Changeset 1669 in josm for trunk/src/org/openstreetmap

2009-06-14T17:34:52+02:00 (15 years ago)

updated i18n

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/properties/

    r1666 r1669  
    21  * This is the model for resolving conflicts in the properties of thw
     21 * This is the model for resolving conflicts in the properties of the
    2222 * {@see OsmPrimitive}s. In particular, it represents conflicts in the coordiates of {@see Node}s and
    2323 * the deleted state of {@see OsmPrimitive}s.
    24  * 
     24 *
    2525 * This model is an {@see Observable}. It notifies registered {@see Observer}s whenever the
    2626 * internal state changes.
    27  * 
     27 *
    2828 * This model also emits property changes for {@see #RESOLVED_COMPLETELY_PROP}. Property change
    2929 * listeners may register themselves using {@see #addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)}.
    30  * 
     30 *
    3131 * @see Node#getCoor()
    3232 * @see OsmPrimitive#deleted
    7171     * replies true if there is a coordinate conflict and if this conflict is
    7272     * resolved
    73      * 
     73     *
    7474     * @return true if there is a coordinate conflict and if this conflict is
    7575     * resolved; false, otherwise
    8282     * replies true if there is a  conflict in the deleted state and if this conflict is
    8383     * resolved
    84      * 
     84     *
    8585     * @return true if there is a conflict in the deleted state and if this conflict is
    8686     * resolved; false, otherwise
    9292    /**
    9393     * replies true if the current decision for the coordinate conflict is <code>decision</code>
    94      * 
     94     *
    9595     * @return true if the current decision for the coordinate conflict is <code>decision</code>;
    9696     *  false, otherwise
    102102    /**
    103103     * replies true if the current decision for the deleted state conflict is <code>decision</code>
    104      * 
     104     *
    105105     * @return true if the current decision for the deleted state conflict is <code>decision</code>;
    106106     *  false, otherwise
    112112    /**
    113113     * populates the model with the differences between my and their version
    114      * 
     114     *
    115115     * @param my my version of the primitive
    116116     * @param their their version of the primitive
    139139     * replies the coordinates of my {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if my primitive hasn't
    140140     * coordinates (i.e. because it is a {@see Way}).
    141      * 
     141     *
    142142     * @return the coordinates of my {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if my primitive hasn't
    143143     *  coordinates (i.e. because it is a {@see Way}).
    150150     * replies the coordinates of their {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if their primitive hasn't
    151151     * coordinates (i.e. because it is a {@see Way}).
    152      * 
     152     *
    153153     * @return the coordinates of my {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if my primitive hasn't
    154154     * coordinates (i.e. because it is a {@see Way}).
    161161     * replies the coordinates of the merged {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if the current primitives
    162162     * have no coordinates or if the conflict is yet {@see MergeDecisionType#UNDECIDED}
    163      * 
     163     *
    164164     * @return the coordinates of the merged {@see OsmPrimitive}. null, if the current primitives
    165165     * have no coordinates or if the conflict is yet {@see MergeDecisionType#UNDECIDED}
    177177    /**
    178178     * decides a conflict between my and their coordinates
    179      * 
     179     *
    180180     * @param decision the decision
    181181     */
    219219     * replies true if my and their primitive have a conflict between
    220220     * their coordinate values
    221      * 
     221     *
    222222     * @return true if my and their primitive have a conflict between
    223223     * their coordinate values; false otherwise
    233233     * replies true if my and their primitive have a conflict between
    234234     * their deleted states
    235      * 
     235     *
    236236     * @return true if my and their primitive have a conflict between
    237237     * their deleted states
    243243    /**
    244244     * replies true if all conflict in this model are resolved
    245      * 
     245     *
    246246     * @return true if all conflict in this model are resolved; false otherwise
    247247     */
    259259    /**
    260260     * builds the command(s) to apply the conflict resolutions to my primitive
    261      * 
     261     *
    262262     * @param my  my primitive
    263263     * @param their their primitive
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