Changeset 2822 in josm

2010-01-12T07:16:18+01:00 (15 years ago)

see #4339: applied patch by andre68: MessageFormat fixes

7 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/

    r2730 r2822  
    138138        URL u = Main.class.getResource("/REVISION");
    139139        if (u == null) {
    140             System.err.println(tr("Warning: the revision file ''/REVISION'' is missing."));
     140            System.err.println(tr("Warning: the revision file '/REVISION' is missing."));
    141141            version = 0;
    142142            revision = "";
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r2714 r2822  
    10381038            throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Parameter ''{0}'' must not be null", "other"));
    10391039        if (other.isNew() ^ isNew())
    1040             throw new DataIntegrityProblemException(tr("Can''t merge because either of the participating primitives is new and the other is not"));
     1040            throw new DataIntegrityProblemException(tr("Can't merge because either of the participating primitives is new and the other is not"));
    10411041        if (! other.isNew() && other.getId() != id)
    10421042            throw new DataIntegrityProblemException(tr("Can''t merge primitives with different ids. This id is {0}, the other is {1}", id, other.getId()));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/changeset/query/

    r2801 r2822  
    940940        public void fillInQuery(ChangesetQuery query) {
    941941            if (!isValidChangesetQuery())
    942                 throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Can''t restrict the changeset query to a specific bounding box. The input is invalid."));
     942                throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Can't restrict the changeset query to a specific bounding box. The input is invalid."));
    943943            query.inBbox(getBoundingBox());
    944944        }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/server/

    r2801 r2822  
    289289        if (pp.equals(ProxyPolicy.USE_SYSTEM_SETTINGS) && ! DefaultProxySelector.willJvmRetrieveSystemProxies()) {
    290             System.err.println(tr("Warning: JOSM is configured to use proxies from the system setting, but the JVM is not configured to retrieve them. Resetting preferences to ''No proxy''"));
     290            System.err.println(tr("Warning: JOSM is configured to use proxies from the system setting, but the JVM is not configured to retrieve them. Resetting preferences to 'No proxy'"));
    291291            pp = ProxyPolicy.NO_PROXY;
    292292            rbProxyPolicy.get(pp).setSelected(true);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2789 r2822  
    359359                if (k.equals("uid")) {
    360360                    if (queryParams.containsKey("display_name"))
    361                         throw new ChangesetQueryUrlException(tr("Can''t create a changeset query including both the query parameters ''uid'' and ''display_name''"));
     361                        throw new ChangesetQueryUrlException(tr("Can't create a changeset query including both the query parameters 'uid' and 'display_name'"));
    362362                    csQuery.forUser(parseUid(queryParams.get("uid")));
    363363                } else if (k.equals("display_name")) {
    364364                    if (queryParams.containsKey("uid"))
    365                         throw new ChangesetQueryUrlException(tr("Can''t create a changeset query including both the query parameters ''uid'' and ''display_name''"));
     365                        throw new ChangesetQueryUrlException(tr("Can't create a changeset query including both the query parameters 'uid' and 'display_name'"));
    366366                    csQuery.forUser(queryParams.get("display_name"));
    367367                } else if (k.equals("open")) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2801 r2822  
    150150        case USE_SYSTEM_SETTINGS:
    151151            if (!JVM_WILL_USE_SYSTEM_PROXIES) {
    152                 System.err.println(tr("Warning: the JVM is not configured to lookup proxies from the system settings. The property '''' was missing at startup time. Won't use a proxy."));
     152                System.err.println(tr("Warning: the JVM is not configured to lookup proxies from the system settings. The property '' was missing at startup time. Won't use a proxy."));
    153153                return Collections.singletonList(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
    154154            }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2711 r2822  
    239239                    || qName.equals("relation")) {
    240240                if (currentModificationType == null) {
    241                     throwException(tr("Illegal document structure. Found node, way, or relation outside of ''create'', ''modify'', or ''delete''."));
     241                    throwException(tr("Illegal document structure. Found node, way, or relation outside of 'create', 'modify', or 'delete'."));
    242242                }
    243243                data.put(currentPrimitive, currentModificationType);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.