source: osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed/src/panels/ 31659

Last change on this file since 31659 was 30738, checked in by donvip, 10 years ago

[josm_plugins] fix java 7 warnings / global usage of try-with-resource

File size: 10.5 KB
1package panels;
3import java.awt.*;
4import java.awt.event.*;
5import java.util.EnumMap;
7import javax.swing.*;
8import javax.swing.table.*;
10import messages.Messages;
11import smed.SmedAction;
12import seamarks.SeaMark;
13import seamarks.SeaMark.*;
15public class PanelSectors extends JFrame {
17 private SmedAction dlg;
18 private JPanel panel;
19 private TableModel model;
20 private JTable table;
22 public JButton minusButton;
23 private ActionListener alMinusButton = new ActionListener() {
24 public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
25 if ((getSectorCount() > 1) && (table.getSelectedRow() != 0))
26 deleteSector(table.getSelectedRow());
27 }
28 };
29 public JButton plusButton;
30 private ActionListener alPlusButton = new ActionListener() {
31 public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
32 if (table.getSelectedRow() < 0)
33 addSector(table.getRowCount());
34 else
35 addSector(table.getSelectedRow()+1);
36 }
37 };
38 public JComboBox<ImageIcon> colourBox;
39 public EnumMap<Col, ImageIcon> colours = new EnumMap<>(Col.class);
40 public JComboBox<String> visibilityBox;
41 public EnumMap<Vis, String> visibilities = new EnumMap<>(Vis.class);
42 public JComboBox<String> exhibitionBox;
43 public EnumMap<Exh, String> exhibitions = new EnumMap<>(Exh.class);
45 public PanelSectors(SmedAction dia) {
46 super(Messages.getString("SectorTable"));
47 dlg = dia;
48 setLayout(null);
49 setSize(900, 100);
50 setAlwaysOnTop(true);
51 setLocation(450, 0);
52 setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE);
53 minusButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/MinusButton.png")));
54 minusButton.setBounds(0, 0, 32, 34);
55 minusButton.addActionListener(alMinusButton);
56 add(minusButton);
57 plusButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/PlusButton.png")));
58 plusButton.setBounds(0, 34, 32, 34);
59 plusButton.addActionListener(alPlusButton);
60 add(plusButton);
61 panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
62 panel.setBounds(40, 0, 860, 512);
63 model = new SectorTable();
64 table = new JTable(model);
65 table.setBounds(0, 0, 860, 34);
66 table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS);
67 panel.add(new JScrollPane(table));
68 getContentPane().add(panel);
70 table.setSize(860, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 28));
72 table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new CentreRenderer());
73 table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(new ColourCellRenderer());
75 TableColumn colColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
76 colourBox = new JComboBox<>();
77 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/DelButton.png")), Col.UNKCOL);
78 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/WhiteButton.png")), Col.WHITE);
79 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/RedButton.png")), Col.RED);
80 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/GreenButton.png")), Col.GREEN);
81 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/YellowButton.png")), Col.YELLOW);
82 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/OrangeButton.png")), Col.ORANGE);
83 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/AmberButton.png")), Col.AMBER);
84 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/BlueButton.png")), Col.BLUE);
85 addColItem(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/VioletButton.png")), Col.VIOLET);
86 colColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(colourBox));
88 TableColumn visColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(12);
89 visibilityBox = new JComboBox<>();
90 addVisibItem("", Vis.UNKVIS);
91 addVisibItem(Messages.getString("Intensified"), Vis.INTEN);
92 addVisibItem(Messages.getString("Unintensified"), Vis.UNINTEN);
93 addVisibItem(Messages.getString("PartiallyObscured"), Vis.PARTOBS);
94 visColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(visibilityBox));
96 TableColumn exhColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(13);
97 exhibitionBox = new JComboBox<>();
98 addExhibItem("", Exh.UNKEXH);
99 addExhibItem(Messages.getString("24h"), Exh.H24);
100 addExhibItem(Messages.getString("Day"), Exh.DAY);
101 addExhibItem(Messages.getString("Night"), Exh.NIGHT);
102 addExhibItem(Messages.getString("Fog"), Exh.FOG);
103 exhColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(exhibitionBox));
104 }
106 private class SectorTable extends AbstractTableModel {
108 private String[] headings = { Messages.getString("Sector"), Messages.getString("Colour"), Messages.getString("Character"),
109 Messages.getString("Group"), Messages.getString("Sequence"), Messages.getString("Period"), Messages.getString("Directional"),
110 Messages.getString("Start"), Messages.getString("End"), Messages.getString("Radius"), Messages.getString("Height"),
111 Messages.getString("Range"), Messages.getString("Visibility"), Messages.getString("Exhibition") };
113 public SectorTable() {
114 }
116 public String getColumnName(int col) {
117 return headings[col];
118 }
120 public int getColumnCount() {
121 return headings.length;
122 }
124 public int getRowCount() {
125 if (SmedAction.panelMain == null)
126 return 1;
127 else
128 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getSectorCount();
129 }
131 public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
132 return ((col > 0) && (row > 0));
133 }
135 public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
136 switch (col) {
137 case 1:
138 return Col.class;
139 case 6:
140 return Boolean.class;
141 default:
142 return String.class;
143 }
144 }
146 public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
147 switch (col) {
148 case 0:
149 if (row == 0)
150 return Messages.getString("Default");
151 else
152 return row;
153 case 1:
154 if (((String)SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.CHR, row)).contains("Al")) {
155 if (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.COL, row) == Col.UNKCOL) {
156 return Col.UNKCOL;
157 } else {
158 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.ALT, row);
159 }
160 } else {
161 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.COL, row);
162 }
163 case 6:
164 return (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.LIT, row) == Lit.DIR);
165 case 7:
166 case 8:
167 if (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.LIT, row) == Lit.DIR)
168 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.ORT, row);
169 else
170 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(col - 1, row);
171 case 12:
172 return visibilities.get(SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.VIS, row));
173 case 13:
174 return exhibitions.get(SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.EXH, row));
175 default:
176 return SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(col - 1, row);
177 }
178 }
180 public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
181 switch (col) {
182 case 1:
183 for (Col colour : colours.keySet()) {
184 ImageIcon img = colours.get(colour);
185 if (img == value)
186 if (((String)SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.CHR, row)).contains("Al")) {
187 if (((colour == Col.UNKCOL) && (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.ALT, row) == Col.UNKCOL))
188 || (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.COL, row) == Col.UNKCOL)) {
189 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.COL, row, colour);
190 } else {
191 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.ALT, row, colour);
192 }
193 } else {
194 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.COL, row, colour);
195 }
196 }
197 break;
198 case 5:
199 case 9:
200 case 10:
201 case 11:
202 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(col - 1, row, value);
203 break;
204 case 6:
205 if ((Boolean) value == true) {
206 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.LIT, row, Lit.DIR);
207 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.BEG, row, "");
208 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.END, row, "");
209 } else {
210 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.LIT, row, Lit.UNKLIT);
211 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.ORT, row, "");
212 }
213 break;
214 case 7:
215 case 8:
216 if (SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.LIT, row) == Lit.DIR) {
217 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.ORT, row, value);
218 } else {
219 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(col - 1, row, value);
220 }
221 break;
222 case 12:
223 for (Vis vis : visibilities.keySet()) {
224 String str = visibilities.get(vis);
225 if (str.equals(value))
226 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.VIS, row, vis);
227 }
228 break;
229 case 13:
230 for (Exh exh : exhibitions.keySet()) {
231 String str = exhibitions.get(exh);
232 if (str.equals(value))
233 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(Att.EXH, row, exh);
234 }
235 break;
236 default:
237 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.setLightAtt(col - 1, row, value);
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 static class CentreRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
243 public CentreRenderer() {
244 super();
245 setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);
246 }
247 }
249 public class ColourCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer {
250 private JLabel col1Label;
251 private JLabel col2Label;
252 public ColourCellRenderer() {
253 super();
254 setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 0, 0));
255 col1Label = new JLabel();
256 col1Label.setOpaque(true);
257 add(col1Label);
258 col2Label = new JLabel();
259 col2Label.setOpaque(true);
260 add(col2Label);
261 }
262 public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) {
263 if (!((String)SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.CHR, rowIndex)).contains("Al")) {
264 col2Label.setBackground(SeaMark.ColMAP.get(SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.COL, rowIndex)));
265 } else {
266 col2Label.setBackground(SeaMark.ColMAP.get(SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.ALT, rowIndex)));
267 }
268 col1Label.setBackground(SeaMark.ColMAP.get(SmedAction.panelMain.mark.getLightAtt(Att.COL, rowIndex)));
269 return this;
270 }
271 }
273 public int getSectorCount() {
274 return model.getRowCount();
275 }
277 public void addSector(int idx) {
278 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.addLight(idx);
279 table.setSize(860, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 28));
280 if (table.getRowCount() > 3) {
281 setSize(900, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 48));
282 } else {
283 setSize(900, 100);
284 }
285 }
287 public void deleteSector(int idx) {
288 if (idx > 0) {
289 SmedAction.panelMain.mark.delLight(idx);
290 table.setSize(860, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 28));
291 if (table.getRowCount() > 3) {
292 setSize(900, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 48));
293 } else {
294 setSize(900, 100);
295 }
296 }
297 }
299 public void syncPanel() {
300 table.updateUI();
301 table.setSize(860, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 28));
302 if (table.getRowCount() > 3) {
303 setSize(900, ((table.getRowCount() * 16) + 48));
304 } else {
305 setSize(900, 100);
306 }
307 }
309 private void addColItem(ImageIcon img, Col col) {
310 colours.put(col, img);
311 colourBox.addItem(img);
312 }
314 private void addVisibItem(String str, Vis vis) {
315 visibilities.put(vis, str);
316 visibilityBox.addItem(str);
317 }
319 private void addExhibItem(String str, Exh exh) {
320 exhibitions.put(exh, str);
321 exhibitionBox.addItem(str);
322 }
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