1 | UNKOBJ=Unknown object
2 | ADMARE=Administrative area
3 | AIRARE=Airfield
4 | ACHBRT=Anchor berth
5 | ACHARE=Anchorage
6 | BCNCAR=Cardinal beacon
7 | BCNISD=Isolated danger beacon
8 | BCNLAT=Lateral beacon
9 | BCNSAW=Safe water beacon
10 | BCNSPP=Special purpose beacon
11 | BERTHS=Berth
12 | BRIDGE=Bridge
13 | BUISGL=Building
14 | BUAARE=Built-up area
15 | BOYCAR=Cardinal buoy
16 | BOYINB=Installation buoy
17 | BOYISD=Isolated danger buoy
18 | BOYLAT=Lateral buoy
19 | BOYSAW=Safe water buoy
20 | BOYSPP=Special purpose buoy
21 | CBLARE=Cable area
22 | CBLOHD=Overhead cable
23 | CBLSUB=Submarine cable
24 | CANALS=Canal
25 | CANBNK=Canal bank
26 | CTSARE=Cargo area
27 | CAUSWY=Causeway
28 | CTNARE=Caution area
29 | CHKPNT=Checkpoint
30 | CGUSTA=Coastguard station
31 | COALNE=Coastline
32 | CONZNE=Contiguous zone
33 | COSARE=Continental shelf
34 | CTRPNT=Control point
35 | CONVYR=Conveyor
36 | CRANES=Crane
37 | CURENT=Current
38 | CUSZNE=Custom zone
39 | DAMCON=Dam
40 | DAYMAR=Daymark
41 | DWRTCL=Deep water route centreline
42 | DWRTPT=Deep water route
43 | DEPARE=Depth area
44 | DEPCNT=Depth contour
45 | DISMAR=Distance mark
46 | DOCARE=Dock
47 | DRGARE=Dredged area
48 | DRYDOC=Dry dock
49 | DMPGRD=Dumping ground
50 | DYKCON=Dyke
51 | EXEZNE=Exclusive economic zone
52 | FAIRWY=Fairway
53 | FNCLNE=Fenceline/Wall
54 | FERYRT=Ferry route
55 | FSHZNE=Fishery zone
56 | FSHFAC=Fishing facility
57 | FSHGRD=Fishing ground
58 | FLODOC=Floating dock
59 | FOGSIG=Fog signal
60 | FORSTC=Fortified structure
61 | FRPARE=Free port area
62 | GATCON=Gate
63 | GRIDRN=Gridiron
64 | HRBARE=Harbour area
65 | HRBFAC=Harbour
66 | HULKES=Hulk
67 | ICEARE=Ice area
68 | ICNARE=Incineration zone
69 | ISTZNE=Inshore traffic zone
70 | LAKARE=Lake
71 | LAKSHR=Lake shore
72 | LNDARE=Land area
73 | LNDELV=Land elevation
74 | LNDRGN=Land region
75 | LNDMRK=Landmark
76 | LIGHTS=Light
77 | LITFLT=Light float
78 | LITVES=Light vessel
79 | LOCMAG=Local magnetic anomaly
80 | LOKBSN=Lock basin
81 | LOGPON=Log pond
82 | MAGVAR=Magnetic variation
83 | MARCUL=Marine farm
84 | MIPARE=Military practice area
85 | MORFAC=Mooring
86 | NAVLNE=Navigation line
87 | OBSTRN=Obstruction
88 | OFSPLF=Offshore platform
89 | OSPARE=Offshore production area
90 | OILBAR=Oil barrier
91 | PILPNT=Pile
92 | PILBOP=Pilot boarding place
93 | PIPARE=Pipeline area
94 | PIPOHD=Overhead pipeline
95 | PIPSOL=Submarine pipeline
96 | PONTON=Pontoon
97 | PRCARE=Precautionary area
98 | PRDARE=Land production area
99 | PYLONS=Pylon
100 | RADLNE=Radar line
101 | RADRNG=Radar range
102 | RADRFL=Radar reflector
103 | RADSTA=Radar station
104 | RTPBCN=Radar transponder
105 | RDOCAL=Calling-in point
106 | RDOSTA=Radio station
107 | RAILWY=Railway
108 | RAPIDS=Rapids
109 | RCRTCL=Recommended route centreline
110 | RECTRC=Recommended track
111 | RCTLPT=Recommended traffic lane
112 | RSCSTA=Rescue station
113 | RESARE=Restricted area
114 | RETRFL=Retro reflector
115 | RIVERS=River
116 | RIVBNK=River bank
117 | ROADWY=Road
118 | RUNWAY=Runway
119 | SNDWAV=Sand waves
120 | SEAARE=Sea area
121 | SPLARE=Seaplane landing area
122 | SBDARE=Seabed area
123 | SLCONS=Shoreline construction
124 | SISTAT=Traffic signal station
125 | SISTAW=Warning signal station
126 | SILTNK=Tank/Silo
127 | SLOTOP=Slope topline
128 | SLOGRD=Sloping ground
129 | SMCFAC=Small craft facility
130 | SOUNDG=Sounding
131 | SPRING=Spring
132 | SQUARE=Square
133 | STSLNE=Territorial baseline
134 | SUBTLN=Submarine transit lane
135 | SWPARE=Swept area
136 | TESARE=Territorial area
137 | TIDEWY=Tideway
138 | TOPMAR=Topmark
139 | TSELNE=Separation line
140 | TSSBND=Separation boundary
141 | TSSCRS=Separation crossing
142 | TSSLPT=Separation lane
143 | TSSRON=Separation roundabout
144 | TSEZNE=Separation zone
145 | TUNNEL=Tunnel
146 | TWRTPT=Two-way route
147 | UWTROC=Rock
148 | UNSARE=Unsurveyed area
149 | VEGATN=Vegetation
150 | WATTUR=Water turbulence
151 | WATFAL=Waterfall
152 | WEDKLP=Weed
153 | WRECKS=Wreck
154 | TS_FEB=Tidal stream
155 | NOTMRK=Notice
156 | WTWAXS=Waterway axis
157 | WTWPRF=Waterway profile
158 | BRGARE=Bridge area
159 | BUNSTA=Bunker station
160 | COMARE=Communication area
161 | HRBBSN=Harbour basin
162 | LOKARE=Lock area
163 | LKBSPT=Lock basin part
164 | PRTARE=Port area
165 | BCNWTW=Waterway beacon
166 | BOYWTW=Waterway buoy
167 | REFDMP=Refuse dump
168 | RTPLPT=Route planning point
169 | TERMNL=Terminal
170 | TRNBSN=Turning basin
171 | WTWARE=Waterway area
172 | WTWGAG=Waterway gauge
173 | TISDGE=Time schedule
174 | VEHTRF=Vehicle transfer
175 | EXCNST=Exceptional structure
176 | LITMAJ=Major light
177 | LITMIN=Minor light
178 |
179 | UNKATT=Unknown attribute
180 | AGENCY=Agency
181 | BCNSHP=Beacon shape
182 | BUISHP=Building shape
183 | BOYSHP=Buoy shape
184 | BURDEP=Buried depth
185 | CALSGN=Callsign
186 | CATAIR=Airfield category
187 | CATACH=Anchorage category
188 | CATBRG=Bridge category
189 | CATBUA=Built-up area category
190 | CATCBL=Cable category
191 | CATCAN=Canal category
192 | CATCAM=Cardinal mark category
193 | CATCHP=Checkpoint category
194 | CATCOA=Coastline category
195 | CATCTR=Control point category
196 | CATCON=Conveyor category
197 | CATCRN=Crane category
198 | CATDAM=Dam category
199 | CATDIS=Distance mark category
200 | CATDOC=Dock category
201 | CATDPG=Dumping ground category
202 | CATFNC=Fenceline category
203 | CATFRY=Ferry category
204 | CATFIF=Fishing facility category
205 | CATFOG=Fog signal category
206 | CATFOR=Fortified structure category
207 | CATGAT=Gate category
208 | CATHAF=Harbour category
209 | CATHLK=Hulk category
210 | CATICE=Ice category
211 | CATINB=Installation buoy category
212 | CATLND=Land region category
213 | CATLMK=Landmark category
214 | CATLAM=Lateral mark category
215 | CATLIT=Light category
216 | CATMFA=Marine farm category
217 | CATMPA=Military practice area category
218 | CATMOR=Morring category
219 | CATNAV=Navigation line category
220 | CATOBS=Obstruction category
221 | CATOFP=Offshore platform category
222 | CATOLB=Oil barrier category
223 | CATPLE=Pile category
224 | CATPIL=Pilot boarding category
225 | CATPIP=Pipeline category
226 | CATPRA=Production area category
227 | CATPYL=Pylon category
228 | CATRAS=Radar station category
229 | CATRTB=Radar transponder category
230 | CATROS=Radio station category
231 | CATTRK=Recommended track category
232 | CATRSC=Rescue station category
233 | CATREA=Restricted area category
234 | CATROD=Road category
235 | CATRUN=Runway category
236 | CATSEA=Sea area category
237 | CATSLC=Shoreline construction category
238 | CATSIT=Traffic signal station category
239 | CATSIW=Warning signal station category
240 | CATSIL=Silo/tank category
241 | CATSLO=Slope category
242 | CATSCF=Small craft facility category
243 | CATSPM=Special purpose mark category
244 | CATTSS=Traffic separation scheme category
245 | CATVEG=Vegetation category
246 | CATWAT=Water turbulence category
247 | CATWED=Weed category
248 | CATWRK=Wreck category
249 | CATZOC=Zone of confidence category
250 | COLOUR=Colour
251 | COLPAT=Colour pattern
252 | COMCHA=VHF channel
253 | CONDTN=Condition
254 | CONRAD=Radar reflectivity
255 | CONVIS=Visual conspicuity
256 | CURVEL=Current velocity
257 | DATEND=End date
258 | DATSTA=Start date
259 | DRVAL1=Minimum depth
260 | DRVAL2=Maximum depth
261 | DUNITS=Depth units
262 | ELEVAT=Elevation
263 | ESTRNG=Estimated range
264 | EXCLIT=Light exhibition
265 | EXPSOU=Light exposition
266 | FUNCTN=Function
267 | HEIGHT=Height
268 | HUNITS=Height/length units
269 | HORACC=Horizontal accuracy
270 | HORCLR=Horizontal clearance
271 | HORLEN=Horizontal length
272 | HORWID=Horizontal width
273 | ICEFAC=Ice factor
274 | INFORM=Information
275 | JRSDTN=Jurisdiction
276 | LIFCAP=Maximum load
277 | LITCHR=Light character
278 | LITVIS=Light visibility
279 | MARSYS=Buoyage system
280 | MLTYLT=Multiplicity of lights
281 | NATION=Nationality
282 | NATCON=Nature of construction
283 | NATSUR=Nature of surface
284 | NATQUA=Nature of surface qualification
285 | NMDATE=Notice to mariners date
286 | OBJNAM=Object name
287 | ORIENT=Orientation
288 | PEREND=End date
289 | PERSTA=Start date
290 | PICREP=Pictorial representation
291 | PILDST=Pilot district
292 | PRCTRY=Producing country
293 | PRODCT=Product
294 | PUBREF=Publication reference
295 | QUASOU=Quality of sounding
296 | RADWAL=Radar wavelength
297 | RADIUS=Radius
298 | RECDAT=Recording date
299 | RECIND=Recording indication
300 | RYRMGV=Magnetic variation reference year
301 | RESTRN=Restriction
302 | SECTR1=First sector limit
303 | SECTR2=Second sector limit
304 | SHIPAM=Shift parameters
305 | SIGFRQ=Signal frequency
306 | SIGGEN=Signal generation
307 | SIGGRP=Signal group
308 | SIGPER=Signal period
309 | SIGSEQ=Signal sequence
310 | SOUACC=Sounding accuracy
311 | SDISMX=Maximum sounding distance
312 | SDISMN=Minimum sounding distance
313 | SORDAT=Source date
314 | SORIND=Source
315 | STATUS=Status
316 | SURATH=Survey authority
317 | SUREND=Survey end date
318 | SURSTA=Survey start date
319 | SURTYP=Survey type
320 | TECSOU=Sounding technique
321 | TXTDSC=Textual description
322 | TIMEND=End time
323 | TIMSTA=Start time
324 | TOPSHP=Topmark/daymark shape
325 | TRAFIC=Traffic flow
326 | VALACM=Magnetic variation annual change
327 | VALDCO=Value of depth contour
328 | VALLMA=Value of local magnetic anomaly
329 | VALMAG=Value of magnetic variation
330 | VALMXR=Maximum range
331 | VALNMR=Nominal range
332 | VALSOU=Value of sounding
333 | VERACC=Vertical accuracy
334 | VERCLR=Vertical clearance
335 | VERCCL=Vertical clearance, closed
336 | VERCOP=Vertical clearance, open
337 | VERCSA=Vertical clearance, safe
338 | VERDAT=Vertical datum
339 | VERLEN=Vertical length
340 | WATLEV=Water level effect
341 | CAT_TS=Tidal stream category
342 | PUNITS=Positional units
343 | NINFOM=National information
344 | NOBJNM=National name
345 | NPLDST=National pilot district
346 | NTXTDS=National textual description
347 | HORDAT=Horizontal datum
348 | POSACC=Positional accuracy
349 | QUAPOS=Quality of position
350 | ADDMRK=Notice mark addition
351 | BNKWTW=Side of Waterway
352 | CATBNK=Waterway bank category
353 | CATNMK=Notice mark category
354 | CLSDNG=Dangerous cargo class
355 | DIRIMP=Direction of impact
356 | DISBK1=First distance from notice
357 | DISBK2=Second distance from notice
358 | DISIPU=Upstream distance of impact
359 | DISIPD=Downstream distance of impact
360 | ELEVA1=Minimum elevation
361 | ELEVA2=Maximum elevation
362 | FNCTNM=Notice mark function
363 | WTWDIS=Waterway distance
364 | BUNVES=Bunker vessel availability
365 | CATBRT=Berth category
366 | CATBUN=Bunker station category
367 | CATCCL=CEMT class category
368 | CATHBR=Harbour area category
369 | CATRFD=Refuse dump category
370 | CATTML=Terminal category
371 | COMCTN=Communication
372 | HORCLL=Horizontal clearance length
373 | HORCLW=Horizontal clearance width
374 | TRSHGD=Transshipping goods
375 | UNLOCD=UN location code
376 | CATGAG=Waterway gauge category
377 | HIGWAT=Value at high water
378 | HIGNAM=Name of high water level
379 | LOWWAT=Value at low water
380 | LOWNAM=Name of lowwater level
381 | MEAWAT=Value at mean water level
382 | MEANAM=Name of mean water level
383 | OTHWAT=Value at local water level
384 | OTHNAM=Name of local water level
385 | REFLEV=Reference gravitational level
386 | SDRLEV=Name of sounding reference level
387 | VCRLEV=Name of vertical datum level
388 | CATVTR=Vehicle transfer category
389 | CATTAB=Time and behaviour category
390 | SCHREF=Time schedule reference
391 | USESHP=Use of ship
392 | CURVHW=high water current velocity
393 | CURVLW=low water current velocity
394 | CURVMW=mean level current velocity
395 | CURVOW=local level current velocity
396 | APTREF=Average passing time reference
397 | CATEXS=Exceptional structure category
398 | CATWWM=Waterway mark category
399 | SHPTYP=Ship type
400 | UPDMSG=Update message
401 | LITRAD=Light sector radius
402 |