Changeset 15662 in josm for trunk/src

2020-01-08T23:35:55+01:00 (5 years ago)

Fix typo: overriden↦overridden

8 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/importexport/

    r15496 r15662  
    8787    @Override
    8888    public void activeOrEditLayerChanged(ActiveLayerChangeEvent e) {
    89         // To be overriden by subclasses if their enabled state depends of the active layer nature
     89        // To be overridden by subclasses if their enabled state depends of the active layer nature
    9090    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r15496 r15662  
    594594     */
    595595    public void onPostLoadFromFile() {
    596         // To be overriden if needed
     596        // To be overridden if needed
    597597    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r12686 r15662  
    5555     */
    5656    public ManualAuthorizationUI(String apiUrl, Executor executor) {
    57         super(/* dont pass apiURL because setApiUrl is overriden and references a local field */);
     57        super(/* dont pass apiURL because setApiUrl is overridden and references a local field */);
    5858        setApiUrl(apiUrl);
    5959        this.executor = executor;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r14463 r15662  
    9797    /**
    98      * Restore default behaviour of focus transfer with TAB, overriden by {@link JTextArea}.
     98     * Restore default behaviour of focus transfer with TAB, overridden by {@link JTextArea}.
    9999     * @return {@code this}
    100100     * @since 11308
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r14977 r15662  
    7272    /**
    7373     * Launches the popup menu according to the given mouse event.
    74      * This method needs to be overriden if the default constructor has been called.
     74     * This method needs to be overridden if the default constructor has been called.
    7575     * @param evt A mouse event
    7676     */
  • trunk/src/org/tukaani/xz/

    r13350 r15662  
    126126            //
    127127            // That last argument is true to get LRU cache behavior together
    128             // with the overriden removeEldestEntry method.
     128            // with the overridden removeEldestEntry method.
    129129            super(2 * STACKS_MAX, 0.75f, true);
    130130        }
  • trunk/src/org/tukaani/xz/

    r13350 r15662  
    7979        try {
    80             // Set the maximum valid compressed size. This is overriden
     80            // Set the maximum valid compressed size. This is overridden
    8181            // by the value from the Compressed Size field if it is present.
    8282            compressedSizeLimit = (DecoderUtil.VLI_MAX & ~3)
  • trunk/src/org/tukaani/xz/rangecoder/

    r13350 r15662  
    7373        // how big the finished buffer is. RangeEncoderToStream has no
    7474        // buffer and thus no return value is needed. Here we use a dummy
    75         // value which can be overriden in RangeEncoderToBuffer.finish().
     75        // value which can be overridden in RangeEncoderToBuffer.finish().
    7676        return -1;
    7777    }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.