Changeset 16625 in josm
- Timestamp:
- 2020-06-14T14:55:20+02:00 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r16624 r16625 302 302 <!-- Undocumented argument to ignore "Sun internal proprietary API" warning, see --> 303 303 <compilerarg value="-XDignore.symbol.file"/> 304 <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepExcludedPaths:.*/parsergen/.* -Xep:ReferenceEquality:OFF -Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:OFF -Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:OFF -Xep:FloatingPointLiteralPrecision:OFF -Xep:ShortCircuitBoolean:OFF -Xep:StringSplitter:OFF -Xep:JdkObsolete:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryParentheses:OFF -Xep:EqualsGetClass:OFF -Xep:UndefinedEquals:OFF -Xep:MixedMutabilityReturnType:OFF -Xep:JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone:OFF -Xep: UnusedVariable:OFF -Xep:BadImport:OFF -Xep:AnnotateFormatMethod:OFF -Xep:MutablePublicArray:OFF"/>304 <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepExcludedPaths:.*/parsergen/.* -Xep:ReferenceEquality:OFF -Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:OFF -Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:OFF -Xep:FloatingPointLiteralPrecision:OFF -Xep:ShortCircuitBoolean:OFF -Xep:StringSplitter:OFF -Xep:JdkObsolete:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryParentheses:OFF -Xep:EqualsGetClass:OFF -Xep:UndefinedEquals:OFF -Xep:MixedMutabilityReturnType:OFF -Xep:JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone:OFF -Xep:BadImport:OFF -Xep:AnnotateFormatMethod:OFF -Xep:MutablePublicArray:OFF"/> 305 305 <compilerarg line="-Xmaxwarns 1000"/> 306 306 <classpath> -
r16438 r16625 317 317 } 318 318 319 // This try/catch is a hack to stop the flooding bug reports about this.320 // The exception needed to handle with in the first place, means that this321 // access to the data need to be restarted, if the main thread modifies the data.322 DataSet ds = null;323 319 // The popup != null check is required because a left-click produces several events as well, 324 320 // which would make this variable true. Of course we only want the popup to show … … 328 324 boolean middleMouseDown = (ms.modifiers & MouseEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 329 325 330 ds = mv.getLayerManager().getActiveDataSet(); 326 DataSet ds = mv.getLayerManager().getActiveDataSet(); 331 327 if (ds != null) { 332 328 // This is not perfect, if current dataset was changed during execution, the lock would be useless … … 340 336 } 341 337 } 338 // This try/catch is a hack to stop the flooding bug reports about this. 339 // The exception needed to handle with in the first place, means that this 340 // access to the data need to be restarted, if the main thread modifies the data. 342 341 try { 343 342 // Set the text label in the bottom status bar -
r13675 r16625 22 22 */ 23 23 public MemberTableColumnModel(AutoCompletionManager autoCompletionManager, Relation relation) { 24 TableColumn col = null;24 TableColumn col; 25 25 26 26 // column 0 - the member role -
r15593 r16625 146 146 public static GpxImporterData loadLayers(final GpxData data, final boolean parsedProperly, 147 147 final String gpxLayerName, String markerLayerName) { 148 GpxLayer gpxLayer = null;149 148 MarkerLayer markerLayer = null; 150 gpxLayer = new GpxLayer(data, gpxLayerName, data.storageFile != null); 149 GpxLayer gpxLayer = new GpxLayer(data, gpxLayerName, data.storageFile != null); 151 150 if (Config.getPref().getBoolean("marker.makeautomarkers", true) && !data.waypoints.isEmpty()) { 152 151 markerLayer = new MarkerLayer(data, markerLayerName, data.storageFile, gpxLayer); -
r16601 r16625 285 285 msg.add(scrollPane, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.BOTH)); 286 286 287 int v = 1;288 287 // build dialog 289 288 ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), … … 313 312 ed.showDialog(); 314 313 dateFilter.saveInPrefs(); 315 v = ed.getValue(); 314 int v = ed.getValue(); 316 315 // cancel for unknown buttons and copy back original settings 317 316 if (v != 2 && v != 3) { -
r16607 r16625 376 376 } 377 377 378 @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UnusedFormalParameter") 378 @SuppressWarnings({"PMD.UnusedFormalParameter", "UnusedVariable"}) 379 379 private static boolean isRemoveColor(ColorEntry ce) { 380 380 return false;
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