| 1 | 1 Add Node...
| 2 | 2 Add Source Tag
| 3 | 3 Add missing nodes at intersections of selected ways.
| 4 | 4 Add nodes at intersections
| 5 | 5 Add remembered source tag
| 6 | 6 Adjacent nodes
| 7 | 7 Adjacent ways
| 8 | 8 Adjacent ways will be selected. Nodes will be deselected.
| 9 | 9 Align Way Nodes
| 10 | 10 Align nodes in a way
| 11 | 11 All connected ways
| 12 | 12 All inside [testing]
| 13 | 13 All intersecting ways
| 14 | 14 Area boundary [testing]
| 15 | 15 Ask every time
| 16 | 16 Cancel
| 17 | 17 Change relation member for {0} {1}
| 18 | 18 Circle arc
| 19 | 19 Configure custom URL
| 20 | 20 Coordinates:
| 21 | 21 Copy Tags
| 22 | 22 Copy all tags of selected objects to paste buffer.
| 23 | 23 Copy tags from previous selection
| 24 | 24 Create a circle arc
| 25 | 25 Create geometry by entering lat lon coordinates for it.
| 26 | 26 Custom URL configuration
| 27 | 27 Delete from history
| 28 | 28 Delete tags from multiple objects
| 29 | 29 Duplicate nodes, ways and relations that are used by multiple relations.
| 30 | 30 Duplicate tags from the first
| 31 | 31 Edit tags
| 32 | 32 Edit tags of object list in table
| 33 | 33 Edit: {0}
| 34 | 34 Enter the coordinates for the new nodes, one for each line.<br/>If you enter two lines with the same coordinates there will be generated duplicate nodes.<br/>You can separate longitude and latitude with space, comma or semicolon.<br/>Use positive numbers or N, E characters to indicate North or East cardinal direction.<br/>For South and West cardinal directions you can use either negative numbers or S, W characters.<br/>Coordinate value can be in one of three formats:<ul><li><i>degrees</i><tt>°</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>°</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>'</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>°</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>'</tt> <i>seconds</i><tt>"</tt></li></ul>Symbols <tt>°</tt>, <tt>'</tt>, <tt>′</tt>, <tt>"</tt>, <tt>″</tt> are optional.<br/><br/>Some examples:<ul><li>49.29918° 19.24788°</li><li>N 49.29918 E 19.24788</li><li>W 49°29.918' S 19°24.788'</li><li>N 49°29'04" E 19°24'43"</li><li>49.29918 N, 19.24788 E</li><li>49°29'21" N 19°24'38" E</li><li>49 29 51, 19 24 18</li><li>49 29, 19 24</li><li>E 49 29, N 19 24</li><li>49° 29; 19° 24</li><li>N 49° 29, W 19° 24</li><li>49° 29.5 S, 19° 24.6 E</li><li>N 49 29.918 E 19 15.88</li><li>49 29.4 19 24.5</li><li>-49 29.4 N -19 24.5 W</li></ul><li>48 deg 42' 52.13" N, 21 deg 11' 47.60" E</li></ul>
| 35 | 35 Exceeded iteration limit for robust method, using simpler method.
| 36 | 36 Extract node
| 37 | 37 Extract node from line
| 38 | 38 Extracts node from a way
| 39 | 39 Find primitives with these tags
| 40 | 40 Here you can change some preferences of Utilsplugin2 functions
| 41 | 41 In relations where the selected object is member of, replace it with a new one
| 42 | 42 Information
| 43 | 43 Internal error: number of nodes is {0}.
| 44 | 44 Intersecting ways
| 45 | 45 Lat Lon tool
| 46 | 46 Lat/Lon
| 47 | 47 Load from file
| 48 | 48 Middle nodes
| 49 | 49 Mirror selected nodes and ways.
| 50 | 50 Multitag Background: highlight
| 51 | 51 Node belongs to way(s), cannot replace.
| 52 | 52 Nothing found. Please select some closed ways or multipolygons to find all primitives inside them!
| 53 | 53 Nothing found. Please select way that is a part of some polygon formed by connected ways
| 54 | 54 OK
| 55 | 55 Ok
| 56 | 56 Open custom URL
| 57 | 57 Opens specified URL browser
| 58 | 58 Paste Relations
| 59 | 59 Paste relation membership from objects in the buffer onto selected object(s)
| 60 | 60 Pastes tags of previously selected object(s)
| 61 | 61 Please edit custom URLs and select one row to use with the tool<br/> <b>{key}</b> is replaced with the tag value<br/> <b>{#id}</b> is replaced with the element ID<br/> <b>{#type}</b> is replaced with "node","way" or "relation" <br/> <b>{#lat} , {#lon}</b> is replaced with map center latitude/longitude <br/> Your can manually load settings from file <b>customurl.txt</b> in JOSM folder
| 62 | 62 Please enter a GPS coordinates
| 63 | 63 Please select at least two nodes for symmetry axis and something else to mirror.
| 64 | 64 Please select one of custom URLs (configured in Preferences)
| 65 | 65 Please select one or more ways with intersections of segments.
| 66 | 66 Please select one or two ways for this action
| 67 | 67 Please select one way that exists in the database and one new way with correct geometry.
| 68 | 68 Please select some ways to find all connected and intersecting ways!
| 69 | 69 Please select some ways to find connected and intersecting ways!
| 70 | 70 Please select something to copy.
| 71 | 71 Please select two nodes connected by way!
| 72 | 72 Range of attached ways count
| 73 | 73 Range of child primitives count
| 74 | 74 Range of parent primitives count
| 75 | 75 Range of referencing relation count
| 76 | 76 Relation is not a multipolygon, cannot be used as a replacement.
| 77 | 77 Remove tag
| 78 | 78 Removes all nodes from selection
| 79 | 79 Replace Geometry
| 80 | 80 Replace Membership
| 81 | 81 Replace geometry for node {0}
| 82 | 82 Replace geometry for way {0}
| 83 | 83 Replace geometry of selected object with a new one
| 84 | 84 Reselect last added object or selection form history
| 85 | 85 Reset
| 86 | 86 Save to file
| 87 | 87 Select
| 88 | 88 Select Highway
| 89 | 89 Select Way Nodes
| 90 | 90 Select adjacent nodes
| 91 | 91 Select all connected ways
| 92 | 92 Select all inside selected polygons
| 93 | 93 Select all intersecting ways
| 94 | 94 Select all nodes of a selected way.
| 95 | 95 Select custom URL
| 96 | 96 Select highway for the name/ref given
| 97 | 97 Select intersecting ways
| 98 | 98 Select last modified nodes
| 99 | 99 Select last modified ways
| 100 | 100 Select middle nodes
| 101 | 101 Select relation or all ways that forms area boundary
| 102 | 102 Set tags for multiple objects
| 103 | 103 Several utilities that make your life easier.
| 104 | 104 Split Object
| 105 | 105 Split adjacent ways
| 106 | 106 Split adjacent ways on T-intersections
| 107 | 107 Split an object at the selected nodes.
| 108 | 108 Symmetry
| 109 | 109 Sync with JOSM selection
| 110 | 110 Tag multiple objects
| 111 | 111 Tag multiple objects [alpha]
| 112 | 112 The current selection cannot be used for splitting.
| 113 | 113 The first selected object ''{0}'' is not part of any relation
| 114 | 114 The selected nodes can not be consecutive nodes in the object.
| 115 | 115 The selected nodes do not share the same way.
| 116 | 116 The selected way is not a split way, please select split points or split way too.
| 117 | 117 The selected way is not closed.
| 118 | 118 The way to be replaced cannot have any nodes with properties or relation memberships unless they belong to both ways.
| 119 | 119 The way with selected nodes can not be straightened.
| 120 | 120 The ways must be entirely within the downloaded area.
| 121 | 121 There are several ways containing one of the splitting nodes. Select ways participating in this operation.
| 122 | 122 This tool can only replace a node, upgrade a node to a way or a multipolygon, or replace a way with a way.
| 123 | 123 This tool extracts node from its ways and requires single node to be selected.
| 124 | 124 This tool replaces geometry of one object with another, and so requires exactly two objects to be selected.
| 125 | 125 Too many ways are added: {0}!
| 126 | 126 Tool: {0}
| 127 | 127 UnGlue Relation
| 128 | 128 UnGlue Relations
| 129 | 129 Undo selection
| 130 | 130 Unglued Relations
| 131 | 131 Unselect nodes
| 132 | 132 Utilsplugin2 settings
| 133 | 133 Zoom to objects
| 134 | m 1 Replaced ''{0}'' by ''{1}'' in {2} relation
| 135 | m 1 Replaced ''{0}'' by ''{1}'' in {2} relations
| 136 | m 2 The selected node is not in the middle of any way.
| 137 | m 2 The selected nodes are not in the middle of any way.
| 138 | m 3 The selected way does not contain the selected node.
| 139 | m 3 The selected way does not contain all the selected nodes.
| 140 | m 4 There is more than one way using the node you selected. Please select the way also.
| 141 | m 4 There is more than one way using the nodes you selected. Please select the way also.