[2121] | 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2 | Jcoord
| 3 | readme.txt
[12780] | 4 |
[2121] | 5 | (c) 2006 Jonathan Stott
[12780] | 6 |
[2121] | 7 | Created on 11-Feb-2006
[12780] | 8 |
[2121] | 9 | 1.0 - 11 Feb 2006
| 10 | - Initial version created from PHPcoord v2.2
| 11 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 12 |
| 13 | Jcoord is a collection of Java classes that provide functions for handling
| 14 | various co-ordinate systems and converting between them. Currently, OSGB
| 15 | (Ordnance Survey of Great Britain) grid references, UTM (Universal Transverse
[12780] | 16 | Mercator) references and latitude/longitude are supported. A function is
[2121] | 17 | also provided to find the surface distance between two points of latitude
| 18 | and longitude.
| 19 |
| 20 | When using the OSGB conversions, the majority of applications use the
| 21 | WGS84 datum rather than the OSGB36 datum. Conversions between the two
| 22 | data were added in v1.1 - the conversions should be accurate to within
| 23 | 5m or so. If accuracy is not important (i.e. to within 200m or so),
| 24 | then it isn't necessary to perform the conversions.
| 25 |
| 26 | Examples of how to use the classes in Jcoord can be found in the
| 27 | uk.me.jstott.jcoord.Test class
| 28 |
| 29 | See http://www.jstott.me.uk/jcoord/ for latest releases and information.
| 30 |
| 31 |
| 33 |
| 34 | Accuracy of the co-ordinate conversions contained within the Jcoord
| 35 | package is not guaranteed. Use of the conversions is entirely at your
| 36 | own risk and I cannot be held responsible for any consequences of
| 37 | errors created by the conversions. I do not recommend using the package
| 38 | for mission-critical applications.
| 39 |
| 40 |
| 42 |
| 43 | This software product is available under the GNU General Public License
| 44 | (GPL). Terms of the GPL can be read at http://www.jstott.me.uk/gpl/.
| 45 | Any commercial use requires the purchase of a license - contact me at
| 46 | jcoord@jstott.me.uk for details.