- Timestamp:
- 2019-12-08T14:35:57+01:00 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r15376 r15565 28 28 import java.util.TreeSet; 29 29 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; 30 import java.util.stream.Collectors; 30 31 31 32 import javax.swing.AbstractAction; 32 33 import javax.swing.JComponent; 33 34 import javax.swing.JLabel; 35 import javax.swing.JMenuItem; 34 36 import javax.swing.JPanel; 35 37 import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; … … 109 111 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 110 112 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; 113 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Territories; 111 114 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; 112 115 … … 172 175 private final transient PopupMenuHandler blankSpaceMenuHandler = new PopupMenuHandler(blankSpaceMenu); 173 176 177 private final List<JMenuItem> tagMenuTagInfoNatItems = new ArrayList<>(); 178 private final List<JMenuItem> membershipMenuTagInfoNatItems = new ArrayList<>(); 179 174 180 private final transient Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> valueCount = new TreeMap<>(); 175 181 /** … … 183 189 private final TaginfoAction taginfoAction = new TaginfoAction(tagTable, editHelper::getDataKey, editHelper::getDataValues, 184 190 membershipTable, x -> (IRelation<?>) membershipData.getValueAt(x, 0)); 191 private final Collection<TaginfoAction> taginfoNationalActions = new ArrayList<>(); 185 192 private final PasteValueAction pasteValueAction = new PasteValueAction(); 186 193 private final CopyValueAction copyValueAction = new CopyValueAction( … … 348 355 } 349 356 357 private void destroyTaginfoNationalActions() { 358 membershipMenuTagInfoNatItems.forEach(membershipMenu::remove); 359 membershipMenuTagInfoNatItems.clear(); 360 tagMenuTagInfoNatItems.forEach(tagMenu::remove); 361 tagMenuTagInfoNatItems.clear(); 362 taginfoNationalActions.forEach(JosmAction::destroy); 363 taginfoNationalActions.clear(); 364 } 365 366 private void setupTaginfoNationalActions(Collection<? extends IPrimitive> newSel) { 367 destroyTaginfoNationalActions(); 368 if (!newSel.isEmpty()) { 369 for (Entry<String, String> e : Territories.getNationalTaginfoUrls( 370 newSel.iterator().next().getBBox().getCenter()).entrySet()) { 371 taginfoNationalActions.add(new TaginfoAction(tagTable, editHelper::getDataKey, editHelper::getDataValues, 372 membershipTable, x -> (IRelation<?>) membershipData.getValueAt(x, 0), e.getValue(), e.getKey())); 373 } 374 membershipMenuTagInfoNatItems.addAll(taginfoNationalActions.stream().map(membershipMenu::add).collect(Collectors.toList())); 375 tagMenuTagInfoNatItems.addAll(taginfoNationalActions.stream().map(tagMenu::add).collect(Collectors.toList())); 376 } 377 } 378 350 379 /** 351 380 * Creates the popup menu @field membershipMenu and its launcher on membership table. … … 538 567 public void destroy() { 539 568 taginfoAction.destroy(); 569 destroyTaginfoNationalActions(); 540 570 super.destroy(); 541 571 Config.getPref().removeKeyPreferenceChangeListener("display.discardable-keys", preferenceListener); … … 558 588 // Ignore parameter as we do not want to operate always on real selection here, especially in draw mode 559 589 Collection<? extends IPrimitive> newSel = OsmDataManager.getInstance().getInProgressISelection(); 560 String selectedTag;590 int newSelSize = newSel.size(); 561 591 IRelation<?> selectedRelation = null; 562 selectedTag = editHelper.getChangedKey(); // select last added or last edited key by default 592 String selectedTag = editHelper.getChangedKey(); // select last added or last edited key by default 563 593 if (selectedTag == null && tagTable.getSelectedRowCount() == 1) { 564 594 selectedTag = editHelper.getDataKey(tagTable.getSelectedRow()); … … 598 628 count += e1.getValue(); 599 629 } 600 if (count < newSel .size()) {601 e.getValue().put("", newSel .size()- count);630 if (count < newSelSize) { 631 e.getValue().put("", newSelSize - count); 602 632 } 603 633 tagData.addRow(new Object[]{e.getKey(), e.getValue()}); … … 655 685 pluginHook.setVisible(hasSelection); 656 686 687 setupTaginfoNationalActions(newSel); 657 688 autoresizeTagTable(); 658 689 … … 669 700 670 701 if (tagData.getRowCount() != 0 || membershipData.getRowCount() != 0) { 671 if (newSel .size()> 1) {702 if (newSelSize > 1) { 672 703 setTitle(tr("Objects: {2} / Tags: {0} / Memberships: {1}", 673 tagData.getRowCount(), membershipData.getRowCount(), newSel .size()));704 tagData.getRowCount(), membershipData.getRowCount(), newSelSize)); 674 705 } else { 675 706 setTitle(tr("Tags: {0} / Memberships: {1}", -
r13959 r15565 23 23 public class TaginfoAction extends JosmAction { 24 24 25 final transientStringProperty TAGINFO_URL_PROP = new StringProperty("taginfo.url", "https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/");25 private static final StringProperty TAGINFO_URL_PROP = new StringProperty("taginfo.url", "https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/"); 26 26 27 27 private final JTable tagTable; … … 29 29 private final IntFunction<Map<String, Integer>> tagValuesSupplier; 30 30 31 private final String taginfoUrl; 31 32 private final JTable membershipTable; 32 33 private final IntFunction<IRelation<?>> memberValueSupplier; … … 43 44 public TaginfoAction(JTable tagTable, IntFunction<String> tagKeySupplier, IntFunction<Map<String, Integer>> tagValuesSupplier, 44 45 JTable membershipTable, IntFunction<IRelation<?>> memberValueSupplier) { 45 super(tr("Go to Taginfo"), "dialogs/taginfo", tr("Launch browser with Taginfo statistics for selected object"), null, false); 46 this(tagTable, tagKeySupplier, tagValuesSupplier, membershipTable, memberValueSupplier, TAGINFO_URL_PROP.get(), null); 47 } 48 49 /** 50 * Constructs a new {@code TaginfoAction} with a given URL and optional name suffix. 51 * @param tagTable The tag table. Cannot be null 52 * @param tagKeySupplier Finds the key from given row of tag table. Cannot be null 53 * @param tagValuesSupplier Finds the values from given row of tag table (map of values and number of occurrences). Cannot be null 54 * @param membershipTable The membership table. Can be null 55 * @param memberValueSupplier Finds the parent relation from given row of membership table. Can be null 56 * @param taginfoUrl Taginfo URL. Cannot be null 57 * @param suffix Optional name suffix, can be null 58 * @since 15565 59 */ 60 public TaginfoAction(JTable tagTable, IntFunction<String> tagKeySupplier, IntFunction<Map<String, Integer>> tagValuesSupplier, 61 JTable membershipTable, IntFunction<IRelation<?>> memberValueSupplier, String taginfoUrl, String suffix) { 62 super(tr("Go to Taginfo") + (suffix != null ? " " + suffix : ""), "dialogs/taginfo", 63 tr("Launch browser with Taginfo statistics for selected object"), null, false); 64 this.taginfoUrl = taginfoUrl.endsWith("/") ? taginfoUrl : taginfoUrl + '/'; 46 65 this.tagTable = Objects.requireNonNull(tagTable); 47 66 this.tagKeySupplier = Objects.requireNonNull(tagKeySupplier); … … 59 78 Map<String, Integer> values = tagValuesSupplier.apply(row); 60 79 if (values.size() == 1) { 61 url = TAGINFO_URL_PROP.get()+ "tags/" + key80 url = taginfoUrl + "tags/" + key 62 81 + '=' + Utils.encodeUrl(values.keySet().iterator().next()).replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); 63 82 } else { 64 url = TAGINFO_URL_PROP.get()+ "keys/" + key;83 url = taginfoUrl + "keys/" + key; 65 84 } 66 85 } else if (membershipTable != null && membershipTable.getSelectedRowCount() == 1) { 67 86 final String type = (memberValueSupplier.apply(membershipTable.getSelectedRow())).get("type"); 68 url = TAGINFO_URL_PROP.get()+ "relations/" + type;87 url = taginfoUrl + "relations/" + type; 69 88 } else { 70 89 return; -
r13951 r15565 34 34 return getDataSet().isLocked(); 35 35 } 36 37 /** 38 * Clears the data backing this layer, unless if locked. 39 * @since 15565 40 */ 41 public void clear() { 42 OsmData<?, ?, ?, ?> data = getDataSet(); 43 if (data != null && !data.isLocked()) { 44 data.clear(); 45 } 46 } 36 47 } -
r14558 r15565 12 12 import java.util.function.Consumer; 13 13 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet;15 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication; 16 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper; … … 480 479 } 481 480 if (layer instanceof OsmDataLayer) { 482 DataSet data = ((OsmDataLayer) layer).data; 483 if (data != null && !data.isLocked()) 484 data.clear(); 481 ((OsmDataLayer) layer).clear(); 485 482 } 486 483 return e.scheduleForRemoval; -
r14248 r15565 40 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Preferences; 41 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.PreferencesUtils; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; 42 43 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication; 43 44 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LogShowDialog; 44 45 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil; 45 46 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.CustomConfigurator; 47 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager; 48 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; 46 49 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.DefaultTabPreferenceSetting; 47 50 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.PreferenceSetting; … … 56 59 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; 57 60 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 61 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Territories; 58 62 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; 59 63 … … 70 74 public PreferenceSetting createPreferenceSetting() { 71 75 return new AdvancedPreference(); 76 } 77 } 78 79 private static class UnclearableOsmDataLayer extends OsmDataLayer { 80 UnclearableOsmDataLayer(DataSet data, String name) { 81 super(data, name, null); 82 } 83 84 @Override 85 public void clear() { 86 // Do nothing 87 } 88 } 89 90 private final class EditBoundariesAction extends AbstractAction { 91 EditBoundariesAction() { 92 super(tr("Edit boundaries")); 93 } 94 95 @Override 96 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 97 DataSet dataSet = Territories.getOriginalDataSet(); 98 MainLayerManager layerManager = MainApplication.getLayerManager(); 99 if (layerManager.getLayersOfType(OsmDataLayer.class).stream().noneMatch(l -> dataSet.equals(l.getDataSet()))) { 100 layerManager.addLayer(new UnclearableOsmDataLayer(dataSet, tr("Internal JOSM boundaries"))); 101 } 102 } 103 } 104 105 private final class ResetPreferencesAction extends AbstractAction { 106 ResetPreferencesAction() { 107 super(tr("Reset preferences")); 108 } 109 110 @Override 111 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 112 if (!GuiHelper.warnUser(tr("Reset preferences"), 113 "<html>"+ 114 tr("You are about to clear all preferences to their default values<br />"+ 115 "All your settings will be deleted: plugins, imagery, filters, toolbar buttons, keyboard, etc. <br />"+ 116 "Are you sure you want to continue?") 117 +"</html>", null, "")) { 118 Preferences.main().resetToDefault(); 119 try { 120 Preferences.main().save(); 121 } catch (IOException | InvalidPathException e) { 122 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, "Exception while saving preferences:", e); 123 } 124 readPreferences(Preferences.main()); 125 applyFilter(); 126 } 72 127 } 73 128 } … … 333 388 menu.add(getProfileMenu()); 334 389 menu.addSeparator(); 335 menu.add(new AbstractAction(tr("Reset preferences")) { 336 @Override 337 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 338 if (!GuiHelper.warnUser(tr("Reset preferences"), 339 "<html>"+ 340 tr("You are about to clear all preferences to their default values<br />"+ 341 "All your settings will be deleted: plugins, imagery, filters, toolbar buttons, keyboard, etc. <br />"+ 342 "Are you sure you want to continue?") 343 +"</html>", null, "")) { 344 Preferences.main().resetToDefault(); 345 try { 346 Preferences.main().save(); 347 } catch (IOException | InvalidPathException e) { 348 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, "Exception while saving preferences:", e); 349 } 350 readPreferences(Preferences.main()); 351 applyFilter(); 352 } 353 } 354 }); 390 menu.add(new EditBoundariesAction()); 391 menu.addSeparator(); 392 menu.add(new ResetPreferencesAction()); 355 393 return menu; 356 394 } -
r14484 r15565 11 11 import java.util.HashMap; 12 12 import java.util.Map; 13 import java.util.Map.Entry; 13 14 import java.util.Set; 15 import java.util.TreeMap; 16 import java.util.stream.Collectors; 14 17 15 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; … … 32 35 private static final String ISO3166_1 = "ISO3166-1:alpha2"; 33 36 private static final String ISO3166_2 = "ISO3166-2"; 37 private static final String TAGINFO = "taginfo"; 34 38 35 39 private static DataSet dataSet; 36 40 37 41 private static volatile Map<String, GeoPropertyIndex<Boolean>> iso3166Cache; 42 private static volatile Map<String, String> taginfoCache; 38 43 39 44 private Territories() { … … 78 83 79 84 /** 80 * Returns the territories dataset. 81 * @return the territories dataset 85 * Returns the original territories dataset. Be extra cautious when manipulating it! 86 * @return the original territories dataset 87 * @since 15565 88 */ 89 public static synchronized DataSet getOriginalDataSet() { 90 return dataSet; 91 } 92 93 /** 94 * Returns a copy of the territories dataset. 95 * @return a copy of the territories dataset 82 96 */ 83 97 public static synchronized DataSet getDataSet() { … … 91 105 public static synchronized void initialize() { 92 106 iso3166Cache = new HashMap<>(); 107 taginfoCache = new TreeMap<>(); 93 108 try (CachedFile cf = new CachedFile("resource://data/" + FILENAME); 94 109 InputStream is = cf.getInputStream()) { … … 109 124 if (iso1 != null) { 110 125 iso3166Cache.put(iso1, gpi); 126 String taginfo = osm.get(TAGINFO); 127 if (taginfo != null) { 128 taginfoCache.put(iso1, taginfo); 129 } 111 130 } 112 131 if (iso2 != null) { … … 119 138 } 120 139 } 140 141 /** 142 * Returns a map of national taginfo instances for the given location. 143 * @param ll lat/lon where to look. 144 * @return a map of national taginfo instances for the given location (code / url) 145 * @since 15565 146 */ 147 public static Map<String, String> getNationalTaginfoUrls(LatLon ll) { 148 Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<>(); 149 for (String code : iso3166Cache.entrySet().parallelStream().distinct() 150 .filter(e -> Boolean.TRUE.equals(e.getValue().get(ll))) 151 .map(Entry<String, GeoPropertyIndex<Boolean>>::getKey) 152 .collect(Collectors.toSet())) { 153 String taginfo = taginfoCache.get(code); 154 if (taginfo != null) { 155 result.put(code, taginfo); 156 } 157 } 158 return result; 159 } 121 160 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.