Changeset 30325 in osm for applications/editors
- Timestamp:
- 2014-03-16T14:21:57+01:00 (11 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed2
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r30006 r30325 1 UNKOBJ= 2 ADMARE=Administrative area 3 AIRARE=Airfield 4 ACHBRT=Anchor berth 5 ACHARE=Anchorage 6 BCNCAR=Cardinal beacon 7 BCNISD=Isolated danger beacon 8 BCNLAT=Lateral beacon 9 BCNSAW=Safe water beacon 10 BCNSPP=Special purpose beacon 11 BERTHS=Berth 12 BRIDGE=Bridge 13 BUISGL=Building 14 BUAARE=Built-up area 15 BOYCAR=Cardinal buoy 16 BOYINB=Installation buoy 17 BOYISD=Isolated danger buoy 18 BOYLAT=Lateral buoy 19 BOYSAW=Safe water buoy 20 BOYSPP=Special purpose buoy 21 CBLARE=Cable area 22 CBLOHD=Overhead cable 23 CBLSUB=Submarine cable 24 CANALS=Canal 25 CANBNK=Canal bank 26 CTSARE=Cargo area 27 CAUSWY=Causeway 28 CTNARE=Caution area 29 CHKPNT=Checkpoint 30 CGUSTA=Coastguard station 31 COALNE=Coastline 32 CONZNE=Contiguous zone 33 COSARE=Continental shelf 34 CTRPNT=Control point 35 CONVYR=Conveyor 36 CRANES=Crane 37 CURENT=Current 38 CUSZNE=Custom zone 39 DAMCON=Dam 40 DAYMAR=Daymark 41 DWRTCL=Deep water route centreline 42 DWRTPT=Deep water route 43 DEPARE=Depth area 44 DEPCNT=Depth contour 45 DISMAR=Distance mark 46 DOCARE=Dock 47 DRGARE=Dredged area 48 DRYDOC=Dry dock 49 DMPGRD=Dumping ground 50 DYKCON=Dyke 51 EXEZNE=Exclusive economic zone 52 FAIRWY=Fairway 53 FNCLNE=Fenceline/Wall 54 FERYRT=Ferry route 55 FSHZNE=Fishery zone 56 FSHFAC=Fishing facility 57 FSHGRD=Fishing ground 58 FLODOC=Floating dock 59 FOGSIG=Fog signal 60 FORSTC=Fortified structure 61 FRPARE=Free port area 62 GATCON=Gate 63 GRIDRN=Gridiron 64 HRBARE=Harbour area 65 HRBFAC=Harbour 66 HULKES=Hulk 67 ICEARE=Ice area 68 ICNARE=Incineration zone 69 ISTZNE=Inshore traffic zone 70 LAKARE=Lake 71 LAKSHR=Lake shore 72 LNDARE=Land area 73 LNDELV=Land elevation 74 LNDRGN=Land region 75 LNDMRK=Landmark 76 LIGHTS=Light 77 LITFLT=Light float 78 LITVES=Light vessel 79 LOCMAG=Local magnetic anomaly 80 LOKBSN=Lock basin 81 LOGPON=Log pond 82 MAGVAR=Magnetic variation 83 MARCUL=Marine farm 84 MIPARE=Military practice area 85 MORFAC=Mooring 86 NAVLNE=Navigation line 87 OBSTRN=Obstruction 88 OFSPLF=Offshore platform 89 OSPARE=Offshore production area 90 OILBAR=Oil barrier 91 PILPNT=Pile 92 PILBOP=Pilot boarding place 93 PIPARE=Pipeline area 94 PIPOHD=Overhead pipeline 95 PIPSOL=Submarine pipeline 96 PONTON=Pontoon 97 PRCARE=Precautionary area 98 PRDARE=Land production area 99 PYLONS=Pylon 100 RADLNE=Radar line 101 RADRNG=Radar range 102 RADRFL=Radar reflector 103 RADSTA=Radar station 104 RTPBCN=Radar transponder 105 RDOCAL=Calling-in point 106 RDOSTA=Radio station 107 RAILWY=Railway 108 RAPIDS=Rapids 109 RCRTCL=Recommended route centreline 110 RECTRC=Recommended track 111 RCTLPT=Recommended traffic lane 112 RSCSTA=Rescue station 113 RESARE=Restricted area 114 RETRFL=Retro reflector 115 RIVERS=River 116 RIVBNK=River bank 117 ROADWY=Road 118 RUNWAY=Runway 119 SNDWAV=Sand waves 120 SEAARE=Sea area 121 SPLARE=Seaplane landing area 122 SBDARE=Seabed area 123 SLCONS=Shoreline construction 124 SISTAT=Traffic signal station 125 SISTAW=Warning signal station 126 SILTNK=Tank/Silo 127 SLOTOP=Slope topline 128 SLOGRD=Sloping ground 129 SMCFAC=Small craft facility 130 SOUNDG=Sounding 131 SPRING=Spring 132 SQUARE=Square 133 STSLNE=Territorial baseline 134 SUBTLN=Submarine transit lane 135 SWPARE=Swept area 136 TESARE=Territorial area 137 TIDEWY=Tideway 138 TOPMAR=Topmark 139 TSELNE=Separation line 140 TSSBND=Separation boundary 141 TSSCRS=Separation crossing 142 TSSLPT=Separation lane 143 TSSRON=Separation roundabout 144 TSEZNE=Separation zone 145 TUNNEL=Tunnel 146 TWRTPT=Two-way route 147 UWTROC=Rock 148 UNSARE=Unsurveyed area 149 VEGATN=Vegetation 150 WATTUR=Water turbulence 151 WATFAL=Waterfall 152 WEDKLP=Weed 153 WRECKS=Wreck 154 TS_FEB=Tidal stream 155 NOTMRK=Notice 156 WTWAXS=Waterway axis 157 WTWPRF=Waterway profile 158 BRGARE=Bridge area 159 BUNSTA=Bunker station 160 COMARE=Communication area 161 HRBBSN=Harbour basin 162 LOKARE=Lock area 163 LKBSPT=Lock basin part 164 PRTARE=Port area 165 BCNWTW=Waterway beacon 166 BOYWTW=Waterway buoy 167 REFDMP=Refuse dump 168 RTPLPT=Route planning point 169 TERMNL=Terminal 170 TRNBSN=Turning basin 171 WTWARE=Waterway area 172 WTWGAG=Waterway gauge 173 TISDGE=Time schedule 174 VEHTRF=Vehicle transfer 175 EXCNST=Exceptional structure 176 LITMAJ=Major light 177 LITMIN=Minor light 178 179 UNKATT= 180 AGENCY=Agency 181 BCNSHP=Beacon shape 182 BUISHP=Building shape 183 BOYSHP=Buoy shape 184 BURDEP=Buried depth 185 CALSGN=Callsign 186 CATAIR=Airfield category 187 CATACH=Anchorage category 188 CATBRG=Bridge category 189 CATBUA=Built-up area category 190 CATCBL=Cable category 191 CATCAN=Canal category 192 CATCAM=Cardinal mark category 193 CATCHP=Checkpoint category 194 CATCOA=Coastline category 195 CATCTR=Control point category 196 CATCON=Conveyor category 197 CATCRN=Crane category 198 CATDAM=Dam category 199 CATDIS=Distance mark category 200 CATDOC=Dock category 201 CATDPG=Dumping ground category 202 CATFNC=Fenceline category 203 CATFRY=Ferry category 204 CATFIF=Fishing facility category 205 CATFOG=Fog signal category 206 CATFOR=Fortified structure category 207 CATGAT=Gate category 208 CATHAF=Harbour category 209 CATHLK=Hulk category 210 CATICE=Ice category 211 CATINB=Installation buoy category 212 CATLND=Land region category 213 CATLMK=Landmark category 214 CATLAM=Lateral mark category 215 CATLIT=Light category 216 CATMFA=Marine farm category 217 CATMPA=Military practice area category 218 CATMOR=Morring category 219 CATNAV=Navigation line category 220 CATOBS=Obstruction category 221 CATOFP=Offshore platform category 222 CATOLB=Oil barrier category 223 CATPLE=Pile category 224 CATPIL=Pilot boarding category 225 CATPIP=Pipeline category 226 CATPRA=Production area category 227 CATPYL=Pylon category 228 CATRAS=Radar station category 229 CATRTB=Radar transponder category 230 CATROS=Radio station category 231 CATTRK=Recommended track category 232 CATRSC=Rescue station category 233 CATREA=Restricted area category 234 CATROD=Road category 235 CATRUN=Runway category 236 CATSEA=Sea area category 237 CATSLC=Shoreline construction category 238 CATSIT=Traffic signal station category 239 CATSIW=Warning signal station category 240 CATSIL=Silo/tank category 241 CATSLO=Slope category 242 CATSCF=Small craft facility category 243 CATSPM=Special purpose mark category 244 CATTSS=Traffic separation scheme category 245 CATVEG=Vegetation category 246 CATWAT=Water turbulence category 247 CATWED=Weed category 248 CATWRK=Wreck category 249 CATZOC=Zone of confidence category 250 COLOUR=Colour 251 COLPAT=Colour pattern 252 COMCHA=VHF channel 253 CONDTN=Condition 254 CONRAD=Radar reflectivity 255 CONVIS=Visual conspicuity 256 CURVEL=Current velocity 257 DATEND=End date 258 DATSTA=Start date 259 DRVAL1=Minimum depth 260 DRVAL2=Maximum depth 261 DUNITS=Depth units 262 ELEVAT=Elevation 263 ESTRNG=Estimated range 264 EXCLIT=Light exhibition 265 EXPSOU=Light exposition 266 FUNCTN=Function 267 HEIGHT=Height 268 HUNITS=Height/length units 269 HORACC=Horizontal accuracy 270 HORCLR=Horizontal clearance 271 HORLEN=Horizontal length 272 HORWID=Horizontal width 273 ICEFAC=Ice factor 274 INFORM=Information 275 JRSDTN=Jurisdiction 276 LIFCAP=Maximum load 277 LITCHR=Light character 278 LITVIS=Light visibility 279 MARSYS=Buoyage system 280 MLTYLT=Multiplicity of lights 281 NATION=Nationality 282 NATCON=Nature of construction 283 NATSUR=Nature of surface 284 NATQUA=Nature of surface qualification 285 NMDATE=Notice to mariners date 286 OBJNAM=Object name 287 ORIENT=Orientation 288 PEREND=End date 289 PERSTA=Start date 290 PICREP=Pictorial representation 291 PILDST=Pilot district 292 PRCTRY=Producing country 293 PRODCT=Product 294 PUBREF=Publication reference 295 QUASOU=Quality of sounding 296 RADWAL=Radar wavelength 297 RADIUS=Radius 298 RECDAT=Recording date 299 RECIND=Recording indication 300 RYRMGV=Magnetic variation reference year 301 RESTRN=Restriction 302 SECTR1=First sector limit 303 SECTR2=Second sector limit 304 SHIPAM=Shift parameters 305 SIGFRQ=Signal frequency 306 SIGGEN=Signal generation 307 SIGGRP=Signal group 308 SIGPER=Signal period 309 SIGSEQ=Signal sequence 310 SOUACC=Sounding accuracy 311 SDISMX=Maximum sounding distance 312 SDISMN=Minimum sounding distance 313 SORDAT=Source date 314 SORIND=Source 315 STATUS=Status 316 SURATH=Survey authority 317 SUREND=Survey end date 318 SURSTA=Survey start date 319 SURTYP=Survey type 320 TECSOU=Sounding technique 321 TXTDSC=Textual description 322 TIMEND=End time 323 TIMSTA=Start time 324 TOPSHP=Topmark/daymark shape 325 TRAFIC=Traffic flow 326 VALACM=Magnetic variation annual change 327 VALDCO=Value of depth contour 328 VALLMA=Value of local magnetic anomaly 329 VALMAG=Value of magnetic variation 330 VALMXR=Maximum range 331 VALNMR=Nominal range 332 VALSOU=Value of sounding 333 VERACC=Vertical accuracy 334 VERCLR=Vertical clearance 335 VERCCL=Vertical clearance, closed 336 VERCOP=Vertical clearance, open 337 VERCSA=Vertical clearance, safe 338 VERDAT=Vertical datum 339 VERLEN=Vertical length 340 WATLEV=Water level effect 341 CAT_TS=Tidal stream category 342 PUNITS=Positional units 343 NINFOM=National information 344 NOBJNM=National name 345 NPLDST=National pilot district 346 NTXTDS=National textual description 347 HORDAT=Horizontal datum 348 POSACC=Positional accuracy 349 QUAPOS=Quality of position 350 ADDMRK=Notice mark addition 351 BNKWTW=Side of Waterway 352 CATBNK=Waterway bank category 353 CATNMK=Notice mark category 354 CLSDNG=Dangerous cargo class 355 DIRIMP=Direction of impact 356 DISBK1=First distance from notice 357 DISBK2=Second distance from notice 358 DISIPU=Upstream distance of impact 359 DISIPD=Downstream distance of impact 360 ELEVA1=Minimum elevation 361 ELEVA2=Maximum elevation 362 FNCTNM=Notice mark function 363 WTWDIS=Waterway distance 364 BUNVES=Bunker vessel availability 365 CATBRT=Berth category 366 CATBUN=Bunker station category 367 CATCCL=CEMT class category 368 CATHBR=Harbour area category 369 CATRFD=Refuse dump category 370 CATTML=Terminal category 371 COMCTN=Communication 372 HORCLL=Horizontal clearance length 373 HORCLW=Horizontal clearance width 374 TRSHGD=Transshipping goods 375 UNLOCD=UN location code 376 CATGAG=Waterway gauge category 377 HIGWAT=Value at high water 378 HIGNAM=Name of high water level 379 LOWWAT=Value at low water 380 LOWNAM=Name of lowwater level 381 MEAWAT=Value at mean water level 382 MEANAM=Name of mean water level 383 OTHWAT=Value at local water level 384 OTHNAM=Name of local water level 385 REFLEV=Reference gravitational level 386 SDRLEV=Name of sounding reference level 387 VCRLEV=Name of vertical datum level 388 CATVTR=Vehicle transfer category 389 CATTAB=Time and behaviour category 390 SCHREF=Time schedule reference 391 USESHP=Use of ship 392 CURVHW=high water current velocity 393 CURVLW=low water current velocity 394 CURVMW=mean level current velocity 395 CURVOW=local level current velocity 396 APTREF=Average passing time reference 397 CATEXS=Exceptional structure category 398 CATWWM=Waterway mark category 399 SHPTYP=Ship type 400 UPDMSG=Update message 401 LITRAD=Light sector radius 402 403 BCN_UNKN= 404 BCN_STAK=Stake 405 BCN_WTHY=Withy 406 BCN_TOWR=Tower 407 BCN_LATT=Lattice 408 BCN_PILE=Pile 409 BCN_CARN=Cairn 410 BCN_BUOY=Buoyant 411 BCN_POLE=Pole 412 BCN_PRCH=Perch 413 BCN_POST=Post 414 415 BUI_UNKN= 416 BUI_HIRS=High-rise 417 BUI_PYRD=Pyramid 418 BUI_CYLR=Cylindrical 419 BUI_SPHR=Spherical 420 BUI_CUBE=Cubic 421 422 BOY_UNKN= 423 BOY_CONE=Conical 424 BOY_CAN=Can 425 BOY_SPHR=Spherical 426 BOY_PILR=Pillar 427 BOY_SPAR=Spar 428 BOY_BARL=Barrel 429 BOY_SUPR=Super-buoy 430 BOY_ICE=Ice buoy 431 432 AIR_UNKN= 433 AIR_MILA=Military 434 AIR_CIVA=Civil 435 AIR_MILH=Military heliport 436 AIR_CIVH=Civil heliport 437 AIR_GLDR=Glider 438 AIR_SMLP=Small planes 439 AIR_EMRG=Emergency 440 441 ACH_UNKN= 442 ACH_UNRD=Unrestricted 443 ACH_DEEP=Deep water 444 ACH_TANK=Tanker 445 ACH_EXPL=Explosives 446 ACH_QUAR=Quarantine 447 ACH_SEAP=Seaplane 448 ACH_SMCF=Small craft 449 ACH_SMCM=Small craft mooring 450 ACH_H24P=24 hour limit 451 ACH_LTPD=Limited period 452 ACH_NPSH=Non-pushing vessels 453 ACH_DRYC=Dry cargo vessels 454 ACH_RAFT=Rafts 455 456 BRG_UNKN= 457 BRG_FIXD=Fixed bridge 458 BRG_OPEN=Opening bridge 459 BRG_SWNG=Swing bridge 460 BRG_LIFT=Lifting bridge 461 BRG_BASC=Bascule bridge 462 BRG_PONT=Pontoon bridge 463 BRG_DRAW=Drawbridge 464 BRG_TRNS=Transporter bridge 465 BRG_FOOT=Footbridge 466 BRG_VIAD=Viaduct 467 BRG_AQUA=Aqueduct 468 BRG_SUSP=Suspension bridge 469 470 BUA_UNKN= 471 BUA_URBN=Urban 472 BUA_STTL=Settlement 473 BUA_VLLG=Village 474 BUA_TOWN=Town 475 BUA_CITY=City 476 BUA_HOLV=Holiday village 477 478 CBL_UNKN= 479 CBL_POWR=Power 480 CBL_TRNS=Transmission 481 CBL_TELE=Telephone 482 CBL_TGPH=Telegraph 483 CBL_MOOR=Mooring 484 CBL_OPTC=Optical 485 CBL_FERY=Ferry 486 487 CAN_UNKN= 488 CAN_TRNS=Transportation 489 CAN_DRNG=Drainage 490 CAN_IRGN=Irrigation 491 492 CAM_UNKN= 493 CAM_NORTH=North 494 CAM_EAST=East 495 CAM_SOUTH=South 496 CAM_WEST=West 497 498 CHP_UNKN= 499 CHP_CSTM=Customs 500 CHP_BRDR=Border 501 502 COA_UNKN= 503 COA_STEP=Steep 504 COA_FLAT=Flat 505 COA_SAND=Sandy 506 COA_STON=Stony 507 COA_SHNG=Shingly 508 COA_GLCR=Glacial 509 COA_MNGV=Mangrove 510 COA_MRSH=Marshy 511 COA_CRRF=Coral_reef 512 COA_ICE=Ice 513 COA_SHEL=Shelly 514 515 CTR_UNKN= 516 CTR_TRGN=Triangulation 517 CTR_OBSV=Observation 518 CTR_FIXD=Fixed 519 CTR_BMRK=Benchmark 520 CTR_BDRY=Boundary 521 CTR_HORM=Horizontal, main 522 CTR_HORS=Horizontal, secondary 523 524 CON_UNKN= 525 CAT_AERL=Aerial 526 CAT_BELT=Belt 527 528 CRN_UNKN= 529 CRN_NONS=Non-specific 530 CRN_CONT=Container 531 CRN_SHRL=Sheerlegs 532 CRN_TRAV=Travelling 533 CRN_AFRM=A-frame 534 535 DAM_UNKN= 536 DAM_WEIR=Weir 537 DAM_DAM=Dam 538 DAM_FLDB=Flood barrage 539 540 DIS_UNKN= 541 DIS_NONI=Not installed 542 DIS_POLE=Pole 543 DIS_BORD=Board 544 DIS_UKSH=Unknown shape 545 546 DOC_UNKN= 547 DOC_TIDL=Tidal 548 DOC_NTDL=Non-tidal 549 550 DPG_UNKN= 551 DPG_GENL=General 552 DPG_CHEM=Chemical 553 DPG_NCLR=Nuclear 554 DPG_EXPL=Explosives 555 DPG_SPIL=Spoil 556 DPG_VSSL=Vessel 557 558 FNC_UNKN= 559 FNC_FENC=Fence 560 FNC_MUIR=Muir 561 FNC_HEDG=Hedge 562 FNC_WALL=Wall 563 564 FRY_UNKN= 565 FRY_FREE=Free 566 FRY_CABL=Cable 567 FRY_ICE=Ice 568 FRY_SWWR=Swinging-wire ferry 569 570 FIF_UNKN= 571 FIF_STAK=Stake 572 FIF_TRAP=Trap 573 FIF_WEIR=Weir 574 FIF_TUNY=Tunny 575 576 FOG_UNKN= 577 FOG_EXPL=Explosive 578 FOG_DIA=Diaphone 579 FOG_SIRN=Siren 580 FOG_NAUT=Nautophone 581 FOG_REED=Reed 582 FOG_TYPH=Tyfon 583 FOG_BELL=Bell 584 FOG_WHIS=Whistle 585 FOG_GONG=Gong 586 FOG_HORN=Horn 587 588 FOR_UNKN= 589 FOR_CSTL=Castle 590 FOR_FORT=Fort 591 FOR_BTTY=Battery 592 FOR_BKHS=Blockhouse 593 FOR_MTWR=Martello tower 594 FOR_RDBT=Redoubt 595 596 GAT_UNKN= 597 GAT_GNRL=General 598 GAT_FLBG=Flood barrage 599 GAT_CSSN=Caisson 600 GAT_LOCK=Lock 601 GAT_DYKE=Dyke 602 GAT_SLUC=Sluice 603 604 HAF_UNKN= 605 HAF_RORO=Ro-Ro 606 HAF_FERY=Ferry 607 HAF_FISH=Fishing 608 HAF_MRNA=Marina 609 HAF_NAVL=Naval 610 HAF_TNKR=Tanker 611 HAF_PSGR=Passenger 612 HAF_YARD=Shipyard 613 HAF_CNTR=Container 614 HAF_BULK=Bulk 615 HAF_SYNC=Syncrolift 616 HAF_STCR=Straddle carrier 617 HAF_LUVB=Lay-up 618 HAF_TMBR=Timber 619 HAF_REPR=Service & repair 620 HAF_QUAR=Quarantine 621 HAF_SPLN=Seaplane 622 HAF_CARG=Cargo 623 HAF_OFFS=Offshore support 624 HAF_OFFS=Port support base 625 HAF_MANF=Marina, no facilities 626 627 HLK_UNKN= 628 HLK_REST=Floating restaurant 629 HLK_HIST=Historic 630 HLK_MUSM=Museum 631 HLK_ACCM=Accommodation 632 HLK_BWTR=Floating breakwater 633 HLK_CSNO=Casino boat 634 635 ICE_UNKN= 636 ICE_FAST=Fast 637 ICE_SEA=Sea 638 ICE_GRLR=Growler 639 ICE_PANK=Pancake 640 ICE_GLAS=Glacier 641 ICE_PEAK=Peak 642 ICE_PACK=Pack 643 ICE_POLR=Polar 644 645 INB_UNKN= 646 INB_CALM=CALM 647 INB_SBM=SBM 648 649 LND_UNKN= 650 LND_FEN=Fen 651 LND_MRSH=Marsh 652 LND_BOG=Bog 653 LND_HTHL=Heathland 654 LND_MNTN=Mountain 655 LND_LOWL=Lowlands 656 LND_CNYN=Canyon 657 LND_PDDY=Paddy 658 LND_AGRI=Agricultural 659 LND_SVNA=Savanna 660 LND_PARK=Parkland 661 LND_SWMP=Swamp 662 LND_LSLD=Landslide 663 LND_LAVA=Lava 664 LND_SLTP=Salt pan 665 LND_MORN=Moraine 666 LND_CRTR=Crater 667 LND_CAVE=Cave 668 LND_PINCL=Rock pinnacle 669 LND_CAY=Cay 670 671 LMK_UNKN= 672 LMK_CARN=Cairn 673 LMK_CMTY=Cemetery 674 LMK_CHMY=Chimney 675 LMK_DISH=Dish aerial 676 LMK_FLAG=Flagstaff 677 LMK_FLAR=Flare stack 678 LMK_MAST=Mast 679 LMK_WNDS=Windsock 680 LMK_MNMT=Monument 681 LMK_CLMN=Column 682 LMK_MEML=Memorial 683 LMK_OBLK=Obelisk 684 LMK_STAT=Statue 685 LMK_CROS=Cross 686 LMK_DOME=Dome 687 LMK_RADR=Radar scanner 688 LMK_TOWR=Tower 689 LMK_WNDM=Windmill 690 LMK_WNDG=Windmotor 691 LMK_SPIR=Spire 692 LMK_BLDR=Boulder 693 LMK_MNRT=Minaret 694 LMK_WTRT=Water tower 695 696 LAM_UNKN= 697 LAM_PORT=Port hand 698 LAM_STBD=Starboard hand 699 LAM_PCST=Preferred channel to starboard 700 LAM_PCPT=Preferred channel to port 701 LAM_WWLT=Waterway left bank 702 LAM_WWRT=Waterway right bank 703 LAM_CHLT=Channel left bank 704 LAM_CHRT=Channel right bank 705 LAM_WWSN=Waterway bifurcation 706 LAM_CHSN=Channel bifurcation 707 LAM_CHRB=Channel close to right bank 708 LAM_CHLB=Channel close to left bank 709 LAM_CRRT=Channel crosses over to right 710 LAM_CRLT=Channel crosses over to left 711 LAM_DRLT=Obstacles by right bank 712 LAM_DRRT=Obstacles by left bank 713 LAM_TOLT=Turnoff on right 714 LAM_TPRT=Turnoff on left 715 LAM_JBRT=Junction to right 716 LAM_JNLT=Junction to left 717 LAM_HBRT=Harbour to right 718 LAM_HBLT=Harbour to left 719 LAM_BRGP=Bridge pier mark 720 721 LIT_UNKN= 722 LIT_DIR=Directional 723 LIT_LEAD=Leading 724 LIT_AERO=Aero 725 LIT_AIR=Air obstruction 726 LIT_FOG=Fog detector 727 LIT_FLDL=Floodlight 728 LIT_STRP=Strip light 729 LIT_SUBS=Subsidiary 730 LIT_SPOT=Spotlight 731 LIT_FRNT=Front 732 LIT_REAR=Rear 733 LIT_LOWR=Lower 734 LIT_UPPR=Upper 735 LIT_MOIR=Moire 736 LIT_EMRG=Emergency 737 LIT_BRNG=Bearing 738 LIT_HORI=Horizontally disposed 739 LIT_VERT=Vertically disposed 740 741 MFA_UNKN= 742 MFA_CRST=Crustaceans 743 MFA_OYMS=Oysters/mussels 744 MFA_FISH=Fish 745 MFA_SEAW=Seaweed 746 MFA_PRLC=Pearl culture 747 748 MPA_UNKN= 749 MPA_PRCT=Practice 750 MPA_TRPD=Torpedo 751 MPA_SUBM=Submarine 752 MPA_FIRG=Firing 753 MPA_MINL=Mine-laying 754 MPA_SMLA=Small arms 755 756 MOR_UNKN= 757 MOR_DLPN=Dolphin 758 MOR_DDPN=Deviation dolphin 759 MOR_BLRD=Bollard 760 MOR_WALL=Wall 761 MOR_PILE=Pile 762 MOR_CHAN=Chain 763 MOR_BUOY=Buoy 764 MOR_SHRP=Shore ropes 765 MOR_AUTO=Automatic 766 MOR_POST=Post 767 MOR_WIRE=Wire 768 MOR_CABL=Cable 769 770 NAV_UNKN= 771 NAV_CLRG=Clearing 772 NAV_TRST=Transit 773 NAV_LDNG=Leading 774 775 OBS_UNKN= 776 OBS_STMP=Stump 777 OBS_WELH=Wellhead 778 OBS_DIFF=Diffuser 779 OBS_CRIB=Crib 780 OBS_FHVN=Fish haven 781 OBS_FLAR=Foul area 782 OBS_FLGD=Foul ground 783 OBS_ICEB=Ice boom 784 OBS_GTKL=Ground tackle 785 OBS_BOOM=Boom 786 787 OFP_UNKN= 788 OFP_OIL=Oil 789 OFP_PROD=Production 790 OFP_OBS=Observation 791 OFP_ALP=ALP 792 OFP_SALM=SALM 793 OFP_MOOR=Mooring tower 794 OFP_AISL=Artificial island 795 OFP_FPSO=FPSO 796 OFP_ACCN=Accommodation 797 OFP_NCCB=NCCB 798 799 OLB_UNKN= 800 OLB_RETN=Retention 801 OLB_FLTG=Floating 802 803 PLE_UNKN= 804 PLE_STAK=Stake 805 PLE_SNAG=Snag 806 PLE_POST=Post 807 PLE_TRIP=Tripodal 808 809 PIL_UNKN= 810 PIL_CVSL=Cruising vessel 811 PIL_HELI=Helicopter 812 PIL_SHOR=From shore 813 814 PIP_UNKN= 815 PIP_OFAL=Outfall 816 PIP_ITAK=Intake 817 PIP_SEWR=Sewer 818 PIP_BBLR=Bubbler 819 PIP_SPPL=Supply 820 821 PRA_UNKN= 822 PRA_QRRY=Quarry 823 PRA_MINE=Mine 824 PRA_STPL=Stockpile 825 PRA_PSTN=Power station 826 PRA_RFNY=Refinery 827 PRA_TYRD=Timber yard 828 PRA_FACT=Factory 829 PRA_TFRM=Tank farm 830 PRA_WFRM=Wind farm 831 PRA_SLAG=Slag_heap 832 PRA_CURF=Current farm 833 PRA_OILF=Oil 834 PRA_GASF=Gas 835 PRA_WAVE=Wave energy 836 837 PYL_UNKN= 838 PYL_POWR=Power 839 PYL_TELE=Telecommunications 840 PYL_AERL=Aerial 841 PYL_BRDG=Bridge 842 PYL_PIER=Bridge pier 843 844 RAS_UNKN= 845 RAS_SURV=Surveillance 846 RAS_COST=Coast 847 848 RTB_UNKN= 849 RTB_RAMK=Ramark 850 RTB_RACN=Racon 851 RTB_LDG=Leading 852 853 ROS_UNKN= 854 ROS_OMNI=Omnidirectional 855 ROS_DIRL=Directional 856 ROS_ROTP=Rotating pattern 857 ROS_CNSL=CONSOL 858 ROS_RDF=RDF 859 ROS_QTA=QTG 860 ROS_AERO=Aeronautical 861 ROS_DECA=Decca 862 ROS_LORN=Loran 863 ROS_DGPS=DGPS 864 ROS_TORN=Toran 865 ROS_OMGA=Omega 866 ROS_SYLD=Syledis 867 ROS_CHKA=Chiaka 868 ROS_PCOM=Public communication 869 ROS_COMB=Commercial broadcast 870 ROS_FACS=Facsimile 871 ROS_TIME=Time signal 872 ROS_PAIS=Physical AIS 873 ROS_SAIS=Synthetic AIS 874 ROS_VAIS=Virtual AIS 875 ROS_VANC=Virtual AIS, North cardinal 876 ROS_VASC=Virtual AIS, South cardinal 877 ROS_VAEC=Virtual AIS, East cardinal 878 ROS_VAWC=Virtual AIS, West cardinal 879 ROS_VAPL=Virtual AIS, Port lateral 880 ROS_VASL=Virtual AIS, Starboard lateral 881 ROS_VAID=Virtual AIS, Isolated danger 882 ROS_VASW=Virtual AIS, Safe water 883 ROS_VASP=Virtual AIS, Special purpose 884 ROS_VAWK=Virtual AIS, Wreck 885 886 RSC_UNKN= 887 RSC_LIFB=Lifeboat 888 RSC_ROKT=Rocket 889 RSC_LBRK=Lifeboat rocket 890 RSC_RFSW=Refuge, shipwrecked 891 RSC_RFIT=Refuge, intertidal 892 RSC_LBOM=Lifeboat on mooring 893 RSC_RDIO=Radio 894 RSC_FSTA=First aid 895 RSC_SPLN=Seaplane 896 RSC_ACFT=Aircraft 897 RSC_STUG=Tug 898 899 REA_UNKN= 900 REA_SFTY=Safety 901 REA_NANC=No anchoring 902 REA_NFSH=No fishing 903 REA_NATR=Nature reserve 904 REA_BRDS=Bird sanctuary 905 REA_GRSV=Game reserve 906 REA_SEAL=Seal sanctuary 907 REA_DEGR=Degaussing range 908 REA_MILY=Military 909 REA_HIST=Historic wreck 910 REA_INST=Inshore traffic 911 REA_NASF=Navigational aid safety 912 REA_STRD=Stranding danger 913 REA_MINE=Minefield 914 REA_NDIV=No diving 915 REA_TBAV=To be avoided 916 REA_PROH=Prohibited 917 REA_SWIM=Swimming 918 REA_WAIT=Waiting 919 REA_RSCH=Research 920 REA_DREG=Dredging 921 REA_FSNC=Fish sanctuary 922 REA_ERES=Ecological reserve 923 REA_NWAK=No wake 924 REA_SWNG=Swinging 925 REA_WSKI=Water skiing 926 REA_ESSA=Environmentally sensitive 927 REA_PSSA=Particularly sensitive 928 929 ROD_UNKN= 930 ROD_MWAY=Motorway 931 ROD_MAJR=Major road 932 ROD_MINR=Minor road 933 ROD_TRAK=Track 934 ROD_MAJS=Major street 935 ROD_MINS=Minor street 936 ROD_CRSG=Crossing 937 ROD_PATH=Path 938 939 RUN_UNKN= 940 RUN_AERP=Aeroplane 941 RUN_HELI=Helicopter 942 943 SEA_UNKN= 944 SEA_GENL=General 945 SEA_GAT=Gat 946 SEA_BANK=Bank 947 SEA_DEEP=Deep 948 SEA_BAY=Bay 949 SEA_TRCH=Trench 950 SEA_BASN=Basin 951 SEA_MDFT=Flat 952 SEA_REEF=Reef 953 SEA_LEDG=Edge 954 SEA_CNYN=Canyon 955 SEA_NRRW=Narrows 956 SEA_SHOL=Shoal 957 SEA_KNOL=Knoll 958 SEA_RIDG=Ridge 959 SEA_SMNT=Seamount 960 SEA_PNCL=Pinnacle 961 SEA_APLN=Abyssal plain 962 SEA_PLTU=Plateau 963 SEA_SPUR=Spur 964 SEA_SHLF=Shelf 965 SEA_TRGH=Trough 966 SEA_SDDL=Saddle 967 SEA_AHLL=Abyssal hills 968 SEA_APRN=Apron 969 SEA_AAPN=Archipelagic apron 970 SEA_BLND=Borderland 971 SEA_CMGN=Continental margin 972 SEA_CRIS=Continental rise 973 SEA_ESCT=Escarpment 974 SEA_FAN=Fan 975 SEA_FZON=Fracture zone 976 SEA_GAP=Gap 977 SEA_GUYT=Guyot 978 SEA_HILL=Hill 979 SEA_HOLE=Hole 980 SEA_LEVE=Levee 981 SEA_MVLY=Median valley 982 SEA_MOAT=Moat 983 SEA_MTNS=Mountains 984 SEA_PEAK=Peak 985 SEA_PVNC=Province 986 SEA_RISE=Rise 987 SEA_SCNL=Sea channel 988 SEA_SCHN=Seamount chain 989 SEA_SEDG=Shelf-edge 990 SEA_SILL=Sill 991 SEA_SLOP=Slope 992 SEA_TRRC=Terrace 993 SEA_VLLY=Valley 994 SEA_CANL=Canal 995 SEA_LAKE=Lake 996 SEA_RIVR=River 997 SEA_RECH=Reach 998 999 SLC_UNKN= 1000 SLC_BWTR=Breakwater 1001 SLC_GRYN=Groyne 1002 SLC_MOLE=Mole 1003 SLC_PIER=Pier 1004 SLC_PPER=Promenade pier 1005 SLC_WHRF=Wharf 1006 SLC_TWAL=Training wall 1007 SLC_RPRP=Rip rap 1008 SLC_RVMT=Revetment 1009 SLC_SWAL=Sea wall 1010 SLC_LSTP=Landing steps 1011 SLC_RAMP=Ramp 1012 SLC_SWAY=Slipway 1013 SLC_FNDR=Fender 1014 SLC_SFWF=Solid face wharf 1015 SLC_OFWF=Open face wharf 1016 SLC_LRMP=Log ramp 1017 SLC_LWAL=Lock wall 1018 SLC_ICEB=Ice breaker 1019 1020 SIT_UNKN= 1021 SIT_PRTC=Port control 1022 SIT_PRTE=Port entry & departure 1023 SIT_IPT=IPT 1024 SIT_BRTH=Berthing 1025 SIT_DOCK=Dock 1026 SIT_LOCK=Lock 1027 SIT_FLDB=Flood barrage 1028 SIT_BRDG=Bridge passage 1029 SIT_DRDG=Dredging 1030 SIT_TCLT=Traffic control 1031 SIT_PLTG=Pilotage 1032 SIT_SPCL=Special 1033 SIT_ONCT=Oncoming traffic 1034 1035 SIW_UNKN= 1036 SIW_DNGR=Danger 1037 SIW_OBST=Maritime obstruction 1038 SIW_CABL=Cable 1039 SIW_MILY=Military 1040 SIW_DSTR=Distress 1041 SIW_WTHR=Weather 1042 SIW_STRM=Storm 1043 SIW_ICE=Ice 1044 SIW_TIME=Time 1045 SIW_TIDE=Tide 1046 SIW_TSTR=Tidal stream 1047 SIW_TIDG=Tide gauge 1048 SIW_TIDS=Tide scale 1049 SIW_DIVE=Diving 1050 SIW_WTLG=Water level gauge 1051 SIW_VRCL=Vertical clearance 1052 SIW_HIWM=High water 1053 SIW_DPTH=Depth 1054 SIW_CURR=Current 1055 1056 SIL_UNKN= 1057 SIL_SILO=Silo 1058 SIL_TANK=Tank 1059 SIL_GRNE=Grain elevator 1060 SIL_WTRT=Wwater tower 1061 1062 SLO_UNKN= 1063 SLO_CUTG=Cutting 1064 SLO_EMBK=Embankment 1065 SLO_DUNE=Dune 1066 SLO_HILL=Hill 1067 SLO_PINO=Pingo 1068 SLO_CLIF=Cliff 1069 SLO_SCRE=Scree 1070 1071 SCF_UNKN= 1072 SCF_VBTH=Visitor berth 1073 SCF_CLUB=Nautical club 1074 SCF_BHST=Boat hoist 1075 SCF_SMKR=Sailmaker 1076 SCF_BTYD=Boatyard 1077 SCF_INN=Public inn 1078 SCF_RSRT=Restaurant 1079 SCF_CHDR=Chandler 1080 SCF_PROV=Provisions 1081 SCF_DCTR=Doctor 1082 SCF_PHRM=Pharmacy 1083 SCF_WTRT=Water tap 1084 SCF_FUEL=Fuel station 1085 SCF_ELEC=Electricity 1086 SCF_BGAS=Bottle gas 1087 SCF_SHWR=Showers 1088 SCF_LAUN=Laundrette 1089 SCF_WC=Toilets 1090 SCF_POST=Post_box 1091 SCF_TELE=Telephone 1092 SCF_REFB=Refuse bin 1093 SCF_CARP=Car park 1094 SCF_BTPK=Boat trailers park 1095 SCF_CRVN=Caravan site 1096 SCF_CAMP=Camping site 1097 SCF_PMPO=Pump-out 1098 SCF_EMRT=Emergency telephone 1099 SCF_SLPW=Slipway 1100 SCF_VMOR=Visitors mooring 1101 SCF_SCRB=Scrubbing berth 1102 SCF_PCNC=Picnic area 1103 SCF_MECH=Mechanics workshop 1104 SCF_SECS=Security service 1105 1106 SPM_UNKN= 1107 SPM_FDGA=Firing danger area 1108 SPM_TRGT=Target 1109 SPM_MSHP=Marker ship 1110 SPM_DGRG=Degaussing range 1111 SPM_BARG=Barge 1112 SPM_CABL=Cable 1113 SPM_SPLG=Spoil ground 1114 SPM_OFAL=Outfall 1115 SPM_ODAS=ODAS 1116 SPM_RCDG=Recording 1117 SPM_SPLA=Seaplane anchorage 1118 SPM_RCZN=Recreation zone 1119 SPM_PRVT=Private 1120 SPM_MOOR=Mooring 1121 SPM_LNBY=LANBY 1122 SPM_LDNG=Leading 1123 SPM_MDST=Measured distance 1124 SPM_NOTC=Notice 1125 SPM_TSS=TSS 1126 SPM_NANC=No anchoring 1127 SPM_NBRT=No berthing 1128 SPM_NOTK=No overtaking 1129 SPM_NTWT=No two-way traffic 1130 SPM_RWAK=Reduced wake 1131 SPM_SPDL=Speed limit 1132 SPM_STOP=Stop 1133 SPM_WRNG=Warning 1134 SPM_SSSN=Sound ship siren 1135 SPM_RVCL=Restricted vertical clearance 1136 SPM_MVDT=Maximum vessel draught 1137 SPM_RHCL=Restricted horizontal clearance 1138 SPM_SCNT=Strong current 1139 SPM_BRTH=Berthing 1140 SPM_OHPC=Overhead power cable 1141 SPM_CHEG=Channel edge gradient 1142 SPM_TELE=Telephone 1143 SPM_FCRS=Ferry crossing 1144 SPM_MTRL=Marine traffic lights 1145 SPM_PLIN=Pipeline 1146 SPM_ANCH=Anchorage 1147 SPM_CLRG=Clearing 1148 SPM_CTRL=Control 1149 SPM_DIVG=Diving 1150 SPM_RBCN=Refuge beacon 1151 SPM_FGND=Foul ground 1152 SPM_YCHT=Yachting 1153 SPM_HPRT=Heliport 1154 SPM_GPS=GPS 1155 SPM_SLDG=Seaplane landing 1156 SPM_NENT=No entry 1157 SPM_WRKP=Work in progress 1158 SPM_UKPP=Unknown purpose 1159 SPM_WELH=Wellhead 1160 SPM_CHSP=Channel separation 1161 SPM_MFRM=Marine farm 1162 SPM_AREF=Artificial reef 1163 1164 TRK_UNKN= 1165 TRK_FIXM=Fixed marks 1166 TRK_NFXM=No fixed marks 1167 1168 TSS_UNKN= 1169 TSS_IMOA=IMO adopted 1170 TSS_NIMO=Not IMO adopted 1171 1172 VEG_UNKN= 1173 VEG_GRAS=Grass 1174 VEG_PDDY=Paddy 1175 VEG_BUSH=Bush 1176 VEG_DCDW=Deciduous wood 1177 VEG_CONW=Coniferous wood 1178 VEG_WOOD=Wood 1179 VEG_MGRV=Mangroves 1180 VEG_PARK=Park 1181 VEG_PKLD=Parkland 1182 VEG_MCRP=Mixed crops 1183 VEG_REED=Reed 1184 VEG_MOSS=Moss 1185 VEG_TREE=Tree 1186 VEG_EVGT=Evergreen tree 1187 VEG_CONT=Coniferous tree 1188 VEG_PLMT=Palm tree 1189 VEG_NPMT=Nipa palm tree 1190 VEG_CSAT=Casuarina tree 1191 VEG_EUCT=Eucalypt tree 1192 VEG_DCDT=Deciduous tree 1193 VEG_MRVT=Mangrove tree 1194 VEG_FLOT=Filao tree 1195 1196 WAT_UNKN= 1197 WAT_BKRS=Breakers 1198 WAT_EDDY=Eddies 1199 WAT_OVFL=Overfalls 1200 WAT_TDRP=Tide rips 1201 WAT_BMBR=Bombora 1202 1203 WED_UNKN= 1204 WED_KELP=Kelp 1205 WED_SWED=Sea weed 1206 WED_SGRS=Sea grass 1207 WED_SGSO=Sargasso 1208 1209 WRK_UNKN= 1210 WRK_NDGR=Non-dangerous 1211 WRK_DNGR=Dangerous 1212 WRK_DREM=Distributed remains 1213 WRK_MSTS=Mast showing 1214 WRK_HULS=Hull showing 1215 1216 ZOC_UNKN= 1217 ZOC_A1=A1 1218 ZOC_A2=A2 1219 ZOC_B=B 1220 ZOC_C=C 1221 ZOC_D=D 1222 ZOC_U=U 1223 1224 COL_UNK= 1225 COL_WHT=White 1226 COL_BLK=Black 1227 COL_RED=Red 1228 COL_GRN=Green 1229 COL_BLU=Blue 1230 COL_YEL=Yellow 1231 COL_GRY=Grey 1232 COL_BRN=Brown 1233 COL_AMB=Amber 1234 COL_VIO=Violet 1235 COL_ORG=Orange 1236 COL_MAG=Magenta 1237 COL_PNK=Pink 1238 1239 PAT_UNKN= 1240 PAT_HORI=Horizontal stripe 1241 PAT_VERT=Vertical stripe 1242 PAT_DIAG=Diagonal stripe 1243 PAT_SQUR=Squared 1244 PAT_STRP=Stripes 1245 PAT_BRDR=Border 1246 PAT_CROS=Cross 1247 PAT_SALT=Saltire 1248 1249 CND_UNKN= 1250 CND_UCNS=Under construction 1251 CND_RUIN=Ruined 1252 CND_URCL=Under reclamation 1253 CND_WLES=Wingless 1254 CND_PCNS=Planned construction 1255 1256 RAD_UNKN= 1257 RAD_CNSP=Conspicuous 1258 RAD_NCSP=Not conspicuous 1259 RAD_REFL=Radar reflector 1260 1261 VIS_UNKN= 1262 VIS_CNSP=Conspicuous 1263 VIS_NCSP=Not conspicuous 1264 1265 DPU_UNKN= 1266 DPU_METR=Metres 1267 DPU_FTFT=Fathoms & feet 1268 DPU_FTHM=Fathoms 1269 DPU_FTFR=Fathoms & fractions 1270 1271 EXH_UNKN= 1272 EXH_24H=24 hours 1273 EXH_DAY=Day 1274 EXH_FOG=Fog 1275 EXH_NGHT=Night 1276 EXH_WRNG=Warning 1277 EXH_STRM=Storm 1278 1279 EXP_UNKN= 1280 EXP_WTHN=Within 1281 EXP_SHLR=Shoaler 1282 EXP_DEPR=Deeper 1283 1284 FNC_UNKN= 1285 FNC_HBRM=Harbour master 1286 FNC_CSTM=Customs 1287 FNC_HLTH=Health 1288 FNC_HOSP=Hospital 1289 FNC_POST=Post office 1290 FNC_HOTL=Hotel 1291 FNC_RAIL=Railway station 1292 FNC_POLC=Police station 1293 FNC_WPOL=Water-police station 1294 FNC_PILO=Pilot office 1295 FNC_PILL=Pilot lookout 1296 FNC_BANK=Bank 1297 FNC_DIST=District control 1298 FNC_TRNS=Transit shed 1299 FNC_FCTY=Factory 1300 FNC_POWR=Power station 1301 FNC_ADMIN=Administrative 1302 FNC_EDUC=Educational 1303 FNC_CHCH=Church 1304 FNC_CHPL=Chapel 1305 FNC_TMPL=Temple 1306 FNC_PGDA=Pagoda 1307 FNC_SHSH=Shinto shrine 1308 FNC_BTMP=Buddhist temple 1309 FNC_MOSQ=Mosque 1310 FNC_MRBT=Marabout 1311 FNC_LOOK=Lookout 1312 FNC_COMM=Communication 1313 FNC_TV=Television 1314 FNC_RADO=Radio 1315 FNC_RADR=Radar 1316 FNC_LGHT=Light support 1317 FNC_MCWV=Microwave 1318 FNC_COOL=Cooling 1319 FNC_OBS=Observation 1320 FNC_TMBL=Time ball 1321 FNC_CLOK=Clock 1322 FNC_CTRL=Control 1323 FNC_ASHM=Airship mooring 1324 FNC_STAD=Stadium 1325 FNC_BUSS=Bus station 1326 1327 HLU_UNKN= 1328 HLU_METR=Metres 1329 HLU_FEET=Feet 1330 HLU_KMTR=Kilometres 1331 HLU_HMTR=Hectometres 1332 HLU_SMIL=Statute miles 1333 HLU_NMIL=Nautical miles 1334 1335 JRS_UNKN= 1336 JRS_INT=International 1337 JRS_NAT=National 1338 JRS_NSD=National sub-division 1339 1340 CHR_UNKN= 1341 CHR_F=Fixed 1342 CHR_FL=Flashing 1343 CHR_LFL=Long flashing 1344 CHR_Q=Quick flashing 1345 CHR_VQ=Very quick flashing 1346 CHR_UQ=Ultra quick flashing 1347 CHR_ISO=Isopahsed 1348 CHR_OC=Occulting 1349 CHR_IQ=Interrupted quick flashing 1350 CHR_IVQ=Interrupted very quick flashing 1351 CHR_IUQ=Interrupted ultra quick flashing 1352 CHR_MO=Morse 1353 CHR_FFL=Fixed/flash 1354 CHR_FLLFL=Flash/long flash 1355 CHR_OCFL=Occulting/flash 1356 CHR_FLFL=Fixed/long flash 1357 CHR_ALOC=Occulting alternating 1358 CHR_ALLFL=Long flash alternating 1359 CHR_ALFL=Flash alternating 1360 CHR_ALGR=Group alternating 1361 CHR_QLFL=Quick flash plus long flash 1362 CHR_VQLFL=Very quick flash plus long flash 1363 CHR_UQLFL=Ultra quick flash plus long flash 1364 CHR_AL=Alternating 1365 CHR_ALFFL=Fixed and alternating flashing 1366 1367 LIT_UNKN= 1368 LIT_HIGH=High 1369 LIT_LOW=Low 1370 LIT_FANT=Faint 1371 LIT_INTS=Intensified 1372 LIT_UINT=Unintensified 1373 LIT_RSTR=Restricted 1374 LIT_OBSC=Obscured 1375 LIT_POBS=Part obscured 1376 1377 SYS_UNKN= 1378 SYS_IALA=IALA-A 1379 SYS_IALB=IALA-B 1380 SYS_NONE=None 1381 SYS_OTHR=Other 1382 SYS_CEVN=CEVNI 1383 SYS_RIWR=RIWR 1384 SYS_BWR2=BNIWR 2 sides 1385 SYS_BNWR=BNIR side independant 1386 SYS_PPWB=PPWBC 1387 1388 CON_UNKN= 1389 CON_MSNY=Masonry 1390 CON_CONC=Concreted 1391 CON_BDRS=Loose boulders 1392 CON_HSRF=Hard-surfaced 1393 CON_USRF=Unsurfaced 1394 CON_WOOD=Wooden 1395 CON_METL=Metal 1396 CON_GRP=GRP 1397 CON_PNTD=Painted 1398 CON_FMWK=Framework 1399 1400 SUR_UNKN= 1401 SUR_MUD=Mud 1402 SUR_CLAY=Clay 1403 SUR_SILT=Silt 1404 SUR_SAND=Sand 1405 SUR_STON=Stone 1406 SUR_GRVL=Gravel 1407 SUR_PBBL=Pebbles 1408 SUR_CBBL=Cobbles 1409 SUR_ROCK=Rock 1410 SUR_LAVA=Lava 1411 SUR_CORL=Coral 1412 SUR_SHEL=Shells 1413 SUR_BLDR=Boulder 1414 1415 QUA_UNKN= 1416 QUA_FINE=Fine 1417 QUA_MEDM=Medium 1418 QUA_CORS=Coarse 1419 QUA_BRKN=Broken 1420 QUA_STKY=Sticky 1421 QUA_SOFT=Soft 1422 QUA_STIF=Stiff 1423 QUA_VCNC=Volcanic 1424 QUA_CALC=Calcareous 1425 QUA_HARD=Hard 1426 1427 PRD_UNKN= 1428 PRD_OIL=Oil 1429 PRD_GAS=Gas 1430 PRD_WATR=Water 1431 PRD_STON=Stone 1432 PRD_COAL=Coal 1433 PRD_ORE=Ore 1434 PRD_CHEM=Chemicals 1435 PRD_DWTR=Drinking water 1436 PRD_MILK=Milk 1437 PRD_BXIT=Bauxite 1438 PRD_COKE=Coke 1439 PRD_IIGS=Iron ingots 1440 PRD_SALT=Salt 1441 PRD_SAND=Sand 1442 PRD_TMBR=Timber 1443 PRD_SDST=Sawdust 1444 PRD_SCRP=Scrap 1445 PRD_LNA=LNG 1446 PRD_LPA=LPG 1447 PRD_WINE=Wine 1448 PRD_CMNT=Cement 1449 PRD_GRAN=Grain 1450 1451 SOU_UNKN= 1452 SOU_KNWN=Known 1453 SOU_UKNN=Unknown 1454 SOU_DFUL=Doubtful 1455 SOU_UNRL=Unreliable 1456 SOU_NBFD=No bottom found 1457 SOU_LKWN=Least known 1458 SOU_LUKN=Least unknown 1459 SOU_NSRV=Not surveyed 1460 SOU_NCNF=Not confirmed 1461 SOU_MANT=Maintained 1462 SOU_NMNT=Not maintained 1463 1464 RST_UNKN= 1465 RST_NANC=No anchoring 1466 RST_RANC=Restricted anchoring 1467 RST_NFSH=No fishing 1468 RST_RFSH=Restricted fishing 1469 RST_NTRL=No trawling 1470 RST_RTRL=Restricted trawling 1471 RST_NENT=No entry 1472 RST_RENT=Restricted entry 1473 RST_NDRG=No dredging 1474 RST_RDRG=Restricted dredging 1475 RST_NDVG=No diving 1476 RST_RDVG=Restricteddiving 1477 RST_NWAK=No wake 1478 RST_TBAV=To be avoided 1479 RST_NCST=No construction 1480 RST_NDSC=No discharging 1481 RST_RDSC=Restricted discharging 1482 RST_NEXD=No exploration/development 1483 RST_REXD=Restricted exploration/development 1484 RST_NDRL=No drilling 1485 RST_RDRL=Restricted drilling 1486 RST_NHAR=No historical artifacts removal 1487 RST_NLTG=No lightering 1488 RST_NDRA=No dragging 1489 RST_NSTP=No stopping 1490 RST_NLND=No landing 1491 RST_RSPD=Restricted speed 1492 RST_NOVT=No overtaking 1493 RST_NCOV=No convoy overtaking 1494 RST_NPOV=No passing or overtaking 1495 RST_NBRT=No berthing 1496 RST_RBRT=Restricted berthing 1497 RST_NMFT=No making fast 1498 RST_RMFT=Restricted making fast 1499 RST_NTRN=No turning 1500 RST_RFWD=Restricted fairway depth 1501 1502 GEN_UNKN= 1503 GEN_AUTO=Automatic 1504 GEN_WAVE=Wave 1505 GEN_HAND=Hand 1506 GEN_WIND=Wind 1507 1508 STS_UNKN= 1509 STS_PERM=Permanent 1510 STS_OCAS=Occasional 1511 STS_RCMD=Recommended 1512 STS_NIUS=Not in use 1513 STS_IMTT=Intermittent 1514 STS_RESV=Reserved 1515 STS_TEMP=Temporary 1516 STS_PRIV=Private 1517 STS_MAND=Mandatory 1518 STS_EXTD=Extinguished 1519 STS_ILLD=Illuminated 1520 STS_HIST=Historic 1521 STS_PBLC=Public 1522 STS_SYNC=Synchronised 1523 STS_WCHD=Watched 1524 STS_UWCD=Unwatched 1525 STS_EDBT=Existence doubtful 1526 STS_OREQ=On request 1527 STS_DPAW=Drop away 1528 STS_RSNG=Rising 1529 STS_INCR=Increasing 1530 STS_DECR=Decreasing 1531 TS_STNG=Strong 1532 STS_GOOD=Good 1533 STS_MODY=Moderately 1534 STS_POOR=Poor 1535 1536 TYP_UNKN= 1537 TYP_SKCH=Sketch 1538 TYP_CTLD=Controlled 1539 TYP_PSSG=Examination 1540 TYP_PSSG=Passage 1541 TYP_REMT=Remote 1542 1543 SOU_UNKN= 1544 SOU_ESND=Echo-sounder 1545 SOU_FSSN=Side-scan sonar 1546 SOU_MLBM=Multi-beam 1547 SOU_DIVR=Diver 1548 SOU_LDLN=Lead-line 1549 SOU_WDRG=Wire-drag 1550 SOU_LASR=Laser 1551 SOU_VACC=Vertical acoustic 1552 SOU_EMAG=Electromagnetic 1553 SOU_PHGY=Photogrammetry 1554 SOU_SATL=Satellite 1555 SOU_LEVL=Levelling 1556 SOU_SSSN=Side-scan sonar swept 1557 SOU_COMP=Computer 1558 1559 TOP_UNKN= 1560 TOP_CONE=Cone, point up 1561 TOP_ICONE=Cone, point down 1562 TOP_SPHR=Sphere 1563 TOP_ISD=2 spheres 1564 TOP_CAN=Cylinder 1565 TOP_BORD=Board 1566 TOP_SALT=X-shape 1567 TOP_CROS=Cross 1568 TOP_CUBE=Cube, point up 1569 TOP_WEST=Cones point together 1570 TOP_EAST=2 cones base together 1571 TOP_RHOM=Rhombus 1572 TOP_NORTH=2 cones up 1573 TOP_SOUTH=2 cones down 1574 TOP_BESM=Besom, point up 1575 TOP_IBESM=Besom, point down 1576 TOP_FLAG=Flag 1577 TOP_SPRH=Sphere over rhombus 1578 TOP_SQUR=Square 1579 TOP_HRECT=Rectangle, horizontal 1580 TOP_VRECT=Rectangle, vertical 1581 TOP_TRAP=Trapezium, up 1582 TOP_ITRAP=Trapezium, down 1583 TOP_TRI=Ttriangle, point up 1584 TOP_ITRI=Triangle, point down 1585 TOP_CIRC=Circle 1586 TOP_CRSS=2 upright crosses 1587 TOP_T=T-shape 1588 TOP_TRCL=Triangle, point up over circle 1589 TOP_CRCL=Upright cross over circle 1590 TOP_RHCL=Rhombus over circle 1591 TOP_CLTR=Circle over triangle, point up 1592 TOP_OTHR=Other 1593 1594 TRF_UNKN= 1595 TRF_INBD=Inbound 1596 TRF_OBND=Outbbound 1597 TRF_ONEW=One-way 1598 TRF_TWOW=Two-way 1599 1600 LEV_UNKN= 1601 LEV_PSUB=Part-submerged 1602 LEV_DRY=Dry 1603 LEV_SUBM=Submerged 1604 LEV_CVRS=Covers 1605 LEV_AWSH=Awash 1606 LEV_FLDS=Floods 1607 LEV_FLTG=Floating 1608 LEV_AMWL=Above MWL 1609 LEV_BMWL=Below MWL 1610 1611 TS_UNKN= 1612 TS_FLOD=1, "flood 1613 TS_EBB=2, "ebb 1614 TS_OTHR=3, "other 1615 1616 PAU_UNKN= 1617 PAU_MTRS=Metres 1618 PAU_DGRS=Degrees 1619 PAU_MMTR=Millimetres 1620 PAU_FEET=Feet 1621 PAU_CBLS=Cables 1622 1623 POS_UNKN= 1624 POS_SRVD=Surveyed 1625 POS_USRV=Unsurveyed 1626 POS_PSRV=Part-surveyed 1627 POS_APRX=Approximate 1628 POS_DBTF=Doubtful 1629 POS_URLB=Unreliable 1630 POS_RSRV=Reported unsurveyd 1631 POS_UCNF=Unconfirmed 1632 POS_ESTM=Estimated 1633 POS_PRCS=Precise 1634 POS_CALC=Calculated 1635 1636 DAT_UNKN= 1637 DAT_MLWS=Mean low water springs 1638 DAT_MLLWS=Mean lower low water springs 1639 DAT_MSL=Mean sea level 1640 DAT_LLW=Lowest low water 1641 DAT_MLW=Mean low water 1642 DAT_LLWS=Lowest low water springs 1643 DAT_AMLWS=Approximate mean low water springs 1644 DAT_ISLW=Indian spring low water 1645 DAT_LWS=Low water springs 1646 DAT_ALAT=Approximate lowest astronomical tide 1647 DAT_NLLW=Nearly lowest low water 1648 DAT_MLLW=Mean lower low water 1649 DAT_LW=Low water 1650 DAT_AMLW=Approximate mean low water 1651 DAT_AMLLW=Approximate mean lower low water 1652 DAT_MHW=Mean high water 1653 DAT_MHWS=Mean high water springs 1654 DAT_HW=High water 1655 DAT_AMSL=Approximate mean sea level 1656 DAT_HWS=High water springs 1657 DAT_MHHW=Mean higher high water 1658 DAT_ESLW=Equinoctial spring low water 1659 DAT_LAT=Lowest astronomical tide 1660 DAT_LOCAL=Local datum 1661 DAT_IGLD=International great lakes datum 1985 1662 DAT_MWL=Mean water level 1663 DAT_LLWLT=Lower low water large tide 1664 DAT_HHWLT=Higher high water large tide 1665 DAT_NHHW=Nearly highest high water 1666 DAT_HAT=Highest astronomical tide 1667 DAT_LLWRL=Local low water reference level 1668 DAT_LHWRL=Local high water reference level 1669 DAT_LMWRL=Local mean water reference level 1670 DAT_EHW=Equivalent height of water 1671 DAT_HSHW=Highest Shipping Height of Water 1672 DAT_RLWL=Reference low water level, Danube 1673 DAT_HSHWD=Highest shipping height of water, Danube 1674 DAT_DRLWRL=Dutch river low water reference level 1675 DAT_RPWL=Russian project water level 1676 DAT_RNBL=Russian normal backwater level 1677 DAT_OHIO=Ohio River Datum -
r30315 r30325 143 143 Renderer.reRender(g2, Integer.parseInt(zt.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ft.getText()),, Smed2Action.rendering); 144 144 try { 145 ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File( "/Users/mherring/Desktop/export.png"));145 ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Desktop/export.png")); 146 146 } catch (Exception x) { 147 147 System.out.println("Exception"); -
r30324 r30325 41 41 ArrayList<Obj> types = new ArrayList<Obj>(); 42 42 S57map map; 43 HashMap<Long, Long> done= new HashMap<Long, Long>();43 HashMap<Long, Long> uids = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); 44 44 45 45 public PanelS57() { … … 82 82 Snode snode; 83 83 while ((snode = map.nodes.get(ref)) != null) { 84 if (! done.containsKey(ref)) {84 if (!uids.containsKey(ref)) { 85 85 Node node = new Node(0, 1); 86 86 node.setCoor((new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(, Math.toDegrees(snode.lon)))); 87 87 data.addPrimitive(node); 88 88 addKeys(node, feature, type); 89 done.put(ref, node.getUniqueId());89 uids.put(ref, node.getUniqueId()); 90 90 } 91 91 ref++; … … 110 110 long ref = git.nextRef(); 111 111 Snode snode = map.nodes.get(ref); 112 if (! done.containsKey(ref)) {112 if (!uids.containsKey(ref)) { 113 113 Node node = new Node(0, 1); 114 114 node.setCoor((new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(, Math.toDegrees(snode.lon)))); 115 115 data.addPrimitive(node); 116 done.put(ref, node.getUniqueId());116 uids.put(ref, node.getUniqueId()); 117 117 } 118 118 } … … 121 121 git = GeomIterator(feature.geom); 122 122 while (git.hasComp()) { 123 long edge =git.nextComp();123 git.nextComp(); 124 124 Way way = new Way(0, 1); 125 125 data.addPrimitive(way); … … 128 128 while (git.hasNode()) { 129 129 long ref = git.nextRef(); 130 way.addNode((Node)data.getPrimitiveById( done.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE));130 way.addNode((Node)data.getPrimitiveById(uids.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE)); 131 131 } 132 132 } … … 142 142 long ref = git.nextRef(); 143 143 Snode snode = map.nodes.get(ref); 144 if (! done.containsKey(ref)) {144 if (!uids.containsKey(ref)) { 145 145 Node node = new Node(0, 1); 146 146 node.setCoor((new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(, Math.toDegrees(snode.lon)))); 147 147 data.addPrimitive(node); 148 done.put(ref, node.getUniqueId());148 uids.put(ref, node.getUniqueId()); 149 149 } 150 150 } … … 155 155 long ref = git.nextComp(); 156 156 Way way = new Way(0, 1); 157 done.put(ref, way.getUniqueId());157 uids.put(ref, way.getUniqueId()); 158 158 data.addPrimitive(way); 159 159 while (git.hasEdge()) { … … 161 161 while (git.hasNode()) { 162 162 ref = git.nextRef(); 163 way.addNode((Node) data.getPrimitiveById( done.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE));163 way.addNode((Node) data.getPrimitiveById(uids.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE)); 164 164 } 165 165 } … … 172 172 long ref = git.nextComp(); 173 173 if (outers-- > 0) { 174 rel.addMember(new RelationMember("outer", (Way) data.getPrimitiveById( done.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.WAY)));174 rel.addMember(new RelationMember("outer", (Way) data.getPrimitiveById(uids.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.WAY))); 175 175 } else { 176 rel.addMember(new RelationMember("inner", (Way) data.getPrimitiveById( done.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.WAY)));176 rel.addMember(new RelationMember("inner", (Way) data.getPrimitiveById(uids.get(ref), OsmPrimitiveType.WAY))); 177 177 } 178 178 } -
r30323 r30325 351 351 } 352 352 } else { 353 Renderer.symbol(feature, Beacons.Shapes.get(shape), 354 getScheme(feature, feature.type)); 355 if (feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR) != null) 356 Renderer.symbol( 357 feature, 358 Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR) 359 .get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val), 360 getScheme(feature, Obj.TOPMAR), 361 Topmarks.BeaconDelta); 353 Renderer.symbol(feature, Beacons.Shapes.get(shape), getScheme(feature, feature.type)); 354 if (hasObject(feature, Obj.TOPMAR)) { 355 Symbol topmark = Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val); 356 if (topmark != null) 357 Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val), getScheme(feature, Obj.TOPMAR), Topmarks.BeaconDelta); 358 } else if (hasObject(feature, Obj.DAYMAR)) { 359 Symbol topmark = Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.DAYMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val); 360 if (topmark != null) 361 Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.DAYMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val), getScheme(feature, Obj.DAYMAR), Topmarks.BeaconDelta); 362 } 362 363 } 363 364 Signals.addSignals(feature); … … 370 371 Renderer.symbol(feature, Buoys.Shapes.get(shape), getScheme(feature, feature.type)); 371 372 if (hasObject(feature, Obj.TOPMAR)) { 372 Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val), 373 getScheme(feature, Obj.TOPMAR), Topmarks.BuoyDeltas.get(shape)); 373 Symbol topmark = Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.TOPMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val); 374 if (topmark != null) 375 Renderer.symbol(feature, topmark, getScheme(feature, Obj.TOPMAR), Topmarks.BuoyDeltas.get(shape)); 376 } else if (hasObject(feature, Obj.DAYMAR)) { 377 Symbol topmark = Topmarks.Shapes.get(feature.objs.get(Obj.DAYMAR).get(0).get(Att.TOPSHP).val); 378 if (topmark != null) 379 Renderer.symbol(feature, topmark, getScheme(feature, Obj.DAYMAR), Topmarks.BuoyDeltas.get(shape)); 374 380 } 375 381 Signals.addSignals(feature); … … 511 517 if (Renderer.zoom >= 14) { 512 518 Renderer.symbol(feature, Harbours.Anchorage, new Scheme(Mline)); 513 Renderer.labelText(feature, name == null ? "" : name, new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 30), Msymb, LabelStyle.RRCT, Mline, Color.white, new Delta(Handle.BC)); 519 if (Renderer.zoom >= 15) { 520 Renderer.labelText(feature, name == null ? "" : name, new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 30), Msymb, LabelStyle.RRCT, Mline, Color.white, new Delta(Handle.BC)); 521 } 514 522 } 515 523 double radius = (Double)getAttVal(feature, Obj.ACHBRT, 0, Att.RADIUS); -
r30285 r30325 104 104 public static final Symbol Fishing = new Symbol(); 105 105 static { 106 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(1 5, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER)));106 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(10, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 107 107 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.FILL, Rules.Msymb)); 108 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.EARC, new Arc2D.Double(- 75,-75,150,150,15,140,Arc2D.OPEN)));109 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.EARC, new Arc2D.Double(- 75,-75,150,150,-15,-140,Arc2D.OPEN)));108 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.EARC, new Arc2D.Double(-50,-50,100,100,15,140,Arc2D.OPEN))); 109 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.EARC, new Arc2D.Double(-50,-50,100,100,-15,-140,Arc2D.OPEN))); 110 110 Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.setWindingRule(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); 111 p.moveTo(- 40,5); p.curveTo(20,40,50,25,80,0); p.curveTo(50,-25,20,-40,-40,-5);112 p.lineTo(- 75,-25); p.quadTo(-80, 0, -75, 25); p.closePath();113 p.moveTo( 42, 0); p.curveTo(42, 10, 56, 10, 56, 0); p.curveTo(56, -10, 42, -10, 42, 0); p.closePath();111 p.moveTo(-24,3); p.curveTo(12,24,30,15,48,0); p.curveTo(30,-15,12,-24,-24,-3); 112 p.lineTo(-45,-15); p.quadTo(-48, 0, -45, 15); p.closePath(); 113 p.moveTo(25, 0); p.curveTo(25, 6, 34, 6, 34, 0); p.curveTo(34, -6, 25, -6, 25, 0); p.closePath(); 114 114 Fishing.add(new Instr(Form.PGON, p)); 115 115 } 116 116 public static final Symbol Harbour = new Symbol(); 117 117 static { 118 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(1 5, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER)));118 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(10, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 119 119 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.FILL, Rules.Msymb)); 120 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.ELPS, new Ellipse2D.Double(- 75,-75,150,150)));121 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Anchor, 1.0, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null)));120 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.ELPS, new Ellipse2D.Double(-50,-50,100,100))); 121 Harbour.add(new Instr(Form.SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Anchor, 0.6, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null))); 122 122 } 123 123 public static final Symbol HarbourMaster = new Symbol(); … … 148 148 public static final Symbol Marina = new Symbol(); 149 149 static { 150 Marina.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(1 5, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER)));150 Marina.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(10, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 151 151 Marina.add(new Instr(Form.FILL, Rules.Msymb)); 152 Marina.add(new Instr(Form. SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Yacht, 1.0, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null)));153 Marina.add(new Instr(Form. EARC, new Arc2D.Double(-80.0,-80.0,160.0,160.0,215.0,-250.0,Arc2D.OPEN)));152 Marina.add(new Instr(Form.EARC, new Arc2D.Double(-50.0,-50.0,100.0,100.0,215.0,-250.0,Arc2D.OPEN))); 153 Marina.add(new Instr(Form.SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Yacht, 0.6, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null))); 154 154 } 155 155 public static final Symbol MarinaNF = new Symbol(); 156 156 static { 157 MarinaNF.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(15, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 158 MarinaNF.add(new Instr(Form.SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Yacht, 1.0, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null))); 157 MarinaNF.add(new Instr(Form.SYMB, new Symbols.SubSymbol(Harbours.Yacht, 0.6, 0, 0, new Scheme(Rules.Msymb), null))); 159 158 } 160 159 public static final Symbol Pilot = new Symbol(); -
r30285 r30325 21 21 22 22 public enum Form { 23 BBOX, STRK, COLR, FILL, LINE, RECT, RRCT, ELPS, EARC, PLIN, PGON, RSHP, TEXT, SYMB, P1, P2, H2, H3, H4, H5, V2, D2, D3, D4, B2, S2, S3, S4, C2, X223 BBOX, STRK, COLR, FILL, LINE, RECT, RRCT, ELPS, EARC, PLIN, PGON, RSHP, TEXT, SYMB, P1, P2, H2, H3, H4, H5, V2, V3, D2, D3, D4, B2, S2, S3, S4, C2, X2 24 24 } 25 25 … … 260 260 } 261 261 break; 262 case V3: 263 if ((cn == 3) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.V)) { 264 g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(1)); 265 g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params); 266 } 267 break; 262 268 default: 263 269 break; -
r30285 r30325 92 92 TopEast.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 93 93 } 94 public static final Symbol TopIcone = new Symbol(); 95 static { 96 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.BBOX, new Rectangle2D.Double(-20,-80,40,80))); 97 Symbol colours = new Symbol(); 98 Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-45.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-45.0); p.closePath(); 99 colours.add(new Instr(Form.P1, p)); 100 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.COLR, colours)); 101 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(4, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 102 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.FILL,; 103 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.LINE, new Line2D.Double(0,0,0,-15))); 104 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-45.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-45.0); p.closePath(); 105 TopIcone.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 106 } 94 107 public static final Symbol TopIsol = new Symbol(); 95 108 static { … … 169 182 Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-13.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(-13.0,-27.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-27.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-1.0); p.closePath(); 170 183 colours.add(new Instr(Form.P1, p)); 184 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-13.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(-13.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-15.0); p.closePath(); 185 colours.add(new Instr(Form.H2, p)); 186 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-13.0,-19.3); p.lineTo(-13.0,-10.7); p.lineTo(13.0,-10.7); p.lineTo(13.0,-19.3); p.closePath(); 187 colours.add(new Instr(Form.H3, p)); 188 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-27.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-27.0); p.lineTo(13.0,-1.0); p.closePath(); 189 colours.add(new Instr(Form.V2, p)); 190 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-4.3,-1.0); p.lineTo(-4.3,-27.0); p.lineTo(4.3,-27.0); p.lineTo(4.3,-1.0); p.closePath(); 191 colours.add(new Instr(Form.V3, p)); 171 192 TopSquare.add(new Instr(Form.COLR, colours)); 172 193 TopSquare.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); … … 175 196 TopSquare.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 176 197 } 198 public static final Symbol TopRhombus = new Symbol(); 199 static { 200 TopRhombus.add(new Instr(Form.BBOX, new Rectangle2D.Double(-20,-80,40,80))); 201 Symbol colours = new Symbol(); 202 Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(0.0,-29.0); p.lineTo(-15.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-15.0); p.closePath(); 203 colours.add(new Instr(Form.P1, p)); 204 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-15.0); p.closePath(); 205 colours.add(new Instr(Form.H2, p)); 206 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-10.0,-19.7); p.lineTo(-15.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(-10.0,-10.3); p.lineTo(10.0,-10.3); p.lineTo(15.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(10.0,-19.7); p.closePath(); 207 colours.add(new Instr(Form.H3, p)); 208 TopRhombus.add(new Instr(Form.COLR, colours)); 209 TopRhombus.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 210 TopRhombus.add(new Instr(Form.FILL,; 211 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(0.0,-29.0); p.lineTo(-15.0,-15.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-15.0); p.closePath(); 212 TopRhombus.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 213 } 177 214 public static final Symbol TopTriangle = new Symbol(); 178 215 static { … … 186 223 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-29.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-1.0); p.closePath(); 187 224 TopTriangle.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 225 } 226 public static final Symbol TopItriangle = new Symbol(); 227 static { 228 TopItriangle.add(new Instr(Form.BBOX, new Rectangle2D.Double(-20,-80,40,80))); 229 Symbol colours = new Symbol(); 230 Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-29.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-29.0); p.closePath(); 231 colours.add(new Instr(Form.P1, p)); 232 TopItriangle.add(new Instr(Form.COLR, colours)); 233 TopItriangle.add(new Instr(Form.STRK, new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER))); 234 TopItriangle.add(new Instr(Form.FILL,; 235 p = new Path2D.Double(); p.moveTo(-15.0,-29.0); p.lineTo(0.0,-1.0); p.lineTo(15.0,-29.0); p.closePath(); 236 TopItriangle.add(new Instr(Form.PLIN, p)); 188 237 } 189 238 public static final Symbol TopWest = new Symbol(); … … 224 273 static { 225 274 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_BORD, TopBoard); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_CAN, TopCan); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_CONE, TopCone); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_CROS, TopCross); 226 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_EAST, TopEast); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_ISD, TopIsol); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_NORTH, TopNorth); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SOUTH, TopSouth);227 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SPHR, TopSphere); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SQUR, TopSquare); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_TRI, TopTriangle); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_WEST, TopWest);228 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SALT, TopX);275 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_EAST, TopEast); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_ICONE, TopIcone); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_ISD, TopIsol); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_NORTH, TopNorth); 276 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SOUTH, TopSouth); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SPHR, TopSphere); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SQUR, TopSquare); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_TRI, TopTriangle); 277 Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_ITRI, TopItriangle); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_WEST, TopWest); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_SALT, TopX); Shapes.put(TopSHP.TOP_RHOM, TopRhombus); 229 278 } 230 279 public static final EnumMap<BoySHP, Delta> BuoyDeltas = new EnumMap<BoySHP, Delta>(BoySHP.class); … … 232 281 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_PILR, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 31.5, -95.0))); 233 282 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_SPAR, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 31.5, -95.0))); 234 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_CAN, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 12.7, -37.9)));283 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_CAN, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 12.7, -37.9))); 235 284 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_CONE, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 12.7, -37.9))); 236 285 BuoyDeltas.put(BoySHP.BOY_SPHR, new Delta(Handle.BC, new AffineTransform(0.948324, 0.317305, -0.3173047, 0.948324, 12.7, -37.9)));
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.