Changeset 19097 in josm for trunk/test

2024-06-07T13:51:44+02:00 (10 months ago)

Fix #8269: Add initial maven pom files

This additionally deletes most IDE specific configuration, in favor of Maven

We did have to update scripts/ so that it would
create an empty EPSG file for the next run in the pom.xml file.

For core, we needed two additional pom.xml files:

  • A parent pom with most dependency information (for inheritance)
    • This will make it easier to keep core and the apache-commons plugin in sync
  • A unit test pom (for plugin tests)
    • Some IDEs (netbeans specifically) don't like this.

What this does not do:

  • Convert from ivy to maven for dependency management in core. This should happen eventually with maven-resolver-ant-tasks (probably with the next dependency update).
  • Deprecate the current ant scripts.
1 added

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