Changeset 2801 in josm for trunk/src/org

2010-01-09T23:38:57+01:00 (15 years ago)

fixed line endings of recent checkins

38 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/

    r2798 r2801  
    461461    }
    464463    /**
    465464     * The type of a command line parameter, to be used in switch statements.
    532531        Main.worker.execute(new PostDownloadHandler(task, future));
    533532    }
    536534    public static void determinePlatformHook() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r2711 r2801  
    2020 * This action toggles the visibility of the {@see ChangesetCacheManager} dialog.
    21  * 
     21 *
    2222 */
    2323public class ChangesetManagerToggleAction extends JosmAction {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r2711 r2801  
    2727 * {@see #removeChangesetCacheListener(ChangesetCacheListener)} to unregister as
    2828 * cache event listener.
    29  * 
     29 *
    3030 * The cache itself listens to {@see java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent}s. It
    3131 * clears itself if the OSM API URL is changed in the preferences.
    32  * 
     32 *
    3333 * {@see ChangesetCacheEvent}s are delivered on the EDT.
    34  * 
     34 *
    3535 */
    3636public class ChangesetCache implements PreferenceChangedListener{
    4242    /**
    4343     * Replies the unique instance of the cache
    44      * 
     44     *
    4545     * @return the unique instance of the cache
    4646     */
    162162     * Removes the changesets in <code>changesets</code> from the cache. A
    163163     * {@see ChangesetCacheEvent} is fired.
    164      * 
     164     *
    165165     * @param changesets the changesets to remove. Ignored if null.
    166166     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r2711 r2801  
    11// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
    54public interface ChangesetCacheListener {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r2711 r2801  
    3333    /**
    3434     * Remembers a history primitive with the given modification type
    35      * 
     35     *
    3636     * @param primitive the primitive. Must not be null.
    3737     * @param cmt the modification type. Must not be null.
    7171     * Replies true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was created in this
    7272     * changeset. Replies false, if id is null.
    73      * 
     73     *
    7474     * @param id the id
    7575     * @return true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was created in this
    8484     * Replies true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was updated in this
    8585     * changeset. Replies false, if id is null.
    86      * 
     86     *
    8787     * @param id the id
    8888     * @return true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was updated in this
    9797     * Replies true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was deleted in this
    9898     * changeset. Replies false, if id is null.
    99      * 
     99     *
    100100     * @param id the id
    101101     * @return true if the primitive with id <code>id</code> was deleted in this
    109109    /**
    110110     * Replies the set of primitives with a specific modification type
    111      * 
     111     *
    112112     * @param cmt the modification type. Must not be null.
    113113     * @return the set of primitives
    127127    /**
    128128     * Replies the number of objects in the dataset
    129      * 
     129     *
    130130     * @return the number of objects in the dataset
    131131     */
    137137     * Replies the {@see HistoryOsmPrimitive} with id <code>id</code> from this
    138138     * dataset. null, if there is no such primitive in the data set.
    139      * 
     139     *
    140140     * @param id the id
    141141     * @return  the {@see HistoryOsmPrimitive} with id <code>id</code> from this
    146146        return primitives.get(id);
    147147    }
    150149    public Iterator<ChangesetDataSetEntry> iterator() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/event/

    r2741 r2801  
    4141    /**
    42      * 
     42     *
    4343     * @return List of events that caused this DataChangedEvent. Might be null
    4444     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r2725 r2801  
    6565        load();
    6666    }
    6968    public boolean isUseRealWidth() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r2675 r2801  
    5454    private final Collection<String> regionalNameOrder;
    5756    public MapPainter(MapPaintSettings settings, Graphics2D g, boolean inactive, NavigatableComponent nc, boolean virtual, double dist, double circum) {
    5857        this.g = g;
    151150    }
    154152    public void drawNodeIcon(Node n, ImageIcon icon, boolean annotate, boolean selected, String name) {
    155153        Point p = nc.getPoint(n);
    175173        }
    176174    }
    179176    /**
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r2750 r2801  
    169169            name += " (";
    170170            String nameTag = null;
    171             for (String n : getNamingtagsForRelations()) { 
    172                 if (n.equals("name")) { 
     171            for (String n : getNamingtagsForRelations()) {
     172                if (n.equals("name")) {
    173173                    if (Main.pref.getBoolean("osm-primitives.localize-name", true)) {
    174174                        nameTag = relation.getLocalName();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r2748 r2801  
    268268    }
    271270    /**
    272271     * Explains a {@see UnknownHostException} which has caused an {@see OsmTransferException}.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r2711 r2801  
    1313 * JosmUserStateManager is a global object which keeps track of what JOSM knows about
    1414 * the identity of the current user.
    15  * 
     15 *
    1616 * JOSM can be operated anonymously provided the current user never invokes an operation
    1717 * on the OSM server which required authentication. In this case JOSM neither knows
    1818 * the user name of the OSM account of the current user nor its unique id. Perhaps the
    1919 * user doesn't have one.
    20  * 
     20 *
    2121 * If the current user supplies a user name and a password in the JOSM preferences JOSM
    2222 * can partially identify the user.
    23  * 
     23 *
    2424 * The current user is fully identified if JOSM knows both the user name and the unique
    2525 * id of the users OSM account. The later is retrieved from the OSM server with a
    2626 * <tt>GET /api/0.6/user/details</tt> request, submitted with the user name and password
    2727 * of the current user.
    28  * 
     28 *
    2929 * The global JosmUserStateManager listens to {@see PreferenceChangeEvent}s and keeps track
    3030 * of what the current JOSM instance knows about the current user. Other subsystems can
    3131 * let the global JosmUserStateManager know in case they fully identify the current user, see
    3232 * {@see #setFullyIdentified(String, long)}.
    33  * 
     33 *
    3434 * The information kept by the JosmUserStateManager can be used to
    3535 * <ul>
    4545    /**
    4646     * Replies the unique instance of teh JOSM user identity manager
    47      * 
     47     *
    4848     * @return the unique instance of teh JOSM user identity manager
    4949     */
    7474     * Remebers the fact that the current JOSM user is partially identified
    7575     * by the user name of its OSM account.
    76      * 
     76     *
    7777     * @param userName the user name. Must not be null. Must not be empty (whitespace only).
    7878     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if userName is null
    9090     * Remembers the fact that the current JOSM user is fully identified with a
    9191     * verified pair of user name and user id.
    92      * 
     92     *
    9393     * @param userName the user name. Must not be null. Must not be empty.
    9494     * @param userinfo additional information about the user, retrieved from the OSM server and including the user id
    108108    /**
    109109     * Replies true if the current JOSM user is anonymous.
    110      * 
     110     *
    111111     * @return true if the current user is anonymous.
    112112     */
    117117    /**
    118118     * Replies true if the current JOSM user is partially identified.
    119      * 
     119     *
    120120     * @return true if the current JOSM user is partially identified.
    121121     */
    124124    }
    127126    /**
    128127     * Replies true if the current JOSM user is fully identified.
    129      * 
     128     *
    130129     * @return true if the current JOSM user is fully identified.
    131130     */
    136135    /**
    137136     * Replies the user name of the current JOSM user. null, if {@see #isAnonymous()} is true.
    138      * 
     137     *
    139138     * @return  the user name of the current JOSM user
    140139     */
    146145     * Replies the user id of the current JOSM user. 0, if {@see #isAnonymous()} or
    147146     * {@see #isPartiallyIdentified()} is true.
    148      * 
     147     *
    149148     * @return  the user id of the current JOSM user
    150149     */
    157156     * Replies verified additional information about the current user if the user is
    158157     * {@see #isFullyIdentified()}.
    159      * 
     158     *
    160159     * @return verified additional information about the current user
    161160     */
    185184     * Replies true if the user with name <code>username</code> is the current
    186185     * user
    187      * 
     186     *
    188187     * @param username the user name
    189188     * @return true if the user with name <code>username</code> is the current
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r2800 r2801  
    6464    /**
    6565     * Displays help on the console
    66      * 
     66     *
    6767     */
    6868    public static void showHelp() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r2766 r2801  
    7878        }
    7979    }
    8281    public static final int snapDistance = Main.pref.getInteger("node.snap-distance", 10);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/

    r2741 r2801  
    6262 *   <li>the list of changesets objects in the current data layer are assigend to</li>
    6363 * </ul>
    64  * 
     64 *
    6565 * The dialog offers actions to download and to close changesets. It can also launch an external
    6666 * browser with information about a changeset. Furthermore, it can select all objects in
    6767 * the current data layer being assigned to a specific changeset.
    68  * 
     68 *
    6969 */
    7070public class ChangesetDialog extends ToggleDialog{
    8585    private LaunchChangesetManagerAction launchChangesetManagerAction;
    8887    protected void buildChangesetsLists() {
    8988        DefaultListSelectionModel selectionModel = new DefaultListSelectionModel();
    117116        MapView.addEditLayerChangeListener(inSelectionModel);
    118117        DataSet.selListeners.add(inSelectionModel);
    121119        // let the model for changesets in the current layer listen to various
    360358    /**
    361359     * Downloads selected changesets
    362      * 
     360     *
    363361     */
    364362    class ReadChangesetsAction extends AbstractAction implements ListSelectionListener, ItemListener{
    395393    /**
    396394     * Closes the currently selected changesets
    397      * 
     395     *
    398396     */
    399397    class CloseOpenChangesetsAction extends AbstractAction implements ListSelectionListener, ItemListener {
    427425    /**
    428426     * Show information about the currently selected changesets
    429      * 
     427     *
    430428     */
    431429    class ShowChangesetInfoAction extends AbstractAction implements ListSelectionListener, ItemListener {
    467465    /**
    468466     * Show information about the currently selected changesets
    469      * 
     467     *
    470468     */
    471469    class LaunchChangesetManagerAction extends AbstractAction implements ListSelectionListener, ItemListener {
    558556    }
    561558    class ChangesetPopupMenuLauncher extends PopupMenuLauncher {
    562559        @Override
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/

    r2716 r2801  
    690690    /*
    691691     * Sort a collection of relation members by the way they are linked.
    692      * 
     692     *
    693693     * @param relationMembers collection of relation members
    694694     * @return sorted collection of relation members
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/help/

    r2715 r2801  
    8888        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r);
    8989    }
    9291    /**
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    149149    }
    152151    public UploadParameterSummaryPanel getUploadParameterSummaryPanel() {
    153152        return pnlUploadParameterSummary;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2783 r2801  
    3333 * ChangesetManagementPanel allows to configure changeset to be used in the next
    3434 * upload.
    35  * 
     35 *
    3636 * It is displayed as one of the configuration panels in the {@see UploadDialog}.
    37  * 
     37 *
    3838 * ChangesetManagementPanel is a source for {@see PropertyChangeEvent}s. Clients can listen
    3939 * to
    185185     * Replies the currently selected changeset. null, if no changeset is
    186186     * selected or if the user has chosen to use a new changeset.
    187      * 
     187     *
    188188     * @return the currently selected changeset. null, if no changeset is
    189189     * selected.
    198198     * Replies true if the user has chosen to close the changeset after the
    199199     * next upload
    200      * 
     200     *
    201201     */
    202202    public boolean isCloseChangesetAfterUpload() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2781 r2801  
    1515 * A combobox model for the list of open changesets. The model is populated with the list
    1616 * of open changesets kept in the {@see ChangesetCache}.
    17  * 
     17 *
    1818 */
    1919public class OpenChangesetComboBoxModel extends DefaultComboBoxModel implements ChangesetCacheListener {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    9999    /**
    100100     * Replies the map with the current tags in the tag editor model.
    101      * 
     101     *
    102102     * @return the map with the current tags in the tag editor model.
    103103     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    4646    /**
    4747     * Creates the  task
    48      * 
     48     *
    4949     * @param layer the layer in which primitives are updated. Must not be null.
    5050     * @param toUpdate a collection of primitives to update from the server. Set to
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2752 r2801  
    5252    /**
    5353     * Creates the task
    54      * 
     54     *
    5555     * @param strategy the upload strategy. Must not be null.
    5656     * @param layer  the OSM data layer for which data is uploaded. Must not be null.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    3939     * Replies the value which is written to the preferences for a specific
    4040     * upload strategy
    41      * 
     41     *
    4242     * @return the value which is written to the preferences for a specific
    4343     * upload strategy
    5454    /**
    5555     * Replies the upload strategy currently configured in the preferences.
    56      * 
     56     *
    5757     * First checks for the preference key <pre>osm-server.upload-strategy</pre>. If not
    5858     * present, checks for the legacy preference key <pre>osm-server.atomic-upload</pre>.
    59      * 
     59     *
    6060     * If both are missing or if the preference value is illegal, {@see #DEFAULT_UPLOAD_STRATEGY}
    6161     * is replied.
    62      * 
     62     *
    6363     * @return the upload strategy currently configured in the preferences.
    6464     */
    9292    /**
    9393     * Saves the upload strategy <code>strategy</code> to the preferences.
    94      * 
     94     *
    9595     * @param strategy the strategy to save
    9696     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2731 r2801  
    3838 * UploadStrategySelectionPanel is a panel for selecting an upload strategy.
    39  * 
     39 *
    4040 * Clients can listen for property change events for the property
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    11// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
    75 * An UploadStrategySpecification consists of the parameter describing the strategy
    86 * for uploading a collection of {@see OsmPrimitive}.
    9  * 
     7 *
    108 * This includes:
    119 * <ul>
    3937     * Clones another upload strategy. If other is null,assumes default
    4038     * values.
    41      * 
     39     *
    4240     * @param other the other upload strategy
    4341     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r2711 r2801  
    2222 * This panel displays a summary of the objects to upload. It is displayed in
    2323 * the upper part of the {@see UploadDialog}.
    24  * 
     24 *
    2525 */
    2626public class UploadedObjectsSummaryPanel extends JPanel {
    127127    /**
    128128     * Replies the number of objects to upload
    129      * 
     129     *
    130130     * @return the number of objects to upload
    131131     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/

    r2745 r2801  
    5252    /**
    5353     * Builds the tabbed pane with the server preferences
    54      * 
     54     *
    5555     * @return
    5656     */
    7979    /**
    8080     * Builds the panel for entering the server access preferences
    81      * 
     81     *
    8282     * @return
    8383     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r2711 r2801  
    2323 * This is an abstract class for a validator on a text component.
    24  * 
     24 *
    2525 * Subclasses implement {@see #validate()}. {@see #validate()} is invoked whenever
    2626 * <ul>
    2929 *   <li>the text component is a {@see JTextField} and an {@see ActionEvent} is detected</li>
    3030 * </ul>
    31  * 
    32  * 
     31 *
     32 *
    3333 */
    3434public abstract class AbstractTextComponentValidator implements ActionListener, FocusListener, DocumentListener, PropertyChangeListener{
    7070    /**
    7171     * Replies the decorated text component
    72      * 
     72     *
    7373     * @return the decorated text component
    7474     */
    7979    /**
    8080     * Creates the validator and weires it to the text component <code>tc</code>.
    81      * 
     81     *
    8282     * @param tc the text component. Must not be null.
    8383     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if tc is null
    9797    /**
    9898     * Implement in subclasses to validate the content of the text component.
    99      * 
     99     *
    100100     */
    101101    public abstract void validate();
    104104     * Replies true if the current content of the decorated text component is valid;
    105105     * false otherwise
    106      * 
     106     *
    107107     * @return true if the current content of the decorated text component is valid
    108108     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r2711 r2801  
    1515 * This panel can be used to display larger larger sections of formatted text in
    1616 * HTML.
    17  * 
     17 *
    1818 * It displays HTML text in the same font as {@see JLabel}. Hyperlinks are rendered in
    1919 * blue and they are underlined. There is also a CSS rule for the HTML tag &lt;strong&gt;
    2020 * configured.
    21  * 
     21 *
    2222 */
    2323public class HtmlPanel extends JPanel {
    6363    /**
    6464     * Replies the editor pane used internally to render the HTML text.
    65      * 
     65     *
    6666     * @return the editor pane used internally to render the HTML text.
    6767     */
    7373     * Sets the current text to display. <code>text</code> is a html fragment.
    7474     * If null, empty string is assumed.
    75      * 
     75     *
    7676     * @param text the text to display
    7777     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2748 r2801  
    1919import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.server.ProxyPreferencesPanel.ProxyPolicy;
    2322 * This is the default proxy selector used in JOSM.
    24  * 
     23 *
    2524 */
    2625public class DefaultProxySelector extends ProxySelector {
    4847     * is defined <strong>at startup</strong>. If the property is set later by the application,
    4948     * this has no effect.
    50      * 
     49     *
    5150     * @return true, if <tt></tt> was set to true at class initialization time
    52      * 
     51     *
    5352     */
    5453    public static boolean willJvmRetrieveSystemProxies() {
    6766     *    PropertySelector.setDefault(new DefaultPropertySelector(delegate));
    6867     * </pre>
    69      * 
     68     *
    7069     * @param delegate the proxy selector to delegate to if system settings are used. Usually
    7170     * this is the proxy selector found by ProxySelector.getDefault() before this proxy
    9796    /**
    9897     * Initializes the proxy selector from the setting in the preferences.
    99      * 
     98     *
    10099     */
    101100    public void initFromPreferences() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2795 r2801  
    357357    /**
    358      * 
     358     *
    359359     * @return True if file was properly parsed, false if there was error during parsing but some data were parsed anyway
    360360     * @throws SAXException
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r2748 r2801  
    7070    /**
    7171     * Adds an authentication header for basic authentication
    72      * 
     72     *
    7373     * @param con the connection
    7474     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown is something went wrong. Check for nested exceptions
    105105    /**
    106106     * Signs the connection with an OAuth authentication header
    107      * 
     107     *
    108108     * @param connection the connection
    109      * 
     109     *
    110110     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if there is currently no OAuth Access Token configured
    111111     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if signing fails
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r2748 r2801  
    1515 *   optional HTTP proxy server a user may use</li>
    1616 *  </ul>
    17  * 
     17 *
    1818 *  In addition, it manages an OAuth Access Token for accessing the OSM server.
    1919 */
    5151    public CredentialsManagerResponse getCredentials(RequestorType requestorType, boolean noSuccessWithLastResponse) throws CredentialsManagerException;
    5453    /**
    5554     * Lookup the current OAuth Access Token to access the OSM server. Replies null, if no
    5655     * Access Token is currently managed by this CredentialManager.
    57      * 
     56     *
    5857     * @return the current OAuth Access Token to access the OSM server.
    5958     * @throws CredentialsManagerException thrown if something goes wrong
    6362    /**
    6463     * Stores the OAuth Access Token <code>accessToken</code>.
    65      * 
     64     *
    6665     * @param accessToken the access Token. null, to remove the Access Token.
    6766     * @throws CredentialsManagerException thrown if something goes wrong
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r2711 r2801  
    55 * CredentialManagerFactory is a factory for the single credential manager used.
    6  * 
     6 *
    77 * Currently, it defaults to replying an instance of {@see JosmPreferencesCredentialManager}.
    8  * 
     8 *
    99 */
    1010public class CredentialsManagerFactory {
    1313    /**
    1414     * Replies the single credential manager used in JOSM
    15      * 
     15     *
    1616     * @return the single credential manager used in JOSM
    1717     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r2711 r2801  
    55 * CredentialsManagerResponse represents the response from {@see CredentialsManager#getCredentials(, boolean)}.
    6  * 
     6 *
    77 * The response consists of the username and the password the requested credentials consists of.
    88 * In addition, it provides information whether authentication was canceled by the user, i.e.
    99 * because he or she canceled a username/password dialog (see {@see #isCanceled()}.
    10  * 
     10 *
    1111 */
    1212public class CredentialsManagerResponse {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r2748 r2801  
    1414 * for the OSM API and an optional proxy server to the currently configured
    1515 * {@see CredentialsManager}.
    16  * 
     16 *
    1717 */
    1818public  class DefaultAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
    3434    /**
    35      * 
     35     *
    3636     * @param credentialManager the credential manager
    3737     */
    4040    }
    4442    /**
    4543     * Called by the Java http stack when either the OSM API server or a proxy requires
    4644     * authentication.
    47      * 
     45     *
    4846     */
    4947    @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r2748 r2801  
    106106    }
    109108    /**
    110109     * Lookup the current OAuth Access Token to access the OSM server. Replies null, if no
    111110     * Access Token is currently managed by this CredentialManager.
    112      * 
     111     *
    113112     * @return the current OAuth Access Token to access the OSM server.
    114113     * @throws CredentialsManagerException thrown if something goes wrong
    124123    /**
    125124     * Stores the OAuth Access Token <code>accessToken</code>.
    126      * 
     125     *
    127126     * @param accessToken the access Token. null, to remove the Access Token.
    128127     * @throws CredentialsManagerException thrown if something goes wrong
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r2711 r2801  
    1616    private CheckParameterUtil(){}
    1918    public static void ensureValidPrimitiveId(PrimitiveId id, String parameterName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    3635    /**
    3736     * Ensures that <code>id</code> is non-null primitive id of type {@see OsmPrimitiveType#NODE}
    38      * 
     37     *
    3938     * @param id  the primitive  id
    4039     * @param parameterName the name of the parameter to be checked
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