Changeset 26509 in osm for applications/editors/josm/plugins
- Timestamp:
- 2011-08-11T00:45:56+02:00 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins
- Files:
- 63 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r23585 r26509 78 78 } 79 79 if (!parsedProperly) { 80 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Error occured while parsing gpx file {0}. Only part of the file will be available", urlString)); 80 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Error occurred while parsing gpx file {0}. Only a part of the file will be available.", urlString)); 81 81 } 82 82 -
r24236 r26509 98 98 private static final String uploadTraceText = tr("Upload Trace"); 99 99 100 private boolean cancel led = false;100 private boolean canceled = false; 101 101 102 102 public UploadDataGui() { … … 225 225 flushToServer(bais, conn.getOutputStream(), progressMonitor); 226 226 227 if (cancel led) {227 if (canceled) { 228 228 conn.disconnect(); 229 OutputDisplay.setText(tr("Upload cancel led"));229 OutputDisplay.setText(tr("Upload canceled")); 230 230 buttons.get(0).setEnabled(true); 231 cancel led = false;231 canceled = false; 232 232 } 233 233 else { … … 318 318 progressMonitor.subTask(getProgressText(cur, progressMonitor)); 319 319 320 if(cancel led)320 if(canceled) 321 321 break; 322 322 } 323 323 } 324 if(!cancel led)324 if(!canceled) 325 325 out.flush(); 326 326 progressMonitor.subTask("Waiting for server reply..."); … … 406 406 @Override protected void finish() {} 407 407 @Override protected void cancel() { 408 cancel led = true;408 canceled = true; 409 409 } 410 410 }; -
r23976 r26509 71 71 72 72 /** 73 * Gets the theGPX data instance used by this model.73 * Gets the GPX data instance used by this model. 74 74 * 75 75 * @return -
r23976 r26509 276 276 * The fill color of the triangle. 277 277 * @param dir 278 * The direction of the t he triangle278 * The direction of the triangle 279 279 * @param x 280 280 * The x coordinate in the graphics context. -
r26420 r26509 646 646 * @see 647 647 */ 648 @Override 648 649 public void primitivesAdded(PrimitivesAddedEvent event) { 649 650 invalidate(); … … 653 654 * @see 654 655 */ 656 @Override 655 657 public void primitivesRemoved(PrimitivesRemovedEvent event) { 656 658 invalidate(); … … 819 821 } 820 822 } 821 822 @Override823 public void primtivesAdded(PrimitivesAddedEvent event) {824 // TODO Auto-generated method stub825 826 }827 828 @Override829 public void primtivesRemoved(PrimitivesRemovedEvent event) {830 // TODO Auto-generated method stub831 832 }833 823 } -
r25373 r26509 26 26 27 27 public FixAddressesMapMode(MapFrame mapFrame) { 28 super(tr("Fix adresses"), "incompleteaddress_24", 28 super(tr("Fix addresses"), "incompleteaddress_24", 29 29 tr("Show dialog with incomplete addresses"), 30 30 mapFrame, -
r25373 r26509 46 46 private OSMAddress curAddressNode; 47 47 private boolean isRunning = false; 48 private boolean cancel led;48 private boolean canceled; 49 49 50 50 … … 170 170 @Override 171 171 protected void cancel() { 172 cancel led = true;172 canceled = true; 173 173 } 174 174 … … 190 190 191 191 isRunning = true; 192 cancel led = false;192 canceled = false; 193 193 194 194 // Start progress monitor to guess address values … … 221 221 222 222 // check for cancel 223 if (cancel led) {223 if (canceled) { 224 224 break; 225 225 } … … 229 229 // visit osm data 230 230 for (OsmPrimitive osmPrimitive : Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().allPrimitives()) { 231 if (cancel led) {231 if (canceled) { 232 232 break; 233 233 } -
r25373 r26509 52 52 53 53 /** 54 * Gets the coordinate of the node. If the theunderlying object is a54 * Gets the coordinate of the node. If the underlying object is a 55 55 * node, it just returns the node coordinate. For ways and areas, this 56 56 * method returns the coordinate of the center (balance point). -
r25373 r26509 120 120 /** 121 121 * @param needle The string to find the best match for. 122 * @param haystack The list of strings to pick the thebest match from.122 * @param haystack The list of strings to pick the best match from. 123 123 * @return The string of the list with the longest common substring to needle or 124 124 * <tt>null</tt>, if either <tt>needle</tt> or <tt>haystack</tt> is empty or null. -
r26420 r26509 157 157 * @see 158 158 */ 159 @Override 159 160 public void primitivesAdded(PrimitivesAddedEvent event) { 160 161 container.invalidate(); … … 165 166 * @see 166 167 */ 168 @Override 167 169 public void primitivesRemoved(PrimitivesRemovedEvent event) { 168 170 container.invalidate(); … … 227 229 container.invalidate(); 228 230 } 229 230 @Override231 public void primtivesAdded(PrimitivesAddedEvent event) {232 // do something here?233 }234 235 @Override236 public void primtivesRemoved(PrimitivesRemovedEvent event) {237 // do something here?238 }239 231 } -
r25899 r26509 143 143 144 144 if (altitudeIntersection != null) { 145 // If the thesegment intersects with the altitude from p145 // If the segment intersects with the altitude from p 146 146 currentDistance = pEN.distance(altitudeIntersection); 147 147 -
r26382 r26509 32 32 <property name="" value="1.5"/> 33 33 <property name="commit.message" value="Changed constructor for Plugin"/> 34 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4 126"/>34 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4310"/> 35 35 <target name="init"> 36 36 <mkdir dir="${}"/> -
r26228 r26509 26 26 27 27 public class CadastreInterface { 28 public boolean downloadCancel led = false;28 public boolean downloadCanceled = false; 29 29 public HttpURLConnection urlConn = null; 30 30 … … 76 76 interfaceRef = null; 77 77 // open the session with the French Cadastre web front end 78 downloadCancel led = false;78 downloadCanceled = false; 79 79 try { 80 80 if (cookie == null || isCookieExpired) { … … 306 306 // list of values parsed in listOfFeuilles (list all non-georeferenced images) 307 307 lines = getFeuillesList(); 308 if (!downloadCancel led) {308 if (!downloadCanceled) { 309 309 parseFeuillesList(lines); 310 310 if (listOfFeuilles.size() > 0) { … … 567 567 //urlConn.disconnect(); 568 568 } 569 downloadCancel led = true;569 downloadCanceled = true; 570 570 lastWMSLayerName = null; 571 571 } -
r26228 r26509 256 256 if (!alreadyRedefined) { 257 257 int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, 258 tr("Plugin cadastre-fr used traditional y for grabbingthe key shortcut F11\n"+259 "which is currently allocated for full-screen switch by default\n"+ 260 "Would you like to restore F11 for grab action 258 tr("Plugin cadastre-fr used traditionally the key shortcut F11 for grabbing,\n"+ 259 "which is currently allocated for full-screen switch by default.\n"+ 260 "Would you like to restore F11 for grab action?"), 261 261 tr("Restore grab shortcut F11"), 262 262 JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); … … 268 268 } 269 269 } else 270 System.out.println(" shortcut F11 already redefined; do not change");270 System.out.println("Shortcut F11 already redefined; do not change."); 271 271 272 272 refreshMenu(); -
r26382 r26509 114 114 // option to alter the original colors of the wms images 115 115 alterColors.setSelected(Main.pref.getBoolean("cadastrewms.alterColors", false)); 116 alterColors.setToolTipText(tr("Replace the original white background by the backgound color defined in JOSM preferences.")); 116 alterColors.setToolTipText(tr("Replace the original white background by the background color defined in JOSM preferences.")); 117 117 cadastrewms.add(alterColors, GBC.eop().insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); 118 118 -
r25045 r26509 45 45 // till here 46 46 dontGeoreference = true; 47 } else if (wmsLayer.grabber.getWmsInterface().downloadCancel led){47 } else if (wmsLayer.grabber.getWmsInterface().downloadCanceled){ 48 48 // do nothing 49 49 } else { … … 62 62 // grab new images from wms server into active layer 63 63 wmsLayer.grab(bounds); 64 if (wmsLayer.grabber.getWmsInterface().downloadCancel led) {64 if (wmsLayer.grabber.getWmsInterface().downloadCanceled) { 65 65 wmsLayer.clearImages(); 66 66; -
r25045 r26509 68 68 wmsLayer.grabber.getWmsInterface().cancel(); 69 69 if (wmsLayer != null) 70 wmsLayer.grabThread.setCancel led(true);70 wmsLayer.grabThread.setCanceled(true); 71 71 } 72 72 -
r25045 r26509 17 17 public class GrabThread extends Thread { 18 18 19 private boolean cancel led;19 private boolean canceled; 20 20 21 21 private CadastreGrabber grabber; … … 84 84 imagesToGrab.remove(0); 85 85 lockImagesToGrag.unlock(); 86 if (cancel led) {86 if (canceled) { 87 87 break; 88 88 } else { … … 93 93 } catch (IOException e) { 94 94 System.out 95 .println("Download action cancel led by user or server did not respond");96 setCancel led(true);95 .println("Download action canceled by user or server did not respond"); 96 setCanceled(true); 97 97 break; 98 98 } catch (OsmTransferException e) { 99 99 System.out.println("OSM transfer failed"); 100 setCancel led(true);100 setCanceled(true); 101 101 break; 102 102 } 103 if (grabber.getWmsInterface().download Cancelled) {104 System.out.println("Download action cancel led by user");105 setCancel led(true);103 if (grabber.getWmsInterface().downloadcanceled) { 104 System.out.println("Download action canceled by user"); 105 setCanceled(true); 106 106 break; 107 107 } … … 125 125 } catch (NullPointerException e) { 126 126 System.out.println("Layer destroyed. Cancel grab thread"); 127 setCancel led(true);127 setCanceled(true); 128 128 } 129 129 } … … 133 133 currentGrabImage = null; 134 134 lockCurrentGrabImage.unlock(); 135 if (cancel led) {135 if (canceled) { 136 136 clearImagesToGrab(); 137 cancel led = false;137 canceled = false; 138 138 } 139 139 if (wmsLayer.isRaster()) { … … 207 207 } 208 208 209 public boolean isCancel led() {210 return cancel led;211 } 212 213 public void setCancel led(boolean cancelled) {214 this.cancel led = cancelled;209 public boolean isCanceled() { 210 return canceled; 211 } 212 213 public void setCanceled(boolean canceled) { 214 this.canceled = canceled; 215 215 } 216 216 -
r26330 r26509 108 108; 109 109 } else if (wmsLayer.getImages().size() == 0) { 110 // action cancel led or image loaded from cache (and already georeferenced)110 // action canceled or image loaded from cache (and already georeferenced) 111 111 actionInterrupted(); 112 112 } else { -
r26228 r26509 129 129 130 130 public void grab(Bounds b) throws IOException { 131 grabThread.setCancel led(false);131 grabThread.setCanceled(false); 132 132 grabThread.setGrabber(grabber); 133 133 // if it is the first layer, use the communeBBox as grab bbox (and not divided) -
r23190 r26509 45 45 assert (co != null) || (cp != null); 46 46 47 //... but the thename is overwritten.47 //... but the name is overwritten. 48 48 = generateName(this.cp,; 49 49 } -
r22915 r26509 338 338 } catch (NullPointerException except) { 339 339 dbTreeValue = null; 340 System.err.println("Strange exception has occured."+ 340 System.err.println("Strange exception has occurred."+ 341 341 " If you find a way to reproduce it, please report a bug!"); 342 342 except.printStackTrace(); -
r23190 r26509 565 565 566 566 } catch (NullPointerException except) { 567 System.err.println("Strange exception occured." + 567 System.err.println("Strange exception occurred." + 568 568 " If you find a way to reproduce this situation, please "+ 569 569 "e-mail the author of the CzechAddress plugin."); … … 615 615 616 616 } catch (NullPointerException except) { 617 System.err.println("Strange exception occured." + 617 System.err.println("Strange exception occurred." + 618 618 " If you find a way to reproduce this situation, please "+ 619 619 "e-mail the author of the CzechAddress plugin."); -
r23191 r26509 119 119 private SerialPort port = null; 120 120 121 private boolean cancel led = false;121 private boolean canceled = false; 122 122 123 123 public GlobalsatDg100(CommPortIdentifier portId){ … … 126 126 127 127 public void cancel(){ 128 cancel led = true;128 canceled = true; 129 129 disconnect(); 130 130 } … … 138 138 try { 139 139 GpxData result = null; 140 cancel led = false;140 canceled = false; 141 141 if(port == null){ 142 142 connect(); … … 152 152 Collection<WayPoint> seg = new ArrayList<WayPoint>(100); 153 153 for(GpsRec r:gpsRecList){ 154 if(cancel led){154 if(canceled){ 155 155 return result; 156 156 } … … 306 306 } 307 307 308 public boolean isCancel led(){309 return cancel led;308 public boolean isCanceled(){ 309 return canceled; 310 310 } 311 311 -
r23191 r26509 56 56 57 57 @Override protected void finish() { 58 if(deleteAfter && GlobalsatPlugin.dg100().isCancel led() == false){58 if(deleteAfter && GlobalsatPlugin.dg100().isCanceled() == false){ 59 59 Main.pref.put("globalsat.deleteAfterDownload", true); 60 60 try{ -
r26471 r26509 100 100 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="gpxfilter.GpxFilterPlugin"/> 101 101 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/> 102 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows to filter out unnece cary GPS tracks"/>102 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows to filter out unnecessary GPS tracks"/> 103 103 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 104 104 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/> -
r26471 r26509 1246 1246 if (bestEN == null) 1247 1247 return null; 1248 WayPoint best = new WayPoint(Main. proj.eastNorth2latlon(bestEN));1248 WayPoint best = new WayPoint(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(bestEN)); 1249 1249 best.time = bestTime; 1250 1250 return best; -
r25469 r26509 134 134 135 135 private List<File> files; 136 private boolean cancel led;136 private boolean canceled; 137 137 138 138 public ImportTask(List<File> files) { … … 142 142 @Override 143 143 protected void cancel() { 144 this.cancel led = true;144 this.canceled = true; 145 145 } 146 146 … … 250 250 try { 251 251 for (File f : files) { 252 if (cancel led) return;252 if (canceled) return; 253 253 SVGLoader loader = new SVGLoader(new URI("about:blank"),true); 254 254 XMLReader rdr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); -
r26174 r26509 27 27 <project name="junctionchecking" default="dist" basedir="."> 28 28 <property name="commit.message" value="Changed the constructor signature of the plugin main class"/> 29 <property name="plugin.main.version" value=" 3751"/>29 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4126"/> 30 30 <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/> 31 31 <property name="" value="build"/> -
r25501 r26509 150 150 151 151 private Point getCoord(OSMNode node, MapView mv) { 152 return mv.getPoint(Main. proj.latlon2eastNorth(new LatLon(node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude())));152 return mv.getPoint(Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(new LatLon(node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude()))); 153 153 } 154 154 -
r26373 r26509 89 89 private Collection<OsmPrimitive> validatedPrimitives; 90 90 private Collection<OsmPrimitive> formerValidatedPrimitives; 91 private boolean cancel led;91 private boolean canceled; 92 92 private List<LicenseProblem> problems; 93 93 … … 109 109 protected void cancel() 110 110 { 111 this.cancel led = true;111 this.canceled = true; 112 112 } 113 113 … … 115 115 protected void finish() 116 116 { 117 if (cancel led) return;117 if (canceled) return; 118 118 119 119 // update GUI on Swing EDT -
r23191 r26509 729 729 * @param value The Map value. 730 730 * @return this. 731 * @throws JSONException If the index is negative or if the thevalue is731 * @throws JSONException If the index is negative or if the value is 732 732 * an invalid number. 733 733 */ … … 747 747 * JSONObject.NULL object. 748 748 * @return this. 749 * @throws JSONException If the index is negative or if the thevalue is749 * @throws JSONException If the index is negative or if the value is 750 750 * an invalid number. 751 751 */ -
r26355 r26509 37 37 * to avoid prompting the user for login multiple times in one session, 38 38 * when they decide not to save the credentials. 39 * In contrast, this cache avoids read request the thebackend in general.39 * In contrast, this cache avoids read request the backend in general. 40 40 */ 41 41 private Map<RequestorType, PasswordAuthentication> credentialsCache = new HashMap<RequestorType, PasswordAuthentication>(); -
r23191 r26509 75 75 76 76 if(comment == null) { 77 cancel led = true;77 canceled = true; 78 78 } 79 79 } … … 94 94 AddCommentAction action = new AddCommentAction(dialog); 95 95 action.comment = comment; 96 action.cancel led = cancelled;96 action.canceled = canceled; 97 97 action.node = node; 98 98 return action; -
r25686 r26509 76 76 77 77 if(comment == null) { 78 cancel led = true;78 canceled = true; 79 79 } 80 80 … … 99 99 public CloseIssueAction clone() { 100 100 CloseIssueAction action = new CloseIssueAction(dialog); 101 action.cancel led = cancelled;101 action.canceled = canceled; 102 102 action.comment = comment; 103 103 action.node = node; -
r23191 r26509 79 79 80 80 if(result == null) { 81 cancel led = true;81 canceled = true; 82 82 } 83 83 } … … 105 105 public OsbAction clone() { 106 106 NewIssueAction action = new NewIssueAction(plugin, p); 107 action.cancel led = cancelled;107 action.canceled = canceled; 108 108 action.p = p; 109 109 action.result = result; -
r25664 r26509 52 52 protected final OsbDialog dialog; 53 53 54 protected boolean cancel led = false;54 protected boolean canceled = false; 55 55 protected final ActionQueue actionQueue; 56 56 … … 62 62 63 63 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 64 cancel led = false;64 canceled = false; 65 65 try { 66 66 doActionPerformed(e); 67 if(!cancel led) {67 if(!canceled) { 68 68 if (!Main.pref.getBoolean(ConfigKeys.OSB_API_OFFLINE)) { 69 69 execute(); -
r22684 r26509 71 71 actionQueue.processQueue(); 72 72 73 // toggle queue panel visibility, if now error occured 73 // toggle queue panel visibility, if now error occurred 74 74 dialog.hideQueuePanel(); 75 75 -
r24928 r26509 167 167 final private int mTimeMode; 168 168 169 private boolean cancel led = false;169 private boolean canceled = false; 170 170 private Boolean override_backup = null; 171 171 … … 186 186 187 187 for (int i=0; i<images.size(); ++i) { 188 if (cancel led) return;188 if (canceled) return; 189 189 190 190 ImageEntry e = images.get(i); … … 210 210 211 211 chooseFiles(e.getFile()); 212 if (cancel led) return;212 if (canceled) return; 213 213 ExifGPSTagger.setExifGPSTag(fileFrom, fileTo, e.getPos().lat(), e.getPos().lon(), e.getGpsTime().getTime()); 214 214 … … 254 254 if (fileBackup.exists()) { 255 255 confirm_override(); 256 if (cancel led)256 if (canceled) 257 257 return; 258 258 … … 316 316 override_backup = true; 317 317 } else { 318 cancel led = true;318 canceled = true; 319 319 } 320 320 } … … 322 322 } catch (Exception e) { 323 323 System.err.println(e); 324 cancel led = true;324 canceled = true; 325 325 } 326 326 } … … 356 356 @Override 357 357 protected void cancel() { 358 cancel led = true;358 canceled = true; 359 359 } 360 360 } -
r26174 r26509 23 23 <project name="PicLayer" default="dist" basedir="."> 24 24 <property name="commit.message" value="applied #J5852 (patch by Petschge) - new shear option"/> 25 <property name="plugin.main.version" value=" 3835"/>25 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4126"/> 26 26 <!-- 27 27 ************************************************ -
r26498 r26509 359 359 if ( m_image == null ) 360 360 return; 361 String projcode = Main. proj.toCode();361 String projcode = Main.getProjection().toCode(); 362 362 363 363 // TODO: bounding box only supported when coordinates are in meters -
r26498 r26509 232 232 boolean loadcal = false; 233 233 234 String msg = tr("A calibration file associated to the picture file was found: ")+"\n"+fileName;234 String msg = tr("A calibration file associated to the picture file was found: {0}\n", fileName); 235 235 if ( policy.equals("yes") ) { 236 236 loadcal = true; … … 240 240 } 241 241 else if ( policy.equals("ask") ) { 242 msg += "\n" + tr(" (set\"{0}\"243 "to control the autoloading of calibration files )", prefkey);242 msg += "\n" + tr("Set \"{0}\" to yes/no/ask in the preferences\n"+ 243 "to control the autoloading of calibration files.", prefkey); 244 244 msg += "\n" + tr("Do you want to apply it ?"); 245 245 int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Main.parent, msg, tr("Load calibration file ?"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); … … 250 250 else { 251 251 msg += "\n" + tr("It will be applied automatically."); 252 msg += "\n" + tr("Also, fro wnow on, cal files will always be loaded automatically.");253 msg += "\n" + tr("Set \"{0}\"to yes/no/ask in the preferences\n"+252 msg += "\n" + tr("Also, from now on, calibration files will always be loaded automatically."); 253 msg += "\n" + tr("Set \"{0}\" to yes/no/ask in the preferences\n"+ 254 254 "to control the autoloading of calibration files.", prefkey); 255 255 // TODO: there should be here a yes/no dialog with a checkbox "do not ask again" -
r26409 r26509 21 21 /** 22 22 * Signals that an erroneous situation has 23 * occured during the computation of 23 * occurred during the computation of 24 24 * a projected coordinate system value. 25 25 * -
r26168 r26509 213 213 if (!parsedProperly) 214 214 { 215 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Error occured while parsing gpx file {0}. Only part of the file will be available", file.getName())); 215 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Error occurred while parsing gpx file {0}. Only a part of the file will be available.", file.getName())); 216 216 } 217 217 } -
r25711 r26509 31 31 super(tr("Download referrers")); 32 32 putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("downloadreferrers")); 33 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Download referrers for the thechosen relation and its members"));33 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Download referrers for the chosen relation and its members.")); 34 34 this.rel = rel; 35 35 rel.addChosenRelationListener(this); -
r26174 r26509 32 32 <property name="commit.message" value="recompile after change in OsmPrimitive in JOSM 4099"/> 33 33 <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with --> 34 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4 099"/>34 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="4310"/> 35 35 <!-- 36 36 ************************************************ -
r23278 r26509 171 171 rdr.ReadObject(entry.getPrimitiveId(), cds.getEarliestVersion(entry.getPrimitiveId())-1, 172 172 progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, true)); 173 if (progressMonitor.isCancel led()) return;173 if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) return; 174 174 } 175 175 for (HistoryOsmPrimitive entry : deleted) { 176 176 rdr.ReadObject(entry.getPrimitiveId(), cds.getEarliestVersion(entry.getPrimitiveId())-1, 177 177 progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, true)); 178 if (progressMonitor.isCancel led()) return;178 if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) return; 179 179 } 180 180 nds = rdr.parseOsm(progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, true)); -
r24882 r26509 68 68 monitor.close(); 69 69 } 70 return !monitor.isCancel led();70 return !monitor.isCanceled(); 71 71 } 72 72 … … 76 76 rev = new ChangesetReverter(changesetId, revertType, 77 77 progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(0, true)); 78 if (progressMonitor.isCancel led()) return;78 if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) return; 79 79 80 80 // Check missing objects … … 91 91 } 92 92 93 if (progressMonitor.isCancel led()) return;93 if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) return; 94 94 rev.downloadObjectsHistory(progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(ProgressMonitor.ALL_TICKS, false)); 95 if (progressMonitor.isCancel led()) return;95 if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) return; 96 96 if (!checkAndDownloadMissing()) return; 97 97 List<Command> cmds = rev.getCommands(); -
r25092 r26509 168 168 } else { 169 169 throwException(tr( 170 "Missing man adatory attributes on element ''bounds''. Got minlon=''{0}'',minlat=''{1}'',maxlon=''{3}'',maxlat=''{4}'', origin=''{5}''.",170 "Missing mandatory attributes on element ''bounds''. Got minlon=''{0}'',minlat=''{1}'',maxlon=''{3}'',maxlat=''{4}'', origin=''{5}''.", 171 171 minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat, origin 172 172 )); -
r16957 r26509 150 150 this.type = ButtonType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()); 151 151 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { 152 System.err.println("Unkown button type '" + type + "' given. Allowed values are " + Arrays.toString(ButtonType.values())); 152 System.err.println("Unknown button type '" + type + "' given. Allowed values are " + Arrays.toString(ButtonType.values())); 153 153 } 154 154 } -
r13497 r26509 547 547 * Closes the tokenizer (and the reader is uses internally). 548 548 * 549 * @exception IOException if an error occured. 549 * @exception IOException if an error occurred. 550 550 */ 551 551 public void close() … … 563 563 * 564 564 * @return the next character. 565 * @exception IOException if an error occured. 565 * @exception IOException if an error occurred. 566 566 */ 567 567 protected int readNextChar() … … 610 610 * 611 611 * @return the next token. 612 * @exception IOException if an error occured. 612 * @exception IOException if an error occurred. 613 613 */ 614 614 public int nextToken() … … 694 694 * 695 695 * @return true, if the tokenizer can return another line. 696 * @exception IOException if an error occured. 696 * @exception IOException if an error occurred. 697 697 */ 698 698 public boolean hasNextLine() … … 724 724 * @return a list of elements (Strings) from the next line of the 725 725 * tokenizer. 726 * @exception IOException if an error occured. 726 * @exception IOException if an error occurred. 727 727 */ 728 728 public List<String> nextLine() -
r23189 r26509 18 18 * to edit the key of a tag. In this case the auto completion list is 19 19 * initialized with the set of standard key values and the set of current key 20 * values from the thecurrent JOSM data set. Keys already present in the20 * values from the current JOSM data set. Keys already present in the 21 21 * current tag model are removed from the auto completion list. 22 22 * -
r23189 r26509 61 61 62 62 /** 63 * loads the t he tag specifications from the resource file given by63 * loads the tag specifications from the resource file given by 64 64 * {@link #RES_NAME_TAG_SPECIFICATIONS}. 65 65 * -
r25269 r26509 25 25 public class DownloadSignedOsmDataTask extends PleaseWaitRunnable { 26 26 27 private boolean cancel led;27 private boolean canceled; 28 28 private Exception lastException; 29 29 private final Collection<OsmPrimitive> missing; … … 44 44 @Override 45 45 protected void cancel() { 46 cancel led = true;46 canceled = true; 47 47 synchronized(this) { 48 48 if (objectReader != null) { … … 55 55 protected void finish() { 56 56; 57 if (cancel led)57 if (canceled) 58 58 return; 59 59 if (lastException != null) { … … 75 75 try { 76 76 synchronized (this) { 77 if (cancel led) return;77 if (canceled) return; 78 78 objectReader = new MultiFetchServerObjectReader(); 79 79 } … … 87 87 return; 88 88 synchronized (this) { 89 if (cancel led) return;89 if (canceled) return; 90 90 objectReader = null; 91 91 } … … 103 103 104 104 } catch (Exception e) { 105 if (cancel led) {106 System.out.println(tr("Warning: ignoring exception because task is cancel led. Exception: {0}", e.toString()));105 if (canceled) { 106 System.out.println(tr("Warning: ignoring exception because task is canceled. Exception: {0}", e.toString())); 107 107 return; 108 108 } -
r24389 r26509 12 12 public class KeyGenerationTask extends PleaseWaitRunnable { 13 13 14 private boolean cancel led;14 private boolean canceled; 15 15 private Exception lastException; 16 16 … … 21 21 @Override 22 22 protected void cancel() { 23 cancel led = true;23 canceled = true; 24 24 synchronized(this) { 25 25 /* if (objectReader != null) { … … 31 31 @Override 32 32 protected void finish() { 33 if (cancel led)33 if (canceled) 34 34 return; 35 35 if (lastException != null) { … … 44 44 try { 45 45 /* synchronized (this) { 46 if (cancel led) return;46 if (canceled) return; 47 47 objectReader = new MultiFetchServerObjectReader(); 48 48 } … … 56 56 return; 57 57 synchronized (this) { 58 if (cancel led) return;58 if (canceled) return; 59 59 objectReader = null; 60 60 } … … 71 71 */ 72 72 } catch (Exception e) { 73 if (cancel led) {74 System.out.println(tr("Warning: ignoring exception because task is cancel led. Exception: {0}", e73 if (canceled) { 74 System.out.println(tr("Warning: ignoring exception because task is canceled. Exception: {0}", e 75 75 .toString())); 76 76 return; -
r26192 r26509 3 3 import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; 4 4 import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnlanes.gui.GuiUtil.locs; 5 import static; 5 6 6 7 import java.awt.BasicStroke; … … 146 147 } 147 148 148 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such lane."); 149 throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("No such lane.")); 149 150 } 150 151 -
r26192 r26509 1 1 package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnlanes.gui; 2 3 import static; 2 4 3 5 import java.awt.AlphaComposite; … … 333 335 && UnexpectedDataException.Kind.MISSING_TAG.format("lanes").equals(e.getMessage())) { 334 336 335 error.setText("<html>The number of lanes is not specified for one or more roads;" 336 + " please add missing lanes tags.</html>"); 337 error.setText(tr("<html>The number of lanes is not specified for one or more roads;" 338 + " please add missing lanes tags.</html>")); 337 339 } else { 338 340 displayError((RuntimeException) e); … … 341 343 342 344 private void displayError(RuntimeException e) { 343 error.setText("<html>An error occured while constructing the model." 344 + " Please run the validator to make sure the data is consistent. <br><br>Error: " + e.getMessage()345 + "< /html>");345 error.setText(tr("<html>An error occurred while constructing the model." 346 + " Please run the validator to make sure the data is consistent." 347 + "<br><br>Error: {0}</html>", e.getMessage())); 346 348 } 347 349 -
r24937 r26509 485 485 sb.append(trn("This turn restriction refers to an object which was deleted outside " 486 486 + "of this turn restriction editor:", 487 "This turn restriction refers to {0} which were deleted outside " 487 "This turn restriction refers to {0} objects which were deleted outside " 488 488 + "of this turn restriction editor:", deletedMembers.size(), deletedMembers.size())); 489 489 sb.append("<ul>"); -
r24937 r26509 215 215 class EditAction extends AbstractAction implements ListSelectionListener{ 216 216 public EditAction() { 217 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION,tr( 217 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION,tr("Open an editor for the selected turn restriction")); 218 218 putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "edit")); 219 219 putValue(NAME, tr("Edit")); -
r23192 r26509 14 14 * The issue has a {@see Severity}. It is described to the user with a HTML formatted 15 15 * text (see {@see #getText()}) and it suggests a list of possible actions to fix 16 * the theissue (see {@see #getActions()}).16 * the issue (see {@see #getActions()}). 17 17 * 18 18 */ -
r26257 r26509 86 86 int last = w.getNodesCount() - 1; 87 87 // Only closed ways with at least four nodes 88 // (i.e. five members since the thefirst/last is listed twice)88 // (i.e. five members since the first/last is listed twice) 89 89 // can be split into two objects 90 90 if (last <= 4 || !w.isClosed()) { -
r25876 r26509 24 24 public AdjacentWaysAction() { 25 25 super(tr("Adjacent ways"), "adjways", 26 tr("Adjacent ways will be selected. Nodes wi il be deselected."),26 tr("Adjacent ways will be selected. Nodes will be deselected."), 27 27 Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:adjways", tr("Tool: {0}","Adjacent ways"), 28 28 KeyEvent.VK_E, Shortcut.GROUP_EDIT, Shortcut.SHIFT_DEFAULT), true); -
r23191 r26509 273 273 } 274 274 275 /** Given the thenode on one end of the way, return the node on the other end */275 /** Given the node on one end of the way, return the node on the other end */ 276 276 private Node findOtherEnd(Way way, Node firstEnd) { 277 277 Node otherEnd = way.firstNode();
See TracChangeset
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