Changeset 15707 in osm for applications/editors/josm
- Timestamp:
- 2009-06-06T22:25:31+02:00 (16 years ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins
- Files:
- 3 deleted
- 33 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r15167 r15707 37 37 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="dist" dir="utilsplugin"/> 38 38 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="dist" dir="validator"/> 39 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="dist" dir="waydownloader"/> 39 40 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="dist" dir="wmsplugin"/> 40 41 </target> … … 76 77 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" dir="utilsplugin"/> 77 78 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" dir="validator"/> 79 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" dir="waydownloader"/> 78 80 <ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" dir="wmsplugin"/> 79 81 </target> -
r14120 r15707 26 26 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="A special handler for the french land registry WMS server."/> 27 27 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1 498"/>28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1646"/> 29 29 <attribute name="Plugin-Stage" value="60"/> 30 30 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> -
r13784 r15707 25 25 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 26 26 import javax.swing.JSeparator; 27 import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;28 27 29 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 30 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions. ExtensionFileFilter;29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.DiskAccessAction; 31 30 import; 32 31 import; … … 46 45 public class WMSLayer extends Layer { 47 46 48 Component[] component = null; 47 Component[] component = null; 49 48 50 49 public int lambertZone = -1; … … 54 53 55 54 protected ArrayList<GeorefImage> images = new ArrayList<GeorefImage>(); 56 55 57 56 protected final int serializeFormatVersion = 2; 58 57 59 58 private ArrayList<EastNorthBound> dividedBbox = new ArrayList<EastNorthBound>(); 60 59 61 60 private CacheControl cacheControl = null; 62 61 63 62 private String location = ""; 64 63 65 64 private String codeCommune = ""; 66 65 67 66 private EastNorthBound communeBBox = new EastNorthBound(new EastNorth(0,0), new EastNorth(0,0)); 68 67 69 68 private boolean isRaster = false; 70 69 71 70 private EastNorth rasterMin; 72 71 73 72 private EastNorth rasterCenter; 74 73 75 74 private double rasterRatio; 76 75 … … 81 80 this(tr("Blank Layer"), "", -1); 82 81 } 83 82 84 83 public WMSLayer(String location, String codeCommune, int lambertZone) { 85 84 super(buildName(location, codeCommune)); … … 90 89 CadastrePlugin.pluginUsed = true; 91 90 } 92 91 93 92 private static String buildName(String location, String codeCommune) { 94 93 String ret = new String(location.toUpperCase()); … … 138 137 139 138 /** 140 * 139 * 141 140 * @param b the original bbox, usually the current bbox on screen 142 141 * @param factor 1 = source bbox 1:1 … … 202 201 public void paint(Graphics g, final MapView mv) { 203 202 for (GeorefImage img : images) 204 img.paint((Graphics2D) g, mv, CadastrePlugin.backgroundTransparent, 203 img.paint((Graphics2D) g, mv, CadastrePlugin.backgroundTransparent, 205 204 CadastrePlugin.transparency, CadastrePlugin.drawBoundaries); 206 205 } … … 244 243 return null; 245 244 } 246 245 247 246 public boolean isOverlapping(Bounds bounds) { 248 GeorefImage georefImage = 247 GeorefImage georefImage = 249 248 new GeorefImage(new BufferedImage(1,1,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ), // not really important 250 249 Main.proj.latlon2eastNorth(bounds.min), … … 262 261 } 263 262 } 264 263 265 264 public void saveNewCache() { 266 265 if (CacheControl.cacheEnabled) { … … 270 269 } 271 270 } 272 271 273 272 public CacheControl getCacheControl() { 274 273 if (cacheControl == null) … … 276 275 return cacheControl; 277 276 } 278 277 279 278 public class SaveWmsAction extends AbstractAction { 280 279 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; … … 285 284 286 285 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { 287 File f = openFileDialog(false); 286 File f = DiskAccessAction.createAndOpenSaveFileChooser( 287 tr("Save WMS layer"), ".wms"); 288 288 try { 289 289 FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); … … 311 311 312 312 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { 313 File f = openFileDialog(true); 314 if (f == null) 315 return; 313 JFileChooser fc = DiskAccessAction.createAndOpenFileChooser(true, 314 false, tr("Load WMS layer")); 315 if(fc == null) return; 316 File f = fc.getSelectedFile(); 317 if (f == null) return; 316 318 try { 317 319 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); … … 342 344 } 343 345 344 protected static JFileChooser createAndOpenFileChooser(boolean open, boolean multiple) {345 String curDir = Main.pref.get("lastDirectory");346 if (curDir.equals(""))347 curDir = ".";348 JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(new File(curDir));349 fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(multiple);350 for (int i = 0; i < ExtensionFileFilter.filters.length; ++i)351 fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ExtensionFileFilter.filters[i]);352 fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(true);353 354 int answer = open ? fc.showOpenDialog(Main.parent) : fc.showSaveDialog(Main.parent);355 if (answer != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)356 return null;357 358 if (!fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath().equals(curDir))359 Main.pref.put("lastDirectory", fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath());360 361 if (!open) {362 File file = fc.getSelectedFile();363 if (file == null364 || (file.exists() && JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Main.parent,365 tr("File exists. Overwrite?"), tr("Overwrite"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)))366 return null;367 }368 369 return fc;370 }371 372 public static File openFileDialog(boolean open) {373 JFileChooser fc = createAndOpenFileChooser(open, false);374 if (fc == null)375 return null;376 377 File file = fc.getSelectedFile();378 379 String fn = file.getPath();380 if (fn.indexOf('.') == -1) {381 FileFilter ff = fc.getFileFilter();382 if (ff instanceof ExtensionFileFilter)383 fn = "." + ((ExtensionFileFilter) ff).defaultExtension;384 else385 fn += ".osm";386 file = new File(fn);387 }388 return file;389 }390 391 346 /** 392 347 * Convert the eastNorth input coordinates to raster coordinates. … … 434 389 /** 435 390 * Set the eastNorth position in rasterMin which is the 0,0 coordinate (bottom left corner). 436 * The bounds width is the raster width and height is calculate on a fixed image ratio. 391 * The bounds width is the raster width and height is calculate on a fixed image ratio. 437 392 * @param bounds 438 393 */ … … 470 425 img.resize(rasterCenter, proportion); 471 426 } 472 427 473 428 public void rotate(double angle) { 474 429 this.rasterMin = rasterMin.rotate(rasterCenter, angle); … … 476 431 img.rotate(rasterCenter, angle); 477 432 } 478 433 479 434 /** 480 435 * Repaint the LayerList dialog. … … 491 446 } 492 447 } 493 448 494 449 /** 495 450 * Called by CacheControl when a new cache file is created on disk … … 503 458 oos.writeInt(this.lambertZone); 504 459 oos.writeBoolean(this.isRaster); 505 if (this.isRaster) { 460 if (this.isRaster) { 506 461 oos.writeObject(this.rasterMin); 507 462 oos.writeObject(this.rasterCenter); … … 514 469 } 515 470 } 516 471 517 472 /** 518 473 * Called by CacheControl when a cache file is read from disk … … 532 487 this.lambertZone = ois.readInt(); 533 488 this.isRaster = ois.readBoolean(); 534 if (this.isRaster) { 489 if (this.isRaster) { 535 490 this.rasterMin = (EastNorth) ois.readObject(); 536 491 this.rasterCenter = (EastNorth) ois.readObject(); -
r15582 r15707 1 1 <project name="czechaddress" default="dist" basedir="."> 2 <property name="josm.base" value="../../core"/> 3 <property name="josm.jar" value="${josm.base}/dist/josm-custom.jar"/> 4 <property name="josm.doc.dir" value="${josm.base}/doc"/> 2 <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/> 5 3 <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/> 6 4 <property name="" value="build"/> 7 <property name="plugin.javadoc.dir" value="doc"/>8 <property name="plugin.basepackage" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.czechaddress"/>9 <property name="plugin.basepackage.dir" value="org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/czechaddress"/>10 5 <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/${}.jar"/> 11 6 <property name="" value="1.5"/> 12 13 <target name="clean">14 <delete dir="${}"/>15 <delete dir="${plugin.jar}"/>16 </target>17 7 <target name="init"> 18 8 <mkdir dir="${}"/> 19 <mkdir dir="${}"/>20 9 </target> 21 22 <target name="compile" 23 depends="init" 24 description="Compile the plugin"> 25 26 <!-- compile the plugin --> 27 <javac srcdir="src" 28 classpath="${josm.jar}" 29 destdir="${}" 30 debug="true"/> 31 32 <!-- create the manifest --> 33 <manifest file="${}/${plugin.basepackage.dir}/MANIFEST.MF"> 34 <attribute name="Author" value="Radomír Černoch"/> 35 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Creating and handling address nodes and buildings within Czech Republic."/> 36 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1607"/> 37 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="0.2.0"/> 38 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="${plugin.basepackage}.CzechAddressPlugin"/> 39 </manifest> 40 41 <!-- include the images --> 10 <target name="compile" depends="init"> 11 <echo message="creating ${plugin.jar}"/> 12 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}"> 13 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/> 14 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/> 15 </javac> 16 </target> 17 <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision"> 42 18 <copy todir="${}/images"> 43 19 <fileset dir="images"/> 44 20 </copy> 21 <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${}"> 22 <manifest> 23 <attribute name="Author" value="Radomír Černoch"/> 24 <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.czechaddress.CzechAddressPlugin"/> 25 <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${}"/> 26 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Creating and handling address nodes and buildings within Czech Republic."/> 27 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1607"/> 29 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> 30 </manifest> 31 </jar> 45 32 </target> 46 47 <target name="dist" 48 depends="compile" 49 description="Create the .jar file for distribution"> 50 <mkdir dir="${plugin.dist.dir}"/> 51 <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" 52 basedir="${}" 53 manifest="${}/${plugin.basepackage.dir}/MANIFEST.MF"/> 33 <target name="revision"> 34 <exec append="false" output="REVISION" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false"> 35 <env key="LANG" value="C"/> 36 <arg value="info"/> 37 <arg value="--xml"/> 38 <arg value="."/> 39 </exec> 40 <xmlproperty file="REVISION" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/> 41 <delete file="REVISION"/> 54 42 </target> 55 56 <target name="doc" description="Create Javadoc API documentation"> 57 <!--<ant antfile="build.xml" target="doc" dir="${josm.base}"/>--> 58 <mkdir dir="${plugin.javadoc.dir}"/> 59 <javadoc sourcepath="src" 60 packagenames="*" 61 destdir="${plugin.javadoc.dir}" 62 use="true" 63 charset="UTF-8"> 64 <doctitle><![CDATA[Czech Address JOSM plugin]]></doctitle> 65 <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Licenced under GPLv3. Bugreports should be sent to 66 <a href=''>Radomír Černoch</a></i>]]> 67 </bottom> 68 <!--<tag name="todo" scope="all" description="To do:"/>--> 69 <link href=""/> 70 <link href=""/> 71 <!--<link href="file://${user.home}/devel/core/doc"/>--> 72 </javadoc> 43 <target name="clean"> 44 <delete dir="${}"/> 45 <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/> 73 46 </target> 74 75 47 <target name="install" depends="dist"> 76 48 <property environment="env"/> 77 <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" 78 value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins"79 else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">80 < and><os family="windows"/></and>49 <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins" else="${user.home}/.josm/plugins"> 50 <and> 51 <os family="windows"/> 52 </and> 81 53 </condition> 82 54 <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/> 83 55 </target> 84 85 <!-- Before running "run" target, please "ant dist" the JOSM. -->86 <target name="run" depends="compile">87 <java classname="JOSM" fork="true">88 <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/>89 <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>90 <jvmarg value="-ea"/>91 <classpath>92 <pathelement location="${}"/>93 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>94 </classpath>95 <classpath>96 <pathelement location="${josm.jar}"/>97 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>98 </classpath>99 </java>100 </target>101 102 56 </project> -
r13582 r15707 80 80 new JSeparator(), 81 81 // color, 82 new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction( associatedFile, this)),82 new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction(getAssociatedFile(), this)), 83 83 new JSeparator(), 84 84 new JMenuItem(new LayerListPopup.InfoAction(this)) }; -
r14015 r15707 26 26 <attribute name="Plugin-Dependencies" value="jgrapht-jdk1.5"/> 27 27 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area"/> 28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1 465"/>28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1646"/> 29 29 <attribute name="Plugin-Stage" value="50"/> 30 30 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> -
r13497 r15707 29 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 30 30 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.markerlayer.MarkerLayer; 31 import; 31 32 import; 33 import; 32 34 import; 33 35 import; … … 100 102 private void openAsData(File file) throws SAXException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { 101 103 String fn = file.getName(); 102 if ( ExtensionFileFilter.filters[ExtensionFileFilter.OSM].acceptName(fn)) {104 if (new OsmImporter().acceptFile(file)) { 103 105 DataSet dataSet = OsmReader.parseDataSet(new FileInputStream(file), null, Main.pleaseWaitDlg); 104 OsmDataLayer layer = new OsmDataLayer(dataSet, f ile.getName(), file);106 OsmDataLayer layer = new OsmDataLayer(dataSet, fn, file); 105 107 Main.main.addLayer(layer); 106 108 } 107 109 else 108 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, fn+": "+tr("Unknown file extension: {0}", fn.substring(f ile.getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1)));110 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, fn+": "+tr("Unknown file extension: {0}", fn.substring(fn.lastIndexOf('.')+1))); 109 111 } 110 112 111 113 private void openFileAsGpx(File file) throws SAXException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { 112 114 String fn = file.getName(); 113 if ( ExtensionFileFilter.filters[ExtensionFileFilter.GPX].acceptName(fn)) {115 if (new GpxImporter().acceptFile(file)) { 114 116 GpxReader r = null; 115 117 if (file.getName().endsWith(".gpx.gz")) { -
r14287 r15707 44 44 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Provides routing capabilities."/> 45 45 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 46 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1 510"/>46 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1646"/> 47 47 <attribute name="Plugin-Stage" value="50"/> 48 48 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> -
r15106 r15707 3 3 public interface EdgeIterator { 4 4 5 6 7 5 public boolean hasNext(); 6 7 public RoutingEdge next(); 8 8 9 9 } -
r14423 r15707 28 28 29 29 public enum PreferencesKeys { 30 31 32 33 30 KEY_ACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR (""), 31 KEY_INACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR ("routing.inactive.route.color"), 32 KEY_ROUTE_WIDTH ("routing.route.width"), 33 KEY_ROUTE_SELECT (""); 34 34 35 36 37 38 35 public final String key; 36 PreferencesKeys (String key) { 37 this.key=key; 38 } 39 39 40 40 public String getKey() {return key;}; 41 41 } -
r15106 r15707 5 5 public interface RoutingEdge { 6 6 7 7 public LatLon fromLatLon(); 8 8 9 10 11 9 public LatLon toLatLon(); 10 11 public Object fromV(); 12 12 13 13 public Object toV(); 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 public double getLength(); 16 17 public void setLength(double length); 18 19 public double getSpeed(); 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 public void setSpeed(double speed); 22 23 public boolean isOneway(); 24 25 public void setOneway(boolean isOneway); 26 26 27 27 } -
r15106 r15707 52 52 public class RoutingGraph { 53 53 54 54 /** 55 55 * Routing Profile 56 56 */ 57 57 private RoutingProfile routingProfile; 58 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 59 /** 60 * Diferent algorithms to apply to the graph. 61 */ 62 public enum Algorithm { 63 ROUTING_ALG_DIJKSTRA, ROUTING_ALG_BELLMANFORD 64 }; 65 66 /** 67 * Search criteria for the route. 68 */ 69 public enum RouteType {FASTEST,SHORTEST}; 70 71 /** 72 * 73 */ 74 private RouteType routeType; 75 75 76 76 /** 77 77 * Associated Osm DataSet 78 78 */ 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 // 92 93 94 95 96 // 97 // 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 // 111 112 // = data;113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 // 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 79 private DataSet data; 80 81 /** 82 * Logger. 83 */ 84 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingGraph.class); 85 86 /** 87 * Graph state 88 * <code>true</code> Graph in memory. 89 * <code>false</code> Graph not created. 90 */ 91 // public boolean graphState; 92 93 /** 94 * OSM Graph. 95 */ 96 // private DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, OsmEdge> graph; 97 // private WeightedMultigraph<Node, OsmEdge> graph; 98 private Graph<Node, OsmEdge> graph; 99 private RoutingGraphDelegator rgDelegator=null; 100 101 /** 102 * Speeds 103 */ 104 private Map<String,Double> waySpeeds; 105 106 /** 107 * Default Constructor. 108 */ 109 public RoutingGraph(DataSet data) { 110 // this.graphState = false; 111 this.graph = null; 112 = data; 113 routeType=RouteType.SHORTEST; 114 routingProfile=new RoutingProfile("default"); 115 routingProfile.setOnewayUse(true); // Don't ignore oneways by default 116 this.setWaySpeeds(routingProfile.getWaySpeeds()); 117 logger.debug("Created RoutingGraph"); 118 } 119 120 /** 121 * Create OSM graph for routing 122 * 123 * @return 124 */ 125 public void createGraph() { 126 127 logger.debug("Creating Graph..."); 128 graph = new DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, OsmEdge>(OsmEdge.class); 129 rgDelegator=new RoutingGraphDelegator(graph); 130 rgDelegator.setRouteType(this.routeType); 131 // iterate all ways and segments for all nodes: 132 for (Way way : data.ways) { 133 if (way != null && !way.deleted && this.isvalidWay(way)) { 134 Node from = null; 135 for (Node to : way.nodes) { 136 // Ignore the node if deleted 137 if (!to.deleted) { 138 graph.addVertex(to); 139 if (from != null) { 140 addEdge(way, from, to); 141 if (!isOneWay(way)){ 142 addEdge(way, to, from);} 143 } 144 from = to; 145 } 146 } 147 } 148 } 149 // graph.vertexSet().size(); 150 logger.debug("End Create Graph"); 151 logger.debug("Vertex: "+graph.vertexSet().size()); 152 logger.debug("Edges: "+graph.edgeSet().size()); 153 } 154 155 /** 156 * Compute weight and add edge to the graph 157 * @param way 158 * @param from 159 * @param to 160 */ 161 private void addEdge(Way way,Node from, Node to) { 162 double length = from.coor.greatCircleDistance(to.coor); 163 164 OsmEdge edge = new OsmEdge(way, from, to); 165 edge.setSpeed(12.1); 166 graph.addEdge(from, to, edge); 167 // weight = getWeight(way); 168 double weight = getWeight(way, length); 169 setWeight(edge, length); 170 logger.debug("edge for way " + 171 + "(from node " + + " to node " 172 + + ") has weight: " + weight); 173 //((GraphDelegator<Node,OsmEdge>) graph).setEdgeWeight(edge, weight); 174 ((DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node,OsmEdge>)graph).setEdgeWeight(edge, weight); 175 } 176 177 /** 178 * Set the weight for the given segment depending on the highway type 179 * and the length of the segment. The higher the value, the less it is used 180 * in routing. 181 * 182 * @param way 183 * the way. 184 * @return 185 */ 186 private void setWeight(OsmEdge osmedge, double length) { 187 188 osmedge.setLength(length); 189 if (this.waySpeeds.containsKey(osmedge.getWay().get("highway"))) 190 osmedge.setSpeed(this.waySpeeds.get(osmedge.getWay().get("highway"))); 191 192 } 193 194 /** 195 * Returns the weight for the given segment depending on the highway type 196 * and the length of the segment. The higher the value, the less it is used 197 * in routing. 198 * 199 * @param way 200 * the way. 201 * @return 202 */ 203 private double getWeight(Way way, double length) { 204 // Default speed if no setting is found 205 double speed = 1; 206 207 switch (routeType) { 208 case SHORTEST: 209 // Same speed for all types of ways 210 if (this.waySpeeds.containsKey("residential")) 211 speed=this.waySpeeds.get("residential"); 212 break; 213 case FASTEST: 214 // Each type of way may have a different speed 215 if (this.waySpeeds.containsKey(way.get("highway"))) 216 speed=this.waySpeeds.get(way.get("highway")); 217 logger.debug("Speed="+speed); 218 break; 219 default: 220 break; 221 } 222 // Return the time spent to traverse the way 223 return length / speed; 224 } 225 226 /** 227 * Check is One Way. 228 * 229 * @param way 230 * the way. 231 * @return <code>true</code> is a one way. <code>false</code> is not a one 232 * way. 233 */ 234 private boolean isOneWay(Way way) { 235 // FIXME: oneway=-1 is ignored for the moment! 236 return way.get("oneway") != null 237 || "motorway".equals(way.get("highway")); 238 } 239 240 /** 241 * Check if a Way is correct. 242 * 243 * @param way 244 * The way. 245 * @return <code>true</code> is valid. <code>false</code> is not valid. 246 */ 247 public boolean isvalidWay(Way way) { 248 if (!way.isTagged()) 249 return false; 250 251 return way.get("highway") != null || way.get("junction") != null 252 || way.get("service") != null; 253 254 } 255 256 public boolean isvalidNode(Node node) { 257 return true; 258 } 259 260 /** 261 * Apply selected routing algorithm to the graph. 262 * 263 * @param nodes 264 * Nodes used to calculate path. 265 * @param algorithm 266 * Algorithm used to compute the path, 267 * RoutingGraph.Algorithm.ROUTING_ALG_DIJKSTRA or 268 * RoutingGraph.Algorithm.ROUTING_ALG_BELLMANFORD 269 * @return new path. 270 */ 271 public List<OsmEdge> applyAlgorithm(List<Node> nodes, Algorithm algorithm) { 272 List<OsmEdge> path = new ArrayList<OsmEdge>(); 273 Graph<Node,OsmEdge> g; 274 double totalWeight = 0; 275 276 if (graph == null) 277 this.createGraph(); 278 logger.debug("apply algorithm between nodes "); 279 280 for (Node node : nodes) { 281 logger.debug(; 282 } 283 logger.debug("-----------------------------------"); 284 285 // Assign the graph or an undirected view of the graph to g, 286 // depending on whether oneway tags are used or not 287 if (routingProfile.isOnewayUsed()) 288 g = graph; 289 else 290 g = new AsUndirectedGraph<Node, OsmEdge>((DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node,OsmEdge>)graph); 291 //TODO: Problemas no tiene encuenta el tema de oneway. 292 switch (algorithm) { 293 case ROUTING_ALG_DIJKSTRA: 294 logger.debug("Using Dijkstra algorithm"); 295 DijkstraShortestPath<Node, OsmEdge> routingk = null; 296 for (int index = 1; index < nodes.size(); ++index) { 297 routingk = new DijkstraShortestPath<Node, OsmEdge>(rgDelegator, nodes 298 .get(index - 1), nodes.get(index)); 299 if (routingk.getPathEdgeList() == null) { 300 logger.debug("no path found!"); 301 break; 302 } 303 path.addAll(routingk.getPathEdgeList()); 304 totalWeight += routingk.getPathLength(); 305 } 306 break; 307 case ROUTING_ALG_BELLMANFORD: 308 logger.debug("Using Bellman Ford algorithm"); 309 for (int index = 1; index < nodes.size(); ++index) { 310 path = BellmanFordShortestPath.findPathBetween(rgDelegator, nodes 311 .get(index - 1), nodes.get(index)); 312 if (path == null) { 313 logger.debug("no path found!"); 314 return null; 315 } 316 } 317 break; 318 default: 319 logger.debug("Wrong algorithm"); 320 break; 321 } 322 323 logger.debug("shortest path found: " + path + "\nweight: " 324 + totalWeight); 325 return path; 326 } 327 328 /** 329 * Return the number of vertices. 330 * @return the number of vertices. 331 */ 332 public int getVertexCount(){ 333 int value=0; 334 if (graph!=null) value=graph.vertexSet().size(); 335 return value; 336 } 337 338 /** 339 * Return the number of edges. 340 * @return the number of edges. 341 */ 342 public int getEdgeCount(){ 343 int value=0; 344 if (graph!=null) value=graph.edgeSet().size(); 345 return value; 346 } 347 348 /** 349 * @param routeType the routeType to set 350 */ 351 public void setTypeRoute(RouteType routetype) { 352 this.routeType = routetype; 353 this.rgDelegator.setRouteType(routetype); 354 } 355 356 /** 357 * @return the routeType 358 */ 359 public RouteType getTypeRoute() { 360 return routeType; 361 } 362 363 public Map<String, Double> getWaySpeeds() { 364 return waySpeeds; 365 } 366 367 public void setWaySpeeds(Map<String, Double> waySpeeds) { 368 this.waySpeeds = waySpeeds; 369 } 370 371 public void resetGraph() { 372 graph=null; 373 } 374 375 public RoutingProfile getRoutingProfile() { 376 return routingProfile; 377 } 378 378 } -
r14760 r15707 19 19 public class RoutingGraphDelegator extends GraphDelegator<Node, OsmEdge> { 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 21 /** 22 * Logger. 23 */ 24 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingGraphDelegator.class); 25 26 /** 27 * 28 */ 29 private RouteType routeType; 30 31 public RoutingGraphDelegator(Graph<Node, OsmEdge> arg0) { 32 super(arg0); 33 } 34 35 35 36 37 38 36 public RouteType getRouteType() { 37 return routeType; 38 } 39 39 40 41 42 40 public void setRouteType(RouteType routeType) { 41 this.routeType = routeType; 42 } 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 45 /** 46 * 47 */ 48 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 50 @Override 51 public double getEdgeWeight(OsmEdge edge) { 52 double weight=Double.MAX_VALUE; 53 54 if (routeType==RouteType.SHORTEST) weight=edge.getLength(); 55 if (routeType==RouteType.FASTEST) weight=edge.getLength() / edge.getSpeed(); 56 // Return the time spent to traverse the way 57 return weight; 58 } 59 59 60 60 } -
r14287 r15707 29 29 */ 30 30 public class RoutingProfile { 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 31 /** 32 * logger 33 */ 34 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingProfile.class); 35 /** 36 * True if oneway is used for routing (i.e. for cars). 37 */ 38 private boolean useOneway; 39 39 40 41 42 43 40 /** 41 * True if turn restrictions are used for routing (i.e. for cars). 42 */ 43 private boolean useRestrictions; 44 44 45 46 47 48 45 /** 46 * True if maximum allowed speed of ways is considered for routing (i.e. for cars). 47 */ 48 private boolean useMaxAllowedSpeed; 49 49 50 51 52 53 50 /** 51 * Name of the routing profile, for identification issues (i.e. "pedestrian"). 52 */ 53 private String name; 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 55 /** 56 * Holds traverse speed for each type of way, using the type as key. 57 * A speed of zero means that this type of way cannot be traversed. 58 */ 59 private Map<String,Double> waySpeeds; 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 64 65 66 63 /** 64 * Holds permission of use for each type of transport mode, using the mode as key. 65 */ 66 private Map<String,Boolean> allowedModes; 67 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 68 /** 69 * Constructor 70 * @param name The name for the routing profile. Please use a name that is 71 * self descriptive, i.e., something that an application user would 72 * understand (like "pedestrian", "motorbike", "bicycle", etc.) 73 */ 74 public RoutingProfile(String name) { 75 logger.debug("Init RoutingProfile with name: "+name); 76 = name; 77 waySpeeds=new HashMap<String,Double>(); 78 Map<String,String> prefs=Main.pref.getAllPrefix("routing.profile."+name+".speed"); 79 for(String key:prefs.keySet()){ 80 waySpeeds.put((key.split("\\.")[4]), Double.valueOf(prefs.get(key))); 81 } 82 for (String key:waySpeeds.keySet()) 83 logger.debug(key+ "-- speed: "+waySpeeds.get(key)); 84 logger.debug("End init RoutingProfile with name: "+name); 85 } 86 86 87 88 89 87 public void setName(String name) { 88 = name; 89 } 90 90 91 92 93 91 public String getName() { 92 return name; 93 } 94 94 95 96 97 95 public void setOnewayUse(boolean useOneway) { 96 this.useOneway = useOneway; 97 } 98 98 99 100 101 99 public boolean isOnewayUsed() { 100 return useOneway; 101 } 102 102 103 104 105 103 public void setRestrictionsUse(boolean useRestrictions) { 104 this.useRestrictions = useRestrictions; 105 } 106 106 107 108 109 107 public boolean isRestrictionsUsed() { 108 return useRestrictions; 109 } 110 110 111 112 113 111 public void setMaxAllowedSpeedUse(boolean useMaxAllowedSpeed) { 112 this.useMaxAllowedSpeed = useMaxAllowedSpeed; 113 } 114 114 115 116 117 115 public boolean isMaxAllowedSpeedUsed() { 116 return useMaxAllowedSpeed; 117 } 118 118 119 120 121 119 public void setWayTypeSpeed(String type, double speed) { 120 waySpeeds.put(type, speed); 121 } 122 122 123 124 125 123 public void setTransportModePermission(String mode, boolean permission) { 124 allowedModes.put(mode, permission); 125 } 126 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 127 /** 128 * Return whether the driving profile specifies that a particular type of way 129 * can be traversed 130 * @param type Key for the way type 131 * @return True if the way type can be traversed 132 */ 133 public boolean isWayTypeAllowed(String type) { 134 if (waySpeeds.get(type) != 0.0) 135 return true; 136 return false; 137 } 138 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 139 /** 140 * Return whether the driving profile specifies that a particular type of transport 141 * mode can be used 142 * @param mode Key for the way type 143 * @return True if the way type can be traversed 144 */ 145 public boolean isTransportModeAllowed(String mode) { 146 return allowedModes.get(mode); 147 } 148 148 149 150 151 152 149 public double getSpeed(String key){ 150 if(!waySpeeds.containsKey(key)) return 0.0; 151 return waySpeeds.get(key); 152 } 153 153 154 155 156 154 public Map<String, Double> getWaySpeeds() { 155 return waySpeeds; 156 } 157 157 158 159 160 158 public void setWaySpeeds(Map<String, Double> waySpeeds) { 159 this.waySpeeds = waySpeeds; 160 } 161 161 } -
r14287 r15707 9 9 public class GTFSTransportModes { 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 /** 12 * 0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail. Any light rail or street level system within 13 * a metropolitan area. 14 */ 15 public static final int TRAM = 0; 16 public static final int STREETCAR = 0; 17 public static final int LIGHT_RAIL = 0; 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 /** 20 * 1 - Subway, Metro. Any underground rail system within a metropolitan area. 21 */ 22 public static final int SUBWAY = 1; 23 public static final int METRO = 1; 24 24 25 25 /** 26 26 * 2 - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel. 27 27 */ 28 28 public static final int RAIL = 2; 29 29 30 30 /** 31 31 * 3 - Bus. Used for short- and long-distance bus routes. 32 32 */ 33 33 public static final int BUS = 3; 34 34 35 35 /** 36 36 * 4 - Ferry. Used for short- and long-distance boat service. 37 37 */ 38 38 public static final int FERRY = 4; 39 39 40 41 42 43 40 /** 41 * 5 - Cable car. Used for street-level cable cars where the cable runs beneath the car. 42 */ 43 public static final int CABLE_CAR = 5; 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 45 /** 46 * 6 - Gondola, Suspended cable car. Typically used for aerial cable cars where 47 * the car is suspended from the cable. 48 */ 49 public static final int GONDOLA = 6; 50 public static final int SUSPENDED_CABLE_CAR = 6; 51 51 52 52 /** 53 53 * 7 - Funicular. Any rail system designed for steep inclines. 54 54 */ 55 55 public static final int FUNICULAR = 7; 56 56 57 57 } -
r14760 r15707 65 65 */ 66 66 public OsmEdge(Way way, Node from, Node to) { 67 68 69 70 71 72 67 super(); 68 this.way = way; 69 this.from = from; 70 = to; 71 this.length = from.coor.greatCircleDistance(to.coor); 72 } 73 73 74 74 /** … … 92 92 */ 93 93 public double getLength() { 94 94 return length; 95 95 } 96 96 97 97 public void setLength(double length) { 98 98 this.length = length; 99 99 } 100 100 101 101 public double getSpeed() { 102 102 return speed; 103 103 } 104 104 105 105 public void setSpeed(double speed) { 106 106 this.speed = speed; 107 107 } 108 108 } -
r14287 r15707 34 34 */ 35 35 public enum OsmWayTypes { 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 36 MOTORWAY ("motorway",120), 37 MOTORWAY_LINK ("motorway_link",120), 38 TRUNK ("trunk",120), 39 TRUNK_LINK ("trunk_link",120), 40 PRIMARY ("primary",100), 41 PRIMARY_LINK ("primary_link",100), 42 SECONDARY ("secondary",90), 43 TERTIARY ("tertiary",90), 44 UNCLASSIFIED ("unclassified",50), 45 ROAD ("road",100), 46 46 RESIDENTIAL ("residential",50), 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 47 LIVING_STREET ("living_street",30), 48 SERVICE ("service",30), 49 TRACK ("track",50), 50 PEDESTRIAN ("pedestrian",30), 51 BUS_GUIDEWAY ("bus_guideway",50), 52 PATH ("path",40), 53 CYCLEWAY ("cycleway",40), 54 FOOTWAY ("footway",20), 55 BRIDLEWAY ("bridleway",40), 56 BYWAY ("byway",50), 57 STEPS ("steps",10); 58 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 59 /** 60 * Default Constructor 61 * @param tag 62 */ 63 OsmWayTypes(String tag,int speed) { 64 this.tag = tag; 65 this.speed = speed; 66 } 67 67 68 69 70 71 72 68 /** 69 * Tag 70 */ 71 private final String tag; 72 private final int speed; 73 73 74 75 76 77 78 74 /** 75 * @return 76 */ 77 public String getTag() {return tag;}; 78 public int getSpeed() {return speed;}; 79 79 } -
r14884 r15707 70 70 public class RoutingLayer extends Layer { 71 71 72 73 74 75 72 /** 73 * Logger 74 */ 75 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingLayer.class); 76 76 77 77 /** … … 99 99 * @param name Layer name. 100 100 */ 101 102 103 101 public RoutingLayer(String name, OsmDataLayer dataLayer) { 102 super(name); 103 logger.debug("Creating Routing Layer..."); 104 104 if(startIcon == null) startIcon = ImageProvider.get("routing", "startflag"); 105 105 if(middleIcon == null) middleIcon = ImageProvider.get("routing", "middleflag"); … … 108 108 this.routingModel = new RoutingModel(; 109 109 logger.debug("Routing Layer created."); 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 110 } 111 112 /** 113 * Getter Routing Model. 114 * @return the routingModel 115 */ 116 public RoutingModel getRoutingModel() { 117 return this.routingModel; 118 } 119 120 /** 121 * Gets associated data layer 122 * @return OsmDataLayer associated to the RoutingLayer 123 */ 124 public OsmDataLayer getDataLayer() { 125 return dataLayer; 126 } 127 128 /** 129 * Gets nearest node belonging to a highway tagged way 130 * @param p Point on the screen 131 * @return The nearest highway node, in the range of the snap distance 132 */ 133 133 public final Node getNearestHighwayNode(Point p) { 134 135 134 Node nearest = null; 135 double minDist = 0; 136 136 for (Way w : { 137 137 if (w.deleted || w.incomplete || w.get("highway")==null) continue; … … 142 142 double dist = p.distanceSq(P); 143 143 if (dist < NavigatableComponent.snapDistance) { 144 145 146 147 144 if ((nearest == null) || (dist < minDist)) { 145 nearest = n; 146 minDist = dist; 147 } 148 148 } 149 149 } … … 152 152 } 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 154 /* 155 * (non-Javadoc) 156 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#getIcon() 157 */ 158 @Override 159 public Icon getIcon() { 160 160 Icon icon = ImageProvider.get("layer", "routing_small"); 161 161 return icon; 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 162 } 163 164 /* 165 * (non-Javadoc) 166 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#getInfoComponent() 167 */ 168 @Override 169 public Object getInfoComponent() { 170 String info = "<html>" 171 + "<body>" 172 +"Graph Vertex: "+this.routingModel.routingGraph.getVertexCount()+"<br/>" 173 +"Graph Edges: "+this.routingModel.routingGraph.getEdgeCount()+"<br/>" 174 + "</body>" 175 + "</html>"; 176 176 return info; 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 177 } 178 179 /* 180 * (non-Javadoc) 181 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#getMenuEntries() 182 */ 183 @Override 184 public Component[] getMenuEntries() { 185 185 Collection<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>(); 186 186 components.add(new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this))); … … 188 188 components.add(new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this))); 189 189 components.add(new JSeparator()); 190 components.add(new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction( associatedFile, this)));190 components.add(new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction(getAssociatedFile(), this))); 191 191 components.add(new JSeparator()); 192 192 components.add(new JMenuItem(new LayerListPopup.InfoAction(this))); 193 193 return components.toArray(new Component[0]); 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 194 } 195 196 /* 197 * (non-Javadoc) 198 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#getToolTipText() 199 */ 200 @Override 201 public String getToolTipText() { 202 String tooltip = this.routingModel.routingGraph.getVertexCount() + " vertices, " 203 + this.routingModel.routingGraph.getEdgeCount() + " edges"; 204 return tooltip; 205 } 206 207 /* 208 * (non-Javadoc) 209 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#isMergable(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer) 210 */ 211 @Override 212 public boolean isMergable(Layer other) { 213 return false; 214 } 215 216 /* 217 * (non-Javadoc) 218 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#mergeFrom(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer) 219 */ 220 @Override 221 public void mergeFrom(Layer from) { 222 // This layer is not mergable, so do nothing 223 } 224 225 /* 226 * (non-Javadoc) 227 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#paint(java.awt.Graphics, org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView) 228 */ 229 @Override 230 public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv) { 231 boolean isActiveLayer = (mv.getActiveLayer().equals(this)); 232 // Get routing nodes (start, middle, end) 233 233 List<Node> nodes = routingModel.getSelectedNodes(); 234 234 if(nodes == null || nodes.size() == 0) { 235 235 logger.debug("no nodes selected"); 236 236 return; 237 237 } … … 241 241 String colorString; 242 242 if (isActiveLayer) { 243 244 245 246 247 248 243 if (Main.pref.hasKey(PreferencesKeys.KEY_ACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key)) 244 colorString = Main.pref.get(PreferencesKeys.KEY_ACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key); 245 else { 246 colorString = ColorHelper.color2html(Color.RED); 247 Main.pref.put(PreferencesKeys.KEY_ACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key, colorString); 248 } 249 249 } else { 250 251 252 253 254 255 250 if (Main.pref.hasKey(PreferencesKeys.KEY_INACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key)) 251 colorString = Main.pref.get(PreferencesKeys.KEY_INACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key); 252 else { 253 colorString = ColorHelper.color2html(Color.decode("#dd2222")); 254 Main.pref.put(PreferencesKeys.KEY_INACTIVE_ROUTE_COLOR.key, colorString); 255 } 256 256 } 257 257 Color color = ColorHelper.html2color(colorString); … … 277 277 Point screen = mv.getPoint(node.eastNorth); 278 278 startIcon.paintIcon(mv, g, screen.x - startIcon.getIconWidth()/2, 279 279 screen.y - startIcon.getIconHeight()); 280 280 281 281 // paint middle icons … … 284 284 screen = mv.getPoint(node.eastNorth); 285 285 middleIcon.paintIcon(mv, g, screen.x - startIcon.getIconWidth()/2, 286 286 screen.y - middleIcon.getIconHeight()); 287 287 } 288 288 // paint end icon … … 291 291 screen = mv.getPoint(node.eastNorth); 292 292 endIcon.paintIcon(mv, g, screen.x - startIcon.getIconWidth()/2, 293 294 } 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 293 screen.y - endIcon.getIconHeight()); 294 } 295 } 296 297 /* 298 * (non-Javadoc) 299 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#visitBoundingBox( 300 */ 301 @Override 302 public void visitBoundingBox(BoundingXYVisitor v) { 303 303 for (Node node : routingModel.getSelectedNodes()) { 304 304 v.visit(node); 305 305 } 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 306 } 307 308 /* 309 * (non-Javadoc) 310 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer#destroy() 311 */ 312 @Override 313 313 public void destroy() { 314 315 // 316 314 routingModel.reset(); 315 // layerAdded = false; 316 } 317 317 318 318 /** … … 320 320 */ 321 321 private void drawEdge(Graphics g, MapView mv, OsmEdge edge, Color col, int width, 322 322 boolean showDirection) { 323 323 g.setColor(col); 324 324 Point from; -
r14884 r15707 48 48 public class RoutingModel { 49 49 50 51 52 53 50 /** 51 * Logger 52 */ 53 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingModel.class); 54 54 55 55 /** 56 56 * Graph to calculate route 57 57 */ 58 58 public RoutingGraph routingGraph=null; 59 59 60 60 /** … … 71 71 * Default Constructor. 72 72 */ 73 73 public RoutingModel(DataSet data) { 74 74 nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); 75 System.out.println("gr " + data); 75 76 routingGraph = new RoutingGraph(data); 76 77 } 77 78 78 79 /** … … 98 99 */ 99 100 public void removeNode(int index) { 100 101 102 103 101 if (nodes.size()>index) { 102 nodes.remove(index); 103 this.changeNodes=true; 104 } 104 105 } 105 106 … … 110 111 */ 111 112 public void insertNode(int index, Node node) { 112 113 114 115 113 if (nodes.size()>=index) { 114 nodes.add(index, node); 115 this.changeNodes=true; 116 } 116 117 } 117 118 … … 120 121 */ 121 122 public void reverseNodes() { 122 123 124 125 126 127 123 List<Node> aux = new ArrayList<Node>(); 124 for (Node n : nodes) { 125 aux.add(0,n); 126 } 127 nodes = aux; 128 this.changeNodes=true; 128 129 } 129 130 … … 133 134 */ 134 135 public List<OsmEdge> getRouteEdges() { 135 136 137 138 139 140 136 if (this.changeNodes || path==null) 137 { 138 path=this.routingGraph.applyAlgorithm(nodes, Algorithm.ROUTING_ALG_DIJKSTRA); 139 this.changeNodes=false; 140 } 141 return path; 141 142 } 142 143 … … 145 146 */ 146 147 public void setNodesChanged() { 147 148 this.changeNodes = true; 148 149 } 149 150 -
r14884 r15707 26 26 */ 27 27 28 29 28 package com.innovant.josm.plugin.routing; 30 29 30 import static; 31 31 import static; 32 32 … … 60 60 */ 61 61 public class RoutingPlugin extends Plugin implements LayerChangeListener { 62 63 64 65 62 /** 63 * Logger 64 */ 65 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingPlugin.class); 66 66 67 67 /** … … 126 126 * Default Constructor 127 127 */ 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 128 public RoutingPlugin() { 129 super(); 130 plugin = this; // Assign reference to the plugin class 131 DOMConfigurator.configure("log4j.xml"); 132 logger.debug("Loading routing plugin..."); 133 preferenceSettings=new RoutingPreferenceDialog(); 134 // Create side dialog 135 routingDialog = new RoutingDialog(); 136 // Initialize layers list 137 layers = new ArrayList<RoutingLayer>(); 138 138 // Add menu 139 menu = new RoutingMenu(tr("Routing")); 140; 139 menu = new RoutingMenu(marktr("Routing")); 141 140 // Register this class as LayerChangeListener 142 141 Layer.listeners.add(this); 143 142 logger.debug("Finished loading plugin"); 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 143 } 144 145 /** 146 * Provides static access to the plugin instance, to enable access to the plugin methods 147 * @return the instance of the plugin 148 */ 149 public static RoutingPlugin getInstance() { 150 return plugin; 151 } 152 153 /** 154 * Get the routing side dialog 155 * @return The instance of the routing side dialog 156 */ 157 public RoutingDialog getRoutingDialog() { 158 return routingDialog; 159 } 160 161 public void addLayer() { 162 OsmDataLayer osmLayer = Main.main.editLayer(); 163 RoutingLayer layer = new RoutingLayer(tr("Routing") + " [" + + "]", osmLayer); 164 layers.add(layer); 165 Main.main.addLayer(layer); 166 } 167 168 /* 169 * (non-Javadoc) 170 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.Plugin#mapFrameInitialized(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame, org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame) 171 */ 173 172 @Override 174 173 public void mapFrameInitialized(MapFrame oldFrame, MapFrame newFrame) { 175 174 if(newFrame != null) { 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 175 // Create plugin map modes 176 addRouteNodeAction = new AddRouteNodeAction(newFrame); 177 removeRouteNodeAction = new RemoveRouteNodeAction(newFrame); 178 moveRouteNodeAction = new MoveRouteNodeAction(newFrame); 179 // Create plugin buttons and add them to the toolbar 180 addRouteNodeButton = new IconToggleButton(addRouteNodeAction); 181 removeRouteNodeButton = new IconToggleButton(removeRouteNodeAction); 182 moveRouteNodeButton = new IconToggleButton(moveRouteNodeAction); 184 183 newFrame.addMapMode(addRouteNodeButton); 185 184 newFrame.addMapMode(removeRouteNodeButton); … … 189 188 newFrame.toolGroup.add(moveRouteNodeButton); 190 189 // Hide them by default 191 192 193 194 195 190 addRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 191 removeRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 192 moveRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 193 // Enable menu 194 menu.enableStartItem(); 196 195 newFrame.addToggleDialog(routingDialog); 197 196 } … … 202 201 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer.LayerChangeListener#activeLayerChange(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer, org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer) 203 202 */ 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 203 public void activeLayerChange(Layer oldLayer, Layer newLayer) { 204 routingDialog.refresh(); 205 } 206 207 /* 208 * (non-Javadoc) 209 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer.LayerChangeListener#layerAdded(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer) 210 */ 211 public void layerAdded(Layer newLayer) { 212 // Add button(s) to the tool bar when the routing layer is added 213 if (newLayer instanceof RoutingLayer) { 214 addRouteNodeButton.setVisible(true); 215 removeRouteNodeButton.setVisible(true); 216 moveRouteNodeButton.setVisible(true); 217 menu.enableRestOfItems(); 218 // Set layer on top and select layer, also refresh toggleDialog to reflect selection 219, 0); 220 logger.debug("Added routing layer."); 221 } 222 } 223 224 /* 225 * (non-Javadoc) 226 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer.LayerChangeListener#layerRemoved(org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer) 227 */ 228 public void layerRemoved(Layer oldLayer) { 229 if ((oldLayer instanceof RoutingLayer) & (layers.size()==1)) { 230 // Remove button(s) from the tool bar when the last routing layer is removed 231 addRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 232 removeRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 233 moveRouteNodeButton.setVisible(false); 234 menu.disableRestOfItems(); 235 layers.remove(oldLayer); 236 logger.debug("Removed routing layer."); 237 } else if (oldLayer instanceof OsmDataLayer) { 238 // Remove all associated routing layers 239 // Convert to Array to prevent ConcurrentModificationException when removing layers from ArrayList 240 // FIXME: can't remove associated routing layers without triggering exceptions in some cases 241 RoutingLayer[] layersArray = layers.toArray(new RoutingLayer[0]); 242 for (int i=0;i<layersArray.length;i++) { 243 if (layersArray[i].getDataLayer().equals(oldLayer)) { 244 try { 245 // Remove layer 246[i]); 247 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { 248 } 249 } 250 } 251 } 252 // Reload RoutingDialog table model 253 routingDialog.refresh(); 254 } 255 256 /* (non-Javadoc) 257 * @see org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.Plugin#getPreferenceSetting() 258 */ 259 @Override 260 public PreferenceSetting getPreferenceSetting() { 261 return preferenceSettings; 262 } 264 263 } -
r14423 r15707 51 51 */ 52 52 public class AddRouteNodeAction extends MapMode { 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 53 /** 54 * Serial. 55 */ 56 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 57 /** 58 * Logger. 59 */ 60 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AddRouteNodeAction.class); 61 /** 62 * Routing Dialog. 63 */ 64 64 private RoutingDialog routingDialog; 65 65 … … 68 68 * @param mapFrame 69 69 */ 70 71 72 73 74 70 public AddRouteNodeAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { 71 // TODO Use constructor with shortcut 72 super(tr("Routing"), "add", 73 tr("Click to add destination."), 74 mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("crosshair", null)); 75 75 this.routingDialog = RoutingPlugin.getInstance().getRoutingDialog(); 76 76 } 77 77 78 78 @Override public void enterMode() { … … 89 89 // If left button is clicked 90 90 if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { 91 92 93 94 95 91 // Search for nearest highway node 92 Node node = null; 93 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 94 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 95 node = layer.getNearestHighwayNode(e.getPoint()); 96 96 if(node == null) { 97 97 logger.debug("no selected node"); 98 98 return; 99 99 } … … 101 101 layer.getRoutingModel().addNode(node); 102 102 routingDialog.addNode(node); 103 103 } 104 104 } 105 105; -
r14423 r15707 54 54 */ 55 55 public class MoveRouteNodeAction extends MapMode { 56 57 58 59 56 /** 57 * Serial. 58 */ 59 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 60 60 61 62 63 64 61 /** 62 * Square of the distance radius where route nodes can be selected for dragging 63 */ 64 private static final int DRAG_SQR_RADIUS = 100; 65 65 66 67 68 69 66 /** 67 * Logger. 68 */ 69 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingLayer.class); 70 70 71 72 73 71 /** 72 * Routing Dialog. 73 */ 74 74 private RoutingDialog routingDialog; 75 75 … … 83 83 * @param mapFrame 84 84 */ 85 86 87 88 89 85 public MoveRouteNodeAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { 86 // TODO Use constructor with shortcut 87 super(tr("Routing"), "move", 88 tr("Click and drag to move destination"), 89 mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "move")); 90 90 this.routingDialog = RoutingPlugin.getInstance().getRoutingDialog(); 91 91 } 92 92 93 93 @Override public void enterMode() { … … 104 104 // If left button is pressed 105 105 if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 106 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 107 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 108 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 109 // Search for the nearest node in the list 110 List<Node> nl = routingModel.getSelectedNodes(); 111 index = -1; 112 double dmax = DRAG_SQR_RADIUS; // maximum distance, in pixels 113 for (int i=0;i<nl.size();i++) { 114 Node node = nl.get(i); 115 double d =; 116 if (d < dmax) { 117 dmax = d; 118 index = i; 119 } 120 } 121 if (index>=0) 122 122 logger.debug("Moved from node " + nl.get(index)); 123 123 } 124 124 } 125 125 } 126 126 127 127 @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { 128 129 130 128 // If left button is released and a route node is being dragged 129 if ((e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) && (index>=0)) { 130 searchAndReplaceNode(e.getPoint()); 131 131 } 132 132 } … … 136 136 137 137 private void searchAndReplaceNode(Point point) { 138 139 140 141 142 143 138 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 139 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 140 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 141 // Search for nearest highway node 142 Node node = null; 143 node = layer.getNearestHighwayNode(point); 144 144 if (node == null) { 145 145 logger.debug("Didn't found a close node to move to."); 146 146 return; 147 147 } 148 148 logger.debug("Moved to node " + node); 149 149 routingModel.removeNode(index); 150 150 routingDialog.removeNode(index); 151 151 routingModel.insertNode(index, node); 152 152 routingDialog.insertNode(index, node); 153 153; 154 154 } 155 155 } 156 156 } -
r14423 r15707 53 53 */ 54 54 public class RemoveRouteNodeAction extends MapMode { 55 56 57 58 55 /** 56 * Serial. 57 */ 58 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 59 59 60 61 62 63 60 /** 61 * Square of the distance radius where route nodes can be removed 62 */ 63 private static final int REMOVE_SQR_RADIUS = 100; 64 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 65 /** 66 * Logger. 67 */ 68 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingLayer.class); 69 /** 70 * Routing Dialog. 71 */ 72 72 private RoutingDialog routingDialog; 73 73 74 75 76 77 78 74 public RemoveRouteNodeAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { 75 // TODO Use constructor with shortcut 76 super(tr("Routing"), "remove", 77 tr("Click to remove destination"), 78 mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "delete")); 79 79 this.routingDialog = RoutingPlugin.getInstance().getRoutingDialog(); 80 80 } 81 81 82 82 @Override public void enterMode() { … … 93 93 // If left button is clicked 94 94 if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 95 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 96 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 97 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 98 // Search for the nearest node in the list 99 List<Node> nl = routingModel.getSelectedNodes(); 100 int index = -1; 101 double dmax = REMOVE_SQR_RADIUS; // maximum distance, in pixels 102 for (int i=0;i<nl.size();i++) { 103 Node node = nl.get(i); 104 double d =; 105 if (d < dmax) { 106 dmax = d; 107 index = i; 108 } 109 } 110 // If found a close node, remove it and recalculate route 111 111 if (index >= 0) { 112 113 112 // Remove node 113 logger.debug("Removing node " + nl.get(index)); 114 114 routingModel.removeNode(index); 115 115 routingDialog.removeNode(index); 116 116; 117 117 } else { 118 118 logger.debug("Can't find a node to remove."); 119 119 } 120 120 } 121 121 } 122 122 } -
r14404 r15707 56 56 public class RoutingDialog extends ToggleDialog { 57 57 58 59 60 58 private DefaultListModel model; 59 private JList jList = null; 60 private JScrollPane jScrollPane = null; 61 61 62 63 64 65 62 /** 63 * Serial UID 64 */ 65 private static final long serialVersionUID = 8625615652900341987L; 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 67 public RoutingDialog() { 68 super(tr("Routing"), "routing", tr("Open a list of routing nodes"), 69 Shortcut.registerShortcut("subwindow:relations", tr("Toggle: {0}", tr("Routing")), KeyEvent.VK_R, Shortcut.GROUP_LAYER), 150); 70 model= new DefaultListModel(); 71 this.setSize(456, 292); 72 this.setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); 73 this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); 74 this.setName("PrincipalDialog"); 75 this.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 76 this.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); 77 this.add(getJScrollPane(), null); 78 78 79 79 } 80 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 81 /** 82 * This method initializes jScrollPane 83 * 84 * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane 85 */ 86 private JScrollPane getJScrollPane() { 87 if (jScrollPane == null) { 88 jScrollPane = new JScrollPane(); 89 jScrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED)); 90 jScrollPane.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); 91 jScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); 92 jScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); 93 jScrollPane.setName("nList"); 94 jScrollPane.setViewportBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED)); 95 jScrollPane.setViewportView(getJList()); 96 } 97 return jScrollPane; 98 } 99 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 100 /** 101 * This method initializes jList 102 * 103 * @return javax.swing.JList 104 */ 105 private JList getJList() { 106 if (jList == null) { 107 jList = new JList(); 108 jList.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); 109 jList.setModel(model); 110 } 111 return jList; 112 } 113 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 114 /** 115 * Remove item from the list of nodes 116 * @param index 117 */ 118 public void removeNode(int index) { 119 model.remove(index); 120 } 121 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 122 /** 123 * Add item to the list of nodes 124 * @param obj 125 */ 126 public void addNode(Node n) { 127 model.addElement(" ["+n.coor.toDisplayString()+"]"); 128 } 129 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 130 /** 131 * Insert item to the list of nodes 132 * @param index 133 * @param obj 134 */ 135 public void insertNode(int index, Node n) { 136 model.insertElementAt(" ["+n.coor.toDisplayString()+"]", index); 137 } 138 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 139 /** 140 * Clear list of nodes 141 */ 142 public void clearNodes() { 143 model.clear(); 144 } 145 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 146 public void refresh() { 147 clearNodes(); 148 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 149 RoutingLayer routingLayer = (RoutingLayer); 150 RoutingModel routingModel = routingLayer.getRoutingModel(); 151 for (Node n : routingModel.getSelectedNodes()) { 152 addNode(n); 153 } 154 } 155 } 156 156 } -
r14760 r15707 34 34 import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; 35 35 import java.awt.event.ItemListener; 36 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 36 37 37 38 import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; … … 42 43 43 44 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 45 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainMenu; 44 46 45 47 import com.innovant.josm.jrt.core.RoutingGraph.RouteType; … … 55 57 public class RoutingMenu extends JMenu { 56 58 57 58 59 60 59 /** 60 * Default serial version UID 61 */ 62 private static final long serialVersionUID = 3559922048225708480L; 61 63 62 private JMenuItem startMI; 63 private JMenuItem reverseMI; 64 private JMenuItem clearMI; 65 private JMenu criteriaM; 64 private JMenuItem startMI; 65 private JMenuItem reverseMI; 66 private JMenuItem clearMI; 67 private JMenu criteriaM; 68 private JMenu menu; 66 69 67 /** 68 * @param s 69 */ 70 public RoutingMenu(final String name) { 71 super(name); 70 /** 71 * @param s 72 */ 73 public RoutingMenu(final String name) { 74 MainMenu mm =; 75 menu = mm.addMenu(name, KeyEvent.VK_R, mm.defaultMenuPos); 72 76 73 JMenuItem mi; 74 JMenu m; 77 startMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Add routing layer")); 78 startMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 79 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 80 RoutingPlugin.getInstance().addLayer(); 81 } 82 }); 83 menu.add(startMI); 75 84 76 startMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Add routing layer")); 77 startMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 78 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 79 RoutingPlugin.getInstance().addLayer(); 80 } 81 }); 82 this.add(startMI); 85 menu.addSeparator(); 86 ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); 83 87 84 this.addSeparator(); 85 ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); 88 criteriaM = new JMenu(tr("Criteria")); 86 89 87 criteriaM = new JMenu(tr("Criteria")); 90 JRadioButtonMenuItem rshorter = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(tr("Shortest")); 91 rshorter.setSelected(true); 92 rshorter.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 93 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 94 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 95 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 96 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 97 if (e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) { 98 routingModel.routingGraph.setTypeRoute(RouteType.SHORTEST); 99 } else { 100 routingModel.routingGraph.setTypeRoute(RouteType.FASTEST); 101 } 102 // routingModel.routingGraph.resetGraph(); 103 // routingModel.routingGraph.createGraph(); 104 //TODO: Change this way 105 //FIXME: do not change node but recalculate routing. 106 routingModel.setNodesChanged(); 107; 108 } 109 } 88 110 89 JRadioButtonMenuItem rshorter = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(tr("Shortest")); 90 rshorter.setSelected(true); 91 rshorter.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 92 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 93 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 94 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 95 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 96 if (e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) { 97 routingModel.routingGraph.setTypeRoute(RouteType.SHORTEST); 98 } else { 99 routingModel.routingGraph.setTypeRoute(RouteType.FASTEST); 100 } 101 // routingModel.routingGraph.resetGraph(); 102 // routingModel.routingGraph.createGraph(); 103 //TODO: Change this way 104 //FIXME: do not change node but recalculate routing. 105 routingModel.setNodesChanged(); 106; 107 } 108 } 111 }); 109 112 110 }); 113 JRadioButtonMenuItem rfaster = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(tr("Fastest")); 114 group.add(rshorter); 115 group.add(rfaster); 116 criteriaM.add(rshorter); 117 criteriaM.add(rfaster); 111 118 112 JRadioButtonMenuItem rfaster = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(tr("Fastest")); 113 group.add(rshorter); 114 group.add(rfaster); 115 criteriaM.add(rshorter); 116 criteriaM.add(rfaster); 119 criteriaM.addSeparator(); 120 JCheckBoxMenuItem cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Ignore oneways"); 121 cbmi.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 122 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 123 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 124 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 125 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 126 if (e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) 127 routingModel.routingGraph.getRoutingProfile().setOnewayUse(false); 128 else 129 routingModel.routingGraph.getRoutingProfile().setOnewayUse(true); 130 routingModel.setNodesChanged(); 131; 132 } 133 } 134 }); 135 criteriaM.add(cbmi); 136 menu.add(criteriaM); 117 137 118 criteriaM.addSeparator(); 119 JCheckBoxMenuItem cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Ignore oneways"); 120 cbmi.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 121 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 122 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 123 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 124 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 125 if (e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) 126 routingModel.routingGraph.getRoutingProfile().setOnewayUse(false); 127 else 128 routingModel.routingGraph.getRoutingProfile().setOnewayUse(true); 129 routingModel.setNodesChanged(); 130; 131 } 132 } 133 }); 134 criteriaM.add(cbmi); 135 this.add(criteriaM); 138 menu.addSeparator(); 139 reverseMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Reverse route")); 140 reverseMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 141 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 142 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 143 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 144 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 145 routingModel.reverseNodes(); 146; 147 } 148 } 149 }); 150 menu.add(reverseMI); 136 151 137 this.addSeparator(); 138 reverseMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Reverse route")); 139 reverseMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 140 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 141 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 142 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 143 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 144 routingModel.reverseNodes(); 145; 146 } 147 } 148 }); 149 this.add(reverseMI); 152 clearMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Clear route")); 153 clearMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 154 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 155 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 156 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 157 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 158 // Reset routing nodes and paths 159 routingModel.reset(); 160 RoutingPlugin.getInstance().getRoutingDialog().clearNodes(); 161; 162 } 163 } 164 }); 165 menu.add(clearMI); 150 166 151 clearMI = new JMenuItem(tr("Clear route")); 152 clearMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 153 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 154 if ( instanceof RoutingLayer) { 155 RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer); 156 RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel(); 157 // Reset routing nodes and paths 158 routingModel.reset(); 159 RoutingPlugin.getInstance().getRoutingDialog().clearNodes(); 160; 161 } 162 } 163 }); 164 this.add(clearMI); 167 // Initially disabled 168 disableAllItems(); 169 } 165 170 166 // Initially disabled 167 disableAllItems(); 168 } 171 public void disableAllItems() { 172 startMI.setEnabled(false); 173 reverseMI.setEnabled(false); 174 clearMI.setEnabled(false); 175 criteriaM.setEnabled(false); 176 } 169 177 170 public void disableAllItems() { 171 startMI.setEnabled(false); 172 reverseMI.setEnabled(false); 173 clearMI.setEnabled(false); 174 criteriaM.setEnabled(false); 175 } 178 public void enableStartItem() { 179 startMI.setEnabled(true); 180 } 176 181 177 public void enableStartItem() { 178 startMI.setEnabled(true); 179 } 182 public void enableRestOfItems() { 183 reverseMI.setEnabled(true); 184 clearMI.setEnabled(true); 185 criteriaM.setEnabled(true); 186 } 180 187 181 public void enableRestOfItems() { 182 reverseMI.setEnabled(true); 183 clearMI.setEnabled(true); 184 criteriaM.setEnabled(true); 185 } 186 187 public void disableRestOfItems() { 188 reverseMI.setEnabled(false); 189 clearMI.setEnabled(false); 190 criteriaM.setEnabled(false); 191 } 188 public void disableRestOfItems() { 189 reverseMI.setEnabled(false); 190 clearMI.setEnabled(false); 191 criteriaM.setEnabled(false); 192 } 192 193 } -
r14287 r15707 64 64 public class RoutingPreferenceDialog implements PreferenceSetting { 65 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 // 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 66 /** 67 * Logger 68 */ 69 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutingPreferenceDialog.class); 70 71 private Map<String, String> orig; 72 private DefaultTableModel model; 73 74 /** 75 * Constructor 76 */ 77 public RoutingPreferenceDialog() { 78 super(); 79 readPreferences(); 80 } 81 82 public void addGui(final PreferenceDialog gui) { 83 84 JPanel principal = gui.createPreferenceTab("routing", 85 tr("Routing Plugin Preferences"), tr("Configure routing preferences.")); 86 87 JPanel p = new JPanel(); 88 p.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 89 90 model = new DefaultTableModel(new String[] { tr("Highway type"), 91 tr("Speed (Km/h)") }, 0) { 92 private static final long serialVersionUID = 4253339034781567453L; 93 94 @Override 95 public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { 96 return column != 0; 97 } 98 }; 99 final JTable list = new JTable(model); 100 loadSpeeds(model); 101 102 JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(list); 103 104 p.add(scroll, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.BOTH)); 105 scroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200)); 106 107 JButton add = new JButton(tr("Add")); 108 p.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), GBC.std().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); 109 p.add(add, GBC.std().insets(0, 5, 0, 0)); 110 add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 111 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 112 JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); 113 p.add(new JLabel(tr("Weight")), GBC.std().insets(0, 0, 5, 0)); 114 JComboBox key = new JComboBox(); 115 for (OsmWayTypes pk : OsmWayTypes.values()) 116 key.addItem(pk.getTag()); 117 JTextField value = new JTextField(10); 118 p.add(key, GBC.eop().insets(5, 0, 0, 0).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); 119 p.add(new JLabel(tr("Value")), GBC.std().insets(0, 0, 5, 0)); 120 p.add(value, GBC.eol().insets(5, 0, 0, 0).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); 121 int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(gui, p, 122 tr("Enter weight values"), 123 JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); 124 if (answer == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { 125 model 126 .addRow(new String[] { 127 key.getSelectedItem().toString(), 128 value.getText() }); 129 } 130 } 131 }); 132 133 JButton delete = new JButton(tr("Delete")); 134 p.add(delete, GBC.std().insets(0, 5, 0, 0)); 135 delete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 136 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 137 if (list.getSelectedRow() == -1) 138 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, 139 tr("Please select the row to delete.")); 140 else { 141 Integer i; 142 while ((i = list.getSelectedRow()) != -1) 143 model.removeRow(i); 144 } 145 } 146 }); 147 148 JButton edit = new JButton(tr("Edit")); 149 p.add(edit, GBC.std().insets(5, 5, 5, 0)); 150 edit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 151 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 152 edit(gui, list); 153 } 154 }); 155 156 JTabbedPane Opciones = new JTabbedPane(); 157 Opciones.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); 158 159 Opciones.addTab("Profile", null, p, null); 160 // Opciones.addTab("Preferences", new JPanel()); 161 162 list.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ 163 @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 164 if (e.getClickCount() == 2) 165 edit(gui, list); 166 } 167 }); 168 169 principal.add(Opciones, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.BOTH)); 170 171 } 172 173 public boolean ok() { 174 for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); ++i) { 175 String value = model.getValueAt(i, 1).toString(); 176 if (value.length() != 0) { 177 String key = model.getValueAt(i, 0).toString(); 178 String origValue = orig.get(key); 179 if (origValue == null || !origValue.equals(value)) 180 Main.pref.put(key, value); 181 orig.remove(key); // processed. 182 } 183 } 184 for (Entry<String, String> e : orig.entrySet()) 185 Main.pref.put(e.getKey(), null); 186 return false; 187 } 188 189 private void edit(final PreferenceDialog gui, final JTable list) { 190 if (list.getSelectedRowCount() != 1) { 191 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(gui, 192 tr("Please select the row to edit.")); 193 return; 194 } 195 String v = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(tr("New value for {0}", model 196 .getValueAt(list.getSelectedRow(), 0)), model.getValueAt(list 197 .getSelectedRow(), 1)); 198 if (v != null) 199 model.setValueAt(v, list.getSelectedRow(), 1); 200 } 201 202 private void loadSpeeds(DefaultTableModel model) { 203 // Read dialog values from preferences 204 readPreferences(); 205 // Put these values in the model 206 for (String tag : orig.keySet()) { 207 model.addRow(new String[] { tag, orig.get(tag) }); 208 } 209 } 210 211 private void readPreferences() { 212 orig = Main.pref.getAllPrefix("routing.profile.default.speed"); 213 if (orig.size() == 0) { // defaults 214 logger.debug("Loading Default Preferences."); 215 for (OsmWayTypes owt : OsmWayTypes.values()) { 216 Main.pref.putInteger("routing.profile.default.speed." 217 + owt.getTag(), owt.getSpeed()); 218 } 219 orig = Main.pref.getAllPrefix("routing.profile.default.speed"); 220 } 221 else logger.debug("Default preferences already exist."); 222 } 223 224 private String getKeyTag(String tag) { 225 return tag.split(".", 5)[4]; 226 } 227 228 private String getTypeTag(String tag) { 229 return tag.split(".", 5)[3]; 230 } 231 232 private String getNameTag(String tag) { 233 return tag.split(".", 5)[2]; 234 } 235 235 } -
r14015 r15707 26 26 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Displays a slippy map grid in JOSM. Can load tiles from slippy map as background and request updates."/> 27 27 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1 465"/>28 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1646"/> 29 29 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> 30 30 </manifest> -
r14732 r15707 36 36 /** 37 37 * Class that displays a slippy map layer. 38 * 38 * 39 39 * @author Frederik Ramm <> 40 40 * @author LuVar <> 41 41 * @author Dave Hansen <> 42 * 42 * 43 43 */ 44 44 public class SlippyMapLayer extends Layer implements ImageObserver, 45 PreferenceChangedListener { 46 /** 47 * Actual zoom lvl. Initial zoom lvl is set to 48 * {@link SlippyMapPreferences#getMinZoomLvl()}. 49 */ 50 public int currentZoomLevel = SlippyMapPreferences.getMinZoomLvl(); 51 private HashMap<SlippyMapKey, SlippyMapTile> tileStorage = null; 52 53 Point[][] pixelpos = new Point[21][21]; 54 LatLon lastTopLeft; 55 LatLon lastBotRight; 56 int z12x0, z12x1, z12y0, z12y1; 57 private Image bufferImage; 58 private SlippyMapTile clickedTile; 59 private boolean needRedraw; 60 private JPopupMenu tileOptionMenu; 61 62 @SuppressWarnings("serial") 63 public SlippyMapLayer() { 64 super(tr("Slippy Map")); 65 background = true; 66 67 clearTileStorage(); 68 69 tileOptionMenu = new JPopupMenu(); 70 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction(tr("Load Tile")) { 71 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 72 if (clickedTile != null) { 73 loadSingleTile(clickedTile); 74 needRedraw = true; 75; 76 } 77 } 78 })); 79 80 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 81 tr("Show Tile Status")) { 82 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 83 if (clickedTile != null) { 84 clickedTile.loadMetadata(); 85 needRedraw = true; 86; 87 } 88 } 89 })); 90 91 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 92 tr("Request Update")) { 93 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 94 if (clickedTile != null) { 95 clickedTile.requestUpdate(); 96 needRedraw = true; 97; 98 } 99 } 100 })); 101 102 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 103 tr("Load All Tiles")) { 104 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 105 loadAllTiles(); 106 needRedraw = true; 107; 108 } 109 })); 110 111 // increase and decrease commands 112 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem( 113 new AbstractAction(tr("Increase zoom")) { 114 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 115 increaseZoomLevel(); 116 needRedraw = true; 117; 118 } 119 })); 120 121 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem( 122 new AbstractAction(tr("Decrease zoom")) { 123 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 124 decreaseZoomLevel(); 125; 126 } 127 })); 128 // end of adding menu commands 129 130 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 131 public void run() { 132 MouseAdapter() { 133 @Override 134 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 135 if (e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) 136 return; 137 clickedTile = getTileForPixelpos(e.getX(), e.getY()); 138, e.getX(), e 139 .getY()); 140 } 141 }); 142 143 listeners.add(new LayerChangeListener() { 144 public void activeLayerChange(Layer oldLayer, Layer newLayer) { 145 } 146 147 public void layerAdded(Layer newLayer) { 148 } 149 150 public void layerRemoved(Layer oldLayer) { 151 Main.pref.listener.remove(SlippyMapLayer.this); 152 } 153 }); 154 } 155 }); 156 157 Main.pref.listener.add(this); 158 } 159 160 /** 161 * Zoom in, go closer to map. 162 */ 163 public void increaseZoomLevel() { 164 if (currentZoomLevel < SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl()) { 165 currentZoomLevel++; 166 Main.debug("increasing zoom level to: " + currentZoomLevel); 167 needRedraw = true; 168 } else { 169 System.err.println("current zoom lvl ("+currentZoomLevel+") couldnt be increased. "+ 170 "MaxZoomLvl ("+SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl()+") reached."); 171 } 172 } 173 174 /** 175 * Zoom out from map. 176 */ 177 public void decreaseZoomLevel() { 178 if (currentZoomLevel > SlippyMapPreferences.getMinZoomLvl()) { 179 Main.debug("decreasing zoom level to: " + currentZoomLevel); 180 currentZoomLevel--; 181 needRedraw = true; 182 } else { 183 System.err.println("current zoom lvl couldnt be decreased. MinZoomLvl reached."); 184 } 185 } 186 187 public void clearTileStorage() { 188 // when max zoom lvl is begin saved, this method is called and probably 189 // the setting isnt saved yet. 190 int maxZoom = 30; // SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl(); 191 tileStorage = new HashMap<SlippyMapKey, SlippyMapTile>(); 192 193 checkTileStorage(); 194 } 195 196 class TileTimeComp implements Comparator<SlippyMapTile> { 197 public int compare(SlippyMapTile s1, SlippyMapTile s2) { 198 long t1 = s1.access_time(); 199 long t2 = s2.access_time(); 200 if (s1 == s2) 201 return 0; 202 if (t1 == t2) { 203 t1 = s1.hashCode(); 204 t2 = s2.hashCode(); 205 } 206 if (t1 < t2) 207 return -1; 208 return 1; 209 } 210 } 211 212 long lastCheck = 0; 213 /** 214 * <p> 215 * Check if tiles.size() is not more than max_nr_tiles. If yes, oldest tiles by timestamp 216 * are fired out from cache. 217 * </p> 218 */ 219 public void checkTileStorage() { 220 int maxZoom = 30; // SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl(); 221 long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); 222 if (now - lastCheck < 1000) 223 return; 224 lastCheck = now; 225 TreeSet<SlippyMapTile> tiles = new TreeSet<SlippyMapTile>(new TileTimeComp()); 226 tiles.addAll(tileStorage.values()); 227 int max_nr_tiles = 100; 228 if (tiles.size() < max_nr_tiles) { 229 Main.debug("total of " + tiles.size() + " loaded tiles, size OK " + now); 230 return; 231 } 232 int nr_to_drop = tiles.size() - max_nr_tiles;; 233 Main.debug("total of " + tiles.size() + " tiles, need to flush " + nr_to_drop + " tiles"); 234 for (SlippyMapTile t : tiles) { 235 if (nr_to_drop <= 0) 236 break; 237 t.dropImage(); 238 nr_to_drop--; 239 } 240 } 241 242 void loadSingleTile(SlippyMapTile tile) 243 { 244 tile.loadImage(); 245 this.checkTileStorage(); 246 } 247 248 void loadAllTiles() { 249 MapView mv =; 250 LatLon topLeft = mv.getLatLon(0, 0); 251 LatLon botRight = mv.getLatLon(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 252 z12x0 = lonToTileX(topLeft.lon()); 253 z12x1 = lonToTileX(botRight.lon()); 254 z12y0 = latToTileY(; 255 z12y1 = latToTileY(; 256 if (z12x0 > z12x1) { 257 int tmp = z12x0; 258 z12x0 = z12x1; 259 z12x1 = tmp; 260 } 261 if (z12y0 > z12y1) { 262 int tmp = z12y0; 263 z12y0 = z12y1; 264 z12y1 = tmp; 265 } 266 // if there is more than 18 tiles on screen in any direction, do not 267 // load all tiles! 268 if (z12x1 - z12x0 > 18) { 269 System.out 270 .println("Not downloading all tiles because there is more than 18 tiles on X axis!"); 271 return; 272 } 273 if (z12y1 - z12y0 > 18) { 274 System.out 275 .println("Not downloading all tiles because there is more than 18 tiles on Y axis!"); 276 return; 277 } 278 279 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 280 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 281 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 282 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 283 if (!key.valid) { 284 System.out.println("paint-1() made invalid key"); 285 continue; 286 } 287 if (tile == null) 288 tileStorage.put(key, 289 tile = new SlippyMapTile(x, y, currentZoomLevel)); 290 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 291 this.loadSingleTile(tile); 292 } 293 } 294 } 295 } 296 297 /* 298 * Attempt to approximate how much the image is 299 * being scaled. For instance, a 100x100 image 300 * being scaled to 50x50 would return 0.25. 301 */ 302 double getImageScaling(Image img, Point p0, Point p1) 303 { 304 int realWidth = img.getWidth(this); 305 int realHeight = img.getHeight(this); 306 if (realWidth == -1 || realHeight == -1) 307 return 1.0; 308 int drawWidth = p1.x - p0.x; 309 int drawHeight = p1.x - p0.x; 310 311 double drawArea = drawWidth * drawHeight; 312 double realArea = realWidth * realHeight; 313 314 return drawArea / realArea; 315 } 316 317 /** 45 PreferenceChangedListener { 46 /** 47 * Actual zoom lvl. Initial zoom lvl is set to 48 * {@link SlippyMapPreferences#getMinZoomLvl()}. 318 49 */ 319 @Override 320 public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv) { 321 long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 322 LatLon topLeft = mv.getLatLon(0, 0); 323 LatLon botRight = mv.getLatLon(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 324 Graphics oldg = g; 325 326 if (botRight.lon() == 0.0 || == 0) { 327 // probably still initializing 328 return; 329 } 330 if (lastTopLeft != null && lastBotRight != null 331 && topLeft.equalsEpsilon(lastTopLeft) 332 && botRight.equalsEpsilon(lastBotRight) && bufferImage != null 333 && mv.getWidth() == bufferImage.getWidth(null) 334 && mv.getHeight() == bufferImage.getHeight(null) && !needRedraw) { 335 336 g.drawImage(bufferImage, 0, 0, null); 337 return; 338 } 339 340 needRedraw = false; 341 lastTopLeft = topLeft; 342 lastBotRight = botRight; 343 bufferImage = mv.createImage(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 344 g = bufferImage.getGraphics(); 345 346 z12x0 = lonToTileX(topLeft.lon()); 347 z12x1 = lonToTileX(botRight.lon()); 348 z12y0 = latToTileY(; 349 z12y1 = latToTileY(; 350 351 if (z12x0 > z12x1) { 352 int tmp = z12x0; 353 z12x0 = z12x1; 354 z12x1 = tmp; 355 } 356 if (z12y0 > z12y1) { 357 int tmp = z12y0; 358 z12y0 = z12y1; 359 z12y1 = tmp; 360 } 361 362 if (z12x1 - z12x0 > 18) 363 return; 364 if (z12y1 - z12y0 > 18) 365 return; 366 367 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1 + 1; x++) { 368 double lon = tileXToLon(x); 369 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1 + 1; y++) { 370 LatLon tmpLL = new LatLon(tileYToLat(y), lon); 371 pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 1] = mv.getPoint(Main.proj 372 .latlon2eastNorth(tmpLL)); 373 } 374 } 375 376 int fontHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); 377 378 g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); 379 380 float fadeBackground = SlippyMapPreferences.getFadeBackground(); 381 382 Double imageScale = null; 383 int count = 0; 384 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 385 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 386 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 387 SlippyMapTile tile; 388 tile = tileStorage.get(key); 389 if (!key.valid) { 390 System.out.println("loadAllTiles() made invalid key"); 391 continue; 392 } 393 if (tile == null) { 394 tile = new SlippyMapTile(x, y, currentZoomLevel); 395 tileStorage.put(key, tile); 396 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutoloadTiles()) { 397 // TODO probably do on background 398 loadSingleTile(tile); 399 } 400 checkTileStorage(); 401 } 402 Image img = tile.getImage(); 403 404 if (img != null) { 405 Point p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 1]; 406 Point p2 = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 2][y - z12y0 + 2]; 407 g.drawImage(img, p.x, p.y, p2.x - p.x, p2.y - p.y, this); 408 if (imageScale == null) 409 imageScale = new Double(getImageScaling(img, p, p2)); 410 count++; 411 if (fadeBackground != 0f) { 412 // dimm by painting opaque rect... 413 g.setColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, fadeBackground)); 414 g.fillRect(p.x, p.y, p2.x - p.x, p2.y - p.y); 415 }// end of if dim != 0 416 }// end of if img != null 417 }// end of for 418 }// end of for 419 g.setColor(; 420 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 421 Point p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][0]; 422 423 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 424 if (x % 32 == 0) { 425 // level 7 tile boundary 426 g.fillRect(p.x - 1, 0, 3, mv.getHeight()); 427 } else { 428 g.drawLine(p.x, 0, p.x, mv.getHeight()); 429 } 430 }//end of if draw debug 431 432 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 433 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 434 int texty = p.y + 2 + fontHeight; 435 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 436 if (tile == null) { 437 continue; 438 } 439 if (!key.valid) { 440 System.out.println("paint-0() made invalid key"); 441 continue; 442 } 443 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 444 loadSingleTile(tile); 445 } 446 p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 2]; 447 448 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 449 g.drawString("x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + currentZoomLevel 450 + "", p.x + 2, texty); 451 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 452 if ((x % 32 == 0) && (y % 32 == 0)) { 453 g.drawString("x=" + x / 32 + " y=" + y / 32 + " z=7", 454 p.x + 2, texty); 455 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 456 } 457 }//end of if draw debug 458 459 String md = tile.getMetadata(); 460 if (md != null) { 461 g.drawString(md, p.x + 2, texty); 462 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 463 } 464 465 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 466 g.drawString(tr("image not loaded"), p.x + 2, texty); 467 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 468 } 469 470 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 471 if (x == z12x0 - 1) { 472 if (y % 32 == 31) { 473 g.fillRect(0, p.y - 1, mv.getWidth(), 3); 474 } else { 475 g.drawLine(0, p.y, mv.getWidth(), p.y); 476 } 477 } 478 }//end of if draw debug 479 } // end of for 480 } 481 482 oldg.drawImage(bufferImage, 0, 0, null); 483 484 if (imageScale != null) { 485 // If each source image pixel is being stretched into > 3 486 // drawn pixels, zoom in... getting too pixelated 487 if (imageScale > 3) { 488 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutozoom()) { 489 Main.debug("autozoom increase: "+z12x1+" " + z12x0 + " " + z12y1 + " " + z12y0 490 + topLeft + " " + botRight + " scale: " + imageScale); 491 increaseZoomLevel(); 492 } 493 this.paint(oldg, mv); 494 } 495 496 // If each source image pixel is being squished into > 0.32 497 // of a drawn pixels, zoom out. 498 if (imageScale < 0.32) { 499 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutozoom()) { 500 Main.debug("autozoom decrease: "+z12x1+" " + z12x0 + " " + z12y1 + " " + z12y0 501 + topLeft + " " + botRight + " scale: " + imageScale); 502 decreaseZoomLevel(); 503 } 504 this.paint(oldg, mv); 505 } 506 } 507 g.setColor(; 508 g.drawString("currentZoomLevel=" + currentZoomLevel, 120, 120); 509 }// end of paint metod 510 511 SlippyMapTile getTileForPixelpos(int px, int py) { 512 int tilex = z12x1; 513 int tiley = z12y1; 514 for (int x = z12x0; x <= z12x1; x++) { 515 516 if (pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][0].x > px) { 517 tilex = x - 1; 518 break; 519 } 520 } 521 if (tilex == -1) 522 return null; 523 for (int y = z12y0; y <= z12y1; y++) { 524 525 if (pixelpos[0][y - z12y0 + 1].y > py) { 526 tiley = y - 1; 527 break; 528 } 529 } 530 if (tiley == -1) { 531 return null; 532 } 533 534 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, tilex, tiley); 535 if (!key.valid) { 536 System.err.println("getTileForPixelpos("+px+","+py+") made invalid key"); 537 return null; 538 } 539 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 540 if (tile == null) 541 tileStorage.put(key, tile = new SlippyMapTile(tilex, tiley, currentZoomLevel)); 542 checkTileStorage(); 543 return tile; 544 } 545 546 @Override 547 public Icon getIcon() { 548 return ImageProvider.get("slippymap"); 549 } 550 551 @Override 552 public Object getInfoComponent() { 553 return null; 554 } 555 556 @Override 557 public Component[] getMenuEntries() { 558 return new Component[] { 559 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 560 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 561 new JSeparator(), 562 // color, 563 new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction(associatedFile, this)), 564 new JSeparator(), 565 new JMenuItem(new LayerListPopup.InfoAction(this)) }; 566 } 567 568 @Override 569 public String getToolTipText() { 570 return null; 571 } 572 573 @Override 574 public boolean isMergable(Layer other) { 575 return false; 576 } 577 578 @Override 579 public void mergeFrom(Layer from) { 580 } 581 582 @Override 583 public void visitBoundingBox(BoundingXYVisitor v) { 584 } 585 586 private int latToTileY(double lat) { 587 double l = lat / 180 * Math.PI; 588 double pf = Math.log(Math.tan(l) + (1 / Math.cos(l))); 589 return (int) (Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 1) * (Math.PI - pf) / Math.PI); 590 } 591 592 private int lonToTileX(double lon) { 593 return (int) (Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 3) * (lon + 180.0) / 45.0); 594 } 595 596 private double tileYToLat(int y) { 597 return Math.atan(Math.sinh(Math.PI 598 - (Math.PI * y / Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 1)))) 599 * 180 / Math.PI; 600 } 601 602 private double tileXToLon(int x) { 603 return x * 45.0 / Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 3) - 180.0; 604 } 605 606 public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, 607 int width, int height) { 608 boolean done = ((infoflags & (ERROR | FRAMEBITS | ALLBITS)) != 0); 609 if ((infoflags & ERROR) != 0) { 610 String url = "unknown"; 611 for (SlippyMapTile tile : tileStorage.values()) { 612 if (tile.getImage() != img) 613 continue; 614 url = tile.getImageURL().toString(); 615 } 616 System.err.println("imageUpdate(" + img + ") error " + url +")"); 617 } 618 if ((infoflags & SOMEBITS) != 0) { 619 //if (y%100 == 0) 620 // System.out.println("imageUpdate("+img+") SOMEBITS ("+x+","+y+")"); 621 } 622 // Repaint immediately if we are done, otherwise batch up 623 // repaint requests every 100 milliseconds 624 needRedraw = true; 625 ? 0 : 100); 626 return !done; 627 } 628 629 /* 630 * (non-Javadoc) 631 * 632 * 633 * preferenceChanged(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 634 */ 635 public void preferenceChanged(String key, String newValue) { 636 if (key.startsWith(SlippyMapPreferences.PREFERENCE_PREFIX)) { 637 // System.err.println(this + ".preferenceChanged('" + key + "', '" 638 // + newValue + "') called"); 639 // when fade background changed, no need to clear tile storage 640 // TODO move this code to SlippyMapPreferences class. 641 if (!key.equals(SlippyMapPreferences.PREFERENCE_FADE_BACKGROUND)) { 642 clearTileStorage(); 643 } 644 } 645 } 646 647 @Override 648 public void destroy() { 649 Main.pref.listener.remove(SlippyMapLayer.this); 650 } 50 public int currentZoomLevel = SlippyMapPreferences.getMinZoomLvl(); 51 private HashMap<SlippyMapKey, SlippyMapTile> tileStorage = null; 52 53 Point[][] pixelpos = new Point[21][21]; 54 LatLon lastTopLeft; 55 LatLon lastBotRight; 56 int z12x0, z12x1, z12y0, z12y1; 57 private Image bufferImage; 58 private SlippyMapTile clickedTile; 59 private boolean needRedraw; 60 private JPopupMenu tileOptionMenu; 61 62 @SuppressWarnings("serial") 63 public SlippyMapLayer() { 64 super(tr("Slippy Map")); 65 background = true; 66 67 clearTileStorage(); 68 69 tileOptionMenu = new JPopupMenu(); 70 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction(tr("Load Tile")) { 71 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 72 if (clickedTile != null) { 73 loadSingleTile(clickedTile); 74 needRedraw = true; 75; 76 } 77 } 78 })); 79 80 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 81 tr("Show Tile Status")) { 82 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 83 if (clickedTile != null) { 84 clickedTile.loadMetadata(); 85 needRedraw = true; 86; 87 } 88 } 89 })); 90 91 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 92 tr("Request Update")) { 93 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 94 if (clickedTile != null) { 95 clickedTile.requestUpdate(); 96 needRedraw = true; 97; 98 } 99 } 100 })); 101 102 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction( 103 tr("Load All Tiles")) { 104 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 105 loadAllTiles(); 106 needRedraw = true; 107; 108 } 109 })); 110 111 // increase and decrease commands 112 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem( 113 new AbstractAction(tr("Increase zoom")) { 114 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 115 increaseZoomLevel(); 116 needRedraw = true; 117; 118 } 119 })); 120 121 tileOptionMenu.add(new JMenuItem( 122 new AbstractAction(tr("Decrease zoom")) { 123 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 124 decreaseZoomLevel(); 125; 126 } 127 })); 128 // end of adding menu commands 129 130 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 131 public void run() { 132 MouseAdapter() { 133 @Override 134 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 135 if (e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) 136 return; 137 clickedTile = getTileForPixelpos(e.getX(), e.getY()); 138, e.getX(), e 139 .getY()); 140 } 141 }); 142 143 listeners.add(new LayerChangeListener() { 144 public void activeLayerChange(Layer oldLayer, Layer newLayer) { 145 } 146 147 public void layerAdded(Layer newLayer) { 148 } 149 150 public void layerRemoved(Layer oldLayer) { 151 Main.pref.listener.remove(SlippyMapLayer.this); 152 } 153 }); 154 } 155 }); 156 157 Main.pref.listener.add(this); 158 } 159 160 /** 161 * Zoom in, go closer to map. 162 */ 163 public void increaseZoomLevel() { 164 if (currentZoomLevel < SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl()) { 165 currentZoomLevel++; 166 Main.debug("increasing zoom level to: " + currentZoomLevel); 167 needRedraw = true; 168 } else { 169 System.err.println("current zoom lvl ("+currentZoomLevel+") couldnt be increased. "+ 170 "MaxZoomLvl ("+SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl()+") reached."); 171 } 172 } 173 174 /** 175 * Zoom out from map. 176 */ 177 public void decreaseZoomLevel() { 178 if (currentZoomLevel > SlippyMapPreferences.getMinZoomLvl()) { 179 Main.debug("decreasing zoom level to: " + currentZoomLevel); 180 currentZoomLevel--; 181 needRedraw = true; 182 } else { 183 System.err.println("current zoom lvl couldnt be decreased. MinZoomLvl reached."); 184 } 185 } 186 187 public void clearTileStorage() { 188 // when max zoom lvl is begin saved, this method is called and probably 189 // the setting isnt saved yet. 190 int maxZoom = 30; // SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl(); 191 tileStorage = new HashMap<SlippyMapKey, SlippyMapTile>(); 192 193 checkTileStorage(); 194 } 195 196 class TileTimeComp implements Comparator<SlippyMapTile> { 197 public int compare(SlippyMapTile s1, SlippyMapTile s2) { 198 long t1 = s1.access_time(); 199 long t2 = s2.access_time(); 200 if (s1 == s2) 201 return 0; 202 if (t1 == t2) { 203 t1 = s1.hashCode(); 204 t2 = s2.hashCode(); 205 } 206 if (t1 < t2) 207 return -1; 208 return 1; 209 } 210 } 211 212 long lastCheck = 0; 213 /** 214 * <p> 215 * Check if tiles.size() is not more than max_nr_tiles. If yes, oldest tiles by timestamp 216 * are fired out from cache. 217 * </p> 218 */ 219 public void checkTileStorage() { 220 int maxZoom = 30; // SlippyMapPreferences.getMaxZoomLvl(); 221 long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); 222 if (now - lastCheck < 1000) 223 return; 224 lastCheck = now; 225 TreeSet<SlippyMapTile> tiles = new TreeSet<SlippyMapTile>(new TileTimeComp()); 226 tiles.addAll(tileStorage.values()); 227 int max_nr_tiles = 100; 228 if (tiles.size() < max_nr_tiles) { 229 Main.debug("total of " + tiles.size() + " loaded tiles, size OK " + now); 230 return; 231 } 232 int nr_to_drop = tiles.size() - max_nr_tiles;; 233 Main.debug("total of " + tiles.size() + " tiles, need to flush " + nr_to_drop + " tiles"); 234 for (SlippyMapTile t : tiles) { 235 if (nr_to_drop <= 0) 236 break; 237 t.dropImage(); 238 nr_to_drop--; 239 } 240 } 241 242 void loadSingleTile(SlippyMapTile tile) 243 { 244 tile.loadImage(); 245 this.checkTileStorage(); 246 } 247 248 void loadAllTiles() { 249 MapView mv =; 250 LatLon topLeft = mv.getLatLon(0, 0); 251 LatLon botRight = mv.getLatLon(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 252 z12x0 = lonToTileX(topLeft.lon()); 253 z12x1 = lonToTileX(botRight.lon()); 254 z12y0 = latToTileY(; 255 z12y1 = latToTileY(; 256 if (z12x0 > z12x1) { 257 int tmp = z12x0; 258 z12x0 = z12x1; 259 z12x1 = tmp; 260 } 261 if (z12y0 > z12y1) { 262 int tmp = z12y0; 263 z12y0 = z12y1; 264 z12y1 = tmp; 265 } 266 // if there is more than 18 tiles on screen in any direction, do not 267 // load all tiles! 268 if (z12x1 - z12x0 > 18) { 269 System.out 270 .println("Not downloading all tiles because there is more than 18 tiles on X axis!"); 271 return; 272 } 273 if (z12y1 - z12y0 > 18) { 274 System.out 275 .println("Not downloading all tiles because there is more than 18 tiles on Y axis!"); 276 return; 277 } 278 279 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 280 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 281 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 282 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 283 if (!key.valid) { 284 System.out.println("paint-1() made invalid key"); 285 continue; 286 } 287 if (tile == null) 288 tileStorage.put(key, 289 tile = new SlippyMapTile(x, y, currentZoomLevel)); 290 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 291 this.loadSingleTile(tile); 292 } 293 } 294 } 295 } 296 297 /* 298 * Attempt to approximate how much the image is 299 * being scaled. For instance, a 100x100 image 300 * being scaled to 50x50 would return 0.25. 301 */ 302 double getImageScaling(Image img, Point p0, Point p1) 303 { 304 int realWidth = img.getWidth(this); 305 int realHeight = img.getHeight(this); 306 if (realWidth == -1 || realHeight == -1) 307 return 1.0; 308 int drawWidth = p1.x - p0.x; 309 int drawHeight = p1.x - p0.x; 310 311 double drawArea = drawWidth * drawHeight; 312 double realArea = realWidth * realHeight; 313 314 return drawArea / realArea; 315 } 316 317 /** 318 */ 319 @Override 320 public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv) { 321 long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 322 LatLon topLeft = mv.getLatLon(0, 0); 323 LatLon botRight = mv.getLatLon(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 324 Graphics oldg = g; 325 326 if (botRight.lon() == 0.0 || == 0) { 327 // probably still initializing 328 return; 329 } 330 if (lastTopLeft != null && lastBotRight != null 331 && topLeft.equalsEpsilon(lastTopLeft) 332 && botRight.equalsEpsilon(lastBotRight) && bufferImage != null 333 && mv.getWidth() == bufferImage.getWidth(null) 334 && mv.getHeight() == bufferImage.getHeight(null) && !needRedraw) { 335 336 g.drawImage(bufferImage, 0, 0, null); 337 return; 338 } 339 340 needRedraw = false; 341 lastTopLeft = topLeft; 342 lastBotRight = botRight; 343 bufferImage = mv.createImage(mv.getWidth(), mv.getHeight()); 344 g = bufferImage.getGraphics(); 345 346 z12x0 = lonToTileX(topLeft.lon()); 347 z12x1 = lonToTileX(botRight.lon()); 348 z12y0 = latToTileY(; 349 z12y1 = latToTileY(; 350 351 if (z12x0 > z12x1) { 352 int tmp = z12x0; 353 z12x0 = z12x1; 354 z12x1 = tmp; 355 } 356 if (z12y0 > z12y1) { 357 int tmp = z12y0; 358 z12y0 = z12y1; 359 z12y1 = tmp; 360 } 361 362 if (z12x1 - z12x0 > 18) 363 return; 364 if (z12y1 - z12y0 > 18) 365 return; 366 367 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1 + 1; x++) { 368 double lon = tileXToLon(x); 369 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1 + 1; y++) { 370 LatLon tmpLL = new LatLon(tileYToLat(y), lon); 371 pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 1] = mv.getPoint(Main.proj 372 .latlon2eastNorth(tmpLL)); 373 } 374 } 375 376 int fontHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); 377 378 g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); 379 380 float fadeBackground = SlippyMapPreferences.getFadeBackground(); 381 382 Double imageScale = null; 383 int count = 0; 384 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 385 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 386 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 387 SlippyMapTile tile; 388 tile = tileStorage.get(key); 389 if (!key.valid) { 390 System.out.println("loadAllTiles() made invalid key"); 391 continue; 392 } 393 if (tile == null) { 394 tile = new SlippyMapTile(x, y, currentZoomLevel); 395 tileStorage.put(key, tile); 396 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutoloadTiles()) { 397 // TODO probably do on background 398 loadSingleTile(tile); 399 } 400 checkTileStorage(); 401 } 402 Image img = tile.getImage(); 403 404 if (img != null) { 405 Point p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 1]; 406 Point p2 = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 2][y - z12y0 + 2]; 407 g.drawImage(img, p.x, p.y, p2.x - p.x, p2.y - p.y, this); 408 if (imageScale == null) 409 imageScale = new Double(getImageScaling(img, p, p2)); 410 count++; 411 if (fadeBackground != 0f) { 412 // dimm by painting opaque rect... 413 g.setColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, fadeBackground)); 414 g.fillRect(p.x, p.y, p2.x - p.x, p2.y - p.y); 415 }// end of if dim != 0 416 }// end of if img != null 417 }// end of for 418 }// end of for 419 g.setColor(; 420 for (int x = z12x0 - 1; x <= z12x1; x++) { 421 Point p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][0]; 422 423 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 424 if (x % 32 == 0) { 425 // level 7 tile boundary 426 g.fillRect(p.x - 1, 0, 3, mv.getHeight()); 427 } else { 428 g.drawLine(p.x, 0, p.x, mv.getHeight()); 429 } 430 }//end of if draw debug 431 432 for (int y = z12y0 - 1; y <= z12y1; y++) { 433 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, x, y); 434 int texty = p.y + 2 + fontHeight; 435 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 436 if (tile == null) { 437 continue; 438 } 439 if (!key.valid) { 440 System.out.println("paint-0() made invalid key"); 441 continue; 442 } 443 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 444 loadSingleTile(tile); 445 } 446 p = pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][y - z12y0 + 2]; 447 448 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 449 g.drawString("x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + currentZoomLevel 450 + "", p.x + 2, texty); 451 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 452 if ((x % 32 == 0) && (y % 32 == 0)) { 453 g.drawString("x=" + x / 32 + " y=" + y / 32 + " z=7", 454 p.x + 2, texty); 455 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 456 } 457 }//end of if draw debug 458 459 String md = tile.getMetadata(); 460 if (md != null) { 461 g.drawString(md, p.x + 2, texty); 462 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 463 } 464 465 if (tile.getImage() == null) { 466 g.drawString(tr("image not loaded"), p.x + 2, texty); 467 texty += 1 + fontHeight; 468 } 469 470 if(SlippyMapPreferences.getDrawDebug()) { 471 if (x == z12x0 - 1) { 472 if (y % 32 == 31) { 473 g.fillRect(0, p.y - 1, mv.getWidth(), 3); 474 } else { 475 g.drawLine(0, p.y, mv.getWidth(), p.y); 476 } 477 } 478 }//end of if draw debug 479 } // end of for 480 } 481 482 oldg.drawImage(bufferImage, 0, 0, null); 483 484 if (imageScale != null) { 485 // If each source image pixel is being stretched into > 3 486 // drawn pixels, zoom in... getting too pixelated 487 if (imageScale > 3) { 488 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutozoom()) { 489 Main.debug("autozoom increase: "+z12x1+" " + z12x0 + " " + z12y1 + " " + z12y0 490 + topLeft + " " + botRight + " scale: " + imageScale); 491 increaseZoomLevel(); 492 } 493 this.paint(oldg, mv); 494 } 495 496 // If each source image pixel is being squished into > 0.32 497 // of a drawn pixels, zoom out. 498 if (imageScale < 0.32) { 499 if (SlippyMapPreferences.getAutozoom()) { 500 Main.debug("autozoom decrease: "+z12x1+" " + z12x0 + " " + z12y1 + " " + z12y0 501 + topLeft + " " + botRight + " scale: " + imageScale); 502 decreaseZoomLevel(); 503 } 504 this.paint(oldg, mv); 505 } 506 } 507 g.setColor(; 508 g.drawString("currentZoomLevel=" + currentZoomLevel, 120, 120); 509 }// end of paint metod 510 511 SlippyMapTile getTileForPixelpos(int px, int py) { 512 int tilex = z12x1; 513 int tiley = z12y1; 514 for (int x = z12x0; x <= z12x1; x++) { 515 516 if (pixelpos[x - z12x0 + 1][0].x > px) { 517 tilex = x - 1; 518 break; 519 } 520 } 521 if (tilex == -1) 522 return null; 523 for (int y = z12y0; y <= z12y1; y++) { 524 525 if (pixelpos[0][y - z12y0 + 1].y > py) { 526 tiley = y - 1; 527 break; 528 } 529 } 530 if (tiley == -1) { 531 return null; 532 } 533 534 SlippyMapKey key = new SlippyMapKey(currentZoomLevel, tilex, tiley); 535 if (!key.valid) { 536 System.err.println("getTileForPixelpos("+px+","+py+") made invalid key"); 537 return null; 538 } 539 SlippyMapTile tile = tileStorage.get(key); 540 if (tile == null) 541 tileStorage.put(key, tile = new SlippyMapTile(tilex, tiley, currentZoomLevel)); 542 checkTileStorage(); 543 return tile; 544 } 545 546 @Override 547 public Icon getIcon() { 548 return ImageProvider.get("slippymap"); 549 } 550 551 @Override 552 public Object getInfoComponent() { 553 return null; 554 } 555 556 @Override 557 public Component[] getMenuEntries() { 558 return new Component[] { 559 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 560 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 561 new JSeparator(), 562 // color, 563 new JMenuItem(new RenameLayerAction(getAssociatedFile(), this)), 564 new JSeparator(), 565 new JMenuItem(new LayerListPopup.InfoAction(this)) }; 566 } 567 568 @Override 569 public String getToolTipText() { 570 return null; 571 } 572 573 @Override 574 public boolean isMergable(Layer other) { 575 return false; 576 } 577 578 @Override 579 public void mergeFrom(Layer from) { 580 } 581 582 @Override 583 public void visitBoundingBox(BoundingXYVisitor v) { 584 } 585 586 private int latToTileY(double lat) { 587 double l = lat / 180 * Math.PI; 588 double pf = Math.log(Math.tan(l) + (1 / Math.cos(l))); 589 return (int) (Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 1) * (Math.PI - pf) / Math.PI); 590 } 591 592 private int lonToTileX(double lon) { 593 return (int) (Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 3) * (lon + 180.0) / 45.0); 594 } 595 596 private double tileYToLat(int y) { 597 return Math.atan(Math.sinh(Math.PI 598 - (Math.PI * y / Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 1)))) 599 * 180 / Math.PI; 600 } 601 602 private double tileXToLon(int x) { 603 return x * 45.0 / Math.pow(2.0, currentZoomLevel - 3) - 180.0; 604 } 605 606 public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, 607 int width, int height) { 608 boolean done = ((infoflags & (ERROR | FRAMEBITS | ALLBITS)) != 0); 609 if ((infoflags & ERROR) != 0) { 610 String url = "unknown"; 611 for (SlippyMapTile tile : tileStorage.values()) { 612 if (tile.getImage() != img) 613 continue; 614 url = tile.getImageURL().toString(); 615 } 616 System.err.println("imageUpdate(" + img + ") error " + url +")"); 617 } 618 if ((infoflags & SOMEBITS) != 0) { 619 //if (y%100 == 0) 620 // System.out.println("imageUpdate("+img+") SOMEBITS ("+x+","+y+")"); 621 } 622 // Repaint immediately if we are done, otherwise batch up 623 // repaint requests every 100 milliseconds 624 needRedraw = true; 625 ? 0 : 100); 626 return !done; 627 } 628 629 /* 630 * (non-Javadoc) 631 * 632 * 633 * preferenceChanged(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 634 */ 635 public void preferenceChanged(String key, String newValue) { 636 if (key.startsWith(SlippyMapPreferences.PREFERENCE_PREFIX)) { 637 // System.err.println(this + ".preferenceChanged('" + key + "', '" 638 // + newValue + "') called"); 639 // when fade background changed, no need to clear tile storage 640 // TODO move this code to SlippyMapPreferences class. 641 if (!key.equals(SlippyMapPreferences.PREFERENCE_FADE_BACKGROUND)) { 642 clearTileStorage(); 643 } 644 } 645 } 646 647 @Override 648 public void destroy() { 649 Main.pref.listener.remove(SlippyMapLayer.this); 650 } 651 651 } -
r14839 r15707 50 50 --> 51 51 <target name="compile" depends="init"> 52 <echo message="compiling sources for ${plugin.jar .name} ... "/>52 <echo message="compiling sources for ${plugin.jar} ... "/> 53 53 <javac srcdir="src" classpath="${josm}" debug="true" destdir="${}"> 54 54 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/> -
Property svn:ignore
set to
Property svn:ignore
set to
r15185 r15707 29 29 <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Display georeferenced images as background in JOSM (WMS servers, Yahoo, ...)."/> 30 30 <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value=""/> 31 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="16 10"/>31 <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="1646"/> 32 32 <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/> 33 33 <attribute name="de_Plugin-Link" value=""/> -
r15185 r15707 85 85 if (urlWithPatterns) { 86 86 String proj = Main.proj.toCode(); 87 if( proj.equals("EPSG:3785")) // don't use mercator code87 if(Main.proj instanceof // don't use mercator code directly 88 88 proj = "EPSG:4326"; 89 89 -
r15185 r15707 23 23 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 24 24 import javax.swing.JSeparator; 25 import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;26 25 27 26 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions. ExtensionFileFilter;27 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.DiskAccessAction; 29 28 import; 30 29 import; … … 295 294 } 296 295 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { 297 File f = openFileDialog(false); 296 File f = DiskAccessAction.createAndOpenSaveFileChooser( 297 tr("Save WMS layer"), ".wms"); 298 298 try 299 299 { … … 322 322 } 323 323 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { 324 File f = openFileDialog(true); 324 JFileChooser fc = DiskAccessAction.createAndOpenFileChooser(true, 325 false, tr("Load WMS layer")); 326 if(fc == null) return; 327 File f = fc.getSelectedFile(); 325 328 if (f == null) return; 326 329 try … … 359 362 } 360 363 } 361 362 protected static JFileChooser createAndOpenFileChooser(boolean open, boolean multiple) {363 String curDir = Main.pref.get("lastDirectory");364 if (curDir.equals(""))365 curDir = ".";366 JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(new File(curDir));367 fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(multiple);368 for (int i = 0; i < ExtensionFileFilter.filters.length; ++i)369 fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ExtensionFileFilter.filters[i]);370 fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(true);371 372 int answer = open ? fc.showOpenDialog(Main.parent) : fc.showSaveDialog(Main.parent);373 if (answer != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)374 return null;375 376 if (!fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath().equals(curDir))377 Main.pref.put("lastDirectory", fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath());378 379 if (!open) {380 File file = fc.getSelectedFile();381 if (file == null || (file.exists() && JOptionPane.YES_OPTION !=382 JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Main.parent, tr("File exists. Overwrite?"), tr("Overwrite"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)))383 return null;384 }385 386 return fc;387 }388 389 public static File openFileDialog(boolean open) {390 JFileChooser fc = createAndOpenFileChooser(open, false);391 if (fc == null)392 return null;393 394 File file = fc.getSelectedFile();395 396 String fn = file.getPath();397 if (fn.indexOf('.') == -1) {398 FileFilter ff = fc.getFileFilter();399 if (ff instanceof ExtensionFileFilter)400 fn = "." + ((ExtensionFileFilter)ff).defaultExtension;401 else402 fn += ".osm";403 file = new File(fn);404 }405 return file;406 }407 364 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.