Changeset 24540 in osm for applications/editors
- Timestamp:
- 2010-12-02T22:42:10+01:00 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed/plugs/harbour/src
- Files:
- 7 added
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r24355 r24540 12 12 import javax.swing.JComboBox; 13 13 import javax.swing.ImageIcon; 14 import javax.swing.JToggleButton; 14 15 15 16 public class HarbourAction { … … 30 31 private JButton fastforButton = null; 31 32 private JLabel queryLabel = null; 32 private JButton queryButton = null;33 private JButton changequeryButton = null;34 33 private JComboBox typComboBox = null; 35 34 private JLabel typeLabel = null; … … 45 44 private PanelEnv panelEnv = null; 46 45 private PanelRelations panelRelations = null; 47 46 private JComboBox queryComboBox = null; 47 private JButton queryjButton = null; 48 private JToggleButton chartButton = null; 48 49 public HarbourAction() { 49 50 panelGeneral= new PanelGeneral(); … … 76 77 if (harbourPanel == null) { 77 78 regLabel = new JLabel(); 78 regLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle( 100, 32,54, 20));79 regLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(90, 32, 45, 20)); 79 80 regLabel.setText("Region:"); 80 81 noLabel1 = new JLabel(); 81 noLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(2 32, 32, 26, 20));82 noLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(200, 32, 26, 20)); 82 83 noLabel1.setText("Nr.:"); 83 84 countryLabel = new JLabel(); 84 countryLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 32, 40, 20));85 countryLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 32, 32, 20)); 85 86 countryLabel.setText("Land:"); 86 87 typeLabel = new JLabel(); 87 typeLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(289, 5, 43, 20));88 typeLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(289, 32, 30, 20)); 88 89 typeLabel.setText("Type:"); 89 90 queryLabel = new JLabel(); 90 queryLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2 12, 334,80, 15));91 queryLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(201, 334, 72, 15)); 91 92 queryLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 92 93 queryLabel.setText("Suche nach:"); 93 94 setLabel = new JLabel(); 94 setLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 330, 6 8, 21));95 setLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2, 330, 60, 21)); 95 96 setLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 96 97 setLabel.setText("Datensatz:"); … … 120 121 harbourPanel.add(getFastforButton(), null); 121 122 harbourPanel.add(queryLabel, null); 122 harbourPanel.add(getQueryButton(), null);123 harbourPanel.add(getChangequeryButton(), null);124 123 harbourPanel.add(getTypComboBox(), null); 125 124 harbourPanel.add(typeLabel, null); … … 130 129 harbourPanel.add(regLabel, null); 131 130 harbourPanel.add(getRegTextField(), null); 131 harbourPanel.add(getQueryComboBox(), null); 132 harbourPanel.add(getQueryjButton(), null); 133 harbourPanel.add(getChartButton(), null); 132 134 } 133 135 return harbourPanel; … … 154 156 panelRelations.setVisible(false); 155 157 panelGeneral.setVisible(true); 158 chartButton.setEnabled(false); 156 159 } 157 160 }); … … 178 181 panelRelations.setVisible(false); 179 182 panelLimits.setVisible(true); 183 chartButton.setEnabled(false); 180 184 } 181 185 }); … … 202 206 panelRelations.setVisible(false); 203 207 panelServices.setVisible(true); 208 chartButton.setEnabled(false); 204 209 } 205 210 }); … … 225 230 panelServices.setVisible(false); 226 231 panelRelations.setVisible(false); 227 panelEnv.setVisible(true); 232 panelEnv.setVisible(true); 233 chartButton.setEnabled(true); 228 234 } 229 235 }); … … 250 256 panelEnv.setVisible(false); 251 257 panelRelations.setVisible(true); 258 chartButton.setEnabled(true); 252 259 } 253 260 }); … … 264 271 if (nameTextField == null) { 265 272 nameTextField = new JTextField(); 266 nameTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle( 92, 2, 185, 25));273 nameTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(88, 2, 196, 25)); 267 274 } 268 275 return nameTextField; … … 277 284 if (fastbackButton == null) { 278 285 fastbackButton = new JButton(); 279 fastbackButton.setBounds(new Rectangle( 70, 330, 20, 20));286 fastbackButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(62, 330, 20, 20)); 280 287 } 281 288 return fastbackButton; … … 290 297 if (backButton == null) { 291 298 backButton = new JButton(); 292 backButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(8 9, 330, 20, 20));299 backButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(81, 330, 20, 20)); 293 300 } 294 301 return backButton; … … 303 310 if (setTextField == null) { 304 311 setTextField = new JTextField(); 305 setTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(10 9, 329, 60, 23));312 setTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(101, 329, 60, 23)); 306 313 setTextField.setText(""); 307 314 } … … 317 324 if (forButton == null) { 318 325 forButton = new JButton(); 319 forButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(16 8, 330, 20, 20));326 forButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 330, 20, 20)); 320 327 } 321 328 return forButton; … … 330 337 if (fastforButton == null) { 331 338 fastforButton = new JButton(); 332 fastforButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(1 87, 330, 20, 20));339 fastforButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(179, 330, 20, 20)); 333 340 } 334 341 return fastforButton; 335 }336 337 /**338 * This method initializes queryButton339 *340 * @return javax.swing.JButton341 */342 private JButton getQueryButton() {343 if (queryButton == null) {344 queryButton = new JButton();345 queryButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(292, 330, 80, 20));346 queryButton.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));347 queryButton.setToolTipText("");348 queryButton.setText("Hafen");349 }350 return queryButton;351 }352 353 /**354 * This method initializes changequeryButton355 *356 * @return javax.swing.JButton357 */358 private JButton getChangequeryButton() {359 if (changequeryButton == null) {360 changequeryButton = new JButton();361 changequeryButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(371, 330, 20, 20));362 }363 return changequeryButton;364 342 } 365 343 … … 372 350 if (typComboBox == null) { 373 351 typComboBox = new JComboBox(); 374 typComboBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(3 35, 3, 60, 25));352 typComboBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(323, 28, 72, 25)); 375 353 } 376 354 return typComboBox; … … 385 363 if (countryComboBox == null) { 386 364 countryComboBox = new JComboBox(); 387 countryComboBox.setBounds(new Rectangle( 44, 29, 50, 25));365 countryComboBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(36, 29, 50, 25)); 388 366 } 389 367 return countryComboBox; … … 398 376 if (noTextField == null) { 399 377 noTextField = new JTextField(); 400 noTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(2 62, 29, 70, 25));378 noTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(225, 29, 60, 25)); 401 379 noTextField.setText(""); 402 380 } … … 412 390 if (regTextField == null) { 413 391 regTextField = new JTextField(); 414 regTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(1 58, 29, 70, 25));392 regTextField.setBounds(new Rectangle(135, 29, 60, 25)); 415 393 } 416 394 return regTextField; 417 395 } 418 396 397 /** 398 * This method initializes queryComboBox 399 * 400 * @return javax.swing.JComboBox 401 */ 402 private JComboBox getQueryComboBox() { 403 if (queryComboBox == null) { 404 queryComboBox = new JComboBox(); 405 queryComboBox.addItem("Hafen"); 406 queryComboBox.addItem("Land"); 407 queryComboBox.addItem("Nummer"); 408 queryComboBox.addItem("Region"); 409 queryComboBox.addItem("Type"); 410 queryComboBox.addItem("Query"); 411 queryComboBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(272, 331, 86, 20)); 412 } 413 return queryComboBox; 414 } 415 416 /** 417 * This method initializes queryjButton 418 * 419 * @return javax.swing.JButton 420 */ 421 private JButton getQueryjButton() { 422 if (queryjButton == null) { 423 queryjButton = new JButton(); 424 queryjButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(364, 330, 28, 20)); 425 } 426 return queryjButton; 427 } 428 429 /** 430 * This method initializes chartButton 431 * 432 * @return javax.swing.JButton 433 */ 434 private JToggleButton getChartButton() { 435 if (chartButton == null) { 436 chartButton = new JToggleButton(); 437 chartButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(365, 5, 28, 18)); 438 chartButton.setEnabled(false); 439 } 440 return chartButton; 441 } 442 419 443 } -
r24460 r24540 59 59 private void initialize() { 60 60 unitLabel = new JLabel(); 61 unitLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(2 35, 53, 50, 20));61 unitLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(241, 53, 43, 20)); 62 62 unitLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 63 63 unitLabel.setText("Einheit:"); -
r24356 r24540 1 1 package harbour.panels; 2 3 import harbour.widgets.TristateCheckBox; 2 4 3 5 import java.awt.Color; … … 8 10 import javax.swing.JLabel; 9 11 import java.awt.Rectangle; 12 import javax.swing.JCheckBox; 13 import java.awt.Font; 14 import javax.swing.JComboBox; 15 import javax.swing.ImageIcon; 10 16 11 17 public class PanelServices extends JPanel { 12 18 13 19 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 20 private JLabel raPicLabel = null; 21 private TristateCheckBox telCheckBox = null; 22 private TristateCheckBox faxCheckBox = null; 23 private TristateCheckBox radioCheckBox = null; 24 private TristateCheckBox raTelCheckBox = null; 25 private JLabel infraLabel = null; 26 private TristateCheckBox opnvCheckBox = null; 27 private TristateCheckBox railCheckBox = null; 28 private JLabel airLabel = null; 29 private TristateCheckBox airCheckBox = null; 30 private JLabel loadLabel = null; 31 private TristateCheckBox kaiCheckBox = null; 32 private TristateCheckBox ancCheckBox = null; 33 private JLabel moorLabel = null; 34 private JLabel craneLabel = null; 35 private JLabel hLabel = null; 36 private JLabel fLabel = null; 37 private JLabel zLabel = null; 38 private JLabel nLabel = null; 39 private TristateCheckBox slipCheckBox = null; 40 private JLabel fixLabel = null; 41 private TristateCheckBox hfCheckBox = null; 42 private TristateCheckBox ffCheckBox = null; 43 private TristateCheckBox zfCheckBox = null; 44 private TristateCheckBox nfCheckBox = null; 45 private TristateCheckBox dockCheckBox = null; 46 private JLabel mobLabel = null; 47 private TristateCheckBox hmCheckBox = null; 48 private TristateCheckBox fmCheckBox = null; 49 private TristateCheckBox zmCheckBox = null; 50 private TristateCheckBox nmCheckBox = null; 51 private JLabel schwLabel = null; 52 private TristateCheckBox hsCheckBox = null; 53 private TristateCheckBox fsCheckBox = null; 54 private TristateCheckBox zsCheckBox = null; 55 private TristateCheckBox nsCheckBox = null; 56 private JLabel DLLabel = null; 57 private TristateCheckBox anbCheckBox = null; 58 private TristateCheckBox repCheckBox = null; 14 59 private JLabel servLabel = null; 15 60 private TristateCheckBox medCheckBox = null; 61 private TristateCheckBox degCheckBox = null; 62 private JLabel recLabel = null; 63 private TristateCheckBox recmCheckBox = null; 64 private TristateCheckBox recwCheckBox = null; 65 private JLabel dLabel = null; 66 private TristateCheckBox workCheckBox = null; 67 private TristateCheckBox elCheckBox = null; 68 private TristateCheckBox stCheckBox = null; 69 private TristateCheckBox navCheckBox = null; 70 private JLabel provLabel = null; 71 private TristateCheckBox oilCheckBox = null; 72 private TristateCheckBox dieselCheckBox = null; 73 private TristateCheckBox waterCheckBox = null; 74 private TristateCheckBox provCheckBox = null; 75 private TristateCheckBox deckCheckBox = null; 76 private TristateCheckBox mCheckBox = null; 77 private TristateCheckBox mmCheckBox = null; 78 private TristateCheckBox imCheckBox = null; 79 private TristateCheckBox bmCheckBox = null; 16 80 /** 17 81 * This is the default constructor … … 28 92 */ 29 93 private void initialize() { 94 95 provLabel = new JLabel(); 96 provLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(1, 225, 45, 20)); 97 provLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 98 provLabel.setText("Gueter:"); 99 dLabel = new JLabel(); 100 dLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(1, 205, 45, 20)); 101 dLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 102 dLabel.setText(" Dienst:"); 103 recLabel = new JLabel(); 104 recLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(187, 165, 90, 20)); 105 recLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 106 recLabel.setText("Entsorgungen:"); 30 107 servLabel = new JLabel(); 31 servLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(128, 22, 69, 36)); 32 servLabel.setText("Services"); 33 108 servLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(1, 185, 45, 20)); 109 servLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 110 servLabel.setText("Service:"); 111 DLLabel = new JLabel(); 112 DLLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(3, 165, 147, 20)); 113 DLLabel.setText("weitere Dienstleistungen"); 114 schwLabel = new JLabel(); 115 schwLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 142, 40, 16)); 116 schwLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 117 schwLabel.setText(" schw."); 118 mobLabel = new JLabel(); 119 mobLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 126, 40, 16)); 120 mobLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 121 mobLabel.setText(" mobil"); 122 fixLabel = new JLabel(); 123 fixLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 110, 40, 16)); 124 fixLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 125 fixLabel.setText(" fest"); 126 nLabel = new JLabel(); 127 nLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(200, 90, 38, 20)); 128 nLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 129 nLabel.setText(" 0-25t"); 130 zLabel = new JLabel(); 131 zLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(150, 90, 45, 20)); 132 zLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 133 zLabel.setText(" 25-50t"); 134 fLabel = new JLabel(); 135 fLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(100, 90, 45, 20)); 136 fLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 137 fLabel.setText("50-100t"); 138 hLabel = new JLabel(); 139 hLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(50, 90, 45, 20)); 140 hLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 141 hLabel.setText(" >100t"); 142 craneLabel = new JLabel(); 143 craneLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 90, 42, 20)); 144 craneLabel.setText(" Kran"); 145 moorLabel = new JLabel(); 146 moorLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(145, 50, 65, 16)); 147 moorLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 148 moorLabel.setText("Ankerplatz:"); 149 loadLabel = new JLabel(); 150 loadLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(3, 50, 97, 16)); 151 loadLabel.setText("Laden / Entladen"); 152 airLabel = new JLabel(); 153 airLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(215, 26, 20, 20)); 154 // airLabel.setText("JLabel"); 155 airLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/Airplane_20x19.png"))); 156 infraLabel = new JLabel(); 157 infraLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 26, 20, 20)); 158 // infraLabel.setText("JLabel"); 159 infraLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/Bahn_20x16.png"))); 160 raPicLabel = new JLabel(); 161 raPicLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 2, 20, 20)); 162 // raPicLabel.setText("\"\""); 163 raPicLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/Telefon_14x20.png"))); 34 164 this.setSize(330, 270); 35 165 this.setLayout(null); 36 166 this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 1)); 167 this.add(raPicLabel, null); 168 this.add(getTelCheckBox(), null); 169 this.add(getFaxCheckBox(), null); 170 this.add(getRadioCheckBox(), null); 171 this.add(getRaTelCheckBox(), null); 172 this.add(infraLabel, null); 173 this.add(getOpnvCheckBox(), null); 174 this.add(getRailCheckBox(), null); 175 this.add(airLabel, null); 176 this.add(getAirCheckBox(), null); 177 this.add(loadLabel, null); 178 this.add(getKaiCheckBox(), null); 179 this.add(getAncCheckBox(), null); 180 this.add(moorLabel, null); 181 this.add(craneLabel, null); 182 this.add(hLabel, null); 183 this.add(fLabel, null); 184 this.add(zLabel, null); 185 this.add(nLabel, null); 186 this.add(getSlipCheckBox(), null); 187 this.add(fixLabel, null); 188 this.add(getHfCheckBox(), null); 189 this.add(getFfCheckBox(), null); 190 this.add(getZfCheckBox(), null); 191 this.add(getNfCheckBox(), null); 192 this.add(getDockCheckBox(), null); 193 this.add(mobLabel, null); 194 this.add(getHmCheckBox(), null); 195 this.add(getFmCheckBox(), null); 196 this.add(getZmCheckBox(), null); 197 this.add(getNmCheckBox(), null); 198 this.add(schwLabel, null); 199 this.add(getHsCheckBox(), null); 200 this.add(getFsCheckBox(), null); 201 this.add(getZsCheckBox(), null); 202 this.add(getNsCheckBox(), null); 203 this.add(DLLabel, null); 204 this.add(getAnbCheckBox(), null); 205 this.add(getRepCheckBox(), null); 37 206 this.add(servLabel, null); 207 this.add(getMedCheckBox(), null); 208 this.add(getDegCheckBox(), null); 209 this.add(recLabel, null); 210 this.add(getRecmCheckBox(), null); 211 this.add(getRecwCheckBox(), null); 212 this.add(dLabel, null); 213 this.add(getWorkCheckBox(), null); 214 this.add(getElCheckBox(), null); 215 this.add(getStCheckBox(), null); 216 this.add(getNavCheckBox(), null); 217 this.add(provLabel, null); 218 this.add(getOilCheckBox(), null); 219 this.add(getDieselCheckBox(), null); 220 this.add(getWaterCheckBox(), null); 221 this.add(getProvCheckBox(), null); 222 this.add(getDeckCheckBox(), null); 223 this.add(getMCheckBox(), null); 224 this.add(getMmCheckBox(), null); 225 this.add(getImCheckBox(), null); 226 this.add(getBmCheckBox(), null); 227 } 228 229 /** 230 * This method initializes telCheckBox 231 * 232 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 233 */ 234 private TristateCheckBox getTelCheckBox() { 235 if (telCheckBox == null) { 236 telCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 237 telCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(30, 2, 70, 20)); 238 telCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 239 telCheckBox.setText("Telefon"); 240 } 241 return telCheckBox; 242 } 243 244 /** 245 * This method initializes faxCheckBox 246 * 247 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 248 */ 249 private TristateCheckBox getFaxCheckBox() { 250 if (faxCheckBox == null) { 251 faxCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 252 faxCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(98, 2, 70, 20)); 253 faxCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 254 faxCheckBox.setText("Fax"); 255 } 256 return faxCheckBox; 257 } 258 259 /** 260 * This method initializes radioCheckBox 261 * 262 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 263 */ 264 private TristateCheckBox getRadioCheckBox() { 265 if (radioCheckBox == null) { 266 radioCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 267 radioCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(170,2, 70, 20)); 268 radioCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 269 radioCheckBox.setText("Funk"); 270 } 271 return radioCheckBox; 272 } 273 274 /** 275 * This method initializes raTelCheckBox 276 * 277 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 278 */ 279 private TristateCheckBox getRaTelCheckBox() { 280 if (raTelCheckBox == null) { 281 raTelCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 282 raTelCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(240, 2, 89, 21)); 283 raTelCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 284 raTelCheckBox.setText("Funktelefon"); 285 } 286 return raTelCheckBox; 287 } 288 289 /** 290 * This method initializes opnvCheckBox 291 * 292 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 293 */ 294 private TristateCheckBox getOpnvCheckBox() { 295 if (opnvCheckBox == null) { 296 opnvCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 297 opnvCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(30, 26, 70, 20)); 298 opnvCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 299 opnvCheckBox.setText("OEPNV"); 300 } 301 return opnvCheckBox; 302 } 303 304 /** 305 * This method initializes railCheckBox 306 * 307 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 308 */ 309 private TristateCheckBox getRailCheckBox() { 310 if (railCheckBox == null) { 311 railCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 312 railCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(98, 26, 72, 20)); 313 railCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 314 railCheckBox.setText("Bahnhof"); 315 } 316 return railCheckBox; 317 } 318 319 /** 320 * This method initializes airCheckBox 321 * 322 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 323 */ 324 private TristateCheckBox getAirCheckBox() { 325 if (airCheckBox == null) { 326 airCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 327 airCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(240, 26, 89, 20)); 328 airCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 329 airCheckBox.setText("Flughafen"); 330 } 331 return airCheckBox; 332 } 333 334 /** 335 * This method initializes kaiCheckBox 336 * 337 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 338 */ 339 private TristateCheckBox getKaiCheckBox() { 340 if (kaiCheckBox == null) { 341 kaiCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 342 kaiCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, 65, 70, 20)); 343 kaiCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 344 kaiCheckBox.setText("Kai"); 345 } 346 return kaiCheckBox; 347 } 348 349 /** 350 * This method initializes ancCheckBox 351 * 352 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 353 */ 354 private TristateCheckBox getAncCheckBox() { 355 if (ancCheckBox == null) { 356 ancCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 357 ancCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 65, 70, 20)); 358 ancCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 359 ancCheckBox.setText("Anker"); 360 } 361 return ancCheckBox; 362 } 363 364 /** 365 * This method initializes slipCheckBox 366 * 367 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 368 */ 369 private TristateCheckBox getSlipCheckBox() { 370 if (slipCheckBox == null) { 371 slipCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 372 slipCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(247, 90, 78, 20)); 373 slipCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 374 slipCheckBox.setText("Schleppe"); 375 } 376 return slipCheckBox; 377 } 378 379 /** 380 * This method initializes hfCheckBox 381 * 382 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 383 */ 384 private JCheckBox getHfCheckBox() { 385 if (hfCheckBox == null) { 386 hfCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 387 hfCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(60, 108, 20, 20)); 388 } 389 return hfCheckBox; 390 } 391 392 /** 393 * This method initializes ffCheckBox 394 * 395 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 396 */ 397 private TristateCheckBox getFfCheckBox() { 398 if (ffCheckBox == null) { 399 ffCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 400 ffCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(110, 108, 20, 20)); 401 } 402 return ffCheckBox; 403 } 404 405 /** 406 * This method initializes zfCheckBox 407 * 408 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 409 */ 410 private TristateCheckBox getZfCheckBox() { 411 if (zfCheckBox == null) { 412 zfCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 413 zfCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 108, 20, 20)); 414 } 415 return zfCheckBox; 416 } 417 418 /** 419 * This method initializes nfCheckBox 420 * 421 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 422 */ 423 private TristateCheckBox getNfCheckBox() { 424 if (nfCheckBox == null) { 425 nfCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 426 nfCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(210, 108, 20, 20)); 427 } 428 return nfCheckBox; 429 } 430 431 /** 432 * This method initializes dockCheckBox 433 * 434 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 435 */ 436 private TristateCheckBox getDockCheckBox() { 437 if (dockCheckBox == null) { 438 dockCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 439 dockCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(247, 108, 78, 20)); 440 dockCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 441 dockCheckBox.setText("Dock"); 442 } 443 return dockCheckBox; 444 } 445 446 /** 447 * This method initializes hmCheckBox 448 * 449 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 450 */ 451 private TristateCheckBox getHmCheckBox() { 452 if (hmCheckBox == null) { 453 hmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 454 hmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(60, 124, 20, 20)); 455 } 456 return hmCheckBox; 457 } 458 459 /** 460 * This method initializes fmCheckBox 461 * 462 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 463 */ 464 private TristateCheckBox getFmCheckBox() { 465 if (fmCheckBox == null) { 466 fmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 467 fmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(110, 124, 20, 20)); 468 } 469 return fmCheckBox; 470 } 471 472 /** 473 * This method initializes zmCheckBox 474 * 475 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 476 */ 477 private TristateCheckBox getZmCheckBox() { 478 if (zmCheckBox == null) { 479 zmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 480 zmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 124, 20, 20)); 481 } 482 return zmCheckBox; 483 } 484 485 /** 486 * This method initializes nmCheckBox 487 * 488 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 489 */ 490 private TristateCheckBox getNmCheckBox() { 491 if (nmCheckBox == null) { 492 nmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 493 nmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(210, 124, 20, 20)); 494 } 495 return nmCheckBox; 496 } 497 498 /** 499 * This method initializes hsCheckBox 500 * 501 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 502 */ 503 private TristateCheckBox getHsCheckBox() { 504 if (hsCheckBox == null) { 505 hsCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 506 hsCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(60, 140, 20, 20)); 507 } 508 return hsCheckBox; 509 } 510 511 /** 512 * This method initializes fsCheckBox 513 * 514 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 515 */ 516 private TristateCheckBox getFsCheckBox() { 517 if (fsCheckBox == null) { 518 fsCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 519 fsCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(110, 140, 20, 20)); 520 } 521 return fsCheckBox; 522 } 523 524 /** 525 * This method initializes zsCheckBox 526 * 527 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 528 */ 529 private TristateCheckBox getZsCheckBox() { 530 if (zsCheckBox == null) { 531 zsCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 532 zsCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(160, 140, 21, 21)); 533 } 534 return zsCheckBox; 535 } 536 537 /** 538 * This method initializes nsCheckBox 539 * 540 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 541 */ 542 private TristateCheckBox getNsCheckBox() { 543 if (nsCheckBox == null) { 544 nsCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 545 nsCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(210, 140, 21, 21)); 546 } 547 return nsCheckBox; 548 } 549 550 /** 551 * This method initializes anbCheckBox 552 * 553 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 554 */ 555 private TristateCheckBox getAnbCheckBox() { 556 if (anbCheckBox == null) { 557 anbCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 558 anbCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(247, 124, 78, 20)); 559 anbCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 560 anbCheckBox.setText("Zug"); 561 } 562 return anbCheckBox; 563 } 564 565 /** 566 * This method initializes repCheckBox 567 * 568 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 569 */ 570 private TristateCheckBox getRepCheckBox() { 571 if (repCheckBox == null) { 572 repCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 573 repCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(247, 140, 82, 20)); 574 repCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 575 repCheckBox.setText("Reperatur"); 576 } 577 return repCheckBox; 578 } 579 580 /** 581 * This method initializes medCheckBox 582 * 583 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 584 */ 585 private TristateCheckBox getMedCheckBox() { 586 if (medCheckBox == null) { 587 medCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 588 medCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(42, 185, 66, 20)); 589 medCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 590 medCheckBox.setText("Medizin"); 591 } 592 return medCheckBox; 593 } 594 595 /** 596 * This method initializes degCheckBox 597 * 598 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 599 */ 600 private TristateCheckBox getDegCheckBox() { 601 if (degCheckBox == null) { 602 degCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 603 degCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(104, 185, 80, 20)); 604 degCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 605 degCheckBox.setText("Degauss"); 606 } 607 return degCheckBox; 608 } 609 610 /** 611 * This method initializes recmCheckBox 612 * 613 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 614 */ 615 private TristateCheckBox getRecmCheckBox() { 616 if (recmCheckBox == null) { 617 recmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 618 recmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(180, 185, 55, 20)); 619 recmCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 620 recmCheckBox.setText("Muell"); // waste 621 } 622 return recmCheckBox; 623 } 624 625 /** 626 * This method initializes recwCheckBox 627 * 628 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 629 */ 630 private TristateCheckBox getRecwCheckBox() { 631 if (recwCheckBox == null) { 632 recwCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 633 recwCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(244, 185, 65, 20)); 634 recwCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 635 recwCheckBox.setText("Ballast"); 636 } 637 return recwCheckBox; 638 } 639 640 /** 641 * This method initializes workCheckBox 642 * 643 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 644 */ 645 private TristateCheckBox getWorkCheckBox() { 646 if (workCheckBox == null) { 647 workCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 648 workCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(42, 205, 66, 20)); 649 workCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 650 workCheckBox.setText("Arbeit"); 651 } 652 return workCheckBox; 653 } 654 655 /** 656 * This method initializes elCheckBox 657 * 658 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 659 */ 660 private TristateCheckBox getElCheckBox() { 661 if (elCheckBox == null) { 662 elCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 663 elCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(104, 205, 80, 20)); 664 elCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 665 elCheckBox.setText("Elektrik"); 666 } 667 return elCheckBox; 668 } 669 670 /** 671 * This method initializes stCheckBox 672 * 673 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 674 */ 675 private TristateCheckBox getStCheckBox() { 676 if (stCheckBox == null) { 677 stCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 678 stCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(180, 205, 62, 20)); 679 stCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 680 stCheckBox.setText("Dampf"); 681 } 682 return stCheckBox; 683 } 684 685 /** 686 * This method initializes navCheckBox 687 * 688 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 689 */ 690 private TristateCheckBox getNavCheckBox() { 691 if (navCheckBox == null) { 692 navCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 693 navCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(244, 205, 83, 20)); 694 navCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 695 navCheckBox.setText("Navigation"); 696 } 697 return navCheckBox; 698 } 699 700 /** 701 * This method initializes oilCheckBox 702 * 703 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 704 */ 705 private TristateCheckBox getOilCheckBox() { 706 if (oilCheckBox == null) { 707 oilCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 708 oilCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(42, 225, 60, 20)); 709 oilCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 710 oilCheckBox.setText("Oel"); 711 } 712 return oilCheckBox; 713 } 714 715 /** 716 * This method initializes dieselCheckBox 717 * 718 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 719 */ 720 private TristateCheckBox getDieselCheckBox() { 721 if (dieselCheckBox == null) { 722 dieselCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 723 dieselCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(104, 225, 80, 20)); 724 dieselCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 725 dieselCheckBox.setText("Diesel"); 726 } 727 return dieselCheckBox; 728 } 729 730 /** 731 * This method initializes waterCheckBox 732 * 733 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 734 */ 735 private TristateCheckBox getWaterCheckBox() { 736 if (waterCheckBox == null) { 737 waterCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 738 waterCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(180, 225, 68 739 , 20)); 740 waterCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 741 waterCheckBox.setText("Wasser"); 742 } 743 return waterCheckBox; 744 } 745 746 /** 747 * This method initializes provCheckBox 748 * 749 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 750 */ 751 private TristateCheckBox getProvCheckBox() { 752 if (provCheckBox == null) { 753 provCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 754 provCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(244, 225, 83, 20)); 755 provCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 756 provCheckBox.setText("Proviant"); 757 } 758 return provCheckBox; 759 } 760 761 /** 762 * This method initializes deckCheckBox 763 * 764 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 765 */ 766 private TristateCheckBox getDeckCheckBox() { 767 if (deckCheckBox == null) { 768 deckCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 769 deckCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(42, 245, 60, 20)); 770 deckCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 771 deckCheckBox.setText("Deck"); 772 } 773 return deckCheckBox; 774 } 775 776 /** 777 * This method initializes mCheckBox 778 * 779 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 780 */ 781 private TristateCheckBox getMCheckBox() { 782 if (mCheckBox == null) { 783 mCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 784 mCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(104, 245, 80, 20)); 785 mCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 786 mCheckBox.setText("Maschine"); 787 } 788 return mCheckBox; 789 } 790 791 /** 792 * This method initializes mmCheckBox 793 * 794 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 795 */ 796 private TristateCheckBox getMmCheckBox() { 797 if (mmCheckBox == null) { 798 mmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 799 mmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(145, 65, 55, 20)); 800 mmCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 801 mmCheckBox.setText("Med."); 802 } 803 return mmCheckBox; 804 } 805 806 /** 807 * This method initializes imCheckBox 808 * 809 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 810 */ 811 private TristateCheckBox getImCheckBox() { 812 if (imCheckBox == null) { 813 imCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 814 imCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(200, 65, 55, 20)); 815 imCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 816 imCheckBox.setText("Ice"); 817 } 818 return imCheckBox; 819 } 820 821 /** 822 * This method initializes bmCheckBox 823 * 824 * @return javax.swing.JCheckBox 825 */ 826 private TristateCheckBox getBmCheckBox() { 827 if (bmCheckBox == null) { 828 bmCheckBox = new TristateCheckBox(); 829 bmCheckBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(255, 65, 60, 20)); 830 bmCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 831 bmCheckBox.setText("Beach"); 832 } 833 return bmCheckBox; 38 834 } 39 835 -
r24460 r24540 98 98 tieLabel.setText("Ankerplatz"); 99 99 chLabel = new JLabel(); 100 chLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 25, 7 5, 15));100 chLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 25, 70, 15)); 101 101 chLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 102 102 chLabel.setText("Fahrwasser"); -
r24428 r24540 33 33 private TristateDecorator model; 34 34 35 Icon d = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/qm.png")); 36 Icon s = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/cm.png")); 37 Icon n = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/xm.png")); 35 Icon d = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/qm_12x12.png")); 36 Icon s = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/cm_12x12.png")); 37 Icon n = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/xm_12x12.png")); 38 38 39 39 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
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