Changeset 32306 in osm

2016-06-18T03:37:43+02:00 (8 years ago)

rework/simplify plugins build.xml file - automatically run unit tests of all plugins, without having to maintain list manually

2 deleted
19 edited
2 moved


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/CustomizePublicTransportStop/build.xml

    r32301 r32306  
    9494        <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="C:\Users\bwr57_000\AppData\Roaming\JOSM\plugins" />
    9595    </target>   
     97    <target name="test"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/OsmInspectorPlugin

    • Property svn:ignore

        old new  
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/OsmInspectorPlugin/.project

    r29853 r32306  
    1111                        </arguments>
    1212                </buildCommand>
     13                <buildCommand>
     14                        <name>org.sonarlint.eclipse.core.sonarlintBuilder</name>
     15                        <arguments>
     16                        </arguments>
     17                </buildCommand>
    1318        </buildSpec>
    1419        <natures>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/build-common.xml

    r32188 r32306  
    430430        </sequential>
    431431    </macrodef>
    432     <target name="test-init">
     432    <target name="check-test">
     433        <available file="${plugin.test.dir}" type="dir" property="test.present"/>
     434    </target>
     435    <target name="test-init" depends="check-test" if="test.present">
    433436        <mkdir dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build"/>
    434437        <mkdir dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build/unit"/>
    443446        <delete dir="${plugin.test.dir}/config/unit-josm.home/cache" failonerror="false"/>
    444447    </target>
    445     <target name="test-compile" depends="test-init,dist">
     448    <target name="test-compile" depends="test-init,dist" if="test.present">
    446449        <taskdef name="groovyc" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc" classpath="${groovy.jar}"/>
    447450        <sequential>
    458461        </sequential>
    459462    </target>
    460     <target name="test" depends="dist, test-clean, test-compile"
     463    <target name="test" depends="dist, test-clean, test-compile" if="test.present"
    461464        description="Run unit tests. OSM API (TEST) account shall be set with -Dosm.username and -Dosm.password">
    462465        <taskdef uri="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" resource="org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="../00_core_tools/jacocoant.jar" />
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/build.xml

    r32281 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    2 <project name="josm-plugins" default="build" basedir=".">
     2<project name="josm-plugins" default="dist" basedir=".">
    33    <target name="compile_josm" unless="skip-josm">
    44        <ant dir="../core" target="dist"/>
    77        <ant dir="../core" target="test-compile"/>
    88    </target>
    9     <target name="compile" depends="compile_josm"/>
    10     <target name="build" depends="dist"/>
    11     <target name="dist" depends="compile">
     9        <property name="ordered_plugins" value="jna/build.xml
     10                                                                                        jts/build.xml
     11                                                                                        gson/build.xml
     12                                                                                        ejml/build.xml
     13                                                                                        geotools/build.xml
     14                                                                                        utilsplugin2/build.xml
     15                                                                                        log4j/build.xml
     16                                                                                        apache-commons/build.xml
     17                                                                                        apache-http/build.xml"/>
     18        <macrodef name="iterate">
     19                <attribute name="target"/>
     20                <sequential>
     21                        <subant target="@{target}">
     22                                <filelist dir="." files="${ordered_plugins}"/>
     23                                <fileset  dir="." includes="*/build.xml" excludes="00_*/build.xml ${ordered_plugins}"/>
     24                        </subant>
     25                </sequential>
     26        </macrodef>
     27        <target name="clean">
     28                <iterate target="clean"/>
     29        </target>
     30        <target name="dist" depends="compile_josm">
    1231        <mkdir dir="../dist"/>
    13         <!-- order important ! -->
    14         <ant target="dist" dir="jna"/>
    15         <ant target="dist" dir="jts"/>
    16         <ant target="dist" dir="gson"/>
    17         <ant target="dist" dir="ejml"/>
    18         <ant target="dist" dir="geotools"/>
    19         <ant target="dist" dir="utilsplugin2"/>
    20         <ant target="dist" dir="log4j"/>
    21         <ant target="dist" dir="apache-commons"/>
    22         <ant target="dist" dir="apache-http"/>
    23         <!-- order not important -->
    24         <!-- to update, run $ ls -F | grep '/$' | tr -d '/' | grep -v '00_plugin_dir_template\|jna\|jts\|geotools\|utilsplugin2\|log4j\|apache-commons\|apache-http' | sed 's/^/<ant target="dist" dir="/' | sed 's/$/"\/>/' -->
    25         <ant target="dist" dir="addrinterpolation"/>
    26         <ant target="dist" dir="alignways"/>
    27         <ant target="dist" dir="areaselector"/>
    28         <ant target="dist" dir="buildings_tools"/>
    29         <ant target="dist" dir="cadastre-fr"/>
    30         <ant target="dist" dir="canvec_helper"/>
    31         <ant target="dist" dir="colorscheme"/>
    32         <ant target="dist" dir="conflation"/>
    33         <ant target="dist" dir="ColumbusCSV"/>
    34         <ant target="dist" dir="CommandLine"/>
    35         <ant target="dist" dir="continuosDownload"/>
    36         <ant target="dist" dir="Create_grid_of_ways"/>
    37         <ant target="dist" dir="czechaddress"/>
    38         <ant target="dist" dir="dataimport"/>
    39         <ant target="dist" dir="DirectDownload"/>
    40         <ant target="dist" dir="DirectUpload"/>
    41         <ant target="dist" dir="download_along"/>
    42         <ant target="dist" dir="editgpx"/>
    43         <ant target="dist" dir="ElevationProfile"/>
    44         <ant target="dist" dir="epci-fr"/>
    45         <ant target="dist" dir="ext_tools"/>
    46         <ant target="dist" dir="FastDraw"/>
    47         <ant target="dist" dir="FixAddresses"/>
    48         <ant target="dist" dir="geochat"/>
    49         <ant target="dist" dir="globalsat"/>
    50         <ant target="dist" dir="gpsblam"/>
    51         <ant target="dist" dir="gpxfilter"/>
    52         <ant target="dist" dir="graphview"/>
    53         <ant target="dist" dir="HouseNumberTaggingTool"/>
    54         <ant target="dist" dir="imageryadjust"/>
    55         <ant target="dist" dir="imagery_offset_db"/>
    56         <ant target="dist" dir="imagery-xml-bounds"/>
    57         <ant target="dist" dir="imagewaypoint"/>
    58         <ant target="dist" dir="ImportImagePlugin"/>
    59         <ant target="dist" dir="importvec"/>
    60         <ant target="dist" dir="indoorhelper"/>
    61         <ant target="dist" dir="infomode"/>
    62         <ant target="dist" dir="irsrectify"/>
    63         <ant target="dist" dir="junctionchecking"/>
    64         <ant target="dist" dir="lakewalker"/>
    65         <ant target="dist" dir="livegps"/>
    66         <ant target="dist" dir="mapdust"/>
    67         <ant target="dist" dir="mapillary"/>
    68         <ant target="dist" dir="measurement"/>
    69         <ant target="dist" dir="merge-overlap"/>
    70         <ant target="dist" dir="michigan_left"/>
    71         <ant target="dist" dir="namemanager"/>
    72         <ant target="dist" dir="NanoLog"/>
    73         <ant target="dist" dir="native-password-manager"/>
    74         <ant target="dist" dir="no_more_mapping"/>
    75         <ant target="dist" dir="OpeningHoursEditor"/>
    76         <ant target="dist" dir="opendata"/>
    77         <ant target="dist" dir="openvisible"/>
    78         <ant target="dist" dir="osmarender"/>
    79         <ant target="dist" dir="OsmInspectorPlugin"/>
    80         <ant target="dist" dir="OSMRecPlugin"/>
    81         <ant target="dist" dir="pbf"/>
    82         <ant target="dist" dir="pdfimport"/>
    83         <ant target="dist" dir="photoadjust"/>
    84         <ant target="dist" dir="photo_geotagging"/>
    85         <ant target="dist" dir="piclayer"/>
    86         <ant target="dist" dir="plastic_laf"/>
    87         <ant target="dist" dir="pointInfo"/>
    88         <ant target="dist" dir="poly"/>
    89         <ant target="dist" dir="print"/>
    90         <ant target="dist" dir="proj4j"/>
    91         <ant target="dist" dir="public_transport"/>
    92         <ant target="dist" dir="public_transport_layer"/>
    93         <ant target="dist" dir="rasterfilters"/>
    94         <ant target="dist" dir="reltoolbox"/>
    95         <ant target="dist" dir="reverter"/>
    96         <ant target="dist" dir="roadsigns"/>
    97         <ant target="dist" dir="routes"/>
    98         <ant target="dist" dir="routing"/>
    99         <ant target="dist" dir="seachart"/>
    100         <ant target="dist" dir="seachartedit"/>
    101         <ant target="dist" dir="sds"/>
    102         <ant target="dist" dir="simplifyarea"/>
    103         <ant target="dist" dir="smed"/>
    104         <ant target="dist" dir="splinex"/>
    105         <ant target="dist" dir="sumoconvert"/>
    106         <ant target="dist" dir="surveyor"/>
    107         <ant target="dist" dir="tag2link"/>
    108         <ant target="dist" dir="tageditor"/>
    109         <ant target="dist" dir="tagging-preset-tester"/>
    110         <ant target="dist" dir="terracer"/>
    111         <ant target="dist" dir="tofix"/>
    112         <ant target="dist" dir="touchscreenhelper"/>
    113         <ant target="dist" dir="tracer"/>
    114         <ant target="dist" dir="tracer2"/>
    115         <ant target="dist" dir="trustosm"/>
    116         <ant target="dist" dir="turnlanes"/>
    117         <ant target="dist" dir="turnrestrictions"/>
    118         <ant target="dist" dir="undelete"/>
    119         <ant target="dist" dir="videomapping"/>
    120         <ant target="dist" dir="walkingpapers"/>
    121         <ant target="dist" dir="waydownloader"/>
    122         <ant target="dist" dir="waypoint_search"/>
    123         <ant target="dist" dir="wikipedia"/>
    124         <ant target="dist" dir="wms-turbo-challenge2"/>
    125     </target>
    126     <target name="build_defect" depends="compile">
    127     </target>
    128     <target name="clean">
    129         <ant target="clean" dir="00_plugin_dir_template"/>
    130         <ant target="clean" dir="addrinterpolation"/>
    131         <ant target="clean" dir="alignways"/>
    132         <ant target="clean" dir="areaselector"/>
    133         <ant target="clean" dir="buildings_tools"/>
    134         <ant target="clean" dir="cadastre-fr"/>
    135         <ant target="clean" dir="canvec_helper"/>
    136         <ant target="clean" dir="colorscheme"/>
    137         <ant target="clean" dir="apache-commons"/>
    138         <ant target="clean" dir="apache-http"/>
    139         <ant target="clean" dir="conflation"/>
    140         <ant target="clean" dir="ColumbusCSV"/>
    141         <ant target="clean" dir="CommandLine"/>
    142         <ant target="clean" dir="continuosDownload"/>
    143         <ant target="clean" dir="Create_grid_of_ways"/>
    144         <ant target="clean" dir="czechaddress"/>
    145         <ant target="clean" dir="dataimport"/>
    146         <ant target="clean" dir="DirectDownload"/>
    147         <ant target="clean" dir="DirectUpload"/>
    148         <ant target="clean" dir="download_along"/>
    149         <ant target="clean" dir="editgpx"/>
    150         <ant target="clean" dir="ejml"/>
    151         <ant target="clean" dir="ElevationProfile"/>
    152         <ant target="clean" dir="epci-fr"/>
    153         <ant target="clean" dir="ext_tools"/>
    154         <ant target="clean" dir="FastDraw"/>
    155         <ant target="clean" dir="FixAddresses"/>
    156         <ant target="clean" dir="geochat"/>
    157         <ant target="clean" dir="geotools"/>
    158         <ant target="clean" dir="globalsat"/>
    159         <ant target="clean" dir="gpsblam"/>
    160         <ant target="clean" dir="gpxfilter"/>
    161         <ant target="clean" dir="graphview"/>
    162         <ant target="clean" dir="gson"/>
    163         <ant target="clean" dir="HouseNumberTaggingTool"/>
    164         <ant target="clean" dir="imageryadjust"/>
    165         <ant target="clean" dir="imagery_offset_db"/>
    166         <ant target="clean" dir="imagery-xml-bounds"/>
    167         <ant target="clean" dir="imagewaypoint"/>
    168         <ant target="clean" dir="ImportImagePlugin"/>
    169         <ant target="clean" dir="importvec"/>
    170         <ant target="clean" dir="indoorhelper"/>
    171         <ant target="clean" dir="infomode"/>
    172         <ant target="clean" dir="irsrectify"/>
    173         <ant target="clean" dir="jna"/>
    174         <ant target="clean" dir="jts"/>
    175         <ant target="clean" dir="junctionchecking"/>
    176         <ant target="clean" dir="lakewalker"/>
    177         <ant target="clean" dir="livegps"/>
    178         <ant target="clean" dir="log4j"/>
    179         <ant target="clean" dir="mapdust"/>
    180         <ant target="clean" dir="mapillary"/>
    181         <ant target="clean" dir="measurement"/>
    182         <ant target="clean" dir="merge-overlap"/>
    183         <ant target="clean" dir="michigan_left"/>
    184         <ant target="clean" dir="namemanager"/>
    185         <ant target="clean" dir="no_more_mapping"/>
    186         <ant target="clean" dir="NanoLog"/>
    187         <ant target="clean" dir="native-password-manager"/>
    188         <ant target="clean" dir="OpeningHoursEditor"/>
    189         <ant target="clean" dir="opendata"/>
    190         <ant target="clean" dir="openvisible"/>
    191         <ant target="clean" dir="osmarender"/>
    192         <ant target="clean" dir="OsmInspectorPlugin"/>
    193         <ant target="clean" dir="OSMRecPlugin"/>
    194         <ant target="clean" dir="pbf"/>
    195         <ant target="clean" dir="pdfimport"/>
    196         <ant target="clean" dir="photoadjust"/>
    197         <ant target="clean" dir="photo_geotagging"/>
    198         <ant target="clean" dir="piclayer"/>
    199         <ant target="clean" dir="plastic_laf"/>
    200         <ant target="clean" dir="pointInfo"/>
    201         <ant target="clean" dir="poly"/>
    202         <ant target="clean" dir="print"/>
    203         <ant target="clean" dir="proj4j"/>
    204         <ant target="clean" dir="public_transport"/>
    205         <ant target="clean" dir="public_transport_layer"/>
    206         <ant target="clean" dir="rasterfilters"/>
    207         <ant target="clean" dir="reltoolbox"/>
    208         <ant target="clean" dir="reverter"/>
    209         <ant target="clean" dir="roadsigns"/>
    210         <ant target="clean" dir="routes"/>
    211         <ant target="clean" dir="routing"/>
    212         <ant target="clean" dir="seachart"/>
    213         <ant target="clean" dir="seachartedit"/>
    214         <ant target="clean" dir="sds"/>
    215         <ant target="clean" dir="simplifyarea"/>
    216         <ant target="clean" dir="smed"/>
    217         <ant target="clean" dir="splinex"/>
    218         <ant target="clean" dir="sumoconvert"/>
    219         <ant target="clean" dir="surveyor"/>
    220         <ant target="clean" dir="tag2link"/>
    221         <ant target="clean" dir="tageditor"/>
    222         <ant target="clean" dir="tagging-preset-tester"/>
    223         <ant target="clean" dir="terracer"/>
    224         <ant target="clean" dir="tofix"/>
    225         <ant target="clean" dir="touchscreenhelper"/>
    226         <ant target="clean" dir="tracer"/>
    227         <ant target="clean" dir="tracer2"/>
    228         <ant target="clean" dir="turnlanes"/>
    229         <ant target="clean" dir="trustosm"/>
    230         <ant target="clean" dir="turnrestrictions"/>
    231         <ant target="clean" dir="undelete"/>
    232         <ant target="clean" dir="utilsplugin2"/>
    233         <ant target="clean" dir="videomapping"/>
    234         <ant target="clean" dir="walkingpapers"/>
    235         <ant target="clean" dir="waydownloader"/>
    236         <ant target="clean" dir="waypoint_search"/>
    237         <ant target="clean" dir="wikipedia"/>
    238         <ant target="clean" dir="wms-turbo-challenge2"/>
    239     </target>
    240     <target name="clean_install"/>
    241     <target name="install" depends="dist"/>
    242     <target name="test" depends="compile_josm_test">
    243         <ant target="test" dir="alignways"/>
    244         <ant target="test" dir="continuosDownload"/>
    245         <ant target="test" dir="ElevationProfile"/>
    246         <ant target="test" dir="graphview"/>
    247         <ant target="test" dir="ImportImagePlugin"/>
    248         <ant target="test" dir="mapillary"/>
    249         <ant target="test" dir="opendata"/>
    250         <ant target="test" dir="pt_assistant"/>
    251         <ant target="test" dir="turnrestrictions"/>
    252         <ant target="test" dir="wikipedia"/>
    253     </target>
     32                <iterate target="dist"/>
     33        </target>
     34        <target name="install" depends="dist">
     35                <iterate target="install"/>
     36        </target>
     37        <target name="test" depends="compile_josm_test">
     38                <iterate target="test"/>
     39        </target>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/czechaddress/build.xml

    r31923 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="czechaddress" default="dist" basedir=".">
    3     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    4     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    5     <property name="" value="build"/>
    6     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    7     <property name="plugin.manifest" value="${}/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/czechaddress/MANIFEST.MF"/>
    8     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    9     <target name="clean" description="Removes all build files and the plugins's jar">
    10         <delete dir="${}"/>
    11         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    12     </target>
    13     <target name="init">
    14         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    15         <mkdir dir="${plugin.dist.dir}"/>
    16     </target>
    17     <target name="compile" depends="init,revision" description="Compile the plugin and make it ready for running">
    18         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" encoding="utf8" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    19             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    20             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    21         </javac>
    22         <copy todir="${}/images">
    23             <fileset dir="images"/>
    24         </copy>
    25         <copy todir="${}/data">
    26             <fileset dir="data"/>
    27         </copy>
    28         <manifest file="${plugin.manifest}">
    29             <attribute name="Author" value="Radomír Černoch"/>
    30             <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.czechaddress.CzechAddressPlugin"/>
    31             <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    32             <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Creating and handling address nodes and buildings within Czech Republic."/>
    33             <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    34             <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/preferences/czech_flag.png"/>
    35             <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="7001"/>
    36             <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    37         </manifest>
    38     </target>
    39     <target name="dist" depends="compile">
    40         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8" manifest="${}/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/czechaddress/MANIFEST.MF"/>
    41     </target>
    42     <target name="revision">
    43         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    44             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    45             <arg value="info"/>
    46             <arg value="--xml"/>
    47             <arg value="."/>
    48         </exec>
    49         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    50         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    51     </target>
    52     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    53         <property environment="env"/>
    54         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    55             <and>
    56                 <os family="windows"/>
    57             </and>
    58         </condition>
    59         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    60     </target>
    61     <target name="run" depends="compile">
    62         <java classname="JOSM" fork="true">
    63             <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
    64             <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
    65             <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
    66             <jvmarg value=""/>
    67             <classpath>
    68                 <pathelement location="${}"/>
    69                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    70             </classpath>
    71             <classpath>
    72                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    73                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    74             </classpath>
    75         </java>
    76     </target>
    77     <target name="profile" depends="compile" description="Profile CzechAddress with Netbeans">
    78         <fail unless="netbeans.home">
    79             This target can only run inside the NetBeans IDE.
    80         </fail>
    81         <nbprofiledirect>
    82             <classpath>
    83                 <pathelement location="${}"/>
    84             </classpath>
    85         </nbprofiledirect>
    86         <java classname="JOSM" fork="true">
    87             <jvmarg value="${}"/>
    88             <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
    89             <classpath>
    90                 <pathelement location="${}"/>
    91                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    92             </classpath>
    93             <classpath>
    94                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    95                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    96             </classpath>
    97         </java>
    98     </target>
    99     <target name="debug" depends="compile" description="Debug CzechAddress with Netbeans">
    100         <nbjpdastart addressproperty="jpda.address" name="czechaddress" transport="dt_socket"/>
    101         <java classname="JOSM" fork="true">
    102             <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=${jpda.address}"/>
    103             <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
    104             <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
    105             <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
    106             <classpath>
    107                 <pathelement location="${}"/>
    108                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    109             </classpath>
    110             <classpath>
    111                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    112                 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    113             </classpath>
    114         </java>
    115     </target>
     4    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
     5    <property name="commit.message" value="Commit message"/>
     6    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
     7    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
     11    -->
     12    <property name="" value="Radomír Černoch"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.czechaddress.CzechAddressPlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Creating and handling address nodes and buildings within Czech Republic."/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/preferences/czech_flag.png"/>
     16    <property name="" value=""/>
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/dataimport/build.xml

    r32287 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="dataimport" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    45    <property name="commit.message" value="Changed constructor signature, updated build.xml"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="10407"/>
    7     <!--
    8       ************************************************
    9       ** should not be necessary to change the following properties
    10      -->
    11     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    12     <property name="" value="build"/>
    13     <property name="plugin.src.dir" value="src"/>
    14     <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
    15     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    16     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    17     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    18     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    19     <!--
    20     **********************************************************
    21     ** init - initializes the build
    22     **********************************************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    2311    -->
    24     <target name="init">
    25         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    26     </target>
    27     <!--
    28     **********************************************************
    29     ** compile - complies the source tree
    30     **********************************************************
    31     -->
    32     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    33         <echo message="compiling sources for  ${plugin.jar} ... "/>
    34         <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    35             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    36             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    37             <classpath>
    38                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    39                 <fileset dir="lib">
    40                     <include name="**/*.jar"/>
    41                 </fileset>
    42             </classpath>
    43         </javac>
    44     </target>
    45     <!--
    46     **********************************************************
    47     ** dist - creates the plugin jar
    48     **********************************************************
    49     -->
    50     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    51         <echo message="creating ${}.jar ... "/>
    52         <copy todir="${}">
    53             <fileset dir=".">
    54                 <include name="README"/>
    55                 <include name="LICENSE"/>
    56             </fileset>
    57         </copy>
    58         <copy todir="${}/data">
    59             <fileset dir="data"/>
    60         </copy>
    61         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    62             <!--
    63         ************************************************
    64         ** configure these properties. Most of them will be copied to the plugins
    65         ** manifest file. Property values will also show up in the list available
    66         ** plugins:
    67         **
    68         ************************************************
    69     -->
    70             <manifest>
    71                 <attribute name="Author" value="Dieter Muecke"/>
    72                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.dataimport.DataImportPlugin"/>
    73                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    74                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows to import various file formats into JOSM directly. Currently supported: TangoGPS, Garmin Trainings Center TCX."/>
    75                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    76                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    77             </manifest>
    78         </jar>
    79     </target>
    80     <!--
    81     **********************************************************
    82     ** revision - extracts the current revision number for the
    83     **    file build.number and stores it in the XML property
    84     **    version.*
    85     **********************************************************
    86     -->
    87     <target name="revision">
    88         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    89             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    90             <arg value="info"/>
    91             <arg value="--xml"/>
    92             <arg value="."/>
    93         </exec>
    94         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    95         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    96     </target>
    97     <!--
    98     **********************************************************
    99     ** clean - clean up the build environment
    100     **********************************************************
    101     -->
    102     <target name="clean">
    103         <delete dir="${}"/>
    104         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    105     </target>
    106     <!--
    107     **********************************************************
    108     ** install - install the plugin in your local JOSM installation
    109     **********************************************************
    110     -->
    111     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    112         <property environment="env"/>
    113         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    114             <and>
    115                 <os family="windows"/>
    116             </and>
    117         </condition>
    118         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    119     </target>
    120     <!--
    121     ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
    122     -->
    123     <!--
    124         ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    125         ** property ${}
    126         **
    127         -->
    128     <target name="core-info">
    129         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    130             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    131             <arg value="info"/>
    132             <arg value="--xml"/>
    133             <arg value="../../core"/>
    134         </exec>
    135         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    136         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    137         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    138         <delete file=""/>
    139     </target>
    140     <!--
    141         ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    142         -->
    143     <target name="commit-current">
    144         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    145         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    146             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    147             <arg value="commit"/>
    148             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    149             <arg value="."/>
    150         </exec>
    151     </target>
    152     <!--
    153         ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    154         -->
    155     <target name="update-current">
    156         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    157         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    158             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    159             <arg value="up"/>
    160             <arg value="."/>
    161         </exec>
    162         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    163         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    164             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    165             <arg value="up"/>
    166             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    167         </exec>
    168     </target>
    169     <!--
    170         ** commits the plugin.jar
    171         -->
    172     <target name="commit-dist">
    173         <echo>
    174     ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    175     Commit message    : '${commit.message}'
    176     Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    177     JOSM build version: ${}
    178     Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    179     ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
     12    <property name="" value="Dieter Muecke"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.dataimport.DataImportPlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Allows to import various file formats into JOSM directly. Currently supported: TangoGPS, Garmin Trainings Center TCX."/>
     15    <!--<property name="plugin.icon" value="..."/>-->
     16    <!--<property name="" value="..."/>-->
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
    181     Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    182     </echo>
    183         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    184             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    185             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    186             <arg value="commit"/>
    187             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    188         </exec>
    189     </target>
    190     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    191     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    192         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    193             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    194             <arg value="--version"/>
    195         </exec>
    196         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    197             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    198             <condition>
    199                 <not>
    200                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    201                 </not>
    202             </condition>
    203         </fail>
    204         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    205             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    206             <condition>
    207                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    208             </condition>
    209         </fail>
    210     </target>
    211     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    212     </target>
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/ext_tools/build.xml

    r31926 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="ext_tools" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    45    <property name="commit.message" value="ExtTools: help shortcut paser, rebuild"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
    7     <!--
    8       ************************************************
    9       ** should not be necessary to change the following properties
    10      -->
    11     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    12     <property name="" value="build"/>
    13     <property name="plugin.src.dir" value="src"/>
    14     <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
    15     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    16     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    17     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    18     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    19     <!--
    20     **********************************************************
    21     ** init - initializes the build
    22     **********************************************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    2311    -->
    24     <target name="init">
    25         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    26     </target>
    27     <!--
    28     **********************************************************
    29     ** compile - complies the source tree
    30     **********************************************************
    31     -->
    32     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    33         <echo message="compiling sources for  ${plugin.jar} ... "/>
    34         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    35             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    36             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    37         </javac>
    38     </target>
    39     <!--
    40     **********************************************************
    41     ** dist - creates the plugin jar
    42     **********************************************************
    43     -->
    44     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    45         <echo message="creating ${}.jar ... "/>
    46         <copy todir="${}/resources">
    47             <fileset dir="resources"/>
    48         </copy>
    49         <copy todir="${}/images">
    50             <fileset dir="images"/>
    51         </copy>
    52         <copy todir="${}/data">
    53             <fileset dir="data"/>
    54         </copy>
    55         <copy todir="${}">
    56             <fileset dir=".">
    57                 <include name="README"/>
    58                 <include name="LICENSE"/>
    59             </fileset>
    60         </copy>
    61         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    62             <!--
    63         ************************************************
    64         ** configure these properties. Most of them will be copied to the plugins
    65         ** manifest file. Property values will also show up in the list available
    66         ** plugins:
    67         **
    68         ************************************************
    69     -->
    70             <manifest>
    71                 <attribute name="Author" value="Upliner"/>
    72                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="ext_tools.ExtToolsPlugin"/>
    73                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    74                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Use external scripts in JOSM"/>
    75                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/ext.png"/>
    76                 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    77                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    78                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    79             </manifest>
    80         </jar>
    81     </target>
    82     <!--
    83     **********************************************************
    84     ** revision - extracts the current revision number for the
    85     **    file build.number and stores it in the XML property
    86     **    version.*
    87     **********************************************************
    88     -->
    89     <target name="revision">
    90         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    91             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    92             <arg value="info"/>
    93             <arg value="--xml"/>
    94             <arg value="."/>
    95         </exec>
    96         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    97         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    98     </target>
    99     <!--
    100     **********************************************************
    101     ** clean - clean up the build environment
    102     **********************************************************
    103     -->
    104     <target name="clean">
    105         <delete dir="${}"/>
    106         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    107     </target>
    108     <!--
    109     **********************************************************
    110     ** install - install the plugin in your local JOSM installation
    111     **********************************************************
    112     -->
    113     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    114         <property environment="env"/>
    115         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    116             <and>
    117                 <os family="windows"/>
    118             </and>
    119         </condition>
    120         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    121     </target>
    122     <!--
    123     ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
    124     -->
    125     <!--
    126         ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    127         ** property ${}
    128         **
    129         -->
    130     <target name="core-info">
    131         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    132             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    133             <arg value="info"/>
    134             <arg value="--xml"/>
    135             <arg value="../../core"/>
    136         </exec>
    137         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    138         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    139         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    140         <delete file=""/>
    141     </target>
    142     <!--
    143         ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    144         -->
    145     <target name="commit-current">
    146         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    147         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    148             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    149             <arg value="commit"/>
    150             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    151             <arg value="."/>
    152         </exec>
    153     </target>
    154     <!--
    155         ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    156         -->
    157     <target name="update-current">
    158         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    159         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    160             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    161             <arg value="up"/>
    162             <arg value="."/>
    163         </exec>
    164         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    165         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    166             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    167             <arg value="up"/>
    168             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    169         </exec>
    170     </target>
    171     <!--
    172         ** commits the plugin.jar
    173         -->
    174     <target name="commit-dist">
    175         <echo>
    176     ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    177     Commit message    : '${commit.message}'
    178     Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    179     JOSM build version: ${}
    180     Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    181     ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
     12    <property name="" value="Upliner"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="ext_tools.ExtToolsPlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Use external scripts in JOSM"/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/ext.png"/>
     16    <property name="" value=""/>
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
    183     Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    184     </echo>
    185         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    186             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    187             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    188             <arg value="commit"/>
    189             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    190         </exec>
    191     </target>
    192     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    193     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    194         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    195             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    196             <arg value="--version"/>
    197         </exec>
    198         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    199             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    200             <condition>
    201                 <not>
    202                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    203                 </not>
    204             </condition>
    205         </fail>
    206         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    207             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    208             <condition>
    209                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    210             </condition>
    211         </fail>
    212     </target>
    213     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    214     </target>
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/geotools

    • Property svn:ignore

        old new  
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/globalsat/build.xml

    r31768 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="globalsat" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    45    <property name="commit.message" value="Changed constructor signature of plugin main class"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
    7     <!--
    8       ************************************************
    9       ** should not be necessary to change the following properties
    10      -->
    11     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    12     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    13     <property name="" value="build"/>
    14     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    15     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    16     <property name="RXTX" location="./libs/RXTXcomm.jar"/>
    17     <target name="init">
    18         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    19     </target>
    20     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    21         <echo message="creating ${plugin.jar}"/>
    22         <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    23             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    24             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    25             <classpath>
    26                 <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
    27                 <pathelement location="${RXTX}"/>
    28             </classpath>
    29         </javac>
    30     </target>
    31     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    32         <unjar dest="${}" src="${RXTX}"/>
    33         <copy todir="${}/images">
    34             <fileset dir="images"/>
    35         </copy>
    36         <copy todir="${}/data">
    37             <fileset dir="data"/>
    38         </copy>
    39         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    40             <manifest>
    41                 <attribute name="Author" value="Raphael Mack"/>
    42                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.globalsat.GlobalsatPlugin"/>
    43                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    44                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Download GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM."/>
    45                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/globalsatImport.png"/>
    46                 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    47                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    48                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    49             </manifest>
    50         </jar>
    51     </target>
    52     <target name="revision">
    53         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    54             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    55             <arg value="info"/>
    56             <arg value="--xml"/>
    57             <arg value="."/>
    58         </exec>
    59         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    60         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    61     </target>
    62     <target name="clean">
    63         <delete dir="${}"/>
    64         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    65     </target>
    66     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    67         <property environment="env"/>
    68         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    69             <and>
    70                 <os family="windows"/>
    71             </and>
    72         </condition>
    73         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    74     </target>
    75     <!--
    76         ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
    77         -->
    78     <!--
    79             ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    80             ** property ${}
    81             **
    82             -->
    83     <target name="core-info">
    84         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    85             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    86             <arg value="info"/>
    87             <arg value="--xml"/>
    88             <arg value="../../core"/>
    89         </exec>
    90         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    91         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    92         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    93         <delete file=""/>
    94     </target>
    95     <!--
    96             ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    97             -->
    98     <target name="commit-current">
    99         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    100         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    101             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    102             <arg value="commit"/>
    103             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    104             <arg value="."/>
    105         </exec>
    106     </target>
    107     <!--
    108             ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    109             -->
    110     <target name="update-current">
    111         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    112         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    113             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    114             <arg value="up"/>
    115             <arg value="."/>
    116         </exec>
    117         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    118         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    119             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    120             <arg value="up"/>
    121             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    122         </exec>
    123     </target>
    124     <!--
    125             ** commits the plugin.jar
    126             -->
    127     <target name="commit-dist">
    128         <echo>
    129         ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    130         Commit message    : '${commit.message}'
    131         Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    132         JOSM build version: ${}
    133         Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    134         ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    136         Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    137         </echo>
    138         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    139             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    140             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    141             <arg value="commit"/>
    142             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    143         </exec>
    144     </target>
    145     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    146     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    147         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    148             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    149             <arg value="--version"/>
    150         </exec>
    151         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    152             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    153             <condition>
    154                 <not>
    155                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    156                 </not>
    157             </condition>
    158         </fail>
    159         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    160             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    161             <condition>
    162                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    163             </condition>
    164         </fail>
    165     </target>
    166     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    167     </target>
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
     11    -->
     12    <property name="" value="Raphael Mack"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.globalsat.GlobalsatPlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Download GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM."/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/globalsatImport.png"/>
     16    <property name="" value=""/>
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/indoorhelper/test

  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/infomode/build.xml

    r31926 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="InfoMode" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    45    <property name="commit.message" value="InfoMode : for shortcurt parser"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
    7     <!-- should not be necessary to change the following properties -->
    8     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    9     <property name="" value="build"/>
    10     <property name="plugin.src.dir" value="src"/>
    11     <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
    12     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    13     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    14     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    15     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    16     <!--
    17     **********************************************************
    18     ** init - initializes the build
    19     **********************************************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    2011    -->
    21     <target name="init">
    22         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    23     </target>
    24     <!--
    25     **********************************************************
    26     ** compile - complies the source tree
    27     **********************************************************
    28     -->
    29     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    30         <echo message="compiling sources for  ${plugin.jar} ... "/>
    31         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    32             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    33             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    34         </javac>
    35     </target>
    36     <!--
    37     **********************************************************
    38     ** dist - creates the plugin jar
    39     **********************************************************
    40     -->
    41     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    42         <echo message="creating ${}.jar ... "/>
    43         <copy todir="${}/resources">
    44             <fileset dir="resources"/>
    45         </copy>
    46         <copy todir="${}/images">
    47             <fileset dir="images"/>
    48         </copy>
    49         <copy todir="${}/data">
    50             <fileset dir="data"/>
    51         </copy>
    52         <copy todir="${}">
    53             <fileset dir=".">
    54                 <include name="README"/>
    55                 <include name="LICENSE"/>
    56             </fileset>
    57         </copy>
    58         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    59             <!--
    60             ************************************************
    61             ** configure these properties. Most of them will be copied to the plugins
    62             ** manifest file. Property values will also show up in the list available
    63             ** plugins:
    64             **
    65             ************************************************
    66             -->
    67             <manifest>
    68                 <attribute name="Author" value="Alexei Kasatkin"/>
    69                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.infomode.InfoModePlugin"/>
    70                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    71                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Extra information about current layer objects pop ups - currently GPX trackpoint info"/>
    72                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/mapmode/infomode.png"/>
    73                 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    74                 <attribute name="ru_Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    75                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    76                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    77             </manifest>
    78         </jar>
    79     </target>
    80     <!--
    81     **********************************************************
    82     ** revision - extracts the current revision number for the
    83     **    file build.number and stores it in the XML property
    84     **    version.*
    85     **********************************************************
    86     -->
    87     <target name="revision">
    88         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    89             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    90             <arg value="info"/>
    91             <arg value="--xml"/>
    92             <arg value="."/>
    93         </exec>
    94         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    95         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    96     </target>
    97     <!--
    98     **********************************************************
    99     ** clean - clean up the build environment
    100     **********************************************************
    101     -->
    102     <target name="clean">
    103         <delete dir="${}"/>
    104         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    105     </target>
    106     <!--
    107     **********************************************************
    108     ** install - install the plugin in your local JOSM installation
    109     **********************************************************
    110     -->
    111     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    112         <property environment="env"/>
    113         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    114             <and>
    115                 <os family="windows"/>
    116             </and>
    117         </condition>
    118         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    119     </target>
    120     <!--
    121     ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
    122     -->
    123     <!--
    124     ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    125     ** property ${}
    126     -->
    127     <target name="core-info">
    128         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    129             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    130             <arg value="info"/>
    131             <arg value="--xml"/>
    132             <arg value="../../core"/>
    133         </exec>
    134         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    135         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    136         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    137         <delete file=""/>
    138     </target>
    139     <!-- commits the source tree for this plugin -->
    140     <target name="commit-current">
    141         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    142         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    143             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    144             <arg value="commit"/>
    145             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    146             <arg value="."/>
    147         </exec>
    148     </target>
    149     <!-- updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin -->
    150     <target name="update-current">
    151         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    152         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    153             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    154             <arg value="up"/>
    155             <arg value="."/>
    156         </exec>
    157         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    158         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    159             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    160             <arg value="up"/>
    161             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    162         </exec>
    163     </target>
    164     <!-- commits the plugin.jar -->
    165     <target name="commit-dist">
    166         <echo>
    167     ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    168     Commit message    : '${commit.message}'                   
    169     Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    170     JOSM build version: ${}
    171     Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    172     ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****                   
    174     Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    175     </echo>
    176         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    177             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    178             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    179             <arg value="commit"/>
    180             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    181         </exec>
    182     </target>
    183     <!-- make sure svn is present as a command line tool -->
    184     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    185         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    186             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    187             <arg value="--version"/>
    188         </exec>
    189         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    190             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    191             <condition>
    192                 <not>
    193                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    194                 </not>
    195             </condition>
    196         </fail>
    197         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    198             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    199             <condition>
    200                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    201             </condition>
    202         </fail>
    203     </target>
    204     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    205     </target>
    206     <target name="runjosm" depends="install">
    207         <java jar="${josm}" fork="true">
    208             <arg line="../../core/data_nodist/munich.gpx"/>
    209         </java>
     12    <property name="" value="Alexei Kasatkin"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.infomode.InfoModePlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Extra information about current layer objects pop ups - currently GPX trackpoint info"/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/mapmode/infomode.png"/>
     16    <property name="" value=""/>
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
     21    <target name="additional-manifest">
     22        <manifest file="MANIFEST" mode="update">
     23            <attribute name="ru_Plugin-Link" value=""/>
     24        </manifest>
    21025    </target>
     27    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     28    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/irsrectify/build.xml

    r31926 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="irsrectify" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    4     <property name="commit.message" value="irsrectify shortcut confilct"/>
     5    <property name="commit.message" value="irsrectify shortcut conflict"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
    7     <!--
    8       ************************************************
    9       ** should not be necessary to change the following properties
    10      -->
    11     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    12     <property name="" value="build"/>
    13     <property name="plugin.src.dir" value="src"/>
    14     <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
    15     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    16     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    17     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    18     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    19     <!--
    20     **********************************************************
    21     ** init - initializes the build
    22     **********************************************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    2311    -->
    24     <target name="init">
    25         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
     12    <property name="" value="Ilya Zverev"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="irsrectify.IRSRectifyPlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="A helper for IRS satellite adjustment."/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/irsrectify.png"/>
     16    <property name="" value=""/>
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
     21    <target name="additional-manifest">
     22        <manifest file="MANIFEST" mode="update">
     23            <attribute name="ru_Plugin-Description" value="Удобный инструмент создания файлов привязки космоснимков IRS."/>
     24        </manifest>
    2625    </target>
    27     <!--
    28     **********************************************************
    29     ** compile - complies the source tree
    30     **********************************************************
    31     -->
    32     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    33         <echo message="compiling sources for  ${plugin.jar} ... "/>
    34         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    35             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    36             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    37         </javac>
    38     </target>
    39     <!--
    40     **********************************************************
    41     ** dist - creates the plugin jar
    42     **********************************************************
    43     -->
    44     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    45         <echo message="creating ${}.jar ... "/>
    46         <copy todir="${}/images">
    47             <fileset dir="images"/>
    48         </copy>
    49         <copy todir="${}/data">
    50             <fileset dir="data"/>
    51         </copy>
    52         <copy todir="${}">
    53             <fileset dir=".">
    54                 <include name="README"/>
    55                 <include name="LICENSE"/>
    56             </fileset>
    57         </copy>
    58         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    59             <!--
    60         ************************************************
    61         ** configure these properties. Most of them will be copied to the plugins
    62         ** manifest file. Property values will also show up in the list available
    63         ** plugins:
    64         **
    65         ************************************************
    66     -->
    67             <manifest>
    68                 <attribute name="Author" value="Ilya Zverev"/>
    69                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="irsrectify.IRSRectifyPlugin"/>
    70                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    71                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A helper for IRS satellite adjustment."/>
    72                 <attribute name="ru_Plugin-Description" value="Удобный инструмент создания файлов привязки космоснимков IRS."/>
    73                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/irsrectify.png"/>
    74                 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/>
    75                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    76                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    77             </manifest>
    78         </jar>
    79     </target>
    80     <!--
    81     **********************************************************
    82     ** revision - extracts the current revision number for the
    83     **    file build.number and stores it in the XML property
    84     **    version.*
    85     **********************************************************
    86     -->
    87     <target name="revision">
    88         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    89             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    90             <arg value="info"/>
    91             <arg value="--xml"/>
    92             <arg value="."/>
    93         </exec>
    94         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    95         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    96     </target>
    97     <!--
    98     **********************************************************
    99     ** clean - clean up the build environment
    100     **********************************************************
    101     -->
    102     <target name="clean">
    103         <delete dir="${}"/>
    104         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    105     </target>
    106     <!--
    107     **********************************************************
    108     ** install - install the plugin in your local JOSM installation
    109     **********************************************************
    110     -->
    111     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    112         <property environment="env"/>
    113         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    114             <and>
    115                 <os family="windows"/>
    116             </and>
    117         </condition>
    118         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    119     </target>
    120     <!--
    121     ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
    122     -->
    123     <!--
    124         ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    125         ** property ${}
    126         **
    127         -->
    128     <target name="core-info">
    129         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    130             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    131             <arg value="info"/>
    132             <arg value="--xml"/>
    133             <arg value="../../core"/>
    134         </exec>
    135         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    136         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    137         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    138         <delete file=""/>
    139     </target>
    140     <!--
    141         ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    142         -->
    143     <target name="commit-current">
    144         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    145         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    146             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    147             <arg value="commit"/>
    148             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    149             <arg value="."/>
    150         </exec>
    151     </target>
    152     <!--
    153         ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    154         -->
    155     <target name="update-current">
    156         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    157         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    158             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    159             <arg value="up"/>
    160             <arg value="."/>
    161         </exec>
    162         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    163         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    164             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    165             <arg value="up"/>
    166             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    167         </exec>
    168     </target>
    169     <!--
    170         ** commits the plugin.jar
    171         -->
    172     <target name="commit-dist">
    173         <echo>
    174     ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    175     Commit message    : '${commit.message}'                   
    176     Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    177     JOSM build version: ${}
    178     Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    179     ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****                   
    181     Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    182     </echo>
    183         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    184             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    185             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    186             <arg value="commit"/>
    187             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    188         </exec>
    189     </target>
    190     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    191     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    192         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    193             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    194             <arg value="--version"/>
    195         </exec>
    196         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    197             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    198             <condition>
    199                 <not>
    200                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    201                 </not>
    202             </condition>
    203         </fail>
    204         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    205             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    206             <condition>
    207                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    208             </condition>
    209         </fail>
    210     </target>
    211     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    212     </target>
     27    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     28    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/openvisible/build.xml

    r31768 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="openvisible" default="dist" basedir=".">
    34    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    45    <property name="commit.message" value="Changed the constructor signature of the plugin main class; updated build.xml"/>
    56    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    67    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="7001"/>
    7     <!--
    8       ************************************************
    9       ** should not be necessary to change the following properties
    10      -->
    11     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    12     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    13     <property name="" value="build"/>
    14     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    15     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    16     <target name="init">
    17         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    18     </target>
    19     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    20         <echo message="creating ${plugin.jar}"/>
    21         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    22             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    23             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    24         </javac>
    25     </target>
    26     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    27         <copy todir="${}/images">
    28             <fileset dir="images"/>
    29         </copy>
    30         <copy todir="${}/data">
    31             <fileset dir="data"/>
    32         </copy>
    33         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    34             <manifest>
    35                 <attribute name="Author" value="Christof Dallermassl"/>
    36                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.openvisible.OpenVisiblePlugin"/>
    37                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    38                 <attribute name="Plugin-Dependencies" value="jgrapht-jdk1.5"/>
    39                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area"/>
    40                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/openvisible.png"/>
    41                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    42                 <attribute name="Plugin-Stage" value="50"/>
    43                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    44             </manifest>
    45         </jar>
    46     </target>
    47     <target name="revision">
    48         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    49             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    50             <arg value="info"/>
    51             <arg value="--xml"/>
    52             <arg value="."/>
    53         </exec>
    54         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    55         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    56     </target>
    57     <target name="clean">
    58         <delete dir="${}"/>
    59         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    60     </target>
    61     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    62         <property environment="env"/>
    63         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    64             <and>
    65                 <os family="windows"/>
    66             </and>
    67         </condition>
    68         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    69     </target>
    70     <!--
    71     ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    7211    -->
    73     <!--
    74         ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    75         ** property ${}
    76         **
    77         -->
    78     <target name="core-info">
    79         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    80             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    81             <arg value="info"/>
    82             <arg value="--xml"/>
    83             <arg value="../../core"/>
    84         </exec>
    85         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    86         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    87         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    88         <delete file=""/>
    89     </target>
    90     <!--
    91         ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    92         -->
    93     <target name="commit-current">
    94         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    95         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    96             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    97             <arg value="commit"/>
    98             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    99             <arg value="."/>
    100         </exec>
    101     </target>
    102     <!--
    103         ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    104         -->
    105     <target name="update-current">
    106         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    107         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    108             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    109             <arg value="up"/>
    110             <arg value="."/>
    111         </exec>
    112         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    113         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    114             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    115             <arg value="up"/>
    116             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    117         </exec>
    118     </target>
    119     <!--
    120         ** commits the plugin.jar
    121         -->
    122     <target name="commit-dist">
    123         <echo>
    124     ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    125     Commit message    : '${commit.message}'                 
    126     Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    127     JOSM build version: ${}
    128     Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    129     ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****                 
    131     Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    132     </echo>
    133         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    134             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    135             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    136             <arg value="commit"/>
    137             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    138         </exec>
    139     </target>
    140     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    141     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    142         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    143             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    144             <arg value="--version"/>
    145         </exec>
    146         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    147             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    148             <condition>
    149                 <not>
    150                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    151                 </not>
    152             </condition>
    153         </fail>
    154         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    155             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    156             <condition>
    157                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    158             </condition>
    159         </fail>
    160     </target>
    161     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    162     </target>
     12    <property name="" value="Christof Dallermassl"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="at.dallermassl.josm.plugin.openvisible.OpenVisiblePlugin"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area"/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/openvisible.png"/>
     16    <!--<property name="" value="..."/>-->
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <property name="plugin.stage" value="50"/>
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/pdfimport

    • Property svn:ignore

        old new  
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/photo_geotagging/test

  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/routes/build.xml

    r31768 r32306  
    4141        </jar>
    4242    </target>
     43    <target name="test"/>
    4344    <target name="revision">
    4445        <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/tag2link/test

  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/tagging-preset-tester/build.xml

    r31824 r32306  
    11<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    22<project name="tagging-preset-tester" default="dist" basedir=".">
     4    <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
    35    <property name="commit.message" value="[josm_tagging_preset_tester] #josm10288: fix NPE when starting without map"/>
     6    <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
    47    <property name="plugin.main.version" value="8863"/>
    5     <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
    6     <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
    7     <property name="" value="build"/>
    8     <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/>
    9     <property name="" value="1.7"/>
    10     <target name="init">
    11         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    12     </target>
    13     <target name="compile" depends="init">
    14         <echo message="creating ${plugin.jar}"/>
    15         <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}" includeantruntime="false">
    16             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
    17             <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
    18         </javac>
    19     </target>
    20     <target name="run" depends="install">
    21         <echo message="creating ${plugin.jar}"/>
    22         <java classpath="${josm};${plugin.jar}" classname="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.taggingpresettester.TaggingPresetTester"/>
    23     </target>
    24     <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
    25         <copy todir="${}/images">
    26             <fileset dir="images"/>
    27         </copy>
    28         <copy todir="${}/data">
    29             <fileset dir="data"/>
    30         </copy>
    31         <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}" manifestencoding="UTF-8">
    32             <manifest>
    33                 <attribute name="Author" value="Imi"/>
    34                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.taggingpresettester.TaggingPresetTester"/>
    35                 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.taggingpresettester.TaggingPresetTesterAction"/>
    36                 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/>
    37                 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Adds a tagging preset tester to the windows menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well."/>
    38                 <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/tagging-preset-tester.png"/>
    39                 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
    40                 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
    41             </manifest>
    42         </jar>
    43     </target>
    44     <target name="revision">
    45         <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    46             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    47             <arg value="info"/>
    48             <arg value="--xml"/>
    49             <arg value="."/>
    50         </exec>
    51         <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    52         <delete file="REVISION"/>
    53     </target>
    54     <target name="clean">
    55         <delete dir="${}"/>
    56         <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
    57     </target>
    58     <target name="install" depends="dist">
    59         <property environment="env"/>
    60         <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
    61             <and>
    62                 <os family="windows"/>
    63             </and>
    64         </condition>
    65         <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
    66     </target>
    67     <!--
    68      ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
     9    <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
     10         See
    6911    -->
    70     <!--
    71     ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
    72     ** property ${}
    73     **
    74     -->
    75     <target name="core-info">
    76         <exec append="false" output="" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    77             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    78             <arg value="info"/>
    79             <arg value="--xml"/>
    80             <arg value="../../core"/>
    81         </exec>
    82         <xmlproperty file="" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
    83         <echo>Building against core revision ${}.</echo>
    84         <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
    85         <delete file=""/>
    86     </target>
    87     <!--
    88     ** commits the source tree for this plugin
    89     -->
    90     <target name="commit-current">
    91         <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
    92         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="true">
    93             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    94             <arg value="commit"/>
    95             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    96             <arg value="."/>
    97         </exec>
    98     </target>
    99     <!--
    100     ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
    101     -->
    102     <target name="update-current">
    103         <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
    104         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    105             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    106             <arg value="up"/>
    107             <arg value="."/>
    108         </exec>
    109         <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
    110         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    111             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    112             <arg value="up"/>
    113             <arg value="../dist/${plugin.jar}"/>
    114         </exec>
    115     </target>
    116     <!--
    117     ** commits the plugin.jar
    118     -->
    119     <target name="commit-dist">
    120         <echo>
    121 ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
    122 Commit message    : '${commit.message}'
    123 Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
    124 JOSM build version: ${}
    125 Plugin-Version    : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
    126 ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
     12    <property name="" value="Imi"/>
     13    <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.taggingpresettester.TaggingPresetTester"/>
     14    <property name="plugin.description" value="Adds a tagging preset tester to the windows menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well."/>
     15    <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/tagging-preset-tester.png"/>
     16    <!--<property name="" value="..."/>-->
     17    <!--<property name="plugin.early" value="..."/>-->
     18    <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
     19    <!--<property name="plugin.stage" value="..."/>-->
    128 Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
    129 </echo>
    130         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
    131             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    132             <arg value="-m '${commit.message}'"/>
    133             <arg value="commit"/>
    134             <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
    135         </exec>
    136     </target>
    137     <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
    138     <target name="ensure-svn-present">
    139         <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
    140             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
    141             <arg value="--version"/>
    142         </exec>
    143         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
    144             <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
    145             <condition>
    146                 <not>
    147                     <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
    148                 </not>
    149             </condition>
    150         </fail>
    151         <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
    152             <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
    153             <condition>
    154                 <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
    155             </condition>
    156         </fail>
    157     </target>
    158     <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
    159     </target>
     21    <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
     22    <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.