source: osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/utilsplugin2/data/en.lang@ 35690

Last change on this file since 35690 was 35640, checked in by Don-vip, 4 years ago

i18n update

  • Property svn:mime-type set to application/octet-stream
File size: 7.5 KB
1 1 Add Node...
2 2 Add Source Tag
3 3 Add missing nodes at intersections of selected ways.
4 4 Add nodes at intersections
5 5 Add remembered source tag
6 6 Adjacent nodes
7 7 Adjacent ways
8 8 Adjacent ways will be selected. Nodes will be deselected.
9 9 Align Way Nodes
10 10 Align nodes in a way
11 11 All connected ways
12 12 All inside
13 13 All inside [testing]
14 14 All intersecting ways
15 15 Area boundary [testing]
16 16 Ask every time
17 17 Both ways are new and have new nodes, cannot decide which one has the correct geometry.
18 18 Cancel
19 19 Change relation member for {0} {1}
20 20 Circle arc
21 21 Configure custom URL
22 22 Coordinates:
23 23 Copy Tags
24 24 Copy all tags of selected objects to paste buffer.
25 25 Could not detect which part of the closed way should be changed
26 26 Could not use selection to create a curve
27 27 Could not use selection to create a curve: {0}
28 28 Create a circle arc
29 29 Create geometry by entering lat lon coordinates for it.
30 30 Custom URL configuration
31 31 Data: {0}
32 32 Delete from history
33 33 Delete tags from multiple objects
34 34 Duplicate nodes, ways and relations that are used by multiple relations.
35 35 Duplicate tags from the first
36 36 Edit tags
37 37 Edit tags of object list in table
38 38 Edit: {0}
39 39 Enter the coordinates for the new nodes, one for each line.<br/>If you enter two lines with the same coordinates there will be generated duplicate nodes.<br/>You can separate longitude and latitude with space, comma or semicolon.<br/>Use positive numbers or N, E characters to indicate North or East cardinal direction.<br/>For South and West cardinal directions you can use either negative numbers or S, W characters.<br/>Coordinate value can be in one of three formats:<ul><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>&#39;</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>&#39;</tt> <i>seconds</i><tt>&quot</tt></li></ul>Symbols <tt>&deg;</tt>, <tt>&#39;</tt>, <tt>&prime;</tt>, <tt>&quot;</tt>, <tt>&Prime;</tt> are optional.<br/><br/>Some examples:<ul><li>49.29918&deg; 19.24788&deg;</li><li>N 49.29918 E 19.24788</li><li>W 49&deg;29.918&#39; S 19&deg;24.788&#39;</li><li>N 49&deg;29&#39;04&quot; E 19&deg;24&#39;43&quot;</li><li>49.29918 N, 19.24788 E</li><li>49&deg;29&#39;21&quot; N 19&deg;24&#39;38&quot; E</li><li>49 29 51, 19 24 18</li><li>49 29, 19 24</li><li>E 49 29, N 19 24</li><li>49&deg; 29; 19&deg; 24</li><li>N 49&deg; 29, W 19&deg; 24</li><li>49&deg; 29.5 S, 19&deg; 24.6 E</li><li>N 49 29.918 E 19 15.88</li><li>49 29.4 19 24.5</li><li>-49 29.4 N -19 24.5 W</li></ul><li>48 deg 42&#39; 52.13" N, 21 deg 11&#39; 47.60" E</li></ul>
40 40 Exceeded iteration limit for robust method, using simpler method.
41 41 Extract node
42 42 Extract node confirmation
43 43 Extract node from line
44 44 Extracts node from a way
45 45 Find primitives with these tags
46 46 Here you can change some preferences of Utilsplugin2 functions
47 47 In relations where the selected object is member of, replace it with a new one
48 48 Information
49 49 Internal error: number of nodes is {0}.
50 50 Intersecting ways
51 51 Lat Lon tool
52 52 Lat/Lon
53 53 Load from file
54 54 Middle nodes
55 55 Mirror selected nodes and ways.
56 56 More tools: {0}
57 57 Multitag Background: highlight
58 58 Node belongs to way(s), cannot replace.
59 59 Nothing found. Please select some closed ways or multipolygons to find all primitives inside them!
60 60 Nothing found. Please select way that is a part of some polygon formed by connected ways
61 61 Nothing to do
62 62 OK
63 63 Ok
64 64 Open custom URL
65 65 Opens specified URL browser
66 66 Paste Relations
67 67 Paste relation membership from objects in the buffer onto selected object(s)
68 68 Paste tags from previous selection
69 69 Paste tags from the previously selected object(s) (not from clipboard).
70 70 Please edit custom URLs and select one row to use with the tool<br/> <b>&#123;key&#125;</b> is replaced with the tag value<br/> <b>&#123;#id&#125;</b> is replaced with the element ID<br/> <b>&#123;#type&#125;</b> is replaced with "node","way" or "relation" <br/> <b>&#123;#lat&#125; , &#123;#lon&#125;</b> is replaced with map center latitude/longitude <br/> Your can manually load settings from file <b>customurl.txt</b> in JOSM folder
71 71 Please enter a GPS coordinates
72 72 Please select at least two nodes for symmetry axis and something else to mirror.
73 73 Please select one of custom URLs (configured in Preferences)
74 74 Please select one or more ways with intersections of segments.
75 75 Please select one or two ways for this action
76 76 Please select one way that exists in the database and one new way with correct geometry.
77 77 Please select some ways to find all connected and intersecting ways!
78 78 Please select some ways to find connected and intersecting ways!
79 79 Please select something to copy.
80 80 Please select two nodes connected by way!
81 81 Radius too small
82 82 Range of attached ways count
83 83 Range of child primitives count
84 84 Range of parent primitives count
85 85 Range of referencing relation count
86 86 Reached max recursion depth: {0}
87 87 Relation is not a multipolygon, cannot be used as a replacement.
88 88 Remove tag
89 89 Removes all nodes from selection
90 90 Replace Geometry
91 91 Replace Membership
92 92 Replace geometry for node {0}
93 93 Replace geometry for way {0}
94 94 Replace geometry of selected object with a new one
95 95 Reselect last added object or selection form history
96 96 Reset
97 97 Save to file
98 98 Select
99 99 Select Highway
100 100 Select Way Nodes
101 101 Select adjacent nodes
102 102 Select all connected ways
103 103 Select all inside selected polygons
104 104 Select all intersecting ways
105 105 Select all nodes of a selected way.
106 106 Select custom URL
107 107 Select highway for the name/ref given
108 108 Select intersecting ways
109 109 Select last modified nodes
110 110 Select last modified ways
111 111 Select middle nodes
112 112 Select relation or all ways that forms area boundary
113 113 Selection: {0}
114 114 Set tags for multiple objects
115 115 Several utilities that make your life easier.
116 116 Split Object
117 117 Split adjacent ways
118 118 Split adjacent ways on T-intersections
119 119 Split an object at the selected nodes.
120 120 Symmetry
121 121 Sync with JOSM selection
122 122 Tag multiple objects
123 123 Tag multiple objects [alpha]
124 124 The current selection cannot be used for splitting.
125 125 The first selected object ''{0}'' is not part of any relation
126 126 The selected nodes can not be consecutive nodes in the object.
127 127 The selected nodes do not share the same way.
128 128 The selected way is not a split way, please select split points or split way too.
129 129 The selected way is not closed.
130 130 The selection cannot be used for action ''{0}''
131 131 The way to be replaced cannot have any nodes with properties or relation memberships unless they belong to both ways.
132 132 The way with selected nodes can not be straightened.
133 133 The ways must be entirely within the downloaded area.
134 134 There are several ways containing one of the splitting nodes. Select ways participating in this operation.
135 135 This tool can only replace a node, upgrade a node to a way or a multipolygon, or replace a way with a way.
136 136 This tool extracts node from its ways and requires single node to be selected.
137 137 This tool replaces geometry of one object with another, and so requires exactly two objects to be selected.
138 138 Too many ways are added: {0}!
139 139 UnGlue Relation
140 140 Undo selection
141 141 Unglued Relations
142 142 Unselect nodes
143 143 Utilsplugin2 settings
144 144 You are about to extract a node which can have other referrers not yet downloaded.<br>This can cause problems because other objects (that you do not see) might use them.<br>Do you really want to extract?
145 145 Zoom to objects
146m 1 Replaced ''{0}'' by ''{1}'' in {2} relation
147m 1 Replaced ''{0}'' by ''{1}'' in {2} relations
148m 2 The selected node is not in the middle of any way.
149m 2 The selected nodes are not in the middle of any way.
150m 3 The selected way does not contain the selected node.
151m 3 The selected way does not contain all the selected nodes.
152m 4 There is more than one way using the node you selected. Please select the way also.
153m 4 There is more than one way using the nodes you selected. Please select the way also.
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