1 | package tools;
2 |
3 | import java.io.BufferedReader;
4 | import java.io.FileReader;
5 | import java.io.IOException;
6 | import java.util.ArrayList;
7 |
8 | /**
9 | * This class is released under GNU general public license
10 | *
11 | * Description: This class generates random names from syllables, and provides programmer a
12 | * simple way to set a group of rules for generator to avoid unpronounceable and bizarre names.
13 | *
15 | * 1) all syllables are separated by line break.
16 | * 2) Syllable should not contain or start with whitespace, as this character is ignored and only first part of the syllable is read.
17 | * 3) + and - characters are used to set rules, and using them in other way, may result in unpredictable results.
18 | * 4) Empty lines are ignored.
19 | *
21 | * Name is usually composed from 3 different class of syllables, which include prefix, middle part and suffix.
22 | * To declare syllable as a prefix in the file, insert "-" as a first character of the line.
23 | * To declare syllable as a suffix in the file, insert "+" as a first character of the line.
24 | * everything else is read as a middle part.
25 | *
27 | * Names may have any positive number of syllables. In case of 2 syllables, name will be composed from prefix and suffix.
28 | * In case of 1 syllable, name will be chosen from amongst the prefixes.
29 | * In case of 3 and more syllables, name will begin with prefix, is filled with middle parts and ended with suffix.
30 | *
32 | * I included a way to set 4 kind of rules for every syllable. To add rules to the syllables, write them right after the
33 | * syllable and SEPARATE WITH WHITESPACE. (example: "aad +v -c"). The order of rules is not important.
34 | *
35 | * RULES:
36 | * 1) +v means that next syllable must definitely start with a vocal.
37 | * 2) +c means that next syllable must definitely start with a consonant.
38 | * 3) -v means that this syllable can only be added to another syllable, that ends with a vocal.
39 | * 4) -c means that this syllable can only be added to another syllable, that ends with a consonant.
40 | * So, our example: "aad +v -c" means that "aad" can only be after consonant and next syllable must start with vocal.
41 | * Beware of creating logical mistakes, like providing only syllables ending with consonants, but expecting only vocals, which will be detected
42 | * and RuntimeException will be thrown.
43 | *
44 | * TO START:
45 | * Create a new NameGenerator object, provide the syllable file, and create names using compose() method.
46 | *
47 | * @author Joonas Vali, August 2009.
48 | *
49 | */
50 | public class NameGenerator {
51 | ArrayList<String> pre = new ArrayList<String>();
52 | ArrayList<String> mid = new ArrayList<String>();
53 | ArrayList<String> sur = new ArrayList<String>();
54 |
55 | final private static char[] vocals = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'ä', 'ö', 'õ', 'ü', 'y'};
56 | final private static char[] consonants = {'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y'};
57 |
58 | private String fileName;
59 |
60 | /**
61 | * Create new random name generator object. refresh() is automatically called.
62 | * @param fileName insert file name, where syllables are located
63 | * @throws IOException
64 | */
65 | public NameGenerator(String fileName) throws IOException{
66 | this.fileName = fileName;
67 | refresh();
68 | }
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * Change the file. refresh() is automatically called during the process.
72 | * @param fileName insert the file name, where syllables are located.
73 | * @throws IOException
74 | */
75 | public void changeFile(String fileName) throws IOException{
76 | if(fileName == null) throw new IOException("File name cannot be null");
77 | this.fileName = fileName;
78 | refresh();
79 | }
80 |
81 | /**
82 | * Refresh names from file. No need to call that method, if you are not changing the file during the operation of program, as this method
83 | * is called every time file name is changed or new NameGenerator object created.
84 | * @throws IOException
85 | */
86 | public void refresh() throws IOException{
87 |
88 | FileReader input = null;
89 | BufferedReader bufRead;
90 | String line;
91 |
92 | input = new FileReader(fileName);
93 |
94 | bufRead = new BufferedReader(input);
95 | line="";
96 |
97 | while(line != null){
98 | line = bufRead.readLine();
99 | if(line != null && !line.equals("")){
100 | if(line.charAt(0) == '-'){
101 | pre.add(line.substring(1).toLowerCase());
102 | }
103 | else if(line.charAt(0) == '+'){
104 | sur.add(line.substring(1).toLowerCase());
105 | }
106 | else{
107 | mid.add(line.toLowerCase());
108 | }
109 | }
110 | }
111 | bufRead.close();
112 | }
113 |
114 | private String upper(String s){
115 | return s.substring(0,1).toUpperCase().concat(s.substring(1));
116 | }
117 |
118 | private boolean containsConsFirst(ArrayList<String> array){
119 | for(String s: array){
120 | if(consonantFirst(s)) return true;
121 | }
122 | return false;
123 | }
124 |
125 | private boolean containsVocFirst(ArrayList<String> array){
126 | for(String s: array){
127 | if(vocalFirst(s)) return true;
128 | }
129 | return false;
130 | }
131 |
132 | private boolean allowCons(ArrayList<String> array){
133 | for(String s: array){
134 | if(hatesPreviousVocals(s) || hatesPreviousConsonants(s) == false) return true;
135 | }
136 | return false;
137 | }
138 |
139 | private boolean allowVocs(ArrayList<String> array){
140 | for(String s: array){
141 | if(hatesPreviousConsonants(s) || hatesPreviousVocals(s) == false) return true;
142 | }
143 | return false;
144 | }
145 |
146 | private boolean expectsVocal(String s){
147 | if(s.substring(1).contains("+v")) return true;
148 | else return false;
149 | }
150 | private boolean expectsConsonant(String s){
151 | if(s.substring(1).contains("+c")) return true;
152 | else return false;
153 | }
154 | private boolean hatesPreviousVocals(String s){
155 | if(s.substring(1).contains("-c")) return true;
156 | else return false;
157 | }
158 | private boolean hatesPreviousConsonants(String s){
159 | if(s.substring(1).contains("-v")) return true;
160 | else return false;
161 | }
162 |
163 | private String pureSyl(String s){
164 | s = s.trim();
165 | if(s.charAt(0) == '+' || s.charAt(0) == '-') s = s.substring(1);
166 | return s.split(" ")[0];
167 | }
168 |
169 | private boolean vocalFirst(String s){
170 | return (String.copyValueOf(vocals).contains(String.valueOf(s.charAt(0)).toLowerCase()));
171 | }
172 |
173 | private boolean consonantFirst(String s){
174 | return (String.copyValueOf(consonants).contains(String.valueOf(s.charAt(0)).toLowerCase()));
175 | }
176 |
177 | private boolean vocalLast(String s){
178 | return (String.copyValueOf(vocals).contains(String.valueOf(s.charAt(s.length()-1)).toLowerCase()));
179 | }
180 |
181 | private boolean consonantLast(String s){
182 | return (String.copyValueOf(consonants).contains(String.valueOf(s.charAt(s.length()-1)).toLowerCase()));
183 | }
184 |
185 |
186 | /**
187 | * Compose a new name.
188 | * @param syls The number of syllables used in name.
189 | * @return Returns composed name as a String
190 | * @throws RuntimeException when logical mistakes are detected inside chosen file, and program is unable to complete the name.
191 | */
192 | public String compose(int syls){
193 | if(syls > 2 && mid.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("You are trying to create a name with more than 3 parts, which requires middle parts, " +
194 | "which you have none in the file "+fileName+". You should add some. Every word, which doesn't have + or - for a prefix is counted as a middle part.");
195 | if(pre.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("You have no prefixes to start creating a name. add some and use \"-\" prefix, to identify it as a prefix for a name. (example: -asd)");
196 | if(sur.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("You have no suffixes to end a name. add some and use \"+\" prefix, to identify it as a suffix for a name. (example: +asd)");
197 | if(syls < 1) throw new RuntimeException("compose(int syls) can't have less than 1 syllable");
198 | int expecting = 0; // 1 for vocal, 2 for consonant
199 | int last = 0; // 1 for vocal, 2 for consonant
200 | String name;
201 | int a = (int)(Math.random() * pre.size());
202 |
203 | if(vocalLast(pureSyl(pre.get(a)))) last = 1;
204 | else last = 2;
205 |
206 | if(syls > 2){
207 | if(expectsVocal(pre.get(a))){
208 | expecting = 1;
209 | if(containsVocFirst(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part starting with vocal, " +
210 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
211 | }
212 | if(expectsConsonant(pre.get(a))){
213 | expecting = 2;
214 | if(containsConsFirst(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part starting with consonant, " +
215 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
216 | }
217 | }
218 | else{
219 | if(expectsVocal(pre.get(a))){
220 | expecting = 1;
221 | if(containsVocFirst(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part starting with vocal, " +
222 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
223 | }
224 | if(expectsConsonant(pre.get(a))){
225 | expecting = 2;
226 | if(containsConsFirst(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part starting with consonant, " +
227 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
228 | }
229 | }
230 | if(vocalLast(pureSyl(pre.get(a))) && allowVocs(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part that allows last character of prefix to be a vocal, " +
231 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the prefix used, was : \""+pre.get(a)+"\", which" +
232 | "means there should be a part available, that has \"-v\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
233 |
234 | if(consonantLast(pureSyl(pre.get(a))) && allowCons(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part that allows last character of prefix to be a consonant, " +
235 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the prefix used, was : \""+pre.get(a)+"\", which" +
236 | "means there should be a part available, that has \"-c\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
237 |
238 | int b[] = new int[syls];
239 | for(int i = 0; i<b.length-2; i++){
240 |
241 | do{
242 | b[i] = (int)(Math.random() * mid.size());
243 | //System.out.println("exp " +expecting+" vocalF:"+vocalFirst(mid.get(b[i]))+" syl: "+mid.get(b[i]));
244 | }
245 | while(expecting == 1 && vocalFirst(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) == false || expecting == 2 && consonantFirst(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) == false
246 | || last == 1 && hatesPreviousVocals(mid.get(b[i])) || last == 2 && hatesPreviousConsonants(mid.get(b[i])));
247 |
248 | expecting = 0;
249 | if(expectsVocal(mid.get(b[i]))){
250 | expecting = 1;
251 | if(i < b.length-3 && containsVocFirst(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part starting with vocal, " +
252 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
253 | if(i == b.length-3 && containsVocFirst(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part starting with vocal, " +
254 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
255 | }
256 | if(expectsConsonant(mid.get(b[i]))){
257 | expecting = 2;
258 | if(i < b.length-3 && containsConsFirst(mid) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part starting with consonant, " +
259 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
260 | if(i == b.length-3 && containsConsFirst(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part starting with consonant, " +
261 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirement for one.. ");
262 | }
263 | if(vocalLast(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) && allowVocs(mid) == false && syls > 3) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part that allows last character of last syllable to be a vocal, " +
264 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the part used, was : \""+mid.get(b[i])+"\", which " +
265 | "means there should be a part available, that has \"-v\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
266 |
267 | if(consonantLast(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) && allowCons(mid) == false && syls > 3) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"middle\" part that allows last character of last syllable to be a consonant, " +
268 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the part used, was : \""+mid.get(b[i])+"\", which " +
269 | "means there should be a part available, that has \"-c\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
270 | if(i == b.length-3){
271 | if(vocalLast(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) && allowVocs(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part that allows last character of last syllable to be a vocal, " +
272 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the part used, was : \""+mid.get(b[i])+"\", which " +
273 | "means there should be a suffix available, that has \"-v\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
274 |
275 | if(consonantLast(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]))) && allowCons(sur) == false) throw new RuntimeException("Expecting \"suffix\" part that allows last character of last syllable to be a consonant, " +
276 | "but there is none. You should add one, or remove requirements that cannot be fulfilled.. the part used, was : \""+mid.get(b[i])+"\", which " +
277 | "means there should be a suffix available, that has \"-c\" requirement or no requirements for previous syllables at all.");
278 | }
279 | if(vocalLast(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i])))) last = 1;
280 | else last = 2;
281 | }
282 |
283 | int c;
284 | do{
285 | c = (int)(Math.random() * sur.size());
286 | }
287 | while(expecting == 1 && vocalFirst(pureSyl(sur.get(c))) == false || expecting == 2 && consonantFirst(pureSyl(sur.get(c))) == false
288 | || last == 1 && hatesPreviousVocals(sur.get(c)) || last == 2 && hatesPreviousConsonants(sur.get(c)));
289 |
290 | name = upper(pureSyl(pre.get(a).toLowerCase()));
291 | for(int i = 0; i<b.length-2; i++){
292 | name = name.concat(pureSyl(mid.get(b[i]).toLowerCase()));
293 | }
294 | if(syls > 1)
295 | name = name.concat(pureSyl(sur.get(c).toLowerCase()));
296 | return name;
297 | }
298 | }