- Timestamp:
- 2024-02-12T23:00:59+01:00 (13 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 4 deleted
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r18871 r18974 72 72 <property name="proj-build.dir" location="${base.dir}/build2"/> 73 73 <property name="script-build.dir" location="${base.dir}/build2"/> 74 <property name="checkstyle-build.dir" location="${base.dir}/build2"/>75 74 <property name="epsg.output" location="${resources.dir}/data/projection/custom-epsg"/> 76 75 <property name="commons-lang3.jar" location="${tools.dir}/commons-lang3.jar"/> … … 363 362 <delete dir="${proj-build.dir}"/> 364 363 <delete dir="${script-build.dir}"/> 365 <delete dir="${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>366 364 <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/> 367 365 <delete dir="${mapcss.dir}/parsergen"/> … … 883 881 </target> 884 882 885 <target name="checkstyle-c ompile" depends="init" description="CompileCheckstylerules">883 <target name="checkstyle-changed" depends="init" description="Run Checkstyle on SVN/Git-changed source files"> 886 884 <ivy:cachepath log="download-only" file="${tools.ivy}" pathid="checkstyle.classpath" conf="checkstyle"/> 887 <mkdir dir="${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>888 <javac sourcepath="" srcdir="${checkstyle.dir}/src" failonerror="true"889 destdir="${checkstyle-build.dir}" release="${java.lang.version}" debug="on"890 includeantruntime="false"891 encoding="UTF-8" classpathref="checkstyle.classpath">892 </javac>893 </target>894 <target name="checkstyle-changed" depends="checkstyle-compile" description="Run Checkstyle on SVN/Git-changed source files">895 885 <exec append="false" osfamily="unix" executable="bash" failifexecutionfails="true"> 896 886 <arg value="-c"/> 897 <arg value="(git ls-files src test --modified 2>/dev/null || svn status -q --ignore-externals src test) | grep -o '\(src\|test\)/.*' | xargs java -cp '${toString:checkstyle.classpath} :${checkstyle-build.dir}' com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.Main -c ${checkstyle.dir}/josm_checks.xml | sed -e 's:\([^ ]*\) [^:]*/\([^:/]*.java\:[^:]*\):(\2)\1:'"/>887 <arg value="(git ls-files src test --modified 2>/dev/null || svn status -q --ignore-externals src test) | grep -o '\(src\|test\)/.*' | xargs java -cp '${toString:checkstyle.classpath}' com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.Main -c ${checkstyle.dir}/josm_checks.xml | sed -e 's:\([^ ]*\) [^:]*/\([^:/]*.java\:[^:]*\):(\2)\1:'"/> 898 888 </exec> 899 889 <exec append="false" osfamily="windows" executable="powershell" failifexecutionfails="true"> 900 890 <arg value="/c"/> 901 <arg value="svn status -q --ignore-externals src test | ForEach-Object {java -cp '${toString:checkstyle.classpath};${checkstyle-build.dir}' com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.Main -c ${checkstyle.dir}/josm_checks.xml $_.split(' ')[7]}"/> 902 </exec> 903 </target> 904 <target name="checkstyle" depends="checkstyle-compile" description="Run Checkstyle on the source files"> 891 <arg value="svn status -q --ignore-externals src test | ForEach-Object {java -cp '${toString:checkstyle.classpath}' com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.Main -c ${checkstyle.dir}/josm_checks.xml $_.split(' ')[7]}"/> 892 </exec> 893 </target> 894 <target name="checkstyle" depends="init" description="Run Checkstyle on the source files"> 895 <ivy:cachepath log="download-only" file="${tools.ivy}" pathid="checkstyle.classpath" conf="checkstyle"/> 905 896 <taskdef resource="com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ant/checkstyle-ant-task.properties"> 906 897 <classpath refid="checkstyle.classpath"/> 907 <classpath path="${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>908 898 </taskdef> 909 899 <checkstyle config="${checkstyle.dir}/josm_checks.xml"> -
r18694 r18974 25 25 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 26 26 27 /** 28 * Serve "remote" test plugins for tests 29 */ 27 30 public class PluginServer { 31 /** 32 * A holder class for a "remote" plugin for tests 33 */ 28 34 public static class RemotePlugin { 29 35 private final File srcJar; … … 226 232 } 227 233 234 /** 235 * A wiremock server rule for serving plugins 236 */ 228 237 public class PluginServerRule extends WireMockExtension { 229 238 public PluginServerRule(Options ruleOptions, boolean failOnUnmatchedRequests) { -
r18870 r18974 37 37 @ExtendWith(ResetUniquePrimitiveIdCounters.Reset.class) 38 38 public @interface ResetUniquePrimitiveIdCounters { 39 /** 40 * Reset the id counters for {@link Node}, {@link Way}, and {@link Relation} 41 * {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.AbstractPrimitive#getIdGenerator} calls. 42 */ 39 43 class Reset implements BeforeEachCallback { 40 44 private static AtomicLong[] ID_COUNTERS; -
r18958 r18974 32 32 public @interface TaggingPresets { 33 33 34 /** 35 * Reset the tagging presets between each test -- presets will be reset if they are changed. 36 */ 34 37 class TaggingPresetsExtension implements BeforeEachCallback, BeforeAllCallback { 35 38 private static int expectedHashcode = 0; -
r18821 r18974 33 33 @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD}) 34 34 public @interface TestUser { 35 /** 36 * Initialize a user for tests 37 */ 35 38 class TestUserExtension implements BeforeAllCallback, BeforeEachCallback, AfterEachCallback { 36 39 @Override -
r18694 r18974 21 21 @ExtendWith(Timezone.TimezoneExtension.class) 22 22 public @interface Timezone { 23 /** 24 * Set the default timezone for tests (UTC) 25 */ 23 26 class TimezoneExtension implements BeforeEachCallback { 24 27 @Override -
r16391 r18974 32 32 <property name="checkHtml" value="false"/> 33 33 </module> 34 <module name="MissingJavadocType"/> 34 35 <module name="NonEmptyAtclauseDescription"/> 35 36 <module name="AtclauseOrder"/> … … 96 97 <module name="FinalClass"/> 97 98 <module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor"/> 98 <module name="org.openstreetmap.josm.TopLevelJavadocCheck"/>99 99 <module name="SuppressionCommentFilter"> 100 100 <property name="offCommentFormat" value="CHECKSTYLE\.OFF\: ([\w\|]+)"/> -
r16050 r18974 45 45 <suppress checks="FileLengthCheck" files="DomainValidator\.java" /> 46 46 <suppress checks="MissingDeprecatedCheck" files="package-info\.java" /> 47 <suppress checks="org.openstreetmap.josm.TopLevelJavadocCheck" files="package-info\.java" />48 <suppress checks="org.openstreetmap.josm.TopLevelJavadocCheck" files="[\\/]test[\\/]" />49 47 </suppressions>
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