1 | 1 ${plugin.description}
2 | 2 <different>
3 | 3 Accuracy
4 | 4 Aerial Photography
5 | 5 Algorithm:
6 | 6 Change GPG and privacy settings of the trustosm plugin.
7 | 7 Check
8 | 8 Check all available signatures for selected object.
9 | 9 Choose Bitlength (Strength):
10 | 10 Choose an expiry date for the key:
11 | 11 Click to minimize/maximize the panel content
12 | 12 Could not parse OpenPGP message.
13 | 13 Create a new signing key
14 | 14 Create new Key
15 | 15 Creation date:
16 | 16 Details
17 | 17 Dialog
18 | 18 Digital sign selected Tags, if you believe they are correct.
19 | 19 Don''t ask again for the key
20 | 20 Download OSM
21 | 21 Download referenced osm objects...
22 | 22 Download signed data
23 | 23 Encryption algorithm to protect private key:
24 | 24 Error
25 | 25 Error while exporting {0}:\n{1}
26 | 26 Expiration date:
27 | 27 Export all signatures to XML file.
28 | 28 Export sigs to XML...
29 | 29 Export sigs...
30 | 30 File ''{0}'' does not exist.
31 | 31 Fingerprint:
32 | 32 GPG
33 | 33 Generating new Keypair.\nCollecting randomness...
34 | 34 Get all referenced but not actually present OSM objects from OSM server.
35 | 35 GnuPG
36 | 36 Key
37 | 37 Key-ID:
38 | 38 KeyID
39 | 39 Line {0} column {1}:
40 | 40 Load objects from server
41 | 41 Manipulation Warning
42 | 42 Missing mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of XML element {1}.
43 | 43 Missing mandatory attribute ''{0}''.
44 | 44 No Signature found
45 | 45 OSM Signature Files
46 | 46 OSM-Info
47 | 47 Object signatures
48 | 48 Ok
49 | 49 Only digits allowed in osmid: ''{0}''.
50 | 50 Open object signing window.
51 | 51 PGP-Key details
52 | 52 Parsing Signature data...
53 | 53 Please give a tolerance in meters
54 | 54 Plugin to digital sign OSM-Data
55 | 55 Prepare stuff...
56 | 56 Primary user-ID:
57 | 57 Save Signatures file
58 | 58 Select a Key to sign
59 | 59 Select a signing key from your keyring-file:
60 | 60 Select algorithm:
61 | 61 Select as much as you like:
62 | 62 Selected WaySegment was:
63 | 63 Selected key value pair was:\n{0}={1}
64 | 64 Selected node was:\n{0}
65 | 65 Show
66 | 66 Show all available signatures for selected attribute.
67 | 67 Show deleted tags and notes if they were signed before
68 | 68 Sign
69 | 69 Signature Files
70 | 70 Signature Info
71 | 71 Signed
72 | 72 Signed key value pair was: {0}={1}
73 | 73 Signing canceled!
74 | 74 Sorry, there are no Signatures for the selected Attribute.
75 | 75 Sorry, there are no Signatures for the selected Node.
76 | 76 Sorry, there are no Signatures for the selected Segment.
77 | 77 Strength in bit:
78 | 78 Survey
79 | 79 The Signature is broken!
80 | 80 The object with the ID "{0}" ({1}) is newly created.\nYou can not sign it, because the signature would lose the ID-Reference after uploading it to the OSM-server.
81 | 81 Toggle: {0}
82 | 82 Trust OSM Settings
83 | 83 Trusted persons told me
84 | 84 UID
85 | 85 Unknown
86 | 86 Use a random key from this list
87 | 87 Use default (and maybe existing) GnuPG directory ({0}) to store new keys and configs.
88 | 88 Use separate GnuPG configuration directory?
89 | 89 Use separate GnuPG directory ({0}) to store new keys and configs.
90 | 90 User-ID:
91 | 91 Value
92 | 92 Warning: Ignoring exception because task was canceled. Exception: {0}
93 | 93 Web Recherche
94 | 94 Which source did you use?
95 | 95 meters
96 | 96 never
97 | 97 unknown
98 | 98 {0} Signatures found.
99 | 99 {0} Signatures loaded. All referenced OSM objects found.
100 | 100 {0} of {1} OSM objects are referenced but not there.\nDo you want to load them from OSM-Server?
101 | m 1 Downloading {0} incomplete child of relation ''{1}''
102 | m 1 Downloading {0} incomplete children of relation ''{1}''