Changeset 16741 in josm

2020-07-11T13:56:08+02:00 (4 years ago)
  • fix #19440 - Add placement:forward/backward to highway presets
  • fix #16391 - Add noref=yes and noname=yes checkboxes after ref and name fields in highway presets
  • save some space in height of preset window by reordering checks a bit
  • based on patch by skyper
1 edited


  • trunk/resources/data/defaultpresets.xml

    r16723 r16741  
    3737    </chunk>
    3838    <chunk id="highway_base">
    39         <space />
    4039        <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5,6" length="3" />
    4140        <combo key="lanes:forward" text="Lanes in way direction" values="1,2,3,4,5" length="3" />
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    52         <checkgroup columns="2">
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    5352            <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
     53            <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    5454            <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
    55             <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    5655            <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
    5756        </checkgroup>
    6261    </chunk>
    6362    <chunk id="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width">
    64         <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
    65         <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline" />
    66         <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
     63        <checkgroup columns="4">
     64            <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
     65            <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
     66            <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
     67            <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
     68        </checkgroup>
     69        <checkgroup columns="4">
     70            <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
     71            <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
     72        </checkgroup>
     73        <combo key="incline" text="Incline" values="10%,-10%,10°,-10°,up,down" />
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    6875    </chunk>
    7077        <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
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     79    </chunk>
     80    <chunk id="placement">
     81        <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,left_of:4,left_of:5,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,middle_of:4,middle_of:5,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,right_of:4,right_of:5,transition" />
     82        <combo key="placement:forward" text="Placement in way direction" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,left_of:4,left_of:5,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,middle_of:4,middle_of:5,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,right_of:4,right_of:5" />
     83        <combo key="placement:backward" text="Placement opposed to way direction" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,left_of:4,left_of:5,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,middle_of:4,middle_of:5,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,right_of:4,right_of:5" />
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    547559            <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
     560            <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
    548561            <optional>
    549562                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     563                <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
    550564                <reference ref="highway_base" />
    551565                <text key="destination" text="Destination" />
    552566                <text key="destination:ref" text="Destination reference" />
    553567                <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
    554                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     568                <space />
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    557                     <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
    558                     <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    559                     <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
    560                     <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
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    564576            </optional>
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    570582            <optional>
     583                <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
     584                <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
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    574588                <text key="junction:ref" text="Junction reference" />
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    576                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     590                <space />
     591                <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
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    580                     <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    581                     <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
    582                     <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
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     597                <reference ref="placement" />
    586598            </optional>
    587599            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
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     606            <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
    594607            <optional>
    595608                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     609                <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
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    598612                <text key="destination:ref" text="Destination reference" />
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    600                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     614                <space />
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    603                     <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" default="on" />
    604                     <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
    605                     <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    606                     <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
    607                     <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
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     622                <reference ref="placement" />
    611623            </optional>
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    619             <optional>
     630            <optional>
     631                <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
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    625                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     638                <space />
     639                <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
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    628                     <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" default="on" />
    629                     <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
    630                     <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
    631                     <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" disable_off="true" />
    632                     <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" disable_off="true" />
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    636647            </optional>
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     656            <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
    645657            <optional>
    646658                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     659                <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
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    648                 <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" />
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    650                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    651                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
    652                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
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     663                    <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" />
     664                    <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
     665                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
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    653668            </optional>
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    666                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
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    667683            </optional>
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    675692            <optional>
    676693                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     694                <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
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    678696                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    679                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    680                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
    681                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     697                <checkgroup columns="2">
     698                    <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
     699                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
     700                </checkgroup>
     701                <reference ref="placement" />
    682702            </optional>
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    693                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     713                <space />
     714                <reference ref="placement" />
    694715            </optional>
    695716            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
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     723            <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
    702724            <optional>
    703725                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     726                <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
    704727                <reference ref="highway_base" />
    705728                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    706                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    707                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
    708                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
     729                <checkgroup columns="2">
     730                    <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
     731                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
     732                </checkgroup>
     733                <reference ref="placement" />
    709734            </optional>
    710735            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    718743                <text key="destination:ref" text="Destination reference" />
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     745                <space />
     746                <reference ref="placement" />
    720747            </optional>
    721748            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
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    729756                <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
     757                <check key="noref" text="Street has no reference" disable_off="true" />
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    731759                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    732                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    733                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
    734                 <combo key="placement" text="Placement" values="left_of:1,left_of:2,left_of:3,middle_of:1,middle_of:2,middle_of:3,right_of:1,right_of:2,right_of:3,transition" />
    735                 <check key="passing_places" text="Passing Places" />
     760                <checkgroup columns="3">
     761                    <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
     762                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
     763                    <check key="passing_places" text="Passing Places" />
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     765                <reference ref="placement" />
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    743773            <text key="name" text="Name" />
    744             <optional>
    745                 <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
     774            <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
     775            <optional>
    746776                <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
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    748                 <checkgroup columns="2">
     778                <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
     779                <checkgroup columns="4">
    749780                    <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
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     782                    <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
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    752                 <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline" />
    753                 <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
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    756                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    757                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
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     788                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
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    758790            </optional>
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     800            <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
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    769802            <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" default="30" />
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    774                 <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
    775                 <check key="oneway:bicycle" text="Oneway for bicycle" />
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    777                 <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
     808                <checkgroup columns="4">
     809                    <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
     810                    <check key="oneway:bicycle" text="Oneway for bicycle" />
     811                    <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
     812                </checkgroup>
    778813                <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
    779814                <combo key="sidewalk" text="Sidewalk" values="both,left,right,no,separate" values_context="sidewalk" />
    786821            <key key="highway" value="living_street" />
    787822            <text key="name" text="Name" />
     823            <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
    788824            <optional>
    789825                <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3" length="3" />
    791827                <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
    792828                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
    793                 <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
    794                 <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
     829                <checkgroup columns="2">
     830                    <check key="narrow" text="Narrow" disable_off="true" />
     831                    <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
     832                </checkgroup>
    795833            </optional>
    796834            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    801839            <key key="highway" value="pedestrian" />
    802840            <text key="name" text="Name" />
     841            <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
    803842            <optional>
    804843                <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" />
    818857            <optional>
    819858                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     859                <space />
    820860                <reference ref="highway_base" />
    821861                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    857897            <optional>
    858898                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     899                <space />
    859900                <reference ref="highway_base" />
    860901                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    869910            <optional>
    870911                <text key="name" text="Name" />
     912                <space />
    871913                <reference ref="highway_base" />
    872914                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
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    11091151            <text key="name" text="Name" />
     1152            <check key="noname" text="Junction has no name" disable_off="true" />
    11101153            <text key="ref" text="Number" />
     1154            <check key="noref" text="Junction has no reference" disable_off="true" />
    11111155        </item> <!-- Motorway Junction -->
    11121156        <item name="Services" icon="presets/vehicle/services.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.