Changeset 3080 in josm for trunk/src

2010-03-05T02:26:00+01:00 (15 years ago)

see #4670 - Not Locilised #7

2 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r2990 r3080  
    9494        kit.getStyleSheet().addRule(".warning-body {background-color:rgb(253,255,221);padding: 10pt; border-color:rgb(128,128,128);border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;}");
    9595        kit.getStyleSheet().addRule("ol {margin-left: 1cm}");
    96         pnlMessage.setText("<html><body>"
    97                 + "Please enter your OSM user name and password. The password will <strong>not</strong> be saved "
    98                 + "in clear text in the JOSM preferences and it will be submitted to the OSM server <strong>only once</strong>. "
    99                 + "Subsequent data upload requests don't use your password any more. "
    100                 + "</p>"
    101                 + "</body></html>"
     96        pnlMessage.setText("<html><body><p class=\"warning-body\">"
     97                + tr("Please enter your OSM user name and password. The password will <strong>not</strong> be saved "
     98                        + "in clear text in the JOSM preferences and it will be submitted to the OSM server <strong>only once</strong>. "
     99                        + "Subsequent data upload requests don't use your password any more.")
     100                        + "</p>"
     101                        + "</body></html>"
    102102        );
    103103        pnl.add(pnlMessage, gc);
    146146        pnlMessage.setText("<html><body>"
    147147                + "<p class=\"warning-body\">"
    148                 + "<strong>Warning:</strong> The password is transferred <strong>once</strong> in clear text "
    149                 + "to the OSM website. <strong>Do not</strong> use a sensitive "
    150                 + "password until the OSM server provides an encrypted communication channel (HTTPS)."
    151                 + "</p>"
    152                 + "</body></html>"
     148                + tr("<strong>Warning:</strong> The password is transferred <strong>once</strong> in clear text "
     149                        + "to the OSM website. <strong>Do not</strong> use a sensitive "
     150                        + "password until the OSM server provides an encrypted communication channel (HTTPS).")
     151                        + "</p>"
     152                        + "</body></html>"
    153153        );
    154154        pnl.add(pnlMessage, gc);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r2990 r3080  
    110110        pnlMessage = new HtmlPanel();
    111111        pnlMessage.setText("<html><body>"
    112                 + "With OAuth you grant JOSM the right to upload map data and GPS tracks "
    113                 + "on your behalf (<a href=\"urn:josm-oauth-info\">more info...</a>)."
    114                 + "</body></html>"
     112                + tr("With OAuth you grant JOSM the right to upload map data and GPS tracks "
     113                        + "on your behalf (<a href=\"urn:josm-oauth-info\">more info...</a>).")
     114                        + "</body></html>"
    115115        );
    116116        pnl.add(pnlMessage, gc);
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