Changeset 30737 in osm for applications/editors/josm/plugins/opendata/includes/org/apache
- Timestamp:
- 2014-10-18T23:07:52+02:00 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/opendata/includes/org/apache
- Files:
- 52 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r28000 r30737 21 21 import org.apache.commons.collections.ResettableIterator; 22 22 23 /** 23 /** 24 24 * Provides an implementation of an empty iterator. 25 25 * 26 26 * @since Commons Collections 3.1 27 27 * @version $Revision: 646777 $ $Date: 2008-04-10 14:33:15 +0200 (jeu., 10 avr. 2008) $ 28 * 28 * 29 29 * @author Stephen Colebourne 30 30 */ 31 31 abstract class AbstractEmptyIterator implements ResettableIterator { 32 32 33 33 /** 34 34 * Constructor. … … 38 38 } 39 39 40 @Override 40 41 public boolean hasNext() { 41 42 return false; 42 43 } 43 44 45 @Override 44 46 public Object next() { 45 47 throw new NoSuchElementException("Iterator contains no elements"); … … 62 64 } 63 65 64 @SuppressWarnings("unused") 65 public void add(Object obj) { 66 public void add(Object obj) { 66 67 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add() not supported for empty Iterator"); 67 68 } 68 69 69 @SuppressWarnings("unused") 70 public void set(Object obj) { 70 public void set(Object obj) { 71 71 throw new IllegalStateException("Iterator contains no elements"); 72 72 } 73 73 74 @Override 74 75 public void remove() { 75 76 throw new IllegalStateException("Iterator contains no elements"); … … 84 85 } 85 86 86 @SuppressWarnings("unused") 87 public Object setValue(Object value) { 87 public Object setValue(Object value) { 88 88 throw new IllegalStateException("Iterator contains no elements"); 89 89 } -
r28000 r30737 68 68 /* Initialize the sections. Since property set must have at least 69 69 * one section it is added right here. */ 70 sections = new LinkedList< Section>();70 sections = new LinkedList<>(); 71 71 sections.add(new MutableSection()); 72 72 } … … 90 90 clearSections(); 91 91 if (sections == null) 92 sections = new LinkedList< Section>();92 sections = new LinkedList<>(); 93 93 for (final Iterator<Section> i = ps.getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext();) 94 94 { … … 182 182 { 183 183 if (sections == null) 184 sections = new LinkedList< Section>();184 sections = new LinkedList<>(); 185 185 sections.add(section); 186 186 } -
r28000 r30737 74 74 formatID = null; 75 75 offset = -1; 76 preprops = new LinkedList< Property>();76 preprops = new LinkedList<>(); 77 77 } 78 78 … … 124 124 { 125 125 = properties; 126 preprops = new LinkedList< Property>();126 preprops = new LinkedList<>(); 127 127 for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) 128 128 preprops.add(properties[i]); … … 200 200 * @return the section's size. 201 201 */ 202 @Override 202 203 public int getSize() 203 204 { … … 315 316 Collections.sort(preprops, new Comparator<Property>() 316 317 { 318 @Override 317 319 public int compare(final Property p1, final Property p2) 318 320 { … … 453 455 * @return The number of properties in this section 454 456 */ 457 @Override 455 458 public int getPropertyCount() 456 459 { … … 465 468 * @return this section's properties. 466 469 */ 470 @Override 467 471 public Property[] getProperties() 468 472 { … … 479 483 * @return The property or <code>null</code> if there is no such property 480 484 */ 485 @Override 481 486 public Object getProperty(final long id) 482 487 { -
r28000 r30737 211 211 o += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE; 212 212 213 final Map<Long, String> m = new HashMap< Long, String>((int) nrEntries, (float) 1.0);213 final Map<Long, String> m = new HashMap<>((int) nrEntries, (float) 1.0); 214 214 215 215 try … … 298 298 * @see Object#equals(java.lang.Object) 299 299 */ 300 @Override 300 301 public boolean equals(final Object o) 301 302 { … … 343 344 * @see Object#hashCode() 344 345 */ 346 @Override 345 347 public int hashCode() 346 348 { … … 360 362 * @see Object#toString() 361 363 */ 364 @Override 362 365 public String toString() 363 366 { -
r28000 r30737 383 383 * exception and is no longer fostered by Microsoft. 384 384 */ 385 sections = new ArrayList< Section>(sectionCount);385 sections = new ArrayList<>(sectionCount); 386 386 387 387 /* -
r28000 r30737 209 209 /* Pass 1: Read the property list. */ 210 210 int pass1Offset = o1; 211 final List<PropertyListEntry> propertyList = new ArrayList< PropertyListEntry>(propertyCount);211 final List<PropertyListEntry> propertyList = new ArrayList<>(propertyCount); 212 212 PropertyListEntry ple; 213 213 for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) … … 308 308 * @see Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) 309 309 */ 310 @Override 310 311 public int compareTo(final PropertyListEntry o) 311 312 { … … 319 320 } 320 321 322 @Override 321 323 public String toString() 322 324 { … … 457 459 * not 458 460 */ 461 @Override 459 462 public boolean equals(final Object o) 460 463 { … … 550 553 * @see Object#hashCode() 551 554 */ 555 @Override 552 556 public int hashCode() 553 557 { … … 566 570 * @see Object#toString() 567 571 */ 572 @Override 568 573 public String toString() 569 574 { -
r28000 r30737 136 136 { 137 137 /* Initialize the number-to-name map: */ 138 Map<Long, Object> tm1 = new HashMap< Long, Object>();138 Map<Long, Object> tm1 = new HashMap<>(); 139 139 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(0), "VT_EMPTY"); 140 140 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(1), "VT_NULL"); … … 177 177 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(71), "VT_CF"); 178 178 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(72), "VT_CLSID"); 179 Map<Long, Object> tm2 = new HashMap< Long, Object>(tm1.size(), 1.0F);179 Map<Long, Object> tm2 = new HashMap<>(tm1.size(), 1.0F); 180 180 tm2.putAll(tm1); 181 181 numberToName = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tm2); … … 223 223 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(71), LENGTH_UNKNOWN); 224 224 tm1.put(Long.valueOf(72), LENGTH_UNKNOWN); 225 tm2 = new HashMap< Long, Object>(tm1.size(), 1.0F);225 tm2 = new HashMap<>(tm1.size(), 1.0F); 226 226 tm2.putAll(tm1); 227 227 } -
r28000 r30737 87 87 { 88 88 if (unsupportedMessage == null) 89 unsupportedMessage = new LinkedList< Long>();89 unsupportedMessage = new LinkedList<>(); 90 90 Long vt = Long.valueOf(ex.getVariantType()); 91 91 if (!unsupportedMessage.contains(vt)) -
r28000 r30737 119 119 RowRecordsAggregate rra = null; 120 120 121 List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList< RecordBase>(128);121 List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList<>(128); 122 122 _records = records; // needed here due to calls to findFirstRecordLocBySid before we're done 123 123 int dimsloc = -1; … … 254 254 private InternalSheet() { 255 255 _mergedCellsTable = new MergedCellsTable(); 256 List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList< RecordBase>(32);256 List<RecordBase> records = new ArrayList<>(32); 257 257 258 258 if (log.check( POILogger.DEBUG )) -
r28000 r30737 112 112 records = new WorkbookRecordList(); 113 113 114 boundsheets = new ArrayList< BoundSheetRecord>();115 formats = new ArrayList< FormatRecord>();116 hyperlinks = new ArrayList< HyperlinkRecord>();114 boundsheets = new ArrayList<>(); 115 formats = new ArrayList<>(); 116 hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>(); 117 117 numxfs = 0; 118 118 maxformatid = -1; 119 119 uses1904datewindowing = false; 120 commentRecords = new LinkedHashMap< String, NameCommentRecord>();120 commentRecords = new LinkedHashMap<>(); 121 121 } 122 122 … … 138 138 Integer.valueOf(recs.size())); 139 139 InternalWorkbook retval = new InternalWorkbook(); 140 List<Record> records = new ArrayList< Record>(recs.size() / 3);140 List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(recs.size() / 3); 141 141 retval.records.setRecords(records); 142 142 -
r28000 r30737 90 90 public ExternalBookBlock(RecordStream rs) { 91 91 _externalBookRecord = (SupBookRecord) rs.getNext(); 92 List<Object> temp = new ArrayList< Object>();92 List<Object> temp = new ArrayList<>(); 93 93 while(rs.peekNextClass() == ExternalNameRecord.class) { 94 94 temp.add(rs.getNext()); … … 127 127 RecordStream rs = new RecordStream(inputList, startIndex); 128 128 129 List<ExternalBookBlock> temp = new ArrayList< ExternalBookBlock>();129 List<ExternalBookBlock> temp = new ArrayList<>(); 130 130 while(rs.peekNextClass() == SupBookRecord.class) { 131 131 temp.add(new ExternalBookBlock(rs)); … … 148 148 } 149 149 150 _definedNames = new ArrayList< NameRecord>();150 _definedNames = new ArrayList<>(); 151 151 // collect zero or more DEFINEDNAMEs id=0x18, 152 152 // with their comments if present … … 171 171 172 172 private static ExternSheetRecord readExtSheetRecord(RecordStream rs) { 173 List<ExternSheetRecord> temp = new ArrayList< ExternSheetRecord>(2);173 List<ExternSheetRecord> temp = new ArrayList<>(2); 174 174 while(rs.peekNextClass() == ExternSheetRecord.class) { 175 175 temp.add((ExternSheetRecord) rs.getNext()); -
r28000 r30737 48 48 */ 49 49 public RowBlocksReader(RecordStream rs) { 50 List<Record> plainRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();51 List<Record> shFrmRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();52 List<CellReference> firstCellRefs = new ArrayList< CellReference>();53 List<Record> arrayRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();54 List<Record> tableRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();55 List<Record> mergeCellRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();50 List<Record> plainRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 51 List<Record> shFrmRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 52 List<CellReference> firstCellRefs = new ArrayList<>(); 53 List<Record> arrayRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 54 List<Record> tableRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 55 List<Record> mergeCellRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 56 56 57 57 Record prevRec = null; -
r28000 r30737 25 25 26 26 public final class WorkbookRecordList implements Iterable<Record> { 27 private List<Record> records = new ArrayList< Record>();27 private List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); 28 28 29 29 private int protpos = 0; // holds the position of the protect record. -
r28000 r30737 81 81 82 82 public ExternSheetRecord() { 83 _list = new ArrayList< RefSubRecord>();83 _list = new ArrayList<>(); 84 84 } 85 85 86 86 public ExternSheetRecord(RecordInputStream in) { // NO_UCD 87 _list = new ArrayList< RefSubRecord>();87 _list = new ArrayList<>(); 88 88 89 89 int nItems = in.readShort(); -
r28000 r30737 53 53 54 54 public ObjRecord() { 55 subrecords = new ArrayList< SubRecord>(2);55 subrecords = new ArrayList<>(2); 56 56 // TODO - ensure 2 sub-records (ftCmo 15h, and ftEnd 00h) are always created 57 57 _uninterpretedData = null; … … 88 88 */ 89 89 90 subrecords = new ArrayList< SubRecord>();90 subrecords = new ArrayList<>(); 91 91 ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(subRecordData); 92 92 LittleEndianInputStream subRecStream = new LittleEndianInputStream(bais); -
r28000 r30737 76 76 77 77 protected PageBreakRecord() { 78 _breaks = new ArrayList< Break>();79 _breakMap = new HashMap< Integer, Break>();78 _breaks = new ArrayList<>(); 79 _breakMap = new HashMap<>(); 80 80 } 81 81 … … 83 83 { 84 84 int nBreaks = in.readShort(); 85 _breaks = new ArrayList< Break>(nBreaks + 2);86 _breakMap = new HashMap< Integer, Break>();85 _breaks = new ArrayList<>(nBreaks + 2); 86 _breakMap = new HashMap<>(); 87 87 88 88 for(int k = 0; k < nBreaks; k++) { -
r28000 r30737 245 245 */ 246 246 private static Map<Integer, I_RecordCreator> recordsToMap(Class<? extends Record> [] records) { 247 Map<Integer, I_RecordCreator> result = new HashMap< Integer, I_RecordCreator>();248 Set<Class<?>> uniqueRecClasses = new HashSet< Class<?>>(records.length * 3 / 2);247 Map<Integer, I_RecordCreator> result = new HashMap<>(); 248 Set<Class<?>> uniqueRecClasses = new HashSet<>(records.length * 3 / 2); 249 249 250 250 for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { … … 306 306 public static List<Record> createRecords(InputStream in) throws RecordFormatException { 307 307 308 List<Record> records = new ArrayList< Record>(NUM_RECORDS);308 List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(NUM_RECORDS); 309 309 310 310 RecordFactoryInputStream recStream = new RecordFactoryInputStream(in, true); -
r28000 r30737 125 125 public RecordFactoryInputStream(InputStream in, boolean shouldIncludeContinueRecords) { 126 126 RecordInputStream rs = new RecordInputStream(in); 127 List<Record> records = new ArrayList< Record>();127 List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(); 128 128 StreamEncryptionInfo sei = new StreamEncryptionInfo(rs, records); 129 129 -
r28000 r30737 56 56 field_1_num_strings = 0; 57 57 field_2_num_unique_strings = 0; 58 field_3_strings = new IntMapper< UnicodeString>();58 field_3_strings = new IntMapper<>(); 59 59 } 60 60 … … 227 227 field_1_num_strings = in.readInt(); 228 228 field_2_num_unique_strings = in.readInt(); 229 field_3_strings = new IntMapper< UnicodeString>();229 field_3_strings = new IntMapper<>(); 230 230 deserializer = new SSTDeserializer(field_3_strings); 231 231 deserializer.manufactureStrings( field_2_num_unique_strings, in ); -
r28000 r30737 53 53 */ 54 54 public ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate() { 55 records = new ArrayList< ColumnInfoRecord>();55 records = new ArrayList<>(); 56 56 } 57 57 public ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate(RecordStream rs) { -
r28000 r30737 42 42 public DataValidityTable(RecordStream rs) { 43 43 _headerRec = (DVALRecord) rs.getNext(); 44 List<Record> temp = new ArrayList< Record>();44 List<Record> temp = new ArrayList<>(); 45 45 while (rs.peekNextClass() == DVRecord.class) { 46 46 temp.add(rs.getNext()); … … 51 51 public DataValidityTable() { 52 52 _headerRec = new DVALRecord(); 53 _validationList = new ArrayList< Record>();53 _validationList = new ArrayList<>(); 54 54 } 55 55 -
r28000 r30737 39 39 */ 40 40 public MergedCellsTable() { 41 _mergedRegions = new ArrayList< CellRangeAddress>();41 _mergedRegions = new ArrayList<>(); 42 42 } 43 43 -
r28000 r30737 61 61 throw new IllegalArgumentException("SharedValueManager must be provided."); 62 62 } 63 _rowRecords = new TreeMap< Integer, RowRecord>();63 _rowRecords = new TreeMap<>(); 64 64 _valuesAgg = new ValueRecordsAggregate(); 65 _unknownRecords = new ArrayList< Record>();65 _unknownRecords = new ArrayList<>(); 66 66 _sharedValueManager = svm; 67 67 } -
r28000 r30737 135 135 _arrayRecords = toList(arrayRecords); 136 136 _tableRecords = tableRecords; 137 Map<SharedFormulaRecord, SharedFormulaGroup> m = new HashMap< SharedFormulaRecord, SharedFormulaGroup>(nShF * 3 / 2);137 Map<SharedFormulaRecord, SharedFormulaGroup> m = new HashMap<>(nShF * 3 / 2); 138 138 for (int i = 0; i < nShF; i++) { 139 139 SharedFormulaRecord sfr = sharedFormulaRecords[i]; … … 147 147 */ 148 148 private static <Z> List<Z> toList(Z[] zz) { 149 List<Z> result = new ArrayList< Z>(zz.length);149 List<Z> result = new ArrayList<>(zz.length); 150 150 for (int i = 0; i < zz.length; i++) { 151 151 result.add(zz[i]); -
r28000 r30737 241 241 */ 242 242 public CellValueRecordInterface[] getValueRecords() { 243 List<CellValueRecordInterface> temp = new ArrayList< CellValueRecordInterface>();243 List<CellValueRecordInterface> temp = new ArrayList<>(); 244 244 245 245 for (int rowIx = 0; rowIx < records.length; rowIx++) { -
r28000 r30737 414 414 415 415 if (isRichText() && (runCount > 0)) { 416 field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList< FormatRun>(runCount);416 field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList<>(runCount); 417 417 for (int i=0;i<runCount;i++) { 418 418 field_4_format_runs.add(new FormatRun(in)); … … 539 539 public void addFormatRun(FormatRun r) { 540 540 if (field_4_format_runs == null) { 541 field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList< FormatRun>();541 field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList<>(); 542 542 } 543 543 … … 709 709 str.field_3_string = field_3_string; 710 710 if (field_4_format_runs != null) { 711 str.field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList< FormatRun>();711 str.field_4_format_runs = new ArrayList<>(); 712 712 for (FormatRun r : field_4_format_runs) { 713 713 str.field_4_format_runs.add(new FormatRun(r._character, r._fontIndex)); -
r28000 r30737 50 50 */ 51 51 public static Ptg[] readTokens(int size, LittleEndianInput in) { 52 List<Ptg> temp = new ArrayList< Ptg>(4 + size / 2);52 List<Ptg> temp = new ArrayList<>(4 + size / 2); 53 53 int pos = 0; 54 54 boolean hasArrayPtgs = false; … … 216 216 if (ptg instanceof ArrayPtg) { 217 217 if (arrayPtgs == null) { 218 arrayPtgs = new ArrayList< Ptg>(5);218 arrayPtgs = new ArrayList<>(5); 219 219 } 220 220 arrayPtgs.add(ptg); -
r28000 r30737 38 38 public FunctionDataBuilder(int sizeEstimate) { 39 39 _maxFunctionIndex = -1; 40 _functionDataByName = new HashMap< String, FunctionMetadata>(sizeEstimate * 3 / 2);41 _functionDataByIndex = new HashMap< Integer, FunctionMetadata>(sizeEstimate * 3 / 2);42 _mutatingFunctionIndexes = new HashSet< Integer>();40 _functionDataByName = new HashMap<>(sizeEstimate * 3 / 2); 41 _functionDataByIndex = new HashMap<>(sizeEstimate * 3 / 2); 42 _mutatingFunctionIndexes = new HashSet<>(); 43 43 } 44 44 -
r28000 r30737 51 51 "LOG10", "ATAN2", "DAYS360", "SUMXMY2", "SUMX2MY2", "SUMX2PY2", 52 52 }; 53 private static final Set<String> DIGIT_ENDING_FUNCTION_NAMES_SET = new HashSet< String>(Arrays.asList(DIGIT_ENDING_FUNCTION_NAMES));53 private static final Set<String> DIGIT_ENDING_FUNCTION_NAMES_SET = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DIGIT_ENDING_FUNCTION_NAMES)); 54 54 55 55 public static FunctionMetadataRegistry createRegistry() { -
r28000 r30737 50 50 private static final String[] _builtinFormats = BuiltinFormats.getAll(); 51 51 52 private final Vector<String> _formats = new Vector< String>();52 private final Vector<String> _formats = new Vector<>(); 53 53 private boolean _movedBuiltins = false; // Flag to see if need to 54 54 // check the built in list -
r28000 r30737 73 73 protected HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook, InternalSheet sheet) { 74 74 this._sheet = sheet; 75 _rows = new TreeMap< Integer, HSSFRow>();75 _rows = new TreeMap<>(); 76 76 this._workbook = workbook; 77 77 setPropertiesFromSheet(sheet); … … 264 264 int height = lastRow - firstRow + 1; 265 265 int width = lastColumn - firstColumn + 1; 266 List<HSSFCell> temp = new ArrayList< HSSFCell>(height*width);266 List<HSSFCell> temp = new ArrayList<>(height*width); 267 267 for (int rowIn = firstRow; rowIn <= lastRow; rowIn++) { 268 268 for (int colIn = firstColumn; colIn <= lastColumn; colIn++) { -
r28000 r30737 94 94 super(null); 95 95 workbook = book; 96 _sheets = new ArrayList< HSSFSheet>(INITIAL_CAPACITY);97 names = new ArrayList< HSSFName>(INITIAL_CAPACITY);96 _sheets = new ArrayList<>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); 97 names = new ArrayList<>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); 98 98 } 99 99 … … 182 182 } 183 183 184 _sheets = new ArrayList< HSSFSheet>(INITIAL_CAPACITY);185 names = new ArrayList< HSSFName>(INITIAL_CAPACITY);184 _sheets = new ArrayList<>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); 185 names = new ArrayList<>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); 186 186 187 187 // Grab the data from the workbook stream, however -
r28000 r30737 81 81 } 82 82 _filesystem = filesystem; 83 _byname = new HashMap< String, Entry>();84 _entries = new ArrayList< Entry>();83 _byname = new HashMap<>(); 84 _entries = new ArrayList<>(); 85 85 Iterator<Property> iter = property.getChildren(); 86 86 -
r28000 r30737 98 98 */ 99 99 public POIFSDocument(String name, POIFSBigBlockSize bigBlockSize, InputStream stream) throws IOException { 100 List<DocumentBlock> blocks = new ArrayList< DocumentBlock>();100 List<DocumentBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<>(); 101 101 102 102 _size = 0; -
r28000 r30737 69 69 { 70 70 _property_table = new PropertyTable(); 71 _documents = new ArrayList< POIFSDocument>();71 _documents = new ArrayList<>(); 72 72 _root = null; 73 73 } -
r28000 r30737 48 48 { 49 49 super(); 50 _children = new ArrayList< Property>();51 _children_names = new HashSet< String>();50 _children = new ArrayList<>(); 51 _children_names = new HashSet<>(); 52 52 setName(name); 53 53 setSize(0); … … 68 68 { 69 69 super(index, array, offset); 70 _children = new ArrayList< Property>();71 _children_names = new HashSet< String>();70 _children = new ArrayList<>(); 71 _children_names = new HashSet<>(); 72 72 } 73 73 -
r28000 r30737 61 61 throws IOException 62 62 { 63 List<Property> properties = new ArrayList< Property>();63 List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>(); 64 64 65 65 for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) -
r28000 r30737 40 40 public PropertyTable() 41 41 { 42 _properties = new ArrayList< Property>();42 _properties = new ArrayList<>(); 43 43 addProperty(new RootProperty()); 44 44 _blocks = null; … … 111 111 return; 112 112 } 113 Stack<Property> children = new Stack< Property>();113 Stack<Property> children = new Stack<>(); 114 114 115 115 children.push(_properties.get(index)); -
r28000 r30737 202 202 ListManagedBlock[] fetchBlocks(int startBlock, int headerPropertiesStartBlock, 203 203 BlockList blockList) throws IOException { 204 List<ListManagedBlock> blocks = new ArrayList< ListManagedBlock>();204 List<ListManagedBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<>(); 205 205 int currentBlock = startBlock; 206 206 boolean firstPass = true; -
r28000 r30737 50 50 throws IOException 51 51 { 52 List<RawDataBlock> blocks = new ArrayList< RawDataBlock>();52 List<RawDataBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<>(); 53 53 54 54 while (true) -
r28000 r30737 147 147 int _blocks_per_big_block = getBlocksPerBigBlock(bigBlockSize); 148 148 149 List<SmallDocumentBlock> sdbs = new ArrayList< SmallDocumentBlock>();149 List<SmallDocumentBlock> sdbs = new ArrayList<>(); 150 150 151 151 for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) -
r28000 r30737 132 132 super(pattern); 133 133 134 specs = new ArrayList< TimeSpec>();134 specs = new ArrayList<>(); 135 135 136 136 StringBuffer desc = CellFormatPart.parseFormat(pattern, -
r28000 r30737 246 246 scale = 1; 247 247 248 specials = new LinkedList< Special>();248 specials = new LinkedList<>(); 249 249 250 250 NumPartHandler partHandler = new NumPartHandler(); … … 573 573 } 574 574 575 Set<StringMod> mods = new TreeSet< StringMod>();575 Set<StringMod> mods = new TreeSet<>(); 576 576 StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(desc); 577 577 -
r28000 r30737 48 48 throw new IllegalArgumentException("ptgs must not be null"); 49 49 } 50 Stack<String> stack = new Stack< String>();50 Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>(); 51 51 52 52 for (int i=0 ; i < ptgs.length; i++) { -
r28000 r30737 75 75 76 76 static { 77 List<String> m = new ArrayList< String>();77 List<String> m = new ArrayList<>(); 78 78 putFormat(m, 0, "General"); 79 79 putFormat(m, 1, "0"); -
r28000 r30737 45 45 46 46 public CellRangeAddressList() { 47 _list = new ArrayList< CellRangeAddress>();47 _list = new ArrayList<>(); 48 48 } 49 49 /** -
r28000 r30737 50 50 B[] flattenedArray = (B[]) Array.newInstance(cellClass, nItems); 51 51 flattenedList.toArray(flattenedArray); 52 return new SSCellRange< B>(firstRow, firstColumn, height, width, flattenedArray);52 return new SSCellRange<>(firstRow, firstColumn, height, width, flattenedArray); 53 53 } 54 54 55 55 public Iterator<K> iterator() { 56 return new ArrayIterator< K>(_flattenedArray);56 return new ArrayIterator<>(_flattenedArray); 57 57 } 58 58 private static final class ArrayIterator<D> implements Iterator<D> { -
r28000 r30737 29 29 30 30 public class BitFieldFactory { 31 private static Map<Integer, BitField> instances = new HashMap< Integer, BitField>();31 private static Map<Integer, BitField> instances = new HashMap<>(); 32 32 33 33 public static BitField getInstance(int mask) { -
r28000 r30737 38 38 int characterCount = 0; 39 39 byte b = (byte) 0; 40 List<Byte> bytes = new ArrayList< Byte>();40 List<Byte> bytes = new ArrayList<>(); 41 41 boolean done = false; 42 42 while ( !done ) -
r28000 r30737 56 56 public IntMapper(final int initialCapacity) 57 57 { 58 elements = new ArrayList< T>(initialCapacity);59 valueKeyMap = new HashMap< T,Integer>(initialCapacity);58 elements = new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity); 59 valueKeyMap = new HashMap<>(initialCapacity); 60 60 } 61 61 -
r28000 r30737 38 38 * Map of POILogger instances, with classes as keys 39 39 */ 40 private static Map<String, POILogger> _loggers = new HashMap< String, POILogger>();40 private static Map<String, POILogger> _loggers = new HashMap<>(); 41 41 42 42 /** -
r28000 r30737 571 571 private Object [] flattenArrays(Object [] objects) 572 572 { 573 List<Object> results = new ArrayList< Object>();573 List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(); 574 574 575 575 for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) … … 582 582 private List<Object> objectToObjectArray(Object object) 583 583 { 584 List<Object> results = new ArrayList< Object>();584 List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(); 585 585 586 586 if (object instanceof byte [])
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