Component comp, int gridx, int gridy, int gridwidth, int gridheight) 591 { 592 layoutCons.gridx = gridx; 593 layoutCons.gridy = gridy; 594 layoutCons.gridwidth = gridwidth; 595 layoutCons.gridheight = gridheight; 596 layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; 597 layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; 598 layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 599 600 gridbag.setConstraints(comp, layoutCons); 601 add(comp); 602 } 603 604 private GridBagLayout gridbag; 605 private GridBagConstraints layoutCons; 590 606 } 591 607 } -
r32109 r32479 3 3 import java.util.List; 4 4 import java.util.Vector; 5 5 6 import; 6 7 import; … … 16 17 public ModelGeography(DataSet dataSet, LatLon center) 17 18 { 18 BeamGeography>();19 20 21 22 23 Way>();24 25 Node>();26 27 28 29 30 31 } 32 19 beamsGeography = new Vector<>(); 20 21 this.dataSet = dataSet; 22 = center; 23 24 wayPool = new Vector<>(); 25 wayPoolCount = 0; 26 nodePool = new Vector<>(); 27 nodePoolCount = 0; 28 29 nodes = null; 30 multipolygon = null; 31 members = null; 32 } 33 33 34 34 35 private Vector<BeamGeography> beamsGeography; 35 36 36 37 private DataSet dataSet; 37 38 private LatLon center; 38 39 39 40 private Vector<Way> wayPool; 40 41 private int wayPoolCount; 41 42 private Vector<Node> nodePool; 42 43 private int nodePoolCount; 43 44 44 45 private Vector<Node> nodes; 45 46 private Relation multipolygon; 46 47 private Vector<RelationMember> members; 47 48 48 49 49 50 public void appendNode(Node node) 50 51 { 51 52 } 53 54 52 nodes.add(node); 53 } 54 55 55 56 public DataSet getDataSet() 56 57 { 57 58 } 59 60 58 return dataSet; 59 } 60 61 61 62 public BeamGeography beamAt(int i) 62 63 { 63 64 } 65 66 64 return beamsGeography.elementAt(i); 65 } 66 67 67 68 public void startGeographyBuild(Vector<Beam> beams, Vector<Strip> strips) 68 69 { 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 RelationMember>();88 89 90 } 91 92 70 if (beamsGeography.size() < beams.size()) 71 beamsGeography.setSize(beams.size()); 72 73 double offset = 0; 74 for (int i = 0; i < beams.size(); ++i) 75 { 76 if (beamsGeography.elementAt(i) == null) 77 beamsGeography.setElementAt(new BeamGeography(dataSet, this), i); 78 beamsGeography.elementAt(i).adjustNodes(new LatLon(, addMetersToLon(center, offset)), 79 beams.elementAt(i).getBeamParts(), beams.elementAt(i).getBeamOffset()); 80 81 if (i < strips.size()) 82 offset += strips.elementAt(i).width; 83 } 84 85 nodePoolCount = 0; 86 wayPoolCount = 0; 87 88 members = new Vector<>(); 89 if (multipolygon != null) 90 multipolygon.setMembers(members); 91 } 92 93 93 94 public void startWay() 94 95 { 95 Node>();96 } 97 98 96 nodes = new Vector<>(); 97 } 98 99 99 100 public void finishWay(Strip strip, int partIndex, boolean isOuter, String level) 100 101 { 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 } 112 113 102 if (nodes.size() > 0) 103 { 104 CorridorPart part = strip.partAt(partIndex); 105 strip.geographyAt(partIndex).appendNodes(part.getType(), part.getSide(), level, 106 nodes.elementAt(nodes.size()-1).getCoor(), nodes.elementAt(0).getCoor(), this); 107 nodes.add(nodes.elementAt(0)); 108 } 109 assignNds(nodes); 110 members.add(new RelationMember(isOuter ? "outer" : "inner", wayPool.elementAt(wayPoolCount))); 111 ++wayPoolCount; 112 } 113 114 114 115 public void appendCorridorPart(CorridorPart part, CorridorGeography partGeography, int beamIndex, int partIndex, 115 116 { 117 118 119 120 121 } 122 123 116 String level) 117 { 118 if (nodes.size() > 0) 119 partGeography.appendNodes(part.getType(), part.getSide(), level, 120 nodes.elementAt(nodes.size()-1).getCoor(), 121 beamsGeography.elementAt(beamIndex).coorAt(partIndex), this); 122 } 123 124 124 125 public void appendUturnNode(Strip strip, int partIndex, int stripIndex, int beamNodeIndex, boolean toTheLeft, 125 126 { 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 } 143 144 126 String level) 127 { 128 if (toTheLeft) 129 assignCoor(addMeterOffset(beamsGeography.elementAt(stripIndex + 1).coorAt(beamNodeIndex), 130 0, -strip.width / 2.)); 131 else 132 assignCoor(addMeterOffset(beamsGeography.elementAt(stripIndex).coorAt(beamNodeIndex), 133 0, strip.width / 2.)); 134 135 if (nodes.size() > 0) 136 { 137 CorridorPart part = strip.partAt(partIndex); 138 strip.geographyAt(partIndex).appendNodes(part.getType(), part.getSide(), level, 139 nodes.elementAt(nodes.size()-1).getCoor(), nodePool.elementAt(nodePoolCount).getCoor(), this); 140 } 141 nodes.add(nodePool.elementAt(nodePoolCount)); 142 ++nodePoolCount; 143 } 144 145 145 146 public void finishGeographyBuild(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type type, String level) 146 147 { 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 } 157 158 148 for (int i = nodePoolCount; i < nodePool.size(); ++i) 149 nodePool.elementAt(i).setDeleted(true); 150 nodePool.setSize(nodePoolCount); 151 152 for (int i = wayPoolCount; i < wayPool.size(); ++i) 153 wayPool.elementAt(i).setDeleted(true); 154 wayPool.setSize(wayPoolCount); 155 156 adjustMultipolygonRelation(type, level); 157 } 158 159 159 160 private static LatLon addMeterOffset(LatLon latLon, double south, double east) 160 161 { 161 162 163 } 164 165 162 double scale = Math.cos( * (Math.PI/180.)); 163 return new LatLon( - south *(360./4e7), latLon.lon() + east / scale *(360./4e7)); 164 } 165 166 166 167 private static double addMetersToLon(LatLon latLon, double east) 167 168 { 168 169 170 } 171 172 169 double scale = Math.cos( * (Math.PI/180.)); 170 return latLon.lon() + east / scale *(360./4e7); 171 } 172 173 173 174 private void assignCoor(LatLon latLon) 174 175 { 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 } 184 185 176 if (nodePoolCount < nodePool.size()) 177 nodePool.elementAt(nodePoolCount).setCoor(latLon); 178 else 179 { 180 Node node = new Node(latLon); 181 dataSet.addPrimitive(node); 182 nodePool.add(node); 183 } 184 } 185 186 186 187 private void assignNds(List<Node> nodes) 187 188 { 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 } 198 199 189 if (wayPoolCount < wayPool.size()) 190 wayPool.elementAt(wayPoolCount).setNodes(nodes); 191 else 192 { 193 Way way = new Way(); 194 way.setNodes(nodes); 195 dataSet.addPrimitive(way); 196 wayPool.add(way); 197 } 198 } 199 200 200 201 private static void addPolygonTags(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type type, String level, OsmPrimitive obj) 201 202 { 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 } 217 218 203 if (type == IndoorSweeplineModel.Type.PLATFORM) 204 { 205 obj.put("railway", "platform"); 206 obj.put("public_transport", "platform"); 207 obj.put("area", "yes"); 208 obj.put("level", level); 209 } 210 else 211 { 212 obj.put("highway", "pedestrian"); 213 obj.put("indoor", "corridor"); 214 obj.put("area", "yes"); 215 obj.put("level", level); 216 } 217 } 218 219 219 220 private void adjustMultipolygonRelation(IndoorSweeplineModel.Type type, String level) 220 221 { 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 222 if (members.size() > 1) 223 { 224 if (wayPool.size() > 0) 225 wayPool.elementAt(0).removeAll(); 226 227 if (multipolygon == null) 228 { 229 multipolygon = new Relation(); 230 dataSet.addPrimitive(multipolygon); 231 } 232 233 multipolygon.removeAll(); 234 multipolygon.put("type", "multipolygon"); 235 addPolygonTags(type, level, multipolygon); 236 237 multipolygon.setMembers(members); 238 } 239 else 240 { 241 if (multipolygon != null) 242 { 243 multipolygon.setDeleted(true); 244 multipolygon = null; 245 } 246 247 if (wayPool.size() == 1) 248 { 249 wayPool.elementAt(0).removeAll(); 250 addPolygonTags(type, level, wayPool.elementAt(0)); 251 } 252 } 252 253 } 253 254 } -
r32103 r32479 3 3 4 4 import java.util.Vector; 5 5 6 import; 6 7 … … 10 11 public Strip(DataSet dataSet) 11 12 { 12 13 CorridorPart>();14 CorridorGeography>();15 Double>();16 Double>();17 18 13 width = 10.; 14 parts = new Vector<>(); 15 partsGeography = new Vector<>(); 16 lhs = new Vector<>(); 17 rhs = new Vector<>(); 18 19 this.dataSet = dataSet; 19 20 } 20 21 21 22 22 23 public void setCorridorPartType(int partIndex, CorridorPart.Type type) 23 24 { 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 while (parts.size() <= partIndex) 26 { 27 parts.add(new CorridorPart(0., CorridorPart.Type.WALL, 28 parts.size() % 2 == 0 ? CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT : 29 CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK)); 30 partsGeography.add(new CorridorGeography(dataSet)); 31 } 32 parts.elementAt(partIndex).setType(type, CorridorPart.ReachableSide.ALL); 32 33 } 33 34 34 35 35 36 public CorridorPart partAt(int i) 36 37 { 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 38 while (parts.size() <= i) 39 { 40 parts.add(new CorridorPart(0., CorridorPart.Type.WALL, 41 parts.size() % 2 == 0 ? CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT : 42 CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK)); 43 partsGeography.add(new CorridorGeography(dataSet)); 44 } 45 return parts.elementAt(i); 45 46 } 46 47 47 48 48 49 public CorridorGeography geographyAt(int i) 49 50 { 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 51 while (parts.size() <= i) 52 { 53 parts.add(new CorridorPart(0., CorridorPart.Type.WALL, 54 parts.size() % 2 == 0 ? CorridorPart.ReachableSide.FRONT : 55 CorridorPart.ReachableSide.BACK)); 56 partsGeography.add(new CorridorGeography(dataSet)); 57 } 58 return partsGeography.elementAt(i); 58 59 } 59 60 60 61 61 62 public double width; 62 63 public Vector<CorridorPart> parts; … … 64 65 public Vector<Double> lhs; 65 66 public Vector<Double> rhs; 66 67 67 68 private DataSet dataSet; 68 69 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.