2010-10-13T19:05:12+02:00 (14 years ago)

Fixed #5522 - Plug-in turn restriction is adding the wrong part of a splitted "to"-way to the relation
Changed the expression "OSM way", "OSM node", and "OSM relation" to "way", "node", and "relation" respectively. Translators should follow up and fix the translations in Launchpad.

6 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/TurnRestrictionBuilder.java

    r23571 r23593  
    11package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions;
     3import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder.determineWayJoinOrientation;
     4import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder.isEndNode;
     5import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder.isStartNode;
    37import java.util.ArrayList;
    59import java.util.HashSet;
    610import java.util.List;
     11import java.util.Set;
    813import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;
    1217import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
    1318import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer;
     19import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.TurnRestrictionLegRole;
    1420import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.TurnRestrictionType;
    1521import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
    2228 */
    2329public class TurnRestrictionBuilder {
     31        /**
     32         * Replies the angle phi in the polar coordinates (r,phi) representing the first
     33         * segment of the way {@code w}, where w is moved such that the start node of {@code w} is
     34         * in the origin (0,0).
     35         * 
     36         * @param w the way.  Must not be null. At least two nodes required.
     37         * @return phi in the polar coordinates
     38         * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if w is null
     39         * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if w is too short (at least two nodes required)
     40         */
     41    static public double phi(Way w) throws IllegalArgumentException{
     42        return phi(w, false /* not inverse */);
     43    }
     45    /**
     46     * <p>Replies the angle phi in the polar coordinates (r,phi) representing the first
     47         * segment of the way {@code w}, where w is moved such that the start node of {@code w} is
     48         * in the origin (0,0).</p>
     49         *
     50         * <p>If {@code doInvert} is true, computes phi for the way in reversed direction.</p>
     51         *
     52         * @param w the way.  Must not be null. At least two nodes required.
     53         * @param doInvert if true, computes phi for the reversed way
     54         * @return phi in the polar coordinates
     55         * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if w is null
     56         * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if w is too short (at least two nodes required)
     57     */
     58    static public double phi(Way w, boolean doInvert) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     59        CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(w, "w");
     60        if (w.getNodesCount() < 2) {
     61                throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't compute phi for way with less than 2 nodes");
     62        }
     63        List<Node> nodes = w.getNodes();
     64        if (doInvert) Collections.reverse(nodes);
     65        Node n0 = nodes.get(0);
     66        Node n1 = nodes.get(1);
     68        double x = n1.getCoor().getX() - n0.getCoor().getX();
     69        double y = n1.getCoor().getY() - n0.getCoor().getY();
     70        return Math.atan2(y, x);       
     71    }   
     73    /**
     74     * Replies the unique common node of two ways, or null, if either no
     75     * such node or multiple common nodes exist.
     76     *
     77     * @param w1 the first way
     78     * @param w2 the second way
     79     * @return the common node or null, if w1 is null, or if w2 is null or if
     80     * w1 and w2 don't share exactly one node
     81     */
     82    static public Node getUniqueCommonNode(Way w1, Way w2) throws IllegalArgumentException{
     83        Set<Node> w1Nodes = new HashSet<Node>(w1.getNodes());
     84        w1Nodes.retainAll(w2.getNodes());
     85        if (w1Nodes.size() != 1) return null;
     86        return w1Nodes.iterator().next();
     87    }   
     89    /**
     90     * Replies true, if {@code n} is the start node of the way {@code w}.
     91     *
     92     * @param w the way. Must not be null.
     93     * @param n the node. Must not be null.
     94     * @return true, if {@code n} is the start node of the way {@code w}.
     95     */
     96    static public boolean isStartNode(Way w, Node n) {
     97        if (w.getNodesCount() == 0) return false;
     98        return w.getNode(0).equals(n);
     99    }
     101    /**
     102     * Replies true, if {@code n} is the end node of the way {@code w}.
     103     *
     104     * @param w the way. Must not be null.
     105     * @param n the node. Must not be null.
     106     * @return true, if {@code n} is the end node of the way {@code w}.
     107     */
     108    static public boolean isEndNode(Way w, Node n){
     109        if (w.getNodesCount() == 0) return false;
     110        return w.getNode(w.getNodesCount()-1).equals(n);
     111    }
     113    /**
     114     * Replies true, if {@code n} is a node in the way {@code w} but {@code n}
     115     * is neither the start nor the end node.
     116     *
     117     * @param w the way
     118     * @param n the node
     119     * @return true if {@code n} is an "inner" node
     120     */
     121    static public boolean isInnerNode(Way w, Node n){
     122        if (!w.getNodes().contains(n)) return false;
     123        if (isStartNode(w, n)) return false;
     124        if (isEndNode(w, n)) return false;
     125        return true;           
     126    }
     128    /**
     129     * <p>Replies the angle at which way {@code from} and {@code to} are connected
     130     * at exactly one common node.</p>
     131     *
     132     * <p>If the result is positive, the way {@code from} bends to the right, if it
     133     * is negative, the {@code to} bends to the left.</p>
     134     *
     135     * <p>The two ways must not be null and they must be connected at exactly one
     136     * common node. They must <strong>not intersect</code> at this node.</p>.
     137     *
     138     * @param from the from way
     139     * @param to the to way
     140     * @return the intersection angle
     141     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the two nodes don't have exactly one common
     142     * node at which they are connected
     143     *
     144     */
     145    static public double interesectionAngle(Way from, Way to) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     146            Node via = getUniqueCommonNode(from, to);
     147            if (via == null)
     148                throw new IllegalArgumentException("the two ways must share exactly one common node"); // no I18n required
     149            if (!isStartNode(from, via) && ! isEndNode(from, via))
     150                throw new IllegalArgumentException("via node must be start or end node of from-way"); // no I18n required
     151            if (!isStartNode(to, via) && ! isEndNode(to, via))
     152                throw new IllegalArgumentException("via node must be start or end node of to-way"); // no I18n required
     153            double phi1 = phi(from, isStartNode(from, via));
     154            double phi2 = phi(to, isEndNode(to, via));         
     155                return phi1 - phi2;
     156    }   
     158    static public enum RelativeWayJoinOrientation {
     159        LEFT,
     160        RIGHT
     161    }
     162    /**
     163     * <p>Determines the orientation in which two ways {@code from} and {@code to}
     164     * are connected, with respect to the direction of the way {@code from}.</p>
     165     *
     166     * <p>The following preconditions must be met:
     167     *   <ul>
     168     *     <li>{@code from} and {@code to} must not be null</li>
     169     *     <li>they must have exactly one common node <em>n</em> </li>
     170     *     <li><em>n</em> must occur exactly once in {@code from} and {@code to}, i.e. the
     171     *     two ways must not be closed at <em>n</em></li>
     172     *     <li><em>n</em> must be the start or the end node of both ways </li>
     173     *   </ul>
     174     * </p>
     175     *
     176     * <p>Here's a typical configuration:</p>
     177     * <pre>
     178     *          to1             to2
     179     *      -------------> o -------------->
     180     *                     ^
     181     *                     | from
     182     *                     |
     183     * </pre>
     184     *
     185     * <p>Replies null, if the preconditions aren't met and the method fails to
     186     *  determine the join orientation.</p>
     187     *
     188     * @param from the "from"-way
     189     * @param to the "to"-way
     190     * @return the join orientation or null, if the method fails to compute the
     191     * join orientation
     192     */
     193    public static RelativeWayJoinOrientation determineWayJoinOrientation(Way from, Way to){
     194        Node via = getUniqueCommonNode(from, to);
     195        if (via == null) return null;
     196        if (!isConnectingNode(from, to, via)) return null;
     197        // if either w1 or w2 are closed at the via node, we can't determine automatically
     198        // whether the connection at "via" is a "left turn" or a "right turn"
     199        if (isClosedAt(from, via)) return null;
     200        if (isClosedAt(to, via)) return null;
     202        double phi = interesectionAngle(from, to);     
     203        if (phi >=0 && phi <= Math.PI) {
     204                return RelativeWayJoinOrientation.RIGHT;
     205        } else {
     206                return RelativeWayJoinOrientation.LEFT;
     207        }
     208    }
     210    /**
     211     * <p>Selects either of the two ways resulting from the split of a way
     212     * in the role {@link TurnRestrictionLegRole#TO TO}.</p>
     213     *
     214     * <p>This methods operates on three ways for which the following
     215     * preconditions must be met:
     216     * <ul>
     217     *   <li>{@code t1} and {@code t2} are connected at a common node <em>n</em></li>
     218     *   <li>{@code from} is also connected to the node <em>n</em>. <em>n</em> occurs
     219     *   exactly once in {@code from} and is either the start or the end node of {@code from}.</li>
     220     * </ul>
     221     * </p>
     222     *
     223     * <p>Here's a typical configuration:</p>
     224     * <pre>
     225     *          to1             to2
     226     *      -------------> o -------------->
     227     *                     ^
     228     *                     | from
     229     *                     |
     230     * </pre>
     231     *
     232     * <p>Depending on {@code restrictionType}, this method either returns {@code to1}
     233     * or {@code to2}. If {@code restrictionType} indicates that our context is a
     234     * "left turn", {@code to1} is replied. If our context is a "right turn", {@code to2}
     235     * is returned.</p>
     236     *
     237     * <p>Replies null, if the expected preconditions aren't met or if we can't infer
     238     * from {@code restrictionType} whether our context is a "left turn" or a "right turn".</p>
     239     *
     240     * @param from the from-way
     241     * @param to1 the first part of the split to-way
     242     * @param to2 the second part of the split to-way
     243     * @param restrictionType the restriction type
     244     * @return either {@code to1}, {@code to2}, or {@code null}.
     245     */
     246    static public Way selectToWayAfterSplit(Way from, Way to1, Way to2, TurnRestrictionType restrictionType){
     247        if (restrictionType == null) return null;
     248        Node cn1 = TurnRestrictionBuilder.getUniqueCommonNode(from, to1);
     249        if (cn1 == null) return null;
     250        Node cn2 = TurnRestrictionBuilder.getUniqueCommonNode(from, to2);
     251        if (cn2 == null) return null;
     252        if (cn1 != cn2) return null;           
     254        if (! isStartNode(from, cn1) && ! isEndNode(from, cn1)) {
     255                /*
     256                 * the now split to-way still *interesects* the from-way. We
     257                 * can't adjust the split decisions.
     258                 */
     259                return null;
     260        }
     262        RelativeWayJoinOrientation o1 = determineWayJoinOrientation(from, to1);
     263        RelativeWayJoinOrientation o2 = determineWayJoinOrientation(from, to2);
     265        switch(restrictionType){
     266        case NO_LEFT_TURN:
     267        case ONLY_LEFT_TURN:
     268                if (RelativeWayJoinOrientation.LEFT.equals(o1)) return to1;
     269                else if (RelativeWayJoinOrientation.LEFT.equals(o2)) return to2;
     270                else return null;
     272        case NO_RIGHT_TURN:
     273        case ONLY_RIGHT_TURN:
     274                if (RelativeWayJoinOrientation.RIGHT.equals(o1)) return to1;
     275                else if (RelativeWayJoinOrientation.RIGHT.equals(o2)) return to2;
     276                else return null;
     278        default:
     279                 /*
     280                  * For restriction types like NO_U_TURN, NO_STRAIGHT_ON, etc. we
     281                  * can select a "left" or "right" way after splitting.
     282                  */
     283                return null;
     284        }
     285    }
    25287    public TurnRestrictionBuilder(){
    75337    /**
    76      * Replies the unique common node of two ways, or null, if either no
    77      * such node or multiple common nodes exist.
    78      *
    79      * @param w1 the first way
    80      * @param w2 the second way
    81      * @return the common node
    82      */
    83     protected Node getUniqueCommonNode(Way w1, Way w2){
    84         List<Node> w1Nodes = w1.getNodes();
    85         w1Nodes.retainAll(w2.getNodes());
    86         if (w1Nodes.size() != 1) return null;
    87         return w1Nodes.get(0);
    88     }   
    90     /**
    91      * Replies true, if {@code n} is the start node of the way {@code w}.
    92      *
    93      * @param w the way
    94      * @param n the node
    95      * @return true, if {@code n} is the start node of the way {@code w}.
    96      */
    97     protected boolean isStartNode(Way w, Node n) {
    98         if (w.getNodesCount() == 0) return false;
    99         return w.getNode(0).equals(n);
    100     }
    103     /**
    104      * Replies true, if {@code n} is the end node of the way {@code w}.
    105      *
    106      * @param w the way
    107      * @param n the node
    108      * @return true, if {@code n} is the end node of the way {@code w}.
    109      */
    110     protected boolean isEndNode(Way w, Node n){
    111         if (w.getNodesCount() == 0) return false;
    112         return w.getNode(w.getNodesCount()-1).equals(n);
    113     }
    115     /**
    116338     * <p>Replies true, if the ways {@code w1} and {@code w2} are connected
    117339     * at the node {@code n}.</p>
    125347     * @return
    126348     */
    127     protected boolean isConnectingNode(Way w1, Way w2, Node n){
     349    public static boolean isConnectingNode(Way w1, Way w2, Node n){
    128350        if (isStartNode(w1, n)) {
    129351                return isStartNode(w2, n)  | isEndNode(w2, n);
    141363     * @return true, if the way {@code w} is closed at the node {@code n}.
    142364     */
    143     protected boolean isClosedAt(Way w, Node n){
     365    public static boolean isClosedAt(Way w, Node n){
    144366        List<Node> nodes = w.getNodes();
    145367        nodes.retainAll(Collections.singletonList(n));
    146368        return nodes.size() >= 2;
    147369    }
    149     protected double phi(Way w) {
    150         return phi(w, false /* not inverse */);
    151     }
    153     protected double phi(Way w, boolean doInvert) {
    154         double x1 = w.getNode(0).getCoor().getX();
    155         double y1 = w.getNode(0).getCoor().getY();
    156         double x2 = w.getNode(w.getNodesCount()-1).getCoor().getX();
    157         double y2 = w.getNode(w.getNodesCount()-1).getCoor().getY();
    158         if (doInvert){
    159                 double t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t;
    160                 t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t;
    161         }
    162         x2-=x1;
    163         y2-=y1;
    164         return phi(x2,y2);     
    165     }
    167     protected double phi(double x, double y) {
    168         return Math.atan2(y, x);
    169     }   
    171     /**
    172      * <p>Determines the standard turn restriction between from way {@code w1} to
    173      * way {@code w2}.</p>
    174      *
    175      * <p>Replies {@link TurnRestrictionType#NO_LEFT_TURN no_left_turn} or
    176      * {@link TurnRestrictionType#NO_RIGHT_TURN no_right_turn}, if applicable. Or
    177      * null, if neither of these restrictions is applicable, for instance because
    178      * the passed in via node {@code via} isn't a node where the two ways are
    179      * connected.</p>
    180      *
    181      * @param w1 the "from"-way
    182      * @param w2 the "to"-way
    183      * @param via the via node
    184      * @return an applicable turn restriction, or null, if no turn restriction is
    185      * applicable
    186      */
    187     protected String determineRestriction(Way w1, Way w2, Node via){
    188         if (via == null) return null;
    189         if (!isConnectingNode(w1, w2, via)) return null;
    190         // if either w1 or w2 are closed at the via node, we can't determine automatically
    191         // whether the connection at "via" is a "left turn" or a "right turn"
    192         if (isClosedAt(w1, via)) return null;
    193         if (isClosedAt(w2, via)) return null;
    195         double phi1 = 0, phi2 = 0;
    196         if (isEndNode(w1, via)){
    197                 if (isStartNode(w2, via)) {
    198                         phi1 = phi(w1);
    199                         phi2 = phi(w2);
    200                 } else if (isEndNode(w2, via)){
    201                         phi1 = phi(w1);
    202                         phi2 = phi(w2, true /* reverse it */);
    203                 } else {
    204                         assert false: "Unexpected state: via node is expected to be a start or and end node";
    205                 }                       
    206         } else if (isStartNode(w1,via)) {
    207                 if (isStartNode(w2, via)) {
    208                         phi1 = phi(w1, true /* reverse it */);
    209                         phi2 = phi(w2);
    210                 } else if (isEndNode(w2, via)){
    211                         phi1 = phi(w1, true /* reverse it */);
    212                         phi2 = phi(w2, true /* reverse it */);
    213                 } else {
    214                         assert false: "Unexpected state: via node is expected to be a start or and end node";
    215                 }           
    216         } else {
    217                 assert false: "Unexpected state: via node is expected to be a start or and end node of w1";             
    218         }
    220         double phi = phi1-phi2;
    221         if (phi >=0 && phi <= Math.PI) {
    222                 // looks like a right turn 
    223                 return TurnRestrictionType.NO_RIGHT_TURN.getTagValue();
    224         } else {
    225                 // looks like a left turn
    226                 return TurnRestrictionType.NO_LEFT_TURN.getTagValue();
    227         }
    228     }
    230371    protected Relation initTurnRestrictionFromTwoWays(List<OsmPrimitive> primitives) {
    231372        Way w1 = null;
    273414        if (via != null){
    274415                tr.addMember(new RelationMember("via", via));
    275                 String restriction = determineRestriction(w1, w2, via);
    276                 if (restriction != null){
    277                         tr.put("restriction", restriction);
     416                RelativeWayJoinOrientation orientation = determineWayJoinOrientation(w1, w2);
     417                if (orientation != null){
     418                        switch(orientation){
     419                        case LEFT:
     420                                tr.put("restriction", TurnRestrictionType.NO_LEFT_TURN.getTagValue());
     421                                break;
     422                        case RIGHT:
     423                                tr.put("restriction", TurnRestrictionType.NO_RIGHT_TURN.getTagValue());
     424                                break;                                 
     425                        }
    278426                }
    279427        }
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/qa/IdenticalTurnRestrictionLegsError.java

    r23192 r23593  
    2727    @Override
    2828    public String getText() {       
    29         return tr("This turn restriction uses the OSM way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>from</tt> <strong>and</strong> with role <tt>to</tt>. "
     29        return tr("This turn restriction uses the way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>from</tt> <strong>and</strong> with role <tt>to</tt>. "
    3030                + "In a turn restriction, the way with role <tt>from</tt> should be different from the way with role <tt>to</tt>, though.",
    3131                leg.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance())
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/qa/IssuesModel.java

    r23571 r23593  
    11package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.qa;
     3import static org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder.isInnerNode;
    35import java.util.ArrayList;
    46import java.util.Collections;
    5 import java.util.HashSet;
    67import java.util.List;
    78import java.util.Observable;
    1415import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TagEditorModel;
    1516import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TagModel;
     17import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder;
    1618import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.ExceptValueModel;
    1719import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.NavigationControler;
    190192    }
    192     protected Node getNodeAtIntersection(Way from, Way to){
    193         Set<Node> fromNodes = new HashSet<Node>(from.getNodes());
    194         fromNodes.retainAll(to.getNodes());
    195         if (fromNodes.size() == 1){
    196             return fromNodes.iterator().next();
    197         } else {
    198             return null;
    199         }
    200     }
    202194    /**
    203195     * Checks the 'via' members in the turn restriction
    215207        Way from = (Way)fromLegs.iterator().next();
    216208        Way to = (Way)toLegs.iterator().next();
    217         Node intersect = getNodeAtIntersection(from, to);
     209        Node intersect = TurnRestrictionBuilder.getUniqueCommonNode(from, to);       
    218210        if (intersect != null){
    219211            if (!editorModel.getVias().contains(intersect)) {
    220212                issues.add(new IntersectionMissingAsViaError(this, from, to, intersect));
    221213            }
    222             // 'from' intersects with 'to' - should be split 
    223             if (from.getNode(0) != intersect && from.getNode(from.getNodesCount()-1) != intersect){
    224                 issues.add(new TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(this, TurnRestrictionLegRole.FROM, from, to, intersect));
    225             }
    226             // 'to' intersects with 'from' - should be split
    227             if (to.getNode(0) != intersect && to.getNode(to.getNodesCount()-1) != intersect){
    228                 issues.add(new TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(this, TurnRestrictionLegRole.TO, from, to, intersect));
    229             }                 
     214                if (isInnerNode(from, intersect) && isInnerNode(to, intersect)) {
     215                        issues.add(new TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(this, from, to));
     216                } else if (isInnerNode(from, intersect) && ! isInnerNode(to, intersect)) {
     217                        issues.add(new TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(this, TurnRestrictionLegRole.FROM, from, to, intersect));
     218                } else if (!isInnerNode(from, intersect) && isInnerNode(to, intersect)) {
     219                        issues.add(new TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(this, TurnRestrictionLegRole.TO, from, to, intersect));
     220                }
    230221        } else {
    231222                if (editorModel.getVias().isEmpty() && ! from.equals(to)){
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/qa/MissingTurnRestrictionLegError.java

    r23192 r23593  
    3434        switch(role){
    3535        case FROM:
    36             msg = tr("An OSM way with role <tt>from</tt> is required in a turn restriction.");
     36            msg = tr("A way with role <tt>from</tt> is required in a turn restriction.");
    3737            break;
    3838        case TO:
    39             msg = tr("An OSM way with role <tt>to</tt> is required in a turn restriction.");
     39            msg = tr("A way with role <tt>to</tt> is required in a turn restriction.");
    4040            break;
    4141        }
    42         msg += " " + tr("Please go to the Basic editor and manually choose an OSM way.");
     42        msg += " " + tr("Please go to the Basic editor and manually choose a way.");
    4343        return msg;
    4444    }
    4949            switch(role){
    5050            case FROM:
    51                 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Add an OSM way with role ''from''"));
     51                putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Add a way with role ''from''"));
    5252                break;
    5353            case TO:
    54                 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Add an OSM way with role ''to''"));
     54                putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Add a way with role ''to''"));
    5555                break;             
    5656            }           
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/qa/TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError.java

    r23192 r23593  
    55import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
     6import java.util.Arrays;
    67import java.util.Collections;
     8import java.util.logging.Logger;
    810import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    1517import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
    1618import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.DefaultNameFormatter;
     19import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.TurnRestrictionBuilder;
    1720import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.TurnRestrictionLegRole;
     21import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.turnrestrictions.editor.TurnRestrictionType;
     22import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
    2328 */
    2429public class TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError extends Issue{
     30        static private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError.class.getName());
    2532    private TurnRestrictionLegRole role;
    2633    private Way from;
    2734    private Way to;
    28     private Node interesect;
     35    private Node intersect;
     37    /**
     38     * <p>Creates the issue for a pair of ways {@code from} and {@code to} which interesect
     39     * at node {@code intersect}.</p>
     40     *
     41     * @param parent the parent model
     42     * @param from the way with role "from"
     43     * @param to the way with role "to"
     44     * @param intersect the intersection node
     45     */
     46    public TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(IssuesModel parent, Way from, Way to){
     47        super(parent, Severity.ERROR);
     48        CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(from, "from");
     49        CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(to, "to");
     51        intersect= TurnRestrictionBuilder.getUniqueCommonNode(from, to);
     52        if (intersect == null)
     53                throw new IllegalArgumentException("exactly one intersecting node required");
     55        this.from = from;
     56        this.to = to;
     57        this.role = null;
     58        actions.add(new SplitAction());
     59    }
    3061    /**
    3566     * @param from the way with role 'from'
    3667     * @param to the way with role 'to'
    37      * @param interesect the node at the intersection
     68     * @param intersect the node at the intersection
    3869     */
    3970    public TurnRestrictionLegSplitRequiredError(IssuesModel parent, TurnRestrictionLegRole role, Way from, Way to, Node intersect) {
    4273        this.from = from;
    4374        this.to = to;
    44         this.interesect = intersect;
     75        this.intersect = intersect;
    4576        actions.add(new SplitAction());
    4677    }
    4980    public String getText() {
    5081        String msg = null;
     82        if (role == null){
     83                /*
     84                 * from and to intersect at a common node. Both have to be split.
     85                 */
     86                return tr("The way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>from</tt> and the "
     87                                + "way <span class=\"object-name\">{1}</span> with role <tt>to</tt> intersect "                         
     88                                + "at node <span class=\"object-name\">{2}</span>. "
     89                                + "<p> "
     90                                + "Both ways should be split at the intersecting node.",
     91                    from.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
     92                    to.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
     93                    intersect.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance())
     94                );
     95        }
    5196        switch(role){
    5297        case FROM:
    53             msg = tr("The OSM way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>{1}</tt> should be split "
     98                /*
     99                 * "to" joins "from" at a common node. Only from has to be split
     100                 */
     101            msg = tr("The way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>{1}</tt> should be split "
    54102                + "at node <span class=\"object-name\">{2}</span> where it connects to way <span class=\"object-name\">{3}</span>.",
    55103                from.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    56104                role.getOsmRole(),
    57                 interesect.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
     105                intersect.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    58106                to.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance())
    59107            );
    60108            break;
    61109        case TO:
    62             msg = tr("The OSM way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>{1}</tt> should be split "
     110                /*
     111                 * "from" joins "to" at a common node. Only to has to be split
     112                 */
     113            msg = tr("The way <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> with role <tt>{1}</tt> should be split "
    63114                    + "at node <span class=\"object-name\">{2}</span> where it connects to way <span class=\"object-name\">{3}</span>.",
    64115                    to.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    65116                    role.getOsmRole(),
    66                     interesect.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
     117                    intersect.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    67118                    from.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance())
    68119                );
    75126        public SplitAction() {
    76127            putValue(NAME, tr("Split now"));
    77             putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Splits the way"));
     128            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Split the ways"));
    78129        }
    79131        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    80             Way way = null;
    81             switch(role){
    82             case FROM: way = from; break;
    83             case TO: way = to; break;
     133                SplitWayResult result = null;
     134            if (role == null || role.equals(TurnRestrictionLegRole.FROM)){
     135                  result = SplitWayAction.split(
     136                          parent.getEditorModel().getLayer(),
     137                          from,
     138                          Collections.singletonList(intersect),
     139                          Collections.<OsmPrimitive>emptyList()
     140                  );
     141                  if (result != null){
     142                      Main.main.undoRedo.add(result.getCommand());
     143                  }
    84144            }
    85             SplitWayResult result = SplitWayAction.split(
    86                     parent.getEditorModel().getLayer(),
    87                     way,
    88                     Collections.singletonList(interesect),
    89                     Collections.<OsmPrimitive>emptyList()
    90             );
    91             if (result != null){
    92                 Main.main.undoRedo.add(result.getCommand());
    93             }
     146            if (role == null || role.equals(TurnRestrictionLegRole.TO)) {
     147                result = SplitWayAction.split(
     148                        parent.getEditorModel().getLayer(),
     149                        to,
     150                        Collections.singletonList(intersect),
     151                        Collections.<OsmPrimitive>emptyList()
     152                );
     153                if (result != null){
     154                    Main.main.undoRedo.add(result.getCommand());
     155                }
     156                if (result == null) return;
     157                        TurnRestrictionType restrictionType = TurnRestrictionType.fromTagValue(getIssuesModel().getEditorModel().getRestrictionTagValue());
     158                    if (restrictionType == null) return;
     159                    Way adjustedTo = TurnRestrictionBuilder.selectToWayAfterSplit(
     160                                 from,
     161                                 result.getOriginalWay(),
     162                                 result.getNewWays().get(0),
     163                                 restrictionType
     164                    );
     166                    if (adjustedTo == null) return;
     167                    getIssuesModel().getEditorModel().setTurnRestrictionLeg(
     168                                 TurnRestrictionLegRole.TO,
     169                                 adjustedTo
     170                    );       
     171                    getIssuesModel().getEditorModel().getLayer().data.setSelected(
     172                                 Arrays.asList(from, adjustedTo)
     173                     );
     174            } else {
     175                    getIssuesModel().getEditorModel().getLayer().data.setSelected(
     176                                 Arrays.asList(from, to)
     177                     );                 
     178            }           
    94179        }
    95180    }
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/turnrestrictions/qa/WrongTurnRestrictionLegTypeError.java

    r23192 r23593  
    4343        case NODE:
    4444            msg = tr(
    45                 "This turn restriction uses the OSM node <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> as member with role <tt>{1}</tt>.",
     45                "This turn restriction uses the node <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> as member with role <tt>{1}</tt>.",
    4646                leg.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    4747                role.toString()
    4949            break;
    5050        case RELATION:
    51             msg = tr("This turn restriction uses the OSM relation <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> as member with role <tt>{1}</tt>.",
     51            msg = tr("This turn restriction uses the relation <span class=\"object-name\">{0}</span> as member with role <tt>{1}</tt>.",
    5252                    leg.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()),
    5353                    role.toString()
    5555            break;         
    5656        }
    57         return msg + " " + tr("An OSM way is required instead.");
     57        return msg + " " + tr("A way is required instead.");
    5858    }
    7979        public FixInEditorAction() {
    8080            putValue(NAME, tr("Fix in editor"));
    81             putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Change to the Basic Editor and select an OSM way"));
     81            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Change to the Basic Editor and select a way"));
    8282        }
    8383        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.