Changeset 13281 in josm

2018-01-04T23:51:00+01:00 (7 years ago)

see #15734 - drop some old checks

6 edited
3 moved


  • trunk/

    r13279 r13281  
    6969        ++$icons{$i};
    7070      }
    71       if($l =~ /createPreferenceTab\(\"(.*?)\"/)
    72       {
    73         my $i = "preferences/$1";
    74         ++$icons{$i};
    75       }
    7671      if($l =~ /setIcon\(\"(.*?)\"/)
    7772      {
    8984        ++$icons{$i};
    9085      }
    91       if($l =~ /ImageProvider\.overlay\(.*?,\s*\"(.*?)\",/)
    92       {
    93         my $i = $1;
    94         ++$icons{$i};
    95       }
    9686      if($l =~ /getCursor\(\"(.*?)\",\s*\"(.*?)\"/)
    9787      {
    10696        ++$icons{$i};
    10797      }
    108       if($l =~ /SideButton*\(\s*(?:mark)?tr\s*\(\s*\".*?\"\s*\)\s*,\s*\"(.*?)\"/)
    109       {
    110         my $i = "dialogs/$1";
    111         ++$icons{$i};
    112       }
    11398      if($l =~ /super\(\s*tr\(\".*?\"\),\s*\"(.*?)\"/s)
    11499      {
    119104      {
    120105        my $i = "$extends$1";
    121         ++$icons{$i};
    122       }
    123       if($l =~ /audiotracericon\",\s*\"(.*?)\"/s)
    124       {
    125         my $i = "markers/$1";
    126         ++$icons{$i};
    127       }
    128       if($l =~ /\"(.*?)\",\s*parentLayer/s)
    129       {
    130         my $i = "markers/$1";
    131106        ++$icons{$i};
    132107      }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r13257 r13281  
    378378        public CombineTracksToSegmentedTrackAction(GpxLayer layer) {
    379379            // FIXME: icon missing, create a new icon for this action
    380             //new ImageProvider("gpx_tracks_to_segmented_track").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
     380            //new ImageProvider(..."gpx_tracks_to_segmented_track").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
    381381            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Collect segments of all tracks and combine in a single track."));
    382382            putValue(NAME, tr("Combine tracks of this layer"));
    410410        public SplitTrackSegementsToTracksAction(GpxLayer layer) {
    411411            // FIXME: icon missing, create a new icon for this action
    412             //new ImageProvider("gpx_segmented_track_to_tracks").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
     412            //new ImageProvider(..."gpx_segmented_track_to_tracks").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
    413413            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Split multiple track segments of one track into multiple tracks."));
    414414            putValue(NAME, tr("Split track segments to tracks"));
    443443        public SplitTracksToLayersAction(GpxLayer layer) {
    444444            // FIXME: icon missing, create a new icon for this action
    445             //new ImageProvider("gpx_split_tracks_to_layers").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
     445            //new ImageProvider(..."gpx_split_tracks_to_layers").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true);
    446446            putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Split the tracks of this layer to one new layer each."));
    447447            putValue(NAME, tr("Split tracks to new layers"));
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r12630 r13281  
    3131    public AudioMarker(LatLon ll, TemplateEngineDataProvider dataProvider, URL audioUrl, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) {
    32         super(ll, dataProvider, "speech", parentLayer, time, offset);
     32        super(ll, dataProvider, /* ICON(markers/) */ "speech", parentLayer, time, offset);
    3333        this.audioUrl = audioUrl;
    3434        this.syncOffset = 0.0;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r10611 r13281  
    4040    public ImageMarker(LatLon ll, URL imageUrl, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) {
    41         super(ll, "photo", parentLayer, time, offset);
     41        super(ll, /* ICON(markers/) */ "photo", parentLayer, time, offset);
    4242        this.imageUrl = imageUrl;
    4343    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r12846 r13281  
    6161    private PlayHeadMarker() {
    6262        super(LatLon.ZERO, "",
    63                 Config.getPref().get("marker.audiotracericon", "audio-tracer"),
     63                Config.getPref().get("marker.audiotracericon", /* ICON(markers/) */ "audio-tracer"),
    6464                null, -1.0, 0.0);
    6565        enabled = Config.getPref().getBoolean("marker.traceaudio", true);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r12620 r13281  
    3232    public WebMarker(LatLon ll, URL webUrl, MarkerLayer parentLayer, double time, double offset) {
    33         super(ll, "web", parentLayer, time, offset);
     33        super(ll, /* ICON(markers/) */ "web", parentLayer, time, offset);
    3434        CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(webUrl, "webUrl");
    3535        this.webUrl = webUrl;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.