1 | /* Copyright 2014 Malcolm Herring
2 | *
3 | * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 | * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
6 | *
7 | * For a copy of the GNU General Public License, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
8 | */
9 |
10 | package symbols;
11 |
12 | import java.awt.BasicStroke;
13 | import java.awt.Color;
14 | import java.awt.Font;
15 | import java.awt.Graphics2D;
16 | import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
17 | import java.awt.geom.*;
18 | import java.util.ArrayList;
19 |
20 | import s57.S57val.ColPAT;
21 |
22 | public class Symbols {
23 |
24 | public enum Form {
25 | BBOX, STRK, COLR, FILL, LINE, RECT, RRCT, ELPS, EARC, PLIN, PGON, RSHP, TEXT, SYMB, P1, P2, H2, H3, H4, H5, V2, V3, D2, D3, D4, B1, S2, S3, S4, C2, X2
26 | }
27 |
28 | public enum Patt {
29 | Z, H, V, D, B, S, C, X
30 | }
31 |
32 | public enum Handle {
33 | CC, TL, TR, TC, LC, RC, BL, BR, BC
34 | }
35 |
36 | public static class Instr {
37 | public Form type;
38 | public Object params;
39 |
40 | public Instr(Form itype, Object iparams) {
41 | type = itype;
42 | params = iparams;
43 | }
44 | }
45 |
46 | public static class Delta {
47 | public Handle h;
48 | public AffineTransform t;
49 |
50 | public Delta(Handle ih, AffineTransform it) {
51 | h = ih;
52 | t = it;
53 | }
54 | public Delta(Handle ih) {
55 | h = ih;
56 | t = new AffineTransform();
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | public static class Scheme {
61 | public ArrayList<Patt> pat;
62 | public ArrayList<Color> col;
63 |
64 | public Scheme(ArrayList<Patt> ipat, ArrayList<Color> icol) {
65 | pat = ipat;
66 | col = icol;
67 | }
68 | public Scheme(Color icol) {
69 | pat = new ArrayList<Patt>();
70 | col = new ArrayList<Color>();
71 | col.add(icol);
72 | }
73 | public Scheme() {
74 | pat = new ArrayList<Patt>();
75 | col = new ArrayList<Color>();
76 | }
77 | }
78 |
79 | public static class Caption {
80 | public String string;
81 | public Font font;
82 | public Color colour;
83 | public Delta dd;
84 |
85 | public Caption(String istr, Font ifont, Color icolour, Delta idd) {
86 | string = istr;
87 | font = ifont;
88 | colour = icolour;
89 | dd = idd;
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | public static class LineStyle {
94 | public Color line;
95 | public float width;
96 | public float[] dash;
97 | public Color fill;
98 |
99 | public LineStyle(Color iline, float iwidth) {
100 | line = iline;
101 | width = iwidth;
102 | dash = null;
103 | fill = null;
104 | }
105 | public LineStyle(Color iline, float iwidth, float[] idash) {
106 | line = iline;
107 | width = iwidth;
108 | dash = idash;
109 | fill = null;
110 | }
111 | public LineStyle(Color iline, float iwidth, Color ifill) {
112 | line = iline;
113 | width = iwidth;
114 | dash = null;
115 | fill = ifill;
116 | }
117 | public LineStyle(Color iline, float iwidth, float[] idash, Color ifill) {
118 | line = iline;
119 | width = iwidth;
120 | dash = idash;
121 | fill = ifill;
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | public static class Symbol extends ArrayList<Instr> {
126 |
127 | public Symbol() {
128 | super();
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 | public static class SubSymbol {
133 | public Symbol instr;
134 | public double scale;
135 | public double x;
136 | public double y;
137 | public Delta delta;
138 | public Scheme scheme;
139 |
140 | public SubSymbol(Symbol iinstr, double iscale, double ix, double iy, Scheme ischeme, Delta idelta) {
141 | instr = iinstr;
142 | scale = iscale;
143 | x = ix;
144 | y = iy;
145 | delta = idelta;
146 | scheme = ischeme;
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 | public static void drawSymbol(Graphics2D g2, Symbol symbol, double scale, double x, double y, Scheme cs, Delta dd) {
151 | int pn = 0;
152 | int cn = 0;
153 | Patt bpat = Patt.Z;
154 | Color bcol = null;
155 | g2.setPaint(Color.black);
156 | if (cs != null) {
157 | if ((cs.pat.size() > 0) && (cs.col.size() > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.B)) {
158 | bpat = (cs.pat.remove(0));
159 | bcol = (cs.col.remove(0));
160 | }
161 | pn = cs.pat.size();
162 | cn = cs.col.size() - ((pn != 0) ? pn - 1 : 0);
163 | if ((pn == 0) && (cs.col.size() == 1)) {
164 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(0));
165 | }
166 | }
167 | AffineTransform savetr = g2.getTransform();
168 | g2.translate(x, y);
169 | g2.scale(scale, scale);
170 | if (symbol != null) {
171 | for (Instr item : symbol) {
172 | switch (item.type) {
173 | case BBOX:
174 | Rectangle2D.Double bbox = (Rectangle2D.Double) item.params;
175 | double dx = 0.0;
176 | double dy = 0.0;
177 | if (dd != null) {
178 | g2.transform(dd.t);
179 | switch (dd.h) {
180 | case CC:
181 | dx -= bbox.x + (bbox.width / 2.0);
182 | dy -= bbox.y + (bbox.height / 2.0);
183 | break;
184 | case TL:
185 | dx -= bbox.x;
186 | dy -= bbox.y;
187 | break;
188 | case TR:
189 | dx -= bbox.x + bbox.width;
190 | dy -= bbox.y;
191 | break;
192 | case TC:
193 | dx -= bbox.x + (bbox.width / 2.0);
194 | dy -= bbox.y;
195 | break;
196 | case LC:
197 | dx -= bbox.x;
198 | dy -= bbox.y + (bbox.height / 2.0);
199 | break;
200 | case RC:
201 | dx -= bbox.x + bbox.width;
202 | dy -= bbox.y + (bbox.height / 2.0);
203 | break;
204 | case BL:
205 | dx -= bbox.x;
206 | dy -= bbox.y + bbox.height;
207 | break;
208 | case BR:
209 | dx -= bbox.x + bbox.width;
210 | dy -= bbox.y + bbox.height;
211 | break;
212 | case BC:
213 | dx -= bbox.x + (bbox.width / 2.0);
214 | dy -= bbox.y + bbox.height;
215 | break;
216 | }
217 | g2.translate(dx, dy);
218 | }
219 | break;
220 | case COLR:
221 | if ((cs != null) && (cs.col != null)) {
222 | for (Instr patch : (Symbol) item.params) {
223 | switch (patch.type) {
224 | case P1:
225 | if (cn > 0) {
226 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(0));
227 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
228 | }
229 | break;
230 | case P2:
231 | if (cn > 0) {
232 | if (cn > 1) {
233 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(1));
234 | } else {
235 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(0));
236 | }
237 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
238 | }
239 | break;
240 | case H2:
241 | if ((cn > 1) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.H)) {
242 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(cs.col.size() - pn));
243 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
244 | }
245 | break;
246 | case H3:
247 | if ((cn == 3) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.H)) {
248 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(1));
249 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
250 | }
251 | break;
252 | case H4:
253 | if ((cn == 4) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.H)) {
254 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(1));
255 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
256 | }
257 | break;
258 | case H5:
259 | if ((cn == 4) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.H)) {
260 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(2));
261 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
262 | }
263 | break;
264 | case V2:
265 | if ((cn > 1) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.V)) {
266 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(cs.col.size() - pn));
267 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
268 | }
269 | break;
270 | case V3:
271 | if ((cn == 3) && (pn > 0) && (cs.pat.get(0) == Patt.V)) {
272 | g2.setPaint(cs.col.get(1));
273 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
274 | }
275 | break;
276 | case B1:
277 | if (bpat == Patt.B) {
278 | g2.setPaint(bcol);
279 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) patch.params);
280 | }
281 | break;
282 | default:
283 | break;
284 | }
285 | }
286 | }
287 | break;
288 | case STRK:
289 | g2.setStroke((BasicStroke) item.params);
290 | break;
291 | case FILL:
292 | g2.setPaint((Color) item.params);
293 | break;
294 | case LINE:
295 | g2.draw((Line2D.Double) item.params);
296 | break;
297 | case RECT:
298 | g2.draw((Rectangle2D.Double) item.params);
299 | break;
300 | case RRCT:
301 | g2.draw((RoundRectangle2D.Double) item.params);
302 | break;
303 | case ELPS:
304 | g2.draw((Ellipse2D.Double) item.params);
305 | break;
306 | case EARC:
307 | g2.draw((Arc2D.Double) item.params);
308 | break;
309 | case PLIN:
310 | g2.draw((Path2D.Double) item.params);
311 | break;
312 | case PGON:
313 | g2.fill((Path2D.Double) item.params);
314 | break;
315 | case RSHP:
316 | g2.fill((RectangularShape) item.params);
317 | break;
318 | case SYMB:
319 | SubSymbol s = (SubSymbol) item.params;
320 | drawSymbol(g2, s.instr, s.scale, s.x, s.y, (s.scheme != null ? s.scheme : cs), s.delta);
321 | break;
322 | case TEXT:
323 | Caption c = (Caption) item.params;
324 | g2.setPaint(c.colour);
325 | TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(c.string, c.font, g2.getFontRenderContext());
326 | Rectangle2D bb = layout.getBounds();
327 | dx = 0;
328 | dy = 0;
329 | if (c.dd != null) {
330 | if (c.dd.t != null) g2.transform(c.dd.t);
331 | switch (c.dd.h) {
332 | case CC:
333 | dx -= bb.getX() + (bb.getWidth() / 2.0);
334 | dy -= bb.getY() + (bb.getHeight() / 2.0);
335 | break;
336 | case TL:
337 | dx -= bb.getX();
338 | dy -= bb.getY();
339 | break;
340 | case TR:
341 | dx -= bb.getX() + bb.getWidth();
342 | dy -= bb.getY();
343 | break;
344 | case TC:
345 | dx -= bb.getX() + (bb.getWidth() / 2.0);
346 | dy -= bb.getY();
347 | break;
348 | case LC:
349 | dx -= bb.getX();
350 | dy -= bb.getY() + (bb.getHeight() / 2.0);
351 | break;
352 | case RC:
353 | dx -= bb.getX() + bb.getWidth();
354 | dy -= bb.getY() + (bb.getHeight() / 2.0);
355 | break;
356 | case BL:
357 | dx -= bb.getX();
358 | dy -= bb.getY() + bb.getHeight();
359 | break;
360 | case BR:
361 | dx -= bb.getX() + bb.getWidth();
362 | dy -= bb.getY() + bb.getHeight();
363 | break;
364 | case BC:
365 | dx -= bb.getX() + (bb.getWidth() / 2.0);
366 | dy -= bb.getY() + bb.getHeight();
367 | break;
368 | }
369 | }
370 | layout.draw(g2, (float)dx, (float)dy);
371 | break;
372 | default:
373 | break;
374 | }
375 | }
376 | }
377 | g2.setTransform(savetr);
378 | }
379 | }