Changeset 155 in josm
- Timestamp:
- 2006-10-08T17:29:58+02:00 (18 years ago)
- Location:
- src/org/openstreetmap/josm
- Files:
- 2 added
- 1 deleted
- 20 edited
- 1 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r154 r155 8 8 import java.awt.Toolkit; 9 9 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 10 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 10 11 import; 11 12 import; … … 22 23 import javax.swing.AbstractAction; 23 24 import javax.swing.Action; 25 import javax.swing.JComponent; 24 26 import javax.swing.JMenu; 25 27 import javax.swing.JMenuBar; … … 28 30 import javax.swing.JSeparator; 29 31 import javax.swing.JToolBar; 30 import javax.swing. SwingUtilities;32 import javax.swing.KeyStroke; 31 33 import javax.swing.UIManager; 32 34 … … 37 39 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.ExternalToolsAction; 38 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.GpxExportAction; 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction; 39 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.OpenAction; 40 43 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.PreferencesAction; … … 104 107 */ 105 108 public static PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWaitDlg; 109 /** 110 * The access to the help subsystem 111 */ 112 public HelpAction help; 106 113 107 114 … … 192 199 final Action exitAction = new ExitAction(); 193 200 final Action preferencesAction = new PreferencesAction(); 201 help = new HelpAction(); 194 202 final Action aboutAction = new AboutAction(); 195 203 … … 235 243 final JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu(tr("Help")); 236 244 helpMenu.setMnemonic('H'); 245 helpMenu.add(help); 246 helpMenu.add(aboutAction); 247 helpMenu.addSeparator(); 237 248 helpMenu.add(annotationTesterAction); 238 helpMenu.addSeparator();239 helpMenu.add(aboutAction);240 249 mainMenu.add(helpMenu); 241 250 … … 256 265 contentPane.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); 257 266 267 contentPane.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, 0), "Help"); 268 contentPane.getActionMap().put("Help", help); 269 258 270 contentPane.updateUI(); 259 260 // Plugins 261 if (Main.pref.hasKey("plugins")) { 271 } 272 273 /** 274 * Load all plugins specified in preferences. Has to be called after the complete 275 * GUI has been set up. (post-constructor) 276 */ 277 public void loadPlugins() { 278 if (Main.pref.hasKey("plugins")) { 262 279 for (String pluginName : Main.pref.get("plugins").split(",")) { 263 280 try { … … 273 290 } 274 291 } 275 276 SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(parent); 277 for (DownloadTask task : downloadAction.downloadTasks) 278 task.getCheckBox().updateUI(); 279 } 292 } 280 293 281 294 /** -
r113 r155 27 27 28 28 private static final String[] modes = { 29 marktr("data"), 29 marktr("data"), 30 30 marktr("selection"), 31 31 marktr("layer"), … … 39 39 public Action(String mode) { 40 40 super(tr("Auto Scale: {0}", tr(mode)), ImageProvider.get("dialogs/autoscale/"+mode)); 41 String modeHelp = Character.toUpperCase(mode.charAt(0))+mode.substring(1); 42 putValue("help", "Action/AutoScale/"+modeHelp); 41 43 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Auto zoom the view (to {0}. Disabled if the view is moved)", tr(mode))); 42 44 this.mode = mode; … … 73 75 } else if (mode.equals("layer")) 74 76 mapFrame.mapView.getActiveLayer().visitBoundingBox(v); 75 else if (mode.equals("selection") || mode.equals("conflict")) { 77 else if (mode.equals("selection") || mode.equals("conflict")) { 76 78 Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = mode.equals("selection") ? Main.ds.getSelected() : mapFrame.conflictDialog.conflicts.keySet(); 77 79 for (OsmPrimitive osm : sel) -
r113 r155 18 18 /** 19 19 * Construct the action as menu action entry. 20 * 20 * 21 21 * @param name Name of the action (entry name in menu) 22 22 * @param iconName Name of the icon (without extension) … … 33 33 public JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, int shortCut, int modifier) { 34 34 super(name, ImageProvider.get(iconName)); 35 setHelpId(); 35 36 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "<html>"+tooltip+" <font size='-2'>", modifier)+"</font> </html>"); 36 //Main.panel.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(shortCut, name);37 //Main.panel.getActionMap().put(name, this);38 37 Main.contentPane.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(shortCut, modifier), name); 39 38 Main.contentPane.getActionMap().put(name, this); … … 41 40 42 41 public JosmAction() { 42 setHelpId(); 43 } 44 45 46 private void setHelpId() { 47 String helpId = "Action/"+getClass().getName().substring(getClass().getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1); 48 if (helpId.endsWith("Action")) 49 helpId = helpId.substring(0, helpId.length()-6); 50 putValue("help", helpId); 43 51 } 44 52 } -
r137 r155 29 29 * This mode adds a new node to the dataset. The user clicks on a place to add 30 30 * and there is it. Nothing more, nothing less. 31 * 32 * Newly created nodes are selected. Shift modifier does not cancel the old 31 * 32 * Newly created nodes are selected. Shift modifier does not cancel the old 33 33 * selection as usual. 34 * 34 * 35 35 * @author imi 36 36 * … … 44 44 public AddNodeGroup(MapFrame mf) { 45 45 super(KeyEvent.VK_N,0); 46 putValue("help", "Action/AddNode"); 46 47 actions.add(new AddNodeAction(mf,tr("Add node"), Mode.node, tr("Add a new node to the map"))); 47 48 actions.add(new AddNodeAction(mf, tr("Add node into segment"), Mode.nodesegment,tr( "Add a node into an existing segment"))); … … 53 54 super(name, "node/"+mode, desc, mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("crosshair", "node")); 54 55 this.mode = mode; 56 putValue("help", "Action/AddNode/"+Character.toUpperCase(mode.toString().charAt(0))+mode.toString().substring(1)); 55 57 } 56 58 … … 70 72 * If user clicked with the left button, add a node at the current mouse 71 73 * position. 72 * 74 * 73 75 * If in nodesegment mode, add the node to the line segment by splitting the 74 76 * segment. The new created segment will be inserted in every way the segment … … 102 104 n.coor = Main.proj.eastNorth2latlon(n.eastNorth); 103 105 } 104 106 105 107 Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<Command>(); 106 108 cmds.add(c); -
r151 r155 24 24 /** 25 25 * This MapMode enables the user to easy make a selection of different objects. 26 * 26 * 27 27 * The selected objects are drawn in a different style. 28 * 29 * Holding and dragging the left mouse button draws an selection rectangle. 30 * When releasing the left mouse button, all objects within the rectangle get 31 * selected. 32 * 28 * 29 * Holding and dragging the left mouse button draws an selection rectangle. 30 * When releasing the left mouse button, all objects within the rectangle get 31 * selected. 32 * 33 33 * When releasing the left mouse button while the right mouse button pressed, 34 34 * nothing happens (the selection rectangle will be cleared, however). … … 36 36 * When releasing the mouse button and one of the following keys was hold: 37 37 * 38 * If Alt key was hold, select all objects that are touched by the 39 * selection rectangle. If the Alt key was not hold, select only those objects 40 * completly within (e.g. for ways mean: only if all nodes of the way are 41 * within). 38 * If Alt key was hold, select all objects that are touched by the 39 * selection rectangle. If the Alt key was not hold, select only those objects 40 * completly within (e.g. for ways mean: only if all nodes of the way are 41 * within). 42 42 * 43 43 * If Shift key was hold, the objects are added to the current selection. If 44 44 * Shift key wasn't hold, the current selection get replaced. 45 * 45 * 46 46 * If Ctrl key was hold, remove all objects under the current rectangle from 47 47 * the active selection (if there were any). Nothing is added to the current … … 51 51 * If both are pressed, nothing happens when releasing the mouse button. 52 52 * 53 * The user can also only click on the map. All total movements of 2 or less 53 * The user can also only click on the map. All total movements of 2 or less 54 54 * pixel are considered "only click". If that happens, the nearest Node will 55 55 * be selected if there is any within 10 pixel range. If there is no Node within 56 56 * 10 pixel, the nearest Segment (or Street, if user hold down the Alt-Key) 57 57 * within 10 pixel range is selected. If there is no Segment within 10 pixel 58 * and the user clicked in or 10 pixel away from an area, this area is selected. 59 * If there is even no area, nothing is selected. Shift and Ctrl key applies to 58 * and the user clicked in or 10 pixel away from an area, this area is selected. 59 * If there is even no area, nothing is selected. Shift and Ctrl key applies to 60 60 * this as usual. For more, @see MapView#getNearest(Point, boolean) 61 61 * … … 70 70 public Group(MapFrame mf) { 71 71 super(KeyEvent.VK_S,0); 72 putValue("help", "Action/Selection"); 72 73 actions.add(new SelectionAction(mf, tr("Selection"),, tr("Select objects by dragging or clicking."))); 73 74 actions.add(new SelectionAction(mf, tr("Straight line"), Mode.straight, tr("Select objects in a straight line."))); … … 96 97 super(name, "selection/"+mode, desc, mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "selection")); 97 98 this.mode = mode; 99 putValue("help", "Action/Selection/"+Character.toUpperCase(mode.toString().charAt(0))+mode.toString().substring(1)); 98 100 this.selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, false, mapFrame.mapView); 99 101 } … … 149 151 curSel = new LinkedList<OsmPrimitive>(); // new selection will replace the old. 150 152 else 151 curSel = Main.ds.getSelected(); 153 curSel = Main.ds.getSelected(); 152 154 153 155 Collection<OsmPrimitive> selectionList = selectionManager.getObjectsInRectangle(r,alt); … … 196 198 197 199 /** 198 * Get the shortest path by stepping through the node with a common segment with start 200 * Get the shortest path by stepping through the node with a common segment with start 199 201 * and nearest to the end (greedy algorithm). 200 202 */ -
r153 r155 172 172 Main.parent = mainFrame; 173 173 Main main = new MainApplication(mainFrame); 174 main.loadPlugins(); 174 175 175 176 mainFrame.setVisible(true); -
r128 r155 29 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ConflictDialog; 30 30 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.HistoryDialog; 31 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerList; 31 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListDialog; 32 32 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog; 33 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.SelectionListDialog; … … 118 118 toggleDialogs.setLayout(new BoxLayout(toggleDialogs, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); 119 119 120 addIconToggle(toggleDialogs, new LayerList(this)); 120 addIconToggle(toggleDialogs, new LayerListDialog(this)); 121 121 addIconToggle(toggleDialogs, new PropertiesDialog(this)); 122 122 addIconToggle(toggleDialogs, new HistoryDialog()); -
r116 r155 7 7 8 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction.Helpful; 9 10 import; 10 11 11 public class MapScaler extends JComponent { 12 public class MapScaler extends JComponent implements Helpful { 12 13 13 14 private final MapView mv; … … 29 30 g.drawString(text, (int)(50-bound.getWidth()/2), 23); 30 31 } 32 33 public String helpTopic() { 34 return "MapView/Scaler"; 35 } 31 36 } -
r115 r155 10 10 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; 11 11 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction.Helpful; 12 13 import; 13 14 14 class MapSlider extends JSlider implements PropertyChangeListener, ChangeListener { 15 class MapSlider extends JSlider implements PropertyChangeListener, ChangeListener, Helpful { 15 16 16 17 private final MapView mv; … … 49 50, pos.north()*2/(; 50 51 } 52 53 public String helpTopic() { 54 return "MapView/Slider"; 55 } 51 56 } -
r142 r155 27 27 28 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction.Helpful; 29 30 import; 30 31 import; … … 36 37 * It keeps a status line below the map up to date and displays some tooltip 37 38 * information if the user hold the mouse long enough at some point. 38 * 39 * 39 40 * All this is done in background to not disturb other processes. 40 * 41 * 41 42 * The background thread does not alter any data of the map (read only thread). 42 43 * Also it is rather fail safe. In case of some error in the data, it just do 43 44 * nothing instead of whining and complaining. 44 * 45 * 45 46 * @author imi 46 47 */ 47 public class MapStatus extends JPanel { 48 49 /** 50 * The MapView this status belongs. 48 public class MapStatus extends JPanel implements Helpful { 49 50 /** 51 * The MapView this status belongs. 51 52 */ 52 53 final MapView mv; … … 63 64 * The collector class that waits for notification and then update 64 65 * the display objects. 65 * 66 * 66 67 * @author imi 67 68 */ … … 107 108 // This try/catch is a hack to stop the flooding bug reports about this. 108 109 // The exception needed to handle with in the first place, means that this 109 // access to the data need to be restarted, if the main thread modifies 110 // access to the data need to be restarted, if the main thread modifies 110 111 // the data. 111 112 try { … … 242 243 }, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); 243 244 } 245 246 public String helpTopic() { 247 return "Statusline"; 248 } 244 249 } -
r104 r155 8 8 9 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction.Helpful; 10 11 import; 11 12 import; … … 19 20 * An component that can be navigated by a mapmover. Used as map view and for the 20 21 * zoomer in the download dialog. 21 * 22 * 22 23 * @author imi 23 24 */ 24 public class NavigatableComponent extends JComponent { 25 public class NavigatableComponent extends JComponent implements Helpful { 25 26 26 27 … … 29 30 /** 30 31 * The scale factor in x or y-units per pixel. This means, if scale = 10, 31 * every physical pixel on screen are 10 x or 10 y units in the 32 * every physical pixel on screen are 10 x or 10 y units in the 32 33 * northing/easting space of the projection. 33 34 */ … … 53 54 return 32; 54 55 } 55 56 56 57 /** 57 58 * Return the current scale value. … … 73 74 * @param x X-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 74 75 * @param y Y-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 75 * 76 * 76 77 * @return Geographic coordinates from a specific pixel coordination 77 78 * on the screen. … … 86 87 * @param x X-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 87 88 * @param y Y-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 88 * 89 * 89 90 * @return Geographic unprojected coordinates from a specific pixel coordination 90 91 * on the screen. … … 164 165 minPrimitive = w; 165 166 } 166 } 167 } 167 168 } 168 169 return minPrimitive; … … 195 196 /** 196 197 * Return the object, that is nearest to the given screen point. 197 * 198 * 198 199 * First, a node will be searched. If a node within 10 pixel is found, the 199 200 * nearest node is returned. 200 * 201 * 201 202 * If no node is found, search for pending segments. 202 * 203 * If no such segment is found, and a non-pending segment is 204 * within 10 pixel to p, this segment is returned, except when 205 * <code>wholeWay</code> is <code>true</code>, in which case the 203 * 204 * If no such segment is found, and a non-pending segment is 205 * within 10 pixel to p, this segment is returned, except when 206 * <code>wholeWay</code> is <code>true</code>, in which case the 206 207 * corresponding Way is returned. 207 * 208 * 208 209 * If no segment is found and the point is within an area, return that 209 210 * area. 210 * 211 * 211 212 * If no area is found, return <code>null</code>. 212 * 213 * 213 214 * @param p The point on screen. 214 215 * @param segmentInsteadWay Whether the segment (true) or only the whole … … 226 227 227 228 /** 228 * @return A list of all objects that are nearest to 229 * the mouse. To do this, first the nearest object is 229 * @return A list of all objects that are nearest to 230 * the mouse. To do this, first the nearest object is 230 231 * determined. 231 * 232 * 232 233 * If its a node, return all segments and 233 234 * streets the node is part of, as well as all nodes 234 235 * (with their segments and ways) with the same 235 236 * location. 236 * 237 * If its a segment, return all ways this segment 237 * 238 * If its a segment, return all ways this segment 238 239 * belongs to as well as all segments that are between 239 240 * the same nodes (in both direction) with all their ways. 240 * 241 * 241 242 * @return A collection of all items or <code>null</code> 242 243 * if no item under or near the point. The returned … … 258 259 if (!ls.deleted && !ls.incomplete && (c.contains(ls.from) || c.contains( 259 260 c.add(ls); 260 } 261 } 261 262 if (osm instanceof Segment) { 262 263 Segment line = (Segment)osm; … … 286 287 return Main.proj; 287 288 } 289 290 public String helpTopic() { 291 String n = getClass().getName(); 292 return n.substring(n.lastIndexOf('.')+1); 293 } 288 294 } -
r116 r155 44 44 */ 45 45 private double scaleMax; 46 46 47 47 /** 48 48 * Mark this rectangle (lat/lon values) when painting. … … 51 51 52 52 private Projection projection; 53 53 54 54 /** 55 55 * Create the chooser component. -
r119 r155 68 68 } 69 69 }); 70 button.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/Conflict/Resolve"); 70 71 buttonPanel.add(button); 71 72 … … 80 81 } 81 82 }); 83 button.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/Conflict/Select"); 82 84 buttonPanel.add(button); 83 85 … … 132 134 model.addElement(osm); 133 135 } 134 136 135 137 public final void add(Map<OsmPrimitive, OsmPrimitive> conflicts) { 136 138 this.conflicts.putAll(conflicts); … … 139 141 140 142 /** 141 * Paint all conflicts that can be expressed on the main window. 143 * Paint all conflicts that can be expressed on the main window. 142 144 */ 143 145 public void paintConflicts(final Graphics g, final NavigatableComponent nc) { -
r143 r155 38 38 /** 39 39 * History dialog works like follows: 40 * 40 * 41 41 * There is a history cache hold in the back for primitives of the last refresh. 42 42 * When the user refreshes, this cache is cleared and all currently selected items 43 43 * are reloaded. 44 * If the user has selected at least one primitive not in the cache, the list 44 * If the user has selected at least one primitive not in the cache, the list 45 45 * is not displayed. Elsewhere, the list of all changes of all currently selected 46 46 * objects are displayed. 47 * 47 * 48 48 * @author imi 49 49 */ … … 130 130 }); 131 131 reloadButton.setToolTipText(tr("Reload all currently selected objects and refresh the list.")); 132 reloadButton.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/History/Reload"); 132 133 revertButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ 133 134 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { … … 136 137 }); 137 138 revertButton.setToolTipText(tr("Revert the state of all currently selected objects to the version selected in the history list.")); 139 revertButton.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/History/Revert"); 138 140 } 139 141 -
r153 r155 42 42 * @author imi 43 43 */ 44 public class LayerList extends ToggleDialog implements LayerChangeListener { 44 public class LayerListDialog extends ToggleDialog implements LayerChangeListener { 45 45 46 46 /** … … 57 57 super(tr("Delete"), ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "delete")); 58 58 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Delete the selected layer.")); 59 putValue("help", "Dialog/LayerList/Delete"); 59 60 this.layer = layer; 60 61 } … … 79 80 super(tr("Show/Hide"), ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "showhide")); 80 81 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Toggle visible state of the selected layer.")); 82 putValue("help", "Dialog/LayerList/ShowHide"); 81 83 this.layer = layer; 82 84 } … … 96 98 /** 97 99 * The merge action. This is only called, if the current selection and its 98 * item below are editable datasets and the merge button is clicked. 100 * item below are editable datasets and the merge button is clicked. 99 101 */ 100 102 private final JButton mergeButton = new JButton(ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "mergedown")); … … 115 117 * Create an layerlist and attach it to the given mapView. 116 118 */ 117 public LayerList(MapFrame mapFrame) { 119 public LayerListDialog(MapFrame mapFrame) { 118 120 super(tr("Layers"), "layerlist", tr("Open a list of all loaded layers."), KeyEvent.VK_L, 100); 119 121 instance = new JList(model); … … 123 125 @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { 124 126 Layer layer = (Layer)value; 125 JLabel label = (JLabel)super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, 127 JLabel label = (JLabel)super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, 126 128, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); 127 129 Icon icon = layer.getIcon(); … … 158 160 Layer layer = (Layer)instance.getModel().getElementAt(index); 159 161 LayerListPopup menu = new LayerListPopup(instance, layer); 160, e.getX(), e.getY()); 162, e.getX(), e.getY()); 161 163 } 162 164 @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { … … 191 193 upButton.addActionListener(upDown); 192 194 upButton.setActionCommand("up"); 195 upButton.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/LayerList/Up"); 193 196 buttonPanel.add(upButton); 194 197 … … 196 199 downButton.addActionListener(upDown); 197 200 downButton.setActionCommand("down"); 201 downButton.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/LayerList/Down"); 198 202 buttonPanel.add(downButton); 199 203 … … 215 219 mapView.removeLayer(lFrom); 216 220 } 217 }); 221 }); 222 mergeButton.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/LayerList/Merge"); 218 223 buttonPanel.add(mergeButton); 219 224 -
r144 r155 54 54 /** 55 55 * This dialog displays the properties of the current selected primitives. 56 * 57 * If no object is selected, the dialog list is empty. 56 * 57 * If no object is selected, the dialog list is empty. 58 58 * If only one is selected, all properties of this object are selected. 59 59 * If more than one object are selected, the sum of all properties are displayed. If the … … 61 61 * different values, all of them are put in a combo box and the string "<different>" 62 62 * is displayed in italic. 63 * 64 * Below the list, the user can click on an add, modify and delete property button to 63 * 64 * Below the list, the user can click on an add, modify and delete property button to 65 65 * edit the table selection value. 66 * 66 * 67 67 * The command is applied to all selected entries. 68 * 68 * 69 69 * @author imi 70 70 */ … … 91 91 /** 92 92 * Edit the value in the table row 93 * @param row The row of the table, from which the value is edited. 93 * @param row The row of the table, from which the value is edited. 94 94 */ 95 95 void edit(int row) { … … 138 138 if (value == null) 139 139 selectionChanged(sel); // update whole table 140 140 141 141 Main.parent.repaint(); // repaint all - drawing could have been changed 142 142 } … … 330 330 b.setToolTipText(tooltip); 331 331 b.setMnemonic(mnemonic); 332 b.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/Properties/"+name); 332 333 return b; 333 334 } -
r153 r155 126 126 JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,2)); 127 127 128 JButton button = new JButton(tr("Select"), ImageProvider.get("mapmode/selection/select")); 129 button.setToolTipText(tr("Set the selected elements on the map to the selected items in the list above.")); 130 button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ 128 buttonPanel.add(createButton("Select", "mapmode/selection/select", "Set the selected elements on the map to the selected items in the list above.", new ActionListener(){ 131 129 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 132 130 updateMap(); 133 131 } 134 }); 135 buttonPanel.add(button); 136 137 button = new JButton(tr("Reload"), ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "refresh")); 138 button.setToolTipText(tr("Refresh the selection list.")); 139 button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ 132 })); 133 134 buttonPanel.add(createButton("Reload", "dialogs/refresh", "Refresh the selection list.", new ActionListener(){ 140 135 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 141 136 selectionChanged(Main.ds.getSelected()); 142 } 143 }); 144 buttonPanel.add(button); 145 146 button = new JButton(tr("Search"), ImageProvider.get("dialogs", "search")); 147 button.setToolTipText(tr("Search for objects.")); 148 button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ 137 } 138 })); 139 140 buttonPanel.add(createButton("Search", "dialogs/search", "Search for objects.", new ActionListener(){ 149 141 private String lastSearch = ""; 150 142 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { … … 185 177 search(lastSearch, mode); 186 178 } 187 }); 188 buttonPanel.add(button); 179 })); 189 180 190 181 add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 191 182 selectionChanged(Main.ds.getSelected()); 183 } 184 185 private JButton createButton(String name, String icon, String tooltip, ActionListener action) { 186 JButton button = new JButton(tr(name), ImageProvider.get(icon)); 187 button.setToolTipText(tr(tooltip)); 188 button.addActionListener(action); 189 button.putClientProperty("help", "Dialog/SelectionList/"+name); 190 return button; 192 191 } 193 192 -
r119 r155 13 13 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; 14 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction; 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.HelpAction.Helpful; 15 16 16 17 /** 17 18 * This class is a toggle dialog that can be turned on and off. It is attached 18 19 * to a ButtonModel. 19 * 20 * 20 21 * @author imi 21 22 */ 22 public class ToggleDialog extends JPanel { 23 public class ToggleDialog extends JPanel implements Helpful { 23 24 24 25 public final class ToggleDialogAction extends JosmAction { … … 49 50 setPreferredSize(new Dimension(330,preferredHeight)); 50 51 action = new ToggleDialogAction(name, "dialogs/"+iconName, tooltip, shortCut, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK, iconName); 52 String helpId = "Dialog/"+getClass().getName().substring(getClass().getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1); 53 action.putValue("help", helpId.substring(0, helpId.length()-6)); 51 54 setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 52 55 add(new JLabel(name), BorderLayout.NORTH); … … 54 57 setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); 55 58 } 59 60 public String helpTopic() { 61 String help = getClass().getName(); 62 help = help.substring(help.lastIndexOf('.')+1, help.length()-6); 63 return "Dialog/"+help; 64 } 56 65 } -
r153 r155 56 56 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitRunnable; 57 57 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView.LayerChangeListener; 58 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerList; 58 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListDialog; 59 59 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListPopup; 60 60 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.RawGpsLayer.GpsPoint; … … 360 360 }); 361 361 return new Component[]{ 362 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 363 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 362 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 363 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 364 364 new JSeparator(), 365 365 sync, -
r144 r155 40 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; 41 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ConflictDialog; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerList; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListDialog; 43 43 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListPopup; 44 44 import; … … 327 327 @Override public Component[] getMenuEntries() { 328 328 return new Component[]{ 329 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 330 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 329 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 330 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 331 331 new JSeparator(), 332 332 new JMenuItem(new SaveAction()), -
r138 r155 40 40 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; 41 41 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView.LayerChangeListener; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerList; 42 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListDialog; 43 43 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListPopup; 44 44 import; … … 277 277 278 278 return new Component[]{ 279 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 280 new JMenuItem(new LayerList.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 279 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.ShowHideLayerAction(this)), 280 new JMenuItem(new LayerListDialog.DeleteLayerAction(this)), 281 281 new JSeparator(), 282 282 new JMenuItem(new GpxExportAction(this)),
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.