- Timestamp:
- 2023-09-20T15:28:52+02:00 (18 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
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r18466 r18833 13 13 import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; 14 14 import java.util.Arrays; 15 import java.util.EnumSet; 15 16 import java.util.List; 16 17 … … 34 35 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionReader.SessionProjectionChoiceData; 35 36 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionReader.SessionViewportData; 37 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionWriter; 36 38 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil; 37 39 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.JosmRuntimeException; … … 206 208 viewport = reader.getViewport(); 207 209 projectionChoice = reader.getProjectionChoice(); 208 SessionSaveAction.setCurrentSession(file, zip, reader.getLayers()); 210 final EnumSet<SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags> flagSet = EnumSet.noneOf(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.class); 211 if (zip) { 212 flagSet.add(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP); 213 } 214 if (reader.loadedPluginData()) { 215 flagSet.add(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION); 216 } 217 SessionSaveAction.setCurrentSession(file, reader.getLayers(), flagSet); 209 218 } finally { 210 219 if (tempFile) { -
r18485 r18833 18 18 import java.util.Arrays; 19 19 import java.util.Collection; 20 import java.util.EnumSet; 20 21 import java.util.HashMap; 21 22 import java.util.HashSet; … … 57 58 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.WindowGeometry; 58 59 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.AbstractFileChooser; 60 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.PluginSessionExporter; 59 61 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionLayerExporter; 60 62 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionWriter; 63 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler; 61 64 import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; 62 65 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; … … 79 82 80 83 private static final BooleanProperty SAVE_LOCAL_FILES_PROPERTY = new BooleanProperty("session.savelocal", true); 84 private static final BooleanProperty SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION_PROPERTY = new BooleanProperty("session.saveplugins", false); 81 85 private static final String TOOLTIP_DEFAULT = tr("Save the current session."); 82 86 … … 89 93 static File sessionFile; 90 94 static boolean isZipSessionFile; 95 private static boolean pluginData; 91 96 static List<WeakReference<Layer>> layersInSessionFile; 92 97 … … 171 176 172 177 boolean zipRequired = layersOut.stream().map(l -> exporters.get(l)) 173 .anyMatch(ex -> ex != null && ex.requiresZip()); 178 .anyMatch(ex -> ex != null && ex.requiresZip()) || pluginsWantToSave(); 174 179 175 180 saveAs = !doGetFile(saveAs, zipRequired); … … 241 246 } 242 247 243 SessionWriter sw = new SessionWriter(layersOut, active, exporters, dependencies, isZipSessionFile); 248 final EnumSet<SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.class); 249 if (pluginData || (Boolean.TRUE.equals(SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION_PROPERTY.get()) && pluginsWantToSave())) { 250 flags.add(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION); 251 } 252 if (isZipSessionFile) { 253 flags.add(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP); 254 } 255 SessionWriter sw = new SessionWriter(layersOut, active, exporters, dependencies, flags.toArray(new SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags[0])); 244 256 try { 245 257 Notification savingNotification = showSavingNotification(sessionFile.getName()); … … 435 447 JCheckBox chkSaveLocal = new JCheckBox(tr("Save all local files to disk"), SAVE_LOCAL_FILES_PROPERTY.get()); 436 448 chkSaveLocal.addChangeListener(l -> SAVE_LOCAL_FILES_PROPERTY.put(chkSaveLocal.isSelected())); 437 op.add(chkSaveLocal); 449 op.add(chkSaveLocal, GBC.eol()); 450 if (pluginsWantToSave()) { 451 JCheckBox chkSavePlugins = new JCheckBox(tr("Save plugin information to disk"), SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION_PROPERTY.get()); 452 chkSavePlugins.addChangeListener(l -> SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION_PROPERTY.put(chkSavePlugins.isSelected())); 453 chkSavePlugins.setToolTipText(tr("Plugins may have additional information that can be saved")); 454 op.add(chkSavePlugins, GBC.eol()); 455 } 438 456 return op; 439 457 } … … 510 528 * @param zip if it is a zip session file 511 529 * @param layers layers that are currently represented in the session file 512 */ 530 * @deprecated since 18833, use {@link #setCurrentSession(File, List, SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags...)} instead 531 */ 532 @Deprecated 513 533 public static void setCurrentSession(File file, boolean zip, List<Layer> layers) { 534 if (zip) { 535 setCurrentSession(file, layers, SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP); 536 } else { 537 setCurrentSession(file, layers); 538 } 539 } 540 541 /** 542 * Sets the current session file and the layers included in that file 543 * @param file file 544 * @param layers layers that are currently represented in the session file 545 * @param flags The flags for the current session 546 * @since 18833 547 */ 548 public static void setCurrentSession(File file, List<Layer> layers, SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags... flags) { 549 final EnumSet<SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags> flagSet = EnumSet.noneOf(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.class); 550 flagSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(flags)); 551 setCurrentSession(file, layers, flagSet); 552 } 553 554 /** 555 * Sets the current session file and the layers included in that file 556 * @param file file 557 * @param layers layers that are currently represented in the session file 558 * @param flags The flags for the current session 559 * @since 18833 560 */ 561 public static void setCurrentSession(File file, List<Layer> layers, Set<SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags> flags) { 514 562 setCurrentLayers(layers); 515 setCurrentSession(file, zip); 563 setCurrentSession(file, flags.contains(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP)); 564 pluginData = flags.contains(SessionWriter.SessionWriterFlags.SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION); 516 565 } 517 566 … … 551 600 } 552 601 602 /** 603 * Check to see if any plugins want to save their state 604 * @return {@code true} if the plugin wants to save their state 605 */ 606 private static boolean pluginsWantToSave() { 607 for (PluginSessionExporter exporter : PluginHandler.load(PluginSessionExporter.class)) { 608 if (exporter.requiresSaving()) { 609 return true; 610 } 611 } 612 return false; 613 } 614 553 615 } -
r18466 r18833 32 32 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JosmTextField; 33 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.session.SessionWriter.ExportSupport; 34 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler; 34 35 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 35 36 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; … … 211 212 @Override 212 213 public boolean requiresZip() { 213 return include.isSelected(); 214 if (include.isSelected()) { 215 return true; 216 } 217 for (PluginSessionExporter exporter : PluginHandler.load(PluginSessionExporter.class)) { 218 if (exporter.requiresSaving()) { 219 return true; 220 } 221 } 222 return false; 214 223 } 215 224 -
r18494 r18833 40 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; 41 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projection; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExceptionDialogUtil; 42 43 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog; 43 44 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication; … … 45 46 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.NullProgressMonitor; 46 47 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.ProgressMonitor; 48 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper; 47 49 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.Compression; 48 50 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.IllegalDataException; 51 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler; 49 52 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil; 50 53 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.JosmRuntimeException; … … 157 160 private URI sessionFileURI; 158 161 private boolean zip; // true, if session file is a .joz file; false if it is a .jos file 162 private boolean pluginData; // true, if a plugin restored state from a .joz file. False otherwise. 159 163 private ZipFile zipFile; 160 164 private List<Layer> layers = new ArrayList<>(); … … 193 197 if (importerClass == null) 194 198 return null; 195 SessionLayerImporter importer = null;199 SessionLayerImporter importer; 196 200 try { 197 201 importer = importerClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); … … 242 246 public SessionProjectionChoiceData getProjectionChoice() { 243 247 return projectionChoice; 248 } 249 250 /** 251 * Returns whether plugins loaded additonal data 252 * @return {@code true} if at least one plugin loaded additional data 253 * @since 18833 254 */ 255 public boolean loadedPluginData() { 256 return this.pluginData; 244 257 } 245 258 … … 309 322 /** 310 323 * Return an InputStream for a URI from a .jos/.joz file. 311 * 324 * <p> 312 325 * The following forms are supported: 313 * 326 * <p> 314 327 * - absolute file (both .jos and .joz): 315 328 * "file:///home/user/data.osm" … … 352 365 /** 353 366 * Return a File for a URI from a .jos/.joz file. 354 * 367 * <p> 355 368 * Returns null if the URI points to a file inside the zip archive. 356 369 * In this case, inZipPath will be set to the corresponding path. … … 713 726 * Show Dialog when there is an error for one layer. 714 727 * Ask the user whether to cancel the complete session loading or just to skip this layer. 715 * 728 * <p> 716 729 * This is expected to run in a worker thread (PleaseWaitRunnable), so invokeAndWait is 717 730 * needed to block the current thread and wait for the result of the modal dialog from EDT. … … 743 756 } 744 757 758 private void loadPluginData() { 759 if (!zip) { 760 return; 761 } 762 for (PluginSessionImporter importer : PluginHandler.load(PluginSessionImporter.class)) { 763 try { 764 this.pluginData |= importer.readZipFile(zipFile); 765 } catch (IOException ioException) { 766 GuiHelper.runInEDT(() -> ExceptionDialogUtil.explainException(ioException)); 767 } 768 } 769 } 770 745 771 /** 746 772 * Loads session from the given file. … … 754 780 try (InputStream josIS = createInputStream(sessionFile, zip)) { 755 781 loadSession(josIS, sessionFile.toURI(), zip, progressMonitor); 782 this.postLoadTasks.add(this::loadPluginData); 756 783 } 757 784 } -
r18466 r18833 10 10 import java.nio.file.Files; 11 11 import java.util.Collection; 12 import java.util.EnumSet; 12 13 import java.util.HashMap; 13 14 import java.util.List; … … 44 45 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.markerlayer.MarkerLayer; 45 46 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.projection.ProjectionPreference; 47 import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginHandler; 46 48 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.JosmRuntimeException; 47 49 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; … … 59 61 public class SessionWriter { 60 62 63 /** 64 * {@link SessionWriter} options 65 * @since 18833 66 */ 67 public enum SessionWriterFlags { 68 /** 69 * Use if the file to be written needs to be a zip file 70 */ 71 IS_ZIP, 72 /** 73 * Use if there are plugins that want to save information 74 */ 75 SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION 76 } 77 61 78 private static final Map<Class<? extends Layer>, Class<? extends SessionLayerExporter>> sessionLayerExporters = new HashMap<>(); 62 79 … … 66 83 private final MultiMap<Layer, Layer> dependencies; 67 84 private final boolean zip; 85 private final boolean plugins; 68 86 69 87 private ZipOutputStream zipOut; … … 83 101 /** 84 102 * Register a session layer exporter. 85 * 103 * <p> 86 104 * The exporter class must have a one-argument constructor with layerClass as formal parameter type. 87 105 * @param layerClass layer class … … 121 139 public SessionWriter(List<Layer> layers, int active, Map<Layer, SessionLayerExporter> exporters, 122 140 MultiMap<Layer, Layer> dependencies, boolean zip) { 141 this(layers, active, exporters, dependencies, 142 zip ? new SessionWriterFlags[] {SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP} : new SessionWriterFlags[0]); 143 } 144 145 /** 146 * Constructs a new {@code SessionWriter}. 147 * @param layers The ordered list of layers to save 148 * @param active The index of active layer in {@code layers} (starts at 0). Ignored if set to -1 149 * @param exporters The exporters to use to save layers 150 * @param dependencies layer dependencies 151 * @param flags The flags to use when writing data 152 * @since 18833 153 */ 154 public SessionWriter(List<Layer> layers, int active, Map<Layer, SessionLayerExporter> exporters, 155 MultiMap<Layer, Layer> dependencies, SessionWriterFlags... flags) { 123 156 this.layers = layers; 124 157 this.active = active; 125 158 this.exporters = exporters; 126 159 this.dependencies = dependencies; 127 this.zip = zip; 160 final EnumSet<SessionWriterFlags> flagSet = flags.length == 0 ? EnumSet.noneOf(SessionWriterFlags.class) : 161 EnumSet.of(flags[0], flags); 162 this.zip = flagSet.contains(SessionWriterFlags.IS_ZIP); 163 this.plugins = flagSet.contains(SessionWriterFlags.SAVE_PLUGIN_INFORMATION); 128 164 } 129 165 … … 219 255 */ 220 256 public Document createJosDocument() throws IOException { 221 DocumentBuilder builder = null;257 DocumentBuilder builder; 222 258 try { 223 259 builder = XmlUtils.newSafeDOMBuilder(); … … 362 398 zipOut.putNextEntry(entry); 363 399 writeJos(doc, zipOut); 400 if (this.plugins) { 401 for (PluginSessionExporter exporter : PluginHandler.load(PluginSessionExporter.class)) { 402 exporter.writeZipEntries(zipOut); 403 } 404 } 364 405 Utils.close(zipOut); 365 406 } else { -
r18801 r18833 33 33 import java.util.Map.Entry; 34 34 import java.util.Objects; 35 import java.util.ServiceLoader; 35 36 import java.util.Set; 36 37 import java.util.TreeMap; … … 359 360 360 361 /** 362 * Get a {@link ServiceLoader} for the specified service. This uses {@link #getJoinedPluginResourceCL()} as the 363 * class loader, so that we don't have to iterate through the {@link ClassLoader}s from {@link #getPluginClassLoaders()}. 364 * @param <S> The service type 365 * @param service The service class to look for 366 * @return The service loader 367 * @since 18833 368 */ 369 public static <S> ServiceLoader<S> load(Class<S> service) { 370 return ServiceLoader.load(service, getJoinedPluginResourceCL()); 371 } 372 373 /** 361 374 * Removes deprecated plugins from a collection of plugins. Modifies the 362 375 * collection <code>plugins</code>. 363 * 376 * <p> 364 377 * Also notifies the user about removed deprecated plugins 365 378 * … … 412 425 * collection <code>plugins</code>. Also removes the plugin from the list 413 426 * of plugins in the preferences, if necessary. 414 * 427 * <p> 415 428 * Asks the user for every unmaintained plugin whether it should be removed. 416 429 * @param parent The parent Component used to display warning popup … … 778 791 /** 779 792 * Get class loader to locate resources from plugins. 780 * 793 * <p> 781 794 * It joins URLs of all plugins, to find images, etc. 782 795 * (Not for loading Java classes - each plugin has a separate {@link PluginClassLoader} … … 931 944 * Loads plugins from <code>plugins</code> which have the flag {@link PluginInformation#early} set to true 932 945 * <i>and</i> a negative {@link PluginInformation#stage} value. 933 * 946 * <p> 934 947 * This is meant for plugins that provide additional {@link javax.swing.LookAndFeel}. 935 948 */ … … 1041 1054 try { 1042 1055 monitor.beginTask(tr("Determining plugins to load...")); 1043 Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<>(Config.getPref().getList("plugins", new LinkedList< String>()));1056 Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<>(Config.getPref().getList("plugins", new LinkedList<>())); 1044 1057 Logging.debug("Plugins list initialized to {0}", plugins); 1045 1058 String systemProp = Utils.getSystemProperty("josm.plugins"); … … 1334 1347 /** 1335 1348 * Installs downloaded plugins. Moves files with the suffix ".jar.new" to the corresponding ".jar" files. 1336 * 1349 * <p> 1337 1350 * If {@code dowarn} is true, this methods emits warning messages on the console if a downloaded 1338 1351 * but not yet installed plugin .jar can't be be installed. If {@code dowarn} is false, the -
r10373 r18833 110 110 /** 111 111 * Gets and caches an instance of this API. 112 * @return The API intance. Always the same object. 112 * @return The API instance. Always the same object. 113 113 */ 114 114 public static synchronized FakeOsmApi getInstance() { 115 115 if (instance == null) { 116 116 instance = new FakeOsmApi(); 117 cacheInstance(instance);118 117 } 118 cacheInstance(instance); 119 119 return instance; 120 120 }
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