[26174] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[24389] | 2 | <project name="trustosm" default="dist" basedir=".">
[30750] | 3 |
[26174] | 4 | <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
[35762] | 5 | <property name="commit.message" value="trustosm: recompile for compatibility with JOSM r17896" />
[26174] | 6 | <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
[35762] | 7 | <property name="plugin.main.version" value="17896"/>
[30750] | 8 | <property name="plugin.author" value="Christoph Wagner" />
| 9 | <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.trustosm.TrustOSMplugin" />
| 10 | <property name="plugin.description" value="Plugin to digital sign OSM-Data" />
| 11 | <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/trustosm.png" />
| 12 | <property name="plugin.link" value=""/>
| 13 | <property name="plugin.requires" value="plastic_laf"/>
| 14 |
| 15 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
| 16 | <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist" />
| 17 |
| 18 | <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
| 19 | <import file="../build-common.xml" />
| 20 |
| 21 | <fileset id="plugin.requires.jars" dir="${plugin.dist.dir}">
| 22 | <include name="plastic_laf.jar"/>
| 23 | </fileset>
[26174] | 24 | <!-- create a property containing all .jar files, prefix lib/, and seperated with a space -->
| 25 | <pathconvert property="libs.project" pathsep=" ">
| 26 | <mapper>
| 27 | <chainedmapper>
| 28 | <!-- remove absolute path -->
| 29 | <flattenmapper/>
| 30 | <!-- add lib/ prefix -->
| 31 | <globmapper from="*" to="${ant.project.name}/lib/*"/>
| 32 | </chainedmapper>
| 33 | </mapper>
| 34 | <path>
| 35 | <!-- plugin.lib.dir contains all jar files -->
| 36 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}">
| 37 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
[30829] | 38 | <exclude name="**/*-sources.jar"/>
| 39 | <exclude name="**/*-javadoc.jar"/>
[26174] | 40 | </fileset>
| 41 | </path>
| 42 | </pathconvert>
[30750] | 43 | <!-- additional entry in manifest -->
| 44 | <target name="additional-manifest">
| 45 | <manifest file="MANIFEST" mode="update">
| 46 | <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${libs.project}"/>
| 47 | </manifest>
| 48 | </target>
[26174] | 49 | <!--
[24389] | 50 | **********************************************************
[30750] | 51 | ** setup-dist - copies files for distribution
[24389] | 52 | **********************************************************
| 53 | -->
[30750] | 54 | <target name="setup-dist">
| 55 | <antcall target="setup-dist-default" />
[26174] | 56 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/lib">
| 57 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}"/>
| 58 | </copy>
| 59 | </target>
[24389] | 60 | <!--
| 61 | **********************************************************
[30750] | 62 | ** dist - creates the plugin jar
[24389] | 63 | **********************************************************
| 64 | -->
[30750] | 65 | <target name="dist" depends="compile,revision">
| 66 | <echo message="creating ${ant.project.name}.jar ... "/>
| 67 | <antcall target="setup-dist" />
| 68 | <delete file="MANIFEST" failonerror="no"/>
| 69 | <manifest file="MANIFEST" mode="update">
| 70 | <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
| 71 | <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
| 72 | <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="${plugin.class}" />
| 73 | <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="${plugin.description}" />
| 74 | <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${version.entry.commit.date}" />
| 75 | <attribute name="Author" value="${plugin.author}"/>
| 76 | </manifest>
| 77 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
| 78 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Link"/>
| 79 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.link"/>
| 80 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.link}"/>
| 81 | </antcall>
| 82 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
| 83 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Icon"/>
| 84 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.icon"/>
| 85 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.icon}"/>
| 86 | </antcall>
| 87 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
| 88 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Early"/>
| 89 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.early"/>
| 90 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.early}"/>
| 91 | </antcall>
| 92 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
| 93 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Requires"/>
| 94 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.requires"/>
| 95 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.requires}"/>
| 96 | </antcall>
| 97 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
| 98 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Stage"/>
| 99 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.stage"/>
| 100 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.stage}"/>
| 101 | </antcall>
| 102 | <antcall target="additional-manifest" />
[31768] | 103 | <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${plugin.build.dir}" manifest="MANIFEST" manifestencoding="UTF-8"/>
[30750] | 104 | <delete file="MANIFEST" failonerror="no"/>
| 105 | <antcall target="post-dist" />
[24389] | 106 | </target>
[31897] | 107 | </project>