Changeset 2599 in josm for trunk/src/org
- Timestamp:
- 2009-12-09T21:25:40+01:00 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 12 added
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2512 r2599 60 60 public void run() { 61 61 for (Changeset cs: closedChangesets) { 62 UploadDialog.getUploadDialog(). setOrUpdateChangeset(cs);62 UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().updateListOfChangesetsAfterUploadOperation(cs); 63 63 } 64 64 } -
r2512 r2599 1 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 2 2 package; 3 4 import static; 3 5 4 6 import; … … 13 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExceptionDialogUtil; 14 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitRunnable; 15 import;16 17 import; 17 18 import; … … 19 20 import; 20 21 import org.xml.sax.SAXException; 21 import static;22 22 23 23 /** … … 31 31 private OsmServerChangesetReader reader; 32 32 private List<Changeset> changesets; 33 private OpenChangesetModel model; 33 private OpenChangesetComboBoxModel model; 34 34 private Exception lastException; 35 35 private UserInfo userInfo; … … 40 40 * after download 41 41 */ 42 public DownloadOpenChangesetsTask(OpenChangesetModel model) { 42 public DownloadOpenChangesetsTask(OpenChangesetComboBoxModel model) { 43 43 super(tr("Downloading open changesets ...", false /* don't ignore exceptions */)); 44 44 this.model = model; -
r2569 r2599 33 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 34 34 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.UploadAction; 35 import; 35 36 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExceptionDialogUtil; 36 37 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SideButton; … … 406 407 continue; 407 408 } 409 final UploadDialog dialog = UploadDialog.getUploadDialog(); 410 dialog.setUploadedPrimitives(new APIDataSet(layerInfo.getLayer().data)); 411 dialog.setVisible(true); 412 if (dialog.isCanceled()) { 413 model.setUploadState(layerInfo.getLayer(), UploadOrSaveState.CANCELLED); 414 continue; 415 } 416 dialog.rememberUserInput(); 408 417 409 418 currentTask = new UploadLayerTask( … … 411 420 layerInfo.getLayer(), 412 421 monitor, 413 UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().getChangeset(), 414 UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().isDoCloseAfterUpload() 422 UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().getChangeset() 415 423 ); 416 424 currentFuture = worker.submit(currentTask); -
r2569 r2599 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.2 1 package; 3 2 4 3 import static; 5 4 import static; 6 import static;7 5 8 6 import java.awt.BorderLayout; 9 7 import java.awt.Dimension; 10 8 import java.awt.FlowLayout; 11 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;12 import java.awt.GridBagLayout;13 9 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 14 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;15 import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;16 import java.awt.event.ItemListener;17 10 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 18 11 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; 19 12 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; 20 import java. util.ArrayList;21 import java. util.Collection;13 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; 14 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; 22 15 import java.util.Collections; 23 import java.util.LinkedList;24 16 import java.util.List; 17 import java.util.logging.Logger; 25 18 26 19 import javax.swing.AbstractAction; 27 import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;28 20 import javax.swing.BorderFactory; 29 import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;30 import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;31 21 import javax.swing.InputMap; 32 22 import javax.swing.JButton; 33 import javax.swing.JCheckBox;34 import javax.swing.JComboBox;35 23 import javax.swing.JComponent; 36 24 import javax.swing.JDialog; 37 import javax.swing.JLabel;38 import javax.swing.JList;39 25 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 40 26 import javax.swing.JPanel; 41 import javax.swing.JRadioButton;42 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;43 27 import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; 44 28 import javax.swing.KeyStroke; 45 import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;46 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;47 import javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent;48 import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;49 29 50 30 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 31 import; 51 32 import; 52 33 import; 53 34 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane; 54 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.OsmPrimitivRenderer;55 35 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SideButton; 56 36 import; 57 37 import; 58 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TagEditorModel; 59 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TagEditorPanel; 60 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TagModel; 61 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.HistoryComboBox; 62 import; 38 import; 63 39 import; 64 40 import; … … 69 45 * 70 46 */ 71 public class UploadDialog extends JDialog { 72 73 public static final String HISTORY_KEY = "upload.comment.history"; 47 public class UploadDialog extends JDialog implements PropertyChangeListener{ 48 protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UploadDialog.class.getName()); 74 49 75 50 /** the unique instance of the upload dialog */ … … 88 63 } 89 64 90 /** the list with the added primitives */ 91 private PrimitiveList lstAdd; 92 private JLabel lblAdd; 93 private JScrollPane spAdd; 94 /** the list with the updated primitives */ 95 private PrimitiveList lstUpdate; 96 private JLabel lblUpdate; 97 private JScrollPane spUpdate; 98 /** the list with the deleted primitives */ 99 private PrimitiveList lstDelete; 100 private JLabel lblDelete; 101 private JScrollPane spDelete; 102 /** the panel containing the widgets for the lists of primitives */ 103 private JPanel pnlLists; 65 /** the panel with the objects to upload */ 66 private UploadedObjectsSummaryPanel pnlUploadedObjects; 67 /** the panel to select the changeset used */ 68 private ChangesetManagementPanel pnlChangesetManagement; 69 70 private BasicUploadSettingsPanel pnlBasicUploadSettings; 71 72 private UploadStrategySelectionPanel pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel; 73 104 74 /** checkbox for selecting whether an atomic upload is to be used */ 105 private Tag EditorPanel tagEditorPanel;75 private TagSettingsPanel pnlTagSettings; 106 76 /** the tabbed pane used below of the list of primitives */ 107 private JTabbedPane southTabbedPane;77 private JTabbedPane tpConfigPanels; 108 78 /** the upload button */ 109 79 private JButton btnUpload; 110 80 111 private ChangesetSelectionPanel pnlChangesetSelection;112 81 private boolean canceled = false; 113 82 114 /**115 * builds the panel with the lists of primitives116 *117 * @return the panel with the lists of primitives118 */119 protected JPanel buildListsPanel() {120 pnlLists = new JPanel();121 pnlLists.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());122 // we don't add the lists yet, see setUploadPrimitives()123 //124 return pnlLists;125 }126 83 127 84 /** … … 133 90 JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); 134 91 pnl.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); 135 pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 136 GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); 137 138 // first the panel with the list in the upper half 92 pnl.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 93 94 // the panel with the list of uploaded objects 139 95 // 140 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 141 gc.weightx = 1.0; 142 gc.weighty = 1.0; 143 pnl.add(buildListsPanel(), gc); 96 pnl.add(pnlUploadedObjects = new UploadedObjectsSummaryPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); 144 97 145 98 // a tabbed pane with two configuration panels in the 146 99 // lower half 147 100 // 148 southTabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); 149 southTabbedPane.add(new JPanel()); 150 tagEditorPanel = new TagEditorPanel(); 151 southTabbedPane.add(tagEditorPanel); 152 southTabbedPane.setComponentAt(0, pnlChangesetSelection = new ChangesetSelectionPanel()); 153 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(0, tr("Settings")); 154 southTabbedPane.setToolTipTextAt(0, tr("Decide how to upload the data and which changeset to use")); 155 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset")); 156 southTabbedPane.setToolTipTextAt(1, tr("Apply tags to the changeset data is uploaded to")); 157 southTabbedPane.addChangeListener(new TabbedPaneChangeLister()); 158 JPanel pnl1 = new JPanel(); 159 pnl1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 160 pnl1.add(southTabbedPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); 161 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 162 gc.gridy = 1; 163 gc.weightx = 1.0; 164 gc.weighty = 0.0; 165 pnl.add(pnl1, gc); 101 tpConfigPanels = new JTabbedPane() { 102 @Override 103 public Dimension getPreferredSize() { 104 // make sure the tabbed pane never grabs more space than necessary 105 // 106 return super.getMinimumSize(); 107 } 108 }; 109 tpConfigPanels.add(new JPanel()); 110 tpConfigPanels.add(new JPanel()); 111 tpConfigPanels.add(new JPanel()); 112 tpConfigPanels.add(new JPanel()); 113 114 tpConfigPanels.setComponentAt(0, pnlBasicUploadSettings = new BasicUploadSettingsPanel()); 115 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(0, tr("Settings")); 116 tpConfigPanels.setToolTipTextAt(0, tr("Decide how to upload the data and which changeset to use")); 117 118 tpConfigPanels.setComponentAt(1,pnlTagSettings = new TagSettingsPanel()); 119 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset")); 120 tpConfigPanels.setToolTipTextAt(1, tr("Apply tags to the changeset data is uploaded to")); 121 122 tpConfigPanels.setComponentAt(2,pnlChangesetManagement = new ChangesetManagementPanel()); 123 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(2, tr("Changesets")); 124 tpConfigPanels.setToolTipTextAt(2, tr("Manage open changesets and select a changeset to upload to")); 125 126 tpConfigPanels.setComponentAt(3, pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel = new UploadStrategySelectionPanel()); 127 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(3, tr("Advanced")); 128 tpConfigPanels.setToolTipTextAt(3, tr("Configure advanced settings")); 129 130 pnl.add(tpConfigPanels, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 166 131 return pnl; 167 132 } … … 193 158 JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW 194 159 ); 195 pnl.add(new SideButton(new ContextSensitiveHelpAction(ht("/Dialog s/UploadDialog"))));196 HelpUtil.setHelpContext(getRootPane(),ht("/Dialog s/UploadDialog"));160 pnl.add(new SideButton(new ContextSensitiveHelpAction(ht("/Dialog/UploadDialog")))); 161 HelpUtil.setHelpContext(getRootPane(),ht("/Dialog/UploadDialog")); 197 162 return pnl; 198 163 } … … 202 167 */ 203 168 protected void build() { 204 setTitle(tr("Upload "));169 setTitle(tr("Upload to ''{0}''", OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl())); 205 170 getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 206 171 getContentPane().add(buildContentPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); … … 208 173 209 174 addWindowListener(new WindowEventHandler()); 175 176 // synchronized input of upload comments 177 // 178 //UploadCommentSynchronizer synchronizer = new UploadCommentSynchronizer(); 179 //pnlTagSettings.getModeaddTableModelListener(synchronizer); 180 pnlTagSettings.addPropertyChangeListener(pnlBasicUploadSettings); 181 pnlBasicUploadSettings.addPropertyChangeListener(pnlTagSettings); 182 183 184 // make sure the the configuration panels listen to each other 185 // changes 186 // 187 pnlChangesetManagement.addPropertyChangeListener( 188 pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadParameterSummaryPanel() 189 ); 190 pnlChangesetManagement.addPropertyChangeListener(pnlTagSettings); 191 pnlChangesetManagement.addPropertyChangeListener(this); 192 pnlUploadedObjects.addPropertyChangeListener( 193 pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadParameterSummaryPanel() 194 ); 195 pnlUploadedObjects.addPropertyChangeListener(pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel); 196 pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel.addPropertyChangeListener( 197 pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadParameterSummaryPanel() 198 ); 199 200 // users can click on either of two links in the upload parameter 201 // summary handler. This installs the handler for these two events. 202 // We simply select the appropriate tab in the tabbed pane with the 203 // configuration dialogs. 204 // 205 pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadParameterSummaryPanel().setConfigurationParameterRequestListener( 206 new ConfigurationParameterRequestHandler() { 207 public void handleUploadStrategyConfigurationRequest() { 208 tpConfigPanels.setSelectedIndex(3); 209 } 210 public void handleChangesetConfigurationRequest() { 211 tpConfigPanels.setSelectedIndex(2); 212 } 213 } 214 ); 215 216 pnlBasicUploadSettings.setUploadCommentDownFocusTraversalHandler( 217 new AbstractAction() { 218 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 219 btnUpload.requestFocusInWindow(); 220 } 221 } 222 ); 210 223 } 211 224 … … 215 228 public UploadDialog() { 216 229 super(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent), true /* modal */); 217 OsmPrimitivRenderer renderer = new OsmPrimitivRenderer();218 219 // initialize the three lists for primitives220 //221 lstAdd = new PrimitiveList();222 lstAdd.setCellRenderer(renderer);223 lstAdd.setVisibleRowCount(Math.min(lstAdd.getModel().getSize(), 10));224 spAdd = new JScrollPane(lstAdd);225 lblAdd = new JLabel(tr("Objects to add:"));226 227 lstUpdate = new PrimitiveList();228 lstUpdate.setCellRenderer(renderer);229 lstUpdate.setVisibleRowCount(Math.min(lstUpdate.getModel().getSize(), 10));230 spUpdate = new JScrollPane(lstUpdate);231 lblUpdate = new JLabel(tr("Objects to modify:"));232 233 lstDelete = new PrimitiveList();234 lstDelete.setCellRenderer(renderer);235 lstDelete.setVisibleRowCount(Math.min(lstDelete.getModel().getSize(), 10));236 spDelete = new JScrollPane(lstDelete);237 lblDelete = new JLabel(tr("Objects to delete:"));238 239 // build the GUI240 //241 230 build(); 242 231 } 243 232 244 233 /** 245 * sets the collection of primitives which will be uploaded 246 * 247 * @param add the collection of primitives to add 248 * @param update the collection of primitives to update 249 * @param delete the collection of primitives to delete 250 */ 251 public void setUploadedPrimitives(List<OsmPrimitive> add, List<OsmPrimitive> update, List<OsmPrimitive> delete) { 252 lstAdd.getPrimitiveListModel().setPrimitives(add); 253 lstUpdate.getPrimitiveListModel().setPrimitives(update); 254 lstDelete.getPrimitiveListModel().setPrimitives(delete); 255 256 GridBagConstraints gcLabel = new GridBagConstraints(); 257 gcLabel.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 258 gcLabel.weightx = 1.0; 259 gcLabel.weighty = 0.0; 260 gcLabel.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 261 262 GridBagConstraints gcList = new GridBagConstraints(); 263 gcList.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 264 gcList.weightx = 1.0; 265 gcList.weighty = 1.0; 266 gcList.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; 267 pnlLists.removeAll(); 268 int y = -1; 269 if (!add.isEmpty()) { 270 y++; 271 gcLabel.gridy = y; 272 lblAdd.setText(trn("{0} object to add:", "{0} objects to add:", add.size(),add.size())); 273 pnlLists.add(lblAdd, gcLabel); 274 y++; 275 gcList.gridy = y; 276 pnlLists.add(spAdd, gcList); 277 } 278 if (!update.isEmpty()) { 279 y++; 280 gcLabel.gridy = y; 281 lblUpdate.setText(trn("{0} object to modify:", "{0} objects to modify:", update.size(),update.size())); 282 pnlLists.add(lblUpdate, gcLabel); 283 y++; 284 gcList.gridy = y; 285 pnlLists.add(spUpdate, gcList); 286 } 287 if (!delete.isEmpty()) { 288 y++; 289 gcLabel.gridy = y; 290 lblDelete.setText(trn("{0} object to delete:", "{0} objects to delete:", delete.size(),delete.size())); 291 pnlLists.add(lblDelete, gcLabel); 292 y++; 293 gcList.gridy = y; 294 pnlLists.add(spDelete, gcList); 295 } 296 pnlChangesetSelection.setNumUploadedObjects(add.size() + update.size() + delete.size()); 234 * Sets the collection of primitives to upload 235 * 236 * @param toUpload the dataset with the objects to upload. If null, assumes the empty 237 * set of objects to upload 238 * 239 */ 240 public void setUploadedPrimitives(APIDataSet toUpload) { 241 if (toUpload == null) { 242 List<OsmPrimitive> emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); 243 pnlUploadedObjects.setUploadedPrimitives(emptyList, emptyList, emptyList); 244 return; 245 } 246 pnlUploadedObjects.setUploadedPrimitives( 247 toUpload.getPrimitivesToAdd(), 248 toUpload.getPrimitivesToUpdate(), 249 toUpload.getPrimitivesToDelete() 250 ); 297 251 } 298 252 … … 301 255 */ 302 256 public void rememberUserInput() { 303 pnlChangesetSelection.rememberUserInput(); 257 pnlBasicUploadSettings.rememberUserInput(); 258 pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel.rememberUserInput(); 304 259 } 305 260 … … 308 263 */ 309 264 public void startUserInput() { 310 tagEditorPanel.initAutoCompletion(Main.main.getEditLayer()); 311 pnlChangesetSelection.startUserInput(); 265 tpConfigPanels.setSelectedIndex(0); 266 pnlBasicUploadSettings.startUserInput(); 267 pnlTagSettings.startUserInput(); 268 pnlTagSettings.setUploadComment(getUploadComment()); 269 pnlTagSettings.initFromChangeset(pnlChangesetManagement.getSelectedChangeset()); 270 pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel.initFromPreferences(); 271 UploadParameterSummaryPanel pnl = pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadParameterSummaryPanel(); 272 pnl.setUploadStrategySpecification(pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel.getUploadStrategySpecification()); 273 pnl.setCloseChangesetAfterNextUpload(pnlChangesetManagement.isCloseChangesetAfterUpload()); 274 pnl.setNumObjects(pnlUploadedObjects.getNumObjectsToUpload()); 312 275 } 313 276 … … 318 281 */ 319 282 public Changeset getChangeset() { 320 Changeset cs = pnlChangesetSelection.getChangeset(); 321 tagEditorPanel.getModel().applyToPrimitive(cs); 322 cs.put("comment", getUploadComment()); 283 Changeset cs = pnlChangesetManagement.getSelectedChangeset(); 284 if (cs == null) { 285 cs = new Changeset(); 286 } 287 cs.setKeys(pnlTagSettings.getTags()); 323 288 return cs; 324 289 } … … 330 295 */ 331 296 public UploadStrategySpecification getUploadStrategySpecification() { 332 return pnlChangesetSelection.getUploadStrategySpecification(); 297 UploadStrategySpecification spec = pnlUploadStrategySelectionPanel.getUploadStrategySpecification(); 298 spec.setCloseChangesetAfterUpload(pnlChangesetManagement.isCloseChangesetAfterUpload()); 299 return spec; 333 300 } 334 301 … … 343 310 * @param cs the changeset 344 311 */ 345 public void setOrUpdateChangeset(Changeset cs) {346 pnlChangeset Selection.setOrUpdateChangeset(cs);312 public void updateListOfChangesetsAfterUploadOperation(Changeset cs) { 313 pnlChangesetManagement.updateListOfChangesetsAfterUploadOperation(cs); 347 314 } 348 315 … … 355 322 public void removeChangeset(Changeset cs) { 356 323 if (cs == null) return; 357 pnlChangesetSelection.removeChangeset(cs); 358 } 359 360 /** 361 * Replies true if the changeset is to be closed after the 362 * next upload 363 * 364 * @return true if the changeset is to be closed after the 365 * next upload; false, otherwise 366 */ 367 public boolean isDoCloseAfterUpload() { 368 return pnlChangesetSelection.isCloseAfterUpload(); 369 } 370 371 /** 372 * Replies the default value for "created_by" 373 * 374 * @return the default value for "created_by" 375 */ 376 protected String getDefaultCreatedBy() { 377 Object ua = System.getProperties().get("http.agent"); 378 return(ua == null) ? "JOSM" : ua.toString(); 324 pnlChangesetManagement.removeChangeset(cs); 379 325 } 380 326 … … 385 331 */ 386 332 protected String getUploadComment() { 387 switch(southTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) { 388 case 0: 389 return pnlChangesetSelection.getUploadComment(); 390 case 1: 391 TagModel tm = tagEditorPanel.getModel().get("comment"); 392 return tm == null? "" : tm.getValue(); 393 } 394 return ""; 333 return pnlBasicUploadSettings.getUploadComment(); 395 334 } 396 335 … … 405 344 406 345 /** 407 * Sets whether the dialog was canceld 346 * Sets whether the dialog was canceled 408 347 * 409 348 * @param canceled true, if the dialog is canceled … … 423 362 ) 424 363 ).apply(this); 364 startUserInput(); 425 365 } else if (!visible && isShowing()){ 426 366 new WindowGeometry(this).remember(getClass().getName() + ".geometry"); 427 367 } 428 368 super.setVisible(visible); 429 }430 431 /**432 * This change listener is triggered when current tab in the tabbed pane in433 * the lower half of the dialog is changed.434 *435 * It's main purpose is to keep the content in the text field for the changeset436 * comment in sync with the changeset tag "comment".437 *438 */439 class TabbedPaneChangeLister implements ChangeListener {440 441 protected boolean hasCommentTag() {442 TagEditorModel model = tagEditorPanel.getModel();443 return model.get("comment") != null;444 }445 446 protected TagModel getEmptyTag() {447 TagEditorModel model = tagEditorPanel.getModel();448 TagModel tm = model.get("");449 if (tm != null) return tm;450 tm = new TagModel("", "");451 model.add(tm);452 return tm;453 }454 protected TagModel getOrCreateCommentTag() {455 TagEditorModel model = tagEditorPanel.getModel();456 if (hasCommentTag())457 return model.get("comment");458 TagModel tm = getEmptyTag();459 tm.setName("comment");460 return tm;461 }462 463 protected void removeCommentTag() {464 TagEditorModel model = tagEditorPanel.getModel();465 model.delete("comment");466 }467 468 protected void refreshCommentTag() {469 TagModel tm = getOrCreateCommentTag();470 tm.setName("comment");471 tm.setValue(pnlChangesetSelection.getUploadComment().trim());472 if (pnlChangesetSelection.getUploadComment().trim().equals("")) {473 removeCommentTag();474 }475 tagEditorPanel.getModel().fireTableDataChanged();476 }477 478 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {479 if (southTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() ==0) {480 TagModel tm = tagEditorPanel.getModel().get("comment");481 pnlChangesetSelection.initEditingOfUploadComment(tm == null ? "" : tm.getValue());482 } else if (southTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() == 1) {483 refreshCommentTag();484 }485 }486 369 } 487 370 … … 504 387 JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, 505 388 ht("/Dialog/UploadDialog#IllegalUploadComment") 506 507 389 ); 508 390 } … … 518 400 } 519 401 520 521 402 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 522 403 if (getUploadComment().trim().length() < 3) { 523 404 warnIllegalUploadComment(); 524 southTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0);525 pnl ChangesetSelection.initEditingOfUploadComment(getUploadComment());405 tpConfigPanels.setSelectedIndex(0); 406 pnlBasicUploadSettings.initEditingOfUploadComment(getUploadComment()); 526 407 return; 527 408 } … … 530 411 if (strategy.getChunkSize() == UploadStrategySpecification.UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE) { 531 412 warnIllegalChunkSize(); 532 southTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); 533 pnlChangesetSelection.initEditingOfChunkSize(); 413 tpConfigPanels.setSelectedIndex(0); 534 414 return; 535 415 } … … 558 438 559 439 /** 560 * A simple list of OSM primitives.561 *562 */563 class PrimitiveList extends JList {564 public PrimitiveList() {565 super(new PrimitiveListModel());566 }567 568 public PrimitiveListModel getPrimitiveListModel() {569 return (PrimitiveListModel)getModel();570 }571 }572 573 /**574 * A list model for a list of OSM primitives.575 *576 */577 class PrimitiveListModel extends AbstractListModel{578 private List<OsmPrimitive> primitives;579 580 public PrimitiveListModel() {581 primitives = new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>();582 }583 584 public PrimitiveListModel(List<OsmPrimitive> primitives) {585 setPrimitives(primitives);586 }587 588 public void setPrimitives(List<OsmPrimitive> primitives) {589 if (primitives == null) {590 this.primitives = new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>();591 } else {592 this.primitives = primitives;593 }594 fireContentsChanged(this,0,getSize());595 }596 597 public Object getElementAt(int index) {598 if (primitives == null) return null;599 return primitives.get(index);600 }601 602 public int getSize() {603 if (primitives == null) return 0;604 return primitives.size();605 }606 }607 608 /**609 440 * Listens to window closing events and processes them as cancel events. 610 441 * Listens to window open events and initializes user input … … 619 450 @Override 620 451 public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { 621 startUserInput(); 622 } 623 } 624 625 /** 626 * The panel which provides various UI widgets for controlling how to use 627 * changesets during upload. 628 * 629 */ 630 class ChangesetSelectionPanel extends JPanel implements ListDataListener{ 631 632 private ButtonGroup bgUseNewOrExisting; 633 private JRadioButton rbUseNew; 634 private JRadioButton rbExisting; 635 private JComboBox cbOpenChangesets; 636 private JButton btnRefresh; 637 private JButton btnClose; 638 private JCheckBox cbCloseAfterUpload; 639 private OpenChangesetModel model; 640 private HistoryComboBox cmt; 641 private UploadStrategySelectionPanel pnlUploadStrategy; 642 643 /** 644 * build the panel with the widgets for controlling whether an atomic upload 645 * should be used or not 646 * 647 * @return the panel 648 */ 649 protected JPanel buildUploadStrategySelectionPanel() { 650 pnlUploadStrategy = new UploadStrategySelectionPanel(); 651 pnlUploadStrategy.initFromPreferences(); 652 return pnlUploadStrategy; 653 } 654 655 protected JPanel buildUploadCommentPanel() { 656 JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); 657 pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 658 pnl.add(new JLabel(tr("Provide a brief comment for the changes you are uploading:")), GBC.eol().insets(0, 5, 10, 3)); 659 cmt = new HistoryComboBox(); 660 cmt.setToolTipText(tr("Enter an upload comment (min. 3 characters)")); 661 List<String> cmtHistory = new LinkedList<String>(Main.pref.getCollection(HISTORY_KEY, new LinkedList<String>())); 662 // we have to reverse the history, because ComboBoxHistory will reverse it again 663 // in addElement() 664 // 665 Collections.reverse(cmtHistory); 666 cmt.setPossibleItems(cmtHistory); 667 cmt.getEditor().addActionListener( 668 new ActionListener() { 669 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 670 TagModel tm = tagEditorPanel.getModel().get("comment"); 671 if (tm == null) { 672 tagEditorPanel.getModel().add(new TagModel("comment", cmt.getText())); 673 } else { 674 tm.setValue(cmt.getText()); 675 } 676 tagEditorPanel.getModel().fireTableDataChanged(); 677 } 678 } 679 ); 680 cmt.getEditor().addActionListener( 681 new ActionListener() { 682 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 683 btnUpload.requestFocusInWindow(); 684 } 685 } 686 ); 687 pnl.add(cmt, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); 688 return pnl; 689 } 690 691 protected void build() { 692 setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 693 GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); 694 695 bgUseNewOrExisting = new ButtonGroup(); 696 697 // -- atomic upload 698 gc.gridwidth = 4; 699 gc.gridy = 0; 700 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 701 gc.weightx = 1.0; 702 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 703 add(buildUploadStrategySelectionPanel(), gc); 704 705 // -- changeset command 706 gc.gridwidth = 4; 707 gc.gridy = 1; 708 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 709 gc.weightx = 1.0; 710 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 711 add(buildUploadCommentPanel(), gc); 712 713 gc.gridwidth = 4; 714 gc.gridy = 2; 715 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 716 gc.weightx = 0.0; 717 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 718 rbUseNew = new JRadioButton(tr("Open a new changeset")); 719 rbUseNew.setToolTipText(tr("Open a new changeset and use it in the next upload")); 720 bgUseNewOrExisting.add(rbUseNew); 721 add(rbUseNew, gc); 722 723 gc.gridx = 0; 724 gc.gridy = 3; 725 gc.gridwidth = 1; 726 rbExisting = new JRadioButton(tr("Use an open changeset")); 727 rbExisting.setToolTipText(tr("Upload data to an already opened changeset")); 728 bgUseNewOrExisting.add(rbExisting); 729 add(rbExisting, gc); 730 731 gc.gridx = 1; 732 gc.gridy = 3; 733 gc.gridwidth = 1; 734 gc.weightx = 1.0; 735 model = new OpenChangesetModel(); 736 cbOpenChangesets = new JComboBox(model); 737 cbOpenChangesets.setToolTipText("Select an open changeset"); 738 cbOpenChangesets.setRenderer(new ChangesetCellRenderer()); 739 cbOpenChangesets.addItemListener(new ChangesetListItemStateListener()); 740 Dimension d = cbOpenChangesets.getPreferredSize(); 741 d.width = 200; 742 cbOpenChangesets.setPreferredSize(d); 743 d.width = 100; 744 cbOpenChangesets.setMinimumSize(d); 745 model.addListDataListener(this); 746 add(cbOpenChangesets, gc); 747 748 gc.gridx = 2; 749 gc.gridy = 3; 750 gc.gridwidth = 1; 751 gc.weightx = 0.0; 752 btnRefresh = new JButton(new RefreshAction()); 753 add(btnRefresh, gc); 754 755 gc.gridx = 3; 756 gc.gridy = 3; 757 gc.gridwidth = 1; 758 gc.weightx = 0.0; 759 CloseChangesetAction closeChangesetAction = new CloseChangesetAction(); 760 btnClose = new JButton(closeChangesetAction); 761 cbOpenChangesets.addItemListener(closeChangesetAction); 762 add(btnClose, gc); 763 764 gc.gridx = 0; 765 gc.gridy = 4; 766 gc.gridwidth = 4; 767 cbCloseAfterUpload = new JCheckBox(tr("Close changeset after upload")); 768 cbCloseAfterUpload.setToolTipText(tr("Select to close the changeset after the next upload")); 769 add(cbCloseAfterUpload, gc); 770 cbCloseAfterUpload.setSelected(true); 771 772 rbUseNew.getModel().addItemListener(new RadioButtonHandler()); 773 rbExisting.getModel().addItemListener(new RadioButtonHandler()); 774 775 refreshGUI(); 776 } 777 778 public ChangesetSelectionPanel() { 779 build(); 780 } 781 782 /** 783 * Remembers the user input in the preference settings 784 */ 785 public void rememberUserInput() { 786 // store the history of comments 787 cmt.addCurrentItemToHistory(); 788 Main.pref.putCollection(HISTORY_KEY, cmt.getHistory()); 789 pnlUploadStrategy.saveToPreferences(); 790 } 791 792 /** 793 * Initializes the panel for user input 794 */ 795 public void startUserInput() { 796 List<String> history = cmt.getHistory(); 797 if (history != null && !history.isEmpty()) { 798 cmt.setText(history.get(0)); 452 //startUserInput(); 453 } 454 455 @Override 456 public void windowActivated(WindowEvent arg0) { 457 if (tpConfigPanels.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { 458 pnlBasicUploadSettings.initEditingOfUploadComment(getUploadComment()); 799 459 } 800 cmt.requestFocusInWindow(); 801 cmt.getEditor().getEditorComponent().requestFocusInWindow(); 802 } 803 804 public void prepareDialogForNextUpload(Changeset cs) { 805 if (cs == null || cs.getId() == 0) { 806 rbUseNew.setSelected(true); 807 cbCloseAfterUpload.setSelected(true); 808 } if (cs.getId() == 0) { 809 rbUseNew.setSelected(true); 810 cbCloseAfterUpload.setSelected(true); 811 } else if (cs.isOpen()) { 812 rbExisting.setSelected(true); 813 cbCloseAfterUpload.setSelected(false); 460 } 461 } 462 463 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 464 /* Interface PropertyChangeListener */ 465 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 466 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { 467 if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(ChangesetManagementPanel.SELECTED_CHANGESET_PROP)) { 468 Changeset cs = (Changeset)evt.getNewValue(); 469 if (cs == null) { 470 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset")); 814 471 } else { 815 rbUseNew.setSelected(true); 816 cbCloseAfterUpload.setSelected(true); 472 tpConfigPanels.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of changeset {0}", cs.getId())); 817 473 } 818 474 } 819 820 /**821 * Replies the current upload comment822 *823 * @return824 */825 public String getUploadComment() {826 return cmt.getText();827 }828 829 /**830 * Replies the current upload comment831 *832 * @return833 */834 public void setUploadComment(String uploadComment) {835 cmt.setText(uploadComment);836 }837 838 public void initEditingOfUploadComment(String comment) {839 setUploadComment(comment);840 cmt.getEditor().selectAll();841 cmt.requestFocusInWindow();842 }843 844 public void initEditingOfChunkSize() {845 pnlUploadStrategy.initEditingOfChunkSize();846 }847 848 protected void refreshGUI() {849 rbExisting.setEnabled(model.getSize() > 0);850 if (model.getSize() == 0) {851 if (!rbUseNew.isSelected()) {852 rbUseNew.setSelected(true);853 }854 }855 cbOpenChangesets.setEnabled(model.getSize() > 0 && rbExisting.isSelected());856 }857 858 public void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e) {859 refreshGUI();860 }861 862 public void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e) {863 refreshGUI();864 }865 866 public void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e) {867 refreshGUI();868 }869 870 public Changeset getChangeset() {871 if (rbUseNew.isSelected() || cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem() == null)872 return new Changeset();873 Changeset cs = (Changeset)cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem();874 if (cs == null)875 return new Changeset();876 return cs;877 }878 879 /**880 * Replies the {@see UploadStrategySpecification} the user entered in the dialog.881 *882 * @return the {@see UploadStrategySpecification} the user entered in the dialog.883 */884 public UploadStrategySpecification getUploadStrategySpecification() {885 return pnlUploadStrategy.getUploadStrategySpecification();886 }887 888 public void setOrUpdateChangeset(Changeset cs) {889 if (cs == null) {890 cs = new Changeset();891 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());892 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);893 tagEditorPanel.getModel().appendNewTag();894 prepareDialogForNextUpload(cs);895 } else if (cs.getId() == 0) {896 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {897 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());898 }899 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);900 tagEditorPanel.getModel().appendNewTag();901 prepareDialogForNextUpload(cs);902 } else if (cs.getId() > 0 && cs.isOpen()){903 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {904 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());905 }906 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);907 model.addOrUpdate(cs);908 cs = model.getChangesetById(cs.getId());909 cbOpenChangesets.setSelectedItem(cs);910 prepareDialogForNextUpload(cs);911 } else if (cs.getId() > 0 && !cs.isOpen()){912 removeChangeset(cs);913 }914 }915 916 /**917 * Remove a changeset from the list of open changeset918 *919 * @param cs the changeset to be removed. Ignored if null.920 */921 public void removeChangeset(Changeset cs) {922 if (cs == null) return;923 Changeset selected = (Changeset)model.getSelectedItem();924 model.removeChangeset(cs);925 if (model.getSize() == 0 || selected == cs) {926 // no more changesets or removed changeset is the currently selected927 // changeset? Switch to using a new changeset.928 //929 rbUseNew.setSelected(true);930 model.setSelectedItem(null);931 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset"));932 933 cs = new Changeset();934 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {935 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());936 cs.put("comment", getUploadComment());937 }938 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);939 }940 prepareDialogForNextUpload(cs);941 }942 943 /**944 * Sets whether a new changeset is to be used945 *946 */947 public void setUseNewChangeset() {948 rbUseNew.setSelected(true);949 }950 951 /**952 * Sets whether an existing changeset is to be used953 */954 public void setUseExistingChangeset() {955 rbExisting.setSelected(true);956 if (cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem() == null && model.getSize() > 0) {957 cbOpenChangesets.setSelectedItem(model.getElementAt(0));958 }959 }960 961 /**962 * Replies true if the selected changeset should be closed after the963 * next upload964 *965 * @return true if the selected changeset should be closed after the966 * next upload967 */968 public boolean isCloseAfterUpload() {969 return cbCloseAfterUpload.isSelected();970 }971 972 public void setNumUploadedObjects(int numUploadedObjects) {973 pnlUploadStrategy.setNumUploadedObjects(numUploadedObjects);974 }975 976 class RadioButtonHandler implements ItemListener {977 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {978 if (rbUseNew.isSelected()) {979 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset"));980 // init a new changeset from the currently edited tags981 // and the comment field982 //983 Changeset cs = new Changeset();984 tagEditorPanel.getModel().applyToPrimitive(cs);985 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {986 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());987 }988 cs.put("comment", cmt.getText());989 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);990 } else {991 if (cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem() == null) {992 model.selectFirstChangeset();993 }994 Changeset cs = (Changeset)cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem();995 if (cs != null) {996 cs.put("comment", cmt.getText());997 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of changeset {0}", cs.getId()));998 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);999 }1000 }1001 refreshGUI();1002 }1003 }1004 1005 class ChangesetListItemStateListener implements ItemListener {1006 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {1007 Changeset cs = (Changeset)cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem();1008 if (cs == null) {1009 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of new changeset"));1010 // init a new changeset from the currently edited tags1011 // and the comment field1012 //1013 cs = new Changeset();1014 tagEditorPanel.getModel().applyToPrimitive(cs);1015 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {1016 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());1017 }1018 cs.put("comment", cmt.getText());1019 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);1020 } else {1021 southTabbedPane.setTitleAt(1, tr("Tags of changeset {0}", cs.getId()));1022 if (cs.get("created_by") == null) {1023 cs.put("created_by", getDefaultCreatedBy());1024 }1025 tagEditorPanel.getModel().initFromPrimitive(cs);1026 if (cs.get("comment") != null) {1027 cmt.setText(cs.get("comment"));1028 }1029 }1030 }1031 }1032 1033 /**1034 * Refreshes the list of open changesets1035 *1036 */1037 class RefreshAction extends AbstractAction {1038 public RefreshAction() {1039 //putValue(NAME, tr("Reload"));1040 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Load the list of your open changesets from the server"));1041 putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "refresh"));1042 }1043 1044 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {1045 DownloadOpenChangesetsTask task = new DownloadOpenChangesetsTask(model);1046 Main.worker.submit(task);1047 }1048 }1049 1050 class CloseChangesetAction extends AbstractAction implements ItemListener{1051 public CloseChangesetAction() {1052 putValue(NAME, tr("Close"));1053 putValue(SMALL_ICON, ImageProvider.get("closechangeset"));1054 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Close the currently selected open changeset"));1055 refreshEnabledState();1056 }1057 1058 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {1059 Changeset cs = (Changeset)cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem();1060 if (cs == null) return;1061 CloseChangesetTask task = new CloseChangesetTask(Collections.singletonList(cs));1062 Main.worker.submit(task);1063 }1064 1065 protected void refreshEnabledState() {1066 setEnabled(cbOpenChangesets.getModel().getSize() > 0 && cbOpenChangesets.getSelectedItem() != null);1067 }1068 1069 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {1070 refreshEnabledState();1071 }1072 }1073 }1074 1075 /**1076 * A combobox model for the list of open changesets1077 *1078 */1079 public class OpenChangesetModel extends DefaultComboBoxModel {1080 private List<Changeset> changesets;1081 private long uid;1082 private Changeset selectedChangeset = null;1083 1084 protected Changeset getChangesetById(long id) {1085 for (Changeset cs : changesets) {1086 if (cs.getId() == id) return cs;1087 }1088 return null;1089 }1090 1091 public OpenChangesetModel() {1092 this.changesets = new ArrayList<Changeset>();1093 }1094 1095 protected void internalAddOrUpdate(Changeset cs) {1096 Changeset other = getChangesetById(cs.getId());1097 if (other != null) {1098 cs.cloneFrom(other);1099 } else {1100 changesets.add(cs);1101 }1102 }1103 1104 public void addOrUpdate(Changeset cs) {1105 if (cs.getId() <= 0 )1106 throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Changeset ID > 0 expected. Got {0}.", cs.getId()));1107 internalAddOrUpdate(cs);1108 fireContentsChanged(this, 0, getSize());1109 }1110 1111 public void remove(long id) {1112 Changeset cs = getChangesetById(id);1113 if (cs != null) {1114 changesets.remove(cs);1115 }1116 fireContentsChanged(this, 0, getSize());1117 }1118 1119 public void setChangesets(Collection<Changeset> changesets) {1120 this.changesets.clear();1121 if (changesets != null) {1122 for (Changeset cs: changesets) {1123 internalAddOrUpdate(cs);1124 }1125 }1126 fireContentsChanged(this, 0, getSize());1127 if (getSelectedItem() == null && !this.changesets.isEmpty()) {1128 setSelectedItem(this.changesets.get(0));1129 } else if (getSelectedItem() != null) {1130 if (changesets.contains(getSelectedItem())) {1131 setSelectedItem(getSelectedItem());1132 } else if (!this.changesets.isEmpty()){1133 setSelectedItem(this.changesets.get(0));1134 } else {1135 setSelectedItem(null);1136 }1137 } else {1138 setSelectedItem(null);1139 }1140 }1141 1142 public void setUserId(long uid) {1143 this.uid = uid;1144 }1145 1146 public long getUserId() {1147 return uid;1148 }1149 1150 public void selectFirstChangeset() {1151 if (changesets == null || changesets.isEmpty()) return;1152 setSelectedItem(changesets.get(0));1153 }1154 1155 public void removeChangeset(Changeset cs) {1156 if (cs == null) return;1157 changesets.remove(cs);1158 if (selectedChangeset == cs) {1159 selectFirstChangeset();1160 }1161 fireContentsChanged(this, 0, getSize());1162 }1163 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */1164 /* ComboBoxModel */1165 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */1166 @Override1167 public Object getElementAt(int index) {1168 return changesets.get(index);1169 }1170 1171 @Override1172 public int getIndexOf(Object anObject) {1173 return changesets.indexOf(anObject);1174 }1175 1176 @Override1177 public int getSize() {1178 return changesets.size();1179 }1180 1181 @Override1182 public Object getSelectedItem() {1183 return selectedChangeset;1184 }1185 1186 @Override1187 public void setSelectedItem(Object anObject) {1188 if (anObject == null) {1189 this.selectedChangeset = null;1190 super.setSelectedItem(null);1191 return;1192 }1193 if (! (anObject instanceof Changeset)) return;1194 Changeset cs = (Changeset)anObject;1195 if (cs.getId() == 0 || ! cs.isOpen()) return;1196 Changeset candidate = getChangesetById(cs.getId());1197 if (candidate == null) return;1198 this.selectedChangeset = candidate;1199 super.setSelectedItem(selectedChangeset);1200 }1201 475 } 1202 476 } -
r2569 r2599 41 41 private ProgressMonitor monitor; 42 42 private Changeset changeset; 43 private boolean closeChangesetAfterUpload;44 43 private Collection<OsmPrimitive> toUpload; 45 44 private HashSet<OsmPrimitive> processedPrimitives; … … 53 52 * @param monitor a progress monitor. If monitor is null, uses {@see NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} 54 53 * @param changeset the changeset to be used 55 * @param closeChangesetAfterUpload true, if the changeset should be closed after the upload56 54 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown, if layer is null 57 55 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if strategy is null 58 56 */ 59 public UploadLayerTask(UploadStrategySpecification strategy, OsmDataLayer layer, ProgressMonitor monitor, Changeset changeset , boolean closeChangesetAfterUpload) {57 public UploadLayerTask(UploadStrategySpecification strategy, OsmDataLayer layer, ProgressMonitor monitor, Changeset changeset) { 60 58 if (layer == null) 61 59 throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Parameter ''{0}'' must not be null.", "layer")); … … 69 67 this.changeset = changeset; 70 68 this.strategy = strategy; 71 this.closeChangesetAfterUpload = closeChangesetAfterUpload;72 69 processedPrimitives = new HashSet<OsmPrimitive>(); 73 70 } … … 134 131 } 135 132 } 136 if ( closeChangesetAfterUpload) {133 if (strategy.isCloseChangesetAfterUpload()) { 137 134 if (changeset != null && changeset.getId() > 0) { 138 135 OsmApi.getOsmApi().closeChangeset(changeset, monitor.createSubTaskMonitor(0, false)); -
r2569 r2599 9 9 import java.awt.GridBagLayout; 10 10 import java.awt.Insets; 11 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 12 import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 11 13 import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; 12 14 import java.awt.event.FocusListener; 15 import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; 16 import java.awt.event.ItemListener; 13 17 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; 14 18 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; … … 23 27 import javax.swing.JTextField; 24 28 import javax.swing.UIManager; 25 import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;26 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;27 29 import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; 28 30 import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; 29 31 30 32 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 31 32 public class UploadStrategySelectionPanel extends JPanel { 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.JMultilineLabel; 34 import; 35 import; 36 37 /** 38 * UploadStrategySelectionPanel is a panel for selecting an upload strategy. 39 * 40 * Clients can listen for property change events for the property 41 * {@see #UPLOAD_STRATEGY_SPECIFICATION_PROP}. 42 */ 43 public class UploadStrategySelectionPanel extends JPanel implements PropertyChangeListener { 44 45 /** 46 * The property for the upload strategy 47 */ 48 public final static String UPLOAD_STRATEGY_SPECIFICATION_PROP = 49 UploadStrategySelectionPanel.class.getName() + ".uploadStrategySpecification"; 50 33 51 private static final Color BG_COLOR_ERROR = new Color(255,224,224); 34 52 35 53 private ButtonGroup bgStrategies; 54 private ButtonGroup bgMultiChangesetPolicies; 36 55 private Map<UploadStrategy, JRadioButton> rbStrategy; 37 56 private Map<UploadStrategy, JLabel> lblNumRequests; 57 private Map<UploadStrategy, JMultilineLabel> lblStrategies; 38 58 private JTextField tfChunkSize; 59 private JPanel pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel; 60 private JRadioButton rbFillOneChangeset; 61 private JRadioButton rbUseMultipleChangesets; 62 private JMultilineLabel lblMultiChangesetPoliciesHeader; 39 63 40 64 private long numUploadedObjects = 0; … … 44 68 } 45 69 46 protected void build() { 47 setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 70 protected JPanel buildUploadStrategyPanel() { 71 JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); 72 pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 48 73 bgStrategies = new ButtonGroup(); 49 74 rbStrategy = new HashMap<UploadStrategy, JRadioButton>(); 75 lblStrategies = new HashMap<UploadStrategy, JMultilineLabel>(); 50 76 lblNumRequests = new HashMap<UploadStrategy, JLabel>(); 51 77 for (UploadStrategy strategy: UploadStrategy.values()) { 52 78 rbStrategy.put(strategy, new JRadioButton()); 53 79 lblNumRequests.put(strategy, new JLabel()); 80 lblStrategies.put(strategy, new JMultilineLabel("")); 54 81 bgStrategies.add(rbStrategy.get(strategy)); 55 82 } … … 59 86 gc.gridx = 0; 60 87 gc.gridy = 0; 61 gc.weightx = 0.0; 62 gc.weighty = 0.0; 63 gc.insets = new Insets(0,5,0,5); 88 gc.weightx = 1.0; 89 gc.weighty = 0.0; 90 gc.gridwidth = 4; 91 gc.insets = new Insets(0,0,3,0); 64 92 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 65 add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY), gc); 66 gc.gridx = 1; 67 gc.gridy = 0; 68 gc.weightx = 0.0; 69 gc.weighty = 0.0; 70 gc.gridwidth = 2; 71 add(new JLabel(tr("Upload data in one request")), gc); 72 gc.gridx = 3; 73 gc.gridy = 0; 74 gc.weightx = 1.0; 75 gc.weighty = 0.0; 76 gc.gridwidth = 1; 77 add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY), gc); 78 79 // -- chunked dataset strategy 93 pnl.add(new JMultilineLabel(tr("Please select the upload strategy:")), gc); 94 95 // -- single request strategy 80 96 gc.gridx = 0; 81 97 gc.gridy = 1; 82 98 gc.weightx = 0.0; 83 99 gc.weighty = 0.0; 84 add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY), gc); 100 gc.gridwidth = 1; 101 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 102 pnl.add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY), gc); 85 103 gc.gridx = 1; 86 104 gc.gridy = 1; 87 105 gc.weightx = 0.0; 88 106 gc.weighty = 0.0; 89 gc.gridwidth = 1; 90 add(new JLabel(tr("Upload data in chunks of objects. Chunk size: ")), gc); 91 gc.gridx = 2; 92 gc.gridy = 1; 93 gc.weightx = 0.0; 94 gc.weighty = 0.0; 95 gc.gridwidth = 1; 96 add(tfChunkSize = new JTextField(4), gc); 107 gc.gridwidth = 2; 108 JLabel lbl = lblStrategies.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY); 109 lbl.setText(tr("Upload data in one request")); 110 pnl.add(lbl, gc); 97 111 gc.gridx = 3; 98 112 gc.gridy = 1; … … 100 114 gc.weighty = 0.0; 101 115 gc.gridwidth = 1; 102 add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY), gc); 116 pnl.add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY), gc); 117 118 // -- chunked dataset strategy 119 gc.gridx = 0; 120 gc.gridy = 2; 121 gc.weightx = 0.0; 122 gc.weighty = 0.0; 123 pnl.add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY), gc); 124 gc.gridx = 1; 125 gc.gridy = 2; 126 gc.weightx = 0.0; 127 gc.weighty = 0.0; 128 gc.gridwidth = 1; 129 lbl = lblStrategies.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY); 130 lbl.setText(tr("Upload data in chunks of objects. Chunk size: ")); 131 pnl.add(lbl, gc); 132 gc.gridx = 2; 133 gc.gridy = 2; 134 gc.weightx = 0.0; 135 gc.weighty = 0.0; 136 gc.gridwidth = 1; 137 pnl.add(tfChunkSize = new JTextField(4), gc); 138 gc.gridx = 3; 139 gc.gridy = 2; 140 gc.weightx = 1.0; 141 gc.weighty = 0.0; 142 gc.gridwidth = 1; 143 pnl.add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY), gc); 103 144 104 145 // -- single request strategy 105 146 gc.gridx = 0; 106 gc.gridy = 2;107 gc.weightx = 0.0; 108 gc.weighty = 0.0; 109 add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY), gc); 147 gc.gridy = 3; 148 gc.weightx = 0.0; 149 gc.weighty = 0.0; 150 pnl.add(rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY), gc); 110 151 gc.gridx = 1; 111 gc.gridy = 2;152 gc.gridy = 3; 112 153 gc.weightx = 0.0; 113 154 gc.weighty = 0.0; 114 155 gc.gridwidth = 2; 115 add(new JLabel(tr("Upload each object individually")), gc); 156 lbl = lblStrategies.get(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY); 157 lbl.setText(tr("Upload each object individually")); 158 pnl.add(lbl, gc); 116 159 gc.gridx = 3; 117 gc.gridy = 2; 118 gc.weightx = 1.0; 119 gc.weighty = 0.0; 120 gc.gridwidth = 1; 121 add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY), gc); 122 160 gc.gridy = 3; 161 gc.weightx = 1.0; 162 gc.weighty = 0.0; 163 gc.gridwidth = 1; 164 pnl.add(lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY), gc); 123 165 124 166 tfChunkSize.addFocusListener(new TextFieldFocusHandler()); 125 167 tfChunkSize.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new ChunkSizeInputVerifier()); 168 126 169 StrategyChangeListener strategyChangeListener = new StrategyChangeListener(); 170 tfChunkSize.addFocusListener(strategyChangeListener); 171 tfChunkSize.addActionListener(strategyChangeListener); 127 172 for(UploadStrategy strategy: UploadStrategy.values()) { 128 rbStrategy.get(strategy).addChangeListener(strategyChangeListener); 129 } 130 173 rbStrategy.get(strategy).addItemListener(strategyChangeListener); 174 } 175 176 return pnl; 177 } 178 179 protected JPanel buildMultiChangesetPolicyPanel() { 180 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel = new JPanel(); 181 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 182 GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); 183 gc.gridx = 0; 184 gc.gridy = 0; 185 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 186 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; 187 gc.weightx = 1.0; 188 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.add(lblMultiChangesetPoliciesHeader = new JMultilineLabel(tr("<html>There are <strong>multiple changesets</strong> necessary in order to upload {0} objects. What policy shall be used?</html>", numUploadedObjects)), gc); 189 gc.gridy = 1; 190 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.add(rbFillOneChangeset = new JRadioButton(tr("Fill up one changeset and return to the Upload Dialog")),gc); 191 gc.gridy = 2; 192 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.add(rbUseMultipleChangesets = new JRadioButton(tr("Open and use as many new changesets as necessary")),gc); 193 194 bgMultiChangesetPolicies = new ButtonGroup(); 195 bgMultiChangesetPolicies.add(rbFillOneChangeset); 196 bgMultiChangesetPolicies.add(rbUseMultipleChangesets); 197 return pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel; 198 } 199 200 protected void build() { 201 setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 202 GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); 203 gc.gridx = 0; 204 gc.gridy = 0; 205 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 206 gc.weightx = 1.0; 207 gc.weighty = 0.0; 208 gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; 209 gc.insets = new Insets(3,3,3,3); 210 211 add(buildUploadStrategyPanel(), gc); 212 gc.gridy = 1; 213 add(buildMultiChangesetPolicyPanel(), gc); 214 215 // consume remaining space 216 gc.gridy = 2; 217 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 218 gc.weightx = 1.0; 219 gc.weighty = 1.0; 220 add(new JPanel(), gc); 221 222 int maxChunkSize = OsmApi.getOsmApi().getCapabilities().getMaxChangsetSize(); 223 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.setVisible( 224 maxChunkSize > 0 && numUploadedObjects > maxChunkSize 225 ); 131 226 } 132 227 … … 139 234 if (strategy == null) return; 140 235 rbStrategy.get(strategy.getStrategy()).setSelected(true); 236 tfChunkSize.setEnabled(strategy.equals(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY)); 141 237 if (strategy.getStrategy().equals(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY)) { 142 tfChunkSize.setEnabled(strategy.equals(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY));143 238 if (strategy.getChunkSize() != UploadStrategySpecification.UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE) { 144 239 tfChunkSize.setText(Integer.toString(strategy.getChunkSize())); … … 152 247 UploadStrategy strategy = getUploadStrategy(); 153 248 int chunkSize = getChunkSize(); 249 UploadStrategySpecification spec = new UploadStrategySpecification(); 154 250 switch(strategy) { 155 case INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY: return UploadStrategySpecification.createIndividualObjectStrategy(); 156 case SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY: return UploadStrategySpecification.createSingleRequestUploadStrategy(); 157 case CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY: return UploadStrategySpecification.createChunkedUploadStrategy(chunkSize); 158 } 159 // should not happen 160 return null; 251 case INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY: 252 spec.setStrategy(strategy); 253 break; 254 case SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY: 255 spec.setStrategy(strategy); 256 break; 257 case CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY: 258 spec.setStrategy(strategy).setChunkSize(chunkSize); 259 break; 260 } 261 if(pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.isVisible()) { 262 if (rbFillOneChangeset.isSelected()) { 263 spec.setPolicy(MaxChangesetSizeExceededPolicy.FILL_ONE_CHANGESET_AND_RETURN_TO_UPLOAD_DIALOG); 264 } else if (rbUseMultipleChangesets.isSelected()) { 265 spec.setPolicy(MaxChangesetSizeExceededPolicy.AUTOMATICALLY_OPEN_NEW_CHANGESETS); 266 } else { 267 spec.setPolicy(null); // unknown policy 268 } 269 } else { 270 spec.setPolicy(null); 271 } 272 return spec; 161 273 } 162 274 … … 171 283 return strategy; 172 284 } 173 174 285 175 286 protected int getChunkSize() { … … 191 302 } 192 303 193 public void saveToPreferences() {304 public void rememberUserInput() { 194 305 UploadStrategy strategy = getUploadStrategy(); 195 306 UploadStrategy.saveToPreferences(strategy); … … 204 315 205 316 protected void updateNumRequestsLabels() { 317 int maxChunkSize = OsmApi.getOsmApi().getCapabilities().getMaxChangsetSize(); 318 if (maxChunkSize > 0 && numUploadedObjects > maxChunkSize) { 319 rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY).setEnabled(false); 320 JLabel lbl = lblStrategies.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY); 321 lbl.setIcon(ImageProvider.get("warning-small.png")); 322 lbl.setText(tr("Upload in one request not possible (too many objects to upload)")); 323 lbl.setToolTipText(tr("<html>Can''t upload {0} objects in one request because the<br>" 324 + "max. changeset size {1} on server ''{2}'' is exceeded.</html>", 325 numUploadedObjects, 326 maxChunkSize, 327 OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl() 328 ) 329 ); 330 rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY).setSelected(true); 331 lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY).setVisible(false); 332 333 lblMultiChangesetPoliciesHeader.setText(tr("<html>There are <strong>multiple changesets</strong> necessary in order to upload {0} objects. What policy shall be used?</html>", numUploadedObjects)); 334 if (!rbFillOneChangeset.isSelected() && ! rbUseMultipleChangesets.isSelected()) { 335 rbUseMultipleChangesets.setSelected(true); 336 } 337 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.setVisible(true); 338 339 } else { 340 rbStrategy.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY).setEnabled(true); 341 JLabel lbl = lblStrategies.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY); 342 lbl.setText(tr("Upload data in one request")); 343 lbl.setIcon(null); 344 lbl.setToolTipText(""); 345 lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY).setVisible(true); 346 347 pnlMultiChangesetPolicyPanel.setVisible(false); 348 } 349 206 350 lblNumRequests.get(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY).setText(tr("(1 request)")); 207 351 if (numUploadedObjects == 0) { … … 229 373 } 230 374 375 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { 376 if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(UploadedObjectsSummaryPanel.NUM_OBJECTS_TO_UPLOAD_PROP)) { 377 setNumUploadedObjects((Integer)evt.getNewValue()); 378 } 379 } 380 231 381 class TextFieldFocusHandler implements FocusListener { 232 382 public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { … … 241 391 242 392 class ChunkSizeInputVerifier implements DocumentListener, PropertyChangeListener { 243 244 393 protected void setErrorFeedback(JTextField tf, String message) { 245 394 tf.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.RED, 1)); … … 257 406 try { 258 407 int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(tfChunkSize.getText().trim()); 408 int maxChunkSize = OsmApi.getOsmApi().getCapabilities().getMaxChangsetSize(); 259 409 if (chunkSize <= 0) { 260 410 setErrorFeedback(tfChunkSize, tr("Illegal chunk size <= 0. Please enter an integer > 1")); 411 } else if (maxChunkSize > 0 && chunkSize > maxChunkSize) { 412 setErrorFeedback(tfChunkSize, tr("Chunk size {0} exceeds max. changeset size {1} for server ''{2}''", chunkSize, maxChunkSize, OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl())); 261 413 } else { 262 414 clearErrorFeedback(tfChunkSize, tr("Please enter an integer > 1")); 415 } 416 417 if (maxChunkSize > 0 && chunkSize > maxChunkSize) { 418 setErrorFeedback(tfChunkSize, tr("Chunk size {0} exceeds max. changeset size {1} for server ''{2}''", chunkSize, maxChunkSize, OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl())); 263 419 } 264 420 } catch(NumberFormatException e) { … … 291 447 } 292 448 293 class StrategyChangeListener implements ChangeListener { 294 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { 449 class StrategyChangeListener implements ItemListener, FocusListener, ActionListener { 450 451 protected void notifyStrategy() { 452 firePropertyChange(UPLOAD_STRATEGY_SPECIFICATION_PROP, null, getUploadStrategySpecification()); 453 } 454 455 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 295 456 UploadStrategy strategy = getUploadStrategy(); 296 457 if (strategy == null) return; … … 303 464 tfChunkSize.setEnabled(false); 304 465 } 466 notifyStrategy(); 467 } 468 469 public void focusGained(FocusEvent arg0) {} 470 471 public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) { 472 notifyStrategy(); 473 } 474 475 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { 476 notifyStrategy(); 305 477 } 306 478 } -
r2569 r2599 2 2 package; 3 3 4 public class UploadStrategySpecification { 4 5 6 /** 7 * An UploadStrategySpecification consists of the parameter describing the strategy 8 * for uploading a collection of {@see OsmPrimitive}. 9 * 10 * This includes: 11 * <ul> 12 * <li>a decision on which {@see UploadStrategy} to use</li> 13 * <li>the upload chunk size</li> 14 * <li>whether to close the changeset used after the upload</li> 15 * </ul> 16 * 17 * 18 */ 19 public class UploadStrategySpecification { 20 /** indicates that the chunk size isn't specified */ 5 21 static public final int UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE = -1; 6 static public UploadStrategySpecification createIndividualObjectStrategy() {7 return new UploadStrategySpecification(UploadStrategy.INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY, 1);8 }9 10 static public UploadStrategySpecification createChunkedUploadStrategy(int chunkSize) {11 return new UploadStrategySpecification(UploadStrategy.CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY, chunkSize);12 }13 14 static public UploadStrategySpecification createSingleRequestUploadStrategy() {15 return new UploadStrategySpecification(UploadStrategy.SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY, UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE);16 }17 22 18 23 private UploadStrategy strategy; 19 24 private int chunkSize; 25 private MaxChangesetSizeExceededPolicy policy; 26 private boolean closeChangesetAfterUpload; 20 27 21 private UploadStrategySpecification(UploadStrategy strategy, int chunkSize) { 22 this.strategy = strategy; 23 this.chunkSize = chunkSize; 28 /** 29 * Creates a new upload strategy with default values. 30 */ 31 public UploadStrategySpecification() { 32 this.strategy = UploadStrategy.DEFAULT_UPLOAD_STRATEGY; 33 this.chunkSize = UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE; 34 this.policy = null; 35 this.closeChangesetAfterUpload = true; 24 36 } 25 37 38 /** 39 * Clones another upload strategy. If other is null,assumes default 40 * values. 41 * 42 * @param other the other upload strategy 43 */ 44 public UploadStrategySpecification(UploadStrategySpecification other) { 45 if (other == null) return; 46 this.strategy = other.strategy; 47 this.chunkSize = other.chunkSize; 48 this.policy = other.policy; 49 this.closeChangesetAfterUpload = other.closeChangesetAfterUpload; 50 } 51 52 /** 53 * Replies the upload strategy 54 * @return 55 */ 26 56 public UploadStrategy getStrategy() { 27 57 return strategy; 28 58 } 59 29 60 public int getChunkSize() { 30 61 return chunkSize; 31 62 } 63 64 public static int getUnspecifiedChunkSize() { 65 return UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE; 66 } 67 68 public MaxChangesetSizeExceededPolicy getPolicy() { 69 return policy; 70 } 71 72 public UploadStrategySpecification setStrategy(UploadStrategy strategy) { 73 this.strategy = strategy; 74 return this; 75 } 76 77 public UploadStrategySpecification setChunkSize(int chunkSize) { 78 this.chunkSize = chunkSize; 79 return this; 80 } 81 82 public UploadStrategySpecification setPolicy(MaxChangesetSizeExceededPolicy policy) { 83 this.policy = policy; 84 return this; 85 } 86 87 public UploadStrategySpecification setCloseChangesetAfterUpload(boolean closeChangesetAfterUpload) { 88 this.closeChangesetAfterUpload = closeChangesetAfterUpload; 89 return this; 90 } 91 92 public boolean isCloseChangesetAfterUpload() { 93 return closeChangesetAfterUpload; 94 } 95 96 public int getNumRequests(int numObjects) { 97 if (numObjects <=0) return 0; 98 switch(strategy) { 99 case INDIVIDUAL_OBJECTS_STRATEGY: return numObjects; 100 case SINGLE_REQUEST_STRATEGY: return 1; 101 case CHUNKED_DATASET_STRATEGY: 102 if (chunkSize == UNSPECIFIED_CHUNK_SIZE) 103 return 0; 104 else 105 return (int)Math.ceil((double)numObjects / (double)chunkSize); 106 } 107 // should not happen 108 return 0; 109 } 110 111 @Override 112 public int hashCode() { 113 final int prime = 31; 114 int result = 1; 115 result = prime * result + chunkSize; 116 result = prime * result + (closeChangesetAfterUpload ? 1231 : 1237); 117 result = prime * result + ((policy == null) ? 0 : policy.hashCode()); 118 result = prime * result + ((strategy == null) ? 0 : strategy.hashCode()); 119 return result; 120 } 121 122 @Override 123 public boolean equals(Object obj) { 124 if (this == obj) 125 return true; 126 if (obj == null) 127 return false; 128 if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) 129 return false; 130 UploadStrategySpecification other = (UploadStrategySpecification) obj; 131 if (chunkSize != other.chunkSize) 132 return false; 133 if (closeChangesetAfterUpload != other.closeChangesetAfterUpload) 134 return false; 135 if (policy == null) { 136 if (other.policy != null) 137 return false; 138 } else if (!policy.equals(other.policy)) 139 return false; 140 if (strategy == null) { 141 if (other.strategy != null) 142 return false; 143 } else if (!strategy.equals(other.strategy)) 144 return false; 145 return true; 146 } 32 147 } -
r2512 r2599 155 155 } 156 156 } 157 158 157 return super.stopCellEditing(); 159 158 } -
r2512 r2599 219 219 if (name == null) return; 220 220 Iterator<TagModel> it = tags.iterator(); 221 boolean changed = false; 221 222 while(it.hasNext()) { 222 223 TagModel tm =; 223 224 if (tm.getName().equals(name)) { 225 changed = true; 224 226 it.remove(); 225 227 } 226 228 } 227 fireTableDataChanged(); 228 setDirty(true); 229 if (changed) { 230 fireTableDataChanged(); 231 setDirty(true); 232 } 229 233 } 230 234 /** … … 449 453 setDirty(true); 450 454 } 455 fireTableDataChanged(); 451 456 } 452 457 … … 464 469 setDirty(true); 465 470 } 471 fireTableDataChanged(); 466 472 } 467 473 -
r2512 r2599 7 7 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; 8 8 import java.awt.GridBagLayout; 9 import java.awt.Insets; 9 10 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 10 11 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; … … 69 70 // 70 71 AddAction addAction = new AddAction(); 71 pnl.add(new JButton(addAction)); 72 JButton btn; 73 pnl.add(btn = new JButton(addAction)); 74 btn.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0)); 72 75 tagTable.addPropertyChangeListener(addAction); 73 76 … … 77 80 tagTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(deleteAction); 78 81 tagTable.addPropertyChangeListener(deleteAction); 79 pnl.add(new JButton(deleteAction)); 82 pnl.add(btn = new JButton(deleteAction)); 83 btn.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0)); 80 84 return pnl; 81 85 } -
r2512 r2599 1 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 2 2 package; 3 4 import static; 3 5 4 6 import java.util.HashMap; … … 71 73 } 72 74 75 /** 76 * Replies the max number of objects in a changeset. -1 if either the capabilities 77 * don't include this parameter or if the parameter value is illegal (not a number, 78 * a negative number) 79 * 80 * @return the max number of objects in a changeset 81 */ 82 public int getMaxChangsetSize() { 83 String v = get("changesets", "maximum_elements"); 84 if (v == null) return -1; 85 try { 86 int n = Integer.parseInt(v); 87 if (n <= 0) { 88 System.err.println(tr("Warning: illegal value of attribute '{0}'' of element ''{1}'' in server capabilities. Got ''{2}", "changesets", "maximum_elements", n )); 89 return -1; 90 } 91 return n; 92 } catch(NumberFormatException e) { 93 System.err.println(tr("Warning: illegal value of attribute '{0}'' of element ''{1}'' in server capabilities. Got ''{2}", "changesets", "maximum_elements", v )); 94 return -1; 95 } 96 } 73 97 } -
r2569 r2599 31 31 final static public String ERROR_HEADER_PATTERN = "The changeset (\\d+) was closed at (.*)"; 32 32 33 static enum Source { 33 public static enum Source { 34 34 /** 35 35 * The exception was thrown when a changeset was updated. This most likely means … … 114 114 115 115 /** 116 * Creates the exception 117 * 118 * @param changesetId the id if the closed changeset 119 * @param closedOn the date the changeset was closed on 120 * @param source the source for the exception 121 */ 122 public ChangesetClosedException(long changesetId, Date closedOn, Source source) { 123 super(""); 124 this.source = source == null ? Source.UNSPECIFIED : source; 125 this.changesetId = changesetId; 126 this.closedOn = closedOn; 127 } 128 129 /** 116 130 * Replies the id of the changeset which was closed 117 131 * … … 139 153 return source; 140 154 } 155 156 public void setSource(Source source) { 157 this.source = source == null ? Source.UNSPECIFIED : source; 158 } 141 159 } -
r2578 r2599 19 19 import; 20 20 import; 21 import; 21 22 import; 22 23 import; … … 76 77 77 78 /** 78 * remembers an {@see OsmPrimitive}'s idand its type. The id will79 * Remembers an {@see OsmPrimitive}'s id. The id will 79 80 * later be fetched as part of a Multi Get request. 80 81 * 81 * Ignore the id if it id <= 0.82 * Ignore the id if it represents a new primitives. 82 83 * 83 84 * @param id the id 84 * @param type the type 85 */ 86 protected void remember(long id, OsmPrimitiveType type) { 87 if (id <= 0) return; 88 if (type.equals(OsmPrimitiveType.NODE)) { 89 nodes.add(id); 90 } else if (type.equals(OsmPrimitiveType.WAY)) { 91 ways.add(id); 92 } if (type.equals(OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION)) { 93 relations.add(id); 85 */ 86 protected void remember(PrimitiveId id) { 87 if (id.isNew()) return; 88 switch(id.getType()) { 89 case NODE: nodes.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; 90 case WAY: ways.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; 91 case RELATION: relations.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; 94 92 } 95 93 } … … 115 113 if (primitive == null) 116 114 throw new NoSuchElementException(tr("No primitive with id {0} in local dataset. Can't infer primitive type.", id)); 117 remember( id, OsmPrimitiveType.from(primitive));115 remember(primitive.getPrimitiveId()); 118 116 return; 119 117 } … … 153 151 public MultiFetchServerObjectReader append(Node node) { 154 152 if (node == null) return this; 155 if (node.isNew()) return this; 156 remember(node.getId(), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE); 153 remember(node.getPrimitiveId()); 157 154 return this; 158 155 } … … 170 167 for (Node node: way.getNodes()) { 171 168 if (!node.isNew()) { 172 remember(node.get Id(), OsmPrimitiveType.NODE);173 } 174 } 175 remember(way.get Id(), OsmPrimitiveType.WAY);169 remember(node.getPrimitiveId()); 170 } 171 } 172 remember(way.getPrimitiveId()); 176 173 return this; 177 174 } … … 187 184 if (relation == null) return this; 188 185 if (relation.isNew()) return this; 189 remember(relation.get Id(), OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION);186 remember(relation.getPrimitiveId()); 190 187 for (RelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { 191 188 if (OsmPrimitiveType.from(member.getMember()).equals(OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION)) { -
r2569 r2599 80 80 String serverUrl = Main.pref.get("osm-server.url", ""); 81 81 if (serverUrl == null) 82 throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Preference ''{0}'' missing. Can't initialize OsmApi.", "osm-server.url")); 82 throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Preference ''{0}'' missing. Can''t initialize OsmApi.", "osm-server.url")); 83 83 return getOsmApi(serverUrl); 84 84 } … … 342 342 monitor 343 343 ); 344 } catch(ChangesetClosedException e) { 345 e.setSource(ChangesetClosedException.Source.UPDATE_CHANGESET); 346 throw e; 344 347 } catch(OsmApiException e) { 345 348 if (e.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT && ChangesetClosedException.errorHeaderMatchesPattern(e.getErrorHeader())) -
r2569 r2599 149 149 while(it.hasNext()) { 150 150 i++; 151 progressMonitor.setCustomText(tr("({0}/{1}) Uploading {2} objects...", i,numChunks,chunkSize));152 151 if (canceled) return; 153 152 int j = 0; … … 158 157 chunk.add(; 159 158 } 159 progressMonitor.setCustomText(tr("({0}/{1}) Uploading {2} objects...", i,numChunks,chunk.size())); 160 160 processed.addAll(api.uploadDiff(chunk, progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(ProgressMonitor.ALL_TICKS, false))); 161 161 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.