1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil.ht;
5 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.marktr;
6 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
7 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn;
8 |
9 | import java.awt.Component;
10 | import java.awt.Font;
11 | import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
12 | import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
13 | import java.awt.Insets;
14 | import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
15 | import java.io.File;
16 | import java.io.IOException;
17 | import java.net.MalformedURLException;
18 | import java.net.URL;
19 | import java.security.AccessController;
20 | import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
21 | import java.util.ArrayList;
22 | import java.util.Arrays;
23 | import java.util.Collection;
24 | import java.util.Collections;
25 | import java.util.Comparator;
26 | import java.util.HashMap;
27 | import java.util.HashSet;
28 | import java.util.Iterator;
29 | import java.util.LinkedList;
30 | import java.util.List;
31 | import java.util.Locale;
32 | import java.util.Map;
33 | import java.util.Map.Entry;
34 | import java.util.Objects;
35 | import java.util.ServiceLoader;
36 | import java.util.Set;
37 | import java.util.TreeMap;
38 | import java.util.TreeSet;
39 | import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
40 | import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
41 | import java.util.concurrent.Future;
42 | import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
43 | import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
44 | import java.util.jar.JarFile;
45 | import java.util.stream.Collectors;
46 |
47 | import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
48 | import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
49 | import javax.swing.Box;
50 | import javax.swing.JButton;
51 | import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
52 | import javax.swing.JLabel;
53 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
54 | import javax.swing.JPanel;
55 | import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
56 | import javax.swing.UIManager;
57 |
58 | import jakarta.annotation.Nullable;
59 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.RestartAction;
60 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Preferences;
61 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.PreferencesUtils;
62 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Version;
63 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane;
64 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane.ButtonSpec;
65 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication;
66 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.download.DownloadSelection;
67 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.PreferenceSettingFactory;
68 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.NullProgressMonitor;
69 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.ProgressMonitor;
70 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper;
71 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JMultilineLabel;
72 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JosmTextArea;
73 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.NetworkManager;
74 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OfflineAccessException;
75 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config;
76 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Destroyable;
77 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC;
78 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n;
79 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider;
80 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging;
81 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.OpenBrowser;
82 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.PlatformManager;
83 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ResourceProvider;
84 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.SubclassFilteredCollection;
85 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils;
86 |
87 | /**
88 | * PluginHandler is basically a collection of static utility functions used to bootstrap
89 | * and manage the loaded plugins.
90 | * @since 1326
91 | */
92 | public final class PluginHandler {
93 | private static final String DIALOGS = "dialogs";
94 | private static final String WARNING = marktr("Warning");
95 | private static final String HTML_START = "<html>";
96 | private static final String HTML_END = "</html>";
97 | private static final String UPDATE_PLUGINS = marktr("Update plugins");
98 | private static final String CANCEL = "cancel";
99 | private static final String PLUGINS = "plugins";
100 | private static final String DISABLE_PLUGIN = marktr("Disable plugin");
101 | private static final String PLUGINMANAGER_VERSION_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY = "pluginmanager.version-based-update.policy";
102 | private static final String PLUGINMANAGER_LASTUPDATE = "pluginmanager.lastupdate";
103 | private static final String PLUGINMANAGER_TIME_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY = "pluginmanager.time-based-update.policy";
104 |
105 | /**
106 | * Deprecated plugins that are removed on start
107 | */
108 | static final List<DeprecatedPlugin> DEPRECATED_PLUGINS;
109 | static {
110 | String inCore = tr("integrated into main program");
111 | String replacedByPlugin = marktr("replaced by new {0} plugin");
112 | String noLongerRequired = tr("no longer required");
113 |
114 | DEPRECATED_PLUGINS = Arrays.asList(
115 | new DeprecatedPlugin("mappaint", inCore),
116 | new DeprecatedPlugin("unglueplugin", inCore),
117 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-de", inCore),
118 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-en_GB", inCore),
119 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-fr", inCore),
120 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-it", inCore),
121 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-pl", inCore),
122 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-ro", inCore),
123 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lang-ru", inCore),
124 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ewmsplugin", inCore),
125 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ywms", inCore),
126 | new DeprecatedPlugin("tways-0.2", inCore),
127 | new DeprecatedPlugin("geotagged", inCore),
128 | new DeprecatedPlugin("landsat", tr(replacedByPlugin, "scanaerial")),
129 | new DeprecatedPlugin("namefinder", inCore),
130 | new DeprecatedPlugin("waypoints", inCore),
131 | new DeprecatedPlugin("slippy_map_chooser", inCore),
132 | new DeprecatedPlugin("tcx-support", tr(replacedByPlugin, "dataimport")),
133 | new DeprecatedPlugin("usertools", inCore),
134 | new DeprecatedPlugin("AgPifoJ", inCore),
135 | new DeprecatedPlugin("utilsplugin", inCore),
136 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ghost", inCore),
137 | new DeprecatedPlugin("validator", inCore),
138 | new DeprecatedPlugin("multipoly", inCore),
139 | new DeprecatedPlugin("multipoly-convert", inCore),
140 | new DeprecatedPlugin("remotecontrol", inCore),
141 | new DeprecatedPlugin("imagery", inCore),
142 | new DeprecatedPlugin("slippymap", inCore),
143 | new DeprecatedPlugin("wmsplugin", inCore),
144 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ParallelWay", inCore),
145 | new DeprecatedPlugin("dumbutils", tr(replacedByPlugin, "utilsplugin2")),
146 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ImproveWayAccuracy", inCore),
147 | new DeprecatedPlugin("Curves", tr(replacedByPlugin, "utilsplugin2")),
148 | new DeprecatedPlugin("epsg31287", inCore),
149 | new DeprecatedPlugin("licensechange", noLongerRequired),
150 | new DeprecatedPlugin("restart", inCore),
151 | new DeprecatedPlugin("wayselector", inCore),
152 | new DeprecatedPlugin("openstreetbugs", inCore),
153 | new DeprecatedPlugin("nearclick", noLongerRequired),
154 | new DeprecatedPlugin("notes", inCore),
155 | new DeprecatedPlugin("mirrored_download", inCore),
156 | new DeprecatedPlugin("ImageryCache", inCore),
157 | new DeprecatedPlugin("commons-imaging", tr(replacedByPlugin, "apache-commons")),
158 | new DeprecatedPlugin("missingRoads", tr(replacedByPlugin, "ImproveOsm")),
159 | new DeprecatedPlugin("trafficFlowDirection", tr(replacedByPlugin, "ImproveOsm")),
160 | new DeprecatedPlugin("kendzi3d-jogl", tr(replacedByPlugin, "jogl")),
161 | new DeprecatedPlugin("josm-geojson", inCore),
162 | new DeprecatedPlugin("proj4j", inCore),
163 | new DeprecatedPlugin("OpenStreetView", tr(replacedByPlugin, "OpenStreetCam")),
164 | new DeprecatedPlugin("imageryadjust", inCore),
165 | new DeprecatedPlugin("walkingpapers", tr(replacedByPlugin, "fieldpapers")),
166 | new DeprecatedPlugin("czechaddress", noLongerRequired),
167 | new DeprecatedPlugin("kendzi3d_Improved_by_Andrei", noLongerRequired),
168 | new DeprecatedPlugin("videomapping", noLongerRequired),
169 | new DeprecatedPlugin("public_transport_layer", tr(replacedByPlugin, "pt_assistant")),
170 | new DeprecatedPlugin("lakewalker", tr(replacedByPlugin, "scanaerial")),
171 | new DeprecatedPlugin("download_along", inCore),
172 | new DeprecatedPlugin("plastic_laf", noLongerRequired),
173 | new DeprecatedPlugin("osmarender", noLongerRequired),
174 | new DeprecatedPlugin("geojson", inCore),
175 | new DeprecatedPlugin("gpxfilter", inCore),
176 | new DeprecatedPlugin("tag2link", inCore),
177 | new DeprecatedPlugin("rapid", tr(replacedByPlugin, "MapWithAI")),
178 | new DeprecatedPlugin("MovementAlert", inCore),
179 | new DeprecatedPlugin("OpenStreetCam", tr(replacedByPlugin, "KartaView")),
180 | new DeprecatedPlugin("scoutsigns", tr(replacedByPlugin, "KartaView")),
181 | new DeprecatedPlugin("javafx-osx", inCore),
182 | new DeprecatedPlugin("javafx-unixoid", inCore),
183 | new DeprecatedPlugin("javafx-windows", inCore),
184 | new DeprecatedPlugin("wikidata", tr(replacedByPlugin, "osmwiki-dataitem")),
185 | new DeprecatedPlugin("mapdust", noLongerRequired),
186 | new DeprecatedPlugin("tofix", noLongerRequired)
187 | );
188 | Collections.sort(DEPRECATED_PLUGINS);
189 | }
190 |
191 | private PluginHandler() {
192 | // Hide default constructor for utils classes
193 | }
194 |
195 | static final class PluginInformationAction extends AbstractAction {
196 | private final PluginInformation info;
197 |
198 | PluginInformationAction(PluginInformation info) {
199 | super(tr("Information"));
200 | this.info = info;
201 | }
202 |
203 | /**
204 | * Returns plugin information text.
205 | * @return plugin information text
206 | */
207 | public String getText() {
208 | StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
209 | Map<Object, Object> sorted = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(String::valueOf));
210 | sorted.putAll(info.attr);
211 | for (Entry<Object, Object> e : sorted.entrySet()) {
212 | b.append(e.getKey())
213 | .append(": ")
214 | .append(e.getValue())
215 | .append('\n');
216 | }
217 | return b.toString();
218 | }
219 |
220 | @Override
221 | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
222 | String text = getText();
223 | JosmTextArea a = new JosmTextArea(10, 40);
224 | a.setEditable(false);
225 | a.setText(text);
226 | a.setCaretPosition(0);
227 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), new JScrollPane(a), tr("Plugin information"),
229 | }
230 | }
231 |
232 | /**
233 | * Description of a deprecated plugin
234 | */
235 | public static class DeprecatedPlugin implements Comparable<DeprecatedPlugin> {
236 | /** Plugin name */
237 | public final String name;
238 | /** Short explanation about deprecation, can be {@code null} */
239 | public final String reason;
240 |
241 | /**
242 | * Constructs a new {@code DeprecatedPlugin} with a given reason.
243 | * @param name The plugin name
244 | * @param reason The reason about deprecation
245 | */
246 | public DeprecatedPlugin(String name, String reason) {
247 | this.name = name;
248 | this.reason = reason;
249 | }
250 |
251 | @Override
252 | public int hashCode() {
253 | return Objects.hash(name, reason);
254 | }
255 |
256 | @Override
257 | public boolean equals(Object obj) {
258 | if (this == obj)
259 | return true;
260 | if (obj == null)
261 | return false;
262 | if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
263 | return false;
264 | DeprecatedPlugin other = (DeprecatedPlugin) obj;
265 | if (name == null) {
266 | if (other.name != null)
267 | return false;
268 | } else if (!name.equals(other.name))
269 | return false;
270 | if (reason == null) {
271 | if (other.reason != null)
272 | return false;
273 | } else if (!reason.equals(other.reason))
274 | return false;
275 | return true;
276 | }
277 |
278 | @Override
279 | public int compareTo(DeprecatedPlugin o) {
280 | int d = name.compareTo(o.name);
281 | if (d == 0)
282 | d = reason.compareTo(o.reason);
283 | return d;
284 | }
285 | }
286 |
287 | /**
288 | * List of unmaintained plugins. Not really up-to-date as the vast majority of plugins are not maintained after a few months, sadly...
289 | */
290 | static final List<String> UNMAINTAINED_PLUGINS = List.of(
291 | "irsrectify", // See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/changeset/29404/osm/
292 | "surveyor2", // See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/changeset/29404/osm/
293 | "gpsbabelgui",
294 | "Intersect_way",
295 | "ContourOverlappingMerge", // See #11202, #11518, https://github.com/bularcasergiu/ContourOverlappingMerge/issues/1
296 | "LaneConnector", // See #11468, #11518, https://github.com/TrifanAdrian/LanecConnectorPlugin/issues/1
297 | "Remove.redundant.points" // See #11468, #11518, https://github.com/bularcasergiu/RemoveRedundantPoints (not even created an issue...)
298 | );
299 |
300 | /**
301 | * Default time-based update interval, in days (pluginmanager.time-based-update.interval)
302 | */
303 | public static final int DEFAULT_TIME_BASED_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 30;
304 |
305 | /**
306 | * All installed and loaded plugins (resp. their main classes)
307 | */
308 | static final Collection<PluginProxy> pluginList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
309 |
310 | /**
311 | * All installed but not loaded plugins
312 | */
313 | static final Collection<PluginInformation> pluginListNotLoaded = new LinkedList<>();
314 |
315 | /**
316 | * All exceptions that occurred during plugin loading
317 | */
318 | static final Map<String, Throwable> pluginLoadingExceptions = new HashMap<>();
319 |
320 | /**
321 | * Class loader to locate resources from plugins.
322 | * @see #getJoinedPluginResourceCL()
323 | */
324 | private static DynamicURLClassLoader joinedPluginResourceCL;
325 |
326 | /**
327 | * Add here all ClassLoader whose resource should be searched.
328 | */
329 | private static final List<ClassLoader> sources = new LinkedList<>();
330 | static {
331 | try {
332 | sources.add(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
333 | sources.add(PluginHandler.class.getClassLoader());
334 | } catch (SecurityException ex) {
335 | Logging.debug(ex);
336 | sources.add(ImageProvider.class.getClassLoader());
337 | }
338 | }
339 |
340 | /**
341 | * Plugin class loaders.
342 | */
343 | private static final Map<String, PluginClassLoader> classLoaders = new HashMap<>();
344 |
345 | private static PluginDownloadTask pluginDownloadTask;
346 |
347 | /**
348 | * Returns the list of currently installed and loaded plugins, sorted by name.
349 | * @return the list of currently installed and loaded plugins, sorted by name
350 | * @since 10982
351 | */
352 | public static List<PluginInformation> getPlugins() {
353 | return pluginList.stream().map(PluginProxy::getPluginInformation)
354 | .sorted(Comparator.comparing(PluginInformation::getName)).collect(Collectors.toList());
355 | }
356 |
357 | /**
358 | * Returns all ClassLoaders whose resource should be searched.
359 | * @return all ClassLoaders whose resource should be searched
360 | */
361 | public static Collection<ClassLoader> getResourceClassLoaders() {
362 | return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(sources);
363 | }
364 |
365 | /**
366 | * Returns all plugin classloaders.
367 | * @return all plugin classloaders
368 | * @since 14978
369 | */
370 | public static Collection<PluginClassLoader> getPluginClassLoaders() {
371 | return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(classLoaders.values());
372 | }
373 |
374 | /**
375 | * Get a {@link ServiceLoader} for the specified service. This uses {@link #getJoinedPluginResourceCL()} as the
376 | * class loader, so that we don't have to iterate through the {@link ClassLoader}s from {@link #getPluginClassLoaders()}.
377 | * @param <S> The service type
378 | * @param service The service class to look for
379 | * @return The service loader
380 | * @since 18833
381 | */
382 | public static <S> ServiceLoader<S> load(Class<S> service) {
383 | return ServiceLoader.load(service, getJoinedPluginResourceCL());
384 | }
385 |
386 | /**
387 | * Removes deprecated plugins from a collection of plugins. Modifies the
388 | * collection <code>plugins</code>.
389 | * <p>
390 | * Also notifies the user about removed deprecated plugins
391 | *
392 | * @param parent The parent Component used to display warning popup
393 | * @param plugins the collection of plugins
394 | */
395 | static void filterDeprecatedPlugins(Component parent, Collection<String> plugins) {
396 | Set<DeprecatedPlugin> removedPlugins = new TreeSet<>();
397 | for (DeprecatedPlugin depr : DEPRECATED_PLUGINS) {
398 | if (plugins.contains(depr.name)) {
399 | plugins.remove(depr.name);
400 | PreferencesUtils.removeFromList(Config.getPref(), PLUGINS, depr.name);
401 | removedPlugins.add(depr);
402 | }
403 | }
404 | if (removedPlugins.isEmpty())
405 | return;
406 |
407 | // notify user about removed deprecated plugins
408 | //
409 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(
410 | parent,
411 | getRemovedPluginsMessage(removedPlugins),
412 | tr(WARNING),
414 | );
415 | }
416 |
417 | static String getRemovedPluginsMessage(Collection<DeprecatedPlugin> removedPlugins) {
418 | StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
419 | sb.append(HTML_START)
420 | .append(trn(
421 | "The following plugin is no longer necessary and has been deactivated:",
422 | "The following plugins are no longer necessary and have been deactivated:",
423 | removedPlugins.size()))
424 | .append("<ul>");
425 | for (DeprecatedPlugin depr: removedPlugins) {
426 | sb.append("<li>").append(depr.name);
427 | if (depr.reason != null) {
428 | sb.append(" (").append(depr.reason).append(')');
429 | }
430 | sb.append("</li>");
431 | }
432 | sb.append("</ul>").append(HTML_END);
433 | return sb.toString();
434 | }
435 |
436 | /**
437 | * Removes unmaintained plugins from a collection of plugins. Modifies the
438 | * collection <code>plugins</code>. Also removes the plugin from the list
439 | * of plugins in the preferences, if necessary.
440 | * <p>
441 | * Asks the user for every unmaintained plugin whether it should be removed.
442 | * @param parent The parent Component used to display warning popup
443 | *
444 | * @param plugins the collection of plugins
445 | */
446 | static void filterUnmaintainedPlugins(Component parent, Collection<String> plugins) {
447 | for (String unmaintained : UNMAINTAINED_PLUGINS) {
448 | if (!plugins.contains(unmaintained)) {
449 | continue;
450 | }
451 | if (confirmDisablePlugin(parent, getUnmaintainedPluginMessage(unmaintained), unmaintained)) {
452 | PreferencesUtils.removeFromList(Config.getPref(), PLUGINS, unmaintained);
453 | plugins.remove(unmaintained);
454 | }
455 | }
456 | }
457 |
458 | static String getUnmaintainedPluginMessage(String unmaintained) {
459 | return tr("<html>Loading of the plugin \"{0}\" was requested."
460 | + "<br>This plugin is no longer developed and very likely will produce errors."
461 | +"<br>It should be disabled.<br>Delete from preferences?</html>",
462 | Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(unmaintained));
463 | }
464 |
465 | /**
466 | * Checks whether the locally available plugins should be updated and
467 | * asks the user if running an update is OK. An update is advised if
468 | * JOSM was updated to a new version since the last plugin updates or
469 | * if the plugins were last updated a long time ago.
470 | *
471 | * @param parent the parent component relative to which the confirmation dialog
472 | * is to be displayed
473 | * @return true if a plugin update should be run; false, otherwise
474 | */
475 | public static boolean checkAndConfirmPluginUpdate(Component parent) {
476 | if (Preferences.main().getPluginSites().stream().anyMatch(NetworkManager::isOffline)) {
477 | Logging.info(OfflineAccessException.forResource(tr("Plugin update")).getMessage());
478 | return false;
479 | }
480 | String message = null;
481 | String togglePreferenceKey = null;
482 | int v = Version.getInstance().getVersion();
483 | if (Config.getPref().getInt("pluginmanager.version", 0) < v) {
484 | message =
486 | + tr("You updated your JOSM software.<br>"
487 | + "To prevent problems the plugins should be updated as well.<br><br>"
488 | + "Update plugins now?"
489 | )
490 | + HTML_END;
492 | } else {
493 | long tim = System.currentTimeMillis();
494 | long last = Config.getPref().getLong(PLUGINMANAGER_LASTUPDATE, 0);
495 | int maxTime = Config.getPref().getInt("pluginmanager.time-based-update.interval", DEFAULT_TIME_BASED_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
496 | long d = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(tim - last);
497 | if ((last <= 0) || (maxTime <= 0)) {
498 | Config.getPref().put(PLUGINMANAGER_LASTUPDATE, Long.toString(tim));
499 | } else if (d > maxTime) {
500 | message =
502 | + tr("Last plugin update more than {0} days ago.", d)
503 | + HTML_END;
505 | }
506 | }
507 | if (message == null) return false;
508 |
509 | UpdatePluginsMessagePanel pnlMessage = new UpdatePluginsMessagePanel();
510 | pnlMessage.setMessage(message);
511 | pnlMessage.initDontShowAgain(togglePreferenceKey);
512 |
513 | // check whether automatic update at startup was disabled
514 | //
515 | String policy = Config.getPref().get(togglePreferenceKey, "ask").trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
516 | switch (policy) {
517 | case "never":
518 | if (PLUGINMANAGER_VERSION_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY.equals(togglePreferenceKey)) {
519 | Logging.info(tr("Skipping plugin update after JOSM upgrade. Automatic update at startup is disabled."));
520 | } else if (PLUGINMANAGER_TIME_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY.equals(togglePreferenceKey)) {
521 | Logging.info(tr("Skipping plugin update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled."));
522 | }
523 | return false;
524 |
525 | case "always":
526 | if (PLUGINMANAGER_VERSION_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY.equals(togglePreferenceKey)) {
527 | Logging.info(tr("Running plugin update after JOSM upgrade. Automatic update at startup is enabled."));
528 | } else if (PLUGINMANAGER_TIME_BASED_UPDATE_POLICY.equals(togglePreferenceKey)) {
529 | Logging.info(tr("Running plugin update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled."));
530 | }
531 | return true;
532 |
533 | case "ask":
534 | break;
535 |
536 | default:
537 | Logging.warn(tr("Unexpected value ''{0}'' for preference ''{1}''. Assuming value ''ask''.", policy, togglePreferenceKey));
538 | }
539 |
540 | ButtonSpec[] options = {
541 | new ButtonSpec(
543 | new ImageProvider(DIALOGS, "refresh"),
544 | tr("Click to update the activated plugins"),
545 | null /* no specific help context */
546 | ),
547 | new ButtonSpec(
548 | tr("Skip update"),
549 | new ImageProvider(CANCEL),
550 | tr("Click to skip updating the activated plugins"),
551 | null /* no specific help context */
552 | )
553 | };
554 |
555 | int ret = HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
556 | parent,
557 | pnlMessage,
559 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
560 | null,
561 | options,
562 | options[0],
563 | ht("/Preferences/Plugins#AutomaticUpdate")
564 | );
565 |
566 | if (pnlMessage.isRememberDecision()) {
567 | switch (ret) {
568 | case 0:
569 | Config.getPref().put(togglePreferenceKey, "always");
570 | break;
571 | case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
572 | case 1:
573 | Config.getPref().put(togglePreferenceKey, "never");
574 | break;
575 | default: // Do nothing
576 | }
577 | } else {
578 | Config.getPref().put(togglePreferenceKey, "ask");
579 | }
580 | return ret == 0;
581 | }
582 |
583 | /**
584 | * Alerts the user if a plugin required by another plugin is missing, and offer to download them & restart JOSM
585 | *
586 | * @param parent The parent Component used to display error popup
587 | * @param plugin the plugin
588 | * @param missingRequiredPlugin the missing required plugin
589 | */
590 | private static void alertMissingRequiredPlugin(Component parent, String plugin, Set<String> missingRequiredPlugin) {
591 | StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(48);
592 | sb.append(HTML_START)
593 | .append(trn("Plugin {0} requires a plugin which was not found. The missing plugin is:",
594 | "Plugin {0} requires {1} plugins which were not found. The missing plugins are:",
595 | missingRequiredPlugin.size(),
596 | Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(plugin),
597 | missingRequiredPlugin.size()))
598 | .append(Utils.joinAsHtmlUnorderedList(missingRequiredPlugin))
599 | .append(HTML_END);
600 | ButtonSpec[] specs = {
601 | new ButtonSpec(
602 | tr("Download and restart"),
603 | new ImageProvider("restart"),
604 | trn("Click to download missing plugin and restart JOSM",
605 | "Click to download missing plugins and restart JOSM",
606 | missingRequiredPlugin.size()),
607 | null /* no specific help text */
608 | ),
609 | new ButtonSpec(
610 | tr("Continue"),
611 | new ImageProvider("ok"),
612 | trn("Click to continue without this plugin",
613 | "Click to continue without these plugins",
614 | missingRequiredPlugin.size()),
615 | null /* no specific help text */
616 | )
617 | };
618 | if (0 == HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
619 | parent,
620 | sb.toString(),
621 | tr("Error"),
622 | JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
623 | null, /* no special icon */
624 | specs,
625 | specs[0],
626 | ht("/Plugin/Loading#MissingRequiredPlugin"))) {
627 | downloadRequiredPluginsAndRestart(parent, missingRequiredPlugin);
628 | }
629 | }
630 |
631 | private static void downloadRequiredPluginsAndRestart(final Component parent, final Set<String> missingRequiredPlugin) {
632 | // Update plugin list
633 | final ReadRemotePluginInformationTask pluginInfoDownloadTask = new ReadRemotePluginInformationTask(
634 | Preferences.main().getOnlinePluginSites());
635 | MainApplication.worker.submit(pluginInfoDownloadTask);
636 |
637 | // Continuation
638 | MainApplication.worker.submit(() -> {
639 | // Build list of plugins to download
640 | Set<PluginInformation> toDownload = new HashSet<>(pluginInfoDownloadTask.getAvailablePlugins());
641 | toDownload.removeIf(info -> !missingRequiredPlugin.contains(info.getName()));
642 | // Check if something has still to be downloaded
643 | if (!toDownload.isEmpty()) {
644 | // download plugins
645 | final PluginDownloadTask task = new PluginDownloadTask(parent, toDownload, tr("Download plugins"));
646 | MainApplication.worker.submit(task);
647 | MainApplication.worker.submit(() -> {
648 | // restart if some plugins have been downloaded
649 | if (!task.getDownloadedPlugins().isEmpty()) {
650 | // update plugin list in preferences
651 | Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<>(Config.getPref().getList(PLUGINS));
652 | for (PluginInformation plugin : task.getDownloadedPlugins()) {
653 | plugins.add(plugin.name);
654 | }
655 | Config.getPref().putList(PLUGINS, new ArrayList<>(plugins));
656 | // restart
657 | RestartAction.restartJOSM();
658 | } else {
659 | Logging.warn("No plugin downloaded, restart canceled");
660 | }
661 | });
662 | } else {
663 | Logging.warn("No plugin to download, operation canceled");
664 | }
665 | });
666 | }
667 |
668 | private static void logWrongPlatform(String plugin, String pluginPlatform) {
669 | Logging.warn(
670 | tr("Plugin {0} must be run on a {1} platform.",
671 | plugin, pluginPlatform
672 | ));
673 | }
674 |
675 | private static void alertJavaUpdateRequired(Component parent, String plugin, int requiredVersion) {
676 | final ButtonSpec[] options = {
677 | new ButtonSpec(tr("OK"), ImageProvider.get("ok"), tr("Click to close the dialog"), null),
678 | new ButtonSpec(tr("Update Java"), ImageProvider.get("java"), tr("Update Java"), null)
679 | };
680 | final int selected = HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
681 | parent,
682 | HTML_START + tr("Plugin {0} requires Java version {1}. The current Java version is {2}.<br>"
683 | + "You have to update Java in order to use this plugin.",
684 | plugin, Integer.toString(requiredVersion), Utils.getJavaVersion()
685 | ) + HTML_END,
686 | tr(WARNING),
687 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
688 | null,
689 | options,
690 | options[0],
691 | null
692 | );
693 | if (selected == 1 && !Utils.isRunningWebStart()) {
694 | final String javaUrl = PlatformManager.getPlatform().getJavaUrl();
695 | OpenBrowser.displayUrl(javaUrl);
696 | }
697 | }
698 |
699 | private static void alertJOSMUpdateRequired(Component parent, String plugin, int requiredVersion) {
700 | HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
701 | parent,
702 | tr("<html>Plugin {0} requires JOSM version {1}. The current JOSM version is {2}.<br>"
703 | +"You have to update JOSM in order to use this plugin.</html>",
704 | plugin, Integer.toString(requiredVersion), Version.getInstance().getVersionString()
705 | ),
706 | tr(WARNING),
707 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
708 | null
709 | );
710 | }
711 |
712 | /**
713 | * Checks whether all preconditions for loading the plugin <code>plugin</code> are met. The
714 | * current Java and JOSM versions must be compatible with the plugin and no other plugins this plugin
715 | * depends on should be missing.
716 | *
717 | * @param parent The parent Component used to display error popup
718 | * @param plugins the collection of all loaded plugins
719 | * @param plugin the plugin for which preconditions are checked
720 | * @return true, if the preconditions are met; false otherwise
721 | */
722 | public static boolean checkLoadPreconditions(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins, PluginInformation plugin) {
723 |
724 | // make sure the plugin is not meant for another platform
725 | if (!plugin.isForCurrentPlatform()) {
726 | // Just log a warning, this is unlikely to happen as we display only relevant plugins in HMI
727 | logWrongPlatform(plugin.name, plugin.platform);
728 | return false;
729 | }
730 |
731 | // make sure the plugin is compatible with the current Java version
732 | if (plugin.localminjavaversion > Utils.getJavaVersion()) {
733 | alertJavaUpdateRequired(parent, plugin.name, plugin.localminjavaversion);
734 | return false;
735 | }
736 |
737 | // make sure the plugin is compatible with the current JOSM version
738 | int josmVersion = Version.getInstance().getVersion();
739 | if (plugin.localmainversion > josmVersion && josmVersion != Version.JOSM_UNKNOWN_VERSION) {
740 | alertJOSMUpdateRequired(parent, plugin.name, plugin.localmainversion);
741 | return false;
742 | }
743 |
744 | // Add all plugins already loaded (to include early plugins when checking late ones)
745 | Collection<PluginInformation> allPlugins = new HashSet<>(plugins);
746 | for (PluginProxy proxy : pluginList) {
747 | allPlugins.add(proxy.getPluginInformation());
748 | }
749 |
750 | // Include plugins that have been processed but not been loaded (for javafx plugin)
751 | allPlugins.addAll(pluginListNotLoaded);
752 |
753 | return checkRequiredPluginsPreconditions(parent, allPlugins, plugin, true);
754 | }
755 |
756 | /**
757 | * Checks if required plugins preconditions for loading the plugin <code>plugin</code> are met.
758 | * No other plugins this plugin depends on should be missing.
759 | *
760 | * @param parent The parent Component used to display error popup. If parent is
761 | * null, the error popup is suppressed
762 | * @param plugins the collection of all processed plugins
763 | * @param plugin the plugin for which preconditions are checked
764 | * @param local Determines if the local or up-to-date plugin dependencies are to be checked.
765 | * @return true, if the preconditions are met; false otherwise
766 | * @since 5601
767 | */
768 | public static boolean checkRequiredPluginsPreconditions(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins,
769 | PluginInformation plugin, boolean local) {
770 |
771 | String requires = local ? plugin.localrequires : plugin.requires;
772 |
773 | // make sure the dependencies to other plugins are not broken
774 | if (requires != null) {
775 | Set<String> missingPlugins = findMissingPlugins(plugins, plugin, local);
776 | if (!missingPlugins.isEmpty()) {
777 | if (parent != null) {
778 | alertMissingRequiredPlugin(parent, plugin.name, missingPlugins);
779 | }
780 | return false;
781 | }
782 | }
783 | return true;
784 | }
785 |
786 | /**
787 | * Find the missing plugin(s) for a specified plugin
788 | * @param plugins The currently loaded plugins
789 | * @param plugin The plugin to find the missing information for
790 | * @param local Determines if the local or up-to-date plugin dependencies are to be checked.
791 | * @return A set of missing plugins for the given plugin
792 | */
793 | private static Set<String> findMissingPlugins(Collection<PluginInformation> plugins, PluginInformation plugin, boolean local) {
794 | Set<String> pluginNames = new HashSet<>();
795 | for (PluginInformation pi: plugins) {
796 | pluginNames.add(pi.name);
797 | if (pi.provides != null) {
798 | pluginNames.add(pi.provides);
799 | }
800 | }
801 | Set<String> missingPlugins = new HashSet<>();
802 | List<String> requiredPlugins = local ? plugin.getLocalRequiredPlugins() : plugin.getRequiredPlugins();
803 | for (String requiredPlugin : requiredPlugins) {
804 | if (!pluginNames.contains(requiredPlugin)) {
805 | missingPlugins.add(requiredPlugin);
806 | }
807 | }
808 | return missingPlugins;
809 | }
810 |
811 | /**
812 | * Get class loader to locate resources from plugins.
813 | * <p>
814 | * It joins URLs of all plugins, to find images, etc.
815 | * (Not for loading Java classes - each plugin has a separate {@link PluginClassLoader}
816 | * for that purpose.)
817 | * @return class loader to locate resources from plugins
818 | */
819 | private static synchronized DynamicURLClassLoader getJoinedPluginResourceCL() {
820 | if (joinedPluginResourceCL == null) {
821 | joinedPluginResourceCL = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<DynamicURLClassLoader>)
822 | () -> new DynamicURLClassLoader(new URL[0], PluginHandler.class.getClassLoader()));
823 | sources.add(0, joinedPluginResourceCL);
824 | }
825 | return joinedPluginResourceCL;
826 | }
827 |
828 | /**
829 | * Add more plugins to the joined plugin resource class loader.
830 | *
831 | * @param plugins the plugins to add
832 | */
833 | @SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // NOSONAR We do *not* want to close class loaders in this method...
834 | private static void extendJoinedPluginResourceCL(Collection<PluginInformation> plugins) {
835 | // iterate all plugins and collect all libraries of all plugins:
836 | File pluginDir = Preferences.main().getPluginsDirectory();
837 | DynamicURLClassLoader cl = getJoinedPluginResourceCL();
838 |
839 | for (PluginInformation info : plugins) {
840 | if (info.libraries == null) {
841 | continue;
842 | }
843 | for (URL libUrl : info.libraries) {
844 | cl.addURL(libUrl);
845 | }
846 | File pluginJar = new File(pluginDir, info.name + ".jar");
847 | I18n.addTexts(pluginJar);
848 | URL pluginJarUrl = Utils.fileToURL(pluginJar);
849 | cl.addURL(pluginJarUrl);
850 | }
851 | }
852 |
853 | /**
854 | * Loads and instantiates the plugin described by <code>plugin</code> using
855 | * the class loader <code>pluginClassLoader</code>.
856 | *
857 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
858 | * @param plugin the plugin
859 | * @param pluginClassLoader the plugin class loader
860 | */
861 | private static void loadPlugin(Component parent, PluginInformation plugin, PluginClassLoader pluginClassLoader) {
862 | String msg = tr("Could not load plugin {0}. Delete from preferences?", "'"+plugin.name+"'");
863 | try {
864 | Class<?> klass = plugin.loadClass(pluginClassLoader);
865 | if (klass != null) {
866 | Logging.info(tr("loading plugin ''{0}'' (version {1})", plugin.name, plugin.localversion));
867 | PluginProxy pluginProxy = plugin.load(klass, pluginClassLoader);
868 | pluginList.add(pluginProxy);
869 | MainApplication.addAndFireMapFrameListener(pluginProxy);
870 | }
871 | msg = null;
872 | } catch (PluginException e) {
873 | pluginLoadingExceptions.put(plugin.name, e);
874 | Logging.error(e);
875 | if (e.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
876 | msg = tr("<html>Could not load plugin {0} because the plugin<br>main class ''{1}'' was not found.<br>"
877 | + "Delete from preferences?</html>", "'"+Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(plugin.name)+"'", plugin.className);
878 | }
879 | } catch (RuntimeException e) { // NOPMD
880 | pluginLoadingExceptions.put(plugin.name, e);
881 | Logging.error(e);
882 | }
883 | if (msg != null && confirmDisablePlugin(parent, msg, plugin.name)) {
884 | PreferencesUtils.removeFromList(Config.getPref(), PLUGINS, plugin.name);
885 | }
886 | }
887 |
888 | /**
889 | * Loads the plugin in <code>plugins</code> from locally available jar files into memory.
890 | *
891 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
892 | * @param plugins the list of plugins
893 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
894 | */
895 | public static void loadPlugins(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins, ProgressMonitor monitor) {
896 | if (monitor == null) {
897 | monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
898 | }
899 | try {
900 | monitor.beginTask(tr("Loading plugins ..."));
901 | monitor.subTask(tr("Checking plugin preconditions..."));
902 | List<PluginInformation> toLoad = new LinkedList<>();
903 | for (PluginInformation pi: plugins) {
904 | if (checkLoadPreconditions(parent, plugins, pi)) {
905 | toLoad.add(pi);
906 | } else {
907 | pluginListNotLoaded.add(pi);
908 | }
909 | }
910 | // sort the plugins according to their "staging" equivalence class. The
911 | // lower the value of "stage" the earlier the plugin should be loaded.
912 | //
913 | toLoad.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.stage));
914 | if (toLoad.isEmpty())
915 | return;
916 |
917 | generateClassloaders(toLoad);
918 |
919 | // resolve dependencies
920 | resolveDependencies(toLoad);
921 |
922 | extendJoinedPluginResourceCL(toLoad);
923 | ResourceProvider.addAdditionalClassLoaders(getResourceClassLoaders());
924 | monitor.setTicksCount(toLoad.size());
925 | for (PluginInformation info : toLoad) {
926 | monitor.setExtraText(tr("Loading plugin ''{0}''...", info.name));
927 | loadPlugin(parent, info, classLoaders.get(info.name));
928 | monitor.worked(1);
929 | }
930 | } finally {
931 | monitor.finishTask();
932 | }
933 | }
934 |
935 | /**
936 | * Generate classloaders for a list of plugins
937 | * @param toLoad The plugins to generate the classloaders for
938 | */
939 | @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S2095", "PMD.CloseResource"}) // NOSONAR the classloaders and put in a map which we want to keep.
940 | private static void generateClassloaders(List<PluginInformation> toLoad) {
941 | for (PluginInformation info : toLoad) {
942 | PluginClassLoader cl = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<PluginClassLoader>)
943 | () -> new PluginClassLoader(
944 | info.libraries.toArray(new URL[0]),
945 | PluginHandler.class.getClassLoader(),
946 | null));
947 | classLoaders.put(info.name, cl);
948 | }
949 | }
950 |
951 | /**
952 | * Resolve dependencies for a list of plugins
953 | * @param toLoad The plugins to resolve dependencies for
954 | */
955 | @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S2095", "PMD.CloseResource"}) // NOSONAR the classloaders are from a persistent map
956 | private static void resolveDependencies(List<PluginInformation> toLoad) {
957 | for (PluginInformation info : toLoad) {
958 | PluginClassLoader cl = classLoaders.get(info.name);
959 | for (String depName : info.getLocalRequiredPlugins()) {
960 | boolean finished = false;
961 | for (PluginInformation depInfo : toLoad) {
962 | if (isDependency(depInfo, depName)) {
963 | cl.addDependency(classLoaders.get(depInfo.name));
964 | finished = true;
965 | break;
966 | }
967 | }
968 | if (finished) {
969 | continue;
970 | }
971 | boolean found = false;
972 | for (PluginProxy proxy : pluginList) {
973 | if (isDependency(proxy.getPluginInformation(), depName)) {
974 | found = cl.addDependency(proxy.getClassLoader());
975 | break;
976 | }
977 | }
978 | if (!found) {
979 | Logging.error("unable to find dependency " + depName + " for plugin " + info.getName());
980 | }
981 | }
982 | }
983 | }
984 |
985 | private static boolean isDependency(PluginInformation pi, String depName) {
986 | return depName.equals(pi.getName()) || depName.equals(pi.provides);
987 | }
988 |
989 | /**
990 | * Loads plugins from <code>plugins</code> which have the flag {@link PluginInformation#early} set to true
991 | * <i>and</i> a negative {@link PluginInformation#stage} value.
992 | * <p>
993 | * This is meant for plugins that provide additional {@link javax.swing.LookAndFeel}.
994 | */
995 | public static void loadVeryEarlyPlugins() {
996 | List<PluginInformation> veryEarlyPlugins = PluginHandler.buildListOfPluginsToLoad(null, null)
997 | .stream()
998 | .filter(pi -> pi.early && pi.stage < 0)
999 | .collect(Collectors.toList());
1000 | loadPlugins(null, veryEarlyPlugins, null);
1001 | }
1002 |
1003 | /**
1004 | * Loads plugins from <code>plugins</code> which have the flag {@link PluginInformation#early} set to true
1005 | * <i>and</i> a non-negative {@link PluginInformation#stage} value.
1006 | *
1007 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
1008 | * @param plugins the collection of plugins
1009 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
1010 | */
1011 | public static void loadEarlyPlugins(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins, ProgressMonitor monitor) {
1012 | List<PluginInformation> earlyPlugins = plugins.stream()
1013 | .filter(pi -> pi.early && pi.stage >= 0)
1014 | .collect(Collectors.toList());
1015 | loadPlugins(parent, earlyPlugins, monitor);
1016 | }
1017 |
1018 | /**
1019 | * Loads plugins from <code>plugins</code> which have the flag {@link PluginInformation#early} set to false.
1020 | *
1021 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
1022 | * @param plugins the collection of plugins
1023 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
1024 | */
1025 | public static void loadLatePlugins(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins, ProgressMonitor monitor) {
1026 | List<PluginInformation> latePlugins = plugins.stream()
1027 | .filter(pi -> !pi.early)
1028 | .collect(Collectors.toList());
1029 | loadPlugins(parent, latePlugins, monitor);
1030 | }
1031 |
1032 | /**
1033 | * Loads locally available plugin information from local plugin jars and from cached
1034 | * plugin lists.
1035 | *
1036 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
1037 | * @return the map of locally available plugin information, null in case of errors
1038 | *
1039 | */
1040 | @Nullable
1041 | @SuppressWarnings("squid:S1168") // The null return is part of the API for this method.
1042 | private static Map<String, PluginInformation> loadLocallyAvailablePluginInformation(ProgressMonitor monitor) {
1043 | if (monitor == null) {
1044 | monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
1045 | }
1046 | try {
1047 | ReadLocalPluginInformationTask task = new ReadLocalPluginInformationTask(monitor);
1048 | Future<?> future = MainApplication.worker.submit(task);
1049 | try {
1050 | future.get();
1051 | } catch (ExecutionException e) {
1052 | Logging.error(e);
1053 | return null;
1054 | } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1055 | Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1056 | Logging.warn("InterruptedException in " + PluginHandler.class.getSimpleName()
1057 | + " while loading locally available plugin information");
1058 | return null;
1059 | }
1060 | Map<String, PluginInformation> ret = new HashMap<>();
1061 | for (PluginInformation pi: task.getAvailablePlugins()) {
1062 | ret.put(pi.name, pi);
1063 | }
1064 | return ret;
1065 | } finally {
1066 | monitor.finishTask();
1067 | }
1068 | }
1069 |
1070 | private static void alertMissingPluginInformation(Component parent, Collection<String> plugins) {
1071 | String sb = HTML_START +
1072 | trn("JOSM could not find information about the following plugin:",
1073 | "JOSM could not find information about the following plugins:",
1074 | plugins.size()) +
1075 | Utils.joinAsHtmlUnorderedList(plugins) +
1076 | trn("The plugin is not going to be loaded.",
1077 | "The plugins are not going to be loaded.",
1078 | plugins.size()) +
1079 | HTML_END;
1080 | HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
1081 | parent,
1082 | sb,
1083 | tr(WARNING),
1084 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
1085 | ht("/Plugin/Loading#MissingPluginInfos")
1086 | );
1087 | }
1088 |
1089 | /**
1090 | * Builds the list of plugins to load. Deprecated and unmaintained plugins are filtered
1091 | * out. This involves user interaction. This method displays alert and confirmation
1092 | * messages.
1093 | *
1094 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
1095 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
1096 | * @return the list of plugins to load (as set of plugin names)
1097 | */
1098 | public static List<PluginInformation> buildListOfPluginsToLoad(Component parent, ProgressMonitor monitor) {
1099 | if (monitor == null) {
1100 | monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
1101 | }
1102 | try {
1103 | monitor.beginTask(tr("Determining plugins to load..."));
1104 | Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<>(Config.getPref().getList(PLUGINS, new LinkedList<>()));
1105 | Logging.debug("Plugins list initialized to {0}", plugins);
1106 | String systemProp = Utils.getSystemProperty("josm.plugins");
1107 | if (systemProp != null) {
1108 | plugins.addAll(Arrays.asList(systemProp.split(",", -1)));
1109 | Logging.debug("josm.plugins system property set to ''{0}''. Plugins list is now {1}", systemProp, plugins);
1110 | }
1111 | monitor.subTask(tr("Removing deprecated plugins..."));
1112 | filterDeprecatedPlugins(parent, plugins);
1113 | monitor.subTask(tr("Removing unmaintained plugins..."));
1114 | filterUnmaintainedPlugins(parent, plugins);
1115 | Logging.debug("Plugins list is finally set to {0}", plugins);
1116 | Map<String, PluginInformation> infos = loadLocallyAvailablePluginInformation(monitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, false));
1117 | List<PluginInformation> ret = new LinkedList<>();
1118 | if (infos != null) {
1119 | for (Iterator<String> it = plugins.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
1120 | String plugin = it.next();
1121 | if (infos.containsKey(plugin)) {
1122 | ret.add(infos.get(plugin));
1123 | it.remove();
1124 | }
1125 | }
1126 | }
1127 | if (!plugins.isEmpty() && parent != null) {
1128 | alertMissingPluginInformation(parent, plugins);
1129 | }
1130 | return ret;
1131 | } finally {
1132 | monitor.finishTask();
1133 | }
1134 | }
1135 |
1136 | private static void alertFailedPluginUpdate(Component parent, Collection<PluginInformation> plugins) {
1137 | StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
1138 | sb.append(HTML_START)
1139 | .append(trn(
1140 | "Updating the following plugin has failed:",
1141 | "Updating the following plugins has failed:",
1142 | plugins.size()))
1143 | .append("<ul>");
1144 | for (PluginInformation pi: plugins) {
1145 | sb.append("<li>").append(Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(pi.name)).append("</li>");
1146 | }
1147 | sb.append("</ul>")
1148 | .append(trn(
1149 | "Please open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update it manually.",
1150 | "Please open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update them manually.",
1151 | plugins.size()))
1152 | .append(HTML_END);
1153 | HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
1154 | parent,
1155 | sb.toString(),
1156 | tr("Plugin update failed"),
1157 | JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
1158 | ht("/Plugin/Loading#FailedPluginUpdated")
1159 | );
1160 | }
1161 |
1162 | private static Set<PluginInformation> findRequiredPluginsToDownload(
1163 | Collection<PluginInformation> pluginsToUpdate, List<PluginInformation> allPlugins, Set<PluginInformation> pluginsToDownload) {
1164 | Set<PluginInformation> result = new HashSet<>();
1165 | for (PluginInformation pi : pluginsToUpdate) {
1166 | for (String name : pi.getRequiredPlugins()) {
1167 | try {
1168 | PluginInformation installedPlugin = PluginInformation.findPlugin(name);
1169 | if (installedPlugin == null) {
1170 | // New required plugin is not installed, find its PluginInformation
1171 | PluginInformation reqPlugin = null;
1172 | for (PluginInformation pi2 : allPlugins) {
1173 | if (pi2.getName().equals(name)) {
1174 | reqPlugin = pi2;
1175 | break;
1176 | }
1177 | }
1178 | // Required plugin is known but not already on download list
1179 | if (reqPlugin != null && !pluginsToDownload.contains(reqPlugin)) {
1180 | result.add(reqPlugin);
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 | } catch (PluginException e) {
1184 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to find plugin {0}", name));
1185 | Logging.error(e);
1186 | }
1187 | }
1188 | }
1189 | return result;
1190 | }
1191 |
1192 | /**
1193 | * Updates the plugins in <code>plugins</code>.
1194 | *
1195 | * @param parent the parent component for message boxes
1196 | * @param pluginsWanted the collection of plugins to update. Updates all plugins if {@code null}
1197 | * @param monitor the progress monitor. Defaults to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null.
1198 | * @param displayErrMsg if {@code true}, a blocking error message is displayed in case of I/O exception.
1199 | * @return the list of plugins to load
1200 | * @throws IllegalArgumentException if plugins is null
1201 | */
1202 | public static Collection<PluginInformation> updatePlugins(Component parent,
1203 | Collection<PluginInformation> pluginsWanted, ProgressMonitor monitor, boolean displayErrMsg) {
1204 | Collection<PluginInformation> plugins = null;
1205 | pluginDownloadTask = null;
1206 | if (monitor == null) {
1207 | monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
1208 | }
1209 | try {
1210 | monitor.beginTask("");
1211 |
1212 | // try to download the plugin lists
1213 | ReadRemotePluginInformationTask task1 = new ReadRemotePluginInformationTask(
1214 | monitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, false),
1215 | Preferences.main().getOnlinePluginSites(), displayErrMsg
1216 | );
1217 | List<PluginInformation> allPlugins = null;
1218 | Future<?> future = MainApplication.worker.submit(task1);
1219 |
1220 | try {
1221 | future.get();
1222 | allPlugins = task1.getAvailablePlugins();
1223 | plugins = buildListOfPluginsToLoad(parent, monitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, false));
1224 | // If only some plugins have to be updated, filter the list
1225 | if (!Utils.isEmpty(pluginsWanted)) {
1226 | final Collection<String> pluginsWantedName = Utils.transform(pluginsWanted, piw -> piw.name);
1227 | plugins = SubclassFilteredCollection.filter(plugins, pi -> pluginsWantedName.contains(pi.name));
1228 | }
1229 | } catch (ExecutionException e) {
1230 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to download plugin information list") + ": ExecutionException");
1231 | Logging.error(e);
1232 | // don't abort in case of error, continue with downloading plugins below
1233 | } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1234 | Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1235 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to download plugin information list") + ": InterruptedException");
1236 | // don't abort in case of error, continue with downloading plugins below
1237 | }
1238 |
1239 | // filter plugins which actually have to be updated
1240 | Collection<PluginInformation> pluginsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
1241 | if (plugins != null) {
1242 | for (PluginInformation pi: plugins) {
1243 | if (pi.isUpdateRequired()) {
1244 | pluginsToUpdate.add(pi);
1245 | }
1246 | }
1247 | }
1248 |
1249 | if (!pluginsToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
1250 |
1251 | Set<PluginInformation> pluginsToDownload = new HashSet<>(pluginsToUpdate);
1252 |
1253 | if (allPlugins != null) {
1254 | // Updated plugins may need additional plugin dependencies currently not installed
1255 | //
1256 | Set<PluginInformation> additionalPlugins = findRequiredPluginsToDownload(pluginsToUpdate, allPlugins, pluginsToDownload);
1257 | pluginsToDownload.addAll(additionalPlugins);
1258 |
1259 | // Iterate on required plugins, if they need themselves another plugins (i.e A needs B, but B needs C)
1260 | while (!additionalPlugins.isEmpty()) {
1261 | // Install the additional plugins to load them later
1262 | if (plugins != null)
1263 | plugins.addAll(additionalPlugins);
1264 | additionalPlugins = findRequiredPluginsToDownload(additionalPlugins, allPlugins, pluginsToDownload);
1265 | pluginsToDownload.addAll(additionalPlugins);
1266 | }
1267 | }
1268 |
1269 | // try to update the locally installed plugins
1270 | pluginDownloadTask = new PluginDownloadTask(
1271 | monitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, false),
1272 | pluginsToDownload,
1274 | );
1275 | future = MainApplication.worker.submit(pluginDownloadTask);
1276 |
1277 | try {
1278 | future.get();
1279 | } catch (ExecutionException e) {
1280 | Logging.error(e);
1281 | alertFailedPluginUpdate(parent, pluginsToUpdate);
1282 | return plugins;
1283 | } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1284 | Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1285 | Logging.warn("InterruptedException in " + PluginHandler.class.getSimpleName()
1286 | + " while updating plugins");
1287 | alertFailedPluginUpdate(parent, pluginsToUpdate);
1288 | return plugins;
1289 | }
1290 |
1291 | // Update Plugin info for downloaded plugins
1292 | refreshLocalUpdatedPluginInfo(pluginDownloadTask.getDownloadedPlugins());
1293 |
1294 | // notify user if downloading a locally installed plugin failed
1295 | if (!pluginDownloadTask.getFailedPlugins().isEmpty()) {
1296 | alertFailedPluginUpdate(parent, pluginDownloadTask.getFailedPlugins());
1297 | return plugins;
1298 | }
1299 | }
1300 | } finally {
1301 | monitor.finishTask();
1302 | }
1303 | if (pluginsWanted == null) {
1304 | // if all plugins updated, remember the update because it was successful
1305 | Config.getPref().putInt("pluginmanager.version", Version.getInstance().getVersion());
1306 | Config.getPref().put(PLUGINMANAGER_LASTUPDATE, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
1307 | }
1308 | return plugins;
1309 | }
1310 |
1311 | /**
1312 | * Ask the user for confirmation that a plugin shall be disabled.
1313 | *
1314 | * @param parent The parent component to be used for the displayed dialog
1315 | * @param reason the reason for disabling the plugin
1316 | * @param name the plugin name
1317 | * @return true, if the plugin shall be disabled; false, otherwise
1318 | */
1319 | public static boolean confirmDisablePlugin(Component parent, String reason, String name) {
1320 | ButtonSpec[] options = {
1321 | new ButtonSpec(
1322 | tr(DISABLE_PLUGIN),
1323 | new ImageProvider(DIALOGS, "delete"),
1324 | tr("Click to delete the plugin ''{0}''", name),
1325 | null /* no specific help context */
1326 | ),
1327 | new ButtonSpec(
1328 | tr("Keep plugin"),
1329 | new ImageProvider(CANCEL),
1330 | tr("Click to keep the plugin ''{0}''", name),
1331 | null /* no specific help context */
1332 | )
1333 | };
1334 | return 0 == HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
1335 | parent,
1336 | reason,
1337 | tr(DISABLE_PLUGIN),
1338 | JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
1339 | null,
1340 | options,
1341 | options[0],
1342 | null // FIXME: add help topic
1343 | );
1344 | }
1345 |
1346 | /**
1347 | * Returns the plugin of the specified name.
1348 | * @param name The plugin name
1349 | * @return The plugin of the specified name, if installed and loaded, or {@code null} otherwise.
1350 | */
1351 | public static Object getPlugin(String name) {
1352 | for (PluginProxy plugin : pluginList) {
1353 | if (plugin.getPluginInformation().name.equals(name))
1354 | return plugin.getPlugin();
1355 | }
1356 | return null;
1357 | }
1358 |
1359 | /**
1360 | * Returns the plugin class loader for the plugin of the specified name.
1361 | * @param name The plugin name
1362 | * @return The plugin class loader for the plugin of the specified name, if
1363 | * installed and loaded, or {@code null} otherwise.
1364 | * @since 12323
1365 | */
1366 | public static PluginClassLoader getPluginClassLoader(String name) {
1367 | for (PluginProxy plugin : pluginList) {
1368 | if (plugin.getPluginInformation().name.equals(name))
1369 | return plugin.getClassLoader();
1370 | }
1371 | return null;
1372 | }
1373 |
1374 | /**
1375 | * Called in the download dialog to give the plugins a chance to modify the list
1376 | * of bounding box selectors.
1377 | * @param downloadSelections list of bounding box selectors
1378 | */
1379 | public static void addDownloadSelection(List<DownloadSelection> downloadSelections) {
1380 | for (PluginProxy p : pluginList) {
1381 | p.addDownloadSelection(downloadSelections);
1382 | }
1383 | }
1384 |
1385 | /**
1386 | * Returns the list of plugin preference settings.
1387 | * @return the list of plugin preference settings
1388 | */
1389 | public static Collection<PreferenceSettingFactory> getPreferenceSetting() {
1390 | Collection<PreferenceSettingFactory> settings = new ArrayList<>();
1391 | for (PluginProxy plugin : pluginList) {
1392 | settings.add(new PluginPreferenceFactory(plugin));
1393 | }
1394 | return settings;
1395 | }
1396 |
1397 | /**
1398 | * Installs downloaded plugins. Moves files with the suffix ".jar.new" to the corresponding ".jar" files.
1399 | * <p>
1400 | * If {@code dowarn} is true, this methods emits warning messages on the console if a downloaded
1401 | * but not yet installed plugin .jar can't be be installed. If {@code dowarn} is false, the
1402 | * installation of the respective plugin is silently skipped.
1403 | *
1404 | * @param pluginsToLoad list of plugin informations to update
1405 | * @param dowarn if true, warning messages are displayed; false otherwise
1406 | * @since 13294
1407 | */
1408 | public static void installDownloadedPlugins(Collection<PluginInformation> pluginsToLoad, boolean dowarn) {
1409 | File pluginDir = Preferences.main().getPluginsDirectory();
1410 | if (!pluginDir.exists() || !pluginDir.isDirectory() || !pluginDir.canWrite())
1411 | return;
1412 |
1413 | final File[] files = pluginDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".jar.new"));
1414 | if (files == null)
1415 | return;
1416 |
1417 | for (File updatedPlugin : files) {
1418 | final String filePath = updatedPlugin.getPath();
1419 | File plugin = new File(filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - 4));
1420 | String pluginName = updatedPlugin.getName().substring(0, updatedPlugin.getName().length() - 8);
1421 | try {
1422 | // Check the plugin is a valid and accessible JAR file before installing it (fix #7754)
1423 | new JarFile(updatedPlugin).close();
1424 | } catch (IOException e) {
1425 | if (dowarn) {
1426 | Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, tr("Failed to install plugin ''{0}'' from temporary download file ''{1}''. {2}",
1427 | plugin.toString(), updatedPlugin.toString(), e.getLocalizedMessage()), e);
1428 | }
1429 | continue;
1430 | }
1431 | if (plugin.exists() && !plugin.delete() && dowarn) {
1432 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to delete outdated plugin ''{0}''.", plugin.toString()));
1433 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to install already downloaded plugin ''{0}''. " +
1434 | "Skipping installation. JOSM is still going to load the old plugin version.",
1435 | pluginName));
1436 | continue;
1437 | }
1438 | // Install plugin
1439 | if (updatedPlugin.renameTo(plugin)) {
1440 | try {
1441 | // Update plugin URL
1442 | URL newPluginURL = plugin.toURI().toURL();
1443 | URL oldPluginURL = updatedPlugin.toURI().toURL();
1444 | pluginsToLoad.stream().filter(x -> x.libraries.contains(oldPluginURL)).forEach(
1445 | x -> Collections.replaceAll(x.libraries, oldPluginURL, newPluginURL));
1446 |
1447 | // Attempt to update loaded plugin (must implement Destroyable)
1448 | PluginInformation tInfo = pluginsToLoad.parallelStream()
1449 | .filter(x -> x.libraries.contains(newPluginURL)).findAny().orElse(null);
1450 | if (tInfo != null) {
1451 | Object tUpdatedPlugin = getPlugin(tInfo.name);
1452 | if (tUpdatedPlugin instanceof Destroyable) {
1453 | ((Destroyable) tUpdatedPlugin).destroy();
1454 | PluginHandler.loadPlugins(getInfoPanel(), Collections.singleton(tInfo),
1455 | NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE);
1456 | }
1457 | }
1458 | } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
1459 | Logging.warn(e);
1460 | }
1461 | } else if (dowarn) {
1462 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to install plugin ''{0}'' from temporary download file ''{1}''. Renaming failed.",
1463 | plugin.toString(), updatedPlugin.toString()));
1464 | Logging.warn(tr("Failed to install already downloaded plugin ''{0}''. " +
1465 | "Skipping installation. JOSM is still going to load the old plugin version.",
1466 | pluginName));
1467 | }
1468 | }
1469 | }
1470 |
1471 | /**
1472 | * Determines if the specified file is a valid and accessible JAR file.
1473 | * @param jar The file to check
1474 | * @return true if file can be opened as a JAR file.
1475 | * @since 5723
1476 | */
1477 | public static boolean isValidJar(File jar) {
1478 | if (jar != null && jar.exists() && jar.canRead()) {
1479 | try {
1480 | new JarFile(jar).close();
1481 | } catch (IOException e) {
1482 | Logging.warn(e);
1483 | return false;
1484 | }
1485 | return true;
1486 | } else if (jar != null) {
1487 | Logging.debug("Invalid jar file ''"+jar+"'' (exists: "+jar.exists()+", canRead: "+jar.canRead()+')');
1488 | }
1489 | return false;
1490 | }
1491 |
1492 | /**
1493 | * Replies the updated jar file for the given plugin name.
1494 | * @param name The plugin name to find.
1495 | * @return the updated jar file for the given plugin name. null if not found or not readable.
1496 | * @since 5601
1497 | */
1498 | public static File findUpdatedJar(String name) {
1499 | File pluginDir = Preferences.main().getPluginsDirectory();
1500 | // Find the downloaded file. We have tried to install the downloaded plugins
1501 | // (PluginHandler.installDownloadedPlugins). This succeeds depending on the platform.
1502 | File downloadedPluginFile = new File(pluginDir, name + ".jar.new");
1503 | if (!isValidJar(downloadedPluginFile)) {
1504 | downloadedPluginFile = new File(pluginDir, name + ".jar");
1505 | if (!isValidJar(downloadedPluginFile)) {
1506 | return null;
1507 | }
1508 | }
1509 | return downloadedPluginFile;
1510 | }
1511 |
1512 | /**
1513 | * Refreshes the given PluginInformation objects with new contents read from their corresponding jar file.
1514 | * @param updatedPlugins The PluginInformation objects to update.
1515 | * @since 5601
1516 | */
1517 | public static void refreshLocalUpdatedPluginInfo(Collection<PluginInformation> updatedPlugins) {
1518 | if (updatedPlugins == null) return;
1519 | for (PluginInformation pi : updatedPlugins) {
1520 | File downloadedPluginFile = findUpdatedJar(pi.name);
1521 | if (downloadedPluginFile == null) {
1522 | continue;
1523 | }
1524 | try {
1525 | pi.updateFromJar(new PluginInformation(downloadedPluginFile, pi.name));
1526 | } catch (PluginException e) {
1527 | Logging.error(e);
1528 | }
1529 | }
1530 | }
1531 |
1532 | private static int askUpdateDisableKeepPluginAfterException(PluginProxy plugin) {
1533 | final ButtonSpec[] options = {
1534 | new ButtonSpec(
1535 | tr("Update plugin"),
1536 | new ImageProvider(DIALOGS, "refresh"),
1537 | tr("Click to update the plugin ''{0}''", plugin.getPluginInformation().name),
1538 | null /* no specific help context */
1539 | ),
1540 | new ButtonSpec(
1541 | tr(DISABLE_PLUGIN),
1542 | new ImageProvider(DIALOGS, "delete"),
1543 | tr("Click to disable the plugin ''{0}''", plugin.getPluginInformation().name),
1544 | null /* no specific help context */
1545 | ),
1546 | new ButtonSpec(
1547 | tr("Keep plugin"),
1548 | new ImageProvider(CANCEL),
1549 | tr("Click to keep the plugin ''{0}''", plugin.getPluginInformation().name),
1550 | null /* no specific help context */
1551 | )
1552 | };
1553 |
1554 | final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(256);
1555 | msg.append(HTML_START)
1556 | .append(tr("An unexpected exception occurred that may have come from the ''{0}'' plugin.",
1557 | Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(plugin.getPluginInformation().name)))
1558 | .append("<br>");
1559 | if (plugin.getPluginInformation().author != null) {
1560 | msg.append(tr("According to the information within the plugin, the author is {0}.",
1561 | Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(plugin.getPluginInformation().author)))
1562 | .append("<br>");
1563 | }
1564 | msg.append(tr("Try updating to the newest version of this plugin before reporting a bug."))
1565 | .append(HTML_END);
1566 |
1567 | try {
1568 | FutureTask<Integer> task = new FutureTask<>(() -> HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
1569 | MainApplication.getMainFrame(),
1570 | msg.toString(),
1571 | tr(UPDATE_PLUGINS),
1572 | JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
1573 | null,
1574 | options,
1575 | options[0],
1576 | ht("/ErrorMessages#ErrorInPlugin")
1577 | ));
1578 | GuiHelper.runInEDT(task);
1579 | return task.get();
1580 | } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1581 | Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1582 | Logging.warn(e);
1583 | } catch (ExecutionException e) {
1584 | Logging.warn(e);
1585 | }
1586 | return -1;
1587 | }
1588 |
1589 | /**
1590 | * Replies the plugin which most likely threw the exception <code>ex</code>.
1591 | *
1592 | * @param ex the exception
1593 | * @return the plugin; null, if the exception probably wasn't thrown from a plugin
1594 | */
1595 | private static PluginProxy getPluginCausingException(Throwable ex) {
1596 | PluginProxy err = null;
1597 | List<StackTraceElement> stack = new ArrayList<>();
1598 | Set<Throwable> seen = new HashSet<>();
1599 | Throwable current = ex;
1600 | while (current != null) {
1601 | seen.add(current);
1602 | stack.addAll(Arrays.asList(current.getStackTrace()));
1603 | Throwable cause = current.getCause();
1604 | if (cause != null && seen.contains(cause)) {
1605 | break; // circular reference
1606 | }
1607 | current = cause;
1608 | }
1609 |
1610 | // remember the error position, as multiple plugins may be involved, we search the topmost one
1611 | int pos = stack.size();
1612 | for (PluginProxy p : pluginList) {
1613 | String baseClass = p.getPluginInformation().className;
1614 | baseClass = baseClass.substring(0, baseClass.lastIndexOf('.'));
1615 | for (int elpos = 0; elpos < pos; ++elpos) {
1616 | if (stack.get(elpos).getClassName().startsWith(baseClass)) {
1617 | pos = elpos;
1618 | err = p;
1619 | }
1620 | }
1621 | }
1622 | return err;
1623 | }
1624 |
1625 | /**
1626 | * Checks whether the exception <code>e</code> was thrown by a plugin. If so,
1627 | * conditionally updates or deactivates the plugin, but asks the user first.
1628 | *
1629 | * @param e the exception
1630 | * @return plugin download task if the plugin has been updated to a newer version, {@code null} if it has been disabled or kept as it
1631 | */
1632 | public static PluginDownloadTask updateOrdisablePluginAfterException(Throwable e) {
1633 | PluginProxy plugin = null;
1634 | // Check for an explicit problem when calling a plugin function
1635 | if (e instanceof PluginException) {
1636 | plugin = ((PluginException) e).plugin;
1637 | }
1638 | if (plugin == null) {
1639 | plugin = getPluginCausingException(e);
1640 | }
1641 | if (plugin == null)
1642 | // don't know what plugin threw the exception
1643 | return null;
1644 |
1645 | Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<>(Config.getPref().getList(PLUGINS));
1646 | final PluginInformation pluginInfo = plugin.getPluginInformation();
1647 | if (!plugins.contains(pluginInfo.name))
1648 | // plugin not activated ? strange in this context but anyway, don't bother
1649 | // the user with dialogs, skip conditional deactivation
1650 | return null;
1651 |
1652 | switch (askUpdateDisableKeepPluginAfterException(plugin)) {
1653 | case 0:
1654 | // update the plugin
1655 | updatePlugins(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), Collections.singleton(pluginInfo), null, true);
1656 | return pluginDownloadTask;
1657 | case 1:
1658 | // deactivate the plugin
1659 | plugins.remove(plugin.getPluginInformation().name);
1660 | Config.getPref().putList(PLUGINS, new ArrayList<>(plugins));
1661 | GuiHelper.runInEDTAndWait(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(
1662 | MainApplication.getMainFrame(),
1663 | tr("The plugin has been removed from the configuration. Please restart JOSM to unload the plugin."),
1664 | tr("Information"),
1666 | ));
1667 | return null;
1668 | default:
1669 | // user doesn't want to deactivate the plugin
1670 | return null;
1671 | }
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 | /**
1675 | * Returns the list of loaded plugins as a {@code String} to be displayed in status report. Useful for bug reports.
1676 | * @return The list of loaded plugins
1677 | */
1678 | public static Collection<String> getBugReportInformation() {
1679 | final Collection<String> pl = new TreeSet<>(Config.getPref().getList(PLUGINS, new LinkedList<>()));
1680 | for (final PluginProxy pp : pluginList) {
1681 | PluginInformation pi = pp.getPluginInformation();
1682 | pl.remove(pi.name);
1683 | pl.add(pi.name + " (" + (!Utils.isEmpty(pi.localversion)
1684 | ? pi.localversion : "unknown") + ')');
1685 | }
1686 | return pl;
1687 | }
1688 |
1689 | /**
1690 | * Returns the list of loaded plugins as a {@code JPanel} to be displayed in About dialog.
1691 | * @return The list of loaded plugins (one "line" of Swing components per plugin)
1692 | */
1693 | public static JPanel getInfoPanel() {
1694 | JPanel pluginTab = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
1695 | for (final PluginInformation info : getPlugins()) {
1696 | String name = info.name
1697 | + (!Utils.isEmpty(info.localversion) ? " Version: " + info.localversion : "");
1698 | pluginTab.add(new JLabel(name), GBC.std());
1699 | pluginTab.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), GBC.std().fill(GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL));
1700 | pluginTab.add(new JButton(new PluginInformationAction(info)), GBC.eol());
1701 |
1702 | JosmTextArea description = new JosmTextArea(info.description == null ? tr("no description available")
1703 | : info.description);
1704 | description.setEditable(false);
1705 | description.setFont(new JLabel().getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC));
1706 | description.setLineWrap(true);
1707 | description.setWrapStyleWord(true);
1708 | description.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 20, 0, 0));
1709 | description.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Panel.background"));
1710 | description.setCaretPosition(0);
1711 |
1712 | pluginTab.add(description, GBC.eop().fill(GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL));
1713 | }
1714 | return pluginTab;
1715 | }
1716 |
1717 | /**
1718 | * Returns the set of deprecated and unmaintained plugins.
1719 | * @return set of deprecated and unmaintained plugins names.
1720 | * @since 8938
1721 | */
1722 | public static Set<String> getDeprecatedAndUnmaintainedPlugins() {
1723 | Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(DEPRECATED_PLUGINS.size() + UNMAINTAINED_PLUGINS.size());
1724 | for (DeprecatedPlugin dp : DEPRECATED_PLUGINS) {
1725 | result.add(dp.name);
1726 | }
1727 | result.addAll(UNMAINTAINED_PLUGINS);
1728 | return result;
1729 | }
1730 |
1731 | private static class UpdatePluginsMessagePanel extends JPanel {
1732 | private final JMultilineLabel lblMessage = new JMultilineLabel("");
1733 | private final JCheckBox cbDontShowAgain = new JCheckBox(
1734 | tr("Do not ask again and remember my decision (go to Preferences->Plugins to change it later)"));
1735 |
1736 | UpdatePluginsMessagePanel() {
1737 | build();
1738 | }
1739 |
1740 | protected final void build() {
1741 | setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1742 | GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints();
1743 | gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
1744 | gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
1745 | gc.weightx = 1.0;
1746 | gc.weighty = 1.0;
1747 | gc.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
1748 | add(lblMessage, gc);
1749 | lblMessage.setFont(lblMessage.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN));
1750 |
1751 | gc.gridy = 1;
1752 | gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1753 | gc.weighty = 0.0;
1754 | add(cbDontShowAgain, gc);
1755 | cbDontShowAgain.setFont(cbDontShowAgain.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN));
1756 | }
1757 |
1758 | public void setMessage(String message) {
1759 | lblMessage.setText(message);
1760 | }
1761 |
1762 | /**
1763 | * Returns the text. Useful for logging in {@link HelpAwareOptionPane#showOptionDialog}
1764 | * @return the text
1765 | */
1766 | @Override
1767 | public String toString() {
1768 | return Utils.stripHtml(lblMessage.getText());
1769 | }
1770 |
1771 | public void initDontShowAgain(String preferencesKey) {
1772 | String policy = Config.getPref().get(preferencesKey, "ask");
1773 | policy = policy.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
1774 | cbDontShowAgain.setSelected(!"ask".equals(policy));
1775 | }
1776 |
1777 | public boolean isRememberDecision() {
1778 | return cbDontShowAgain.isSelected();
1779 | }
1780 | }
1781 |
1782 | /**
1783 | * Remove deactivated plugins, returning true if JOSM should restart
1784 | *
1785 | * @param deactivatedPlugins The plugins to deactivate
1786 | *
1787 | * @return true if there was a plugin that requires a restart
1788 | * @since 15508
1789 | */
1790 | public static boolean removePlugins(List<PluginInformation> deactivatedPlugins) {
1791 | List<Destroyable> noRestart = deactivatedPlugins.parallelStream()
1792 | .map(info -> PluginHandler.getPlugin(info.name)).filter(Destroyable.class::isInstance)
1793 | .map(Destroyable.class::cast).collect(Collectors.toList());
1794 | boolean restartNeeded;
1795 | try {
1796 | noRestart.forEach(Destroyable::destroy);
1797 | new ArrayList<>(pluginList).stream().filter(proxy -> noRestart.contains(proxy.getPlugin()))
1798 | .forEach(pluginList::remove);
1799 | restartNeeded = deactivatedPlugins.size() != noRestart.size();
1800 | } catch (Exception e) {
1801 | Logging.error(e);
1802 | restartNeeded = true;
1803 | }
1804 | return restartNeeded;
1805 | }
1806 | }