Changeset 19112 in josm for trunk

2024-06-18T20:31:36+02:00 (3 months ago)

javadoc fixes

23 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r19078 r19112  
    136136     * <p>
    137137     * Case 1: One unclosed way.
    138      * --&gt; allow action, and align selected way nodes
     138     * allow action, and align selected way nodes
    139139     * If nodes contained by this way are selected, there are fix.
    140140     * If nodes outside from the way are selected there are ignored.
    141141     * <p>
    142142     * Case 2: One or more ways are selected and can be joined into a polygon
    143      * --&gt; allow action, and align selected ways nodes
     143     * allow action, and align selected ways nodes
    144144     * If 1 node outside of way is selected, it became center
    145145     * If 1 node outside and 1 node inside are selected there define center and radius
    150150     * <p>
    151151     * Case 3: Only nodes are selected
    152      * --&gt; Align these nodes, all are fix
     152     * Align these nodes, all are fix
    153153     * <p>
    154154     * Case 4: Circularize selected ways
    155      * --&gt; Circularize each way of the selection.
     155     * Circularize each way of the selection.
    156156     * @param ds data set in which the command operates
    157157     * @return the resulting command to execute to perform action, or null if nothing was changed
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/

    r18591 r19112  
    380380    /**
    381      * Set the layer for use with {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.geoimage.ImageViewerDialog#displayImages(Layer, List)}
     381     * Set the layer for use with {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.geoimage.ImageViewerDialog#displayImages(List)}
    382382     * @param layer The layer to use for organization
    383383     * @since 18591
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/vectortile/mapbox/style/

    r19080 r19112  
    252252    /**
    253      * Get the generated layer->style mapping
     253     * Get the generated layer → style mapping
    254254     * @return The mapping (use to enable/disable a paint style)
    255255     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/preferences/

    r12620 r19112  
    5757    /**
    5858     * Return s new BasicStroke object with given thickness and style
    59      * @param code = 3.5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
     59     * @param code = 3.5 → thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 → thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
    6060     * @return stroke for drawing
    6161     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/preferences/sources/

    r12825 r19112  
    157157    /**
    158158     * Extracts file part from url, e.g.:
    159      * <code> --&gt; file.xml</code>
     159     * <code> file.xml</code>
    160160     * @return The filename part of the URL
    161161     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/

    r12161 r19112  
    2222     * Create a new {@link ShiftedProjecting}
    2323     * @param base The base to use
    24      * @param offset The offset to move base. Subtracted when converting lat/lon-&gt;east/north.
     24     * @param offset The offset to move base. Subtracted when converting lat/lon → east/north.
    2525     */
    2626    public ShiftedProjecting(Projecting base, EastNorth offset) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r14302 r19112  
    7272     * explicitly.
    7373     *
    74      * In this area, the round trip lat/lon -&gt; east/north -&gt; lat/lon should
     74     * In this area, the round trip lat/lon → east/north → lat/lon should
    7575     * return the starting value with small error. In addition, regions with
    7676     * extreme distortions should be excluded, if possible.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/

    r18960 r19112  
    3939    /**
    4040     * Used to switch users over to new ignore system, UNIQUE_CODE_MESSAGE_STATE
    41      * 1_704_067_200L -> 2024-01-01
     41     * 1_704_067_200L 2024-01-01
    4242     * We can probably remove this and the supporting code in 2025.
    4343     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/

    r19108 r19112  
    7878    /** The input file(s) */
    7979    private final List<String> input = new ArrayList<>();
    80     /** The change files. input file -> list of change files */
     80    /** The change files. input file list of change files */
    8181    private final Map<String, List<String>> changeFiles = new HashMap<>();
    82     /** The output file(s). If {@code null}, use input filename as base (replace extension with geojson). input -> output */
     82    /** The output file(s). If {@code null}, use input filename as base (replace extension with geojson). input output */
    8383    private final Map<String, String> output = new HashMap<>();
    333333    /**
    334334     * Split a string into a filename + extension. Example:
    335      * "" -> ["", "txt"]
     335     * "" ["", "txt"]
    336336     * <p>
    337337     * Please note that future versions of Java may make this method redundant. It is not as of Java 21 (look for
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/importexport/

    r16553 r19112  
    6969    /**
    70      * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Save" dialogs.
     70     * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File → Save" dialogs.
    7171     * @return true if this {@code FileExporter} is enabled
    7272     * @since 5459
    7878    /**
    79      * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Save" dialogs.
     79     * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File → Save" dialogs.
    8080     * @param enabled true to enable this {@code FileExporter}, false to disable it
    8181     * @since 5459
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/importexport/

    r17534 r19112  
    181181    /**
    182      * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Open" dialog.
     182     * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File → Open" dialog.
    183183     * @return true if this {@code FileImporter} is enabled
    184184     * @since 5459
    190190    /**
    191      * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Open" dialog.
     191     * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File → Open" dialog.
    192192     * @param enabled true to enable this {@code FileImporter}, false to disable it
    193193     * @since 5459
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r19050 r19112  
    664664     * -1 to exclude current zoom level
    665665     * <p>
     666     * Add +2 to maxYtiles / maxXtiles to add space in cache for extra tiles in current zoom level that are
     667     * download by overloadTiles(). This is not added in computation of visibleTiles as this unnecessarily grow the cache size
     668     * <p>
    666669     * Check call to tryLoadFromDifferentZoom
    667670     * @see #tryLoadFromDifferentZoom(Graphics2D, int, List, int)
    668671     * @see #drawInViewArea(Graphics2D, MapView, ProjectionBounds)
    669      *
    670      * Add +2 to maxYtiles / maxXtiles to add space in cache for extra tiles in current zoom level that are
    671      * download by overloadTiles(). This is not added in computation of visibleTiles as this unnecessarily grow the cache size
    672      * @see TileSet#overloadTiles()
     672     * @see AbstractTileSourceLayer.TileSet#overloadTiles()
    673673     */
    674674    private static int calculateRealTiles(int visibleTiles, int maxXtiles, int maxYtiles) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r18895 r19112  
    610610    /**
    611      * Replies the savable state of this layer (i.e., if it can be saved through a "File-&gt;Save" dialog).
     611     * Replies the savable state of this layer (i.e., if it can be saved through a "File → Save" dialog).
    612612     * @return true if this layer can be saved to a file
    613613     * @since 5459
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r9751 r19112  
    1010    /**
    1111     * Replies the savable state of the layer (i.e. if it can be saved through
    12      * a "File-&gt;Save" dialog).  A layer that implements the
     12     * a "File → Save" dialog).  A layer that implements the
    1313     * {@code SaveToFile} interface must return {@code true}.
    1414     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r18354 r19112  
    24  * The View -&gt; Map Paint Styles menu
     24 * The View Map Paint Styles menu
    2525 * @since 5086
    2626 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/projection/

    r18871 r19112  
    9898     * Lambert conic conform 4 zones using the French geodetic system NTF.
    9999     * <p>
    100      * This newer version uses the grid translation NTF&lt;-&gt;RGF93 provided by IGN for a submillimetric accuracy.
     100     * This newer version uses the grid translation NTF ⟷ RGF93 provided by IGN for a submillimetric accuracy.
    101101     * (RGF93 is the French geodetic system similar to WGS84 but not mathematically equal)
    102102     * <p>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/presets/items/

    r18918 r19112  
    150150    /**
    151151     * allow escaped comma in comma separated list:
    152      * "A\, B\, C,one\, two" --&gt; ["A, B, C", "one, two"]
     152     * "A\, B\, C,one\, two" ["A, B, C", "one, two"]
    153153     * @param delimiter the delimiter, e.g. a comma. separates the entries and
    154154     *      must be escaped within one entry
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r18549 r19112  
    405405    /**
    406406     * Return s new BasicStroke object with given thickness and style
    407      * @param code = 3.5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
     407     * @param code = 3.5 → thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 → thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
    408408     * @return stroke for drawing
    409409     * @see StrokeProperty
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r18754 r19112  
    8080     * For validating Mesa County, CO, this reduces CPU and memory usage of {@link #write()} by ~80%. By using this for
    8181     * other {@link Json} calls, {@link #write()} takes ~95% less resources than the original. And the entire process
    82      * takes 1/4 of the time (38 minutes -&gt; <10 minutes).
     82     * takes 1/4 of the time (38 minutes → &lt;10 minutes).
    8383     * <p>
    8484     * For more details, see <a href="">JSONP #346</a>.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r19050 r19112  
    783783    /**
    784      * convert url/urlname to link element (GPX 1.0 -&gt; GPX 1.1).
     784     * convert url/urlname to link element (GPX 1.0 GPX 1.1).
    785785     * @param attr attributes
    786786     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r19042 r19112  
    129129    /**
    130130     * Check tags for correctness and display warnings if needed
    131      * @param tags - map key-&gt;value to check
     131     * @param tags - map key → value to check
    132132     * @param callback warning callback
    133133     * @return true if the tags should be pasted
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r19109 r19112  
    518518     * @param <T> type of items
    519519     *
    520      * @param dependencies contains mappings (key -&gt; value). In the final list of sorted objects, the key will come
     520     * @param dependencies contains mappings (key value). In the final list of sorted objects, the key will come
    521521     * after the value. (In other words, the key depends on the value(s).)
    522522     * There must not be cyclic dependencies.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/bugreport/

    r18550 r19112  
    3333 *   ... your code ...
    3434 * } catch (RuntimeException t) {
    35  *   throw BugReport.intercept(t).put("id", id).put("tag", () -&gt; x.getTag());
     35 *   throw BugReport.intercept(t).put("id", id).put("tag", () x.getTag());
    3636 * }
    3737 * </pre>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.