Changeset 13323 in josm

2018-01-14T17:38:47+01:00 (7 years ago)

update README file

1 edited


  • trunk/README

    r13283 r13323  
    6060- data/                     data files that will be included in the JOSM jar file
    6161    - fonts/                font files used for map rendering
     62    - gpx/                  different color gradients for gpx drawing
    6263    - projection/           projection files
    63       - epsg                list of projection definitions
     64      - custom-epsg         list of projection definitions, auto-generated file created by ant task 'epsg'
     65    - security/*.pem        certificates that we like to accept for TLS connections, but are missing in the
     66                            default Java certificate store
     67    - validator/            data files used by the JOSM validator
     68      - *.cfg               files designed for the old tagchecker, still in use
     69      - *.mapcss            default validation rules for the MapCSS-based tagchecker
     70      - opening_hours.js    Javascript code to validate opening hours tag
     71                            (external library, see
     72    - boundaries.osm        OSM file containing boundary data for the states of the earth, including
     73                            data for right and left-hand traffic
     74    - defaultpresets.xml    data file for the core tagging presets
     75    - help-browser.css      CSS file for the help sites (HTML content is downloaded from the website
     76                            on demand, but displayed inside the programm in a Java web browser component.)
     77    - overpass-wizard.js    Javascript code to provide a wizard-GUI for creating Overpass requests
     78                            (external library, see
    6479    - *.lang                translation data
    6580    - *.xsd                 xml schema files for validation of configuration files
    66     - help-browser.css      CSS file for the help sites (HTML content is downloaded from the website
    67                             on demand, but displayed inside the programm in a Java web browser component.)
    68     - validator/            data files used by the JOSM validator feature
    69       - *.cfg               files designed for the old tagchecker, still used
    70       - *.mapcss            default validation rules for the new mapcss-based tagchecker
    7181- data_nodist/              data files that are useful for development, but not distributed
    7282    - exif-direction-example.jpg
    7686                            (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/
    7787    - Join_Areas_Tests.osm  some examples to test the 'join areas' feature
    78     - mapcss/               sample map styles and corresponding data files for regression testing
     88    - *.*                   various other data files used for unit testing and as reference file
    7989    - projection/           projection files
    80       - *.gsb               NTv2 grid files for projection support (see CONTRIBUTION)
    81     - projection-reference-data.csv
     90      - *.gsb               NTv2 grid files for projection support, downloaded by the
     91                            client on demand (see CONTRIBUTION)
     92      - CHENyx06-Distribution.pdf
     93                            archive of terms of use for the CHENyx06.gsb file
     94      - epsg                EPSG data file, taken from the proj.4 project
     95                            (see
     96      - josm-epsg           customizations to the epsg file, used together with the epsg file
     97                            to generate data/projection/custom-epsg
     99      - projection-reference-data.csv
    82100                            reference data for projection tests
    83101                            (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/
    84     - projection-regression-test-data.csv
     102      - projection-regression-test-data.csv
    85103                            regression data for projection tests
    86104                            (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/
     105    - trans/*.lang          translation data for files that are not distributed, but used
     106                            by the server for localization of the services;
     107                            currently contains plugin descriptions in order to include translations
     108                            in the downloaded plugin list
    87109- gpl-2.0.txt, gpl-3.0.txt  full text of the GNU General Public License
    88110- images/                   images distributed with the JOSM binary
    102124- resources/                resource files that will be included in the JOSM jar file
    103125- scripts/                  various scripts used by JOSM developers
     126  -
     127                            called from the ant build file to combine the files epsg and josm-epsg
     128                            to create the custom-epsg file for distribution
    104129  -             tool to find all used icons and allows deleting unused icons
    105130                            searches also for images with incompatible svg code
    106131  - optimize-images         short script to decrease size of PNG images
    107 - src/                      the source code of the program
     132  -         helper script to update language links in presets file
     133  -            developer tool to replace "@since xxx" in Javadoc by the upcoming revision number
     134  - SyncEditorLayerIndex.groovy
     135                            script to compare and analyse the differences of the editor layer index and the
     136                            JOSM imagery list (see
     137  - TagInfoExtract.groovy   extracts tag information for the taginfo project
     138- src/                      the source code of the application
    108139- start.html                HTML page to run the applet version of JOSM
    109140- styles/                   map styles included in JOSM
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