source: osm/applications/viewer/jmapviewer/build.xml@ 35320

Last change on this file since 35320 was 34764, checked in by donvip, 6 years ago

fix javadoc

File size: 8.6 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
2<project default="all" name="jmapviewer" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
4 <property name="java.lang.version" value="1.8" />
5 <dirname property="base.dir" file="${ant.file.jmapviewer}"/>
6 <property name="tools.dir" location="${base.dir}/tools"/>
7 <property name="jacoco.includes" value="org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.*" />
8 <property name="jacoco.inclbootstrapclasses" value="false" />
9 <property name="jacoco.inclnolocationclasses" value="false" />
10 <!-- For Java specific stuff by version -->
11 <condition property="isJava9"><matches string="${}" pattern="(1.)?(9|1[0-9])" /></condition>
12 <condition property="isJava10"><matches string="${}" pattern="1[0-9]" /></condition>
13 <condition property="isJava11"><matches string="${}" pattern="1[1-9]" /></condition>
14 <condition property="isJava12"><matches string="${}" pattern="1[2-9]" /></condition>
15 <condition property="isJava13"><matches string="${}" pattern="1[3-9]" /></condition>
16 <!-- Disable jacoco on Java 13+, see -->
17 <condition property="coverageByDefault">
18 <not>
19 <isset property="isJava13"/>
20 </not>
21 </condition>
22 <path id="test.classpath">
23 <fileset dir="${tools.dir}/testlib">
24 <include name="**/*.jar"/>
25 </fileset>
26 <pathelement location="bin"/>
27 </path>
29 <target name="all" depends="clean,build,test,svn_info,pack,create_run_jar,spotbugs,checkstyle,javadoc,create_release_zip,create_source_release_zip" />
31 <target name="clean">
32 <mkdir dir="bin" />
33 <mkdir dir="bintest" />
34 <mkdir dir="javadoc" />
35 <mkdir dir="report" />
36 <delete>
37 <fileset dir="bin">
38 <include name="**" />
39 </fileset>
40 <fileset dir="bintest">
41 <include name="**" />
42 </fileset>
43 <fileset dir="javadoc">
44 <include name="**" />
45 </fileset>
46 <fileset dir="report">
47 <include name="**" />
48 </fileset>
49 <fileset dir="." includes="*.jar,*.exec"/>
50 </delete>
51 </target>
53 <target name="build" depends="clean">
54 <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin" source="${java.lang.version}" target="${java.lang.version}" debug="true" includeantruntime="false" encoding="UTF-8">
55 <include name="org/openstreetmap/gui/jmapviewer/**" />
56 </javac>
58 <copy todir="bin">
59 <fileset dir="src">
60 <include name="**/*.png" />
61 </fileset>
62 </copy>
63 </target>
65 <target name="svn_info" description="Get SVN info for use in JAR/ZIP filenames.">
66 <!-- Get the svn ReleaseVersion property -->
67 <exec executable="svn" outputproperty="svnReleaseVersion">
68 <arg line="propget ReleaseVersion" />
69 <env key="LANG" value="en_US"/>
70 </exec>
71 </target>
73 <target name="pack" depends="build">
74 <!-- Create the JAR file containing the compiled class files -->
75 <jar destfile="JMapViewer.jar" filesetmanifest="mergewithoutmain">
76 <fileset dir="bin" includes="**/jmapviewer/**" />
77 </jar>
78 <!-- Create the JAR file containing the source java files -->
79 <jar destfile="JMapViewer_src.jar" filesetmanifest="mergewithoutmain">
80 <fileset dir="src" includes="**/jmapviewer/**" />
81 </jar>
82 </target>
84 <!-- if you want to build outside of svn, use "ant clean build [pack]" -->
86 <target name="create_run_jar" description="Create a JAR file that can be used to execute the JMapViewer demo app. Requires JMapViewer.jar to be present.">
87 <jar destfile="JMapViewer_Demo.jar" filesetmanifest="mergewithoutmain">
88 <manifest>
89 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Demo" />
90 <attribute name="Class-Path" value="JMapViewer.jar" />
91 </manifest>
92 </jar>
93 </target>
95 <target name="create_release_zip" description="Create a release zip file containing the binary and source jar files as well as the demo starter">
96 <zip basedir="." destfile="releases/${svnReleaseVersion}/JMapViewer-${svnReleaseVersion}.zip">
97 <include name="JMapViewer*.jar" />
98 <include name="Readme.txt" />
99 <include name="Gpl.txt" />
100 </zip>
101 <delete>
102 <fileset dir="." includes="JMapViewer*.jar"/>
103 </delete>
104 </target>
106 <target name="create_source_release_zip" description="Create a release zip file containing the source files">
107 <zip destfile="releases/${svnReleaseVersion}/JMapViewer-${svnReleaseVersion}">
108 <zipfileset file="Readme.txt" prefix="jmapviewer-${svnReleaseVersion}"/>
109 <zipfileset file="build.xml" prefix="jmapviewer-${svnReleaseVersion}"/>
110 <zipfileset file="Gpl.txt" prefix="jmapviewer-${svnReleaseVersion}"/>
111 <zipfileset dir="src" includes="**/jmapviewer/**" prefix="jmapviewer-${svnReleaseVersion}/src"/>
112 </zip>
113 </target>
115 <target name="checkstyle">
116 <taskdef resource="com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ant/"
117 classpath="tools/checkstyle/checkstyle-all.jar"/>
118 <checkstyle config="tools/checkstyle/jmapviewer_checks.xml">
119 <fileset dir="${basedir}/src" includes="**/*.java" />
120 <formatter type="xml" toFile="checkstyle-jmapviewer.xml"/>
121 </checkstyle>
122 </target>
124 <target name="spotbugs" depends="pack">
125 <taskdef name="spotbugs" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask"
126 classpath="tools/spotbugs/spotbugs-ant.jar"/>
127 <path id="spotbugs-classpath">
128 <fileset dir="tools/spotbugs/">
129 <include name="*.jar"/>
130 </fileset>
131 </path>
132 <property name="spotbugs-classpath" refid="spotbugs-classpath"/>
133 <spotbugs output="xml"
134 outputFile="spotbugs-jmapviewer.xml"
135 classpath="${spotbugs-classpath}"
136 effort="max"
137 >
138 <sourcePath path="${basedir}/src" />
139 <class location="JMapViewer.jar" />
140 </spotbugs>
141 </target>
143 <target name="javadoc">
144 <javadoc destdir="javadoc"
145 sourcepath="src"
146 encoding="UTF-8"
147 packagenames="org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.*"
148 windowtitle="JMapViewer"
149 use="true"
150 private="true"
151 linksource="true"
152 author="false">
153 <link href=""/>
154 <doctitle><![CDATA[<h2>JMapViewer - Javadoc</h2>]]></doctitle>
155 <bottom><![CDATA[<a href="">JMapViewer</a>]]></bottom>
156 <arg value="-html5" if:set="isJava9" />
157 </javadoc>
158 </target>
160 <target name="test" depends="clean, build">
161 <taskdef uri="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" resource="org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="${tools.dir}/jacocoant.jar" />
162 <javac srcdir="test" destdir="bintest"
163 target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}" debug="on"
164 includeantruntime="false" createMissingPackageInfoClass="false" encoding="UTF-8">
165 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:all"/>
166 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:-serial"/>
167 <classpath>
168 <path refid="test.classpath"/>
169 </classpath>
170 </javac>
171 <jacoco:coverage enabled="@{coverage}" includes="${jacoco.includes}"
172 inclbootstrapclasses="${jacoco.inclbootstrapclasses}" inclnolocationclasses="${jacoco.inclnolocationclasses}">
173 <junit printsummary="yes" fork="true" forkmode="once">
174 <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>
175 <classpath>
176 <path refid="test.classpath"/>
177 <pathelement location="bintest"/>
178 </classpath>
179 <formatter type="plain"/>
180 <formatter type="xml"/>
181 <batchtest fork="yes" todir="report">
182 <fileset dir="bintest" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
183 </batchtest>
184 </junit>
185 </jacoco:coverage>
186 </target>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.