| 1 | 1 Add Tag
| 2 | 2 Add Wikidata
| 3 | 3 Add Wikidata for language ''{0}''
| 4 | 4 Add names from Wikipedia
| 5 | 5 Add new snippet
| 6 | 6 Adds a ''wikipedia'' tag corresponding to this article to the selected objects
| 7 | 7 Available in local dataset
| 8 | 8 Available via WIWOSM server
| 9 | 9 Cancel
| 10 | 10 Category
| 11 | 11 Clipboard
| 12 | 12 Contacting Server...
| 13 | 13 Coordinates
| 14 | 14 Copies the {0} template to the system clipboard instantiated with the coordinates of the first selected node
| 15 | 15 Copy {0} template
| 16 | 16 Delete selected snippet
| 17 | 17 Double click on item to search for object with article name (and center coordinate)
| 18 | 18 Download from Wikosm API
| 19 | 19 Download referrers (parent relations)
| 20 | 20 Download relation members
| 21 | 21 Edit selected snippet
| 22 | 22 Enter the Wikipedia language
| 23 | 23 Error
| 24 | 24 Fetch Wikidata IDs
| 25 | 25 Fetch Wikidata IDs using the ''wikipedia'' tag
| 26 | 26 Fetch Wikipedia articles with coordinates
| 27 | 27 Fetches a list of all Wikipedia articles of a category
| 28 | 28 Fetches all coordinates from Wikidata in the current view
| 29 | 29 Fetches all coordinates from Wikipedia in the current view
| 30 | 30 Fetches interwiki links from Wikipedia in order to add several name tags
| 31 | 31 Fetching Wikidata IDs
| 32 | 32 Find places of education at least 2km, and at most 3km from the center of the selection
| 33 | 33 Language
| 34 | 34 Load category
| 35 | 35 No Wikidata ID found for: {0}
| 36 | 36 Not linked yet
| 37 | 37 Open Article
| 38 | 38 Opens the Wikipedia article of the selected item in a browser
| 39 | 39 Overwrite key
| 40 | 40 Pastes Wikipedia articles from the system clipboard
| 41 | 41 Please select a download area first.
| 42 | 42 Search Wikidata items
| 43 | 43 Search Wikipedia category
| 44 | 44 Select if the members of a relation should be downloaded as well
| 45 | 45 Select if the referrers of the object should be downloaded as well, i.e.,parent relations and for nodes, additionally, parent ways
| 46 | 46 Server:
| 47 | 47 Sets the default language for the Wikipedia articles
| 48 | 48 Show/hide Wikosm snippet list
| 49 | 49 Simplifies linking OSM objects to Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items
| 50 | 50 Target key:
| 51 | 51 Wikidata
| 52 | 52 Wikidata+OSM server
| 53 | 53 Wikipedia
| 54 | 54 Your saved queries:
| 55 | 55 Zoom to selection
| 56 | 56 clipboard
| 57 | 57 coordinates
| 58 | 58 help
| 59 | 59 {0}: {1}
| 60 | m 1 Fetching {0} Wikidata ID for language ''{1}''
| 61 | m 1 Fetching {0} Wikidata IDs for language ''{1}''
| 62 | m 2 Overwrite ''{0}'' tag {1} from {2} with new value ''{3}''?
| 63 | m 2 Overwrite ''{0}'' tags {1} from {2} with new value ''{3}''?