1 | /* Copyright 2014 Malcolm Herring
2 | *
3 | * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 | * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
6 | *
7 | * For a copy of the GNU General Public License, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
8 | */
9 |
10 | package render;
11 |
12 | import java.awt.Color;
13 | import java.awt.Font;
14 | import java.awt.geom.*;
15 | import java.util.ArrayList;
16 |
17 | import s57.S57att.*;
18 | import s57.S57obj.*;
19 | import s57.S57val.*;
20 | import s57.S57map.*;
21 | import symbols.Beacons;
22 | import symbols.Topmarks;
23 | import symbols.Symbols.*;
24 |
25 | public class Signals {
26 |
27 | public static void addSignals(Feature feature) {
28 | if (feature.objs.containsKey(Obj.FOGSIG)) fogSignals(feature);
29 | if (feature.objs.containsKey(Obj.RTPBCN)) radarStations(feature);
30 | if (feature.objs.containsKey(Obj.RADSTA)) radarStations(feature);
31 | if (feature.objs.containsKey(Obj.RDOSTA)) radioStations(feature);
32 | if (feature.objs.containsKey(Obj.LIGHTS)) lights(feature);
33 | }
34 |
35 | public static void fogSignals(Feature feature) {
36 |
37 | }
38 |
39 | public static void radarStations(Feature feature) {
40 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Beacons.RadarStation);
41 | String bstr = "";
42 | CatRTB cat = (CatRTB) Rules.getAttVal(feature, Obj.RTPBCN, 0, Att.CATRTB);
43 | switch (cat) {
44 | case RTB_RAMK:
45 | bstr += " Ramark";
46 | break;
47 | case RTB_RACN:
48 | bstr += " Racon";
49 | String astr = (String) Rules.getAttVal(feature, Obj.RTPBCN, 0, Att.SIGGRP);
50 | if (!astr.isEmpty()) {
51 | bstr += "(" + astr + ")";
52 | }
53 | Double per = (Double) Rules.getAttVal(feature, Obj.RTPBCN, 0, Att.SIGPER);
54 | Double mxr = (Double) Rules.getAttVal(feature, Obj.RTPBCN, 0, Att.VALMXR);
55 | if ((per != 0) || (mxr != 0)) {
56 | bstr += (astr.isEmpty() ? " " : "");
57 | bstr += (per != 0) ? per.toString() + "s" : "";
58 | bstr += (mxr != 0) ? mxr.toString() + "M" : "";
59 | }
60 | break;
61 | default:
62 | break;
63 | }
64 | if ((Renderer.zoom >= 15) && !bstr.isEmpty()) {
65 | Renderer.labelText(feature, bstr, new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 40),Color.black, new Delta(Handle.BR, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-30, -30)));
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | public static void radioStations(Feature feature) {
70 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Beacons.RadarStation);
71 | ArrayList<CatROS> cats = (ArrayList<CatROS>)Rules.getAttVal(feature, Obj.RDOSTA, 0, Att.CATROS);
72 | boolean vais = false;
73 | String bstr = "";
74 | for (CatROS ros : cats) {
75 | switch (ros) {
76 | case ROS_OMNI:
77 | bstr += " RC";
78 | break;
79 | case ROS_DIRL:
80 | bstr += " RD";
81 | break;
82 | case ROS_ROTP:
83 | bstr += " RW";
84 | break;
85 | case ROS_CNSL:
86 | bstr += " Consol";
87 | break;
88 | case ROS_RDF:
89 | bstr += " RG";
90 | break;
91 | case ROS_QTA:
92 | bstr += " R";
93 | break;
94 | case ROS_AERO:
95 | bstr += " AeroRC";
96 | break;
97 | case ROS_DECA:
98 | bstr += " Decca";
99 | break;
100 | case ROS_LORN:
101 | bstr += " Loran";
102 | break;
103 | case ROS_DGPS:
104 | bstr += " DGPS";
105 | break;
106 | case ROS_TORN:
107 | bstr += " Toran";
108 | break;
109 | case ROS_OMGA:
110 | bstr += " Omega";
111 | break;
112 | case ROS_SYLD:
113 | bstr += " Syledis";
114 | break;
115 | case ROS_CHKA:
116 | bstr += " Chiaka";
117 | break;
118 | case ROS_PCOM:
119 | case ROS_COMB:
120 | case ROS_FACS:
121 | case ROS_TIME:
122 | break;
123 | case ROS_PAIS:
124 | case ROS_SAIS:
125 | bstr += " AIS";
126 | break;
127 | case ROS_VAIS:
128 | vais = true;
129 | break;
130 | case ROS_VANC:
131 | vais = true;
132 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopNorth, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
133 | break;
134 | case ROS_VASC:
135 | vais = true;
136 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopSouth, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
137 | break;
138 | case ROS_VAEC:
139 | vais = true;
140 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopEast, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
141 | break;
142 | case ROS_VAWC:
143 | vais = true;
144 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopWest, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
145 | break;
146 | case ROS_VAPL:
147 | vais = true;
148 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopCan, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
149 | break;
150 | case ROS_VASL:
151 | vais = true;
152 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopCone, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
153 | break;
154 | case ROS_VAID:
155 | vais = true;
156 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopIsol, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
157 | break;
158 | case ROS_VASW:
159 | vais = true;
160 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopSphere, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
161 | break;
162 | case ROS_VASP:
163 | vais = true;
164 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopX, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
165 | break;
166 | case ROS_VAWK:
167 | vais = true;
168 | Renderer.symbol(feature, Topmarks.TopCross, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, -25)));
169 | break;
170 | default:
171 | break;
172 | }
173 | }
174 | if (Renderer.zoom >= 15) {
175 | if (vais) {
176 | Renderer.labelText(feature, "V-AIS", new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 40), Color.black, new Delta(Handle.BC, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 70)));
177 | }
178 | if (!bstr.isEmpty()) {
179 | Renderer.labelText(feature, bstr, new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 40), Color.black, new Delta(Handle.BR, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-30, -70)));
180 | }
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | public static void lights(Feature feature) {
185 |
186 | }
187 |
188 | private static Point2D.Double radial(Snode centre, double radius, double angle) {
189 | Point2D origin = Renderer.context.getPoint(centre);
190 | double mile = Renderer.context.getPoint(Renderer.map.new Snode((centre.lat + Math.toRadians(1/60)), centre.lon)).getY() - origin.getY();
191 | return new Point2D.Double(origin.getX() - (radius * mile * Math.sin(angle)), origin.getY() - (radius * mile * Math.cos(angle)));
192 | }
193 | /*
194 | void renderFlare(Item_t *item) {
195 | char *col = light_colours[COL_MAG];
196 | Obj_t *obj = getObj(item, LIGHTS, 0);
197 | Att_t *att;
198 | if (((att = getAtt(obj, COLOUR)) != NULL) && (att->val.val.l->next == NULL)) {
199 | col = light_colours[att->val.val.l->val];
200 | }
201 | renderSymbol(item, LIGHTS, "light", "", col, CC, 0, 0, 120);
202 | }
203 |
204 | void renderSector(Item_t *item, int s, char *text, char *style, double offset, int dy) {
205 | Obj_t *sector;
206 | double start, end;
207 | Att_t *att;
208 | XY_t p0, p1;
209 | double r0, r1;
210 | double b0, b1, span;
211 | char *col;
212 | XY_t pos = findCentroid(item);
213 | if ((sector = getObj(item, LIGHTS, s)) != NULL) {
214 | strcpy(string1, (att = getAtt(sector, LITRAD)) != NULL ? att->val.val.a : "0.2");
215 | if (((att = getAtt(sector, CATLIT)) != NULL) && (testAtt(att, LIT_DIR)) && ((att = getAtt(sector, ORIENT)) != NULL)) {
216 | b0 = fmod(540.0 - att->val.val.f, 360.0);
217 | if ((att = getAtt(sector, COLOUR)) != NULL) {
218 | col = light_colours[att->val.val.l->val];
219 | r0 = atof(string1);
220 | p0 = radial(pos, r0, b0);
221 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g L %g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#808080;stroke-width:%g;stroke-dasharray:%g\"/>\n",
222 | pos.x, pos.y, p0.x, p0.y, (4 * symbolScale[zoom]), (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
223 | start = fmod(b0 + 2.0, 360.0);
224 | end = fmod(360.0 + b0 - 2.0, 360.0);
225 | Obj_t *adj;
226 | for (int i = s-1; i <= s+1; i++) {
227 | if (i == s) continue;
228 | if ((adj = getObj(item, LIGHTS, i)) == NULL) continue;
229 | Att_t *att;
230 | if (((att = getAtt(adj, CATLIT)) != NULL) && (testAtt(att, LIT_DIR)) && ((att = getAtt(adj, ORIENT)) != NULL)) {
231 | b1 = fmod(540.0 - att->val.val.f, 360.0);
232 | if (fabs(b0 - b1) > 180.0) {
233 | if (b0 < b1) b0 += 360.0;
234 | else b1 += 360.0;
235 | }
236 | if (fabs(b0 - b1) < 4.0) {
237 | if (b1 > b0) start = fmod((720.0 + b0 + b1) / 2.0, 360.0);
238 | else end = fmod((720.0 + b0 + b1) / 2.0, 360.0);
239 | }
240 | }
241 | }
242 | p0 = radial(pos, r0, start);
243 | p1 = radial(pos, r0, end);
244 | printf("<path id=\"%d\" d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,0,1,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g\"/>\n",
245 | ++ref, p0.x, p0.y, r0*mile, r0*mile, p1.x, p1.y, col, (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
246 | if (att->val.val.l->next != NULL) {
247 | char *col = light_colours[att->val.val.l->next->val];
248 | r1 = r0 - (20 * symbolScale[zoom]/mile);
249 | p0 = radial(pos, r1, start);
250 | p1 = radial(pos, r1, end);
251 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,0,1,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g\"/>\n",
252 | p0.x, p0.y, r1*mile, r1*mile, p1.x, p1.y, col, (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
253 | }
254 | }
255 | } else if ((att = getAtt(sector, SECTR1)) != NULL) {
256 | start = fmod(540.0 - att->val.val.f, 360.0);
257 | if ((att = getAtt(sector, SECTR2)) != NULL) {
258 | end = fmod(540.0 - att->val.val.f, 360.0);
259 | start += start < end ? 360.0 : 0.0;
260 | if ((att = getAtt(sector, COLOUR)) != NULL) {
261 | char *ttok, *etok;
262 | char *radstr = strdup(string1);
263 | int arc = 0;
264 | col = light_colours[att->val.val.l->val];
265 | r0 = 0.0;
266 | b0 = b1 = start;
267 | for (char *tpl = strtok_r(radstr, ";", &ttok); tpl != NULL; tpl = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &ttok)) {
268 | p0 = radial(pos, r0, b0);
269 | span = 0.0;
270 | char *ele = strtok_r(tpl, ":", &etok);
271 | if ((*tpl == ':') && (r0 == 0.0)) {
272 | r1 = 0.2;
273 | } else if (*tpl != ':') {
274 | r1 = atof(tpl);
275 | ele = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &etok);
276 | }
277 | while (ele != NULL) {
278 | if (isalpha(*ele)) {
279 | if (strcmp(ele, "suppress") == 0) arc = 2;
280 | else if (strcmp(ele, "dashed") == 0) arc = 1;
281 | else arc = 0;
282 | } else {
283 | span = atof(ele);
284 | }
285 | ele = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &etok);
286 | }
287 | if (span == 0.0) {
288 | char *back = (ttok != NULL) ? strstr(ttok, "-") : NULL;
289 | if (back != NULL) {
290 | span = b0 - end + atof(back);
291 | } else {
292 | span = b0 - end;
293 | }
294 | }
295 | if (r1 != r0) {
296 | p1 = radial(pos, r1, b0);
297 | if (!((start == 180.0) && (end == 180.0)))
298 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g L %g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#808080;stroke-width:%g;stroke-dasharray:%g\"/>\n",
299 | p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, (4 * symbolScale[zoom]), (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
300 | r0 = r1;
301 | p0 = p1;
302 | }
303 | if (span < 0.0) {
304 | b1 = end - span;
305 | b1 = b1 > b0 ? b0 : b1;
306 | b0 = b1;
307 | b1 = end;
308 | p0 = radial(pos, r0, b0);
309 | } else {
310 | b1 = b0 - span;
311 | b1 = b1 < end ? end : b1;
312 | }
313 | p1 = radial(pos, r1, b1);
314 | if ((b0 == 180.0) && (b1 == 180.0)) {
315 | span = 360.0;
316 | p1 = radial(pos, r1, b1+0.01);
317 | }
318 | if (arc == 0) {
319 | if (p0.x < p1.x)
320 | printf("<path id=\"%d\" d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,%d,1,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g\"/>\n",
321 | ++ref, p0.x, p0.y, r1*mile, r1*mile, span>180.0, p1.x, p1.y, col, (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
322 | else
323 | printf("<path id=\"%d\" d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,%d,0,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g\"/>\n",
324 | ++ref, p1.x, p1.y, r1*mile, r1*mile, span>180.0, p0.x, p0.y, col, (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
325 | if (text != NULL) {
326 | double chord = sqrt(pow((p0.x - p1.x), 2) + pow((p0.y - p1.y), 2));
327 | if ((chord > (strlen(text) * textScale[zoom] * 50)) || ((b0 == 180.0) && (b1 == 180.0)))
328 | drawLineText(item, text, style, offset, dy, ref);
329 | }
330 | } else if (arc == 1) {
331 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,%d,1,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g;stroke-opacity:0.5;stroke-dasharray:%g\"/>\n",
332 | p0.x, p0.y, r1*mile, r1*mile, span>180.0, p1.x, p1.y, col, (10 * symbolScale[zoom]), (30 * symbolScale[zoom]));
333 | }
334 | if ((arc == 0) && (att->val.val.l->next != NULL)) {
335 | char *col = light_colours[att->val.val.l->next->val];
336 | double r2 = r1 - (20 * symbolScale[zoom]/mile);
337 | XY_t p2 = radial(pos, r2, b0);
338 | XY_t p3 = radial(pos, r2, b1);
339 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g A %g,%g,0,%d,1,%g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:%s;stroke-width:%g\"/>\n",
340 | p2.x, p2.y, r1*mile, r1*mile, span>180.0, p3.x, p3.y, col, (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
341 | }
342 | b0 = b1;
343 | if (b0 == end) break;
344 | }
345 | if (!((start == 180.0) && (end == 180.0)))
346 | printf("<path d=\"M %g,%g L %g,%g\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#808080;stroke-width:%g;stroke-dasharray:%g\"/>\n",
347 | pos.x, pos.y, p1.x, p1.y, (4 * symbolScale[zoom]), (20 * symbolScale[zoom]));
348 | free(radstr);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | }
352 | }
353 | }
354 | char *charString(Item_t *item, char *type, int idx) {
355 | strcpy(string1, "");
356 | Att_t *att = NULL;
357 | Obj_t *obj = getObj(item, enumType(type), idx);
358 | switch (enumType(type)) {
359 | case CGUSTA:
360 | strcpy(string1, "CG");
361 | if ((obj != NULL) && (att = getAtt(obj, COMCHA)) != NULL)
362 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), " Ch.%s", stringValue(att->val));
363 | break;
364 | case FOGSIG:
365 | if (obj != NULL) {
366 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, CATFOG)) != NULL)
367 | strcat(string1, fog_signals[att->val.val.e]);
368 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, SIGGRP)) != NULL)
369 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "(%s)", stringValue(att->val));
370 | else
371 | strcat(string1, " ");
372 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, SIGPER)) != NULL)
373 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%ss ", stringValue(att->val));
374 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, VALMXR)) != NULL)
375 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%sM", stringValue(att->val));
376 | }
377 | break;
378 | case SISTAT:
379 | strcpy(string1, "SS");
380 | if (obj != NULL) {
381 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, CATSIT)) != NULL)
382 | strcat(string1, sit_map[att->val.val.l->val]);
383 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, COMCHA)) != NULL)
384 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "\nCh.%s", stringValue(att->val));
385 | }
386 | break;
387 | case SISTAW:
388 | strcpy(string1, "SS");
389 | if (obj != NULL) {
390 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, CATSIW)) != NULL)
391 | strcat(string1, siw_map[att->val.val.l->val]);
392 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, COMCHA)) != NULL)
393 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "\nCh.%s", stringValue(att->val));
394 | }
395 | break;
396 | case LIGHTS:
397 | {
398 | int secmax = countObjects(item, "light");
399 | if ((idx == 0) && (secmax > 0)) {
400 | struct SECT {
401 | struct SECT *next;
402 | int dir;
403 | LitCHR_t chr;
404 | ColCOL_t col;
405 | ColCOL_t alt;
406 | char *grp;
407 | double per;
408 | double rng;
409 | } *lights = NULL;
410 | for (int i = secmax; i > 0; i--) {
411 | struct SECT *tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct SECT));
412 | tmp->next = lights;
413 | lights = tmp;
414 | obj = getObj(item, LIGHTS, i);
415 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, CATLIT)) != NULL) {
416 | lights->dir = testAtt(att, LIT_DIR);
417 | }
418 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, LITCHR)) != NULL) {
419 | lights->chr = att->val.val.e;
420 | switch (lights->chr) {
421 | case CHR_AL:
422 | lights->chr = CHR_F;
423 | break;
424 | case CHR_ALOC:
425 | lights->chr = CHR_OC;
426 | break;
427 | case CHR_ALLFL:
428 | lights->chr = CHR_LFL;
429 | break;
430 | case CHR_ALFL:
431 | lights->chr = CHR_FL;
432 | break;
433 | case CHR_ALFFL:
434 | lights->chr = CHR_FFL;
435 | break;
436 | default:
437 | break;
438 | }
439 | }
440 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, SIGGRP)) != NULL) {
441 | lights->grp = att->val.val.a;
442 | } else {
443 | lights->grp = "";
444 | }
445 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, SIGPER)) != NULL) {
446 | lights->per = att->val.val.f;
447 | }
448 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, VALNMR)) != NULL) {
449 | lights->rng = att->val.val.f;
450 | }
451 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, COLOUR)) != NULL) {
452 | lights->col = att->val.val.l->val;
453 | if (att->val.val.l->next != NULL)
454 | lights->alt = att->val.val.l->next->val;
455 | }
456 | }
457 | struct COLRNG {
458 | int col;
459 | double rng;
460 | } colrng[14];
461 | while (lights != NULL) {
462 | strcpy(string2, "");
463 | bzero(colrng, 14*sizeof(struct COLRNG));
464 | colrng[lights->col].col = 1;
465 | colrng[lights->col].rng = lights->rng;
466 | struct SECT *this = lights;
467 | struct SECT *next = lights->next;
468 | while (next != NULL) {
469 | if ((this->dir == next->dir) && (this->chr == next->chr) &&
470 | (strcmp(this->grp, next->grp) == 0) && (this->per == next->per)) {
471 | colrng[next->col].col = 1;
472 | if (next->rng > colrng[next->col].rng)
473 | colrng[next->col].rng = next->rng;
474 | struct SECT *tmp = lights;
475 | while (tmp->next != next) tmp = tmp->next;
476 | tmp->next = next->next;
477 | free(next);
478 | next = tmp->next;
479 | } else {
480 | next = next->next;
481 | }
482 | }
483 | if (this->chr != CHR_UNKN) {
484 | if (this->dir) strcpy(string2, "Dir.");
485 | strcat(string2, light_characters[this->chr]);
486 | if (strcmp(this->grp, "") != 0) {
487 | if (this->grp[0] == '(')
488 | sprintf(strchr(string2, 0), "%s", this->grp);
489 | else
490 | sprintf(strchr(string2, 0), "(%s)", this->grp);
491 | } else {
492 | if (strlen(string2) > 0) strcat(string2, ".");
493 | }
494 | int n = 0;
495 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col) n++;
496 | double max = 0.0;
497 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col && (colrng[i].rng > max)) max = colrng[i].rng;
498 | double min = max;
499 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col && (colrng[i].rng > 0.0) && (colrng[i].rng < min)) min = colrng[i].rng;
500 | if (min == max) {
501 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col) strcat(string2, light_letters[i]);
502 | } else {
503 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col && (colrng[i].rng == max)) strcat(string2, light_letters[i]);
504 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col && (colrng[i].rng < max) && (colrng[i].rng > min)) strcat(string2, light_letters[i]);
505 | for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) if (colrng[i].col && colrng[i].rng == min) strcat(string2, light_letters[i]);
506 | }
507 | strcat(string2, ".");
508 | if (this->per > 0.0) sprintf(strchr(string2, 0), "%gs", this->per);
509 | if (max > 0.0) {
510 | sprintf(strchr(string2, 0), "%g", max);
511 | if (min != max) {
512 | if (n == 2) strcat(string2, "/");
513 | else if (n > 2) strcat(string2, "-");
514 | if (min < max) sprintf(strchr(string2, 0), "%g", min);
515 | }
516 | strcat(string2, "M");
517 | }
518 | if (strlen(string1) > 0) strcat(string1, "\n");
519 | strcat(string1, string2);
520 | }
521 | lights = this->next;
522 | free(this);
523 | this = lights;
524 | }
525 | } else {
526 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, CATLIT)) != NULL) {
527 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_DIR))
528 | strcat(string1, "Dir");
529 | }
530 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, MLTYLT)) != NULL)
531 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%s", stringValue(att->val));
532 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, LITCHR)) != NULL) {
533 | char *chrstr = strdup(stringValue(att->val));
534 | Att_t *grp = getAtt(obj, SIGGRP);
535 | if (grp != NULL) {
536 | char *strgrp = strdup(stringValue(grp->val));
537 | char *grpstr = strtok(strgrp, "()");
538 | switch (att->val.val.e) {
539 | case CHR_QLFL:
540 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "Q(%s)+LFl", grpstr);
541 | break;
542 | case CHR_VQLFL:
543 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "VQ(%s)+LFl", grpstr);
544 | break;
545 | case CHR_UQLFL:
546 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "UQ(%s)+LFl", grpstr);
547 | break;
548 | default:
549 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%s(%s)", chrstr, grpstr);
550 | break;
551 | }
552 | free(strgrp);
553 | } else {
554 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%s", chrstr);
555 | }
556 | free(chrstr);
557 | }
558 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, COLOUR)) != NULL) {
559 | int n = countValues(att);
560 | if (!((n == 1) && (idx == 0) && (testAtt(att, COL_WHT)))) {
561 | if ((strlen(string1) > 0) && ((string1[strlen(string1)-1] != ')')))
562 | strcat(string1, ".");
563 | Lst_t *lst = att->val.val.l;
564 | while (lst != NULL) {
565 | strcat(string1, light_letters[lst->val]);
566 | lst = lst->next;
567 | }
568 | }
569 | }
570 | if ((idx == 0) && (att = getAtt(obj, CATLIT)) != NULL) {
571 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_VERT))
572 | strcat(string1, "(vert)");
573 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_HORI))
574 | strcat(string1, "(hor)");
575 | }
576 | if ((strlen(string1) > 0) &&
577 | ((getAtt(obj, SIGPER) != NULL) ||
578 | (getAtt(obj, HEIGHT) != NULL) ||
579 | (getAtt(obj, VALMXR) != NULL)) &&
580 | (string1[strlen(string1)-1] != ')'))
581 | strcat(string1, ".");
582 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, SIGPER)) != NULL)
583 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%ss", stringValue(att->val));
584 | if ((idx == 0) && (item->objs.obj != LITMIN)) {
585 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, HEIGHT)) != NULL)
586 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%sm", stringValue(att->val));
587 | if ((att = getAtt(obj, VALNMR)) != NULL)
588 | sprintf(strchr(string1, 0), "%sM", stringValue(att->val));
589 | }
590 | if ((idx == 0) && (att = getAtt(obj, CATLIT)) != NULL) {
591 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_FRNT))
592 | strcat(string1, "(Front)");
593 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_REAR))
594 | strcat(string1, "(Rear)");
595 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_UPPR))
596 | strcat(string1, "(Upper)");
597 | if (testAtt(att, LIT_LOWR))
598 | strcat(string1, "(Lower)");
599 | }
600 | }
601 | }
602 | break;
603 | default: break;
604 | }
605 | return string1;
606 | }
607 | */
608 |
609 | }