Changeset 17333 in josm for trunk/src

2020-11-23T16:28:11+01:00 (4 years ago)

see #20129 - Fix typos and misspellings in the code (patch by gaben)

97 edited


  • trunk/src/com/kitfox/svg/

    r8084 r17333  
    40  * A convienience singleton for allowing all classes to access a common SVG universe.
     40 * A convenient singleton for allowing all classes to access a common SVG universe.
    4141 *
    4242 * @author kitfox
  • trunk/src/com/kitfox/svg/

    r15912 r17333  
    8888    protected String cssClass = null;
    8989    /**
    90      * Styles defined for this elemnt via the <b>style</b> attribute.
     90     * Styles defined for this element via the <b>style</b> attribute.
    9191     */
    9292    private Map<String, String> inlineStyles = Collections.emptyMap();
    115115     * This element may override the URI we resolve against with an xml:base
    116116     * attribute. If so, a copy is placed here. Otherwise, we defer to our
    117      * parent for the reolution base
     117     * parent for the resolution base
    118118     */
    119119    protected URI xmlBase = null;
  • trunk/src/com/kitfox/svg/pathcmd/

    r14328 r17333  
    4444 * This is a little used SVG function, as most editors will save curves as
    45  * Beziers.  To reduce the need to rely on the Batik library, this functionallity
     45 * Beziers.  To reduce the need to rely on the Batik library, this functionality
    4646 * is being bypassed for the time being.  In the future, it would be nice to
    4747 * extend the GeneralPath command to include the arcTo ability provided by Batik.
  • trunk/src/com/kitfox/svg/xml/

    r15901 r17333  
    5555    static final Pattern patternUrl = Pattern.compile("\\s*url\\((.*)\\)\\s*");
    5656    static final Matcher matchFpNumUnits = Pattern.compile("\\s*([-+]?((\\d*\\.\\d+)|(\\d+))([-+]?[eE]\\d+)?)\\s*(px|cm|mm|in|pc|pt|em|ex)\\s*").matcher("");
    5858    String name;
    5959    String stringValue;
    61     boolean colorCompatable = false;
    62     boolean urlCompatable = false;
     61    boolean colorCompatible = false;
     62    boolean urlCompatible = false;
    6464    /** Creates a new instance of StyleAttribute */
    6767        this(null, null);
    6868    }
    70     public StyleAttribute(String name) 
     70    public StyleAttribute(String name)
    7171    {
    7272        this(name, null);
    239239        return getURIValue(null);
    240240    }
    242242    /**
    243      * Parse this sytle attribute as a URL and return it in URI form resolved
     243     * Parse this style attribute as a URL and return it in URI form resolved
    244244     * against the passed base.
    245245     *
  • trunk/src/com/kitfox/svg/xml/

    r15912 r17333  
    168168     * Scans an input string for double values.  For each value found, places
    169169     * in a list.  This method regards any characters not part of a floating
    170      * point value to be seperators.  Thus this will parse whitespace seperated,
    171      * comma seperated, and many other separation schemes correctly.
     170     * point value to be separators.  Thus this will parse whitespace separated,
     171     * comma separated, and many other separation schemes correctly.
    172172     */
    173173    public synchronized static double[] parseDoubleList(String list)
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r16553 r17333  
    7373        MapView mapView = MainApplication.getMap().mapView;
    7474        EastNorth mPosition = mapView.getCenter();
    75         // We previously checked for modifier to know if the action has been trigerred via shortcut or via menu
     75        // We previously checked for modifier to know if the action has been triggered via shortcut or via menu
    7676        // But this does not work if the shortcut is changed to a single key (see #9055)
    7777        // Observed behaviour: getActionCommand() returns Action.NAME when triggered via menu, but shortcut text when triggered with it
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r16509 r17333  
    5454    /**
    55      * Register a expert mode change listener, and optionnally fires it.
     55     * Register a expert mode change listener, and optionally fires it.
    5656     * @param listener the listener. Ignored if null.
    5757     * @param fireWhenAdding if true, the listener will be fired immediately after added
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r17188 r17333  
    6767        /**
    6868         * Gets the commands that will be required to do a full way reversal including changing the tags
    69          * @return The comamnds
     69         * @return The commands
    7070         */
    7171        public Collection<Command> getCommands() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r16824 r17333  
    20  * Abtract class for Toggle Actions.
     20 * Abstract class for Toggle Actions.
    2121 * @since 6220
    2222 */
    117117    /**
    118      * Toggles the selcted action state, if needed according to the ActionEvent that trigerred the action.
    119      * This method will do nothing if the action event comes from a Swing component supporting the SELECTED_KEY property because
    120      * the component already set the selected state.
    121      * This method needs to be called especially if the action is associated with a keyboard shortcut to ensure correct selected state.
    122      * @param e ActionEvent that trigerred the action
     118     * Toggles the selected action state, if needed according to the ActionEvent that triggered the action.
     119     * This method will do nothing if the action event comes from a Swing component
     120     * supporting the SELECTED_KEY property because the component already set the selected state.
     121     * This method needs to be called especially if the action is associated with a keyboard
     122     * shortcut to ensure correct selected state.
     123     * @param e ActionEvent that triggered the action
    123124     * @see <a href="">Interface Action</a>
    124125     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/downloadtasks/

    r16553 r17333  
    119119     * Determines if the given URL is accepted by {@link #getPatterns}.
    120120     * Can be overridden for more complex checking logic.
    121      * @param url URL to donwload
     121     * @param url URL to download
    122122     * @return {@code true} if this URL is accepted
    123123     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/downloadtasks/

    r15152 r17333  
    23  * This is an asynchronous task for downloading a collection of changests from the OSM server.
     23 * This is an asynchronous task for downloading a collection of changesets from the OSM server.
    2424 *
    2525 * The  task only downloads the changeset properties without the changeset content. It
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r17188 r17333  
    124124    private int initialMoveDelay = 200;
    125125    /**
    126      * The minimal shift of mouse (in pixels) befire something counts as move
     126     * The minimal shift of mouse (in pixels) before something counts as move
    127127     */
    128128    private int initialMoveThreshold = 1;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r17282 r17333  
    240240     * Ensures that all primitives that are participating in this command belong to the affected data set.
    241241     *
    242      * Commands may use this in their update methods to check the consitency of the primitives they operate on.
     242     * Commands may use this in their update methods to check the consistency of the primitives they operate on.
    243243     * @throws AssertionError if no {@link DataSet} is set or if any primitive does not belong to that dataset.
    244244     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r14273 r17333  
    3737     * Assign the initial object set, compute pivot point and initial rotation angle.
    3838     * @param objects objects to fetch nodes from
    39      * @param currentEN cuurent eats/north
     39     * @param currentEN current east/north
    4040     */
    4141    public RotateCommand(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> objects, EastNorth currentEN) {
    5151    /**
    5252     * Get angle between the horizontal axis and the line formed by the pivot and given point.
    53      * @param currentEN cuurent eats/north
     53     * @param currentEN current east/north
    5454     * @return angle between the horizontal axis and the line formed by the pivot and given point
    5555     **/
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r12581 r17333  
    3737     * the "align nodes in circle" action.
    3838     * @param objects objects to fetch nodes from
    39      * @param currentEN cuurent eats/north
     39     * @param currentEN current east/north
    4040     */
    4141    public ScaleCommand(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> objects, EastNorth currentEN) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/conflict/

    r12726 r17333  
    6060                    (int) Math.max(myVersion, theirVersion)
    6161            );
    62             // update visiblity state
     62            // update visibility state
    6363            if (theirVersion >= myVersion) {
    6464                conflict.getMy().setVisible(conflict.getTheir().isVisible());
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/coor/

    r16553 r17333  
    7171     * The number format used for high precision coordinates
    7272     */
    73     public static final DecimalFormat cDdHighPecisionFormatter;
     73    public static final DecimalFormat cDdHighPrecisionFormatter;
    7474    static {
    7575        // Don't use the localized decimal separator. This way we can present
    7777        cDdFormatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.UK);
    7878        cDdFormatter.applyPattern("###0.0######");
    79         cDdHighPecisionFormatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.UK);
    80         cDdHighPecisionFormatter.applyPattern("###0.0##########");
     79        cDdHighPrecisionFormatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.UK);
     80        cDdHighPrecisionFormatter.applyPattern("###0.0##########");
    8181    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/gpx/

    r15560 r17333  
    137137    /** Creation/modification timestamp for the point.
    138      *  Date and time in are in Univeral Coordinated Time (UTC), not local time!
     138     *  Date and time in are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not local time!
    139139     *  Conforms to ISO 8601 specification for date/time representation.
    140140     *  Fractional seconds are allowed for millisecond timing in tracklogs. */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r17332 r17333  
    887887     * {@link DataSetListener#dataChanged(DataChangedEvent event)} event is triggered after end of changes
    888888     * <br>
    889      * Typical usecase should look like this:
     889     * Typical use case should look like this:
    890890     * <pre>
    891891     * ds.beginUpdate();
    906906     * Must be called after a previous call to {@link #beginUpdate()} to fire change events.
    907907     * <br>
    908      * Typical usecase should look like this:
     908     * Typical use case should look like this:
    909909     * <pre>
    910910     * ds.beginUpdate();
    11491149                            this, new LinkedHashSet<>(from.dataSources),;
    11501150                    if ( -> !dataSources.contains(dataSource))
    1151                             .map(dataSources::add).filter(Boolean.TRUE::equals).count() > 0) {
     1151                            .anyMatch(dataSources::add)) {
    11521152                        cachedDataSourceArea = null;
    11531153                        cachedDataSourceBounds = null;
    11851185    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1186     /* interface ProjectionChangeListner                                                 */
     1186    /* interface ProjectionChangeListener                                                */
    11871187    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    11881188    @Override
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r16119 r17333  
    7070    /**
    71      * Checks for womplete ways with incomplete nodes.
     71     * Checks for complete ways with incomplete nodes.
    7272     */
    7373    public void checkCompleteWaysWithIncompleteNodes() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r15120 r17333  
    201201     * Replies the OSM id of this primitive.
    202202     * By default, returns the same value as {@link #getId}.
    203      * Can be overidden by primitive implementations handling an internal id different from the OSM one.
     203     * Can be overridden by primitive implementations handling an internal id different from the OSM one.
    204204     *
    205205     * @return the OSM id of this primitive.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r16992 r17333  
    3838 *
    3939 * Although OsmPrimitive is designed as a base class, it is not to be meant to subclass
    40  * it by any other than from the package {@link}. The available primitives are a fixed set that are given
    41  * by the server environment and not an extendible data stuff.
     40 * it by any other than from the package {@link}. The available primitives are a fixed
     41 * set that are given by the server environment and not an extendable data stuff.
    4242 *
    4343 * @author imi
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r14302 r17333  
    2525     * Clears the cached style.
    2626     * This should not be called from outside. Fixing the UI to add relevant
    27      * get/set functions calling this implicitely is preferred, so we can have
     27     * get/set functions calling this implicitly is preferred, so we can have
    2828     * transparent cache handling in the future.
    2929     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r16977 r17333  
    163163    /**
    164      * Creates a clone of the tag collection <code>other</code>. Creats an empty
     164     * Creates a clone of the tag collection <code>other</code>. Creates an empty
    165165     * tag collection if <code>other</code> is null.
    166166     *
    737737    /**
    738      * Get a stram for the given key.
     738     * Get a stream for the given key.
    739739     * @param key The key
    740740     * @return The stream. An empty stream if key is <code>null</code>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/event/

    r14206 r17333  
    3939        /**
    40          * The tags of a primitve have changed
     40         * The tags of a primitive have changed
    4141         */
    4242        TAGS_CHANGED,
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/event/

    r15378 r17333  
    2222 * This class allows to add DatasetListener to currently active dataset. If active
    2323 * layer is changed, listeners are automatically registered at new active dataset
    24  * (it's no longer necessary to register for layer events and reregister every time
     24 * (it's no longer necessary to register for layer events and re-register every time
    2525 * new layer is selected)
    2626 *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r16445 r17333  
    129129    /**
    130      * Returns a new partial copy of this history, betwwen the given version numbers
     130     * Returns a new partial copy of this history, between the given version numbers
    131131     * @param fromVersion the starting version number
    132132     * @param untilVersion the ending version number
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/

    r16445 r17333  
    6161    /**
    62      * Remebers a node in the "hull"
     62     * Remembers a node in the "hull"
    6363     *
    6464     * @param n the node
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r17110 r17333  
    5353    protected Color nodeColor;
    55     /** Color Preference for hightlighted objects */
     55    /** Color Preference for highlighted objects */
    5656    protected Color highlightColor;
    57     /** Preference: size of virtual nodes (0 displayes display) */
     57    /** Preference: size of virtual nodes (0 displays display) */
    5858    protected int virtualNodeSize;
    5959    /** Preference: minimum space (displayed way length) to display virtual nodes */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r13852 r17333  
    5151     * Constructs a new {@code ComputeStyleListWorker}.
    5252     * @param circum distance on the map in meters that 100 screen pixels represent
    53      * @param nc navigatable component
     53     * @param nc navigable component
    5454     * @param input the primitives to process
    5555     * @param output the list of styles to which styles will be added
    6565     * Constructs a new {@code ComputeStyleListWorker}.
    6666     * @param circum distance on the map in meters that 100 screen pixels represent
    67      * @param nc navigatable component
     67     * @param nc navigable component
    6868     * @param input the primitives to process
    6969     * @param output the list of styles to which styles will be added
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r16468 r17333  
    283283     * <p>Creates an instance of the currently active renderer.</p>
    284284     * @param g Graphics
    285      * @param viewport Navigatable component
     285     * @param viewport Navigable component
    286286     * @param isInactiveMode {@code true} if the paint visitor shall render OSM objects such that they look inactive
    287287     * @return an instance of the currently active renderer
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/datum/

    r14273 r17333  
    4848 * highest performance option, and is useful for large volume transformations.
    4949 * Non-file data sources (eg using an SQL Blob) are also supported through
    50  * InputStream. The RandonAccessFile option has a much smaller memory
     50 * InputStream. The RandomAccessFile option has a much smaller memory
    5151 * footprint as only the Sub Grid headers are stored in memory, but
    5252 * transformation is slower because the file must be read a number of
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/datum/

    r10747 r17333  
    4  * Provides the classes for datums used in map projections.
     4 * Provides the classes for datum used in map projections.
    55 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r16630 r17333  
    1717 * compass.
    1818 * <p>
    19  * This implementation handles both the 1 and 2 stardard parallel cases.
     19 * This implementation handles both the 1 and 2 standard parallel cases.
    2020 * For 1 SP (EPSG code 9804), the line of contact is the equator.
    2121 * For 2 SP (EPSG code 9805) lines of contact are symmetrical
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/proj/

    r14273 r17333  
    8080 *
    8181 *   <li>{@code Hotine_Oblique_Mercator} (EPSG code 9812)<br>
    82  *       grid coordinates begin at the interseciton of the central line and aposphere equator,
     82 *       grid coordinates begin at the intersection of the central line and aposphere equator,
    8383 *       has {@code "rectified_grid_angle"} parameter.</li>
    8484 *   <li>{@code Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Natural_Origin} (ESRI)<br>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r16643 r17333  
    146146     * Returns the set of tagchecks on which this check depends on.
    147147     * @param check the tagcheck
    148      * @param schecks the collection of tagcheks to search in
     148     * @param schecks the collection of tagchecks to search in
    149149     * @return the set of tagchecks on which this check depends on
    150150     * @since 7881
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r16217 r17333  
    3131 * This utility class provides static methods which explain various exceptions to the user.
    32  *
    3332 */
    3433public final class ExceptionDialogUtil {
    369368     * @param e the exception
    370369     */
    371     public static void explainNestedUnkonwnHostException(OsmTransferException e) {
     370    public static void explainNestedUnknownHostException(OsmTransferException e) {
    372371        showErrorDialog(
    373372                ExceptionUtil.explainNestedUnknownHostException(e),
    392391        }
    393392        if (ExceptionUtil.getNestedException(e, UnknownHostException.class) != null) {
    394             explainNestedUnkonwnHostException(e);
     393            explainNestedUnknownHostException(e);
    395394            return;
    396395        }
    424423        if (e instanceof OsmApiException) {
    425424            OsmApiException oae = (OsmApiException) e;
    426             switch(oae.getResponseCode()) {
    427             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED:
    428                 explainPreconditionFailed(oae);
    429                 return;
    430             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_GONE:
    431                 explainGoneForUnknownPrimitive(oae);
    432                 return;
    433             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR:
    434                 explainInternalServerError(oae);
    435                 return;
    436             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
    437                 explainBadRequest(oae);
    438                 return;
    439             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
    440                 explainNotFound(oae);
    441                 return;
    442             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT:
    443                 explainConflict(oae);
    444                 return;
    445             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
    446                 explainAuthenticationFailed(oae);
    447                 return;
    448             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN:
    449                 explainAuthorizationFailed(oae);
    450                 return;
    451             case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT:
    452                 explainClientTimeout(oae);
    453                 return;
    454             case 509: case 429:
    455                 explainBandwidthLimitExceeded(oae);
    456                 return;
    457             default:
    458                 explainGenericHttpException(oae);
    459                 return;
     425            switch (oae.getResponseCode()) {
     426                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED:
     427                    explainPreconditionFailed(oae);
     428                    return;
     429                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_GONE:
     430                    explainGoneForUnknownPrimitive(oae);
     431                    return;
     432                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR:
     433                    explainInternalServerError(oae);
     434                    return;
     435                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST:
     436                    explainBadRequest(oae);
     437                    return;
     438                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
     439                    explainNotFound(oae);
     440                    return;
     441                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT:
     442                    explainConflict(oae);
     443                    return;
     444                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
     445                    explainAuthenticationFailed(oae);
     446                    return;
     447                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN:
     448                    explainAuthorizationFailed(oae);
     449                    return;
     450                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT:
     451                    explainClientTimeout(oae);
     452                    return;
     453                case 509:
     454                case 429:
     455                    explainBandwidthLimitExceeded(oae);
     456                    return;
     457                default:
     458                    explainGenericHttpException(oae);
     459                    return;
    460460            }
    461461        }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r10600 r17333  
    1212    /**
    13      * Called after Main.mapFrame is initalized. (After the first data is loaded).
     13     * Called after Main.mapFrame is initialized. (After the first data is loaded).
    1414     * You can use this callback to tweak the newFrame to your needs, as example install
    1515     * an alternative Painter.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r14214 r17333  
    124124    /**
    125125     * Constructs a new {@code MapMover}.
    126      * @param navComp the navigatable component
     126     * @param navComp the navigable component
    127127     * @since 11713
    128128     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r17090 r17333  
    714714        /**
    715715         * Gets the real bounds that enclose this rectangle.
    716          * This is computed respecting that the borders of this rectangle may not be a straignt line in latlon coordinates.
     716         * This is computed respecting that the borders of this rectangle may not be a straight line in latlon coordinates.
    717717         * @return The bounds.
    718718         * @since 10458
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bbox/

    r16927 r17333  
    143143        MainApplication.getLayerManager().addActiveLayerChangeListener(this);
    145         new SlippyMapControler(this, this);
     145        new SlippyMapController(this, this);
    146146    }
    248248    /**
    249      * Handles a {@link SlippyMapControler#mouseMoved} event
     249     * Handles a {@link SlippyMapController#mouseMoved} event
    250250     * @param point The point in the view
    251251     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/bbox/

    r16920 r17333  
    2828 * @author Tim Haussmann
    2929 */
    30 public class SlippyMapControler extends MouseAdapter {
     30public class SlippyMapController extends MouseAdapter {
    3232    /** A Timer for smoothly moving the map area */
    6262    /**
    63      * Constructs a new {@code SlippyMapControler}.
    64      * @param navComp navigatable component
     63     * Constructs a new {@code SlippyMapController}.
     64     * @param navComp navigable component
    6565     * @param contentPane content pane
    6666     */
    67     public SlippyMapControler(SlippyMapBBoxChooser navComp, JPanel contentPane) {
     67    public SlippyMapController(SlippyMapBBoxChooser navComp, JPanel contentPane) {
    6868        iSlippyMapChooser = navComp;
    6969        iSlippyMapChooser.addMouseListener(this);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/

    r16553 r17333  
    8989    protected abstract JScrollPane buildTheirElementsTable();
    91     protected JScrollPane embeddInScrollPane(JTable table) {
     91    protected JScrollPane embedInScrollPane(JTable table) {
    9292        JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(table);
    9393        if (adjustmentSynchronizer == null) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/

    r12661 r17333  
    9  * The conflict resolver receives the result of a {@link ConflictDialog}. It should then apply the resulution the user selected.
     9 * The conflict resolver receives the result of a {@link ConflictDialog}.
     10 * It should then apply the resolution the user selected.
    1011 */
    1112public interface IConflictResolver {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/nodes/

    r11330 r17333  
    21  * The model for merging two lists of way nodess
     21 * The model for merging two lists of way nodes
    2222 * @since 1622
    2323 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/nodes/

    r11330 r17333  
    3232                model.getMySelectionModel()
    3333        );
    34         return embeddInScrollPane(myEntriesTable);
     34        return embedInScrollPane(myEntriesTable);
    3535    }
    4343                model.getMergedSelectionModel()
    4444        );
    45         return embeddInScrollPane(mergedEntriesTable);
     45        return embedInScrollPane(mergedEntriesTable);
    4646    }
    5454                model.getTheirSelectionModel()
    5555        );
    56         return embeddInScrollPane(theirEntriesTable);
     56        return embedInScrollPane(theirEntriesTable);
    5757    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/relation/

    r11330 r17333  
    3232                model.getMySelectionModel()
    3333        );
    34         return embeddInScrollPane(myEntriesTable);
     34        return embedInScrollPane(myEntriesTable);
    3535    }
    4444        );
    4545        mergedEntriesTable.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
    46         return embeddInScrollPane(mergedEntriesTable);
     46        return embedInScrollPane(mergedEntriesTable);
    4747    }
    5555                model.getTheirSelectionModel()
    5656        );
    57         return embeddInScrollPane(theirEntriesTable);
     57        return embedInScrollPane(theirEntriesTable);
    5858    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/tags/

    r12620 r17333  
    3030 *
    3131 * The editor responds intercepts some keys and interprets them as navigation keys. It
    32  * forwards navigation events to {@link NavigationListener}s registred with this editor.
     32 * forwards navigation events to {@link NavigationListener}s registered with this editor.
    3333 * You should register the parent table using this editor as {@link NavigationListener}.
    3434 *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/tags/

    r16438 r17333  
    121121     * sets a new value for this
    122122     *
    123      * @param value the new vlaue
     123     * @param value the new value
    124124     */
    125125    public void setNew(String value) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/tags/

    r16438 r17333  
    203203    /**
    204      * Gets the number of reamining conflicts.
     204     * Gets the number of remaining conflicts.
    205205     * @return The number
    206206     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/datatransfer/data/

    r16494 r17333  
    146146    /**
    147      * Tests wheter this set contains any primitives that have invalid data.
     147     * Tests whether this set contains any primitives that have invalid data.
    148148     * @return <code>true</code> if invalid data is contained in this set.
    149149     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/

    r17188 r17333  
    7171 * <ul>
    7272 *   <li>the list of changesets the currently selected objects are assigned to</li>
    73  *   <li>the list of changesets objects in the current data layer are assigend to</li>
     73 *   <li>the list of changesets objects in the current data layer are assigned to</li>
    7474 * </ul>
    7575 *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/changeset/

    r17255 r17333  
    228228     * in the changeset table.
    229229     *
    230      * @return changset actions panel
     230     * @return changeset actions panel
    231231     */
    232232    protected JPanel buildChangesetTableActionPanel() {
    718718    /**
    719      * Selects the changesets  in <code>changests</code>, provided the
     719     * Selects the changesets  in <code>changesets</code>, provided the
    720720     * respective changesets are already present in the local changeset cache.
    721721     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/changeset/

    r10217 r17333  
    14  * The cell renderer for the changeset dicussion table
     14 * The cell renderer for the changeset discussion table
    1515 * @since 7715
    1616 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/

    r14030 r17333  
    3535     * @param group The group to add
    3636     */
    37     public static void addActionsToSelectio(IRelationEditorActionGroup group) {
     37    public static void addActionsToSelection(IRelationEditorActionGroup group) {
    3838        selectionActions.add(group);
    3939    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    r13843 r17333  
    8989        /**
    90          * Constructs a new unamed {@code Bookmark} for the given area.
     90         * Constructs a new unnamed {@code Bookmark} for the given area.
    9191         * @param area The bookmark area
    9292         */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    r16913 r17333  
    6363     * The height of this component is given by a preference entry.
    6464     * <p>
    65      * Mind that using a preferred component size is not possible in this case, since the preference entry needs to have a onstant default value.
     65     * Mind that using a preferred component size is not possible in this case,
     66     * since the preference entry needs to have a constant default value.
    6667     */
    6768    class AdjustableDownloadSizePolicy implements DownloadSourceSizingPolicy {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/draw/

    r14342 r17333  
    2525    CIRCLE("circle", 1, 0),
    2626    /**
    27      * A triangle with sides of equal lengh
     27     * A triangle with sides of equal length
    2828     */
    2929    TRIANGLE("triangle", 3, Math.PI / 2),
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/help/

    r14807 r17333  
    28  * Handles cliks on hyperlinks inside {@link HelpBrowser}.
     28 * Handles clicks on hyperlinks inside {@link HelpBrowser}.
    2929 * @since 14807
    3030 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/

    r17029 r17333  
    331331        /**
    332332         * Constructs a new {@code AlignedRenderer}.
    333          * @param hAlignment Horizontal alignement. One of the following constants defined in SwingConstants:
     333         * @param hAlignment Horizontal alignment. One of the following constants defined in SwingConstants:
    334334         *        LEFT, CENTER (the default for image-only labels), RIGHT, LEADING (the default for text-only labels) or TRAILING
    335335         */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r16913 r17333  
    186186     * Default values are not saved.
    187187     * @param filename - where to export
    188      * @param append - if true, resulting file cause appending to exuisting preferences
     188     * @param append - if true, resulting file cause appending to existing preferences
    189189     * @param keys - which preferences keys you need to export ("imagery.entries", for example)
    190190     */
    200200     * Preference keys matching specified pattern are saved
    201201     * @param fileName - where to export
    202      * @param append - if true, resulting file cause appending to exuisting preferences
    203      * @param pattern - Regexp pattern forh preferences keys you need to export (".*imagery.*", for example)
     202     * @param append - if true, resulting file cause appending to existing preferences
     203     * @param pattern - Regexp pattern for preferences keys you need to export (".*imagery.*", for example)
    204204     */
    205205    public static void exportPreferencesKeysByPatternToFile(String fileName, boolean append, String pattern) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r16977 r17333  
    191191    /**
    192      * This is the list of layers we manage. The list is unmodifyable. That way, read access does not need to be synchronized.
     192     * This is the list of layers we manage. The list is unmodifiable. That way, read access does
     193     * not need to be synchronized.
    193194     *
    194195     * It is only changed in the EDT.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r16438 r17333  
    192192         * Get new scale for zoom in/out with a ratio at a number of times.
    193193         * Used by mousewheel zoom where wheel can step more than one between events.
    194          * @param scale previois scale
     194         * @param scale previous scale
    195195         * @param ratio user defined zoom ratio
    196196         * @param times number of times to zoom
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/gpx/

    r14153 r17333  
    28  * An aciton that imports images along a GPX path
     28 * An action that imports images along a GPX path
    2929 */
    3030public class ImportImagesAction extends AbstractAction {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/imagery/

    r11956 r17333  
    3939            @Override
    4040            protected void finish() {
    41                 // empty - flush is instaneus
     41                // empty - flush is instantaneous
    4242            }
    4444            @Override
    4545            protected void cancel() {
    46                 // empty - flush is instaneus
     46                // empty - flush is instantaneous
    4747            }
    4848        }.run();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r16590 r17333  
    147147     * @param osm OSM primitive
    148148     * @param scale scale
    149      * @param nc navigatable component
     149     * @param nc navigable component
    150150     * @return pair containing style list and range
    151151     * @since 13810 (signature)
    239239     * @param osm OSM primitive
    240240     * @param scale scale
    241      * @param nc navigatable component
     241     * @param nc navigable component
    242242     * @return pair containing style list and range
    243243     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/

    r16906 r17333  
    1414    /**
    1515     * Constructs a new {@code MapCSSException} with an explicit error message.
    16      * @param specialmessage error message
     16     * @param specialMessage error message
    1717     */
    18     public MapCSSException(String specialmessage) {
    19         super(specialmessage);
     18    public MapCSSException(String specialMessage) {
     19        super(specialMessage);
    2020    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/styleelement/

    r16252 r17333  
    5858    public float realWidth;
    5959    /**
    60      * A flag indicating if the direction arrwos should be painted. Should not be accessed directly
     60     * A flag indicating if the direction arrows should be painted. Should not be accessed directly
    6161     */
    6262    public boolean wayDirectionArrows;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/styleelement/

    r10875 r17333  
    2828    public final Color strokeColor;
    2929    /**
    30      * The color to fill the interiour of the shape.
     30     * The color to fill the interior of the shape.
    3131     */
    3232    public final Color fillColor;
    3838     * @param stroke The stroke to use for the outline
    3939     * @param strokeColor The color to draw the stroke with
    40      * @param fillColor The color to fill the interiour of the shape.
     40     * @param fillColor The color to fill the interior of the shape.
    4141     */
    4242    public Symbol(SymbolShape symbol, int size, Stroke stroke, Color strokeColor, Color fillColor) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r13892 r17333  
    8484     * Builds the panel for entering the username and password
    8585     *
    86      * @return constructed panel for the creditentials
     86     * @return constructed panel for the credentials
    8787     */
    8888    protected VerticallyScrollablePanel buildUserNamePasswordPanel() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r14977 r17333  
    34  * This is the UI for running a semic-automic authorisation procedure.
     34 * This is the UI for running a semi-automatic authorisation procedure.
    3535 *
    3636 * In contrast to the fully-automatic procedure the user is dispatched to an
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/plugin/

    r16438 r17333  
    164164    /**
    165      * Replies the list of plugin informations to display.
    166      *
    167      * @return the list of plugin informations to display
     165     * Replies the list of plugin information to display.
     166     *
     167     * @return the list of plugin information to display
    168168     */
    169169    public List<PluginInformation> getDisplayedPlugins() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/server/

    r17160 r17333  
    3636    private final JRadioButton rbOAuth = new JRadioButton();
    3737    /** the panel which contains the authentication parameters for the respective authentication scheme */
    38     private final JPanel pnlAuthenticationParameteters = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
     38    private final JPanel pnlAuthenticationParameters = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    3939    /** the panel for the basic authentication parameters */
    4040    private BasicAuthenticationPreferencesPanel pnlBasicAuthPreferences;
    9191        gc.weightx = 1.0;
    9292        gc.weighty = 1.0;
    93         add(pnlAuthenticationParameteters, gc);
     93        add(pnlAuthenticationParameters, gc);
    9595        //-- the two panels for authentication parameters
    9999        rbBasicAuthentication.setSelected(true);
    100         pnlAuthenticationParameteters.add(pnlBasicAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     100        pnlAuthenticationParameters.add(pnlBasicAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    101101    }
    151151        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
    152152            if (rbBasicAuthentication.isSelected()) {
    153                 pnlAuthenticationParameteters.removeAll();
    154                 pnlAuthenticationParameteters.add(pnlBasicAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     153                pnlAuthenticationParameters.removeAll();
     154                pnlAuthenticationParameters.add(pnlBasicAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    155155                pnlBasicAuthPreferences.revalidate();
    156156            } else {
    157                 pnlAuthenticationParameteters.removeAll();
    158                 pnlAuthenticationParameteters.add(pnlOAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     157                pnlAuthenticationParameters.removeAll();
     158                pnlAuthenticationParameters.add(pnlOAuthPreferences, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    159159                pnlOAuthPreferences.revalidate();
    160160            }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/server/

    r16422 r17333  
    7575        cbUseForAllRequests.setText(tr("Use OAuth for all requests to {0}", OsmApi.getOsmApi().getServerUrl()));
    76         cbUseForAllRequests.setToolTipText(tr("For user-based bandwith limit instead of IP-based one"));
     76        cbUseForAllRequests.setToolTipText(tr("For user-based bandwidth limit instead of IP-based one"));
    7777        pnl.add(cbUseForAllRequests, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/progress/swing/

    r14302 r17333  
    217217    /**
    218      * See if this task is canceleable
     218     * See if this task is cancelable
    219219     * @return <code>true</code> if it can be canceled
    220220     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/ac/

    r16553 r17333  
    106106    /**
    107      * adds a colleciton of {@link AutoCompletionItem} to this list. An item is only
     107     * adds a collection of {@link AutoCompletionItem} to this list. An item is only
    108108     * added it is not null and if it does not exist in the list yet.
    109109     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/presets/items/

    r16179 r17333  
    7070        /**
    71          * Sets wether this role is required at least once in the relation.
     71         * Sets whether this role is required at least once in the relation.
    7272         * @param str "required" or "optional"
    7373         * @throws SAXException if str is neither "required" or "optional"
    8282        /**
    83          * Sets wether the role name is a regular expression.
     83         * Sets whether the role name is a regular expression.
    8484         * @param str "true" or "false"
    8585         * @throws SAXException if str is neither "true" or "false"
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r12807 r17333  
    11  * Action implementing a multikey shortcut - shorcuts like Ctrl+Alt+S,n will toggle n-th layer visibility.
     11 * Action implementing a multikey shortcut - shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+S,n will toggle n-th layer visibility.
    1212 * @since 4595
    1313 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r14668 r17333  
    331331    /**
    332332     * Opens the {@code AbstractFileChooser} that has been created.
    333      * @return the {@code AbstractFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
     333     * @return the {@code AbstractFileChooser} if the user effectively chooses a file or directory.
     334     * {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
    334335     */
    335336    public final AbstractFileChooser openFileChooser() {
    339340    /**
    340      * Opens the {@code AbstractFileChooser} that has been created and waits for the user to choose a file/directory, or cancel the dialog.<br>
    341      * When the user choses a file or directory, the {@code lastDirProperty} is updated to the chosen directory path.
    342      *
    343      * @param parent The Component used as the parent of the AbstractFileChooser. If null, uses {@code MainApplication.getMainFrame()}.
    344      * @return the {@code AbstractFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
     341     * Opens the {@code AbstractFileChooser} that has been created and waits for the user to choose a file/directory,
     342     * or cancel the dialog.<br>
     343     * When the user chooses a file or directory, the {@code lastDirProperty} is updated to the chosen directory path.
     344     *
     345     * @param parent The Component used as the parent of the AbstractFileChooser. If null,
     346     *               uses {@code MainApplication.getMainFrame()}.
     347     * @return the {@code AbstractFileChooser} if the user effectively chooses
     348     * a file or directory.{@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
    345349     */
    346350    public AbstractFileChooser openFileChooser(Component parent) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r16553 r17333  
    183183    /**
    184      * Sets a listener to be invoked on ssingle click
     184     * Sets a listener to be invoked on single click
    185185     * @param clickListener The click listener
    186186     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r16643 r17333  
    236236     *
    237237     * @param min the min lat/lon coordinates of the bounding box. Must not be null.
    238      * @param max the max lat/lon coordiantes of the bounding box. Must not be null.
     238     * @param max the max lat/lon coordinates of the bounding box. Must not be null.
    239239     *
    240240     * @return the restricted changeset query
    278278    /**
    279279     * Restricts the result to changesets which have been closed after <code>closedAfter</code> and which
    280      * habe been created before <code>createdBefore</code>. Both dates are expressed relative to the current
     280     * have been created before <code>createdBefore</code>. Both dates are expressed relative to the current
    281281     * time zone.
    282282     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r7937 r17333  
    5  * All exceptions resulting from a user cancelation during any import should implement this interface.
     5 * All exceptions resulting from a user cancellation during any import should implement this interface.
    66 * @since 6621
    77 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r16427 r17333  
    9090                }
    9191            } catch (OsmApiException e) {
    92                 // We want to explicitely display message to user in some cases like when he has been blocked (#17722)
     92                // We want to explicitly display message to user in some cases like when he has been blocked (#17722)
    9393                ExceptionDialogUtil.explainOsmTransferException(e);
    9494            } catch (OsmTransferException e) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r17290 r17333  
    410410    /**
    411      * Workaround for difference in Oerpass API.
     411     * Workaround for difference in Overpass API.
    412412     * As of now (version 7.55) Overpass api doesn't return invisible objects.
    413413     * Check if we have objects which do not appear in the dataset and fetch them from OSM instead.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r13903 r17333  
    5151            out.print("  <note ");
    5252            out.print("id=\"" + note.getId() + "\" ");
    53             out.print("lat=\"" + LatLon.cDdHighPecisionFormatter.format( + "\" ");
    54             out.print("lon=\"" + LatLon.cDdHighPecisionFormatter.format(ll.lon()) + "\" ");
     53            out.print("lat=\"" + LatLon.cDdHighPrecisionFormatter.format( + "\" ");
     54            out.print("lon=\"" + LatLon.cDdHighPrecisionFormatter.format(ll.lon()) + "\" ");
    5555            out.print("created_at=\"" + DateUtils.fromDate(note.getCreatedAt()) + "\" ");
    5656            if (note.getClosedAt() != null) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r16630 r17333  
    7373    /**
    74      * Defines whether all OSM API requests should be signed with an OAuth token (user-based bandwith limit instead of IP-based one)
     74     * Defines whether all OSM API requests should be signed with an OAuth token (user-based bandwidth limit instead of IP-based one)
    7575     */
    7676    public static final BooleanProperty USE_OAUTH_FOR_ALL_REQUESTS = new BooleanProperty("oauth.use-for-all-requests", true);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r16953 r17333  
    239239    void writeLatLon(LatLon ll) {
    240240        if (ll != null) {
    241             out.print(" lat='"+LatLon.cDdHighPecisionFormatter.format(
    242                      "' lon='"+LatLon.cDdHighPecisionFormatter.format(ll.lon())+'\'');
     241            out.print(" lat='"+LatLon.cDdHighPrecisionFormatter.format(
     242                     "' lon='"+LatLon.cDdHighPrecisionFormatter.format(ll.lon())+'\'');
    243243        }
    244244    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r16643 r17333  
    9494     * @since 11916
    9595     */
    96     public enum OverpassOutpoutFormat {
     96    public enum OverpassOutputFormat {
    9797        /** Default output format: plain OSM XML */
    9898        OSM_XML("xml"),
    110110        private final String directive;
    112         OverpassOutpoutFormat(String directive) {
     112        OverpassOutputFormat(String directive) {
    113113            this.directive = directive;
    114114        }
    124124        /**
    125          * Returns the {@code OverpassOutpoutFormat} matching the given directive.
     125         * Returns the {@code OverpassOutputFormat} matching the given directive.
    126126         * @param directive directive used in {@code [out:<directive>]} statement
    127          * @return {@code OverpassOutpoutFormat} matching the given directive
     127         * @return {@code OverpassOutputFormat} matching the given directive
    128128         * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of invalid directive
    129129         */
    130         static OverpassOutpoutFormat from(String directive) {
    131             for (OverpassOutpoutFormat oof : values()) {
     130        static OverpassOutputFormat from(String directive) {
     131            for (OverpassOutputFormat oof : values()) {
    132132                if (oof.directive.equals(directive)) {
    133133                    return oof;
    140140    static final Pattern OUTPUT_FORMAT_STATEMENT = Pattern.compile(".*\\[out:([a-z]{3,})\\].*", Pattern.DOTALL);
    142     static final Map<OverpassOutpoutFormat, Class<? extends AbstractReader>> outputFormatReaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
     142    static final Map<OverpassOutputFormat, Class<? extends AbstractReader>> outputFormatReaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    144144    final String overpassServer;
    165165     * @return the previous value associated with {@code format}, or {@code null} if there was no mapping
    166166     */
    167     public static final Class<? extends AbstractReader> registerOverpassOutpoutFormatReader(
    168             OverpassOutpoutFormat format, Class<? extends AbstractReader> readerClass) {
     167    public static final Class<? extends AbstractReader> registerOverpassOutputFormatReader(
     168            OverpassOutputFormat format, Class<? extends AbstractReader> readerClass) {
    169169        return outputFormatReaders.put(Objects.requireNonNull(format), Objects.requireNonNull(readerClass));
    170170    }
    172172    static {
    173         registerOverpassOutpoutFormatReader(OverpassOutpoutFormat.OSM_XML, OverpassOsmReader.class);
    174         registerOverpassOutpoutFormatReader(OverpassOutpoutFormat.OSM_JSON, OverpassOsmJsonReader.class);
     173        registerOverpassOutputFormatReader(OverpassOutputFormat.OSM_XML, OverpassOsmReader.class);
     174        registerOverpassOutputFormatReader(OverpassOutputFormat.OSM_JSON, OverpassOsmJsonReader.class);
    175175    }
    369369        Matcher m = OUTPUT_FORMAT_STATEMENT.matcher(overpassQuery);
    370370        if (m.matches()) {
    371             Class<? extends AbstractReader> readerClass = outputFormatReaders.get(OverpassOutpoutFormat.from(;
     371            Class<? extends AbstractReader> readerClass = outputFormatReaders.get(OverpassOutputFormat.from(;
    372372            if (readerClass != null) {
    373373                try {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/audio/

    r16624 r17333  
    171171     * @param url The resource to play, which must be a WAV file or stream
    172172     * @param seconds The number of seconds into the audio to start playing
    173      * @param speed Rate at which audio playes (1.0 = real time, &gt; 1 is faster)
     173     * @param speed Rate at which audio plays (1.0 = real time, &gt; 1 is faster)
    174174     * @throws InterruptedException thread interrupted
    175175     * @throws IOException audio fault exception, e.g. can't open stream,  unhandleable audio format
    184184     * Pauses the currently playing audio stream. Does nothing if nothing playing.
    185185     * @throws InterruptedException thread interrupted
    186      * @throws IOException audio fault exception, e.g. can't open stream,  unhandleable audio format
     186     * @throws IOException audio fault exception, e.g. can't open stream, unhandleable audio format
    187187     */
    188188    public static void pause() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/audio/

    r16913 r17333  
    8989                    bytesToSkip -= skippedBytes;
    9090                    if (skippedBytes == 0) {
    91                         // Avoid inifinite loop
     91                        // Avoid infinite loop
    9292                        Logging.warn("Unable to skip bytes from audio input stream");
    9393                        bytesToSkip = 0;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r11879 r17333  
    6161    /**
    62      * Sets the cancelation status (authentication request canceled by user)
    63      * @param canceled the cancelation status (authentication request canceled by user)
     62     * Sets the cancellation status (authentication request canceled by user)
     63     * @param canceled the cancellation status (authentication request canceled by user)
    6464     */
    6565    public void setCanceled(boolean canceled) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r14282 r17333  
    214214                break;
    215215            case "hu":
    216                 // Hungary,
     216                // Hungarian,
    217217                result.add('0');
    218218                break;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r13647 r17333  
    1212    /**
    13      * Unik-like platform. This is the default when the platform cannot be identified.
     13     * Unix-like platform. This is the default when the platform cannot be identified.
    1414     */
    1515    UNIXOID {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r16488 r17333  
    136136    /**
    137      * Converts an angle diven in cardinal directions to radians.
     137     * Converts an angle given in cardinal directions to radians.
    138138     * The following values are supported: {@code n}, {@code north}, {@code ne}, {@code northeast},
    139139     * {@code e}, {@code east}, {@code se}, {@code southeast}, {@code s}, {@code south},
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r16517 r17333  
    3737    /**
    38      * Creqates a stream iterating the list in reversed order
     38     * Creates a stream iterating the list in reversed order
    3939     * @param list the list to iterate over
    4040     * @param <T> the type of elements in the list
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/bugreport/

    r16621 r17333  
    4343    /**
    44      * We capture all stack traces on exception creation. This allows us to trace synchonization problems better.
     44     * We capture all stack traces on exception creation. This allows us to trace synchronization problems better.
    4545     * We cannot be really sure what happened but we at least see which threads
    4646     */
    6262     * Constructs a new {@code ReportedException}.
    6363     * @param exception the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the {@link #getCause()} method)
    64      * @param caughtOnThread thread where the exception was caugth
     64     * @param caughtOnThread thread where the exception was caught
    6565     * @since 14380
    6666     */
    278278    /**
    279      * Check if this is caused by an out of memory situaition
     279     * Check if this is caused by an out of memory situation
    280280     * @return <code>true</code> if it is.
    281281     * @since 10819
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/template_engine/

    r13003 r17333  
    51     private final Set<Character> specialCharaters = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList('$', '?', '{', '}', '|', '\'', '!'));
     51    private final Set<Character> specialCharacters = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList('$', '?', '{', '}', '|', '\'', '!'));
    5353    private final String template;
    114114            return new Token(TokenType.APOSTROPHE, position);
    115115        default:
    116             while (c != -1 && !specialCharaters.contains((char) c)) {
     116            while (c != -1 && !specialCharacters.contains((char) c)) {
    117117                if (c == '\\') {
    118118                    getChar();
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.