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3 | <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
4 | <parent>
5 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins</groupId>
6 | <artifactId>plugin-root</artifactId>
7 | <version>SNAPSHOT</version>
8 | </parent>
9 | <artifactId>RoadSigns</artifactId>
10 |
11 | <url>${plugin.link}</url>
12 | <developers>
13 | <developer>
14 | <name>Paul Hartmann</name>
15 | </developer>
16 | </developers>
17 | <properties>
18 | <plugin.src.dir>src</plugin.src.dir>
19 | <plugin.main.version>19044</plugin.main.version>
20 |
21 | <plugin.author>Paul Hartmann</plugin.author>
22 | <plugin.class>org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.roadsigns.RoadSignsPlugin</plugin.class>
23 | <plugin.description>Plugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain.</plugin.description>
24 | <plugin.icon>images/pref/roadsigns.png</plugin.icon>
25 | <plugin.link>https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/RoadSigns</plugin.link>
26 | <plugin.canloadatruntime>true</plugin.canloadatruntime>
27 | </properties>
28 | <build>
29 | <plugins>
30 | <plugin>
31 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
32 | <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
33 | <configuration>
34 | <archive>
35 | <manifestEntries>
36 | <Plugin-Link>${plugin.link}</Plugin-Link>
37 | <Plugin-Icon>${plugin.icon}</Plugin-Icon>
38 | <Plugin-Canloadatruntime>${plugin.canloadatruntime}</Plugin-Canloadatruntime>
39 | </manifestEntries>
40 | </archive>
41 | </configuration>
42 | </plugin>
43 | </plugins>
44 | </build>
45 | </project>