1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
5 |
6 | import java.awt.geom.Area;
7 | import java.util.ArrayList;
8 | import java.util.Collection;
9 | import java.util.Collections;
10 | import java.util.HashSet;
11 | import java.util.List;
12 | import java.util.Map;
13 | import java.util.Set;
14 | import java.util.stream.Collectors;
15 |
16 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.validation.tests.MultipolygonTest;
17 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
18 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Geometry;
19 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.MultiMap;
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Pair;
21 |
22 | /**
23 | * Helper class to build multipolygons from multiple ways.
24 | * @author viesturs
25 | * @since 7392 (rename)
26 | * @since 3704
27 | */
28 | public class MultipolygonBuilder {
29 |
30 | /**
31 | * Represents one polygon that consists of multiple ways.
32 | */
33 | public static class JoinedPolygon {
34 | /** list of ways building this polygon */
35 | public final List<Way> ways;
36 | /** list of flags that indicate if the nodes of the way in the same position where reversed */
37 | public final List<Boolean> reversed;
38 | /** the nodes of the polygon, first node is not duplicated as last node. */
39 | public final List<Node> nodes;
40 | /** the area in east/north space */
41 | public final Area area;
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Constructs a new {@code JoinedPolygon} from given list of ways.
45 | * @param ways The ways used to build joined polygon
46 | * @param reversed list of reversed states
47 | */
48 | public JoinedPolygon(List<Way> ways, List<Boolean> reversed) {
49 | this.ways = ways;
50 | this.reversed = reversed;
51 | this.nodes = this.getNodes();
52 | this.area = Geometry.getArea(nodes);
53 | }
54 |
55 | /**
56 | * Creates a polygon from single way.
57 | * @param way the way to form the polygon
58 | */
59 | public JoinedPolygon(Way way) {
60 | this(Collections.singletonList(way), Collections.singletonList(Boolean.FALSE));
61 | }
62 |
63 | /**
64 | * Builds a list of nodes for this polygon. First node is not duplicated as last node.
65 | * @return list of nodes
66 | */
67 | public List<Node> getNodes() {
68 | List<Node> ringNodes = new ArrayList<>();
69 |
70 | for (int waypos = 0; waypos < this.ways.size(); waypos++) {
71 | Way way = this.ways.get(waypos);
72 |
73 | if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(this.reversed.get(waypos))) {
74 | for (int pos = 0; pos < way.getNodesCount() - 1; pos++) {
75 | ringNodes.add(way.getNode(pos));
76 | }
77 | } else {
78 | for (int pos = way.getNodesCount() - 1; pos > 0; pos--) {
79 | ringNodes.add(way.getNode(pos));
80 | }
81 | }
82 | }
83 |
84 | return ringNodes;
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | /** List of outer ways **/
89 | public final List<JoinedPolygon> outerWays;
90 | /** List of inner ways **/
91 | public final List<JoinedPolygon> innerWays;
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Constructs a new {@code MultipolygonBuilder} initialized with given ways.
95 | * @param outerWays The outer ways
96 | * @param innerWays The inner ways
97 | */
98 | public MultipolygonBuilder(List<JoinedPolygon> outerWays, List<JoinedPolygon> innerWays) {
99 | this.outerWays = outerWays;
100 | this.innerWays = innerWays;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /**
104 | * Constructs a new empty {@code MultipolygonBuilder}.
105 | */
106 | public MultipolygonBuilder() {
107 | this.outerWays = new ArrayList<>(0);
108 | this.innerWays = new ArrayList<>(0);
109 | }
110 |
111 | /**
112 | * Splits ways into inner and outer JoinedWays. Sets {@link #innerWays} and {@link #outerWays} to the result.
113 | * Calculation is done in {@link MultipolygonTest#makeFromWays(Collection)} to ensure that the result is a valid multipolygon.
114 | * @param ways ways to analyze
115 | * @return error description if the ways cannot be split, {@code null} if all fine.
116 | */
117 | public String makeFromWays(Collection<Way> ways) {
118 | MultipolygonTest mpTest = new MultipolygonTest();
119 | Relation calculated = mpTest.makeFromWays(ways);
120 | try {
121 | if (!mpTest.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
122 | return mpTest.getErrors().iterator().next().getMessage();
123 | }
124 | Pair<List<JoinedPolygon>, List<JoinedPolygon>> outerInner = joinWays(calculated);
125 | this.outerWays.clear();
126 | this.innerWays.clear();
127 | this.outerWays.addAll(outerInner.a);
128 | this.innerWays.addAll(outerInner.b);
129 | return null;
130 | } finally {
131 | calculated.setMembers(null); // see #19885
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | /**
136 | * An exception indicating an error while joining ways to multipolygon rings.
137 | */
138 | public static class JoinedPolygonCreationException extends RuntimeException {
139 | /**
140 | * Constructs a new {@code JoinedPolygonCreationException}.
141 | * @param message the detail message. The detail message is saved for
142 | * later retrieval by the {@link #getMessage()} method
143 | */
144 | public JoinedPolygonCreationException(String message) {
145 | super(message);
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | /**
150 | * Joins the given {@code multipolygon} to a pair of outer and inner multipolygon rings.
151 | *
152 | * @param multipolygon the multipolygon to join.
153 | * @return a pair of outer and inner multipolygon rings.
154 | * @throws JoinedPolygonCreationException if the creation fails.
155 | */
156 | public static Pair<List<JoinedPolygon>, List<JoinedPolygon>> joinWays(Relation multipolygon) {
157 | return joinWays(null, multipolygon);
158 | }
159 |
160 | /**
161 | * Joins the given {@code multipolygon} to a pair of outer and inner multipolygon rings.
162 | *
163 | * @param multipolygon the multipolygon to join.
164 | * @return a pair of outer and inner multipolygon rings.
165 | * @throws JoinedPolygonCreationException if the creation fails.
166 | * @since xxx
167 | */
168 | public static Pair<List<JoinedPolygon>, List<JoinedPolygon>> joinWays(
169 | Map<IRelation<?>, Pair<List<JoinedPolygon>, List<JoinedPolygon>>> cache, Relation multipolygon) {
170 | if (cache != null) {
171 | return cache.computeIfAbsent(multipolygon, MultipolygonBuilder::joinWaysActual);
172 | }
173 | return joinWaysActual(multipolygon);
174 | }
175 |
176 | /**
177 | * Perform the actual join ways calculation
178 | *
179 | * @param multipolygon the multipolygon to join.
180 | * @return a pair of outer and inner multipolygon rings.
181 | * @throws JoinedPolygonCreationException if the creation fails.
182 | */
183 | private static Pair<List<JoinedPolygon>, List<JoinedPolygon>> joinWaysActual(IRelation<?> multipolygon) {
184 | CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(multipolygon.isMultipolygon(), "multipolygon.isMultipolygon");
185 | CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(multipolygon instanceof Relation,
186 | "This method currently only supports Relation objects due to potential breakage");
187 | final Map<String, Set<Way>> members = ((Relation) multipolygon).getMembers().stream()
188 | .filter(IRelationMember::isWay)
189 | .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(IRelationMember::getRole, Collectors.mapping(RelationMember::getWay, Collectors.toSet())));
190 | final List<JoinedPolygon> outerRings = joinWays(members.getOrDefault("outer", Collections.emptySet()));
191 | final List<JoinedPolygon> innerRings = joinWays(members.getOrDefault("inner", Collections.emptySet()));
192 | return Pair.create(outerRings, innerRings);
193 | }
194 |
195 | /**
196 | * Joins the given {@code ways} to multipolygon rings.
197 | * @param ways the ways to join.
198 | * @return a list of multipolygon rings.
199 | * @throws JoinedPolygonCreationException if the creation fails.
200 | */
201 | public static List<JoinedPolygon> joinWays(Collection<Way> ways) {
202 | List<JoinedPolygon> joinedWays = new ArrayList<>();
203 |
204 | //collect ways connecting to each node.
205 | MultiMap<Node, Way> nodesWithConnectedWays = new MultiMap<>();
206 | Set<Way> usedWays = new HashSet<>();
207 |
208 | for (Way w: ways) {
209 | if (w.getNodesCount() < 2) {
210 | throw new JoinedPolygonCreationException(tr("Cannot add a way with only {0} nodes.", w.getNodesCount()));
211 | }
212 |
213 | if (w.isClosed()) {
214 | //closed way, add as is.
215 | JoinedPolygon jw = new JoinedPolygon(w);
216 | joinedWays.add(jw);
217 | usedWays.add(w);
218 | } else {
219 | nodesWithConnectedWays.put(w.lastNode(), w);
220 | nodesWithConnectedWays.put(w.firstNode(), w);
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | //process unclosed ways
225 | for (Way startWay: ways) {
226 | if (usedWays.contains(startWay)) {
227 | continue;
228 | }
229 |
230 | Node startNode = startWay.firstNode();
231 | List<Way> collectedWays = new ArrayList<>();
232 | List<Boolean> collectedWaysReverse = new ArrayList<>();
233 | Way curWay = startWay;
234 | Node prevNode = startNode;
235 |
236 | //find polygon ways
237 | while (true) {
238 | boolean curWayReverse = prevNode == curWay.lastNode();
239 | Node nextNode = curWayReverse ? curWay.firstNode() : curWay.lastNode();
240 |
241 | //add cur way to the list
242 | collectedWays.add(curWay);
243 | collectedWaysReverse.add(curWayReverse);
244 |
245 | if (nextNode == startNode) {
246 | //way finished
247 | break;
248 | }
249 |
250 | //find next way
251 | Collection<Way> adjacentWays = nodesWithConnectedWays.get(nextNode);
252 |
253 | if (adjacentWays.size() != 2) {
254 | throw new JoinedPolygonCreationException(tr("Each node must connect exactly 2 ways"));
255 | }
256 |
257 | Way nextWay = null;
258 | for (Way way: adjacentWays) {
259 | if (way != curWay) {
260 | nextWay = way;
261 | }
262 | }
263 |
264 | //move to the next way
265 | curWay = nextWay;
266 | prevNode = nextNode;
267 | }
268 |
269 | usedWays.addAll(collectedWays);
270 | joinedWays.add(new JoinedPolygon(collectedWays, collectedWaysReverse));
271 | }
272 |
273 | return joinedWays;
274 | }
275 | }